High School King of Savvy: Episode 2

Love it. Savvy is doing some great things with its likable and wacky characters, and I’m already invested. The hijinks begin as we get our first look into the double life that Min-seok has agreed to lead. Thankfully, he seems to adapt pretty well because he’s got just the right amount of pizzazz and (over)confidence to get through. It’s a pleasure to watch his interactions, as he’s somehow convinced himself that he’s making total sense when in actuality, he’s confusing almost everyone around him. Keep it up!


Min-seok stops on the steps of his team’s bus and thinks back to his hyung’s words. He makes the decision there and runs off, with his coach and Yoo-ah on his tail. While running, he gets a call from hyung and yells that he’s agreeing to his plan. He’s told where he needs to go and rides off in a cab, his coach a few steps too behind.

Star Building, Room 4202, password: hyung’s birthday. Min-seok puts on business attire, fixes his hair, and transforms into his alter ego — Lee Hyung-seok.

In the director’s office, Team Leader Kim gets grilled for Hyung-seok’s absence. Having seen the resemblance between the two brothers, he implies that they could use the brother as proxy for two months. But the scary director grabs his golf club, and Team Leader Kim blubbers a promise to get the real Hyung-seok here as soon as possible.

Min-seok stands in front of the company, and his brother instructs him to find Retail Team Leader Kim but only trust him halfway. Using a metaphor, his brother describes his field of work as a jungle: The surviving hyena is the king. In simpler terms, don’t trust anyone. He hangs up after his curt response, and Min-seok is left to follow orders.

While the retail team ladies are excited for the arrival of their new young chief director, Soo-young is on the roof drowning in her misery. Her mother owns a bungee jumping facility, so she compares her feelings right now to jumping off without the bungee elastic cord, free falling with no escape. Damn those pheromones.

Walking out of the elevator, Min-seok takes a deep breath before stepping in to meet the team. Fortunately, they’re excited to see him, and he pleases the crowd. They all welcome him and his good looks to the team, all except for one Debbie Downer, an older guy who sits there criticizing his lack of professionalism.

Min-seok is escorted into his room, where he barely has time to take a breath before he’s interrupted by a smitten lady employee delivering coffee. The hormonal teenage boy in him is immediately distracted by the flash of cleavage, and his eyes don’t leave the area as he says that he doesn’t like bitter coffee. When asked about his tastes, he says that aside from bitter things, he’s not picky, especially with girls.

Jin-woo uncomfortably ends up in the elevator with his father, President Yoo, who takes off his glasses in frustration while talking to his assistant. He flails the glasses around in front of Jin-woo, who stiffens and noticeably finds something about it bothersome.

In his office, Jin-woo is given a document to sign, but the edge of the folder triggers something in him. Although sweating and clearly nervous, he still manages to sign them and is told that the new retail team chief director has arrived. Once he’s alone in his office, Jin-woo takes pills with his shaking hands and proceeds to look up Hyung-seok’s profile.

Team Leader Kim is still freaking out about Hyung-seok until one of his team members tells him that he’s here. He rushes over to his office and gives him a hug of relief. But Min-seok tells him all is not as it seems and gives him sheepish look. Team Leader Kim is back in freak-out mode when realizes that he’s dealing with Min-seok. With a scary director and a fake retail team director, he’s convinced the world hates him.

Outside the office, one of the team members analyzes this situation. It’s a power competition between retail team director Hyung-seok, who reports to Director Han, and program team director Jin-woo, who’s under Director Nam. It’s a hard call to make.

Having no other choice, Team Leader Kim leads Min-seok to Director Han’s room and explains the complicated situation. Director Han acknowledges the uncanny resemblance but lifts his golf club when Team Leader Kim suggests that they go along with the scam. He can’t take such a risk and brainstorms reasons for why the real Hyung-seok couldn’t make it from Germany.

Their frantic planning is interrupted by President Yoo’s appearance, and Min-seok is forced to meet the man he’s working for. President Yoo has big expectations of him and invites Min-seok to a round of golf. Min-seok admits that he doesn’t know how to play but confidently states that he’ll learn quickly.

