Queen In-hyun’s Man: Episode 11

There’s lots of feel-good satisfaction in this episode, which makes it an especially fun watch. Ladies taking charge of their destinies, men acting like children, reunions and some good old-fashioned smooching? Yeah, it’s allll good.

Episode 11 gives us just enough conflict to make the stakes worth it, but not so much that we’re dying in our seats, wanting the unhappy to end. ‘Cause we’re zooming along soon enough anyway, thank goodness.


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Hee-jin arrives at the awards ceremony and spots Boong-do standing in the crowd. THANK GOD. They stand there for long moments, taking in the sight of each other with relief, while the crowd blurs around them like they’re the only two who matter. Which is true enough.

The reverie breaks when Dong-min reclaims Hee-jin’s hand to lead her inside. In the brief moment that she looks away, Boong-do disappears from her sightline, and she walks the red carpet scanning the crowd for his face.

In fact, the glimpse was so brief that she’s back to doubting herself. When Soo-kyung asks about her distraction, Hee-jin admits that she thought she saw Boong-do, although she adds, “I know I was mistaken.”

Soo-kyung’s on edge when she slips out to meet Boong-do, although she wonders how she’ll even recognize the guy she’s never met. Boong-do, on the other hand, recognizes her and greets her warmly, which makes her suspicious—who is he, and what’s his deal? Boong-do sees that she doesn’t remember him: “I am disappointed. And I thought we had grown quite friendly.”

I enjoy the dash of droll humor in the editing of their conversation: We don’t need to hear the whole explanation, so we just get a drily funny long shot, no sound, with Soo-kyung gesticulating wildly. I love how she talks so emphatically with her hands.

We jump into the conversation as Boong-do asks about Hee-jin’s car. She doesn’t understand why Boong-do claims she taught him how to drive, and says in frustration, “You strangely say the same thing Hee-jin does.”

Soo-kyung says that even if she were to believe that Boong-do is from 300 years ago, it makes no sense that he’d be sitting here. He concedes that it makes sense for her to find the situation absurd, and she takes that as an admission of its fakeness, assuming he’s Hee-jin’s fan.

Boong-do silently sorts through everything as she talks. Once Soo-kyung steps aside, he thinks to himself, “It isn’t memories that have disappeared, but time.”

He thinks of the talisman that got cut, right under the character for time; essentially, time has reset in this new reality. While he and Hee-jin remember what they lived through, it didn’t actually happen in this world.

Having decided he’s a stalker-fan, Soo-kyung clucks to herself that it’s a shame for such a nice man to end up in his state. In fact, she feels sorry for Boong-do’s obsession, and starts telling him how Hee-jin really isn’t that great in person, hahaha. “It’s all makeup and lights!”

He still looks dispirited, though, so she says that a nice-looking guy like himself shouldn’t be hung up on celebrities when he’d have no problem finding women. That actually makes him choke on his tea, and he laughs, “Is that so? That is somewhat comforting.”

Her next words make him smile even more, because he’s already sat through the third degree with Soo-kyung, and her line of thinking is exactly the same as the Other Reality Soo-kyung’s: What school does he go to? Where is he from? How does he get by financially? Her reactions to his answers are likewise identical, and he laughs at her consistency of character.

Boong-do just has one question for Soo-kyung: Does Hee-jin think it was all a dream? Soo-kyung answers of course—a dream should be thought of as a dream. Why wouldn’t she, when she’s got a boyfriend and a good life?

Eep! The mention of “boyfriend” wipes the amusement from his face. Soo-kyung identifies him as Han Dong-min, the man at the awards with Hee-jin.

Speaking of which and whom, Hee-jin sits backstage awaiting her turn, her thoughts fixated on Soo-kyung’s strange response to that caller. Then she recalls Boong-do in the crowd… Was he real after all?

But Boong-do won’t be calling from that number anytime soon. He promises Soo-kyung not to contact Hee-jin again, “Because I can’t ruin the life of the woman I care for.”

Soo-kyung looks uncomfortable at his response and for crushing his hopes—not enough to stop meddling, but enough that she doesn’t feel good about it. That’s enough for me. I don’t love what she’s doing, but I can understand where she’s coming from.

