Gaksital: Episode 18

*Stops the withdrawal shakes* Is it finally Wednesday again?

This episode reached a series high rating, 18.0%. It must be noted that its drama competition, Ghost, pre-empted its episode for the Olympics, but I like to think that there was a little something else responsible for the jump, namely the squee-inducing cliffhanger at the end of last week’s Episode 17.

Speaking of which, that cliffhanger was kind of a doozy, wasn’t it? But part of me believes that if we hadn’t had the Olympics pre-emption, the show might not have worked quite so hard to have such a juicy ending, so I will take that as consolation for the wait.

On the flipside of that coin, I was pretty worried that 18 wouldn’t live up to the cliffhanger, that they spent all their dramatic firepower and would disappoint in the aftermath. But I think it’s safe to say that Episode 18 has plenty of firepower of its own.

All right, let’s get this show on the road.


Herz Analog (solo musician Heo Sung-joon), with So Soo-bin – “살고있어” (I’m Alive)
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We open on Shunji—augh! But what about Mok Dan? What about Gaksitaaaaaaal?

Shunji walks to Mok Dan’s hotel room, a basket of flowers in his hand and a spring in his step. Now that’s dissonant and creepy, how happy he is to be romancing his beloved/prisoner.

Instead, he finds his men knocked out and freaks out, which makes me wonder how he’ll react to find out Rie went over his head and intended to kill Mok Dan. And by wonder I mean anticipate with way too much glee to be appropriate.

Shunji hears about the tall, mustachioed man in a black suit, which rings a bell. He bursts in on a meeting between Rie, bodyguard, and Chief Kimura, and can we take a moment to appreciate the very grimness of their mood? Three failures, sitting there in silence, not even able to trickle-down their rage to anyone else because they’re all equally at fault.

Shunji pulls a gun on Rie, not even flinching when Katsuyama holds a sword to his neck. He growls at his father while glaring at Rie, “Father, everybody wants to protect something. I clearly warned that woman not to mess with mine. Why is it wrong to love a Joseon woman? Why is Kishokai interfering in my emotions?!”

Rie tells him he can have whatever Joseon woman he wants, but Mok Dan happens to be linked with Gaksital, and therefore protecting her means protecting Gaksital. See? It’s simple math, says the transitive property.

Shunji: “To catch Gaksital with my own hands, I can’t give up that girl, not even if I die. Do you understand?”

Rie tells him not to worry since his girl is bound to be safe—Gaksital took her away.

Annnnnnd we’re back to the forest. Eeeeeeeee!

Mok Dan takes off Gaksital’s mask and reels to see Kang-to’s face. In tears, she’s practically hyperventilating from the shock as Kang-to stirs and painfully dismounts, falling into her arms.

He collapses on the ground, head cradled in Mok Dan’s arms, and despite the fact that he’s sliced up and half-dead and she’s completely distraught, it’s an incredibly romantic moment. It’s the sign of a great reveal, when you’re so with the characters emotionally that you get swept up along with them.

Kang-to hands her the dagger he retrieved for her. The knife makes Mok Dan flash back to the time she told him he should have died and Gaksital lived. That breaks the dam and the guilt pours over her in waves now.

She sobs, remembering all the curses she hurled at him, the times he asked her to recognize him and she’d told him to die already. He cradles her face in his hand, wiping her tears away.

Mok Dan registers his arm wound and rips a bandage from a strip of her shirt. She wraps his arm, then sees the gash in his leg as well.

But when she reaches for a second strip of shirt, Kang-to stops her and pulls her in for an embrace instead. He cradles her to his chest, then after a moment he pulls back for a kiss.

Sun-hwa wonders how the rat Kye-soon is coming up with all the money to buy fancy cosmetics. Finally somebody cottons on. Sun-hwa asks if Kye-soon’s really friends with Shunji, and Kye-soon says smugly, “Of course, we’re so close.”

As if on cue, Shunji bursts into the room, beelining for Sun-hwa, and asks after Mok Dan. Kye-soon smirks that they should just chain her down, and Shunji slaps her across the face. Whoa. What’s worst is how easily he does it, then turns back to Sun-hwa like it’s no big deal; he’s definitely easing into that evil skin. Promising that he’d never hurt Mok Dan, he asks Sun-hwa to come with him with any news.

Circus boss Jo decides to disband the circus, keeping his reasoning vague about wanting to rest and go traveling. Shunji bursts into his room next and dismisses Dong-nyun and Shin Nan-da so he can talk to Boss Jo alone, which, given their history, makes me nervous. It makes Boss Jo nervous too, as Shunji tells him to pass along news of Damsari’s public execution to his independence pals.

Boss Jo says that they’ll know it’s a trap, but Shunji’s no dummy—he expects Gaksital to know it’s a trap but show up anyway: “He won’t be able to ignore the hopes of the Korean people that he’ll swoop in and save Damsari.”

Shunji orders Boss Jo to look into news of Mok Dan. Jo refuses to cooperate, adding that he’s persona non grata with his former comrades—they’ve marked him for execution in return for his betrayal.

Shunji smiles chillingly, “Who said you were to be executed? I’ll protect you for the rest of your life.” Shivers. Somehow Shunji’s promises of protection aren’t so comforting.

He calls a meeting of all his officers to prep Damsari’s execution tomorrow, and notices Kang-to’s empty seat. His thoughts whirl upon hearing Kang-to didn’t come to work this morning: “Lee Kang-to didn’t show up? Even though Mok Dan disappeared?”

Speaking of whom, Mok Dan assists Kang-to into Gaksital’s secluded hut, and Baek Gun treats his wounds. Afterward, the reunited lovers sit outside as Mok Dan confesses how she felt the first time she saw Kang-to, when her father was sentenced to death. (Now that he’s cleaned up, I notice Joo-won’s sporting a sharp new haircut, although surely it’s not too obvious to ask: Is anybody going to notice that Kang-to and Gaksital simultaneously got new ‘dos?)

