Two Weeks: Episode 11

Things are starting to look up for our man on the run. Well, as up as they can be when you’re on the run for murder with an assassin on your tail. Tae-san gains a little more faith from the people around him, and even begins to call a few shots instead of always reacting after being cornered. It’s a nice reversal, though as with all things in this world, nothing stays the same for very long…


Ha Dong-kyun – “사랑한 후에 (After Love)” [ Download ]

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After getting In-hye’s help to track down the college student who bought the digital camera, Tae-san fiiiiiiiinally gets his hands on it. He smiles in relief at the first thing that’s gone his way since, well, ever, and wonders what on earth is on this thing that he nearly died for.

It turns out In-hye came after all, to make sure that the sale went as planned. She doesn’t make her presence known and just watches Tae-san from afar, but she happens to catch the student’s phone conversation on his way back inside: “Jang Tae-san?” Ack.

It’s the cops, checking on the lead after Man-seok’s girlfriend called in to report her visit from In-hye today. They don’t bother calling Seung-woo or Jae-kyung, but Seung-woo is actually the first to arrive on the scene. Did he follow In-hye here?

He pulls up just as she takes off running in the other direction, so he circles around to try and catch up to her.

Meanwhile, Tae-san stops to check the camera and doesn’t find anything (which we know is because the video is encrypted). A shadow creeps up on him from behind, and I’m not even that scared because I assume it’s In-hye…

But aaaaaaack, it’s Teacher Kim—a flying Teacher Kim, who launches himself at Tae-san like a fist torpedo, and knocks him down with one blow after another.

Tae-san fights back but it’s no use, and soon Teacher Kim has him pinned to the ground. He digs around in his jacket, and yanks out the camera. Nooooooooooo. We just got our hands on it! No. No. No. No. No. No.

Teacher Kim doesn’t leave it at that, and now that he has the camera, he starts choking Tae-san to finish him off for good. That’s when In-hye arrives, to find Tae-san on the brink of death.

Suddenly a big yellow caution placard comes flying into frame to knock Teacher Kim down—it’s In-hye, swinging wildly with her eyes shut. Aw, that’s so cute. Of course, the happy rescue moment only lasts two seconds, because now she’s being attacked.

Tae-san looks up and sees her struggling to get free from Teacher Kim, and either they’ve practiced this or she’s been in trouble before, because she knows to duck at exactly the right moment when Tae-san leaps to kick Teacher Kim away from her.

I know their lives are at stake, but it’s just really endearing how every time Teacher Kim gets one pinned down, the other one jumps into the fray. He’s back to Tae-san when Seung-woo finally arrives. Teacher Kim bolts (with the goddamn camera, urg), leaving the love triangle to sort itself out.

Tae-san panics, and In-hye hands him her car key and urges him to run. That’s the scene that Seung-woo walks in on: the two of them holding hands, and In-hye telling him to run.

Seconds later, police sirens ring out. Aw, are they going to think that Seung-woo brought them here? Seung-woo looks back and forth between them… and tells Tae-san to run. Whoa. Tae-san bolts, and Seung-woo scrambles to get In-hye out of there before the police arrive. As they do, the captain spots Seung-woo’s car and does a double take.

Tae-san takes In-hye’s car, but Teacher Kim somehow cuts him off, and stands in his path in a tunnel. Tae-san grits his teeth and drives ahead at full speed, and Teacher Kim freaking Terminator-runs AT the car… and then jumps over it as it speeds past. I knew it. He’s a cyborg, right?

Tae-san manages to kick him away from the car, but when Teacher Kim gets up to play chicken again, Tae-san thinks better of it and backs out of the tunnel. But, the camera!

The cops question a few students who witnessed the fight, but they can’t identify any of the men as Jang Tae-san, and decide that it must’ve been a four-way lovers’ quarrel, because they saw three men fighting over one woman. Ha.

Jae-kyung checks in with Il-do at the hospital, and hears that In-hye hasn’t been in all day. She thinks it unlikely that they unencrypted the video file, but assumes they’ve got their hands on the camera by now. Well, you’re half right.

Seung-woo chastises In-hye for going after Teacher Kim so recklessly when she could’ve been hurt, and sighs that there’s cause for blame and reproach in their relationship now.

She explains that the person who’s trying to kill Tae-san is the same man he went to prison for eight years ago, and says she wanted to help him this time, because of everything he lost. Seung-woo asks hesitantly if she parted ways with Tae-san eight years ago without knowing the reason why. She nods without a word.

Tae-san gets away, and berates himself for losing the camera after everything he went through to get here. He hits himself over and over in a rage: “You idiot! You trash!”

In-hye returns to the hospital, where Jae-kyung is waiting. She scoffs in disbelief to hear that they lost the camera. Her eyes fill with angry tears and she lights into In-hye for not trusting her, and choosing to ditch them on the subway.

But this time In-hye argues right back that Jae-kyung isn’t in this to save Tae-san: “This is revenge for you, but it’s his life! What did he do wrong? Why does he have to run? Who made that camera in the first place?!”

Oh dayum. I love that she’s got a spine. She calls Jae-kyung out on her lie that the camera would prove Tae-san’s innocence. Flashback to earlier today: In-hye tells Tae-san to take the camera to Jae-kyung, but he already knows that all she wants the camera for is proof of a connection between two people. It doesn’t clear his name, and that’s not Jae-kyung’s priority.

In-hye sighs that if she had known they’d lose it in the end, she should’ve trusted her anyway. But Jae-kyung apologizes, saying that she was right. In-hye wonders how that killer knew where to find them, and Jae-kyung says that Man-seok’s girlfriend called in the tip to the police. At least that narrows down our mole list to the coppers, yeah?

Su-jin is asleep by the time In-hye returns to the hospital room, and she’s dozed off clutching the photo of Mom and Dad. In-hye’s eyes widen to see it, and Su-jin darts up to argue defensively that it’s her photo now. “You threw it away, so it’s mine! You ripped it up but I taped it back together, so it’s mine!” Awwww, it kills me that this is what she’s afraid of right now.

In-hye’s heart breaks: “You had it all this time?” She hangs her little head: “Because he’s my dad…” She admits to being curious about what Dad looked like, and In-hye can barely hold in her tears as she nods, realizing how obvious that is.

Su-jin asks why Mom isn’t getting mad at her, and she says it’s because she’s sorry, for not thinking that she’d be curious about her father’s face, for making her sneak this picture and look at it in secret. Augh, I’m not gonna cry.

Mom asks why Su-jin didn’t ask about Dad directly, and Su-jin says it’s because Mom always said that everyone had a story they couldn’t tell, and because she knew it would make Mom sad. “And I already make you so sad because I’m sick all the time.” And, now I’m crying.