Hee-jin deduces enough to be suspicious, and when Soo-kyung returns to the awards hall, she demands her phone back. She guesses that the call wasn’t a simple nude model request: “It was Kim Boong-do, wasn’t it?” Soo-kyung’s guilty look is enough to confirm it, and Hee-jin blows up: She did see him earlier! She wasn’t imagining things!

Soo-kyung says defensively that she did it because she was afraid Hee-jin would react exactly this way. Hee-jin asks where he went, and all Soo-kyung knows is what he said: “Home.”

Fuming and anxious, Hee-jin immediately heads outside, ignoring Soo-kyung’s shouts for her to come back. I love the image of Hee-jin kicking off her heels, running back down the now-empty red carpet like a Cinderella who’s chasing down her dream instead of running from it.

She darts across town barefoot with her dress train flung over her arm, and arrives at the cafe. Boong-do’s and Soo-kyung’s beverage glasses are still on the table, but he’s nowhere to be seen.

She takes one moment to let the disappointment sink in, but whirls around and flags down a taxi. No time to wallow. Got a man to catch!

Hee-jin bites her nails all the way to the park, urging the driver to hurry. He recognizes her from TV and is content to chat with his celebrity customer, but her patience runs out and she squawks, “I asked you to hurry! Are you going to take responsibility if my life gets ruined?!” She beats the seat in front of her and shrieks, “HIT THE GAS, WILL YOU!” Hee. Probably not the most PR-worthy move, but I approve.

She doesn’t even pay him upon arrival, just shouting at him to wait. Which is one of those things I always find funny about other dramas, when people are in life-or-death circumstances but manage to pay the driver before resuming their chase/escape/grand gesture.

Hee-jin arrives at the red telephone booth, spirits nosediving to see it empty. She sinks down into a crouch right there, heavy-hearted.

Joseon. Han-dong opens the gate to find a monk there, sent by monk Young-myung (the one Boong-do has been meeting) to check on Boong-do’s safety, in the aftermath of the attack earlier. Yoon-wol comes running up, her Boong-do-dar pinging at the suggestion of danger.

But Han-dong finds Boong-do at his desk, calmly writing. He instructs Han-dong to take a letter to the Euigeumbu (royal investigators), which tips them off about Ja-soo so they can arrest him before he flees the city.

Yoon-wol asks Boong-do whether he found his talisman. He says yes, but it must remain a secret from everyone, even monk Young-myung—its very existence is a threat. Yoon-wol agrees, then asks anxiously whether he met that woman.

Boong-do replies evenly, “How do you think it turned out?”

At the awards ceremony, Dong-min wonders where Hee-jin went. Soo-kyung is on pins and needles trying to get a hold of her, so when Hee-jin finally calls, hurries to answer. (Though she lies to Dong-min, not wanting to alarm him.)

Hee-jin calls from the cab, saying she couldn’t meet Boong-do and is on her way back. She sighs heavily and slumps over… and smiles?

Flashback: Hee-jin hunches in front of the phone booth and flips through her phone, seeing a page of calls from that booth. All those times Boong-do called, and she didn’t answer.

Boong-do returns to his hiding in the park, where he prepares to swap his modernwear for Joseon garb. He takes one last look out at the view… and sees Hee-jin in the booth. She’s dialing a number, perhaps her own, in a re-enactment of what he would have done. But she’s interrupted by a knock at the door.

She turns, and there he is. They stand for a long moment just staring at each other, till he asks, “Why are you here? Did you… chase me here?” Hee-jin steps forward and wraps her arms around his waist, head to chest.

That’s the image Hee-jin harbors in her head on the taxi ride, smiling secretly to herself.

Flashback over, we return to Yoon-wol’s question—did he meet “her”? Boong-do answers vaguely, “It is quite a relief that I had not committed a capital offense. Just know that.” HAHA. He means, of course, that he sure is glad he wasn’t having an illicit affair with the sitting queen.

Ja-soo makes another visit to prison to alert Minister Min of his impending departure; it’s only a matter of time before the authorities track him down. He confirms his earlier theory about the talisman, having seen Boong-do disappear with his own eyes.

Ja-soo slips out of the prison just before Han-dong arrives with his letter, so for now he’s able to evade capture.

Later that night, a party is in full swing at a Seoul nightclub, its attendees including Dong-min and a bunch of actors from the award ceremony. A room of actresses flirt with him to join their party, but he’s fixated on finding Hee-jin.