After the quick meeting, Director Han pulls Min-seok and Team Leader Kim aside to tell him the revised plan. They’re already knee-deep in this scam, so they better make this a perfect crime. Team Leader Kim is responsible for Min-seok; do not make any mistakes.

Min-seok trails behind Team Leader Kim, who’s still in disbelief. Admiring the building, Min-seok innocently asks what the company does. Team Leader Kim reacts with outrage but proceeds to explain the complexities of the business. Min-seok is not understanding, so he simplifies it to a big real estate company that does a little consulting on the side. The light bulb turns on in Min-seoks head, but he asks, “What’s consulting?”

Team Leader Kim can’t take it and goes out for a cigarette while Min-seok makes a visit to the bathroom. He checks his phone and sees a bunch of text messages from his stalker, Yoo-ah. He calls his friend, who steps aside from the hockey team pretending to talk to his mom. The whole team has been taking punishments for his absence. Where the hell is he?

Yoo-ah can’t believe Min-seok isn’t replying to her messages and wonders why he disappeared. Her friends think it’s a girl issue, but she shuts them up pretty quickly by grabbing their shirt collars.

Soo-young sees Jin-woo walking towards her and instinctively runs into the bathroom to avoid him. As Min-seok walks out of the bathroom, Jin-woo recognizes him and introduces himself. He invites him to his office, and Min-seok reluctantly follows.

In his office, Jin-woo and Min-seok talk. Jin-woo thinks he recognizes him from one of his business trips to Germany, but Min-seok suggests otherwise. The secretary comes in with drinks, and Min-seok downs his soda. He politely turns away for a loud burp as Jin-woo looks at him curiously.

Soo-young is asked by her colleague YOON DO-JI (Chun Yi-seul) to deliver some documents to Jin-woo, and before she has time to refuse, her colleague is off. She convinces herself that everything will be fine.

Jin-woo asks how consulting in Germany was like, and Min-seok answers with a vague “sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad.” He doesn’t say much else, so Jin-woo asks about the European markets. Captain Obvious replies, “In markets, you have to buy a lot and sell a lot.” HA.

Confused, Jin-woo says that it’s not the amount but how you regulate and analyze markets that’s more important. Min-seok simply replies that he agrees and says some gibberish about how it’s hard to handle excess amounts, like how too much food can also make you too full.

He gets a call from Team Leader Kim, who orders him to get out. On his way out, he recognizes Soo-young walking in, but she doesn’t show any sign of recognition.

Team Leader Kim scolds Min-seok for interacting with Jin-woo, but Min-seok assures him that it’s totally fine. He handled the situation pretty well, and working here doesn’t seem all that bad.

Jin-woo asks Soo-young if there’s anyone else in her team to deliver documents. They have an uncomfortable relationship at the moment, and it would be best to avoid each other for the time being. She stutters in agreement and quickly walks out.

Back in his office, Min-seok is handed a bunch of documents to look over. He’s got to memorize names and faces so that he doesn’t make mistakes in the future. Not keen on studying, Min-seok peeks outside his office and spots Soo-young. He looks through his files and finds her profile. She definitely was the drunken lady making phone calls. He remembers Jin-woo’s voice on the phone as well and figures out their “love story.”

He asks Soo-young to come to his office and orders her to buy him a hamburger as a test to see whether she’ll recognize him, which she doesn’t. She’s confused at the request but complies, and then he orders her to stay and watch him eat, and Min-seok has some fun making references to one-sided crushes. Soo-young gets flustered and escapes his office, while he laughs his head off at her reaction.

After work, Soo-young and Min-seok both get annoyed calls from Yoo-ah. They proceed to board the same bus, fading in and out of sleep throughout the ride. At Soo-young’s stop, Min-seok throws something at her to wake her up. She stumbles off the bus, and he shakes his head at her disorderly life.

Min-seok changes back to his school clothes and heads home. Dad feeds Grandpa tangerines while scolding Min-seok for his absence. He also asks about his hyung, and Min-seok lies that he called that he had to head back to Germany to deal with last-minute job matters. Min-seok yells at Dad for caring and worrying too much, calling him out for his excessive affections. Min-seok collapses onto his bed, exhausted from his first day leading a double life.

