The King 2 Hearts: Episode 3

Princey gets mad and Hang-ah gets even. Serves ya right. There’s a little Love Connection, a dash of Speed, some man-on-man, an international incident over underwear, and someone ends up in a body bag. Not necessarily in that order.


Hang-ah cries at Jae-ha’s horrible taunting (post blackmail), and storms into the bathroom. The tears actually take him aback, and he stands there muttering why’d she have to go and cry, like you’re not the schoolboy who just pulled her pigtails.

Meanwhile, Bong-gu sits through a presentation on weapons that tested well in various war-torn countries, and stops to cry at the music playing in the background, noting that his father liked this song. He bursts into tears as if it’s perfectly normal to grieve the father you killed. And then he adds, “Hitler also liked this song.” Okay, Crazy.

Jae-ha tries to make nice with Hang-ah in the gym, and says he heard that she sprained her ankle. So…when she was crying, it was because of the pain, right? Are you actually trying to get out of feeling guilty right now? You don’t get to do that!

He sidles up and tries to tend to her foot back in friend-mode, but she ices him and walks away. He tries again in their room, offering her some of his girlier skincare products, and hooking up a humidifier, to no avail. (How much do I love that Princey travels with his own humidifier to keep his skin soft? Pfft.)

In the war (training) room, the team gathers to talk strategy, and Hang-ah interrupts to confess that she joined this team for the wrong reasons, so she should quit. I cringe for her as she says it out loud—that she joined the team on the promise of her general that he’d find her a man.

This isn’t what he expected, but Jae-ha is quick to help her tell the story and confirm it, and suggests that they all support her decision and help her pack so she can hurry along with the husband-hunting.

But then one by one, the rest of the team pipes up to say that if that’s the case, they have to quit too, since none of them joined for the lofty ideals of reunification and all that—they did it to selfishly advance their military careers.

Kang-seok says he actually DID join for reunification, but then takes Hang-ah’s hand and asks her to stay and lead them anyway. Young-bae adorably takes the other hand, and the three of them sit there holding hands, and Hang-ah smiles, genuinely moved.

Even Dong-ha and Shi-kyung tell her to stay, as Jae-ha deflates. HA. And that’s what being beat at your own game looks like. It required the outing of an embarrassing secret, but now she’s got the respect of the team and Jae-ha’s got nuthin’ on her.

Back in their room, Jae-ha tries pushing his luck anyway and tells her that he’s still not going to do any special training. Surprisingly, she agrees right away, and then even turns to ask him what kind of women men like. Oh, this is gonna be good.

He happily gets back into the gabby advice groove and tells her that north, south, east or west, all men are the same: Number 1 is looks. Doesn’t even matter what numbers 2 through 95 are—she just has to be pretty. Number 2: “Oppa.” Oy. I love how predictable he is.

He demonstrates, “Oppa, you’re so handsome! Oppa, you’re the best!” She nods, taking it all in. Number 3: she has to be understanding… to the point that she accepts anything, no matter if he makes no money or cheats. *facepalm*

Number 4: aegyo, which he demonstrates with balled up fists to his cheeks, just short of puing-puing-ing at her. Number 5: she has to be innocent by day and sexy by night. Why does it always come back to sexy librarian?

She finally asks, “So… those women… do they like YOU?” He guffaws that she ought to know since she studied his file – he’s a PRINCE. Duh. She suddenly switches to banmal, talking down to him: “So without that title, what’ve you got?” Touché.

She mimics him, saying that all women are the same—they want caring, dependable, understanding men—so what could he possibly have to offer a real woman? Ha. She mocks his aegyo right back at him, asking if women follow him around pouting, “Princey, Princey,” but what they’re really doing is laughing behind his back.

She gets under his skin, and it’s awesome watching him squirm when he takes a hit to his pride. Hang-ah: “Tell the truth. You’re scared too, aren’t you… that you’ll never find someone to love you?” He gulps as she names his fears one after the other, and then lands the kicker—that she feels sorry for him. Ouuuuch.

She even cuts off his angry retort: “Are you mad?” like she’s talking to a five-year old. It’s awesome. She says if he’s angry they can duke it out, and taunts him even more, saying that he’s probably scared and looking for a way out like he always does.

She tells him that he has no spirit, no temper, not even any pride. That’s enough to finally make him crack, and he stands up to challenge her. She smiles.