Mok Dan asks how imperial policeman Kang-to, whom she found more frightening than the Grim Reaper itself, could have come to wear the bridal mask. We flash back to the fatal night as he narrates it: How Gaksital had been his brother, who’d been fighting Kenji to avenge his mother’s death. And how he had entered the fray and shot his own hyung, not knowing that.

At first, he admits he wore the mask to finish the mission his brother hadn’t been able to complete, to avenge their mother’s and father’s deaths.

Kang-to: “But now, even if I take vengeance on every one of my father’s enemies, I don’t think I’ll be able to take off the mask. There are so many things to be done. Wherever I look, there are too many people in agony.”

She takes his hand and vows, “You won’t have to go alone. I’ll follow you to the very end, rooting for you. Whether it’s a thousand fathoms deep or through a fiery pit, I’ll always go with you.” It’s a beautiful promise, although I worry that it may become all too literal.

Shunji takes out his ire on Ishida and his lax idea of 24-Hour Kang-to Watch. “He’s caught on! An idiot like you is supposedly competent?” His officers report that Kang-to wasn’t seen at home or at the club last night, and Shunji tries to convince himself that Kang-to’s absence has nothing to do with Mok Dan’s. And who were you just calling idiot?

Still, he tells himself to wait it out—in two days he’ll be able to get Gaksital for good.

While Kang-to sleeps, Mok Dan tells Baek Gun she’s heading back to the hotel. Er, what now? She has a thought process, though: Since Gaksital was seen saving her last night, Kang-to’s absence will cast suspicion on him. She needs to deflect some of that.

Baek Gun tells her of Kang-to’s plan to rescue Damsari, and asks her to let the comrades know that he’s injured and may not be able to carry through the mission.

Mok Dan finds the remaining comrades at their hideout and alerts them to Gaksital’s condition. Her teammates decide to modify their plan and assure her they’ll succeed, if only for the sake of their fallen comrade shot down by Shunji.

The male comrade vows that after Damsari is rescued, he will make sure to fulfill their lost comrade’s mission to eliminate Lee Kang-to. Mok Dan blurts, “You mustn’t! Do you know who Lee Kang-to is?”

In his office, Shunji role-plays execution day with a map and tokens labeled with the main parties, noting where to station his men. Rie calls him in a fit; he’s ignored her summons. He replies that he’s busy and hangs up on her, leaving her fuming in disbelief.

So Rie storms into the police station and interrupts a strategy session. Shunji keeps her waiting for an hour, sauntering in when she’s at the end of her patience. He blocks her slap easily and tells her to get to the point.

The point: Chairman Ueno will be arriving. Point the second: They’d better not fail, because if something happens to interrupt Damsari’s demise they lose their chance to remove Kono, who so adamantly opposed the execution.

Rie orders him to come running the next time she summons him, and he humors her with an “I’ll try.” She can’t believe he has the nerve to treat her this way. Shunji: “And am I supposed to be submissive? Ah, because you’re the chairman’s daughter? Remember this—I joined Kishokai to catch Gaksital, not because I share your ambition.”

She tosses back that Shunji’s father, however, sure is chock-full of ambition. It’d be a shame for him to block Daddy’s path. He stops smiling at that, and she notes, “So that shut you up. This is what power is—”

The phone interrupts her triumphant speech (ha), and Shunji hears Mok Dan has returned.

Sure enough, she’s back in her hotel room, hilariously sitting at the end of several gun barrels. They’re taking no chances this time.

Mok Dan has prepared an explanation, starting with the truth of being captured and almost killed by Lala. But Shunji already knows this and Lala as well, and she thinks quickly to cobble together a believable story: She escaped after Gaksital intervened, but fled alone while he was fighting the other man. She spent the night praying at the church.

Mok Dan plays to Shunji’s protector wishes, acting like she’s afraid Lala will come after her again. Smart of her to frame her flight as an escape from Lala, but not necessarily from Shunji.

Shunji asks, “Why does Gaksital always show up around you?” She answers that she wondered the same thing; it’s why she thought he was the Young Master from her childhood. However, she now thinks she was mistaken, given Gaksital’s aloof treatment of her whenever they meet.

Mok Dan’s not objectively a great liar, but she seems to say all the right things. Shunji approaches, getting way too close while her skin crawls. I’m assuming. He holds her close, and Mok Don does all she can not to recoil. Heck, I’m trying not to recoil here, even as I know this is a good sign for her sake.

He says she made the right choice, promising to protect her from here on out: “It’s because of you that I wore this uniform. I won’t let anything, anyone, hurt you.” I hope he’s including himself in that.

Now he’s feeling adequately appeased to agree to let her spend her captivity at Sun-hwa’s house. She’s still under watch, but at least now she’s among friends. Mok Dan reminds him of his promise to block her father’s execution—he’ll honor that, won’t he? Shunji nods, “Yes. Trust in me.”

Kang-to finally wakes, and tries to bolt out of bed when he registers the empty cabin. Hearing that Mok Dan (whom he’s now calling Boon-yi) returned to the hotel, he argues that Baek Gun should have stopped her—she’s gone back to the lion’s den.

Kang-to knows enough now to suspect that Shunji and Lala are involved in something together, along with Chief Kimura and the corrupt judge. And that means they have something to do with the people who betrayed Kang-to’s father.

That night, Sun-hwa offers the guards food and makgulli, and they’re happy to partake, giving Mok Dan the opportunity to slip away unseen. She hurries back to the cabin and checks in on Kang-to, assuring him that Shunji doesn’t seem suspicious of her story.

She tells him of the comrades’ amended plan excluding him from Damsari’s rescue. He fears that they have no chance of success without him, but Mok Dan replies that her father would be devastated if Gaksital came to harm rescuing him:

Mok Dan: “Because Gaksital must live. Because Gaksital is the light that must shine for the Joseon people who live in darkness. He wouldn’t want that light to go out. You said there were too many people living in agony, that you had so many things to do. Don’t go to the execution. You mustn’t go.”