At school the next morning, a hockey team senior and Yoo-ah admonish Min-seok for missing out yesterday. And right after his teacher takes attendance, he’s off to become his brother.

Min-seok runs into President Yoo as he arrives and uses jet lag as an excuse for his tardiness. President Yoo doesn’t seem to mind and invites him for a meal or for drinks, to which underage Min-seok shows a strong interest in the drinks.

Min-seok apologizes to his team for being late, and everyone is happy to cut him some slack (except that one sour guy who grumbles). Min-seok notices Soo-young watering her plant and asks if its broccoli (ha), and she corrects him, saying that it’s moss, which he finds extremely odd. In his office, he comments on her unusual nature and finds the utmost joy in discovering the massage chair, which is interrupted by his cola delivery.

Min-seok leaps up to grab his phone when she picks it up in curiosity, and at first opportunity he changes the wallpaper before it gives him away. He swaps out the photo of him and his friends in their high school uniforms to a generic one instead.

Yoo-ah fumes when she finds out that Min-seok has skipped school again, and her friends draw out another scenario about the girl Min-seok must be skipping school for. But Yoo-ah isn’t called a stalker for no reason. She’s got a GPS app connecting her phone to Min-seok’s phone, so she’s going to track him down.

Jin-woo meets with Director Nam, who’s there to propose that they work closer together. Jin-woo has no interest in doing so, but Director Nam clarifies that he’s not here to be competitive. One day, Jin-woo will probably be taking over the company, and he wants to secure a spot. Upon hearing this, Jin-woo gets contemplative, and we’re not sure he’s happy to hear this.

Meanwhile, Min-seok gets briefed on the retail team’s current business, and the words literally come in one ear and out the other. It’s all gibberish in his ears, but he says he’ll think about it. He really needs to get to school for his hockey practice game, so he calls Team Leader Kim to somehow get him out.

Soo-young isn’t having a good day, with the vending machine eating her money and her ripped tights. Then, she sees Jin-woo approaching again and runs to the closest door to stay out of sight.

Following the GPS on her phone, Yoo-ah can’t figure out where Min-seok would be but realizes that she’s heading towards her sister’s workplace. Min-seok comes out the rotating doors of the company and makes eye contact with Yoo-ah. He rushes back in as she chases after him.

Min-seok ends up racing up the stairs with Yoo-ah right at his heels. Soo-young is hiding from Jin-woo in the stairwell, and Min-seok runs into her. He drags her out of the stairwell and covers her mouth to silence her protests, all while yanking the doorknob shut to keep Yoo-ah out. Jin-woo watches this scene unfold, and Min-seok gives him a nervous grin.


Yay! Another great one from tvN. It’s fast-paced, funny, and charming. And that’s pretty much all I need to have a good time watching. Even with the characters and plot figured out by the second (or even first) episode, I’m definitely in it for the shenanigans, which seem quite promising from the looks of this episode. Seo In-gook playing a pretend director/high schooler was a great idea, and I applaud the show for doing a great casting job in general. He does a great job of conveying that high school innocence and youth stuck in corporate world, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of his missteps.

While everyone else seems to have some comic element, Jin-woo seems to be stuck in his state of seriousness. He is an intriguing character though. We’re not told everything about him, and he seems to be the mysterious lonely one who could use a friend. His strained relationship with his father is another interesting component of his character. He seems to fear his father but still shows him respect. But judging from his negative reaction to small unnoticeable things in this episode, he definitely has a secret or a hidden trauma that’s affecting him, possibly something to do with his mother. And despite the awkwardness between him and Soo-young, I definitely want to see more of their interactions. The awkward pheromone couple would be quite fun and amusing to watch.

Soo-young is an interesting one, but her character so far seems to be one to pity. She works hard, but she’s got the worst luck, she’s socially awkward, and the mortification she feels is so real. I sympathize with her predicament, though I wish she would have more confidence. I hope that some of Min-seok’s confidence will rub off on her as they begin to work together. She could use some when dealing with Jin-woo.

The family scenes, although brief, are some great additions to the otherwise purely comic scenes. They add a layer of depth to the characters and the story, and they make me want to root for our hero even more. The whole Dad, Grandpa, and Min-seok scene is short, but it portrays the family dynamic. Grandpa is reliant on Dad, Dad is worried about his sons, and Min-seok is irritated by Dad’s limitless affection and compassion. They all care for and depend on each other, and it’s rather endearing.