She’s outside, having slipped away quietly. Dong-min’s manager is outside, though, which sends her ducking behind cars. (Hilariously, we can hear him flirting with an actress and saying cheesy lines in the background. Like star, like manager?)

Another flashback shows us how Hee-jin had made plans with Boong-do to meet at home later, since they both had things to take care of. She’d stated her street address for him, frustrated at the lack of writing materials, but Boong-do had rattled it off right back at her: “Memorizing is a special skill of mine.” One of many.

Hee-jin scuttles her way to a taxi and makes it home safely. She immediately starts unzipping her dress, then stops and screams, her bra in full view: Boong-do sits in her apartment, staring. Gulp. He throws up a hand to shield his view, and says he didn’t mean to startle her or trespass.

Hee-jin zips herself back up and huffs that he sure did, and they banter back and forth about how he had no idea she’d just start stripping once she stepped inside her door, and she retorts that that’s totally normal behavior here, and he scoffs that it couldn’t possibly be. They’re so cute.

He wonders at her strange arm-twisted-behind-back pose, and she says the dress is tricky. He offers to help her, and she comments that he sure must feel confident in his ability to undress a woman.

Boong-do offers to step outside so she can change in peace, but she points out, “You’ve already seen everything—now you leave?” Never say he wasn’t fast on the uptake, because he sasses right back in his deadpan tone, “Because I have seen everything, I am now leaving.” Hee. She basically calls him the player-iest player that ever played.

Before he leaves, though, she asks for his talisman; she’s had enough of him disappearing on her. He asks if he won’t even be able to leave of his own will anymore, but she says that it’s worse for her: “I’m always left waiting for someone when I don’t even know when they’ll come.” Boong-do hands it over.

Hee-jin tucks it away in a drawer for safekeeping, which frankly makes me hugely nervous. Boong-do enjoys the night air on the terrace, but soon hears a voice around the corner. It’s Dong-min drunkenly telling his manager that he’s here at Hee-jin’s.

Boong-do ducks back inside, interrupting Hee-jin mid-dress. She yelps and calls him a player again, and he just goes with it: “You keep calling me a player, so let us just assume that is true.” There’s more pressing news, though: They have a guest. But for the first time, Boong-do’s looking scowly; he says pointedly, “It’s your boyfriend.” Omo, are you jealous? That’s adorable. Also, really satisfying.

Boong-do asks for his talisman, but she tells him not to leave. If she ignores the door, Dong-min ought to leave soon enough. Only to hear a beep-beep-beep! at the door as the password is punched in. Eek!

The door dings open and Dong-min comes in calling her name. Hee-jin jumps onto a couch feigning sleep, while Boong-do hides in the loft.

Dong-min pouts that she left the club and playfully grabs her in a headlock. Boong-do’s eyes narrow. Hee-jin tries to usher him to a cafe nearby—she has something “serious” to tell him—but Dong-min doesn’t want to hear anything serious. Instead, he changes his hold to grab her around the waist, then swoops in for a kiss.

I love the look on Hee-jin’s face as she cringes away, but not as much as what happens next: Boong-do squirts Dong-min with a water bottle, from upstairs, like he’s warding off an errant cat. Hee-jin plays it off as a leak, and when Dong-min grabs her again, Boong-do attacks again. Hee!

This squirting attack goes on forever, drenching Dong-min’s face, and that naturally makes Dong-min upset enough to want to find the damn source. Hee-jin points to an imaginary leak in the ceiling, then shoves him into the bathroom to wipe up before he looks up into the loft.

She leaves him there and hurries out to face Boong-do, telling him, “That was incredibly childish, do you know that?” He says innocently, “I merely saw the object containing water and pushed on it.”

He asks what she’s going to do about Dong-min, and she sighs that it’s not his fault, since he doesn’t know anything. Boong-do says, “Did I punish the wrong person? The one who gave her heart to two men is right here…” and he levels the spray bottle at her.

She takes exception—she did nothing wrong! By the way, HE was the one who was getting set up to marry the prime minister’s daughter. Haha. Oh, honey. It’s true, but it’s tantamount to admitting you Google-stalked him. He’s all, Hey how’d you know that? She retorts that everything’s right there in the Annals, and sniffs that he must be thrilled to have the path to success opened before him.