He holds her close, but there’s this look in his eye… He’s gonna go, isn’t it?

Back at Sun-hwa’s two nervous guards try not to quake in their boots in front of Shunji, who’s angry to have another missing Mok Dan situation. Ha. Is this a drinking game yet? Shunji asks Sun-hwa where Mok Dan went, trying to keep a lid on his temper as he says he’s worried about her safety, not intending to harm.

The return of nice(ish), caring Shunji seems to weaken Sun-hwa’s resolve (which frankly makes Shunji all the more devious, since he realizes this) and she starts to stutter a response. Thankfully, Mok Dan reappears just then, saying she went to the church to pray.

Shunji argues that the guards are there to protect her, not monitor her (yunno—potayto, potahto) and that she should take them with her. She fires back that she can’t pray freely with guards hovering: “If you intend to have me monitored 24 hours a day, you may as well lock me up again in jail.” Don’t tempt him! Although, admittedly, her unapologetic, unguilty demeanor does at least deflect his suspicion.

Kang-to is absent from work the next day too, which Shunji notes as he debriefs his men. Among the precautions is a banning of spectators wearing white at the execution.

Shunji finds Kang-to’s absence strange enough that he asks Mok Dan about it. She has her usual Why the hell would I know or care about that bastard? response, and he says he asked on the off-chance that the guy who professed to love her tried to contact her.

Shunji tries to soften his bad news by saying, “I’m sorry—really sorry. I had no choice. I did everything I could, but I couldn’t avoid it. Tomorrow, Damsari will be executed in public at Kyungsung Station.”

The count and countess rub elbows with more powerful people, chuckling agreement with the couple who call Damsari a public menace. This can only be setup for a future conflict; otherwise, it’s not really relevant to this episode at hand.

They’re in charge of an educational foundation, and ask the count to put in a good word with the governor general. They slide over a fat envelope to grease the wheels, which the count is happy to take. Why are rich people motivated by more money? You’d think it would be the one thing they’re immune to, having so very much of it.

At the Angel Club, Madam Tasha accepts her manager’s decision to quit Kyungsung to go back home. He was spooked by his trip to jail, and now with a public execution on the horizon, he’s ready to live a simpler life on a fishing boat. He has an emotional parting with a waiter buddy and bids them all goodbye.

Watching with Tasha is Tamao, who grows more interesting by the day. They’re both affected by the manager’s departure, but Tamao covers his unease with jokes, suggesting the two of them run away together. Tasha just sees his cheeky grin, though, and disapproves of his carefree reaction: “But I suppose a hungry person and one who’s full can hardly unite as one.”

Tamao tries to shake off her scorn, but it rattles him.

The Kyungsung contingent of Kishokai assembles, led by Chief Kimura, and welcomes Chairman Ueno. Rie, Shunji, and the count are among the attendees. The Kimuras vow to capture Gaksital at tomorrow’s big event.

Finally, the day arrives.

The courtyard of the police station is stationed with guards, with citizens lining the sidewalk and a hangman’s noose placed front and center.

In his room, circus boss Jo dresses… in a white hanbok? What are you planning to do with that? Dong-nyun sees him and wonders at it.

Damsari is removed from the tiny box-like cell he’s been locked in, just large enough to fit his body, like a coffin. Damn. There’s a reason people don’t eat veal.

Kang-to, meanwhile, treats his injured arm again, dressed in white. Of course he’s going. He can’t not go, can he?

The dead man walking is escorted to the courtyard while Shunji keeps his eyes peeled for any sign of Gaksital. Damsari falls in his weakened state, and Shunji whips him, to the crowd’s horror. It’s almost like he’s trying to provoke Gaksital’s appearance by being extra-cruel today.

Mok Dan prays at home, asking God to save her father, and to protect her comrades and Gaksital. Now God is her final hope…

…or so she thinks. Kang-to dons his white Gaksital outfit, readying for battle.

Then to the gallows.

Shunji announces Damsari’s crimes and death sentence. All the while, boss Jo fumes, and when the final order is given, he bursts free of the crowd and past the first line of guards. He tears off his coat and yells, “Comrade Damsari! It’s me! I’ll go with you!”

Oh, that brings a tear to my eye. He gets kicked for his trouble and beaten by police, and that sight gets the crowd rumbling. Infuriated, Dong-nyun takes off her overcoat, revealing that she’s also wearing white underneath. Aw, crap, now I’m just gonna be a blubbering mess, aren’t I?

Initially I’d wondered if Boss Jo’s choice of white was specifically a nod to Gaksital, but now this takes on other added meanings. It’s white for death, as in preparing oneself for the shroud. But more importantly, it’s white for defiance, because of the rule prohibiting the color.

And it’s white for solidarity. All around, citizens are tearing off their outer layers, revealing that a whole contingent of them are wearing white underneath. They charge the police officers, most of them getting beaten but fighting back nonethleless.

Shunji instructs his men to try to restore order, but it’s chaos. He pulls out his gun and fires a shot—straight into Dong-hyun’s heart. Goddamn. Shunji finally learned to shoot, and makes Dong-nyun his first martyr. How is Mok Dan going to react when she hears you killed her mother-figure?

Boss Jo and the circus troupe race to her side. Shin Nan-da carries her on his back to presumably get medical attention, but frankly that blood is not looking good.

Some time later, the white-clad insurgents have been subdued and are lined up in the courtyard, kneeling before the gallows. Damsari looks out at them with a rueful smile—that look of appreciation just breaks my heart.

Shunji orders the execution. The police officers move… and from behind them comes a whoosh! Drop. Drop.

“It’s Gaksital!”

Gaksital stands on the roof of the building and drops over the edge, one hand holding a rope tied to the rooftop. He drops to the stage and cuts the noose before anyone can interfere, knocking down cops left and right.