The bet? A treadmill race, and the winner gets a wish. Jae-ha names his right off the bat—that Hang-ah starts packing. They run.

The rest of the team meets for class, and they wonder what’s keeping them. Shi-kyung gets a text from Hang-ah, asking him to cover for them because of the race. Suddenly an explosion rings out, and the team runs to find a soldier with his legs blown to bits after running on a treadmill.

Shi-kyung takes off running. An alarm sounds and everyone is ordered outside, but Hang-ah and Jae-ha ignore it, not wanting to be the first to throw the race. Shi-kyung bursts inside to tell them to stay on… because the treadmills are rigged to blow when they stop.

Hahahaha. Is it Speed for treadmills? HEE.

Startled, Jae-ha nearly trips, but Shi-kyung holds him up to regain his footing. And then suddenly the gym is crawling with the bomb squad, as they run, literally for their lives.

They find pressure sensors inside, so there’s no way to swap out runners, and they can’t even put bulletproof vests on them because of the weight. They just have to run until the bombs can be disarmed, no matter how long it takes.

They start to wear down and tell each other that they didn’t mean all those things before, and give each other encouragement, like “You have pride!” and “You’re sexy!” which is just hysterically ill-fitting for the situation.

Hang-ah’s ankle starts to hurt, so Jae-ha thinks of things to distract them, and asks her to sing a song. So she starts to sing and they all chime in, to keep the runners focused on something else.

Nightfall, and they’re still running. Jae-ha starts murmuring that he can see his father, and Hang-ah tells him to focus on his breathing, and lock his gaze on something in the distance.

As the background fades and they run in slow motion, we hear Hang-ah’s instructions to him in voiceover—to tell himself he’s only going a short distance, to lock down his heart, to be light on his feet, and to ride the rhythm.

They turn to look at each other sweetly. Finally, after hours and hours, they disarm the bombs. Hang-ah is the first to get an okay, and her legs immediately give out while the treadmill is still going. She’s thrown to the ground.

Jae-ha wakes up in the infirmary, and breathes a sigh of relief at waking up alive. He looks over to find Hang-ah sleeping in the bed next to his, her ankle wrapped in bandages.

He hobbles over to her bed and raises his hand slowly. He smoothes the hair out of her face, waking her up with a start. She knocks his hand away brusquely and asks what he’s doing.

He stammers that he was just brushing away her hair, and asks gently if she’s okay. I love it—he thinks they’re friends now, while she’s like, why are you acting nice? Basically he feels closer to her after the trauma, while she retorts, “When’d you have the bombs installed?” HA.

Cut to: debriefing with their generals, where they go back and forth blaming each other for the attack—she suggested the bet, he went to the gym, she said they should train there, he was the one who whined about it being too cold outside, on and on.

They don’t even realize they’re like an old married couple already, ignoring the generals as they continue. He says it has to be the north, while she counters that she wouldn’t bother with such a silly little contraption—she’d just go BOOM! Jae-ha: “Look at that. Look at the way she speaks. She IS a bomb!” Oh, you two.

Meanwhile, Jae-kang hears about the attack on Jae-ha and that he’s okay. He’s asked to meet with M Society, and though Secretary Eun advises against it, Jae-kang says they have to be dealt with at some point.

Bong-gu greets the king excitedly, wanting to start with a magic trick, while Jae-kang remains stone-faced. Bong-gu plays with his cards as he asks about the attack on the WOC. Jae-kang takes that as confirmation that he’s behind it, but Bong-gu laughs that no, he just sells the bombs; he doesn’t use them.

And then he adds the vague question why the bombs were used—a warning? No, then at least thirty would be dead. Boredom? Getting rid of surplus product? Jae-kang asks if that’s why his father died—boredom or getting rid of surplus.

Bong-gu ends his card trick by revealing one card on the table. He turns it over and it’s a tarot card for Justification. “Nowadays, the stronger the country, the more highly they regard justification. But the second they find one, they go all the way. No one can stop them.”

Just then, Jae-kang receives a phone call—it’s Secretary Eun, alerting him to the fact that the U.S. and China have made a political issue over the bombs. They’ve ordered an inspection of all military training facilities. Jae-kang looks up at Bong-gu, who beams.

And then in no time, the North Korean base is crawling with UN officials from China and the States, and I swear, I’d rather hear real actors mangle the language than to have the parade of wooden acting march through and shoot me right out of the narrative. Sigh.