But back to the imminent situation, I’m wondering how the relationship between Soo-young and Min-seok will pan out. I think I like the idea of the awkward pheromone couple too much to want these two to end up together, but I can see a fun dynamic: polar opposites, the whole stalker sister situation, and the whole pheromone Jin-woo situation. Oh yeah, and the high school kid dressing up as my brother situation. They can certainly be of help to each other in this quandary.


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Jesus Christ! I'm loving it! I'm totally in love that I forgot to breathe reading the recaps. Keep rocking the 'do, Gookie, you look HWOT!


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Give me English subs or give me death/ annoying impatience in my inability to know what SIG is saying!


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You can drop by and watch it with english subs over at http://www.dramago.com. They've got both episodes up already and for awhile now.


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Thanks all, guess I should've checked again haha. excited!


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kdrama.com has it licensed and subbed (its like the new dramafever/ viki but with only korean dramas)


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only USA viewers though.


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Kdrama.com. they even have an app.


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I just wanted to say, "Thank you" for recapping this drama. Also, you are doing a GREAT JOB. Keep it up! :)


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I'm also hoping that they develop the Soo-young/Min-seok relationship as an odd couple/teammates who help each other to grow. I think all of the main characters have potential for some interesting growth I think Yoo-ah will provide fun comedy, I'm just not sure how her character might develop in an interesting way.


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I wonder if standing on rooftops contemplating about life is the new K-drama thing.
Lord knows it's been an anime thing since its existence lol.

Maybe rooftop scenes will become like the fall-and-catch scenes, the drunk confessions, or the unnecessary very necessary shirtless scenes.


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Perhaps it's too expensive to film at the Han river for their contemplative scenes bahaha


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YES! So many rooftop scenes in the last few months. I don't even know how to access the roof of the building I work in.


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maybe they are all waiting for handsome princes to fall from the sky.


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Yeay, thank you for recapping this and thank you tvN! Because I'm a huge fan of In Guk, I'm a bit worried of his third drama as a main lead (I want it to be as awesome as his past dramas as main lead) but this is not dissapointing.
I laughed during episode 2, especially when he was at the company. I also like the fact that while Jin Woo ignoring Soo Young, Min Seok is interested in her. Love it! Can't wait for the upcoming episodes. I'll enjoy the ride.


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I only remember he was lead in AM 1997 what else did he headline?


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he is one of the leads in 2013 movie "no breathing"

and in web drama another parting (2014)


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I loved Another Parting so much, in all of an hour, he managed to rip my heart to shreds and his chemistry with Wang Ji-won is something spectacular. I hope they get to do a longer drama together.


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The first was Answer Me 1997, the second was a webdrama called Another Parting. You should try to watch it, it's awesome too, but so short! And he was also lead in No Breathing, but that was a movie, not drama.


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He's second lead Kang Candy in "Master's Sun"


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What is the title of the song and who sang it? I was guessing it was Jung In but Google won't let me find it :( It was the part when Min Seok and Soo-young are inside bus going home from work.

Kamsahamnida for the answer ^_^


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According to this post, you're right--it's Jung In. I'm guessing the title is 살다가보면 since that's also in the tags, but I'm not sure what the English translation is. Catchy song, though!



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thanks for asking. love the song too


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This drama is so loveable! I just love all the characters so much! Though it would be so nice if we got stony Jin Woo falling head over heels for our heroine. One of the things I really like about his character is the fact that he's not your typical second lead - bad guy with bad intentions. He has a good heart, and I hope he loosens up a bit more as the drama progresses!


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Yeah, this is pretty unusual. I love all the leads, AND I love all the side characters as well (except maybe the CEO -- we'll have to see on that one).

Seo Ingook's 'I have to pee' acting was awesome.


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Haha, that was some classic acting right there! He's such a great comedian!


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It's been awhile since I've laughed my way through an entire episode of a drama but Seo In Guk's adorkableness did the trick. I am definitely ready for more impersonation hijinks! Thanks for the recap, dramallama!