Boong-do teases, saying, “It is tempting.” But that provokes Hee-jin, who complains that she’d better do the punishing, and reaches for something to throw at him. But he stops her by saying, suddenly more serious, “If I take responsibility for you, will that take care of it?” Aieeee!

“Taking responsibility” is a common euphemism for marriage—as in, I’ll handle the consequences of everything so we can be together—and the weightiness of his proposal hangs in the air. It drains Hee-jin of all her pique, and she asks, “How will you do that?” Boong-do replies, “I will think it over, and return. Considering what I risked to come here and see Queen In-hyun’s face again [Hee-jin’s], what couldn’t I do?”

Hee-jin takes a moment to take this in, then asks, “You practiced that, didn’t you?” He’s just too good. She returns the talisman to him (oh thank god, that brief separation made me way too nervous), then says, “I’ll be the one taking responsibility.” I love her.

Dong-min emerges and Boong-do ducks back, ready to make his time-jump. Dong-min complains about her shoddy apartment and insists that she move right away, not paying her much heed when she tries to start a serious conversation. She won’t be put off and says point-blank, “Let’s break up.”

This comes out of left field for him, so Hee-jin attempts to explain in the clearest possible way, which isn’t very clear. She says that a former boyfriend has returned, one she dated before she got back together with Dong-min. That sounds like a lame excuse; he accuses her of blaming things on that dream man and now this other boyfriend. She says they’re the same person, and since there’s no good way to make that make sense, she asks him to think of it as her having amnesia, then regaining her memory back. She makes a point to clarify that she was definitely not two-timing.

She’s winding down the explanation when Dong-min suddenly erupts, flinging his jacket in her face and yelling that there’s a limit to his patience. He’s trying to accept everything because of her accident, but she’s really working his last nerve. So she’s dating this dream man, is she? Where is he, huh?

Hee-jin can only say that he’s out of reach right now because he went somewhere far away, which sounds so absurd that Dong-min laughs. He tells her that only when she produces this guy will he consider that she’s not lying.

Hee-jin can’t do that, but she reminds Dong-min, “I let you go quietly last time.” When he cheated on her, she didn’t say a thing because he’d asked her to be cool about it, because he’d met someone and had to follow his heart. So why can’t he take his own words when the situation is reversed?

Dong-min accuses her of doing this as revenge and takes a step toward her… just as a pillow knocks him down from above.

There stands Boong-do, not having leapt after all. He wasn’t convinced she’d be able to “take responsibility” on her own, and sure enough, here she is struggling: “Do you know so little of men?”

I love how the happy couple just stands there grinning at each other while Dong-min fumes: “Is this bastard Kim Boong-do?” Not only does Boong-do cop to that, he holds up the water bottle and claims credit for that too. And sticks out his tongue. Omg.

Dong-min calls him a son of a bitch and charges up the stairs, fists swinging. Oh, pretty boy, this is not a battle you can win. Boong-do dodges and swings, sending Dong-min sprawling onto the bed, then rushes to Hee-jin’s side: “I feel this every time, but that passionate nature of yours is truly a problem. How can you just act on emotion like that, without thinking how to deal with it?”

Dong-min charges back downstairs and grabs a golf club, swinging wildly at Boong-do. Thankfully Boong-do knows a few tricks and sends well-placed punches into Dong-min’s chest, claiming the golf club. Boong-do warns, “I can hold back twice, but not three times. I am warning you, so steer clear.”

Dong-min attacks again, but Boong-do delivers more swift blows and sends him running for cover in the bathroom. He slides the club into the doorjamb and shoots the cowering Dong-min a smile. Then kicks the door in.

It’s hysterical that Dong-min now reverts to sageuk speech to match Boong-do, though it’s an involuntary reflex: “No! Lower your weapon. Why do you act so? Let us talk this out.” Then Dong-min scrambles for safety and shuts himself in the shower. Omg. I love you, drama.

So Boong-do says, “I have decided that is the safest place for you.” He slides the golf club through the door handles, tying them with a towel for good measure.

Dong-min declares that Hee-jin is HIS girlfriend, which the whole world knows—who is Boong-do to insert himself between them and interfere? Those words give Boong-do pause, and he concedes, “Insert between. That is not untrue. One moment.”