They toss the base upside-down, basically treating everyone like a criminal. Jae-ha sits by, enduring it because he’s told that South Korea signed off on it.

As they search the rooms, they find Hang-ah’s locked case, the one she keeps her underwear in, and order her to open it. She hesitates, saying they can x-ray it to make sure it doesn’t have anything dangerous, but they refuse.

She and the case get hauled up to the officials, sitting in a room with Jae-ha. And then when she protests, the official from the U.S. accuses her of being a spy because she cried, according to security footage. (What, did you get a matrix-download of all the CCTVs in the time it took her to walk down the hall?)

His argument: that tears are a woman’s weapon (BARF) and that makes her a spy. WUT? Anyone got a harpoon handy? What’s with the rampant sexism, assface? C’mere, I’ll show you a weapon.

They order her to open the case. She looks up at Jae-ha, who turns away. Aw, say it ain’t so, Jae-ha. She resigns herself and starts to undo the combination lock…

Suddenly Jae-ha asks, casual as you please, “Hey, when’s the cafeteria close? Is it Ramyun Day? Let’s go eat.” He takes the case, grabs her wrist, and marches her right out of the room.

It’s a sweet gesture, because she might have the upper hand in everything else, but in matters of diplomacy, Princey’s got a little more weight. It’s not like she needs rescuing in that kind of situation, but it’s his choice to help her preserve her dignity, which is sweet.

The officials chase after them, threatening to pull their team from the WOC. But Jae-ha turns back unfazed, countering that it’s a worldwide competition—do they own the world? He guesses that they didn’t even go through the proper UN channels.

“So what are the rest of the countries? Your bridesmaids?” He says this is a case where they should be asking nicely if they can conduct an inspection, not bulldozing them, “You sons of bitches!”

Heeeee. It’s so satisfying to hear him swear at them. Hang-ah grins. Even Shi-kyung looks proud and amazed, if a little taken aback.

After being sworn at by their translators (Haha, why is being sworn at second-hand inherently funnier?) they change their tactic and ask if they can be allowed to inspect. Jae-ha gets right up in his face to say, “No. Get out.” He turns back and takes Hang-ah by the hand as they walk away. Nice.

Jae-kang poses for a royal portrait as he’s told about Jae-ha’s outburst. “Son… of a… bitch?” At first you think he’s going to blow, but then he bursts into laughter, over and over again. Heh. He’s so randomly cute sometimes.

Bong-gu sits around playing with his magic tricks and fumes that North and South Koreas are on a crash course with each other, but the king keeps getting in the way. A lizard is his royal metaphor of choice today, and he picks it up, “But you still think you’re a dragon.”

Back at the base, Jae-ha’s ego has ballooned proportionately of course, as he chatters on through battle simulation that his outburst was really a carefully-laid plan, not just a temper flare. Uh-huh.

Kang-seok makes a move to shield him from something, getting up close and personal as a result. Are you guys gonna kiss? Jae-ha: “And what position is this?” Um, I’d call it man-on-man? Ship-to-barnacle? They take an awkward pause before detaching.

Still fixated on his own awesomeness, he asks Shi-kyung what he thought of the UN outburst. He just gets a silent thumbs-up, and Jae-ha gripes that he’s always too cool for school. Hidden out of view, Shi-kyung smiles to himself. Aw, you are so gonna be besties someday.

He asks Dong-ha, who heard about it from Young-bae, who heard about it from Hang-ah. Jae-ha grins ear to ear at that, and calls out her name… just in time for her to answer him with a simulation bullet to the heart. Bam. He does not look happy about being dead. She sticks out her tongue, just to rub it in.

I love that they role-play to the point that she puts him in a body bag, while crows circle overhead. Heh, nice touch. As she starts zipping him up, he argues, “You can’t do this to me. If it weren’t for me, your panties would be exposed all over the place!”

She zips it all the way up over his blabbering head, and as he shouts to be let out, she stands up and says under her breath, “Thank you.” Aw. But he doesn’t hear it of course: “What? Kim Hang-ah! Are you swearing at me? I heard you!” Pffffft.

Kang-seok sits in front of the tv, mesmerized by something… which turns out to be a SNSD video (because Jae-ha had insisted on having a South Korean tv feed to make life bearable on the base).