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Even though I love me some noona romance I suppose I could get on board with the "awkward pheromone couple." Not really feeling Min-seok and Yoo-ah right now though...we shall wait and see!


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I just realised something about the scene they had in episode 1! You know how he took her to his apartment? Did he carry her and take her glasses and shoes off for her cause that would be really cute if the drama showed us a flashback of him reminiscing about it! hahahaha thinking about it makes me giggle.


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Am I the only one who completely loves Yoo Ah? I die laughing every time she's on screen. She's definitely a day-maker.


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I love her too. This kind of character can get really whiny really fast, but I like the way the actress plays her.


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She reminds me of Eunji's Shi Won except that she's swooning over a dumb jock version of Yoon Jae in Min Suk and not some Tony boyband member from the nineties.


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This episode flipped my impression of the drama. I'm truly enjoying how Min-Seok is portrayed in more ways than one. Never have I seen someone acting so closely to what a hormonal male teenager is like. The actor definitely put lots of thought into his character and it is carrying like a charm.


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love love love LOVE! oh my gosh this is going to be the next drama obsession.
especially jin woo and his husky voice
seriously at the moment I want him together with sooyoung!
they would be the cutest couple
hope there are more interactions between them!


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Lollllllll. Loving this so far. Cracking up all over the place. It's not necessarily that anything is hilarious, it's just that the actors are fantastic in their delivery. Love Seo In-gook, especially! And that Team Leader colleague of his... Lol!!!


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Is anyone else really, really done with "cute" stalkers? They're not cute, they're freaking disturbing.


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She is pretty creepy but i guess she's a bit of a catalyst for the story - revelations and stuff need to be made right?


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Am not sure she's a real stalker though. That's just his nickname for her. He calls her stalker, she calls him wife. She's pushy but I'm allowing her to be the anti-cultural heroine. Not sure about Korea but I suspect a lot of girls are not so brazen. Ahjumma's are bold but young girls are supposed to have that aegyo thing. Culturally, shyness might be what's the norm. So whenever i see these stalker girls I think "wow, a girl standing up for herself and what she wants." I could be sooo wrong, though.


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oops, she calls him "hubby"


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I like Yoo-ah's straightforward character, but I agree that the stalking is disturbing. I mean, in only two episodes we've seen her keeping tabs on Min-seok constantly, chasing other girls away when he was being friendly with them, touching A LOT when it seems evident that he's not interested, and the thing with the phone? He might be joking about calling her a stalker, but that is some Grade A Actual Stalking right there.

If someone was doing that to me I'd be scared and angry. Probably the only reason he's is taking it so calmly is because he could tie her into a knot and mail her to the police if he thought it was necessary.

(That or there's backstory we haven't seen yet revealing a very good reason for him to put up with all that.)


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Did anyone manage to catch what the brother's passcode to the apartment is? Haha...


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Thanks, dramallama for the recap. This is fun and cute. About Soo Young, she really does have a streak of optimism with comments like, "There's always a way out even when the sky is falling." But like Alice in Wonderland, she isn't very good at taking her own advice and sabotages her own thinking.

I am sooo looking forward to the scene at the a) office dinner, b) business event where Soo young has to pinch hit, or c) blind date, and Soo Young walks in with her hair done up and in something lvoely- anything other than that pleated ankle-length mustard skirt and shapeless jacket- as a knock out that was hidden behind those glasses and poor posture. When the swan among the office chickens who don't even consider her a woman will emerge!


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That's precisely the problem with these drama stylists. Every time:
They feel the need to dress the heroine in the most heinous fashion possible, (Come on, who wears white socks with sneakers, And a grandma skirt to go to the office, if it's not a janitor?) in order to present her as being not 'loveable'. And later, by ditching the glasses, combing her hair, and changing into a normal dress, Voila, she becomes sb Most lovely.

It makes you wonder why the heroine couldn't have combined her hair, worn contacts, and a simple dress in the first place.

Are there really so few tricks in their 'make-over' bag?


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I totally agree with what you're saying, but unfortinately, that's precisely what they're aiming for - creating a underdog that we'll root for and then giving her a bit of a makeover so that everyone gets surprised at the beauty she's hiding underneath those glasses or whatever. That kind of stuff makes dramas well, dramas. And let's face it...who doesn't want the bumbling heroine to get a hot guy that sweeps her off her feet, making her the focus of everyone's jealousy?


