Flower Boy Next Door: Episode 14

It’s an episode full of hilarity and heartbreak, as our characters find themselves on a crash course with that unavoidable fork in the road. Do you chase your dreams or hold onto the one you love? Do you give up on your one-sided love or do you make a last stand? Do you stay or do you go?


Kim Woo-joo – “사랑해” (I Love You) [ Download ]

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EPISODE 14: “Sometimes love is looking at two different maps”

Enrique pulls Dok-mi in close and asks her to go to Spain with him. He asks full of hope if she’ll trust and follow him, but when he backs away to look at her face, he can see the answer is no.

He quickly covers up his reaction: “See, you can’t. You just barely came out of your door, so how could you go someplace that far? So don’t tell me to go either. Now my dream is Go Dok-mi.”

Dok-mi: “Your feelings for me are like a rain shower. It’ll pass.” He starts to get angry, saying that his feelings aren’t passing ones… but are hers?

She says she’ll just think of him like a magical elf: “One who sent me out into the world, and made me live again, and smile again.” She says that she shouldn’t expect any more than that. Oh, Dok-mi. I get how crazy girl’s speech might’ve gotten under your skin, but uh… she be crazy.

Enrique: “Elves are things that exist in my games. The person standing in front of you now is just a man who’s fallen in love.” Augh, so perfect. LISTEN TO HIM.

She says she’ll think about it—about his words and what they mean and if she can go. How so like a writer to parse and re-parse his words. He agrees to give her as much time as she needs without bugging her for an answer, but in exchange asks her to stop telling him to go. I like that deal.

As they walk out, he tells her that it’s not so one-sided as she thinks—him just bringing her out into the world and changing her. “You’ve changed me too.” He takes her hand and yanks her close with a smile and stuffs their hands into his pocket.

They stop to listen to a guy playing the guitar (cameo by Kim Woo-joo, singing the song posted above) and they smile as they listen to his love song. Enrique muses that he thought himself a rather cool person, but he’s changing, and finding out that he can get jealous too.

He says it all very calmly, and then suddenly turns to her and whines: “Stop staring!” LOL. You meant this guy? She asks if they can’t listen a little longer, but he pouts and says no, dragging her away with the cutest evil eye at the poor unassuming singer.

He notes that he never used to say things like “No” and “I don’t like it,” but that must be a change as well. He asks if she isn’t scared he’s going to turn into a bad guy, and she looks at him with this face, like he might as well ask if he’s turning into a three-legged moose.

He says a little more sincerely that he’s the person who carried heavy things and always thought he could handle them on his own, but now he’s searching for a way to put those heavy things down.

She stops and turns to him: “Then promise, that if it’s heavy you’ll acknowledge that it is, and that if you want to put it down that you will. Promise. That if it’s hard you’ll say it is… promise.”

He nods over and over, and she raises a finger to his forehead, just as he always did to her. With her finger there to beam her thoughts over, she thinks to herself: “If you want to go, promise that you’ll say you want to go.”

Enrique: “Don’t tell me to go! I can’t keep that promise.” She pulls her finger back in shock. Did he really hear her? It’s pretty uncanny.

Jin-rak chuckles to himself as he works on his webtoon, when the power suddenly goes out, killing hours of unsaved work. Oh, sympathy pangs. Ow. He swears he paid the bill, but finds that everyone in the building is running out with the same problem.

Enrique and Dok-mi arrive from their date to find everyone standing outside. The neighbor ajumma makes a snide remark about their landlord’s poor upkeep on the building, and all of them turn to her and ask—isn’t she the landlord?

She pulls the security guard aside to ask and he admits to making it up, and asks if she got the flowers he left for her. She pretends to be put out by all this attention, but she’s loving it.

The security ajusshi tells them all that the water tank blew the heat and electricity, so they’ll have to sleep elsewhere for the night. Enrique excitedly offers up his place for a slumber party.

So Jin-rak, Dok-mi, and Ryu come by and Enrique welcomes them eagerly, saying that he loves it when lots of people are over. He shows Dok-mi to his room and he’s so giddy about her spending the night, it’s adorable.

Once he closes the door, she says aloud as if she’s just realizing it: “You didn’t like being alone…”

Dong-hoon sends Jin-rak a composite of Jin-rak’s face with Enrique’s clothes and a text wondering if maybe the reason he lost the girl was because of his fashion sense. Pfft. Jin-rak tells him about losing all their work from today, and tasks Dong-hoon with telling their PD because he can’t deal with her.

Enrique and Jin-rak share a pot of ramyun, and I love that despite having settled into a rather civil version of their relationship, Jin-rak isn’t above griping at every little thing about Enrique like the grumpypants that he is.