He literally gets hypnotized by the dancing girls, and struggles not to fall in love, but it’s a losing battle. When Jae-ha walks in, he turns the tv off and starts doing weird chair-sit-ups like a crazy man. This whole sequence is killing me.

When he leaves, Jae-ha flips on the tv and just about dies when he realizes what’s going on. Kang-seok confesses his troubles to Hang-ah: “Ever since that day, those girls’ legs won’t leave my brain for a moment.”

He tells her he’s done all manner of things to try and excise them, to no avail. Hang-ah: “Ahhhh, SNSD.” The seriousness with which they speak of his affliction is So. Funny.

Hang-ah’s father gets an update on her progress from the North Korean general, who also happens to mention that her true concern is in finding a match, and tells him about the deal to get her to join the team.

It weighs on him, and he decides to throw her name into the mix of potential brides for Jae-ha after all. Jae-kang looks over the various profiles, and Secretary Eun says that these are the best candidates.

Jae-kang says what’s important is Jae-ha’s heart: “It’s not the Joseon era, after all.” Uh, says the king arranging a political marriage for his brother? Anyway, he calls Jae-ha, who greets him doughnut in his piehole, as usual.

He postures in front of his hyung like almost getting killed with a bomb was no biggie, and he’s only saying this now, but he actually lied about his height (by a centimeter, ha) and played around because he didn’t want to threaten his hyung’s throne. “Everyone knows I’m handsome, talented, and smart—I’m way more king material than you are.”

I have no idea how Jae-kang endured a lifetime of being this kid’s hyung. This whole video conference kills me—it’s the little things, like the fact that he’s saying all this with a ring of doughnut powder all over his mouth.

So Jae-kang finally broaches the subject—isn’t he going to get married? Jae-ha immediately deflects, asking if he’s having trouble conceiving. He goes on and on about how hyung is no spring chicken anymore, and he needs to secure a line of succession, otherwise Jae-ha’s next in line, and that’s a big no-no.

Jae-kang: “What about Kim Hang-ah?” Jae-ha still thinks they’re talking about hyung, and gapes, wondering what he’s going to do about his wife then. Hahaha. He sighs like an ajumma that he heard mid-life crises are scary, but two households? And with a North Korean woman at that?

Jae-kang laughs, “Not for me. For YOU. To marry.”


Cut to Hang-ah, who’s hearing the same proposal from Dad. She’s like, of all the men in the entire world, this is the one you find?! Dad tells her that there’s nothing to say that her husband need be from their own country. Hang-ah: “Fine, then what about Brad Pitt? Bring Obama then!”

Back to Jae-ha, who collects himself and deadpans that Hang-ah is AWESOME—she’s got a great personality, her skin is nice and rough, she’s super strong, she’s got a great personality…. Jae-kang reads loud and clear, “Is she really that bad?”

He keeps going, “No! No! She’s great! Would we live in the south? Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah we can live down there, and she can help Mom, and we can send our leftover rice to the north! Yeah!” Gack! I’m cringing and I’m laughing.

He goes on and on, finally ending with her poison needles and how she’ll kill them all in their sleep. “I’m sorry, hyung, but no matter how much I love her, I can’t watch you die.” He hangs up.

What? I’m sorry, did you just say, No matter how much I love her?

Dude, you are so busted.

Hang-ah walks out of her meeting with Dad reeling from the crazy, only she stops to think for a second about Jae-ha. She remembers the hand-grazing, and the underwear rescue, and the dream-kiss…

But then the thoughts are swiftly replaced by his taunting, and him saying that she’s not a woman. She shakes it off that she’d be crazy. Her thoughts are interrupted by a snowball attack—it’s Shi-kyung, who’s playing in the snow with the rest of the team.

He asks her to join them. It’s then that she flashes back to Dad asking that fine, if not the prince, then is there anyone around her who could be a prospect? She looks back out at Shi-kyung, and thinks back to his swoony song. She decides to join the game, and launches a snowball at the back of his head.

Jae-ha walks by and sees them playing and scoffs, but then stops when he remembers that hyung said Hang-ah’s father was giving her the same proposal. Suddenly he can’t help but be curious what she said in response.

He watches as she flirts with Shi-kyung, actually bearing his teeth when he sees Shi-kyung brush the snow off her leg. He’s like, that’s it, and gathers up all the snow he can. Hang-ah calls out to Shi-kyung, but Jae-ha comes up behind her… and dumps a bucket of snow on her head. HA.

