Pinocchio: Episode 14

This episode takes an important step forward with the plot: We’re reminded that everything in this dramaverse is connected, and a string of recent events turns out to lead us right back to the beginning. On the upside, when history repeats itself, our characters have a chance to solve both cases at once, and hopefully save a family in the process.

Note: Next Wednesday’s broadcast of Pinocchio will be preempted for the SBS Drama Awards, but Episodes 15 and 16 will air on Thursday as a double header.


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EPISODE 14: “Hansel and Gretel”

After In-ha defends Beom-jo and his mother, Dal-po stalks off looking betrayed. Chaebol Mommy hears that her son is here and rushes downstairs to see what the commotion is about. He sits by like an angry guard dog while In-ha and Yoo-rae ask for her cooperation in the Santa backpack story, but to their surprise, Chaebol Mommy is eager to help and seems remorseful that the bags sold in her mall have led to school bullying.

She even returns Yoo-rae’s aegyo finger-guns with ones of her own, and tells Beom-jo not to worry about the negative effects the story might have on their mall—if they were in the wrong, they’ll have to suffer the consequences.

In-ha is the last to leave Chaebol Mommy’s office as the group heads back downstairs, and she notices a familiar earring on the floor. She picks it up and remembers seeing it on her own mother, and then remembers Mom losing her cell phone at Beom-jo’s house thirteen years ago.

Yoo-rae finds Dal-po digging around in the trash, and asks why he never showed on Christmas Eve. He doesn’t think much of it and just tells her he was sick, and she breathes a sigh of relief. Despite Yoo-rae’s protests that Chaebol Mommy seems on the up and up, Dal-po sneaks a stash of shredded papers out of the trash bin.

Chaebol Mommy encourages her employees to comply with the interviews, though they’re pretty much showing off the backpacks like it’s a commercial. Yoo-rae thinks Beom-jo’s mommy is pretty benevolent, and when In-ha agrees, she hiccups and realizes that she thinks something’s off about her.

The story goes out on both networks that night, and Beom-jo texts Mommy another apology. But she doesn’t seem very upset at all, and replies that it’s fine and she’s repenting for her wrongs.

In-ha returns her mother’s earring and asks what kind of relationship she has with Beom-jo’s mother, outing the fact that she knows about the phone thirteen years ago and now the earring. But Mom remains composed and calls them mere acquaintances—she points out that she saw In-ha for the first time in thirteen years too, and In-ha can’t quite argue with that.

Dal-po stays up late at the precinct gluing his shredded papers together, while Yoo-rae makes moony eyes at him. He heads out for coffee and she grabs a handful of papers to help, but immediately falls asleep.

In-ha comes in and accidentally messes up the page Dal-po had almost finished before heading out, and gasps to hear that it was Dal-po’s and he had been working on it for hours. Horrified, she grabs the whole stack and runs over to Chan-soo in a panic.

She asks for his help reconstructing the shredded paper, but he’s already down in the dumps because this is his last night as a detective in the violent crimes unit, all because of that runaway Santa. She declares that this will be a meaningful way for him to spend his last night on the job, hiccups, and immediately says in the same breath, “Never mind, I guess not.” Ha.

Dal-po returns with coffees only to find his stash of papers missing, and follows the breadcrumbs of shredded papers all the way to In-ha, crouched in a corner of the precinct with a glue stick in her hand and a guilty look on her face.

They sit down to work on it together, and In-ha apologizes for jumping down his throat earlier. They both agree that something’s off about Beom-jo’s mother, and In-ha tells Dal-po about Beom-jo stealing her texts for thirteen years, and that it was possible because her mom lost her phone at his house. And then the earring the other day. They guess that Chaebol Mommy is likely not the person they think they know.

Beom-jo’s anger flares up when he sees Dal-po coming out of his mall the next morning, and asks if he came here to gloat and check out how empty the department store is. But Dal-po says it’s quite the opposite—it’s packed inside.

He holds up a purchase order he pieced together, which shows that Chaebol Mommy reordered more bags in anticipation of the news, and says that she used the news story as a marketing strategy.

Beom-jo thinks that’s absurd, but when he storms inside, it’s exactly as Dal-po described—people are mauling the luxury backpack department, desperate for the bag that was on the news. He goes straight to Mommy to ask about it, and she feigns surprise at the result.

He slams down the purchase order and asks if she really didn’t know. We flash back to the moment that Santa was caught stealing one of the backpacks, and even though her employees ask that she be lenient on Christmas (and in front of Santa’s son), Mommy wags her finger and tells them to turn him into the police.

She tells the manager that they have to have an incident in order to get news crews here, and puts in an order for more bags. Back in the present, she asks Beom-jo what’s so wrong about using a news report like that—he got his story and she sold more bags. He looks heartbroken, and as he walks away, Mommy chides herself for letting him become a reporter. This is your big takeaway?

Beom-jo walks out in a daze, and Dal-po says he’s in no condition to drive. He takes the wheel, and after a while, Beom-jo says that he was right about everything, and asks if this is what it felt like for him when he discovered that his brother wasn’t the person he thought he was. Dal-po quietly says yes, and Beom-jo sighs that he must’ve had a hard time.

They arrive at the precinct and Beom-jo cutely offers to buy Dal-po dinner to thank him, though he makes it clear that they’re still rivals when it comes to In-ha. Dal-po has something else on his mind though, and asks if Beom-jo remembers the date when In-ha’s mother left her phone at his house.

Beom-jo remembers it exactly, since that’s the day he received his first text from In-ha: October 23, 2000. Dal-po’s eyes widen—that’s the day after his mother died.

A flashback reveals that Song Cha-ok was there at Beom-jo’s house with her MSC director that day, and that Chaebol Mommy had said to her, “Don’t worry, I never abandon my people.”

It’s what she texted to Song Cha-ok recently, after asking her to step down as the anchor. Some kind of deal happened that day, though we don’t get to hear the particulars.

Chan-soo calls Dal-po after being transferred to his tiny neighborhood police station, and now he’s the one desperate for someone to come by asking for a scoop. Yoo-rae doesn’t think it’s worth the stop, but when Dal-po asks her to come along, she’s happy to mistake that for his crush. He doesn’t correct her, as usual.

They’re surprised that In-ha is already there ahead of them, and Chan-soo eagerly sits them all down to regale them with stories of his terribly unexciting cases in his tiny district, like how he ran to the rescue to put out an explosion from a butane can used to cook ramyun.

They’re about to give up when suddenly both In-ha and Dal-po dart up at the sight of their old classmate walking through the door with two kids. Heh, it’s the girl who had a crush on Chan-soo in high school, and they’re floored to realize that Chan-soo married her and has a son who looks nearly ten years old.

Dal-po: “Why didn’t you tell us?” Chan-soo: “You never asked.” Lol.

It’s only then that they learn that Chan-soo got married so young because they got pregnant right out of high school, and that they even have a third child at home. They promptly get handed invitations for baby’s first birthday, and Chan-soo’s wife asks what their deal is—they like each other, right?

In-ha gets flustered and Yoo-rae scoffs, but Dal-po just answers matter-of-factly, “We dated briefly and broke up.” Chan-soo is surprised and Yoo-rae is beside herself: “WHAT? When? Where? How much? Why?”

On their way back, Yoo-rae trails behind them and watches as In-ha fixes Dal-po’s hood and they chitchat comfortably. She tells herself that it’d be weird for someone who looks like Dal-po not to have had any ex-girlfriends, and that it’s not a problem if they dated briefly.

She wedges herself in between them, but even a casual discussion about Beom-jo moving out of Mommy’s house makes her feel like the third wheel. I’m starting to feel bad for Yoo-rae and her doomed crush.

Beom-jo moved out to get away from Mommy, only to have Mommy appear and start redecorating his new apartment as if nothing were wrong. Beom-jo finally breaks his silence to ask about her meeting with In-ha’s mother thirteen years ago, and Mommy lies that she doesn’t remember.