She says that she couldn’t make Mom any sadder, knowing that Daddy already made her sad. Aw. In-hye hugs her close and says Mom had it all wrong, and misunderstood Dad.

Su-jin lights up immediately, and In-hye promises to tell her everything after her surgery. She hands her the hairpin from Tae-san, adding that she’ll tell her all about the person who gave this to her. Su-jin plays dumb for Mom’s benefit, and looks up coyly: “Who could it be?”

Tae-san drops In-hye’s car off at the hospital, and as he looks up at the building from down below, we get an early flashback to him as a little boy, asking Mom who his dad is. She tells him coldly that he doesn’t have a father, since nobody calls him his son, and Little Tae-san asks why.

Mom: “Because he hates you!” Ugh, what a horrible thing to say. No wonder he hates himself.

Imaginary Su-jin stands next to Dad and asks, “You were sad, huh? It hurt, huh?” He nods. He crouches down and takes her hand: “I didn’t know it then—that you would be just like me, curious about your father, longing for your father. I didn’t know I’d become an adult who caused that.”

Su-jin says she didn’t know either, how much she’d miss her dad, and how much she’d like him, simply because he’s Dad. He marvels at how strange that is, and sighs that a kid like her has to call a bastard like him a father.

He clenches his chest and tells her that it hurts so much whenever he thinks of her, and she reaches out and pets him over his heart. He holds her hand and smiles up at her, while the real Su-jin is up in her room imagining all the ways she’s going to wear the hairpin Daddy gave her.

Tae-san texts In-hye that he left the car in the parking lot, and apologizes for being empty-handed after all her help in getting that camera. She assures him that they did their best today, and that there will be another way. He says there is, but doesn’t share any details.

Boss Moon gets the camera and rests easy knowing that there’s no way Jae-kyung can build a case without this. He turns his minions’ efforts into finding Tae-san, to get rid of their one loose end.

Teacher Kim gets orders to kill Tae-san on sight, and heads out. What he doesn’t see is that Tae-san is hiding out just a few feet away, keeping an eye on Boss Moon’s house. Wait. You’re not thinking of robbing the mobster, are you? That is ballsy. He heads to the train station locker where he’s keeping his stash of supplies, and picks up a few things.

Meanwhile Jae-kyung is briefing her boss, and says she miscalculated Tae-san—she was trying to read his motivations, but didn’t see his daughter’s surgery. The chief prosecutor asks if she can get a read on Congresswoman Jo, and Jae-kyung says she isn’t a person who was after power to begin with. She just needed that position to feed her greed.

He says they have to figure out what changed her mind, and why now. Jae-kyung can’t shake the thought that it has to do with the charity auction somehow—Congresswoman Jo is being uncharacteristically rash with security cameras and her obsession with chasing Jae-kyung, Boss Moon is set to appear at one of her public functions for the first time ever, and she was originally planning to retire after the auction. All signs point to that event.

Jae-kyung sits in her office with her team and channels her inner congresswoman bitch, talking aloud like a crazy person and spewing threats at herself. It scares the daylights out of sunbae Sang-hoon, but it gets her wheels turning.

Congresswoman Jo needed power to make this auction happen, and to keep it untouchable. Jae-kyung decides to investigate the auction from top to bottom—every person and artifact associated with it. Aw yeah. Her phone rings, and it’s Tae-san. Ooh.

Boss Moon gets tech support in there to retrieve the video file, but gets told that the only way to unlock it is with a retina scan. You have cameras with retina scanners, but not a remote backup function? Bah.

But then the guy just takes the camera apart and gets the chip out anyway… and I so don’t see the point of a retina scanner if you can just monkey the thing open. Whatever.

Anyway, the file is recovered intact, and Boss Moon finally watches the recording of his very incriminating conversation with Congresswoman Jo about the details of the charity auction.

Jae-kyung follows Tae-san’s strict instructions and comes alone to meet him. She wonders if all the cloak and dagger is necessary but he’s obviously not taking any chances. She knows he isn’t here to turn himself in, and says she heard it from In-hye.

He asks if In-hye is okay, and Jae-kyung conveys her message for him to clear his name and make it back to them. He apologizes for losing the camera, and then asks if she’s the one who planted it—as in, the person who started this whole chain of events.

She hangs her head and says it’s the biggest regret of her life. He tells her to help him catch Boss Moon if she really feels bad, though she doesn’t see how. He figures that losing the camera doesn’t mean they still can’t pin the murder on him. She asks if they can’t discuss it over dinner, wanting to at least buy the guy who saved her life a meal.

She admits that she spent years vowing that if she could catch Moon Il-seok, she’d throw her life away in an instant. But the second he captured her and put that duct tape over her mouth, she found herself wondering why she’d been so foolish.

She says it was embarrassing to realize how quickly she would change her mind when she thought she might die, and thanks Tae-san for saving her that day. She sighs that dying at that man’s hands would’ve truly been a worthless death.

So off to dinner they go… with Tae-san dressed as a woman? Hahahaha. Now it’s his turn to wonder if all this is necessary, and she rather enjoys telling him that it is, with the reminder that if she’s caught helping a fugitive one more time, she’ll really get axed.

They walk down a hallway linking arms (Is he supposed to be blind or a drunk rock star?) and she mutters at him to walk naturally. Er, what about this scenario is natural in anyone’s eyes?

It turns out she’s taking him to her own apartment, which surprises him. But she says it’s the safest place she could think of. She guesses that he probably hasn’t had a real meal in over a week, and goes to the kitchen while pointing out her Big Baddie Board for him to peruse.

It’s only now that he’s introduced to Congresswoman Jo—the other person Jae-kyung is after, and the co-conspirator in wanting him dead.

Boss Moon heads over to Congresswoman Jo’s house directly, to hand over the camera and the video file. She destroys it on sight, not needing to watch the reminder of the conversation she remembers only too well.

His last loose end is Tae-san, which she doesn’t seem so worried about. Jae-kyung, on the other hand, still makes her nervous. She points out that Jae-kyung knows about him attending the charity auction, and he suggests she take care of Jae-kyung too.

Back at Fugitive Bed and Breakfast, Jae-kyung apologizes for the meager spread, not really one for the cooking. But Tae-san takes one bite and is moved. “Freshly made white rice is so good. I didn’t know it before.”

He takes out a sketch he made of Teacher Kim (aw is this where Su-jin gets her art gene from?) and says this is the assassin he’s seen at the sight of the explosion, the day Man-seok died, and at the mall. He’s a new face, and Tae-san is sure he came from overseas.