You are such a child. She turns around with a big dollop of snow on her head like a hat, as he asks, “Is this your plan?” She has no idea what he’s talking about, but he says sure, it must seem nice—royal marriage and all, “But making me jealous? Isn’t that a little childish?”

Pfffft. Genius you are not.

Hang-ah: “Jealous?” He keeps blathering on, but she just blinks, “What do you mean, jealous?” It finally dawns on him that he’s showing his hand.

“Is this you, being jealous?” He just stares blankly, wishing he could take back the words. She puts a hand on his shoulder in sympathy, “Do you like me that much?”

It’s delightfully patronizing. He scoffs that she’s crazy, but it’s too late for that, and she just runs back to Shi-kyung with a skip in her step. Jae-ha watches them play, fuming with jealousy.


I was sure that they wouldn’t keep us waiting too long to turn the romantic tables, since letting Jae-ha’s mockery just lie there any longer would’ve made us start hating the hero, but even just one episode later, it’s so satisfying to see Hang-ah outwardly regaining the upper hand. Inwardly, their feelings seem to be pretty equal, though I think she’s aware and chooses not to like him, while he’s totally unaware but spazzing left and right—one minute he’s yelling at the bully who’s being mean to her and then the next he’s back to pulling her pigtails. I like that every time we think they’re headed one way, one of them takes a sharp left turn.

I really love the banter between them—it’s been a while since I’ve really liked a version of the classic hate-banter, which is a standby rom-com trope of course, but isn’t often done successfully. But when the wits are matched, and especially when there’s no fear of making the characters look ridiculous or absurd, then you can mine some really great moments, just in pure back-and-forth rapid-fire dialogue. I love that they’re equally witty and idiotic—sometimes when Jae-ha is doing the same bantering with his hyung it cracks me up even more, because he’s even less guarded with him. The fact that the drama doesn’t consider anyone too precious to be made into an absolute fool is what makes the tone work.

But the drama’s not without its faults, of course. There are extended stretches of time spent with the villain that I’m not sure are all that useful, besides which most of them being populated with cringeworthy dayplayers. He’s interesting as an absurd archvillain, but I think villains are always best in small doses; otherwise they lose their scary factor. Less is always more there, and I wish we’d focus on the interesting and legitimately creepy moments with Bong-gu and skip the rest of the crap.

I think Jae-kang is used judiciously as a character, because I feel the king’s presence, but never too much to detract from the main plot. I do love every brotherly interaction so I could do with more of that, but I’m sure we’ll get to that once he’s back from training. Shi-kyung is another character I want more of, and I’m glad that Hang-ah sees something in him by the end of the episode. Even if he’s just a stand-in to get Jae-ha’s jealousy motor revving (plotwise, not her intentions) I think they’re a cute pair.

At first I just assumed that Jae-ha and Hang-ah would hate each other and be forced to marry anyway, but I really like this new development—maybe there won’t be any forcing after all? Or maybe they’ll both pretend to give in like it’s the end of the world? Convenient, when arranged marriages let you preserve your pride that way.


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Eeek so cute! I'm in drama heaven right now :D


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I'm really loving this drama.

Thanks GF for the recap.


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This drama really cracks me up. I don't remember laughing so hard - just by reading the recaps of a drama (Oh well, maybe at some early episodes of History of the Salaryman did it).
Finding myself giggling away like mad is downright unnatural, I cannot help wondering whether the drama IS this funny or it is you, GF, that makes it so unbearably hilarious:) Not that I am complaining, of course. A healthy dose of laughter is surely welcome in this March Madness.

Thank you so much GF for another wholehearted recap.


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Thanks GF for super fast recap. You are amazing. Love the story and the actors.


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Thank YOU, this recap is great , you are a blessing to non korean speakers.. Now can wait patiently for the sub's version.. Btw this episode is great regardless..


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omo!!!! love love love this drama <3

thanks for the recap!!!!!! :)


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it's getting better!!!


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GF thanks for the amazing recap!! I super love K2H.


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Loving this drama so much!

Your recpas are awesome as usual, Girlfriday.

I thought my eyes would roll out of their sockets when I realized they were doing Speed: The Treadmill. With any other actors it would have been beyond cheesy, but the leads handled it well. I just smile whenever they're on the screen whether their fighting, doing something cutesy or being dramatic. The chemistry is outstanding. Ha Jiwon is just magical. I bet male actors would kill to work with her. She makes all her costars look good.