Beom-jo says he’ll just find out the answer himself if she won’t talk, and when she reaches up to touch his face like always, this time he turns away. She argues that he should be a son to her and not a reporter, and he coldly tells her that he doesn’t need any of the furnishings she wants to add to his new place.

Once Mommy is back in her car, she tells her secretary that Ki Ha-myung is starting to get in her way. Ruh-roh.

Grandpa sits in front of his bowl of Christmas bar nuts from Dal-po and can’t shake what Chan-soo said that night out of his head, about Dal-po feeling guilty about everything because of Hyung.

He decides to do something about it and heads out to go visit Hyung in jail (and aw, fills out the visitor form as “family”). Hyung thanks Grandpa for taking care of Dal-po all these years, and Grandpa says he wanted to tell him about the years that he missed in his brother’s life, asking if he can come often to tell him stories.

Hyung is surprised but grateful at the offer, and Grandpa begins with early pictures of him and Dal-po soon after he rescued him. I love that Hyung’s all, “Er, what’s wrong with his hair?”

Dal-po is surprised when he gets turned away at the prison because Hyung already had a visitor today, and goes to see Chan-soo thinking that he must’ve gone to see Hyung. Chan-soo says it wasn’t him, and their attention turns to the TV where YGN is reporting the story of a chemical waste disposal plant that’s currently ablaze. About thirty people are still missing.

It’s an eerily familiar scene to Dal-po, and Chan-soo is shocked too—that’s the place where he went yesterday because of the small gas explosion.

All the news stations kick into high gear and Dal-po goes to the factory, where the sight brings back all the terrible memories of the fire that killed his father. Gyo-dong assigns Dal-po to look into possible connections between this fire and other chemical waste plant explosions, and hands him all of his old research on the fire thirteen years ago.

Yoo-rae is jealous that Cap plays favorites with Dal-po, but In-ha sees that this fire is really similar to the one his father died in, and Dal-po confirms that that’s why he’s been assigned to look into a possible pattern.

Yoo-rae feels sheepish for complaining, and feels left out again when she sees them so in sync and sitting close together too. She tells herself that it’s nothing to worry about, but doesn’t look all that convinced.

Dal-po sees that there are a lot of similarities between the two fires, and Beom-jo joins them with speculation that both factories contained flammable chemicals—illegal ones. They’re surprised to see him, and he looks at Dal-po to say that someone made him curious about the fire thirteen years ago.

Meanwhile In-ha’s mom goes to meet Chaebol Mommy for lunch. Mommy asks for her help with this chemical plant fire… just like she did thirteen years ago. Eesh, it really is the worst-case scenario: Chaebol Mommy is the one who fed Song Cha-ok the lead on Firefighter Dad back then, with the order to change the news flow.

She does the same now, and passes over a thumb drive with the request that she turn the attention elsewhere. What’s scary about her is that she maintains her pleasant demeanor even when she reveals her dark side.

The rookies go over the old news stories about the thirteen-year-old fire, and find it odd that there are so few articles about the cause of the fire. It’s abnormally focused on only one aspect of the incident: Firefighter Dad.

Dal-po didn’t really notice at the time because he was in the thick of it, but they agree that reading the news stories now, it’s weirdly unbalanced. He suddenly walks out, and In-ha already knows what he’s thinking without him having to say it: He’s beginning to suspect that his father was used to turn the media attention away from the cause of the fire, and has begun to ask why.

He digs through old newspapers and runs to Gyo-dong to ask about it, and Gyo-dong confirms that they were looking into the cause of the fire until the news flow suddenly took a sharp left towards Firefighter Dad. Gyo-dong can only suspect that it was done on purpose at the time, but it’s only a feeling and he has no proof.

Just then, MSC reports an exclusive, and Song Cha-ok comes onscreen to report that a local police officer was called to the chemical plant the night before the fire, and neglected to do anything about a gas leak that could’ve prevented the explosion. Oh no. It’s Chan-soo! You can’t make Chan-soo the scapegoat!

She even has CCTV footage of Chan-soo coming and going in under five minutes that night, and a recorded phone call where he tells Song Cha-ok that he left after five minutes because it was no big deal.

Both In-ha and Dal-po are appalled that Chan-soo’s being accused of something so blatantly false, though Chan-soo watches the same report and starts to doubt himself. His detective team leader calls to yell at him for answering the reporter’s questions and digging himself into a deeper hole, and Chan-soo just asks numbly, “Did I do that? Did I do such a scary thing?”

Dal-po grabs Gyo-dong’s arm and stammers that the cop is his friend, and shouts that this is absurd—Chan-soo went that night and confirmed that a small butane can exploded, which can’t be the source of the subsequent fire.

Gyo-dong is deep in thought as he murmurs that this fire is a lot like the other one—it was the same back then, where everyone was looking into the source of the fire, when suddenly the news flow took a sudden turn. Dal-po asks how people believed such ridiculous lies—did Cap believe them too?

Gyo-dong apologizes and says it might sound like an excuse now, but he thought it was right at the time: “When a dog barks, all the neighborhood dogs bark too, not knowing the reason why. I see it now—that I was just a neighborhood dog.” He balls up his fist in anger.

Dal-po marches over to MSC just behind Cha-ok, who’s arriving after her field report. But it’s In-ha and Beom-jo who reach her first to demand an explanation and argue that the fire isn’t Chan-soo’s fault. Mom just argues that In-ha is blinded by her friendship with Chan-soo, and that at least she has CCTV footage as proof to back up her suspicions—what do they have?

Mom says defensively that she only reported on a possibility and never said it was irrefutable fact, but In-ha argues right back that the problem is that people accept the report as fact, just like they did thirteen years ago. In-ha screams as she asks if this is how she destroyed a family back then too, and Mom rails back at her bring some evidence to back up her defense then.

Dal-po interrupts them and says he’ll come back with evidence then, and prove that Chan-soo wasn’t responsible: “This flow that you’re trying to change—I’m going to put it back in its rightful place.”

In an epilogue, we’re reminded of Dad’s dilemma over a chaebol son-in-law vs. Dal-po, and we see a deleted scene where he asks Grandpa about it in hypotheticals during a game of Go-Stop. Without naming names, he describes one guy as a winning set of cards, and the other as the worst possible hand you could be dealt. But no matter how much Dad insists on the difference between them, Grandpa says that if In-ha likes the losing hand, that’s the guy for her.


Aw man, that epilogue just reminded me that we never got to see Yoon Sang-hyun’s cameo this week, which I guess means that the preview at the end of Episode 12 was an epilogue after all. Boo. That was way too short. I guess I’ll go back and add the epilogue to that recap.

After yesterday’s episode, it was less of a shock that Chaebol Mommy ended up being mercenary and cold to everyone but her son, but she turned out to be worse than just two-faced. We don’t know the extent of her involvement yet or how deep the corruption might run, but if she’s someone who has a connection to illegal explosive chemicals, and neither fire was an accident, AND the fact that workers died in both wasn’t an accident… it’s looking bad. And here I thought that her worst crime would be coddling her son so badly he wouldn’t have a shot at being a functioning adult. The twist works pretty well because it doesn’t come out of nowhere; she can’t possibly be a chaebol CEO without being a shrewd businesswoman, and that doesn’t run counter to the doting mother we’ve seen her be in front of Beom-jo. She’s simply both, and up until now Beom-jo has only ever seen her sweet side at home.