He heads outside and asks Hee-jin, “What do you call stealing away a woman who has a prior claim?” Then he heads back to face Dong-min to argue semantics: “Insert between. Well, those words are not wrong. But if we are to take a precise accounting, I was first. Also, just because a goalkeeper exists does not mean a goal cannot be scored.” HAHA. Where’d you pick up soccer terms?

Boong-do says it’s a shame they couldn’t work this out civilly, and advises Dong-min to spend his time in the shower calming down. With a bow of the head, he exits. Heading back outside, he asks Hee-jin what a goalkeeper is. HAHA. Should’ve known it was a Hee-jin-ism.

Hee-jin figures that Soo-kyung will come home and release Dong-min (eventually), and suggests going out. Boong-do thinks she means time-warping away, but she snatches the talisman and says no, out.

Soo-kyung and Dong-min’s manager head home from the club in a happily tipsy state. Then Dong-min calls, practically spitting in fury, accusing some weird guy named Kim Boong-do of appearing out of nowhere and locking him in a shower. He gets even angrier when Soo-kyung seems to know who Boong-do is, accusing her of conspiring with Hee-jin while she was off two-timing him. Whoa there, buddy, you’re gonna give yourself a hernia.

Soo-kyung deals with this crisis in her trademark manner: She screams. Ha. She wails, “Am I going crazy? Look at me. Do I look like a crazy woman?” Manager: “Yes.”

Hee-jin takes Boong-do to an out-of-the-way hotel to use in the meantime and acquaints him with its features. She hops from explanation to explanation, and Boong-do breaks in to ask seriously, “Are you telling me to sleep here alone?”

She has to go back and handle the fallout, but promises to come back in the morning. He looks like a sad, lost puppy as he says, “But I don’t think I will be able to sleep. How am I supposed to spend this long, long night?” Okay, now you’re just being a player.

He pouts, “I am being left alone in a strange place, and my talisman has been taken away. Surely you aren’t really leaving?” Hee-jin hangs her head guiltily, then grabs for the remote—TV! He can amuse himself with that.

But Boong-do tosses the remote away and kisses her. Eee!

It’s Hee-jin who pulls away first, and she tells him in a practical tone that this is no time for this—not when there are so many things to do. “You said my passionate nature was a big problem,” she reminds him.

He replies, “Ah, but I didn’t tell you the other part—how appealing that is.”

Melt. She sighs, “Player.” He says, “I did not know it, but I think I am indeed a player. Agreed.”

More kisses.


So cute. It’s satisfying to see Boong-do exhibit jealousy, even if it seems half-joking, because he’s just so cool and composed that nothing ever ruffles his feathers. A handy trait when you’re on a five-year-long mission of avengerhood and justice, but potentially frustrating when you’re dealing with a love story and you can see why the heroine calls him a player. Hee-jin is such an open book about her emotions that we know exactly where she stands. I’ve never doubted that Boong-do is well on his way to genuinely loving her, but it was a refreshing change to see some of that on his face.

I agreed with Hee-jin regarding Dong-min, in that he was trying to be understanding and seemed like he was thrilled to be back with her. I never thought he’d turned over a new leaf, but a guy who appreciates his woman is always nice to see. And then he blew up and got ragey and my sympathy went poof. He didn’t actually hit her, but he did raise a hand to her and I wouldn’t have been terribly surprised if he’d escalated that confrontation before Boong-do stepped in. I won’t blame a guy for what I think he might’ve done, but what he did do raised enough red flags for me. So there he goes, back on the list of amusingly caddish.

His immaturity is hysterical—cowering on the toilet spouting sageuk-talk? Learned from playing a king, no less?—and how funny that Boong-do should act in kind to deal with him. He’s tried ignoring him (shower stall) and politely holding back (plane from Jeju), and in neither circumstance did Dong-min get it. You wanna get through to the manchild, you act like a manchild. (Which isn’t to say that Boong-do did it on purpose; in fact, it’s particularly hilarious because Boong-do’s reversion to childishness is so unexpected.)

Again this drama takes a middle-ground approach to the question of how much of the world is fated to turn out a certain way, and how much you can change through your choices. I’m liking the way we see the peripheral characters respond to these events in this new reality, as though for the first time, which I suppose it is for them.