His thinks that if they can catch him for Man-seok’s murder, he’ll talk because he’s just a hired hand. If they can get him to say that Boss Moon ordered the hit, then link that to Mi-sook’s murder, they get another way back to the original incident.

He tells her about the penknife that Teacher Kim always carries, and the bus CCTV footage that should’ve caught his face outside the mall that day, giving her a place to start.

And then he hands over the recording of his pawnshop lackeys taking the call to set up his frame job. When he admits he’s been staying there at night, she gapes that he could’ve been caught. She starts to suggest that he sleep here, but he has to remind her that he’s still a fugitive.

She asks what his plan is for getting Teacher Kim, and Tae-san says, “I get shot by him.” WHAT. I don’t like this plan. Think of a new plan.

By dawn, he’s back on the road, and Jae-kyung watches him go from her window. Meanwhile, the gangsters regroup and get sent out to canvas the streets, district by district until they find Tae-san. Jae-kyung asks her boss if they can do this operation quietly, with just a few key personnel. But what if one of them is the mole?

Seung-woo stops by to see Su-jin’s doctor (and his friend), to ask what time Tae-san came here the day he found out he was a match. She apologizes for not being able to tell him sooner, and Seung-woo just sighs, wondering aloud why Tae-san lived that way and if it was because he lost In-hye.

The doc realizes Seung-woo is nervous about his relationship, and reassures him that it’s all in the past. He asks her to recall what time Tae-san came by that day, because it’s important. To clear his name, right?

Next he asks Il-do about the penknife he investigated, and assigns him to find the cab that Tae-san took the day of Mi-sook’s murder. Il-do still has no idea why he’s stationed in the hospital, but follows orders and doesn’t ask questions.

Jae-kyung calls, and tells Seung-woo only vaguely about the plan to catch Teacher Kim. It involves Tae-san turning himself in, knowing that Teacher Kim will show up to kill him. Seung-woo doesn’t see why they would now that they have the camera, but Jae-kyung is sure he’ll show up to finish the job. The thing they need to find out is how he finds out. Yes, finally, mole-hunting season!

Sang-hoon drops off a motorcycle at a rest stop, where Tae-san picks it up and rides off. Jae-kyung shows up at the police station to buy the boys a beer, playing the part of the weary prosecutor, days away from losing her job.

She takes the captain and the two other detectives out for a beer, which I guess excludes Il-do from the mole suspect list. Phew. She lays down some pretty good bait, with urgent calls from Sang-hoon about Tae-san, and lame excuses that sound like lies.

She excuses herself to take the call, waiting to make sure that the mole follows. She pretends to get the news that Tae-san is turning himself in, and names the time and place. Her lookout confirms that her suspicions were right: “It was that person.” Which one?

Boss Moon chuckles to hear that Tae-san is giving up, and sends Teacher Kim to finish him off and go abroad. He orders Brainy Smurf to clean up Teacher Kim’s tracks, and make sure he’s erased from all their security footage.

Brainy Smurf asks where he found Teacher Kim, noting that the boss is particularly good to him. Boss Moon just says that he isn’t a paid hand like everyone else, and that he’ll be a future business partner one day.

Jae-kyung makes sure to go alone, making it look as though the rest of her team is stationed at the office. Teacher Kim arrives early as expected, to find the best vantage point.

But as he sets up, we see Jae-kyung arrive with Seung-woo and Sang-hoon even earlier, and plan their hiding spots for the operation. With everyone in place, Tae-san arrives right on time.

As he walks up to Jae-kyung, Teacher Kim shoots from up above, and he takes two hits—to the head and the chest. That had better be a bulletproof helmet, or this is the worst plan ever.

He goes down, and Jae-kyung screams. That’s the team’s cue to catch Teacher Kim, but I’m worried. There are only four of you, and he’s a wily bastard.

He makes it up to the roof and attaches his sniper rifle to a remote-controlled helicopter rig, sending it off without him. Drat, don’t they need to catch him with a gun to prove the case?

After sending the gun, he hops rooftops (that leap doesn’t seem remotely possible for a non-cyborg, just sayin’) and runs down his planned exit route… where Sang-hoon and another agent are armed and waiting. Nice.

Four tranquilizer darts later, Teacher Kim is down.

As Su-jin crosses off another day, Tae-san opens his eyes. D-5.


Yes, but WHO IS THE MOLE? We’d better find out tomorrow, though I guess with it narrowed down to the three cops, they’re fairly interchangeable as story pieces. I’m just glad rookie cop Il-do has been cleared from moledom. I think. I hope. I admit that I was hoping for a twist in the Teacher Kim trap, because it just seemed too pat to have him fall for it so perfectly without a hitch. Though in the grand scheme of things, it’s hardly payback for him stealing that camera (URG. URG. URG.) after so much effort from our good guys. My only comfort is that Boss Moon is way too conniving not to have made a thousand copies of that video, for mutually assured destruction in case Congresswoman Jo leaves him hanging.

Things definitely took a swing upwards when Tae-san finally teamed up with Jae-kyung. I feel like I’ve been waiting so long for this partnership that I just wanted an episode where he sat down and told her everything from the beginning. Life story: go! It was way too short (I mean, couldn’t he just sleep on the couch for one measly night?) but I like that we got both strategy—a rare feat for the good guys—and a human connection, with her wanting to make him food to thank him for saving her life. At least now the major misunderstandings are cleared up, and instead of being chased, Tae-san actually has the opportunity to turn the tables on Boss Moon. I worry that they’ve clearly underestimated Teacher Kim’s loyalty to Boss Moon, but hopefully the evidence will be on their side. Hm, though based on how well evidence has served them up until now, that sounds like a pipedream.

The flashbacks to Tae-san’s childhood are definitely the most heartbreaking of all the flashbacks. Could there be anything sadder than a kid who gets told that his father disowned him because he hates him, only to be followed by his mother’s abandonment and suicide? No wonder he latched onto the first makeshift family and father figure he found. Too bad it happened to be a mob family.

I know that the parallel with him growing up to be a deadbeat dad (by default, not by choice) isn’t exactly subtle, but it’s so moving as a character motivator. Fighting to save his daughter’s life is one thing, and it would’ve been plenty to motivate a hero alone. But this circle of self-loathing and blame, desperately not wanting history to repeat itself only to find that history has repeated itself and he’s become his own worst nightmare—it gives his motivation such depth and dimension.