He takes a leap into the courtyard, and Shunji shoots… and hits him in the leg, GAH! He really has been practicing.

Limping, Gaksital gets up and finds himself encircled by at least 20 officers. All pointing their guns at him. God. Damn.

But then he turns to face Shunji, and it’s… not Kang-to’s face?!

He doesn’t even flinch as Shunji shoots him again, in the shoulder this time. With almost a sneer, Notsital unwraps his tunic and reveals a string of explosives tied to his torso.

OH SHIT. Is this the comrades’ backup plan, sans Gaksital? A suicide bomber mission sacrificing themselves? It’s awesome and it kills me. There’s just so much heart in these people, and thus so much heartbreak.

Comrade Notsital lights the fuse. Everyone gapes in horror.

He explodes. BOOM.


ANOTHER WEEK? *Resumes withdrawal shakes.* See, that’s the problem with addiction: just when you’ve got it out of your system, another hit takes you right back.

Let’s talk about Shunji first, because he had quite a lot of screentime today, more than Kang-to. I’m seeing less and less of his feelings warring with themselves in a sincere way, but I’m enjoying the way he’s playing them in seeming conflicted, for the sake of appealing to Mok Dan, or Sun-hwa. Basically he’s losing his connection to compassion and arguably his humanity, but he’s becoming much better at figuring out how to fake it believably. Which is just devious. When he holds Mok Dan close and she tries not to recoil—I was just about shrinking back in my seat in repulsion. Park Ki-woong has gotten well into character and done a really credible job making me believe him, and it’s great.

That said, I love that it’s Shunji’s vanity that fools him in this episode, which makes me gloat a little at his expense for believing Mok Dan’s cover story. He wants to believe Mok Dan prefers him to Gaksital’s company, and thus she returned to him for protection in the end rather than escaping with him. And despite her steadfast faith in Gaksital all series long, he’s so eager to believe that her connection to the hero is misguided that he buys her (frankly flimsy) explanation of Oh well, I thought it was that guy I loved, but it’s not. Oops. It’s satisfying.

You’d think an episode this light on Kang-to and Gaksital would be disappointing, but on the contrary, it’s pretty epic, and on a grander scale. We’ve been building to this point where Kang-to comes to reconcile his personal revenge with justice at large. Now he gives voice to that dilemma, and he seems to be willing to shoulder that burden—or perhaps more accurately, he doesn’t see it as a choice but an inevitability. In the face of what he can do to fight the injustices he sees, there’s no question of turning away.

If it’s surprising that his hero turn comes in such a quiet, small moment, I think it really works on a macro level, because just as Kang-to makes that realization about himself personally, we see it directly play out in the final scene. I freaking loved when everybody took off their coats and revealed that they were wearing white underneath. Not directly in support of Gaksital, per se, but as a bold act of defiance standing up for what Gaksital fights for. Which is them.

So they fight right back, even though it’s frankly an unwinnable battle in the courtyard. But the odds don’t matter, and that’s what makes it so moving, that they didn’t organize this big, complex revolt and synchronize their actions to buoy a specific goal. What matters is the spirit of the act, and the solidarity. Gah, that whole sequence had me in tears, from Boss Jo’s cry of comradeship with Damsari to every last commoner who joined in.

Already Gaksital has become more than himself. He’s irrevocably become part of the fighting spirit, whether it’s as the literal masked man engaging in combat, or the ideals he represents. It’s why the comrade in the end is able to mobilize the same response in the people although he’s not technically THE Gaksital. Although I… have no idea what to expect of the reaction to his self-sacrifice. Will everyone pat themselves on the back for finally destroying Gaksital? Or… uh… is the action literally too explosive to frame in a happy, propagandistic way?

(As an aside: I love the inadvertent conflict that Episodes 17 and 18 dropped in Kang-to’s lap, although I’m not necessarily convinced it was meant to be that deep—that Gaksital is put into direct conflict of choosing to save Mok Dan or Damsari. His rescue of the girl directly impeded his ability to save the father, which was a nice way to depict a clash we knew had to be coming at some point.)

To bring it back to our main characters, will it ease the heat off of Kang-to? One thing I loved about Mok Dan’s discovery, aside from the obvious (smoochies!), is that now Kang-to has a confidante. Aside from being able to unburden his worries with somebody who’s completely on the same page as he is, WE have a reason for them to talk out their inner thoughts more, when before we had to make do with tortured silences and longing looks. Narratively, it’s a nice development.


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Hmmm...I don't recall any of the comrades having a double chin. The only one in the show I know who has an obvious double chin is the manager of the angel club. :/


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Ah! The one episode a week is killing me!!! I just loved this episode - even though that kiss was rather awkward - it still managed to feel satisfying. This drama does so well at holding back on the happy that small moments are so much more fulfilling. Ah!!! *goes back to watch the episode again*


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Thank you so much javabeans its been an awesome episode! =D When the people rose together, I teared up. It was so sad to see how helpless they were, yet they still banded together.

There was so much hugging and kiss in this show! *warm and fuzzy* I am so glad that Mok Dan now knows, and its not a last-2-episode-discovery. I know how it seems that she is accepting who he is so quickly, but I think love really wins out over hatred. When she saw how injured he was on Horsital, how could she not?

Its interesting to see how the Count's son is swaying in that he is no longer glad to be high up there safe and sound whilst the rest of the people suffers. He used to be Kang To's buddy-bud-bud so maybe in the end, he will be of 'some use' haha...

I am so sad it'll be another week till the next episode and was seriously considering not to watch yet. But Gaksital won me out in the end.



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This was an epic episode.. and to match javabeans emotions, i was literally screaming when shunji was holding her..and acting wise.. does it make me evil to say that i actually enjoy to see him get more and more darker as the episodes go by??
As for cliff-hangers.. i really hate this show for it.. they really really know how to keep people in the edge. one ep a week is soooooo not enough!!