What we get is not necessarily a preordained outcome (I have problems with the narrative rigidity of predestination), but a similar script unfolds anyway because people like Soo-kyung and Dong-min react similarly in similar circumstances despite a change in the details. How much do I love that the reason things repeat in this new reality isn’t because of some tyrannical arm of Fate but because of character consistency? Now there’s realism for ya, fantasy time-hopping historical fusion be damned.


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Thank you for the recap!~ You always notice things I miss!

Did anyone else see -- it looks like Dong-Min dropped his cell phone when Boong-Do threw the pillow at him? And yet somehow he is able to use his phone in the bathroom? Or am I mistaken...?

Anyways, love love love this episode! It's soo cute ^^ It's great what a functional trusting couple the OTP is compared to a normal kdrama pair...


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I loved it that Boong-do threw the pillow at Dong-Min and Dong-Min actually fell down. Okay, in real life a guy wouldn't fall from a falling pillow but somehow... it's like.."Dong-Min, are you really such a light-weight scaredy-cat that a falling pillow sends you to the floor?"


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Thank you JB! I thought I had to wait another week before seeing recaps for this drama. You've made my day! Xxxxx!


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I think Boong Do is amused by the character consistency of Dong Min and Soo Kyung too...

And I just love how the writers make a repeat of similar incidences of the alternate past that BoongDo has to re-experience.

It's like no matter how many times these people forget about him and they re-meet again, similar circumstances pop up and yes, like you said, I love that it's attributed to the fact that it's due to the character of the people and not Fate.


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DM has gone off the deep end. He's gone from mildly irritating to down right nasty! SK, I've forgiven now that I've read more comments and have watched this episode a couple of times, I now understand her. Oh man, loved this episode! Will have to repeat it again as I wait for episodes 12/13


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This screenwriter is incredible talented to be able to write a script where the couples are happy and growing in a positive way with each other. Think about it, how many dramas have you watch where the main couple has been together throughout the entire drama? Now name how many dramas have you watch where the couples get together in the last 2 episodes. I hope this drama it a break through a blue print for other writers to follow. I want to see a couples together for more then the last 2 episodes, I want to see couples that natural, comfortable, confident, strong, fearless, kisses that are realistic, stare that stop you in your track, cries that touch your soul and promises you want to see come true. I want to see it all again and other dramas. This drama for me hands down the best romance drama of k-drama history. Two episodes to go and this drama is heading for the finish line with the certified title of best romance of all time! It will be a 100 hundreds years before you get something like this again.

Does any one know who the writer of this drama? I would love to send her/he a fan letter from the “Taber Drama Club”.


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OMG. SO addicted to this drama that I'm actually surfing the web for details and news on this drama.

It's the first drama, in a very long time, where I can't predict the ending. Usually, k-dramas are pretty predictable so the interest is also on how its executed. And hot clever the writing is (or not). Here, two episodes to go, and even if I'm pretty confident that the ending will be a happy ending, I'm not sure how this drama is going to get there. How awesome is this?


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Oh... one last thing... great recap! Thanks...


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Honestly my favorite drama. Boong-do loooveee~~ <3

One thing I always wondered about: Back in the first few episodes, Heejin warped back with him and her phone also rang, didn't it? Then wouldn't they be able to call each other even if they were in different times?


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I don't think Hee-jin's ever warped back with him. In all their encounters, he's the one who comes to 2012. Are you perhaps thinking about the end of ep 2 where she's walking in a wooded area and the horse comes at her? That's when he was attacked in his era and warped to hers.


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Yeah, the assassin that was there and disappeared came through the portal withe BD and his horse, so it may have seemed like she was in 1694.

How cool would it be if they did take her back to meet the real QIH? She knows the lingo and could fake it for a little while.


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That's an interesting thought! I wonder what the two of them would say to each other.

Actually, I also wonder how Boong-do would choose to explain Hee-jin's presence there. I can just imagine him choosing his words carefully, in that very refined sageuk speech of his; wonder what he'd come up with 8-)


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So much details in your recap this time... I'm loving it :)


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My my, what an awesome episode, ad always it's even better when recapped by JB!
I really love this drama, everyone's acting so well, the writing is flawless, nothing to nitpick on in the whole time travel thing.
Yoo Inna is still the weakest link, though her performance is better than in Best Love. She's not bad at it, but merely serviceable. All those cutesy sweet scenes she got down really well, but once you make her handle the hurt, frustrations, it just feels like it needs more work.
This brings me to Kim Jin-woo, how awesome of an actor is he? I really disliked him in the beginning as the prick Hallyu star that is just do full of himself, but through Hee-jin's warpped memory, he is so charming, and in this episode really sweet. Too bad he can't be the right man for her.