He asks if Enrique is really going to give up on the animation project, and Enrique asks his advice—what would he do? Jin-rak says he’d find a way to have both, and Enrique admits that he wants that too, but that would mean forcing Dok-mi, who just barely stepped out of her apartment, to go such a distance.

He can’t force her to do that, but he also can’t be away from her either—he can’t bear to be away from her for one or two days now, so how could he bear one or two years? He says with a sigh that it’s right that he gives up the animation project.

We see that Dok-mi is listening to their conversation from the other room.

Jin-rak admits that if he were in Enrique’s shoes, he wouldn’t be able to give up the animation project: “I think that’s why I’m here, and you’re in Dok-mi’s heart.” Aw.

Dong-hoon screws up the nerve to tell his editor that they lost all the work that was supposed to be turned in today, and he happens to catch her at a moment when she’s wielding weapon-ready chopsticks.

He backs away slowly as her eyes turn to saucers and she yells up a storm… but then swoons at Dong-hoon’s puckered lips and calms down. Heh. She says the webtoon’s comments are all about unrequited love, so they’ll just re-edit some frames on that topic and put them up.

She tells him to go, but to her surprise, he sits down right next to her and pulls her chair in close, insisting that they work on it together. She says she can do it herself, but he gripes that this is why she’s got dark circles 365 days a year and gets to work. She’s so smitten.

Dok-mi works late into the night, and comes out to find Jin-rak still awake. She smiles over at Enrique, asleep at the dining table.

Jin-rak asks if she can’t sleep, and tells her that when Enrique was going to leave the first time, he asked Jin-rak to look out for her. Flashback to his requests for him to knock on her door once in a while and let her know that someone understands her.

He says now that it made him nervous, because he realized that Enrique might not go back to Spain after all, and if he were to stay, he’d never leave Dok-mi’s side. He says he was right after all.

Jin-rak: “So don’t worry. No matter what you decide, Enrique won’t change.” Aw. She looks over at Enrique with a smile.

Stalker girl turns out to be a member of Enrique’s gaming fan club, and they meet to start their online protests about Sola doing the animation project without Enrique.

In the morning, Jin-rak and Enrique are busy plotting and scheming, as Dong-hoon looks on in horror. They’re talking about doing something at the final meeting with Jin-rak’s brothers to sign the disinheriting papers, and they sound vaguely like felonies: “Steal the car,” and “We just have to get it…”

Dong-hoon: “What? What is IT?” Jin-rak ignores him entirely, and Enrique says he’ll take care of the plan. Dok-mi walks in and they all clam up suspiciously, and Jin-rak and Dong-hoon scurry away.

She asks what’s going on, and Enrique says they’re on their way to see Do-hwi to apologize after Jin-rak awkwardly accused her of painting Dok-mi’s door the other day. He muses that she must’ve felt unfairly wronged, and maybe she’ll know a little of what Dok-mi felt.

He asks if Do-hwi was really a good writer in high school, because he doesn’t want to be judgy, but she doesn’t really seem like she would’ve been, and wonders why their teacher liked Do-hwi. He says he doesn’t like anything about Teach. Yeah, you and me both. Dok-mi’s eyes widen in surprise: “That’s what she said?” She asks to hear everything that Do-hwi told him.

Dong-hoon thinks they’re headed to see Do-hwi, but Jin-rak says he has no intention of going there, since he doesn’t sincerely feel the need to apologize. He stalks off.

Enrique gets ready to go out, and makes Dok-mi walk him to the door. He tells her that his fan club problem should die down soon enough, but asks for some time to handle it. He asks her to stay inside because he’s worried about her, and then sighs that he just got her to go outside but now he’s asking her to stay in.

She says that his fan club doesn’t scare her, and that she understands them—they like him and want him to be his best, and that’s something she gets. Enrique: “But my fans don’t know what I really like.” He points a furtive finger at Dok-mi.

Suddenly the tone shifts entirely as Enrique, Dong-hoon, and Jin-rak pose for the camera in shiny new suits. Oh, is this for The Plan? That explains the outfits, but not the hilarious modeling interlude for absolutely no reason.

They music-video-strut down the street, and head to the meeting with Jin-rak’s brothers. Enrique takes the lead and goes in alone, doing his best imitation of a gangster walk. He throws down an envelope and sits at the table.

HAHAHAHAHA. What the hell is on your face?

Jin-rak joins them and as Enrique mutters in Spanish, he introduces him as his Italian mafia friend who might fly off the handle at any moment. Enrique makes threatening faces while saying things like, “I wanna go potty.”

While they drag out the conversation, Dong-hoon peers down at the car keys on the table and heads down to the garage to attach something to the license plate.