I found it really effective when Song Cha-ok—pretty much our maind villain up until this point (weird, considering that Hyung killed people)—was visibly afraid of her and did exactly as told. And the scariest part is how sweetly she handles all of these shady business deals, with a smile plastered on her face and this mother-knows-best tone in her voice. It’s super creepy because it’s so nice, when the orders she gives leads to the destruction of entire families. And now that Beom-jo’s disillusionment has begun and led him to stick to his principles over defending Mommy, I’m worried for what’s ahead. If he had just chosen to side with her anyway, I could have written him off, but now he’s headed for a world of heartbreak, the poor thing. Doesn’t anyone just get to be a reporter without having to report on the crimes of their loved ones? At least now we know why Kim Hae-sook was cast to play this seemingly peripheral character—our final war is with her.

I’m happy about how Chan-soo was brought into this as well, because at first he was another marginal side character mostly there for exposition and delivering new cases to our reporters, and the Santa case seemed like a stupid reason to be demoted. But we’ve built his involvement in the cases and his friendship with In-ha and Dal-po over time, so that once we get to this crisis, I’m glad that someone we care about is at stake in the second fire. It seemed random to suddenly meet his family (though it cracked me up the way we found out that he married his high school sweetheart), but by the end of the episode my heart sinks just thinking about his three kids. It’s a nice moment when all the threads come together and you realize that nothing is by chance, and that we’ve been working towards this conflict the whole time.

It wasn’t the most eventful episode as far as the central relationship goes (would it have killed you to throw us a cute bone or some button talk?), but I like the new arc we’ve got going, because it complicates what was an otherwise flimsy revenge plot. I want to see Song Cha-ok get what’s coming to her as much as the next person, but that conflict was starting to wear thin (especially in comparison to the more emotionally charged conflict between Dal-po and Hyung). Now there’s someone bigger and badder behind Mom pulling the strings, and it’s made the original fire far more interesting. While the setup is obvious—Firefighter Dad was the scapegoat the first time and this time they get the chance to save Chan-soo by solving both plots at once—it’s still a pretty effective way to bring all our characters together in one big showdown.


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Kim Hae-sook is such a wonderful actress, pulling off all of the multi-personality scenes with such subtlety! I'm glad her role was bigger than just being the creepy chaebol mommy, but we should have seen this coming since it was too random for the creepy chaebol family to be introduced in detail at the very beginning... And pretty much nothing that happens in this drama is random, everything's relevant to the main plot conflict in a direct way.

Random point, did I miss something? We're still at 2013 right, not 2014? I thought there was still various ways to incorporate a time jump but now it seems really unlikely?? Why is this all happening at 2013?? Haha I'm just super stuck on this. I don't see how it could possibly be relevant with 2 episodes left.


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Its a 20 episode drama :)


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Alright then I shall continue with my crazy theories of how the time jump is relevant in my head.

Although now I feel like 4 episodes is a bit too long with the amount of conflict we have left... Since the deal with the creepy mommy seems so obvious and the pace of this drama is so speedy. I wonder if there's any plot points left that didn't get covered yet...


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Oh my god, there's 6 episodes not 4. Doh! I feel so dumb, can't even do basic subtraction ^^'

Though that makes me wonder even more about the plot....


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Sometimes I wonder how the writer makes the drama keep on moving.


LOL. I can barely do basic subtraction, either. Math skills in are baaad. I finally heard a word for it a few years ago... dyscalculia. Like dyslexia, only with arithmetic rather than reading.


"Although now I feel like 4 episodes is a bit too long with the amount of conflict we have left…"

After every week someone says something like this, but the drama just keeps getting better and shocks us so we shouldn't worry about it. Let's trust the writer and enjoy the ride.


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hey ep 15 in HD n all subs here and 16 Uploading Enjoy :) (https://pinocchiosbsdrama.wordpress.com) :D


I've been really surprised about this year's 20 episode dramas. Usually, I'd expect at some point in those dramas that there will be boring parts once we hit the latter half but for the most part, almost all the 20 episode dramas I have watched this year have been thoroughly enjoyable.


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Is it? Geez, Drama Wiki has been giving me false information.


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When Dalpo and Inha meet with Chansoo and his family, Chansoo's wife invites them to their third child's birthday "next weekend" - and the date on the invite says "Jan 23, 2014". So we've jumped to 2014 by this point - although I'm not sure how time will flow from here on in.

Also Pinocchio is a 20-episode drama so we have six episodes left, fear not! :)


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Wow you're right! I went back and checked! Would never have caught that (I was probably peeling tangerines at that point :P)

Wait when did we skip a whole year?? So I've been waiting all this time wondering about a time jump and it was nothing but a figment of my imagination???? I am just so disappointed right now :D

I can't even find where it was that it said it was 2013. Don't tell me I just imagined that part too??? Noooooo!


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In Episode 13 it was Christmas Eve/Day 2013, and up until that point we've been running in 2013, mostly real-time (you can tell when news segments are being delivered within the drama and the anchor announces the news date.) Seems like theres been a minor jump of a few weeks within Episode 13-14. Not sure if all this is arbitrary or if it will become important sometime down the track!


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Okay there seriously needs to be an edit comment function. First I think 20-14 = 4 and now I think Jan 2014 is next year.

You're right about the card, it says JAN 2014, so we're still at the 2013 timeline.

Well at least now I know I'm not crazy.

And with 6 eps that is plenty of time for jumping.

Okay. Sorry for all the freaked out comments guys :P Holiday bingeing has clearly made me sleepy and stupid.


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LOL! I swear to god akamiso, you remind me of me. My mind goes all sorts of wacko places just trying to figure out numbers.


LOL very cute. I honestly don't keep track of time in dramas, it just rises complicated questions.


You've seen that right. In episode 10 when Jae Myung was preparing to go to Song Cha Ok lecture you can see that in the paper that he get in MSC the date sched is December 2013.


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I don't know if it applies here, but other news related series are set in the not so distant past so they can use some big real world event as news item for the reporters. so far it didn't happen though, so there is probably another reason for this..


anyone know whos that little boy acting as chan soo son? He looks familiar, or acted in another drama before.


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@ Jessica
I wish I knew who he is or where he acted. He is really adorable in this episode.


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I tried to find, but coming up bupkis.


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Yup me too. Such a sweet looking kid. I hope we get to see a lot more of him.


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I live for Pinocchio, I was so shock how ruthless Park Ro Sa is, I never expect her to be like that. I mean she was so sweet and able to accept Inha as her daughter-in-law even though she's from a poor family. Its getting more interesting now.

Ki Ha Myung is in big trouble, Park Ro Sa and Cha Ok's eyes is on him...


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I'm starting to believe that there is no chance, not even a slightest one that a chaebol mama is that nice. That is too good to be true in dramaland. Lol


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She wasn't that nice even in A thousand Days' Promise!


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She started off terrible in Marriage Not Dating, but her character was a bit fleshed out when we knew why she was so het up on perfection for her family and she ended up a likable mum-in-law with her own weaknesses and needs for acknowledgement. I think I managed that without spoilers LOL!


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She was wonderful in Marriage Not Dating. Really loved how her character developed. Even at the start when you're meant to think of her as a typical resistant mother-in-law I thought it was portrayed in a rather realistic way. Not over the top. As she gets more fleshed out she just became so likable. Actually might be my favourite character in that show after Jang Mi, because she really felt like a character not just some plot device to pry the main pair apart.

Wish more drama mum's were written that well.


I love the twist in the story showing doting chaebol mom to be this wicked pimp for political big wigs to manipulate the media. She is much more than a regular chaebol w mercenary values who look down on girls from poor families whom we've met in many KDs, and Kim Have Sook is playing both sides of her w aplomb.

Also great is the twist w Song Cha Ok being worse than we expected. It was bad enough if she distorted the news of that fire 13 years ago for the ratings, not caring that she destroyed a family in the process. Now we see that she rises to the top of her heap by being a tool, a puppet of politicians. Despicable. How did a decent man like In Ha's father marry a woman like her in the 1st place? The acting is somewhat 2-dimensional by comparison.