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besides the already boring thing as well we might add is that we see that the heroine feels in love with the ugly duckling before she wow everyone else and loves her for what she is not for how she looks...but i hope she changes fast because she looks so messy,Min SUk is right on that one,she sure has her life all over the place


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ups,the hero(totally loved if we had a edit button jjaa)


I don't know...I don't feel that the thing of this show is physical makeover. I think Min Seok can help Soo Young to feel more confident and will make the director jealous at some point. I have hope she can make the director fall for her while using her glasses :D


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Because if she did, she'd be too pretty for the plot. LOL. But I really do wonder why she doesn't have any confidence when she can easily look at her self and recognize that she's prettier than most other women on the street. Girls with that kind of face and body always eventually get noticed at some point. Unless she's some really out of her mind luna lovegood weird genius.


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Omo...hottie director strutting around in his all black ensemble (without the jacket)...sizzling hot! I had to rewind a couple of times as I couldn't believe the perfection. Definitely swoon worthy.

As for Seo In Guk, he is doing a fantastic job in portraying Min Seok. Well done!

Looking forward to next week!


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omg he looked sooooo good! I had to rewind and watch that part a couple of times too!


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oh he really plays well, the physical comedy and body language is great. ahhahaa
I like it.


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Hahaha! Loved both eps! Characters are wacky and lovable and I can't wait to see where the drama goes from here.

Jin-Woo is simply fascinating and I can't wait to see his secrets revealed.


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Well this one didn't catch my attention. It wasn't fast-paced for me. The lighting of the drama makes it hard to watch because it seems like flashback. I'm gonna have to slip this one. Maybe I'll stick with the recaps if it gets any good.


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everyone in this show has a weird face


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Everyone, except SIG ... He is one of the very few Korean male actors who actually seem to possess normal male sexual qualities without being a pervert. Another one that comes to my mind is Tacyeon, with whom everyone in this forum seems to have a problem. Not too long ago, either Javabean or Girlrfiday or another recapper called him a Ken doll.

In Latin culture, every woman is either a madonna or a whore. In K-dramaland, it seems that every boy/man is either a well-tamed, cuddly (and neutered) puppy or a thug.

The actor playing the heir looks to me, if you'll excuse me, primed to play a young Dracula. That can be a great asset for an actor - not everyone has such a distinct look. I just have a hard time picturing him in any romantic situation.

The antics of office girls are simply creepy. But then, there's the stalker girl. She and the rookie in You're All Surrounded are cut from the same cloth. In Korea, do girls have to be like that to get their men? Do they actually succeed? It must be truly great to be an eligible bachelor in Korea.

Once the drama gets going with its main premise, I think it will be quite interesting and worthwhile. But right now, it is busy establishing its weirdo street cred. It all seems strangely familiar - Emergency Couple & The Witch's Romance began like that, too, only to go out in the most bland, middle-of-the-road, uncontroversial way possible.


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She said "weird face" not "weird of perverted behavior".


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What I like about tvn is that they give space to weird faces. Despite my love for soo hyuk I don't think his face should interfere in the romantic aspect, I mean, we all can love, right? I also don't understand what you mean by saying that in latin culture woman are either madonna or a whore. I think you probably had taken to serious the drama.


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I readily welcome weird faces over conventionally attractive (by whichever society's standards) clones. The second lead has a very unique face but there's something alluring about him, especially in this role. Bring on the weirdos and the weird faces please, at least it's fun, endearing and enjoyable so far.


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I tell you, it's that beautiful bone structure. He and Joo Ji-hoon could be brothers.


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Lee Soo Hyuk's weird face is far more interesting than (for example) Lee Min Ho's conventional face. LMH might be considered good-looking to many but give me Soo Hyuk any time!

Also, has anyone else noticed that Soo Hyuk has a beautiful side profile?


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This was on my to watch list, but with all current drama being let down, I thought will marathon this one later !
But the recaps and comments seem so much fun !
And I do need a good laugh these days !