Jin-rak signs the document choosing to give up his inheritance, and Enrique amps up the crazy, pretending to reach for a gun. Jin-rak “translates” that if anyone moves, he’ll start shooting, and Enrique pulls out a sausage to smoke like a cigar. I know that sounds like a euphemism but it’s really what he does. I’m dying.

They head down to the garage and wait for Jin-rak’s hyung to drive away. He stops when he hears a noise—a bunch of cans on strings, that Dong-hoon put there. As he gets out to search, Jin-rak and Enrique get in the car and drive it away, cackling.

They pick up Dong-hoon on their way out, and stop by the side of the road. They open the trunk and gape at the “It” and start laughing their heads off… is how the plan is supposed to go, as Enrique imagines it. Uh-oh.

So they’re really still waiting in the garage for the hyung to drive past, and he does… only he doesn’t stop like he’s supposed to. Ha. Foolproof plan, eh? What’s even funnier is that Dong-hoon doesn’t know the plan has failed, so he gets in the backseat, only to realize that it’s not Jin-rak behind the wheel.

Their low-rent plan backfires perfectly, and Jin-rak sighs that he really is all alone now. Dong-hoon reminds him that he’s not alone: “You have me!” and throws his arm around him. Enrique looks on with a smile and raises his arms like he wants to join in on the hug, but just laughs it off. Aw.

Stalker girl leads the fan club in a demonstration outside Enrique’s building, and stares Dok-mi down as she walks past. Dok-mi heads home without a word, and opens up “That Man” to add a passage:

How many meanings are there in the words I’m sorry? Sadness and scars. Misunderstanding and repentance. Regret and reconciliation. Innumerable feelings are mixed up within. That man believes that you can’t express your heart with one short word. “Will you come to Spain with me?” What that man spoke was love.

Dok-mi heads back over to Enrique’s building, holding the boxes that Do-hwi brought over. She stops in the hallway, thinking of what Enrique told her—that Do-hwi has liked Jin-rak for a long time.

Do-hwi arrives, and has the gall to be indignant about Dok-mi returning her things. They head inside and Dok-mi asks to have a chat.

The boys arrive and find the fan club protest going on down in the street. Enrique sighs, but then he and Jin-rak both start getting scared that something might’ve happened to Dok-mi, and they rush inside.

They panic when she’s not there, but Dong-hoon runs into Do-hwi’s posse on the way in, and he tells the boys that Dok-mi went to see Do-hwi.

She brings the boxes full of their memories and says coldly that she’s come to expect that Do-hwi would lie about their high school years and their teacher—none of that surprised her. But she realized now that Do-hwi never came looking for her in the first place, not when she could’ve done so any time before. She says with a pained look in her eyes that she actually felt something when she looked at these things, not knowing that Do-hwi wasn’t sincere about them.

She guesses correctly that she came to this neighborhood looking for Jin-rak. Do-hwi doesn’t deny it, saying that she likes him and Dok-mi doesn’t know anything about him, or his family. Dok-mi gets it now, that her so-called crush is really to do with his chaebol background, and bitingly calls her pathetic.

Dok-mi: “Our memories are in here? You don’t have such things! Don’t play with someone’s heart! Don’t come near me, or that person. I won’t leave you alone.”

Do-hwi flares up, asking what gives her the right—is she his girlfriend? Does she like him? The boys arrive behind them…

Dok-mi: “I like him! I like him. Not the outer image of Jin-rak that someone like you sees, but I like him because I know he’s an upright person!” Oh noes. Enrique!

She whirls around and locks eyes with Enrique. Ohgod, ow the pain.

She just stands there, frozen, and Jin-rak walks up and takes her by the wrist. She looks up at him.

And then we get a flashback to their conversation late last night. Jin-rak says Enrique won’t change. Dok-mi: “I can’t be happy watching him like that by my side. Will you help me, so that he can leave?”

Back in the present, Jin-rak takes the lead and they walk out, crushing Enrique’s heart into teeny tiny pieces.



BAH. Why Show, why? We were doing so well. There were direct conversations and promises to be honest, requests to each other not to be noble OR idiotic, and a hero openly saying out loud all the things we’re trying to mind-beam over to the heroine. So then why, oh why does Dok-mi need to pull this age-old stupid, totally predictable it’s-for-your-own-good tactic to push him away? So. Lame.

I was actually completely caught up in the moment, thinking that she just blurted out that she liked Jin-rak to get Do-hwi to back off. I thought it might be a misunderstanding between ‘like as a man’ and ‘like as a person,’ one that Enrique could question and doubt, and make him nervous. But when they revealed that she freaking planned to break his heart to make him go for his own good, I just threw my hands in the air.