There’s something so fantastic about him knowing he doesn’t deserve his daughter’s love, and her just giving it anyway, not because he earned it, but because she wants a dad. It was a nice reminder for In-hye too, to realize that in covering up her own pain, she kept Su-jin from being able to ask the most obvious questions any child would ask. It’s then that we see that history won’t repeat itself this time around, at least for Su-jin. In-hye is able to forgive and look past her pain to what is best for her child, which sets her apart from Tae-san’s mother who could never get past her own pain.


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how many eps is this show??


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Ahhhh I thought originally it was 20 episodes or something. But I guess they changed it. :( Can't believe so many summer dramas are coming to an end soon. So fast.


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Wah, that's fast ><


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thanks for the recap...


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Thanks for the recap! I can't believe Tae San lucked out just 5min after getting the camera. I was practically pulling my hair out and screaming in frustration!!


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Does Teacher Kim already know he will be ambushed that's why he helicopted his killing machines away or is this something he always do after each job? I so wish that it is the latter and not because the good guys have been outsmarted again. This is such a hair tearing episode!!

But it's so great to see such wonderful camaraderie from our main actors and actresses, standing together to fight the bad guys! It's a great start!

There's also such a heavy foreboding on Tae San's past. Who is his father? And what is Teacher Kim's relationship to Moon? There is no freaking birth secret, is there?! Only 5 more episodes to go!!


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Oh no! That's what I'm dreading/waiting (?) to hear about, birth secrets, like in 49 days. What if Moon is Tae San's father ?! I do hope the writer will have a better deal in this aspect if this happens.


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I like the interaction that took place between Jae Kyung and Tae San in this latest episode because it gives us greater insights into their personalities.

Tae San on the surface is a dumb and meek follower - a person seen as being too simple to think for himself. Jae Kyung similarly hid her true self behind the facade of a careless and clueless prosecutor. In contrast, Tae Sun did this because he didn't find a reason to live a proper life while Jae Kyung had a purpose in life but was too fixated on it. But these two have proven themselves to be really smart people who can turn things around when they follow their hearts so much so that they keep surprising the people who think they know them.

While both of them tend to be more sentimental in nature, Tae San shows that he has greater potential to keep himself cool-headed as he constantly assesses the situation to make the best out of it while Jae Kyung has shown a tendency towards an outright display of frustration. Tae San's catch 22 plight probably pushes him more to his limits than Jae Kyung's situation but his ability to connect issues together and make sense out of events and people in a relatively short amount of time, and most often under duress, really says something about the cool resourcefulness that he has. This clearly contrasts with Jae Kyung's methodical nature as illustrated by her systematic approach in her investigation on Moon and Jo.

We know that Tae San's motivation is always about others to the extent that he is wiling to die for them. After In Hye's passionate reproach towards Jae Kyung, Jae Kyung came to the realisation that her motives are purely selfish ones, not so much for the one she loves (i.e. her father) than to prove that she has been right all along (i.e. Moon injured her father) and she isn't even prepared to die for the cause that she has been fighting for.

These two have much similarities (despite the differences) and their interactions today really lend great credibility to explain their current actions. Going forward, it would really be interesting to see how Tae San and Jae Kyung, two persons who came from such different backgrounds and who would never have crossed paths, fight their way through to get what they rightly deserve.


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I think both Tae San and the assassin share the same father, Moon. One has retained his innate goodness despite being raised and surrounded by filth, while the other has allowed the dark side to overwhelm and swallow him up, and now is nothing more than a killing machine. And I believe somewhere along the line, both of them will realise that they are half-brothers who have been manipulated their whole lives by their scum of a father, and Teacher Kim will help them nail the bad guys in the end. I just have a feeling he's not all bad, I don't know...


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I'm not sure if meekness could be equated with dumbness or with being a follower. He is not aggressive. The fact that he couldn't even run over Teacher Kim. Self-defense is the core of ourselves is that if push comes to shove we tend to defend urselves. But Tae-San doesn't have that ability to choose his life over someone else's...even if the other person is trying to kill him. If you're in a car and you can roll over a guy trying to kill you -- even if the person has the gift of flying-- you should run the creep over. But Tae-San doesn't value his life over anyone else's


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Off to read :D


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Arghhhh If I was Tae-san I would have stopped, taken out the memory card or whatever on the camera, and then just let Teacher Kim take the camera as a decoy! But nooo I guess this is a drama and we need episodes left lol so he can’t do that. But I’m just confused..... so now what? Now that the video is gone, how are they ever going to prove anything?


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Kim's identity. Knife. And whatever follows.


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Is teacher kim perhaps boss moon's son? I feel like I've read that somewhere or I've heard teacher kim call boss moon "father"


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Yes, it was mentioned in one of the previous episode. Boss Moon told Jo Seo-hee that Killer Kim was his son. But I'm not sure if Killer Kim is his biological son or Boss Moon adopted him to use.


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boss moon told jo seo-hee that teacher kim was his son, but i don't think teacher kim is his biological son by any means.

i'm doubtful that boss moon would willingly expose his biological son to the physical dangers that teacher kim faces. he strikes me as a guy who isn't without his own twisted moral code, or arguably, soft spots. remember before mi-sook died, he'd snarled at her asking whether or not she knew that he'd given her a piece of his heart. her betrayal obviously hurt him, as well as enraged him, on some level. her murder stemmed more from these emotions than cold calculation. and he was unwilling to kidnap su-jin to make tae-san talk.

not saying that he isn't ruthless, or cruel, of course.


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I also feel that he is most likely an adopted son. Don't think he would do that to his biological son! Anyway, I thought the most brilliant part was to use the tranquilizers =D seriously...don't fight with Teacher Kim!


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Thanks for the recap.

I know it is too good to be true regarding the camera but I never thought that TS only had it for like...5 seconds... Darn it, hot terminator. Stop being so efficient for once, will ya?


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AHH. this drama. so many good moments in this episodes. In-Hye and Tae-san (that moment when she clings to the assassin in order to save tae-san. </3) Soo-Jin and Tae-san, Soo-Jin and In-Hye, and Jae-kyung coming to an understanding with Tae-san/In-Hye. Finally!

It's really quite satisfying to have this drama deliver on such great character development.



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awesome...I've been waiting for this..great insight and comparison between In-Hye and Tae-san's mom


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Awesome as always God Bless you all


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Oh, wow. What an episode..I'm so glad the tables are starting to tyrn between our good guys and the baddies...thanks for the recap!!!


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Yup, I think Teacher Kim is a cyborg too. Kim the Terminator lols

Finally we get some real interaction with Tae-san and Jae-kyung. Ha that wig and the awkward interlocking arm walk of shame lols Ah but he should've of taken up the offer to stay over. This dude needs to rest. I have to say I don't really like the facial hair on LJK maybe because it's fake but I even thought the long hair wig looked better than that stache. And it looks like he'll have a goatee next.