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i really wish i liked sooyoung more.

more invested in minseok's double life and family ties atm
super cute show that still has my interest. seo in guk is doing great! really playing the boyish charm well.

also little sis is creeping me out. chill girl pls.


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I wish stony Jin Woo and darling Soo Young would get together. And so would amazing Min Seok and adorable Yoo Ah. But I think the drama is aiming for a noona romance b/w MS and SY, coz it's noona romance season!


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dramallama ~

Thank you for the recap.

Soo-young's so dorky, maybe overly so, but that's the fun.

At one point she bows and I swear she looked like a scarecrow. Funny. Poor girl, Min-seok's teasing her.

My goodness, Yoon Do-ji (Chun Yi-seul) . If her dress were any shorter.

Seo In-gook is doing a good job*.

* I hope his drama gf/wife Jung Eun-ji has good fortune with her new drama. I can only hope for a Seo In-gook cameo in Trot Lovers. That would be so squee-tastic. One of my favorite on screen couples.


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Thanks to everyone who replied in the previous thread with all the links, I was able to watch the first 2 episodes. HSKoS is really good so far so hopefully it doesn't rear into the disaster zone like so many dramas have done this year. I love all the characters and I'm ready for big brother to show up already so we can get to know him better. LOL


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Wow this one was posted but not my other one...


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By the way is anyone else having trouble posting comments? My comments don't show up and it tells me I have duplicate comments, but I don't see anything thing. Is this happening to anyone else or just me?


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comments take a few minutes or so to show up for me


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Oh my gosh, i soooooooooooo love this drama! It's the first in a long while that has me totally laughing out loud. I guess i like stress humor. Everyone is so at the end of their rope, even at the beginning, and heroine's extreme pitiable state is totally fun in that over-the-top Cinderella mode. And whether she's fated for the depressed angsty prince or for the kid or for the kid's older brother, there is this wonderful surety that she will end up with someone. Waiting for the makeover scene and thinking high schooler will be the one to help transform her. I can see tonsa misunderstandings with jealous girlfriend being jealous of older sister and depressed prince also getting jealous.

Am liking the whole thematic vibe as well. School as life, school as the real world, real life as a school where there are no real enemies and no real friends..only folks who can teach you wrongly or rightly. Am also loving the girls in the office. So far they aren't mean-spirited toward cinderella/candy... (which is why I just couldn't deal with the j-drama First Class any more.) They just are in their own little worlds. Will be soooooooooo good when they realize she's special to the two guys. I don't think they'll be cruel to her then, but will see.

I like stalker girlfriend and the guys at school and waiting to see how hero's school enemy -- the guy who never liked him from the start-- will teach our hero "wisdom." They might become good friends in the end.

The biggest thing of all is the mystery. What is hyung doing? What mystery is keeping hyung from work? What really happened to Dad in the past? Did Dad really kill himself (or drunkenly drive into the water?)

Thanks for the recap.


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plz tell me the name of song played in bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Yes, please. What's the title of the song?


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At the moment i must say i find Jin Woo one of the most intresting characetrs and he has many traumas besides his father hiding him like a mistake,his addict mom,his father hitting him...no wonder he doesn't trust people so easy and i must say i totally would love a relationship between him and the messy ,all over the place So Young as the pheromone couple,they would strangly look cute i think,once he comes off his hideout and loosen up a bit...ep 2 was damn hilarious and soooooooo good,laughted till the end...and Min Suk will become the nice guy who becomes the bully for the other person aka Soo Young without him even knowing,he will want to have someone with who to bound in the company while she wants to get awayf rom him and what she does to her without knowing,i'll take it for the funny because otherwise is sad and i pity her even more...and In Guk totally nailed his character even when he is nervious and stressed,he does the eye thing jaja


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Lee Ha Na as Sooyoung cracks me up! Everytime she tries to avoid Jin Woo she always does this weird moves, like a zombie! Reminds me of how Nodame from Nodame Cantabile lol She's so adorable :D


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She even confessed her feelings for the director zombie like...just sort of monotone and loud I LIKE YOU with a blank look on her face. I do like that she's not ostracized in her work place and everyone just sort of accepts her. Director was polite and nice to her before the drunken phone calls (understandably). He does seem a bit drawn to her though and curious about her. It's interesting that he said things are weird between them...FOR NOW...He's one of those characters that seems to need therapy from dad issues but I ship them...