When Dok-mi told Jin-rak that she wasn’t some Rapunzel but the witch who locked her away, I had hope that she’d stray from that classic quietly suffering heroine in other ways too, but this move was so disappointing. I just can’t get behind a move to lie about your feelings and crush the heart of the person who does nothing but adore you. That’s just mean. Not to mention dumb, which she’ll eventually figure out. But I’m allowed to be annoyed until she catches up and realizes just how idiotic it is. Mostly, I’m disappointed that the final arc couldn’t avoid this turn, because I was rooting for them to face the obvious rom-com forced separation conflict with a solution that wasn’t so obvious.

It does work in one sense—my heart was crushed along with Enrique’s, but I don’t like the cost. I don’t want to be mad at Dok-mi, but now I am, and will be for a week. Of course I love her and I fully expect that the final two episodes will bring her back around and that part of her journey is in learning how to love, how to speak elephant as it were. But did she have to crush his heart (not to mention her own) in the process? So many strides forward, and yet… so much farther to go, grasshopper.

*gives puppy a hug*


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I am so upset that Enrique has been hurt. I know it's for his benefit but it still hurts. Hope his hurt gets fixed before the drama ends......:-(. Thanks for the cool recap.


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LOL'd at that "Les Mis" moment where Dong-hoon's singing about Jin-rak's fashion sense while texting his hyung! (and nice touch that it's a song about true identities being revealed)

Re Watanabe sleep-talking about 'Romeo'...wouldn't it be funny if he also moved in next door to get closer to Jin-rak?

And I only just realised, now that people have pointed it out - the security guard is also part of the whole one-sided love theme! (geez, what is WITH that apartment block?!)

Still not buying him as the landlord, though.


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? "How many meanings are there in the word(s)..." Grasshopper

Amazing 40 year old reference to David Carradine 1972 Kung Fu


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Omygod, NOOOOO... It broke my heart to see Enrique hurt like that. Please show, PLEASE GIVE A GOOD EXPLANATION ABOUT THIS IN THE NEXT EPISODE. I hope the series will end in a good way next week (pretty sure it will), *sigh* to think that it is almost ending already. We have to say our goodbyes to all of them next week!! *sob* *sob*


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What?! OMG. Why they just let the story stay on that line. I mean, we're already there, the love story then all of the sudden... argh! I hope the remaining episodes will be smooth sailing.


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They better make it up to all the viewers by giving one satisfying smooch. That ending had me reeling. monday come sooooooooon!

unplanned or not, it still hurt all the same. I am not mad at Dok Mi, I am disappointed with the writer. I don't think Dok Mi's character deserved that situation, not to mention that two decent guys, JR and Kaegeum end up hurting so so bad. But I still have faith in this drama. I know it will redeem itself come finale week.

But right now I am just really pisssssssed off.


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I was actually hoping that Dok Mi was being sincere about Jin Rak. I find that pairing much more believable than Enrique/Dok Mi. I mean, I think Jin Rak was definitely under some illusions about Dok Mi in the beginning, but I think he's grown past that. Although I love Enrique, I just think he's too high energy for Dok Mi for the long haul.

I'm also hating the family issues are for Jin Rak. It makes no sense to me that this brother should have any real leverage to get Jin Rak to sign away his inheritance rights. I've seen this in other dramas (Gentleman's Dignity), but it seemed to make more sense to me then because of the second wife things, etc.

On the plus side, I'm so glad that we finally able to get an unvarnished look at Do Hwi's personality. There was a moment or two when I thought I could get behind her character, but now I'm glad I can just despise her with impunity.

Finally, the stalker...

What is up with Korea and crime? Do the police suck so much that you wouldn't press charges against a woman who vandalized your home? Do they not have harassment laws? Good grief. What's up with this crap?

I really do like this drama. No....I must love it because I can't wait to watch new episodes and always wish they were longer. At the same time, it's annoying the crap out of me right now.

On the bright side, seeing all the guys decked out in their finest for The Plan (haha!) was both a treat for the eyes and good for many, many laughs.


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Thanks so much for the recap.

I had to roll my eyes at that last scene. Seriously, Dokmi? Manipulation is below you. I suspect now she can't exactly judge Do Hwi because she has now resorted to being horrible when she also is in a pinch. As she said, she is not a perfect person. But wow!

What with the telepathy between Dok Mi and Enrique, I really think this couple can't lie to each other. So all the relationship games and cliched noble idiocy or ruses to cause jealousy --all that stuff that pops up in other dramas will not work here. We already know that. (I think.) So Enrique will call Dok Mi on her gameplaying. He is probably more incredibly upset about her fear of simply going with her heart than really jealous. He had hoped in her, had hoped he had conquered her tendency to give in to the complications that stifle her heart, and her fear of dreaming and moving out into the world. It's a bit like teacher angst when one feels the elephant one has been training has not learned what one had hoped she had learned.


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lol! I get that.