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He recognizes her from TV and is content to chat with his celebrity customer, but her patience runs out and she squawks, “I asked you to hurry! Are you going to take responsibility if my life gets ruined?!” She beats the seat in front of her and shrieks, “HIT THE GAS, WILL YOU!” Hee. Probably not the most PR-worthy move, but I approve.
LOL I was thinking the same thing. But then again, she does a lot of things that aren't exactly PR-worthy.

Never say he wasn’t fast on the uptake, because he sasses right back in his deadpan tone, “Because I have seen everything, I am now leaving.” Hee. She basically calls him the player-iest player that ever played.
^____________^ <3

Lastly, character consistency for the win. I am really looking forward to the writer's future dramas. She's definitely come a long way from Coffee House--which I did enjoy, but it's definitely at a different level than QIHM. I'm sure it also has to do with the director choice.


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When he said those words the “If I take responsibility for you, will that take care of it?” of course I didn't understand what the heck he was saying, let alone the euphemism, but he was kneeling down, albeit on the loft, and the look on Heejin face. I was “OMG OMG is he proposing?” I just love watching drama without sub LOL.


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Absolutely fucking l♥ving this~!!! XD *squeeeeeee*~!!!


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many ppl and jb are much more understanding than me. Sookyung lost me this episode by ACTIVELY trying to keep boongdo and heejin apart. just when she explicitly promised before: "if he was real and if there was someone you liked then I would definitely be on your side." empty promise to manipulate heejin to comply to her wishes, he had no intention of following through. people keep on saying oh its cuz she's trying to protect heejin and she's got heejins best interest at heart: wrong. of she was really protecting heejin she should've objected to heejin back with dong min cuz she knew dong min cheated and broke heejin. on the other hand he knew that heejin was desperately to find boongdo, she saw how heejin cried like a lost girl and how she still googled him and couldn't let him go and still tried to keep them apart. I would understand if she disapproved. Ofcourse, but to activately undermine heejins happiness? When ppl say ses got heejins best interest at heart I agree but only with half of it- she's got heejins best CAREER interest at heart. In the last timeline, heejin hadnt become famous yet so the career and money stakes weren't high and do sookyung was just a concerned friend.

But in this timeline, heejin is super famous, raking in the money and sookyung has become accustomed to that lifestyle and is consequently 100% manager, 0% friend. She doesn't care about heejins real happiness, only caring that heejins social stock doesn't plummet because that would have a negative impact on sookyung as well. It's selfish and I don't care what ppl say, above all else of you're a true friend you just want them to be happy despite everything, you let them make their own decisions bad or good and if t turns out horrible then you're there to pick up the pieces but sookyung wouldn't even do that, she said she couldn't handle the anti fans and fall out and threatened to quit so she obvs wouldn't be there for heejin.

the road to hell is paved with good intentions and sookyung is well on her way there. unless she changes and supports heejin like a real friend would then I can't like or defend her anymore. honestly heejin should just fire her and get a new manager so she can let sookyung go back to being a good friend without having to worry about media politics and be stressed about heejins actions all the time. She also knows heejin too well so when there's trouble all she does is scream at heejin so she's not a very good manager either.

anyway great episode, I'm surprised jb didn't touch on whether it was out of character for boongdo to say the whole sleeping thing cuz there have been such rampant discussions and arguments of it everywhere but love jobs recaps, even though I've watched it a hundred times with subs and read 3 other recaps I always get something that I missed here ;)

Speaking of, if there anyway girlfriday could weigh into the queen inhyuns man love within the coming episodes?! i know you've tag teamed recapped with two but having you, gf, and heads opinion would be the literally cherry on my topping and it'd be so fun! And stress you guys out less :)) please consider!!


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Omgsh, I loved this episode. <3 And I wasn't expecting a recap today - thanks JB, for making my day that much better! :D Reading it just brought a smile to my face, because it was like watching it all over again (for the millionth time too).