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this is the first time I cried while watching gaksital.
I cried when Mok Dan prays at home, when the leader Jo, Dong Nyun & citizens are tearing off their outer clothes...

I'm just full of emotions.
this show is just so full of emotions.


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I wasn't expecting Episode 18 to end with a bang (pun not intended but now intended) as it did. Sigh, more withdrawl. You can't do this to me show! Meesital will never forgive you~~~~~~


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Hi Gaksital Universe people,

I would like to ask anybody knows the estimation of the age of each character?
Really curious about this...

Thanks =D


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the story is about a man in his twenties... so, I guess Kang To and Mok Dan and Shunji are about the same age....but i dunno know Ueno rie.... But you can tell from their faces that Jin Se Yeon looks so much younger than them... She is like a teenager... (yep.. she does...)


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Hi, thanks for the reply


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Ohh dear, I don't think I've cried so much since the episode where Kang-san was killed!
I love how Kang-to and Mok-dan don't talk at all during that scene when Mok-dan walkes the mask off! I think this is one of the best scene I've ever watched in k-drama!

And I bet the person who was snoring was Abe!!


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In earlier part of this drama I didn't buy PKW acting.. but as the dramas moves on I can see he finally can get his character emotion right... He make me believes that he is trully evil... Two thumbs up for PKW... I really love every scene he had with Ueno Rie... The so perfect for each other.. For arguing and stabbing on someone else back I mean.. Hahaha.. Just loves this two... Keep fighting guys... Indulge me more...! I think somehow PKW outshined JW on the last episode when he becoming true evil and get more and more screentime. somehow he looks hotter to me and yay... you convinced me dude!
For Mok Dan, I think Mok Dan reaction was believeable..because hey... she already knows KT is young master... so, she has time to reflect and think over about her perception of KT, SO, of course she would melted right away when she knows KT is Gaksital because.. man! this dude almost die several times just to save her life! so why wouldn't she melted right away? Although the kiss part... so not! worst kiss scene ever! dissapointed!.... I was hoping they have a better scene and more relax (please....) situation to make their next kiss scene more beautiful and believeable!
Oh well, I need to re-watch ep 18 to satisfy my addiction! Suffering...huhuuh...


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thank you for the recap

i do agree that mokdan forgiving kangto was unexpected, but it was also justified. 1. she loves gaksital 2. she knows kangto was young master 3. the guilt she had for calling kangto all this bad stuff 4. how could she just leave him there ... i meann cmon he's injured badly and risked his life for you. As well, the kiss scene was kinda awkward but heyyy ... the kiss scene cant be intense cause it be unjustified cause it be too unexpected. soo it was kinda alrightt cause its like a small peck symbolizing the start ... i dont think that made sensee ughh


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i know i'm bringing up something that happened episodes ago, but i feel like i won't get answers to my question if I post at the older recaps. I'm trying to fill in the plot hole that my friend is using to explain her reluctance to watch Gaksital and deprive me of a physically near spazz buddy. How did Kangto/Gaksital get the dagger before he fell off the cliff after killing kenji? Did he still have it from the hospital scene earlier? Wouldn't Mok Dan have noticed that it was missing? And also, why would Mok Dan assume after finding the knife that Gaksital is young master? Anyone, including the police who were there searching, could have picked it up from the site she last remembers seeing it (at the place where the circus members try to kill Kangto) and drop it at the creek...

That being said, I feel like Mok Dan received Kangto waayy to fast. But hey, I'm not complaining about the lovely scenes it allowed. Oh and she might be standing very still in the kiss because she totally didn't expect it or hasn't accepted kangto the person yet, just young master and gaksital. And, the not-Gaksital at the end did indeed have a double chin. But i think that's cuz he was leaning his face in/moving his head back so that the neck folds into a double chin. Just saying~


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oo, and am i the only one loving Joo won's new haircut? he looks so dashing with it! :D <3


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KT was the last one to handle the knife after MD was shot. So I've always thought that it made sense why he had the knife.
Why MD was instantly so sure that that YM was Gaksital when she found the knife in the river... I think it's better to just go with it, and not think about it to hard. :)


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thanks! that's what I thought too,but my friend wasn't convinced. >.>

Is it just me or does Kang to look HUGE next to Mok Dan? Like his hands cover like half of her face! And when he's kissing her, it looks like he is looming over her. Is Joo won really tall/big or is Jin Se yun really petite? Or am I seeing things?


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wow after battling against my internet connection for almost 24 hours I'm back!!!!!...hehe...so many newbies!!..wow and the kissing bts!..dang Joo Won what do I have to do to be kissed by you!!! ....For me I love this episode, even if the acceptance of MD seems rushed, i was quite fine with that....so now we get a couple ehh!!...wonder how shunji will react to that!...he creeps me out to boot!...and shooting that poor ajumma is the final straw...Damn Shunji i was still hoping for some redemption because i adore you but now you totally lost it!!( btw i love your slap to that traitor!! quite satisfying!..hehe)...I tear up during the last scenes, it was so touching and heartbreaking!...poor ajummah and poor comrade!!!

all in all i love this episode it literally ended with a Bang!!!


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Yawnnnnnnn! Who cares about a period drama based on an era that is neither here nor there, ie in no man's land. Well for those who are interested, there's plenty of such dramas in Hongkong serials.


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I too was impressed with Park Ki Woong's acting, especially in this episode, so much so that I didn't realize Joo Won (who I admit I watch the show for) had less screen time.
I think Joo Won got his haircut coz of 1N2D, lately he's been on that other show without his caps he always had on earlier. Guess some netizens complained they couldn't see his pretty boy good looks well enough.
Plus when Kang To was putting on his Gaksital gear didn't anyone see Joo Won has some pretty hairless armpits! His armpits look nicer than a lot of girls I know (including myself *ahem*) jealous!
& the 'Notsital'- JB u crack me up!