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I knew that when Kim Hae-Sook was cast as Beomjo's coddling mother, there had to be more to this character - but I am pleasantly surprised at the turn that the plot is taking. Goes to show that Park Hye Ryun must have had all this figured out in her head from the get go - nothing was ever pure coincidence in this drama in the first place.

Plot advancement aside - cute bone - yes please - whyyyyy so flimsy on the cute romance! I want more! :P


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Kim Hae-Sook is is 1 of my 3 favourite K actresses. She is so wonderful that it'd be a total waste if hers was a simple char.

Kim Mi-Kyung is another fav. She is currently in Healer being the hacker.

Song Ok-Sook, the adoptive mother in Big Man, is also always a great addition to the cast. She seems to have slowed down a bit tho. At least I haven't seen her in any drama since BM.


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I also love Song Ok Sook among Few great mom actresses including Kim Hae sook and She is in Punch which is airing now too.


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it creeps me out whenever she says "adeul".


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Me too! LOL, she was too good to be true. Especially her meeting with In-ha's dad.


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I really think this writer is talented. I love dramas where there's minimal nonsense. With her dramas, there's rarely a scene where it's put into the story for no reason. This episode was the perfect example, where are the seemingly unimportant side characters are suddenly front and center and fit as important pieces to the puzzle. I love those moments in dramas.


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Can't agree more, while watching this unfold for poor Chan Soo I couldn't help but feel impressed how the writer pulled all these plot points together and upped the anti. I can't wait to see what happens.


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AGREE! I'm so hyped up nearing the end of this episode. Love the way the writer pulled the strings :3


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Yeah you can really feel that she's planned everything with care, how things are revealed at the optimum times not being dragged out and how plot points weave in together. I like how you feel that everything has a point, there is no filler. I don't have any moments in the drama that I feel like skipping. The direction is really well done too.


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Yay!! recaps are finally out.. Thanks gf, awesome as always! And no, Chansooo, that poor guy... and the chaebol mom is really creepy... I was wondering myself why Kim Hae-sook was cast here when she doesnt seem to have an important role..up until now. I'm actually reminded by the witch in Tangled, so overly nice behind the shady interior... And her cooing voice to BJ is giving me the chills.. Aack..

Cant wait for the back to back episodes next week.. I seriously need some adorable moment with Inha and Dalpo.. Now let's get starting with the button talk shall we?


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The writer knows how to insert sweet moments, like the secret button. And when Inha fix Dalpo's hoodie then the way Dalpo looks at her. That doesn't seems to be a breakup.


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This was what i said to my monitor when watching that.. "Dal Po ya... are you sure you two broke up?"


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UGH Chaebol momma, WHY!!!!! I really loved you!!! But m glad that yet another drama is showing us 2d characters. It makes sense and i dont find myself twisting my head because it is possible for one to be a doting mother and a ruthless businesswoman at the same time. In any case, i think this makes her even scarier cause it is a sudden 180, she's been like this the whole time....even though i still hate momma reporter and i want whats coming to her, im even more excited about scary chaebol mother; i cant wait to see what happens to her even though i feel really REALLY bad for Bum Jo.
harabuji has to be the best one out there....i love that he's going to visit hyung and i like that it keeps him in the story even if its minimal, its very impactful! InHa and DalPo/HaMyungm please get back together and please prevent my poor Yoon-Rae from getting her heart broken...even though i know its already too late. Cant wait for the next episodes....

GF take ur time for recapping next week's episodes. Its a new year and 2 episodes back to back! Happy New Year in advance everyone!!!!


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I really love you Grandpa Choi! You're the best grandpa/father out there in dramaland. Thanks for the recap! Happy holidays to all of you!


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He is just such a gem of a human being! He loves Dalpo so much that when he hears of DP's pain/guilt vis-a-vis his hyung, Grandpa steps up to comfort hyung when DP is too busy fighting the witches and evils of the world to do it himself!
Love Grandpa to bits. He better NOT die in this drama, or I'll cry till kingdom come.


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Why would you mention death Kdadict?? *cries*
And yeah haraboji is the best!♡♡


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Among other things, the soundtrack is still really working for me. Sometimes all it takes is a sufficiently pretty song to turn a scene from "eye roll" to "this is the saddest thing ever to have thing-ed"


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Oh it’s so good to have you back to normal, Pinocchio! Bonds reform, and others break in this ep while other fabulous (weary) four go up against their biggest enemy yet, who has a posse of her own in SCO and a politician who’s nothing above taking the dirty route to ensure that his hands stay clean.
I like where this show is going, I really truly do, but the method it’s using to go that way leaves me a little baffled. How on earth does finding her mother’s earring on in the Chairwoman’s office have any shady implication as to the nature of her and IH’s mother’s relationship? I don’t really understand how that jump was made. Thank goodness for Bum Joo growing a brain and enough courage to stand on his own. His tactic of trying to make InHa feel guilty is idiotic, but I suppose we’re all idiots in love. It’s nice to have a parallel between his and Ha Myung’s situations and thankfully brings back the bromance.
Who would have expected the case that ACS mentioned at random to blow up in his face just like that? I love how these plot threads are suddenly coming together. It’s chilling to see how easily history began to repeat itself. All it took was one bit of ‘evidence’, and good deal of wordplay for poor Chan Soo to suddenly turn into a villain. It’s even worse now that we just saw that happy son of his.

YYR has become nothing more than a comedic device to highlight Ha Myung and In Ha’s closeness despite their break-up, in contrast to her relative immaturity. DP and IH continue to dance around the issue of why on earth it is that they can’t be together. Seeing how bullheaded the two are about their feelings, I wonder what it’s going to take to make them see the light. I feel sorry for YR at this point who’s left out of the central storyline as well, seeing how HM’s father was the scapegoat created by In Ha’s mother on the news, to change the tide according to what PRS wanted so that politician would remain untouched. Yeah, there’s no one of YR’s here, unless her father turns out to the politician in question. That would be too cliché for words.
Could I love Grandpa even more? I didn’t think that to be possible, but the warm and caring way he just accepted Ki Jae Myung, just like that was…Pinocchio, why must you make me cry? I loved how the moment was underscored with JM’s incredulity at the state of HM’s hair. Wait until you find out how long he kept it.
Pinocchio sure has a lot of goose bump-inducing scenes. There’s this vitality, camaraderie, and pure honesty to the ending of this ep that’s really beautiful to see. KHM raced off to the MSC building, to tear IH’s mother down. Yet, when IH started defending Chan Soo, and Bum Joo joined in, and you could see how moved he was, that he wasn’t fighting alone. Our fledgling reporters have finally found their feet and just in time too. Take that Cha Ok. You’re going down.

Extended thoughts: http://unstoppablesun.com/2014/12/26/pinocchio-ep-14-review-and-when-history-starts-to-repeat-itself/


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I think finding mommy earing implication works in here, the fact that her mom earing there, and her handphone left at PRS house are too coincident if both doesn't have any relationship.


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That and the fact that Cha Ok says that she is just an acquaintance of Park Ro Sa raised suspicions in In Ha's mind. Acquaintances are not likely to be leaving personal stuff behind in chaebol homes. :)


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I think it's because Mom claimed they've only met once or twice over the years for political reasons. Because, obviously, they've met very recently if she lost her earring there. So that's what got In-ha suspicious.


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Great episode all around!
I can't believe they can blame Chan Soo for the fire accidents... Chan Soo won't get fired from the police right?
And poor Bum Jo has to witness his mom n will know her real face soon...


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Girlfriday, you didn't recap about the conversation between grandpa and dad which I thought had more to it than what was shown to us. Before grandpa went to visit hyung in prison, dad was making himself a hot honey drink, probably for being drunk the night before. He told grandpa people always tell the truth when they are drunk then frantically asked if he said any nonsense to him last night. I think dad might have told grandpa about IH and DP and their breakup after hyung's arrest. I think that was what motivated grandpa to visit hyung in prison. He's definitely trying to pave the way for DP and IH to get back together again. Sorry for the long winded post...heh.