I think because Kegeum is also changing that he is struggling with how to properly handle being jealous and being disappointed in an open kind of way. He's the type to keep what really hurt within. I hope he keeps his promise with Dok-mi that he will tell when her when he is burdened and not let the misunderstanding fester.

As someone mentioned before, I think he is strong enough to see through that damning incident for what it is. And I hope that after seeing the hurt in Kegeum's eyes, Dok-mi will see that keeping him away at an arms-length is doing more harm than keeping him for herself.

It's time for her to show him, that he is loved in return and to acknowledge that she is changing him and doing him good as he has always pointed out.


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reading the recaps & then watching the show, yes, i, too, cursed left right up&down at that ending.

but afterward after all emotions cast aside, i thought the writer are consistent with the characters. it's so like go dok mi being an introverted character to put others first. 1) she's afraid to drag enrique down 2) she's afraid of happiness (in ep 3) because it can vanish like a bubble. she's still guarding her heart so others can't hurt her. that would explain the lack of pda, since she's never been shown any affection, she doesn't know how to express them.

i'm still reading on enrique, since there's 2 possibilities: a) he's upset because he thought dok mi actually like jin rak (naah, too obvi) or b) he's upset because he thinks that dok mi's doing it on purpose to push him away. (actually that sounds more likely; rmember at beginning of the ep). so presumably he'll be ticked off (need more content here though) and go back to spain.

jin rak will probably tell dok mi not to do it (manipulate enrique's feelings), since he already told her whatever decision dok mi makes, enrique will not change. he always mean well and do the right things, buutt he never really accurately read people, try as he might.

this is gonna be a looonnngg not to mention anggsstyy week for me. i want to know what will happen on monday, but come tuesday FBND will end, so i don't want it to come either. GGaaaahhh...... *pre-withdrawal syndrome incoming*


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Your point is a good one - they could be indicating that DM is being motivated by fear. That's reasonable for the character and probably where they'll go.

I can't quite see how the show could try to make us believe that doing what she did is putting others above herself. E has told her what his feeling are and what his choice is. For DM to assume she has a better understanding of what's good for E than he does for himself isn't self-sacrifice, it's arrogance.


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I think I died laughing at Dong Hoon's upturned-butt pose. Oh my God! I can't stop laughing just writing about it now!

Wow! and I didn't even realize what Enrique was smoking was actually a sausage???! Bwahaha!

*wiping tears away* Calming down now....on the more serious note...FBND has not disappointed me so far. It has been so unlike every other drama out there, twisting all the would-be cliches at the end of each episode into something logical and fresh when I finally watch the next much awaited episode. So...I'm holding off my disappointment at bay....I so didnt want to see any Noble Idiocy in this show, so I'm hoping there's a perfectly logical explanation to that last scene in ep 14. I think I can live with a time jump, but that's it.


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I don't know if that's just here, but none of this drama's watchers seem to like the overdone I-go-so-you-be-happy-which-you-obviously-won't-be prank they pulled of at the end. So I'm sincerely wondering why they keep doing that. I understand that a show needs "drama", I mean why do we call them dramas in the first place, but the watchers have made it clear that tropes won't be accepted any more. And luckily, tropes aren't as common any more, but they're still here!! Why?! WHY?!! Tropes are the main reason I start hating a drama, and I think I speak for many of us when I say that.


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These three, Yoon Si Yoon, Oh Jin Rok, and Ko Gyung Pyo, need to do a buddy thief film.

After seeing the bumbled heir mission I would buy the dvd of these three dressing sharp, planning a heist, then bumbling their way thru the execution. It would be such a hit!

Oh please oh please oh please!!!!!


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I'll second that suggestion!


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Sounds good :)


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Oh Jin Rak has a name : Kim Ji Hoon ;)
Nice idea indeed, they are a hilarious and badass trio. Their chemistry is awesome, even better than the main couple. Bromance all the wayyyyyy lol


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whoops! do not know what I was thinking, because I know his name...Kim Ji Hoon. Thanks!


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I was watching "That Fool" whose leading man is Go Dong Baek (Hwang Jung Min). I kept thinking that Go Dong Baek is an older version of Enrique. Especially when GDB is all cheerfulness and going on endlessly about silly things when he is trying to cheer up the girl.

If you are going thru Enrique withdrawal when this series ends, go watch "That Fool" for some laughs, dongseang affection, and a love you want to cheer for.


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Omo. there's someone who watched that fool as well. It's actually my favourite kdrama of all time HAHA. i watched it at least 4 times. :)


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Redeem yourself Drama, REDEEM.


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Da frig? Totally on the same page as you. I was like, Yeah! Go, Dokmi! Getting that annoying Dohwi off Jinrak! Then WHABAM! Noble idiocy. Duuuude! Brimg it back, Show. Bring it back.