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Thank you Girfriday!!!

I'm so in love with this drama and jaeha-hangah couple!! but i really love the entire WOC team. they're all great together.

Total agreement with the villian. yes, creepy bongku wants revenge. we know he and the princes went to school together when they were little, and even then he was sorta crazy. he's even more crazy now. but he wants revenge bc he's crazy and power hungry? i hope there's more to him then that. or else, he continues to seem just like a cartoonish character (which may work in a batman/spiderman like film, but not here in this drama.)

Please let's see better tight editing of the eps from hereon...

Can't wait for ep 4~!


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I keep bringing up villains that Alan Rickman played, oh well.

You know how in Harry Potter, Snape was all mean and jerky, and "You're just like your fatha, Harry." and we hated him?
Then we find out, lil' Jimmy Potter and his gang weren't exactly nice to poor little stringy haired baby Snape?

I hope they develop this guy more so we have sympathy for him. Not just because he couldn't be king. *I* can't be king, either. Do you see me stabbing people in the arm with a pen?


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Yay!thank you so much for the recap. I really loved this episode. Well, I love all the episodes so far. Each one ups the ante a bit more than expected and leaves me wanting for more.

I do agree though that they should lessen the villain's airtime. I think that's what's turning the other viewers off. More of the Jaeha-Hangah interactions instead.


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I love the video conference between jaeha (with his doughnut powder) and the king!
jaeha was saying his speech as if he's totally in love with hangah but can't freaking marry her for the sake of the royal family and his bro's safety. And the face he had when he slammed the video call closed was priceless XD


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I love jae ha and his addiction to doughnuts! I was expecting it to pop up somewhere in the episode hehe and after watching last night's episode, I went out and bought some doughnuts from DD this morning haha XD


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I just love love LOVE that drama! Rooftop Prince is my sweet dessert, but my main course is K2H.
I just love the part where both sides test the waters about a possible marriage. The hyung with a smirk on his face like "I know so many things that you ignore kid... And i can read you like an open book." awww. That king seems to know his end is near (Obi Wan vibe here). Could he be sick?
The treadmill scene is priceless: Comic and touching at the same time (Shut up and run!). I can't help thinking maybe it's an extreme form of matchmaking plotted by the heads of both camps. I say that because that all part gave me a simulation impression, like with the attack of the conference room. The injured actor could be pretending, with some makeup... Yes, i'm an hopeless romantic.


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You are a conspiracy genius, but I think that the WOC doesn't care THAT much about Princey getting married.

I don't want the King to die, I like that actor.
Why can't crazy lizard villain die?


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First one I have bene this into since MGiGMH-very similar if you think about it


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spring is here- the flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, Lee Seung Gi is back on tv and I have my newest k-drama addiction...ahhh all is right with the world...


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Thanks GF for the recap.

I think the character that is the villain would do well to have his own drama. He sort of reminds me as a scary Penguin.

Like how things are moving along with Jae-ha and Hang-ah.

Don't get the King's character so much.

Look forward to seeing the episode when it's subbed.

Wonder if LTG has a thing for donuts in real-life...


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Thanks so much for the recap.

For some reason I am really preferring this drama over Rooftop Prince. =]

If they do get married, I wonder if their marriage is one of those "I'm only marrying you to spite you, but in actuality it's because I do love you but can't tell you"


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WOW! thank you so much for this. I can't wait for episode 4! You're the best! I love them both!


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Sigh!after ep 4 we'll all be waiting until next wednesday arrives.with the preview, it seems like there's gonna be a lot of tension between our OTP.


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i love this drama! it kill me!


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i cannot say how much i love this show!!! i missed class just to watch it!


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I have to admit that this episode is better than yesterday's episode! this drama is surely getting more intense! they even pointed guns to each other! I got the screenshot pretty quick from http://www.vingle.net/posts/3135-The-King-2-Hearts-Episode-4-Screenshots-Part-1


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Oh I love korean drama crack

mixed with a dose nonreality


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U are an angel.......Jiwonie


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Great performance by Jiwonie


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So who is the critic who writes about their likes and dislikes, about dramas here on this site? Just out of curiosity, because I don't necessarily agree with them and wonder what the critic's credentials are and if they have ever been an actor themselves? Just asking? Have always wondered about critics....