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Some people have commented that Chaebol Mom is a good mother but a bad person.

I respectfully disagree.

I heard this beautiful saying by a parent but I forgot from where :


"As a parent, I want my children to be able to do this :

When they think of respect, they think of me.
When they think of dignity, they think of me.
When they think of integrity, they think of me.
When they think of compassion, they think of me.
When they think of kindness, they think of me.

In short, I need to become the symbol and example of all that is good and proper in this world for my children.

THAT is the kind of parent I HAVE to be. Or nothing at all."


I totally agree with that saying.

A person who has inhumane characteristics CANNOT be a good person, and consequently CANNOT BE A GOOD PARENT.

In order to become a GOOD PARENT, one must begin by being a good person first.

Chaebol Mother can be considered as an overly-indulgent, loving mother but she is in NO WAY in the category of a GOOD mother, being the two-faced, totally apathetic and heartless person that she is.

Even the writer writes her son, Beom Ju, as being horrified and shell-shocked by the revelation of WHO his loving mother really is - meaning even the son Chaebol Mother has lovingly brought up cannot even look at her or accept the kind of person his mother really is, after knowing the REAL person behind the facade.

The fact that she has such a strong, seemingly impenetrable mask/disguise/facade as a loving mother AND a ruthless businesswoman just goes to show that she has sociopathic, psychopathic characteristics - characteristics found in the brain waves of real-life serial murderers. People like her lack remorse, compassion, basic humane characteristics, which is why serial murderers are capable of killing of so many people – which explains how coldly, calculatedly and ruthlessly she gave orders that resulted in the tragic of lives and destruction of families.

The writer has probably brought up this matter in this drama because of the tragic events that happened in Korea in recent memory. The Sampoong Shopping Centre collapse that took 501 lives, the Sewol Ferry disaster that took more than 400 lives (mostly school children), just to name a few.
The tragedies were a direct result of corruption and lack of regard and respect for human life over money and power. Sadly, such tragedies have not just happened in Korea, but all over the world.

There is no way that a person who does not see or consider being two-faced as wrong can be a good person or a good mother.


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Correction :

...tragic loss of lives...


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I found your comment about the two sides of Bumjo's mother and her tendencies similar to serial killers really interesting! Just wanted to know what you think about Jaemyung (Hyung)? He did kill 3 people in 2 instances (and in rather violent/cruel/vindictive methods), but at the same time has shown to be polite, respectful and kind in most other aspects of his life - and we know it is most probably genuine since he didn't want to accept payment for his truck even when Dalpo was a stranger and his work senior was egging him on to do it.. However as was mentioned above as well Hyung is probably not considered the villain in anyone's eyes here, so we might have some bias there (omg the hyung-hamyung moments <3) but I wanted to know your views since you brought about the point about Bumjo's mother!


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My first impression when I watch Beom Jo's mom on ep 3..Wow she looked like a devil in Marriage Not Dating and now she looks like an angel? ??
I always feel that the director would never been casting her just to play sweet mommy.
Can't wait for the next two episode when sweet mommy become a badly one


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Yes, I do remember her well.
I couldn't forget when she called Jang-mi with soft-but-creepy voice ever...
And did you remember her at IHYV as the best mom? Her last conversation with Hye-sung killed me, she's so good!
Kim Hae-sook such a great actress. She deserve Daesang!


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Yes she is really daebak. She can really play two faces mother and at the first time we never imagine her changing emotion. Just because I watch a lot of Koreandrama make me aware that really impossible a good actor/actress just cast to play as an ordinary person in a dramaland.


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I find it unrealistic that back then even the police was swept up in the media sensationalism that they stopped investigating the cause of the fire and focused all their efforts in catching Dad. Dad didn't start the fire, so what was the outcome of that case? Since Chan Soo is one of their own, I hope the police will protect him instead of vilify him this time around. Chaebol Mommy sure has it out for Dal Po framing everyone close to him.

I loved how Dal Po so nonchalantly admitted he and In Ha broke up after dating briefly. I was waiting for In Ha to break the news since she can't lie, so for him to swoop in and save her in that moment, just swoon.


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Don't forget news business is still business. Why do you think your nightly news only report certain events over others? Because certain events attract more viewers over others (e.g., person running over a red light vs. Obama running over a red light).

So I don't find it unrealistic that they jumped ship focus on Dad rather than the cause of the fire...all viewers are caught up in "finding" this escaped firefighter who "abandoned" his duty while letting 9 other comrades die in the fire. It was a media sensation; nobody else would tune into other news besides when it is on Dad. So obviously the other broadcasting station changed their focus and try to find as much news about Dad as possible, to chase those viewers.


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But can you say the same thing about the police, that should focus on the cause of the fire rather than the ratings of the news? You could say they believed the lies of the factory workers, but they obviously lacked in really investigating the case, Ki Sang's body was right there.
Chan Soo is thankfully alive, and if the police get dragged in the reports of MSC again then I am going to be pissed. So so tragic how manipulative and corrupt the media can be; glad this show is addressing that issue.


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If the news sensationalizes the Dad's story, it shifts public view away from the cause. The police will then use more resources to catch the dad because that's what the people want. Even if police were still investigating the cause of the fire, it can quietly be tabled over time without raising suspicion from the public since they're too distracted with the dad's story


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@ Groot_times

This is also entirely possible. Often even police business is political. Please the public or funds get cut, people get transferred, etc. It's a sad comment on our society.


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This drama is also turning out to be a drama about two of the most cold, heartless, ruthless and two-faced mothers-who-should-never-have-been-mothers-in-the-first-place, who have given birth to offsprings who are nothing like them. Is that even possible?

The eternal Nature versus Nurture debate.


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Honestly I am so impress how you analyze the Eternal Nature versus Nurture debate.


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Thank you for the kind comment but actually my analysis is very shallow because I did not dissect and peel away all the layers to the story the way that I should because of a lack of time. ;)


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That nature-nurture question popped into my head this episode. I was trying to figure out in waht way Beom Jo could have been brought up that he knew nothing of the 'chaebol' attitude towards people (as in that people are to be used), that he had no inkling what his mum is like and what kept him so naive. I guess what is said about his mum being a sociopath might give some explanation, but still it's strange.

He does not seem to have been trained to think like a businessman or to take over the family business as so many chaebol sons are required to do. In fact after having depended on his mum for so much until adulthood, it is amazing that he can suddenly have the courage to break free. It's rather sudden, and his totally opposite point of view from his mum, makes it seem as if Beom Jo belongs to another family, as if he has not been nurtured by his mum at all. Where did he get his social conscience from, since his mum has none?


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Maybe from the Pinocchio with such a strong conscience that she hiccups even when she feels uneasy about something, who sent him texts for 13 years? lol

But I know what you mean, it is a bit of a stretch considering how utterly dependent he was on her before. And like you I find it hard to believe that he had no idea of this money-means-everything philosophy growing up in that house.


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@ Laica
That would be so cute,... picking up a good conscience from texts from an unknown Pinocchio :D

Which raised another question in my mind - why did chaebol mum never get that phone returned to Cha Ok. She seems to have know that Beom Jo had it and was receiving texts all these years. Yes as we commenters have been saying, this is a strange drama universe where we just accept things that do not always add up.


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Thank you very much for your response and comment.

I absolutely agree with everything you said. I could not have said any better. You have hit the nail on the head on HOW ON EARTH the son of such a mother can have a conscience when his mother obviously does not even know the word exists or perhaps does not exist in her vocabulary?

You are so right especially by the lack of training he seems to have had to prepare him to take over from his mother in the company and with all the mind-numbing coddling and babying by the mother, he suddenly developed the sense that the way his mother does things in the business world is WRONG to the point that he was shell-shocked and in a daze upon seeing his mother in that way.