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i loled so much with this ep. that i knew something bad would happen... i trie to understand her but i cant... shes beyond idiotic.. what a way to break 2 hearts with one tiny action... im just hoping jin rak stops all this and m


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Sad.. sad. Next week will be the end of this drama... hiks. I love this drama soooo much.. all the element give a thrilling vibe... hiks gonna miss kkae geum...


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so I can't remember who but someone said they don't think the events at the end were planned and after watching the episode I have to say I agree 100%. Not only did she not decide to talk to Do Hwi till after talking to Enrique in the morning but Dok Mi did indeed look genuinely surprised to see the boys behind her. Also Jin Rak isn't that good of an actor and he looked like he really had no clue that Dok Mi was at Do Hwi's place, I suspect this is another fake out like they did with the car at the end of episode 4 or 5 can't remember which, they'll probably start episode 15 showing Jin Rak telling Dok Mi not to run away from Enrique.

That being said being a noble idiot fits Don Mi's personality so if they did plan it somehow it's the most realistic case of noble idiocy ever.


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I really hope you're right and that it was a fake out.


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"I just can’t get behind a move to lie about your feelings and crush the heart of the person who does nothing but adore you. That’s just mean. "

My thoughts exactly. Oh I'm right there with you. Why?!


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I wish the PD Donghoon couple started a bit earlier so that we can have more of their adorable relationship ^^


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Even if Dok Mi didn't plan on Enrique overhearing, it sure looks like she is using it to her advantage to push him away. I guess the next episode will tell.

I'm more enjoyed at the tired "Only One Dream Can Exist" trope than anything else. It's so condescending to think that a grown man doesn't have a right to decide what is important to him without the while world interfering. Are people not allowed to change their minds about their dreams and passions? From the time I was 10 until I was 27, I was planning to be an engineer; now I'm a preschool teacher. Things change.

Also, I'm assuming there are animators in Korea, right? I mean how else would we have Pororo? So I never understood why everyone is acting like the stakes are so high.


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"I'm assuming there are animators in Korea" Exactly what I thought! If it were PIXAR and LucasFilm simultaneously recruiting him for a huge budget production I'd believe it. But they ask us to believe he has to return to Spain to realize his dream?


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-.- omgah show, whyyyy do you have to resort to this!?!?!?!?!?!

At least the pain will last only for less than 2 episodes? But seriously, show, if you don't have anything else to say you can always end at episode 13... why so conventional?


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I totally agree with you. I am deciding to be mad at the writers instead of Dok mi. IT IS LAZY STORYTELLING AND FALSE DRAMA. We want our characters to build their relationship and they had JUST started. So stupid. I'm so mad.


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Why did she have to do it that way... *facepalm*


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A lot has been said by other commentors about noble idiocy, but although I'm also annoyed by Dok Mi trying to 'hurt' Enrique into returning back to Spain, I'm fervently hoping that this is just yet another fake-out plot device to make Dok-mi herself realise from the wordplay that while she likes Jin Rak (for being a good guy etc..), it's Enrique that she LOVES.

Remember that when Dok-mi and Enrique first confessed to each other in her apartment, Dok-mi was mulling to herself about how "I like you ≠ I love you", and Enrique on the other hand made a very quick (too quick perhaps?) leap from "I like you = I love you"... although not apparent at the moment, hopefully in the next episode it'll turn out to be a case of two people on kinda polar opposites in the 'love-like' spectrum, drifting finally towards each other....

In Korean, is the difference between "jo-a-hae-yo" (I like you) and "sa-rang-hae" (I love you) the same as it would be in English? (the former is less deep/not romantic compared to the latter)


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Oh drama, oh writers, *Heavy sigh* I really do hope you're sitting yourselves down and drafting up the final two episodes that are going to rock my socks off. Just sayin'.

I need more PD and Donghoon >_< they were such a pleasant surprise during the course of this drama. And as for Watanabe, sigh...I feel bad for the actor. I hope he doesn't get get dissuaded from trying other kdramas, I'd love to hear more about him.

Thank you for the recap! It fuels my weekly drama routine <3


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i think the i like jin-rak was really about liking him as a person, not as a man. although they had talked of pushing enrique away, what happened was complete coincidence. and looked like jin-rak just went with it.


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When Dok-mi said "she likes Jin-rak" and the camera panned out to reveal that the boys heard. The moment the camera focused on Enrique's heart broken expression and subsequent "hurt/confused/realization" look that expression elicited on Dok-mi, my mind went back to an earlier conversation they had about "like" and things took on a new perspective.

Dok-mi mind-talked about her only confessing she "liked" Enrique but he's talking about love.

Enrique mind reading responds that he considers "like" and "love" as emotions of equal value.