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This show is so stinking awesome that I almost can't stand it. Your recaps rock as always and I like the clarification on what is said as some times the subtitles can be off - which can totally change the "tone" of a scene, if that makes sense.

Hope the ratings are doing better, this is seriously my favorite tv show - in a VERY long time.


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SO GOOD. I do agree that Teacher Kim can't be caught that easily. It's Newtonian physics for dramas: for every win the good guys get, there must be an equal and opposite win for the baddies. Maybe Kim has a cyanide tooth? Anyway, there're only five days left, but at the same time, THERE ARE FIVE WHOLE DAYS LEFT. So many things can happen in that time, and I'm pretty sure one of those things will be Su-jin in danger. AHHHHRGH.

I love this drama, but it's going to be the death of me.


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I LOVE In-Hye! How she trusts and tries to save TS w/o hesitation, at her own jeopardy!

SHe might not have been given much too do, but sit at the hosp by SJ's bed earlier, but she sure is stepping it up when it counts!

First love dies hard. If we haven't learnt anything from all the KDs we watch, we've learnt this, no? ;)


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LJK sure is going all out to uglify himself. That fake mustache. Urgh.


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I prefer the mustache than him dressing up as a woman.


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lmao I actually thought the wig looked better than the stache. I don't know it makes him look like a pervert imo lols

But wait there's more looks like he'll be sporting a goatee next. Yay! (:sarcasm: not like the bad guys can't tell the difference -_-')


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LOL --> the wig looked better thatn the stache! <-- love it.


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He kind of look like a drag queen to me but maybe I'm a little jealous because he is the one guy that ever hurt my girl pride. He was so beautiful in the King and Clown.


Lol I was thinking that his King and the Clown days are over, he was so pretty in that movie but here the wig really gave a strange drag-rockstar feel :D


Aw, I'm never gonna say this enough: Soo-jin is just the cutest little girl ever. She takes after Tae-san so much, drawing and caring. And I'm sure both of them will be happy to discover all the things they both do/love later. I just want to cry when she just kept repeating: "The picture is now mine" out of worry that her mom would be mad and take the picture away (the only thing left for her to hold on to her dad, to date). It's hard for a little kid to be both mature and understanding at her age.


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The last picture she was drawing in the hospital had the sun next to the mountain again.

Folks, that is an important hint! :D


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I know that IH doesn't love SW.

If she did, when SW drops her off at the hosp (after he picks her up on campus and they've that talk about TS taking the rap 8 years ago), she'd have leaned over to give him a peek on the cheek b4 getting out of the car. Even my heart was hurting for SW. Wouldn't hers? Yet, all she could manage was a "Drive carefully". That's what you tell a friend after he gives u a ride, not the man you are about to marry, certainly not the man you love, after he's done all that for you.

I'm not saying I agree w her. I'm just saying that's my observation.


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I agree with u that IH doesn't love SW as much as she does TS. But I think given the life and death circumstances that a common person like In Hye just had, she must be feeling too distraught to give SW a peck on the cheek or lips. I haven't even gotten over the scene, much less In Hye. If this is a cutesy rom-com or under a normal circumstances, yeah sure the kiss or peck would be taken for granted.


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My heart was breaking for SW after what he had just witnessed IH does for TS, and after his Qn, How did we get this schism between us? He must be feeling hurt and insecure regarding her love. He needs some kind of comfort or reassurance of her love. If she loves him, she wouldn't have just stepped out like that. That's my interpretation.


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Yes, she must have been shaken after what happened. Wouldn't your first instinct be to cling to the person you love for reassurance? She did nothing like that although it was dark and they had some privacy in the car.

It is already over and he still denies it to himself.


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That kid, Sujin, gets me every time. That (imagined) interaction in the hosp parking lot, when TS looks up at the window, just rips your heart out.
Of course real kids aren't like that. Still it's good to imagine one like that.

Professional Assassin Kim--I'd like it if sb, preferably Moon, chops him up and feed him to the dogs. He seems much more robotic than hot.


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I actually know smart kids of this type in real life. If you regard them just as living souls who remember some experience from their previous lives, that can explain it to some extent.


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I like to think it is his little kid-self talking to him over the years and years, doing what Little Kid TS can do to comfort Grown-up Tae San.


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Same with you. Agree..


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I loved how InHye confronted JaeKyung about where her priorities lied (in terms of revenge vs. caring about a human). SooJin is always a bundle of cuteness. Also, JaeKyung's new understanding and connection to TaeSan is a welcome character arc.

Yay for the team! (TaeSan finally has a team!)


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lee jun-ki's acting—not really getting any better for me. it's been bordering on almost comical this entire series. i saw flashes of it in arang, but here it's out in full force. sigh. and su-jin is cute, and she's good, but she doesn't really make me cry. something about her acting is just too precious, too perfect... like you SHOULD be affected.

tae-san and teacher kim's faceoff in the tunnel had me rolling my eyes something major. first off, it doesn't occur to tae-san to LOCK HIS FREAKING DOORS when he sees his enemy?! when teacher kim started yanking at the driver door i was like, dude, the door's probably locked, don't waste your strength... and then it actually opened.

then i thought, it doesn't occur to you, teacher kim, to try the back doors, maybe, where tae-san can't reach so easily? they could be locked, of course, but overall it was just stupidity all around. but then i've known from day one this drama wasn't perfect.

despite teacher kim being the bad guy, i love seeing him onscreen—soooo hot. another male model transitioning to acting. flower-boy idols i'm tired of, but male models are a breath of fresh air, with their glorious height and lean builds. i will take them any day. happy sigh.


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u're doing a good job of pretending u r not trolling on LJG. Honestly!!! LOL


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Ikr! LOL!


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i was merely commenting on the lead actor's performance. a negative opinion should not always equate to "trolling." i'm having fun watching this show, but that doesn't stop me from seeing things that i wish had been done better. some episodes i will enjoy more, or less, than others.

the part about the tunnel and the car doors, i was being critical of the writer, not the actors, in case that wasn't clear. teacher kim has been portrayed as a highly skilled assassin, and his face off in the tunnel with tae-san personally struck me as more comical than intense. it could be more choreography than writing, though, in retrospect.


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LOL!!!!! true.


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Wholeheartedly agree with you. Never can get away from his kind of person. So boring and what a laugh.