I think the writer has missed a step here - the step that would explain more realistically(?) how Beom Jo could have acted the way he did - not accepting his Chaebol Mother's ways and showing his disagreement by moving out and not allowing his mother to coddle him the way she has always done.

That step is where is the NURTURE part of upbringing that played a part in building Beom Jo's character that has a conscience because the NATURE part - his genes from his Chaebol Mother - certainly would not have played any part in instilling the conscience in Beom Jo's character, considering his Chaebol Mother does not have any.

In contrast, In Ha has been brought up in a warm, loving and down-to-earth household, from where she would have picked up on how to have social conscience, compassion, integrity, respect and basic human decency.

So even though In Ha's nightmare-of-a-mother gave birth to her and pass a certain amount of her genes to In Ha (NATURE), the NURTURE aspect of upbringing definitely have played a greater part in building her character - which is a stark contrast to her mother-who-should-never-have-been-a-mother's character which is totally without conscience or compassion or basic human decency.


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I just thought of something!

The step the writer has missed in this drama is in showing Beom Jo's father - the kind of person he is - to perhaps explain that the NATURE aspect of upbringing - his father's genes - that he gained may have contributed to him having a conscience?

After all, nothing in this drama so far has touched on WHO Beom Jo's father is. Surely he was not created in a supernatural way - without a father? Or was he a product of artificial insemination from a sperm donor?


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I am actually half expecting to get some back story about his father. Wouldn't be surprised if their story is just like In-ha' and her mother.


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I agree that with this writer we may be in for more twists and turns that may include the yet-to-be-revealed characters such as Beom Jo's father. ;)


@ koreandramalover/kay and Fab

LOL! Beom Jo created in a supernatural way!

Yes you're right. We need to know his father. Maybe he was more with dad than mum and picked up the right attitudes from him.


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Considering this writer has done a good job of giving us so many twists and turns in her dramas so far (IHYV + Pinocchio), hopefully the missing parts (Beom Jo's father) will be filled in in the future episodes. ;)


Ya know this show I thought I had pegged in what direction it was going but this whole Mommy Dearest line popping up out of nowhere is just... DUDE. Well there were probably clues all along like how BJ got the phone, blah blah. But I was so focused on the cute and the brothers and the family love and SCO being a major douche. Everything fell to the wayside.

Theory: Last episode or next to last episode. Song Cha Ok interviewed by Beom Jo detailing everything that went on between her and Mommy and the two fires. Redemption and a family reunited. Boom! Mic drop.


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LOL!!! Boom! Mic drop.


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This episode feels like a study into root cause analysis. While I thought all conflicts have been resolved and wondered what else the writer could possibly come up with, she manages to surprise me again with exploring why the fireman was used as a red herring to distract the public from the true cause of and who should be responsibie for the fire. Brilliantly done.

Now we see the true nature of Seo Bum jo's mom, on the surface a pleasant, soft spoken woman hiding a shrewd, ruthless and unscrupulous business woman. Kim Hae Sook once again delivers a solid performance.

Ethically speaking there was nothing wrong with her using the press to advertise her goods, since they were already there for a story anyway, and would cover her product regardless. Hey, all publicity is good publicity, right? As they say in Hollywood. What was morally wrong was sending a poor, starving father to the police when it was in her power to forgive him, just so she could get the reporters to come to her store in the first place. And now she's revealed to be an evil master mind and Cha Ok, her evil puppet. Things are looking interesting.

This raises an interesting conundrum, how much responsibility should an entrepreneur have for selling an overpriced product which creates hardship for parents and students alike? I could argue that the store carries no culpability, they are in business to make a profit and have no business turning away willing customers who are there to buy a product. The responsibility comes from greedy parents and students for their inability to live within their means and their appetite for expensive consumerism. Hey, no one is holding a gun to their heads forcing them to pay $800 for a school bag! And there are societal factors at play and the need to fit in with the Joneses. Still, how is that the sellers fault?

Now that the plot has moved on to Bum jo's mom and their store, I see why he's the second lead. However, Yoo Rae's role seems highly underdeveloped. It seems a shame to waste Lee Yoo Bi's talent on this role, and if it is to provide comic relief, it's wasted, because she's not even funny. Introducing a second lead crush at this point between her and Dal Po seems pointless when the lead couple's chemistry and love connection is so strong. Hope that the drama will at least delve into her background in the last few episodes to make her more of a person and less of a caricature.


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Well said Adal!


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> I could argue that the store carries no culpability, they are in business to make a profit and have no business turning away willing customers who are there to buy a product.

I thought the exact same thing but since the media does this kind of crazy news sometimes, I could believe it would be a story and almost believe not a single reporter saying this, besides this is the way Pinocchio rolls for me, the obvious lack of logic of something gets conveniently forgotten by everyone, it is really a bizarro universe.

But worse than the story is the fact that In-ha and Dalpo work for different stations but they still cover the same small story and arrive at the same time and BJ even arrives with DP instead of IH.

>It seems a shame to waste Lee Yoo Bi’s talent on this role, and if it is to provide comic relief, it’s wasted, because she’s not even funny.

I think sometimes she is being purposely awful just to match the writing of this character.


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@ Adal and Lixie

About culpability - that is the problem we face in our world and not only in the drama universe. The culpability cannot only be measured in terms of what is legally wrong, but what is morally degenerate.

Playing on the fears and weaknesses of individuals, society and even of the culture at large who prize appearances, who bully the poor and who put things above persons, in order to profit, is one big thing that is wrong with economies driven by consumerism.

In this drama-verse we tend to accept the lack of logic and plot holes, understanding that much is coincidental or eliminated in order to drive the story along. However, if we look at real life, we also know that we may sit on the fence or turn a blind eye when difficult moral choices arise, when pressured by authorities or peers, when loss is imminent.

The lack of responsibility of the police, media, witnesses and public as shown in this drama, is a comment upon our societies as well.


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I think there might be a possible relationship between Yoo Yoo Bi's character and YGN captain. They have similar background. I don't think it is just coincidence.


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aish..song cha ok is really hateful. And Grandpa better not die, do you hear me?


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Song Cha Ok is being written as an unsympathetic and uni-dimensional character. Unlike IHYV that gave some backstory to explain why Min Joon Gook was on a revenge rampage, there is nothing yet on why ambition has led Cha Ok to abandon family and join hands with the unscrupulous Ro Sa.

Perhaps she will be better fleshed out towards the end.

By comparison, Park Ro Sa seems more interesting as she shows different sides to her personality.


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Yep, you're right. Maybe the backstory's gonna come out later, since we still have 6 episodes left.


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Agreed. I can't imagine how or why this woman married IH's father and abandoned their child.


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I think the backstory will come out later because in IHYV remember Min Joon Gook's back story didn't come out untill the last few episodes. (I hope that helps)


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@ aramint, Lixie and LinLin

I agree with all your comments. We trust that we will understand (and sympathize?) with the character of Cha Ok whom In Ha idolized and loved so much. It is such a pity if we never do.


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That time I see grandpa going out (to visit hyung) I prayed a little in my heart, please don't let grandpa dieeee. He's like the nicest, the wisest, the most amazing person in this drama haha.

And please don't make hyung die...


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Thanks for the recap, GF! Hope you had a splendid X'mas!

Loving this writer! What an unexpected great twist that BJ's mom is the ultimate villain though we had inklings that she couldn't simply be a doting mother. Glad both DP & IH have their suspicions.

It was so harsh when Mom said her mere acquaintance relationship with CEO is like the one with IH.

LOL at IH hiccuping while asking CS for help with the shredded paper. I guess the only cute IH/DP scenes in this ep would be those brief moments when anyone can see how close & in love they are. Love how they talk honestly so they can share info about the cases & work together. And even small gestures like fixing the hoodie.