Hehe, I love jealous Boong-do. And pouty Boong-do. Kehe. There were so many scenes that I loved in this ep -Hee-jin taking off her shoes to chase after her man, the hug near the phone booth, Boong-do's squirty revenge, and THE KISS AT THE END OMG. *fans self*

Oh, and thanks for explaining the "responsibility" bit - it bugged me a little when I watched it, because it sounded really awkward in English, so I assumed that it must've sounded more romantic in Korean judging from Hee-jin's reaction, but I didn't exactly know why. Also, I didn't realise that Dong-min was speaking in saguek speech (and I thought I could tell the difference by now :()! That's just hilarious.


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Oh and seungyoo or boongdo? Boongdo!! They both have similiar plights but I much loved how boongdo didn't go down the rabbit hole for revenge and instead used his brains. Like he said, politics can kill people without having to lift a finger! And seungyoos like the bad boy your super drawn too and have a passionate relationship with but there is such thing as too much passion. That strangling scene with se ryung? somehow I know boongdo would never do that even in his angriest moment. Boongdo all the WAYYY!! Both kisses from both, I'm not picky :P


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i gotta say i am addicted to the red pay phone scene! i want more scenes with the pay phone!


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Thanks for the recaps. I don't quite know what to write here. The drama is trully awesome since its first episode, it's getting higher and higher in awesomeness degree each episode. I don't mind if someone called me shallow but I love their tippy toes kiss, over and over again. I think they deserve a few second of bedscene too. kekeke...


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I love the image of Hee-jin kicking off her heels, running back down the now-empty red carpet like a Cinderella who’s chasing down her dream instead of running from it. Yes! I love that she's an empowered heroine and that just like in the opening scene of the drama, they've both been chasing the other one down this whole time.

This episode felt kind of like a fairy-tale in itself. The man of her dreams materializes and they desperately want to reunite with one another, yet with the exception of the brief embrace at the park, there was space and obstacles between them for the whole episode. Until that killer ending, that is-- then, even the smallest space between them was too much to bear. Her body language was all: "Let me get on my tiptoes to get closer to you, Loverboy. Hmmn, that's good, but I think standing on your feet and kiss-dancing with you will bring us even closer. You do know that BOONG DO = GO ON BOD, don't you?"


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A lot of times I just read your recaps first before deciding if I want to watch the episode but this drama is so good that I actually watch it first!

Wow, I need to keep track of the writer and director as I feel they'll do well in future projects :)


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so sweet....


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This drama is the cat's pajamas! And speaking of cats...who didn't love that Boong-Do uses a spray bottle on Dong Min? As I was watching the episode, I had to rewind 3 times to watch it over-and-over-and-over again. So cute.

The kiss (again) had me weak in the knees. Where can I get a Boong-Do?

I agree with you. Dong-Min had gone from cad to nicer guy, but I had a feeling that he'd go back to this when exacerbated.


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“But I don’t think I will be able to sleep. How am I supposed to spend this long, long night?”

What does it mean, Boong Do wants to sleep with HeeJin , I wish they did.


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Love this as it talks about another drama which I felt was the sweetest couple until now. They have be officially usurped by Hee Jin and Boong Do!



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Wednesday can't come fast enough. I'm so conflicted, I want it to be Wed. but then that means QIM will be nearing its end. Sigh what will I watch once it ends? I'm gonna have some serious withdrawal symptoms...


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I was sweating bullets when Hee Jin took Boong Do's
talisman for safekeeping and was praying nothing happen to it in her care. As for the spray bottle... jealous, are we? ^^ Their lovers' spat was so cute~

As soon as Dong Min threw his jacket in Hee Jin's face, she should have kicked him out of her house pronto. Any sympathy I felt for Dong Min just flew out the window. Ugh~ But fear not for Hee Jin has her knight in shining armor. With Soo Kyung and Dong Min, Boong Do was essentially recreating their memories of him, albeit love the role reversal in the shower. So funny when he apologized to Dong Min for stepping away.

Pfft, Boong Do is a TOTAL PLAYER! How can the two of them be so hot?! Thank you, Cable, for your sensually-charged kiss scenes! And thank you, javabeans, for this wonderful recap!


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“Taking responsibility” is a common euphemism for marriage

Oh dear. So all those other 800,000 kdramas where somebody is angry and tells the other person to take responsibility...


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