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i think my original comment rubbed some people the wrong way, and after rereading it, i think the way i wrote it, it might have come across more forcefully or aggressively than i'd intended. i always strive to express my thoughts respectfully and carefully here, given that this is the internet and a lot of nuances are automatically lost.

in my defense, i'd just finished watching the episode, the tunnel scene was fresh in my mind because i'd been both frustrated and amused by it. i don't know why that scene stuck with me the way it did, but it did. i was trying to express my "frustration" at the scene in a more playful-ish way... rather like a, "DOH, why would you DO that?" kind of reaction.

i know in previous threads there have been mixed opinions about lee jun-ki's acting. i offered my own two cents several episodes ago—i think i was sort of reserving judgment at that point, and it was with this episode that i decided it just wasn't cutting it for me, which i expressed in my comment.

my intent was to express my opinion in a fun way, as nicely as possible (as i always strive to do here), but maybe i could have edited my remarks better.

i'm not sure i understand what "trolling" means, though it's a term i've frequently seen around and i gather it's not desirable or flattering. i've a really vague, hazy definition of what i think it is, and i don't think it was my intent to be one/do it.

hopefully some people might understand!


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Lol. To me it is just the opposite. Jun Ki is fantastic. He IS Tae San and Teacher Kim is ... bland. Not much acting requested from him except stunts and stoic looks.


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oh i agree that teacher kim's acting is a bit robotic, even with the little he has to do aside from action scenes, but he certainly looks impressive. every time i see him, i fear for our good guys (in addition to admiring his looks). :)


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Hot but very much robotic, not a little as claimed hahaha.


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I agree with saranga. I don't find Lee Jun-Ki's acting compelling. The saving grace of this show is the acting of Park Ha-Sun and Ryu Soo-Young. In my opinion, the best I have seen from Lee Jun-Ki was Iljimae and Time Between Dog and Wolf.

As an audience member, I don't feel for Tae-San, nor do I feel for Su-Jin. The little girl is cute, however, like saranga mentioned, she's too perfect. I am not familiar with many things medical, however, I do know that radiation is a tiring process. The little girl doesn't look tired. I would rather a more realistic expression of her in pain, her throwing up, her with an IV then seeing her draw and read Disney princess books. Although it sounds morbid, I always feel that if you are going to represent something, represent it or display it to the fullest. Let me ride the roller coaster.

Is saranga a troll? I have no idea? However, whoever they are, they have a point. Their comment made sense.

Regarding the car incident. I blame the director/writer. Why would the actor not have enough common sense to lock the doors???

Where is the tension that I am supposed to be feeling? Has watched Heartless City/Cruel City? If you haven't please do. Although the two are different storylines they deal with similar themes: Melodrama, Action, Mystery, Thriller, Romance, Conspiracy...etc.

When comparing the acting of Lee Jun-Ki and Jung Kyung Ho, both of which starred side-by-side in Time Between Dog and Wolf, I can confidently state that it is the latter of the two that has grown in their career as an actor.


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I agree about PHS. I think she's lucky that she was given lots of emotional scenes that can connect to the viewers and the fact that PHS did mostly really well ofc the credit it's all for her. But for RSY I don't quite agree. He didn't really stand out for me but he's good character that's why I like him. The writer should give a good scene for him tbh. it's quite unfair that he's still keeping cool. I'm somewhat still baffled taht he didnt have any fighting scene yet for a body like that lol. Then there is KSY, Jae Kyung character who is somewhat a stranger/outsider to all these 3 character(IH,SW,TS) because she didnt really involve with the love triangle. She emotionally connected to the story was mostly because her revenge for his father which ISNT the main story making it harder to viewers to connect with her. Even in the flashback they actually use other young actress? seriously? At least she is badass. Make up for the lack of writing of her inner turmoil with her father's death.

So I think LJK and PHS is quite lucky in this drama plus the kid lol
I think LJK's acting is good, he isnt the badass guy who can beat anybody, his portrayal is of a real guy who is scared for his daughter's future.


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Oh I forgot to add that teacher kim is really stiff though no matter how badass he is. I guess because he's a killer. so no emotions?


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Fair enough. I agree with your assessment.

I still wish more would come from Jun-Ki's acting but so is life. Can't always get what you want.

Thanks for commenting.


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Didn't we see her vomitting in one episode? Not sure. She shows the marks of a sick kid -- self-blame for her illness, wanting to please the parent by not showing her sickness, whining about her mother being away from her for so long, I think most viewers see her imperfection. But whether we do or not, let's remember that kids can be very perfect sometimes.

Melodrama, Action, Mystery, Thriller, Romance, etc are not really themes. Conspiracy is a theme yes but that isn't the theme of Two Weeks.

In Heartless City the writer had undercover agents sent out to discover other undercover agents whom he had sent out which left the viewer with a resounding? What was all that for? There really wasn't much of a theme, except that maybe undercover chiefs should have more control of their undercover folks and that everyone can be corrupted.

In Two Weeks the theme is what is the value of life? The theme is understanding one's past errors --even if one thinks one had no choice in the past-- and rising above the crap one has been dealt to make one's life valuable again in the eyes of others and in the eyes of one's self. It's about redemption and restoration and not being bound by the past. It's about sudden grace entering one's life, a gift from heaven giving you love when you least expected it and how you have to work with this sudden gracious gift of love even though the universe seems to be working against one. It's about penance and the stuff one has to go through to redeem one's past.

So the tension here isn't just about giving viewers a tingly suspense, although this is entertainment so tingling is also present. It's about rooting for a wounded soul. When the wounded soul moves closer to loving himself and to exonerating himself and to being believe... we feel something deeper in our heart. A catharsis and an identification and a hope because we have had moments when we messed up in the past. And a fear...because we dread that truth and vindicaation will not come to Tae-San.


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Hmmm... thanks for bringing that kind of perspective in.

Also, you're right, theme's wasn't the correct wording. What I meant was genres.

In my opinion Cruel City had one or you can say several. For me it had a very strong thematic patterning that revolved around loneliness, darkness, hopelessness, and searching for hope.

Thanks for commenting


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Ah, yes. They definitely are the same genres. :-)


I don't know all the correct terms, but I am going to jump in here.

They may have similar elements, but I think Heartless City was noir noir noir - and that is unusual for TV. Films, yes. Where the writers have absolutely no problem leaving the viewer with a sucker punch as credits roll.
I think we responded to the gut wrenching hopelessness of all the characters involved because we were treated to moments of light - and felt there was some good in the sad folks who were living in such trapped situations. The romance was only there to show us a bit more about the characters.

TW is NOT noir. The pervading feel is revenge and redemption, but I am sure expecting the good guys to win, the surgery to be successful and bad guys to go down BIG.
Not sure if the romance plays a big enough part, but friendship and love do. The sun will want to stay by the mountain so the little artist can draw them until they all grow old together.
Then again, this is written by the 49 Days writer, so that could throw a wrench in my assessment!!