BJ realizing his mom was using the news as marketing strategy & subsequently giving her the cold shoulder was both heartbreaking & satisfying. This writer really doesn't hold back on payoffs. After the last ep, I thought it'd take some time or more convincing for BJ to see through her facade. But nope, here we are with him already knowing & deciding he will dig up the truth if she keeps mum about the case from 13 years ago. I was glad to see the bromance returning when DP offered to drive & BJ realized how DP must have felt towards Hyung. Great character growth.

Grandpa visiting Hyung is the sweetest thing ever! And he readily accepts Hyung as family as an extension of his love for DP. Him taking up the one-visitor slot reminds me of IHYV when SH got his diary read by CK & SB couldn't visit. Hyung's reaction to DP's hair was priceless. Can't wait for more scenes!

CS marrying their classmate & with 3 kids! So cute! Glad YR is starting to tap into IH/DP relationship. I'm getting a bit tired of her character not doing much other than having a crush now/showing thoughtlessness & lack of sensitivity with Cap's assigned cases.

The 0.2 kg butane gas can case did make me feel apprehensive something is gonna happen, but I didn't realize how big it will blow up later. Gosh, BJ is gonna have his heart slashed knowing what Mommy Dearest did back then & continues to do now. Nevertheless, I'm still anticipating the unveiling of her true nature. How can she be so cold & heartless while having that convo with SCO as if they're merely exchanging pleasantries?! I'm really curious what CEO has over SCO that she would unquestioningly obey her orders to change the news flow. Is it just about her career & climb to the anchor position, or does CEO have some kinda threat over her that she still can't reject this request 13 years later KNOWING how she already destroyed DP's family & is about to do the same AGAIN?! No remorse whatsoever?!


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Poor CS... I'm glad DP/IH/BJ are all on the same wavelength. Would be so triumphant to uncover all the dirty facts this time now that they can see this case with more insight & the old case with fresh eyes. The end scene with IH ripping into Mom was so satisfying & even more so with BJ challenging her cuz CS is not his classmate; hence, her thinking is flawed. And she STILL doesn't get how the public takes reporters' words as facts even when nothing has been confirmed. The nerve of her to be so pompous with the "evidence" & casting doubt! Can't wait for DP to change back the flow with everyone pitching in for this case.

Epilogue was so sweet that it's gotta be IH/DP no matter what!


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@ Lisa

You've mentioned the things that struck me too.

I love the epilogue that adds to our understanding about what went on in In Ha's dad's mind and grandpa's wonderful wisdom. And in what looked like another dream sequence (wish there were more of those) we seem to see In Ha and Dal Po in the future.

But before all that, we have the horrid part to go through. I appreciate this writer who balances the feeling moments so well. There are several but I'm just mentioning one.... - The sweet and funny moments of Chan Soo's surprisingly large family that shocked In Ha and Dal Po is juxtaposed quite quickly with the horror of the gas explosion and the cold machinations to lay blame on Chan Soo.

The timing of the small butane gas fire is rather suspect. Was it set deliberately so that a policeman scapegoat could be created? It might have been that the big plant explosion was an accident. And then Park Ro Sa serendipitously found the CCTV footage of Chan Soo going to investigate the day before. But I find that is stretching it.

Might it be more likely that there was something to hide and therefore that the explosion had to take place, which means that steps were also deliberately taken to prepare a way to re-focus the attention away from the cause of the explosion, and the illegal chemicals, had actually been in place way in advance. Sounds like the cold and calculated way a certain chaebol mum might work.

The twisting of questions. Just as Cha Ok asked 13 years ago, "Can you prove that your father is not guilty?", she asks Beom Jo, "What evidence do you have that Chan Soo is not to blame?" This is so not the right kind of question to ask. The question should be turned on its head to her, "What evidence does she have that the explosion is deliberately caused and if so, who caused it." I was a bit perturbed that Ha Myung did not take this tack but rather said that he would find the evidence she asked for, as if her question was valid. It is not... if a person has not done anything wrong, there is no way to prove that, that nothing shows blamelessness.

The thing is that she herself had to face this question when accused of manipulating the news, but she refuses to learn a lesson and admit her wrong doings.

Ironically, because the baddies' method of covering up their crimes is to re-use the successful method of 13 years ago, it will probably lead to their undoing. The pattern now can be so clearly seen by the eyes of 3 young reporters and Gyo Dong.


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The epilogue with IH and DP's future made me squeal!

Exactly! This writer is brilliant in those juxtapositions, which make us viewers feel like those characters--we're wronged just as they are and want to fight for justice.

Good question! If the scapegoat was planned in advance instead of an afterthought to use as cover-up, whoa... Gotta hand it to Park Ro Sa then!! True villain.

Yes, something is definitely being hidden. I remember when Firefighter Dad finally got that storage room door open, he was so shocked by the sight of illegal chemicals. The set fires and explosions are planned in advance to cover that up for both cases. The reason chebol mom is doing this? I'm not sure. Curious to find out how she is involved in these illegal chemicals and whether there is still yet another mastermind behind these incidents.

Right on! You do not prove innocence; you prove guilt! That's why it is innocent until proven guilty. You can't prove facts; you can only show the contrary. So, SCO's basis is just wrong! And she still hasn't changed after all this time. Makes me really curious why she is willing to be chebol mom's puppet.

I guess they're not smart enough this time to devise another method... Glad that the 3 rookies and GD have their eyes open this time! And they're not gonna let this just happen without a fight.


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@ Lisa
About grandpa visiting Jae Myung, yes I forgot about how it is similar to IHYV. Repeated bits like these make me feel that the writer had so much to say or explore on the themes she has in mind, that she is continuing from IHYV into this drama.

The part I wish they had not cut away from was the full answer to Jae Myung's question to grandpa... why was Dal Po's hair like that!!! LOL! Yes, weren't we all horrified to see the posters and stills when they first came out.

So grandpa says it's to do with the fact that he was crazy over the loss of his own son, Dal Po,.. does that mean that the original Dal Po who was not the quickest on the uptake had to have a 'dumb-looking' hair style and so Ha Myung also took it on? So weird and cute at the same time.

And grandpa giving Dal Po a makeover was him acknowledging that Ha Myung is a different person in his own right, and yet, still his son. I agree... sweetest dad/grandpa.


This the writer of I Can Hear your Voice!!(I don't know how to highlight sentences hence exclamation marks!!)

While vicious chaebols and corrupt governments are no secret to dramaland, their intervention with the media doesn't always get highlighted the way this show is handling it. It's really well done. But I hope the show keeps the story surrounding the FAMILY. More of the cute moments please. (grand)father Choi visiting Jae-myun in prison? Awesome!
I really pity Yoo-rae for developing a crush on Dal-po, I hope they release her bf from the army in the show. That would be great.

While not really necessary I am a little bit curious about Song Cha-ok's back story. She can be just bad and crazy for attention. But how did she and that sweet man end up married?


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Her boyfriend? Do you mean heechul (super junior) rite? Or other boyfriend... I kinda missing something here..

But if you mean is heechul, I think he already finished army.. And if the writernim want to make an epilogue of it, that would be great ^^


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Come again? She is dating Heechul irl??
And no, I am talking about her bf in the drama, he is supposed to be serving in the army. She mentioned him when she the misunderstanding of Dal-po liking her raised...


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No, that's her Idol Crush that she was talking about when she rejected Dal Po.


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Yup..I mean she's referring her idol crush heechul...


Well this is awkward, I can't believe how I missed that! And here I was thinking how refreshing it is to have a second lead girl with a boyfriend.
Sorry hons.niech, I am going to sit in a corner and reflect on my embarrassment...