I find myself reflecting back on the difference these two have on an emotional level where one-half is ahead of the other in terms of giving/reciprocating love not to mention intensity of affection. But isn't it how real love in the real world works? With love not being of equal parts on both sides. There is always one who loves more or another who loves less.

So, I'm not worried that Dok-mi doesn't show that she loves Enrique as strongly as he does her. It does not mean she doesn't love him or that she loved Jin-rak instead. 'Cos for someone like her who hasn't experienced mutual love before, it is natural to be the less giving one.

The last scene though (with her looking at him being hurt), brought that inequality in the forefront for her, maybe that is why she had that confused-hurt and partly surprised look that meant she may have just realized something changing. She no longer just like Enrique, she may have realized how much she "likes" him now.

I'm looking forward on next episode particularly because I want to see how Dok-mi will go forward with this realization and whether her "like" has moved on to equate with "love".


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ooo I like your insight here. I think it provides a interesting insight that is very in line with real life. And it reminds me how that as much as noble idiocy is a trite and overused feature in Korean dramas, this one ( if it is really one) is different and fitting of the character and story. I wish more would realize this and do less of condemning of the show and dok mi.


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Could not agree with you more about the plot movement here. We have all watched enough dramas now with the same old same old and this one seemed to be hitting on all cylinders for a change, without all the standard devices that drive me nuts about dramas (but for the fake kissing...which dramas cannot seem to stop!). So if the plan was intentional then I too am not happy. Lying is never a solution in any relationship and I think this show was doing so well in the honesty department up till now. But I wonder? Is that really what happened? Her back was to the door. How did she know they were there... or even going to be there...at that exact moment in the conversation? Yes, the flashback. But. Did Jin Rak just take advantage of an opportune moment? He, at one time, told Enrique that he would take Dok Mi away if he could. Perhaps hearing that she liked him he grabbed his opportunity. There is that part of me that wants Jin Rak to win her. He has loved her for so long. It's a really hard choice for me, because both those boys need her for different reasons. And she needs each of them for different reasons. But Enrique is set up to be The One in this I'm sure. He may be the more needy of the 2.
I cannot believe there are only 2 more episodes to go. These episodes have been so full of character development and story line that is seems like we should only be half way through at this point. There could be so much more ground to cover. The writers have really out done themselves....good job all around....but for this one trite device that is.


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thanks gf ,

The showdown between dok mi and do hwi.

I would like to recall earlier dok mi's words :-

I will think that I met a fairy , a fairy that let me get out, a fairy that let me live, a fairy that make me smile.

AND at last a warning from dok mi to do hwi -

don't get near ME or HIM ! what does HIM implicate to

her - someone very important to her or just a friend ?

It is not noble idiocy, the witty scriptwriter wants dok mi

to admit and finally say and realized what she wants for

herself. Go to spain or stay in korea.

And the word saranghea, we didn't not hear it yet from

dok mi. Oh jin rak fighting !!!

dong hoon you stoled pd's heart but she is still crazy

with the chopsick. His pun - ARE YOU THE DRIVER ? LOL.


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A couple of things, Dok Mi has been out in the world for a minute and already she is pulling some shady shit. I am disappointed.

My weekly 'Where is Watanabe?' rant, he was in the FREAKING ROOM with them and got half a line? What the hell show?

Dong Hoon, I will follow you to the ends of the earth. Whatever drama you are in next, I will be viewer number one. Your comedic timing is hilarious, and your pursed lips are smexy.

That is all.


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Such a perfect episode except for the ending. I like the mafia acting part. The quiet conversations. The bromances =) cannot wait for next week!


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tq gf,

I like the intensed window glass conversation between

jin rak and dok mi, subtle loving look from jin rak !!


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Dong-hoon with his ridiculous (model) poses never fails to crack me up. he and enrique are a couple of puppies!

that heartbreaking scene meant to nudge enrique to leave for spain does serve a purpose -- he needs to take care of his own issues first before he & dok-mi can finally embark on their own relationship (without loose ends that could trip them up later). dok-mi has already more or less taken care of hers...


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Oops, it looks like Dok Mi cast a shadow on Enrique.


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I think Dok Mi/ Park Shin-Hye, is the only one in the Kdrama land to pull off the "Ajhumma" look with panache.

Some epic fails are; Son ye Jin (Personal taste), Kim Sun-a (Scent of a woman) and recently CKH (Level 7 CS)

Its not just Dok Mi, every character/actor is explored anew in FBND.... will there be another Flower-Boy season?


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go kyung pyo's modeling poses--hilarious! they were so bad that he made them good.


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the pain for Enrique...owww...so sad!! :'(
hope the ending is happiness..
thanks for the recap!


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This has been my favorite episode so far! I'm so glad it's staying good! The modeling poses Dong-hoon was doing made me ROFL!!!! Such a cute series.