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This is a blog doing updating on korean drama news and doing recaps. Full stop.


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“I’m sorry, hyung, but no matter how much I love her, I can’t watch you die.”

i jumped for joy :D the game has just began ^^


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The two leads are wonderful and some of the supporting characters shine too. Kang-seok is hilarious in this episode, who knows that the hateful manager in Best Love can be so funny?

I also like the king a lot, his scenes are few but the actor managed to bring such a warm presence to his role. Like the part where the king is laughing about the SOAB joke and the painter ask him to smile like that for the portrait and his smile freeze as if he realize that he haven't smile like that for a long time. I think I will probably cry when the king dies later on.


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I predict SNSD's Tiffany will cameo just for Kang-seok's lustful character. Lol.


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thank you so much for the recap.. ^_^


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The baddie's scenes in Ep 3 are more tolerable, especially the face off with the king. Yes, writers, actions speak louder, much louder, than words (or your fave magical disposition). Get him to do stuff, so we can know what this person is, where his crazy comes from. A long ago family feud would work. A tragedy (maybe about his mother) somehow involving the royal family would work too. A good villain is so essential esp. in the later part of the show when the stakes are sky high.

Dear GF, thank you so much for the quick recap. Been enjoying this drama tremendously.


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Thank you so much!


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I love this show. It is so freaking hilarious! Seung-gi is awesome! I love him! Ha Ji-won is adorable! I can't wait for more!

Thanks for the recap, Girlfriday!


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Oh, I loved the "Tears are a woman's weapon" line. I felt for Kim Hyang-Ah. I just hope our puppy eyed jerk hero treats her better now that he is getting jealous. I can't wait for tonight's episode!!! I blogged about the military windbreaker both Hyang-Ah and Jae-Ha are wearing on http://kdramastyle.blogspot.com/#!/2012/03/king2hearts-military-fashion-his-and.html
Love the his and hers fashions. . .


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Super like the development! :) Thanks girlfriday!


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It makes me cringe how Americans are portrayed in Kdrama sometimes :(

It's funny how when ever I see the white foreign actors they always look wierd and pasty compared to the Korean actors, but then when I see Asian actors in American Tv, they always look so different in a way they stand out.

I also find it a bit offensive yet hilarious when the foreign actors can barely speak English.


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i wonder if it is a meta reference to highlight SNSD in the drama - afterall, Seung Gi had chosen YooNa of SNSD as his ideal woman 2 years running.


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I don't know about that... Maybe they chose to put SNSD because they are the most popular girl group? And Taeyeon sings an OST for this drama too.


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I love the story around our main characters. But anything regarding the "club" makes me confuse. I don't get it... yet.


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Oooh..surprise! I didn't guess that the king would let Jaeha know about this"marriage" so early! But that just gives him more ideas....haha! loving the SNSD scenes.


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Thanks for the recap GF! I am loving every episode so far and the leads are an awesome pair. I am so hooked.


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I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH!! but i have a question. why didn't they just lower their speed and run? i mean, they made their speed go faster and nothing happened. so why not just make things easier? other than that, i'm rewatching it right now because i missed hang ah and jae ha's cutesyness, and this time, i can skip thru all the boring villian parts. thank you once again!


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oh seriously they are an old married couple love this marriage setup...... their banter is cute and not annoyingly shrilly so i think the show is doing great so far love the brothers scenes together.. and Jae Ha i want to whack him one second and hug him the next but he is becoming more endearing


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The bananas and peaches give it flavor, the yogurt adds a little "weight"
to it without making it heavy. Directions: Combine ingredients (except for chocolate chips) in
blender and blend until smooth. I like my smoothies frozen
and make them with frozen fruit most of the


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Your "What’s with the rampant sexism, assface?" comment MADE MY YEAR.


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Thanks for another uproarious recap, girlfriday!

THE KING 2HEARTS just gets better and better. I've mostly seen Ha Ji-won in sageuks, and had no idea she'd be so funny.

Badass ninja Kang-seok's mesmerization by SNSD is a hoot, especially when he starts pondering political theory to break the spell.

I'm thoroughly enjoying Lee Sung-min's turn as Jae-kang.


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I loved this show! However the actress that played the North Korean heroine was a TERRIBLE actress! She annoyed me! Always whining and looking like she was pouting! I don’t know if that’s how they wrote her to be but it made me lose respect for her! Other than that, I loved everything else.


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