@ Fab
I was looking around for the use of asterisks before and after a word in posts, and as I've seen done and do myself, it is used to emphasize the word, in other words *this* means 'this' is in bold or emphasized. :)

We also use it to demarcate that an action/gesture is being done as in *wink*

So have a *nice* day and happy highlighting your posts *grin*.


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Just a thought or two:

Wonder if In-ha's parents divorced because of Mom's corruption... For me, it would explain why both parents were so adamant about In-ha not maintaining contact with Mom. Both parents knew what could happen to their kid if it ever was publicly discovered what Mom was doing.

Both moms represent to ends of the "working mom" spectrum. BJ's mom shows it possible to be a shrewd businesswoman and a mommy who's cares for her child; while, In-ha's mom shows that women often have to choose between professional and mommy. Cha Ok choose professional and succeeded though through corruption. It's all about opportunity costs.


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@ evwo09

This is a new take on the separation of In Ha from Cha Ok. If this is true, it would mean that In Ha's dad knows what Cha Ok is like and what she has done. So far, there have been no clues to point to more on this possibility, other than his vehement dislike for his ex-wife to the point of not having a TV at home for so long.

That's a good way to describe these mums-of-malefaction. However their mummy-hood whether embraced or abandoned seems to have done nothing to curtail their sociopathy. Which is why several of us have asked, what could possibly have got them to have kids in the first place.

Being mums was just one of those things that happened along the way or was a stepping stone to something else, and was not a character changing (for the better) moment in their lives, as it is for many of us. Sad...


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Oma is Big Bad?????????? Mind. Blown. Great job by the writers on deflecting for so long. First I thought we'd be chasing Hyung for the rest of the show, which was heartbreaking. Then I thought we'd be getting back at Mom for the rest of the show, which is boring. But I never expected to be facing off against Oma. I can't say I'm not a little disappointed, because I truly loved that woman up until now. But man, now I'm invested again. Just how evil are you?


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Yup twists and turns galore. We just cannot underestimate this writer. I trust that the end episodes will be as strong in story with all necessary reveals, no fillers and a satisfactory resolution.


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why is in ha's mother doing this is the other lady blackmailing because i'm guessing the same thing happened all those years ago but i do not understand why she would do this

I feel so bad for chan soo hopefully they will clear his name


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i think alot of ppl wont be liking my post but still i felt i have to talk about Song Cha-ok,In_Ha mom,i dun think she hate her daugther at all since in episode 13 we saw her old cell phone wall paper is her daugther and we dun put someone we hate as our cell phone wall paper so i guess there must have some reason she doing what she done.


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just my thoughts but I think she didn't want her daughter to be a reporter because of the scary and cruel things that can happen. she probably wanted to keep her away from all this and I'm sure she has reasons for being so cold to her daughter.


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Wondering how Song Cha Ok's lost cell phone continued to have service for 13 years? She would have had the phone shut down when replacing it even with a new #.

Glad to see Chan-soo get some time; he and Dal Po were the smartest kids in high school. He, like Dal Po, would have had further high academic honors except for the love of a girl. Fun to see that Chansoo, so rigid in high school, turn out to be quite the passionate young man who loves his family, while being slight embarrassed about how early it came about. I suspect that Chansoo will use his smarts so that his beloved family doesn't end up like Dal Po's. In real life, his police brethren would not abandon him, but since this is a drama, anything could happen.

Wondering what Grandpa's and Hyung's relationship will develop into. So sweet. Hate seeing Hyung in jail. Yes, I know, he killed 3 vermin.


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Looks like Beom Jo kept it activated with the old number, because he kept replacing it with new phones as well.


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@ Islander_58north
What I've been wanting (mentioned in other episodes posts) is for the Ki brothers and the Chois to become one family. This is already being hinted at with In Ha's dad acceptance of H Myung and now gramp's acceptance of Jae Myung as 'family'.

How great it will be if/when grandpa instead of losing a 'son' gains 2 'grandsons' in the Kis when all is resolved.


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I kinda don't understand, how Beom Jo was raised either. Mom should have raised him to take over the family business. How can he not know the chaebol business strategy. Even watching dramas, we viewers understand how the economy works and people's attitude toward brand names.


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can't get pinocchio out of my head.I thought the drama was over after watching episode 14 but i am really glad to know that it is till episode 16.


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They said it would be 20 eps drama... So still 3 weeks to go.. :D


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Welcome, Johnnie, to the wonderfully-addictive and engrossing drama Pinocchio!! ;)

Wow!! Marathon-watching of 14 episodes in 2 days???!!! Wow!! Well-done!! ;)


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Random thought on grandpa

Grandpa Choi is so awesome he reminds me of my other fave drama grandpa this year, seo in guk's harabeoji in High School King of Savvy.

Such sweet and wise characters...


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@ Blurbel
Yes, .... but ... oh dear that grandpa in HSKS died... we're all afraid that the writer might kill off one of the nice characters like she did to the mum in IHYV. I join the chorus to say "Please don't let sweet grandpa die" in fact, don't let any of the characters die in this show. They'll be able to accomplish so much more and give us so many happy feels if they stay alive!!!


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Agree! Fingers and toes crossed their fates are not the same!


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Call me crazy, but something tells me that there will be a reveal about Song Cha ok and here "real" personality. It seems as though the writer is bending our perceptions of the characters on purpose. While Chaebol mommy was presented at first as a sweet, loving mother and then later revealed to be ruthless underneath it all, I have a feeling that Cha ok will reveal another side as well. It seems to me, in the flashback to the past where she asks the boys "do you have proof" and then in the present when she tells them to "bring evidence to support your claim" that she is almost begging them to prove her wrong. I could be mistaken, but if she is pretty much owned by bad mommy then she might be backed in a corner. It just seems too easy that she is the only one dimensional cold character in this drama. I'm not saying that she is a "good guy" but I feel like the writer likes to "change the flow" on us so that we see all sides of the character.


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yeah, song cha ok was probably bribed or threatened or something that made her be caught on beom jo's mom's leash. I don't think song cha ok is as bad as she seems :/


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@ Kelli

I think you may have a point here. I had been thinking about the twists before and also noted that Cha Ok is the only uni-dimensional character. It will be nice to see another side to her character, especially if it can explain her choices.


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ahhh ~ so it was 20 eps drama ..
i thought this drama has ended on the 14th eps ..
it was a great drama !! really looking forward to the other
6 left ..
its good to hear that there is more ...


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wow beom jo's mom is a very interesting character.. I'm really getting curious now. I really want to know what she had to do with these incidents..


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Can i ask, what coffee Shop's name? Coffee shop had dalpo, Inha and Chan Soo's family were sitting?


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I somehow feel that the phone In Ha stole from Cha Ok Might be the key for everything....

Anyway... eagerly waiting for the next episodes......


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I knew it!! There must be a reason they cast such a great actress for the mommy role.
And now I'm just happy that my feeling was right about the creepy smiley mommy.


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Can't wait for tomorrow's double header! Chaebol mommy is too cruel, poor Beom-jo will be so devastated when all is revealed. Hope Chan Soo and family can ride out this storm unlike Ha Myung's family.


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Luxury brand marketing, though... How is that a bad thing? I mean, you're not selling based on quality or prestige, but not every company does that anyway.

Maybe it's because I'm American and I'm used to capitalism where companies for the most part are allowed to price their products at whichever amount they desire. I'm used to the mentality that people are responsible for their own actions. If teens want a pricey designer handbag, it's up to the parents to dissuade them from buying it, not the company. If someone gets bullied for not having one, it is the PEOPLE's fault. Not the company. By putting blame on the company, you are ignoring a much larger problem- one that addresses the mindset of Korean students.

I don't find it unethical that a company would purposely price their products higher in order to attract attention. If a company wants to take advantage of people's stupidity AND vanity, then they should go right ahead.

So I honestly don't see what Mommy did wrong in that regard. Everything else she did was pretty terrible, though.


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