Very true. Thank you for commenting. I appreciate the perspective that you, Carole, and whatever have brought.


Episode 14 made up for almost everything that was on my bad list for this drama. Everyone portrayed their character to the utmost. The first 35 minutes had so much going on that I felt that I had watched a whole episode (in a very good way). As of right now, my head hurts from holding back tears.

All in all, the show is improving. I'm beginning to enjoy it. Great turn-around.


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URGHH THE CAMERA. I knew it wasn't close enough to the end for him to be able to keep it with no problems. I was so anxious reading this recap my stomach hurt by the end (though that actually may have more to do with the curry I had for dinner than with nerves haha)


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Why do I still feel that Tae San will die in the end? Why is this feeling too strong to ignore? T^T

Thanks for the recaps girlfriday!


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I love the scene where Sujin declares the photo is hers. So much awww. And her little child logic in defending the photo just warm my heart.

My other favourite scene was how InHye tore into Jaekyung about her priority. Somehow, along the way, I''ve also gotten confused that the all-important-camera can clear Taesan's name. But it really doesn't. It's just proof of Jo and Moon's relationship. Now that Jaekyung is truly on Taesan's side, I look forward to their "partnership".

I think there's more about teacher Kim. The way he looks forlornly (I think...can't tell with his expression) back at Moon's house. Is he being blackmailed too?? Are we reading too much or is there a backstory to out terminator-cyborg killer.

I'm thinking that old cop is the mole...he seems too upright and sketchy. But I guess we'll get the answer tonight...or rather tmr for me.

I luff this show. It's one show I'm not slacking behind!


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Thanks Girlfriday. I know it's weird but this is my first time crying over reading a drama recaps. Without me realizing, tears flowing out haha!?????????


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This episode is really fun...finally TS and JK work together
happy to see them. I like both actor/actress very much. Thanks writer nim


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Lol JK and TS are so funny


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Jae kyung is smart, tae san should have use that kind of wig from the start and the sunglasses. No one would recognize him


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So glad that the good guys score 1, no 2, for a change:
They find out who is the mole, and they catch Killer Kim.

It's reassuring to see TS being the planner and offer himself as bait. So he is not of sub-std intelligence or courage. He just didn't have the motivation to find or use them b4!

Looking fwd to tonight's ep!

Ah, fans of KSH should be happier abt ep 11. She has a lot of screen time in it. Maybe same for ep 12. Good luck.


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Another great episode. Though I feel a little antsy with so much going the good guys way. That just means that we're in for a downturn soon.... The writer has trained me well.

Wanted to say that the girl actress playing Soo-Jin is doing a bang-up job. When she was talking about how she didn't want to make her mom sad by letting her know that she knows about her dad, I was feeling verklempt. Brava!

Also, definitely agree that In Hye doesn't really feel romantic love for Seung Woo. It's sad, but in a sense, she was using him as someone to help raise her kid and help provide for them. Obviously, she was giving something back, but given all the scenes we've seen between them, nothing suggests that she's romantically involved with him.

I'm ok with that since I'm hoping for the full family reunion between Tae San/In Hye/Soo Jin, but I don't know if it will happen given the writer. It still kind of sucks for Seung Woo, but hopefully, he grows wiser from the experience and maybe he could look into Jae Kyung a little (unfortunately, I think she's a little too much woman for Sang-Hoon).


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I think SW is wise to the change in the dynamics of their relationship. When IH steps out of the car, he has such a look of disappointment, hurt and resignation on his face when he drives away. His eyes don't linger on her like they normally do. That's why I wrote #17 and #17.2 above. Poor darling!

I'd like to have him if IH doesn't want him. Such a decent, loving, warm, caring, giving person. Oh god, my stomach hurts just thinking about him. I fear that he is going to die trying to save TS, so that TS can save SJ, so that SJ can live, and IH won't be devastated, and so on. And I'll cry my eyes out when that happens!

You know I dearly love TS, and LJK, but at this moment, if me ask me, If push comes to shove, I'd rather that TS dies, rather than SW. Yes, TS has had it really really lousy, but if he dies, it is his luckless life that sucks. Whereas if SW dies trying to save him, it feels like SW is making a martyr of himself. Oh shit, IDK. Just let them both live, please. But it ain't gonna happen, right?


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I dont mind jae kyung and taesan haha i like their interactions
I want SW and in hye to be together in the end


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Over the years, I've read a lot of girlfriday reviews. She's been snarky, blunt, snappy, excited, silly, intelligent, discriminating, insightful, etc. But girlfriday's voice here is different. I actually mistook it for Javabeans and I rarely ever make that mistake.

But there is such a pure tenderness in this review. Now, I'm not saying girlfriday can't do tender. But it's usually accompanied by a bit of snap or sass. This one, however, had only tenderness. Unfiltered. It was as if I got to hear a much younger girlfriday speak.

Hearing this voice itself was a treat. And it makes me marvel at Two Weeks for bringing out this voice. Thank you, girlfriday.


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::nodding:: re: Girlfriday's voice.


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Such awesomeness from girlfriday, thanks for the great review :)

I think Two Weeks let the bad guys win a bit too much for my liking, how come they always have options and the good guys don't think of anything ? They're just too soft and should be more cunning.


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Thanks for the recap. I'm getting a strong vibe that TS's father is "The General" so that makes SW his half-bro. If the writer doesn't kill of TS, he'll probably end up with JK after a few years and definitely SW and IH will be together too.


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I really want this ending *pray*

But seeing how su jin wants his real dad so much idk


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Is this even possible? Didn't Seung Woo get tested as a donor for Soo Jin? I don't remember, if it was mentioned, but surely they tried everything and that includes testing every single person you know. If they were brothers how would be the chances of Seung Woo being a possible donor, too?

Any medics out there who could answer this question?


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I ws thinking this as well. And because of the whole Korean incest degree of separation thing, SW can't really have TS's ex as his wife.


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Hmm actually I think tae San and in hye are gonna end up together again because they were like bound together from the start. They still have feelings for each other whereas you can see in hye's feelings for seung woo dwindle day by day. Plus Su jin wants to be with tae san. But then again that story sounds to good to be true and swung woo will wind up being hurt. So my hunch is that tae San will go off and live a good life and occasionally visit in hye and Su jin. Seung woo will be noble and be a gentleman and let in hye decide what she wants and in that scenario they would separate. Jae kyung will just be left as a friend :)


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Is it me or did everyone else cry watching the scene with TS and his daughter and his flashback to his mom?

Also, after the first two episodes, I really didn't like many of the characters, but they have really fleshed and developed them well. Thanks for the recap!