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Thanks Dramallama for the recap. :D I enjoyed it as much as watching the episode, haha!!
Loving this show to pieces. The cast is great, the story is light and fun...and I'm looking forward to see some romance too. Cannot wait till next week!!


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and the Combat Boots died in You're All Surrounded, then reincarnated here as a Manager? LOL


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I noticed that too!!! I was like I KNOW that creepy but awesome voice!!! :P


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Though his voice isn't as exaggerated as it was on YAS.


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whaaa? he dies?!


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Nope Deb, it was false alarm :) I haven't watch ep 12 when I made that comment.


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I'm loving this drama already, somehow scenes I've seen 100 times before are funny because the actors involved are just selling it.

I hope the inevitable make-over doesn't involve Min Seok directly. I want her appearance to improve because that hair and that skirt drive me nuts but I don't want it to be about the men in her life...

I know I'm explaining this badly but I want her to get a bonus and go for a spa day with her sister where she gets a better hair cut and some fashion tips. For them to explain away her current appearance because her wages are primarily spent on her sister and bills. So she buys the cheapest clothes she can and when she tries to improve her hair and make-up skills it's a disaster and she's just kinda given up. Soo Young starts to look better because she got the pointers she wanted and needed plus it's a bonding thing between the sisters.

What I don't want is the fairytale princess make-over presided over by Min Seok or Jin Woo.


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Omg i completely agree with you. Let's hope this is not the formulaic fairytale story. I would love the sister bonding.
I don't mind the terrible fringe as much as that loose-ass ponytail :S omg just whyy?? Let it breathe, leave it open. Please.
Her dorkiness is so real and so painful. I can't.


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Agree completely - the last thing she needs is fashion tips from a high school boy who's chock full of raging hormones and who knows only hockey uniforms!

But I'm just imagining it - it would be so funny! I can just see them in the shop, with him pulling out all kinds of inappropriate dresses and asking really embarrassing questions!

Oh, the potential in this drama - can't wait! :)


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I want Soo young and Jin woo to end up together


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Hi - where are you all watching this show?


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I made a few attempts to watch both eps but end up zzzzzz.. until that bus scene. Could be because of d song but the defining moment is when schoolboy managed to get his popcorn noona from missing her stop (with whatever it is that he threw at her)..

The washed out colour pallet bothers me a bit tho...


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I think it was the chewed up gum he put in his pocket earlier.


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yeah, i think so too
because they empasize that scene when min seok wrap up his gum n put in in his pocket.


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I am glad someone else noticed the palette. First in the 1st episode it seemed way too neutral, but now I am enjoying the beige/khaki-black-white with an accent of red. It adds to the visual humor I think.
The whole show just makes me grin.


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The one thing that this whole drama really got me hooked on is whether or not Hyung Lee Hyung Suk will ever be appearing in the drama, what he might look like, and whether or not he'd still be played by In Guk (remembering reply 94 troll thing with appa), and if he'd still sport Gukkie's tear mole.

The other thing would be, what the h happened to hyung at the Incheon airport?



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this show is really GIVING ME THE FEELS, and i haven't felt like that since reply 1994. either way it's off to a great start. why you no mention grandpa! i thought he stole the show. he had me rolling on the floor in every scene lmaoo can you get any more adorable? i think this is the show where we can finally see a bit more of lee soo hyuks potential. so far i have seen him with the same cold expression in all his shows. i want him to really let loose and express himself in this. and seo in guk, forever my baby . fighting guys<333


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A good start to a nice summer comedy.It is a good thing this airs on Mon-Tues and by the weekend after my workweek i can dload and the subs are ready.

Someone above wrote, and i agree even i do not know how to access the rooftop of my office building.

Looking forward to more laugh out loud moments.Been to few lately.


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I think they need to put a little more thought into the OST. The background seems a bit too quiet for a comedy.


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A is for Awesome! Laden with laughs and oozes a great time. Hope the consistency last but have a hunch it'll flatline at some point as do most Kdrama anyway hwaiting!!!


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