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Hi Sweetspring,

I have been impressed with PKW ever since I started watching Gaksital and I feel that he is rising to every challenge (acting wise) that is put in front of him.

Also, like you, I did notice right away that Joo Won armpits were hairless. I guess we do pay attention to details, don't we? I wonder if it is natural or if he shaved them. I know of an idol singer who has hairless armpits, I saw him in an episode of We Got Married, and the hosts of the show asked him about that, and he said it was how his armpits look like always (so it was natural). I thought that was interesting.


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Having as much fun reading your recap than the comments! Thank you! : )


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the real romance finally begins...^^
but have to wait another week...
feel so longggggggggg


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Mad respect for Notsital!! WOW What an ending!


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Great name! LOL!

...all go to the Hospital. ^o^


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LOL well at least Horsital hasnt had to go yet :)


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The Cradling. The Shirt-tearing. The Kiss. The Meadow Hug. The Sneaking-Out-To-Visit. and of course, The Bang. To say this epi was one hell of a doozy is an understatement.


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Did anyone else notice that the shirt was blue, but the strip of cloth was white? HAHA


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Maybe it was his clothes that she ripped at first... Don't remember. Aside from that, Gaksital has a lot of errors, but it keeps me interested nonetheless.

Highs: awesome cliffhangers, dashing leading man/hero, and conflicted villain.

Lows: Seriously high suspension of disbelief required.


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"The Bang"


ohhhh you mean the explosion at the end.


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Shunji actually knew how to shoot properly from the time he shot Comrade Park while they were transporting DSR. Of course, he was just a sitting target since he had his eyes fixed on LKT and his back was naturally open. And in the heat of battle when they DSRs comrades and the Police Force shoot each other, they're not great @ hitting targets


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This episode had me at the edge of my seat and in evitably in tears so good and wow just wow I love the progression of this story it's been a while


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I think Rie and Shunji should be a couple. There is some sexual tension there. Shunji is just obsessed with Mok Dan.


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Agreed... when Rie walked into the police station, the electricity between her and Shunji was very palpable. I don't feel any chemistry, or this passionate love Shunji is supposed to be feeling, in his scenes with Mok Dan.


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I Just noticed, the fuse is still long but it already exploded
and the explosion looks like a nuclear bomb mushroom cloud..
still the soldiers seems not injured XD
Crap! Shunji finally hits his target! Lol!


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Of the characters here, I'm on the watch for Shunji and Tamao not even Gaksital/Lee Kang To nor Dam Sari or Mok Dan .

Theirs are the characters that are on the twist and turn. For better or worst .

Shunji (PKW) them all because he had been many characters -the obedient son /younger brother,the gentle teacher and caring friend, the unrequited lover,the crazy bastard he has become for all his obsessions and failures. And he is getting bolder by the day for his personal reasons no matter how twisted they have become.

Tamao is the fence sitter -he is the character in transition or a character in progress -where he turns is something to watch for as he wavers if he joins forces with left or the right. I like his facial expressions all the time -he is kind of smirking at every events and at people around him specially his own family.

Are they seriously extending the drama-it looks like they are already climactic -or are they having another round of Dam Sari escaping and getting caught and increased suspicion on LKT?

Of course the suicide bomber guy is not Gaksital. But I was expecting many Gaksitals to appear confusing Shunji enough to drive him into being a complete bonker into donning the straight jacket. When if ever that is his ending, he escapes the the eternal prison of his dilemma and hell. But I don' think he will die in the bombing, maybe loss an eye or an arm,leg. Daddy wandering samurai will hit the ceiling .


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This ep. really blew our minds. no that they will suppose that gaksital is dead, when the real one appears shunji and Co. will go berserk and that's what i love the most. Suffer bitches! muahaha
i like the olympics but the waiting is terrible, and now i have to wait for another week for a small dose of my cutie pie, Joo Won????? ;_; .. Well, if your country does win medals it's obvious that every single channel will focus on the results.

Thanks for the recap :)


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Is it just me or is there anyone who get a feeling that Kang To will die in the end? But not Gaksital... coz Gaksital will still alive because someone else will be replacing him to continue the fight.... Why am I saying this? Because of Damsari speech to KT about eggs and rocks... although it doesn't quite make sense.... based on that metaphor KT is just like one egg thrown to a rock and followed by other eggs thrown to that rock trying to break down that rock (u kidding me right damsari? how the hell that's gonna work?). So, somehow in the end Kang To will die but the spirit will still alive in other people... perhaps like Tamao or the young hot head villager... to continue the fight for independence. I hope I'm wrong... because I hate to see sad ending... and I hate to see chibby chibby Joo Won dead.. That's a big NO..NO... Just my thoughts... (a brain full of Gaksital mode on)


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yeah, i think he will die in the end too. The Japanese invasion is ended when they lose WWII, right? (idk i didn't look it up so maybe i'm wrong sorry) So that means that the freedom fighters were never the ones that managed to overthrow the Japanese. So that's why I'm guessing he's going to die. The show is set in the mid 1930's and Japan surrendered in 1945. So... unless they decide to ignore history, I think there is a good chance that he will die. And plus, I just feel like the show had that kind of vibe from the beginning. Dark, sinister and not afraid to kill. I'm almost wishing that he will die because it would just make such a better finish, tho sad.

And yeah, that egg metaphor thing never made sense to me either. They can never break a boulder with eggs...Haha, are they trying to foreshadow that they won't? Seeing as the end of WWII is the one that frees Korea(well, South Korea anyway), and not the freedom fighters?

Well, I suppose, if you think about it, throwing eggs at boulders does work, it just takes a heck of a LOTTT of time. They just have to wait a couple, oh, hundred, thousand years till the rock erodes from the water exposure. Well, as the turtle always said, "slow and steady wins the race!"


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I think that in the last scene Gagsital was the manager from the Angels Club....