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Thank you for the recap!!!
As many said already I like the modeling and sceming scene in the middle gave it such a fun break between the drama and heart wrenching ending!
I agree with most of the people here she did it so Enrique would follow his own dreams still not a great way of doing that..
I guess the comfort I have is the words of Jin Rak in one of the ep previews: "My last task was to lead her back to you." I haven't heard him say that yet and so I believe he will at some point maybe two years later when he gets back from Spain or maybe before that as he let's his role as her protector go. Anymoo just some thoughts , I'm really excited to see what comes next! :-D


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Go dok mi i love you just the way you are


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First of all, I'm not ready for this show to be over next week. I feel like we have another dozen episodes we could easily fill up with these characters. Please say I'm not the only one who feels like this series just got started?

As for Dok mi, when she was telling Enrique to not handle hard things and walk away, she was already giving him her goodbye. That was clear. She is a martyr and there was no way she was going to fight the fan club especially since she doesn't feel she's even good enough for Enrique. The minute she said she liked Jin Rak, I knew it was a fake. This is classic Dok Mi. She views Enrique like sunshine and she's the gloomy cloud.

Italian mafia. bwhahahahahahahahahaha!! enuf said!


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It's gonna be so hard to part from this series!!!


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what if the security guard was the real owner of the building? :)


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I really think the cliffhanger to end the episode was an accident on Dok mi's part and a deliberation on the director's part to include the flashback about pushing Enrique away to keep us enraged about the whole affair. Like the ending of episode 12, it looked as if she had crumpled to bits at the "DIE" message but really it wasn't the case at all? Likewise I think even though Dok mi might have been planning some sort of nobly idiotic act, this isn't it. Moreso, this feels like a catalyst.

The difference between like and love, especially with the latest addition to Dok mi's book and her "I like him!" that Enrique overheard I think really made Dok mi realise how much she's been leaving unsaid, even with their telepathy.

I especially don't think this is something Dok mi planned, as we know, she abhors lying. Asking Jin rak to 'help her make him leave' sounds more like help her convince him, so that she's not fighting a one person war.

The bit with Do hwi was once again perfect I think, relationships don't resolve themselves instantly and this confrontation is another one that I've been waiting for for a long time. Why are you here Do hwi and what are you doing anymore?

To be honest I secretly really like how Dong hoon is so nice to Do hwi, even though the PD thing is adorable, I think this sort of Dong hoon/Do hwi dynamic really balances things out a lot. The villain in this case is a pretty terrible person but she's not inherently evil and thus it makes no sense that no one would sympathise with her at all; she deserves to have some friends.

Will we find out who the real landlord is?
Will PD-nim and Dong hoon ever get together?
and finally...
Will Watanabe reveal his purpose in the next two episodes?


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I cried in my heart for Enrique when I saw what Dok Mi did to him. Thank you for the recap, I look forward to reading episodes 15 and 16 :)


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i think she has feelings for both of them and she's trying to figure it out.


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why the hell in the world did she had to break enrique to push him away? oy! if she had been honest and sort of separate not due to misunderstandings, it woulda been a lot better for him to swallow. and for us to accept. pfft~

i'm hoping enrique will turn the situation around the way he did when he first get to know jin rak. "oh, so you said you like him as a friend, ey? or to help him reject do hwi permanently? i know you liked me better"

urggh. why the noble idiocy. idiot!

i'm calling ajusshi from gaksital to kick sense in her brain. and jin rak's too for accepting her suggestion. *rage*


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I've been suspecting some noble idiocy for a few episodes, but like with the other major tropes, I'm praying they undermine them. Please, please...PRETTY PLEASE!

Do you have powers that can help them do it? GIRLFRIDAY POWERS!


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Epic suit model interlude and the boys strutting their stuff, oH YEAH!
That part with the boys and Jin Rok's Hyung was pure epicness... YSY you are hilarious.


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NO. JUST NO. I HATE this sort of noble idiocy. Come on, Enrique said it himself - his fans don’t know what he really likes. He loves Dok-mi, why is it so hard to see that he’s happy with her and he doesn’t need to go back?!? At least, not right at this moment anyway!! This isn’t a lifelong dream that’s been introduced to us from the start, it’s been half-heartedly pushed in halfway to give us a reason for Enrique to return. I’m kinda sick of all the drama over it too - it’s not like Dok-mi has family or proper roots where she is now anyway. Perfect solution: move to Spain, be happy forever.


Anyway, (*breathes in deeply*) I’ll keep watching since it’s the last two episodes and I want Enrique to get his happy ending, even if it’s with a noble idiot. HE BETTER GET ONE AFTER SHE CRUSHED HIS HEART LIKE THAT OR ELSE


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