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I almost cry. My heart aches.

And I agree. Actually this is the first time in kdrama land that I actually like all the 4 main characters.The writer did a good job creating them that I dont hate any of the 4 chars


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TS threatening JK to kill her wtf was that necessary? I dont get that scene


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How can't I not ship LJK and KSY when they talked so close staring like that under that driveway lol jk

Anyway why I get that feeling that Jae Kyung kinda like TaeSan when she ask him to stay over then suddenly change her suggestion when she thought it was inappropriate. or was it a pity?

I thought there would be no loveline? But then it would be too late if they writer suddenly want to put it though


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Oh "Two Weeks" Drama writers, you are soooooooo good. This is how you do a thriller. Every bit of dialog, every story point in place! And why is it a thriller is sooo much more touching and moving than so many melos? Oh my gosh! this drama!!!!!!!!

And Soo Jin! The dialog they write for her~ And her ability to speak them soooo well!

And Teacher Kim! What an assassin!

I simply cannot stop gushing. What's also great is that one really never knows what might happen. Even with all the seeming foreshadowing...there is no relationship, no shipping, no death that seems foreordained. It feels so open and any possible permutation of events and the endgame is possible!

I also liked the bit of humor where Lee Jun Ki had to dress like a woman. I'm glad the director didn't have him totally try to pretend to walk like a woman. It was just sooo perfect. I got a little I Hear Your Voice vibe with prosecutor and witness in her room and for a moment I thought..well, if these two got together (which they probably won't) it would show that a little girl can have loving parents even if hre parents are in different relationships. That would be nice as well. But I'm thinking that Prosecutor and her boss had/have a relationship going on. Hinted at...maybe.

Other hints...when they showed us Tae-San's mom and the question about his dad, I thought we would get a little more hint about his father. But it didn't go there..either because it has no intention of going there or it will go there in another episode. But in the preview it's Tae-San's birthday next week. 22Sept so I wonder if we'll get a bit more about his father, along with Tae-san pondering his own birth. Will see.

Am thinking that the last villain to be destroyed will be Congresswoman. Will see. Is she being greedy to provide some care for her son? Who knows? Am glad the cops made the connection to the auction.

Thanks so much for the recap.


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What what. I think JK and her boss is more of father/daughter vibe to me lol
Also she is too much of tomboy to notice her section chief has a crush on her since forever


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True. that's also possible. I guess i shouldn't think romance is the root of every relationship. Whatever it is, he's doing a lot although the big guys keep pushing him to remove her from the case. I do think they were once lovers though. But who knows? He could just be her uncle or a neighborhood oppa. Thanks.


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I really hope not. That would be gross haha


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Gross? Omo! I don't mean her biological uncle but the Korean way...as in some older non-related guy she's close with. Oh gee...sorry about that. Gosh, it does look weird the way I wrote that. Thanks.


I think I would like it if the ending would be In Hye and Seung Woo together and Tae san just go for Jae kyung after a few years like some of the users here mentioned. Probably just a subtle hint for the latter couple. No need to show them got together or something. For me that would be an unexpected ending that would impressed me more and rather than the original supposed family getting together.
I agree with post saying that a girl can have loving parents even if have parents are in different relationships. I hope they do the unexpected and surprise us.


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This episode was a relief to me due the new partnership between TS and JK.
I hope both of them get a hold of that copy that Boss Moon did of the camera, so I'm not that worried that Congresswoman Jo destroyed it.

About teacher Kim, I think they won't get nothing from him, he won't say a word against Boss Moon since he isn't a mercenary like TS and JK thought, although why exactly he helps BM is a mystery, well actually that character is a mystery, and i wish we find more about him and his motivations in the next episode.

Thanks for your recaps!


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"just giving it anyway, not because he earned it, but because she wants a dad."

To me, what's been so sweet is that she doesn't want just any dad, she wants HER dad.


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I just marathon from ep 1 ....it does gave a different feeling. Much much more awesome. This show really have a different genre, no loveline, no orphan and we rooted for a scumbag loser. Ussually I hate a loser pitifil guy film, I more into hero story but since its Joon Gi, so I was so surprised. TS is a 'HERO' to his Soo Jin. Although he's a no good scumbag, and choose to be a coward, his Soo Jin is his wake up call. There's ancient saying about everyman have his/her dragon insides, and how we can wakes this dragon is our own choice. Surely, Two Weeks makes me wonder if some loser around us as pitiful like TS, too tired to stand up to his own feet when there's no one around to supports. This show teach us to be more understanding for the likes of TS around us and about live we choose. We might have a failure past, but it doesnt mean that we should gave up. #sigh....so much reality.....


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Yupp..I agree with you too.. There are soo much people like TS around us. For my experience, I have seen people like TS (gangster member like him in our country Indonesia we called Preman) or like Boss Moon who doing crime or Congresswomen who doing corruption and event we know and see from the news about radikalist people whose called TERORIS (like teroris whose make Bom Bali). Some time I wondering about how they growth to be people like we know know. What and how can they growth and then chose "the wrong way" (from point of view of many ordinary people like us)? Like I have had comment before in the last recap "We know we humans are born equal, but some time our choicess make us different". And from this drama the writer want to show us a different side of human like Tae San character. Every human are not born to be bad. And human are not 100 percen perfectly. Some time, just some time, we have to understand about people around us to make preventif before they grow up to become more..more..bad... Well, i have to say that this writer has a talent.


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Love it when the good guys team up and catch the bad guys! And this time a two-for-one special~
I'm not sure who the mole is among the 3 cops, but OMG THANK GOODNESS IT'S NOT IL-DO BBY. ;A;
I mean, he better not be another mole.
I hope it's not the section chief since he was just about to retire....and he's a senior to his hoobaes. x3

Mom & daughter moment was so precious. ;~; ♥

Then the Father & daughter moment just slayed me. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ ♥

Tae San was one awkward lady, but it was funny. Tehee

Ugh, I forgot that the gun evidence is gone....... Argh and no witnesses who actually saw Teach Kim shoot Tae Sang. Dangit.

I'm anticipating the moment when Jae Kyung and Tae San find out Teacher Kim's relationship with Boss Moon though!

It was really nice just seeing them talk to each other and have a meal. ^^


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Thanks for the recap!


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ROFL... Are you saying that Park Ha Sun's acting is the saving grace of Two Weeks? I can't help it... hahaha.. I think I'm gonna.....


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I really really want TS, IH and SJ together as a family at the end so I hope the writer doesn't pull a 49days on us.


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Hi I can't download the song the hyperlink is in quicktime for playback. Can someone redirect me pls. Tks :)


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