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Oh lordy lord. I marathoned *and* finished all 58 eps of Ojakkyo Brothers while waiting for Gaksital Wednesday.... I guess it's time to try out Baker King?

Shunji's statement to Mok Dan to think about her (incompetent) surveillance detail as protection creeps me out. It's a perfect macrocosmic example of his Jekyll/Hyde love/abuse duality.

If this show finishes not with a bang but with an extended whimper, I'm going to have an epic wailing session of my own!


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Microcosmic. Gah. Brain clearly blown.


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baker king is really good, i love it so much more than ojakgyo brother


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that i did too . i resigned from work and marathoned the 58 episodes of ojakgyo ... just to get an awesome dose of Joo-won .. hahahhaa..

and i cant feed my addiction anymore now that i started to work again -- aiissh

can i earn a living just staring at joo won and park ki wong all day long??


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I just watched Far Pavillions again on Netflix! Now I know why I gravitated to Korean dramas so easily!


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daebak! me too! i totally marathoned ojakgyo for days...7 days to new eps is too cruel!


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Thanks for the recap JB, always like your (&GF's) comments and analyses of the characters!
Again a wonderful episode, the ending was so touching...
I love the romantic scene in the forest between Mokdan and Kangto, without dialogue but the acting of Joo Won was great !
PKW also did a very good job portraying Shunji.
I like Rie from the beginning and can't wait for more interactions between her and Kangto...
Here is a BTS video of the kiss scene (Joo Won made me laugh with his reaction to the insect (?) lol http://youtu.be/GgO2Ze7RQ_o
Btw, at the end of the episode, there was a new OST. Don't kwow if was Joo Won's voice...?
Argg D-6 .....


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I literally screamed when I saw the screenshot of GangDan kissing. And then I banged my shin on the table from too much spazzing. Finally finally finally! Spazz spazz spazz.

Ok, I'm gonna nurse my bruised shin now. Have a nice day/night yeorobeun!


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I still have to wonder about this Count and Countess and their role in this show. There must be a reason for them as (excepting the Kimura clan) they get the most attention of Council of Evil. In my own little kdramaland universe it would be something if it turned out the Countess, and even perhaps the bumbling Count, turned out to be double agents.


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...I bawled at the recap, so who knows what will happen when I actually get around to watching this episode. When I watched episode 1, I was crying within 5 minutes (That grandpa being beaten and dragged away while his grandson cries.....it kills me....). I am such a crybaby!

Thanks so much for the recaps!


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This episode was beyond awesome! It's made it damn near impossible to get interested in watching anything else! I've lost count how many times I have watched and how many more times I will watch it until Wednesday. With the cancellation on Gentleman's Dignity until 8/11, it's really going to be hard to fill the void. Some don't understand Mok Dan's acceptance of Kang To but if you remember in the flashbacks, he kept trying to tell her who he was. I think that also helped speed things up. It's going to be a long ass week!


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I would first like to thank the Gaksital team for subbing this episode. You guys are awesome!

This episode was amazing! PKW is an amazing actor and I hope that he gets the recognition that he deserves.


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so agree with you!! He gets the best character! Though netizens might not find Shunji redeemable from the dark side! Don't know why but Shunji reminds me of Darth Vader/Anikin Skywalker... just more more deceivingly evil!


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OMG. yes. Why isn't PKW getting any more roles mid-Gaksital?? He is pretty amazing. I don't care if he has a juicy role. He is amazing.

He (Shunji the character) didn't look like he enjoyed shooting an unarmed woman in this episode. But he did it to 1) disperse the crowd (damn, it was effective) and 2) possibly lure out Gaksital.

As much as we all love to hate Shunji the villain, I was still crying for him to move backwards as Notsital lit himself up. He just stood there like "Wha...? What are you doing?" I had to watch the ending twice to see if Shunji was still on the gallows platform or whether he was within the blast radius. I'm sure he made it out alive (what are we going to do with 10 eps without Shunji?).
But will Shunji be significantly scarred like... Anakin? Nooooooo! This isn't star wars!


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i'm just shocked and awed by PKW.

he starts out like the guy we all knew from the musical and then he goes all Dr. JEKYL-sital on us.

episode 19, we see that he is actually BALLS-ital by the way he shut down RaRa on numerous occassions.

really diggin his range of acting.

so my new name for him is JEKYL-sital.


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oops...episode 18 my mistake or maybe just wishing episode 19 was already. sigh...wait another week. wah.


i see him as lex luthor~


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I loves it! Kang To ya and Mok Dan in the meadow is so awesome. Beats the twilight-drome out of me  So now every time Kang To is missing her on sight is like a heartbeat leaps or holding a breath not knowing when to exhale.... I wish their passion emerges vastly since the anticipation was a kill thrill... As for Shunji, hmh, his monster is so brutally lost and dark yet he found himself deeply in love with Mok Dan by all means. It's almost un-resolving for granting him a glimpse of forgiveness, but dramaland writers never fail to deliver a tell to resolutes  Great Flick Gaksital


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Theory about possible ending.

Like one poster ahead of me, I too agree that Kangto won't be the last Gaksital. His journey with the mask will end at some point - be it he *shudder and touch wood frantically* dies, or that he decides to lead a quiet life with MD. The former is more likely given the context but what I wouldn't give to have the latter!!!

Seeing Tamao's anxiety this episode flickers a prediction that he might be a candidate to be the next Gaksital. I mean, they must be teasing us scenes after scenes of his wavering principle for a reason right? That, or how cool would it be if he discovers KT's alter ego and helps fund his agenda - with the Count's money at that? How mind-boggling and dramatic would it be to the Count household kekeke


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Another good one! For that, shunji is now my favorite villain. I don't find him annoying at all despite his selfishness and self-centeredness, or his twisted logic that makes him think he's the hero somehow, because I am constantly impressed by his deviousness, how he could be that evil but be able to hide under an innocent, helpless facade to be able to get what he wants. I am also amused that mok Dan and kang to are the two people whom he could never be coldly objective with, that while these two are actually on the opposite side as him, and even with logic and reason supporting this fact, he would not be able to see it as easily because the two hold a special place in his heart. I love a strong character, but especially so if that character has a weakness. As for mok Dan, I buy her immediate acceptance of lee kang to, because in that situation, the devil lee kang to becomes nothing but a lie to her. I did not expect her to fall in love with him at all as lee kang to as he is in the past, because come on, that will not happen in a million years. I mean, if a guy becomes the reason your father would die, torture you repeatedly, and represent everything that you stand so firmly against, however apologetic and dashing and sexy and hot he becomes, would you? But the present lee kang to is a changed man and the past becomes a lie and a perfect facade, and the present lee kang to is gaksital, so I think it's logical enough that she accepts him and misinterpret all these confusion as love, though she can't be all mistaken. But I'd welcome a little more development and growth in the romance, that she'll be able to see and love kang to beyond the mask, in future episodes when they would work together and she starts to know him better. Works for kang to too, who immediately did a 180 as well the moment he figured out mok Dan was his childhood love. Lastly, the last sequence with the town people, I initially thought it's not a smart thing to do and they are only asking for it (!), but I realized that it's the point. They obviously wouldn't win, but they know that. They know how much of a boulder they stand against. But it's a statement that yes, their opponent could kill them now, but their defiance and patriotism cannot be suppressed and would live on, and one day it will bring liberty to their nation.


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I like what you said about the confidant, its what I loved about Kang To's and Kang San's relationship. That scene where Kang To cries himself to sleep against his brother shoulder killed me and is still one of my favourite scenes.


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I LOVE the song at the beginning of the recap! :)


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lol @ mokdan crawling back to victim status to defect suspicion. how many times has she been held captive?

she doesn't have a knack for smooth deception like kangto but when she has a clear, calm head she's not bad at strategy.


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umm. *raises hand*

is it ok to start rumors of a Gaksital extension? like to 40-50 episode extension.

i actually made myself wait to watch this episode, ya know, like waiting the 20 minutes after you eat to swim...we're so close to the end..im pacing myself.

so was wundering...if fans start rumors will they give us extension?


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what did kishokai do to kangto's father? what was the story that happened in the emperor's palace? i know kangto's father was in the palace and kishokai killed him but didnt get the story....and also, when kangto was young, why were they in manchuria and why were they attacked also?


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I wonder where Kang-to was when the fake Gaksital was interrupting the execution. I hope we get to see his point-of-view in the next episode. The last part was so moving yet painful to watch. And much of the pain is brought on by Shunji's deeper progression to the dark side. It's just difficult to believe him now with all his sudden transitions from smiling, hugging Shunji to threatening, violent Shunji. I wonder if he'll ever be able to return to being a teacher and see his students again. It seems like it'll never actually happen now.
An interesting thing about the ending is that the fake Gaksital could probably buy Kang-to some time and take some of the suspicions that Kang-to could be Gaksital out of the way. I mean, if Gaksital blows himself up, then they think he's dead. And although this is a truly sad sacrifice of the rebellion, it gives Kang-to an opportunity to attack when it's least expected bc they think he's already dead. But damn, that is some loyalty to go on a suicide mission for Gaksital and the hopes of the people. Must. make. it. until. Wed!!


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They used the same house as Kang-to's Family's, right? Whyyy?


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Hello all you Gaksital lovers. I'm just going to leave this here

I watched it when it aired in Korea: your patience will be rewarded.


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A late comment, thanks for the recap :)

"I was pretty worried that 18 wouldn’t live up to the cliffhanger, that they spent all their dramatic firepower and would disappoint in the aftermath. But I think it’s safe to say that Episode 18 has plenty of firepower of its own."
I daresay!!! Nice way to end the ep, it was a blast (pun inteneded).
But spoiled by my aunt who watched it online (am following this on KBSWorld), she even told me what happened after! ARGH Should have never told her about Gaksital having 28 eps.

"... and Shunji tries to convince himself that Kang-to’s absence has nothing to do with Mok Dan’s. And who were you just calling idiot?"
Well, takes one to call one, one. :)


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Yes! Awesome episode. Thanks for the recap!

I'm hoping this reveal will make me like Mok Dan, and so far I can at least tolerate her without yelling at the screen for her to just leave, or rooting for Rie to finally kill her just to get that tired plot angle out of the way. Not my most sympathetic hour, that one.

Shunji is total dark side. For the past couple episodes, he's reminded me of the man in a Lifetime abusive relationship. The whole, don't make me hurt you, schtick. I appreciate his evil cleverness. I still can't get over the calm way he tortured the circus leader a couple episodes back. That was when I knew without a doubt.

How can Shunji suddenly shoot moving targets?


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Episode 18 is FABULOUS ! And literally mind-blowing, dear me that was powerful.

I think since episodes 15-16, Gaksital is indeed becoming a larger figure than one just trying to avenge his father. Gaksital is really becoming the figure of the power that stands against adversity and oppression. Gaksital is the figure of resistance and fighting the oppressor.

Shunji is becoming gradually evil, which is f***ing awesome because that makes him such a great complimentary force to Gaksital, who is evolving to become good, rather than just focus on his vendetta.

The ending seen with "Notsital", to take Javabeans' expression, lighting off his explosives and going BOOM, I think this episode is the beginning that should show how all Koreans are Gaksital, rather than just Lee Kang To. And with good reason : Gaksital is not just a man anymore, Gaksital is an ideal. And when you are fighting an ideal, you cannot defeat it, this makes Gaksital an even scarier enemy to the Japs and Kishokai because they're up against a face-less enemy.

Mind you, it was strange that the rebels didn't come up with this idea before because that has tremendous potential : even having someone just wear the mask and run around the city to distract the Imperial Police would have the same effect as they do not know who the enemy is. I guess I will see if the writer agrees, but I want to say it one last time : WOW !


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