Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 3

It’s our first full episode with our hero’s alter ego Robin, who turns out to be much more than just a guy that saves people. Maybe I’m the only one who’s surprised to find heart in a relationship between a man and his split-personality, but I find myself more invested now that we’ve met Robin. And it’s not just the dimples! …I think.


Baek Ji-young – “Because of You” for the Hyde, Jekyll, Me OST [ Download ]

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Not knowing that Seo-jin is now Robin, Hana chases him all the way up to the top of a tower, where she finds him basking in the moonlight. He definitely seems off to her, and she asks if he got hit in the head while rescuing her.

There isn’t much time for chitchat, however, because the bodyguards have found them. Robin springs into action and fights them off, locking the door behind them. There isn’t much time, and he scrambles to set up the fire hose as a rope so he can climb down.

Hana just watches all this agape, and when she tries to ask him about it, Robin looks up at her with a disarming grin. He assumes that she wants to thank him for the rescue, and tells her not to worry about it: “It’s just my personality.”

That stops her cold—it’s exactly what her teenage knight in shining armor said to her fifteen years ago after diving off that bridge to save her. While she stands there in a daze, Robin climbs up onto the ledge as if he’s going to take a chance on the death-defying leap.

Hana sees that he’s in trouble and offers a hand to help him. By the time the guards bust through the door, they’re zip-lining from tower to tower, smiling as they take in the view. But how did you tie the rope to the other—never mind, I think I’d rather not ask.

Once they get to the other side, Robin leans in so close that Hana has to shake away the butterflies and remind herself that this is Gu Seo-jin. He thanks her sincerely and runs off, but she stops him to ask where he’s going, so he takes her along.

Secretary Kwon is alerted to Robin’s reappearance, and he reminds the guards that Hana can’t be harmed while they capture him. Chairman Dad is pissed, and tells Secretary Kwon to bring him back quietly. Apparently there’s a hidden tracker in his belt buckle that Robin doesn’t know about, and they’ve already traced him to a family villa.

Hana does breathing exercises in the bathroom and slaps herself a few times, trying to get it together. She tells her reflection that she’s not the type of person to turn to putty at a charming smile, and that this is Gu Seo-jin they’re talking about. The problem is, he’s not acting anything like the Gu Seo-jin she knows, so she lets herself off the hook, deciding that confusion is inevitable and she’ll just ask calmly what all this is about.

Meanwhile Robin heads down into a bedroom filled with toys and comic books. A childhood room perhaps? He smiles at pictures of him (as an adult, and clearly as Robin) with a man and a young woman, all wearing goofy smiles.

He checks the phone that’s still plugged in, filled with voicemails now over five years old. In them, a man calls repeatedly to ask where he went, and then sighs that Robin really did just up and vanish one day, just like he warned them he might do.

In the final voicemail that’s more recent, the man says it’s been five years, and that his webtoon is going to be made into a drama. Ah, so Robin is an artist, which explains all the manhwa art on the walls. Robin listens to all the messages with a wistful smile, and muses aloud, “Everyone vanishes when their time is up.”

Robin turns on the colorful lights that fill the yard, and Hana finds him outside, greeting him by his full title as Seo-jin. Robin: “Seo-jinnie? Did he become an executive?” He asks if she knows Seo-jin, which just confuses her all the more.

At first she tells him to stop messing with her, but Robin introduces himself with a smile and points out that he must seem different from Seo-jin. She can’t argue with that—everything from the rescue to his words, down to his general feeling… it’s all very un-Seo-jin-like.

He adds that Seo-jin doesn’t rescue people, but he does, because that’s just how he is. She starts to believe him, and asks haltingly, “Who… are you?” Robin thinks back to Seo-jin’s recorded protocols, and answers the way he’s supposed to: “I’m his twin.”

He says he’s Seo-jin’s twin hyung, which Hana believes without much protest. But then she wonders why he was being chased by bodyguards, and he instinctively takes a step back because he doesn’t have a good answer.

She calls him out on the fact that he’s running away then and now, but then they both slip on the ice and grab onto each other as they go slipping and sliding. Soon they’re laughing, and they fall clumsily, still grinning from ear to ear.

That’s when Hana looks over and notices the necklace that Robin is wearing, and she says she’s seen it before, recently and a long time ago too. She recites his familiar line about saving people because it’s his personality, and blurts, “Angel’s Bridge!”

But then she looks over Robin’s shoulder to see the team of bodyguards with guns aimed right at him, and tries to move him out of the way. The team leader (named Seok-won) shoots… right at her, landing a tranquilizer dart in her chest.

Robin catches her fall and picks her up, refusing to let the security team lay a hand on her. He agrees to go peacefully, and his threats are scary enough to make them back off and step aside.

In the car, Robin stares at Hana while she sleeps, and asks Bodyguard Seok-won where they’re headed—Chairman Dad, or Dr. Kang? Seok-won says he’ll find out once they get there, and Robin silently balls up his fists. Hana falls onto his shoulder, still asleep, and he doesn’t seem to mind in the least.

Seo-jin’s cousin Seung-yeon is shocked to hear from his girlfriend (and Seo-jin spy) that he saved someone tonight. Seung-yeon knows how out of character that is, though he does recall a time five years ago when he saw Seo-jin pulling people out of a broken elevator. He wonders to himself now, “It couldn’t be…” Hm, how much do you know about his condition?

The cops arrive to investigate the attempt on Hana’s life at Wonderland, and Detective Na is more than a little freaked out at the circus troupe’s clown getups staring back at him. Secretary Kwon nervously tells him that both Seo-jin and Hana are at the hospital, uninjured but shaken up.

Seung-yeon comes by to confirm that Seo-jin really did risk his own safety to rescue someone, and is intrigued to hear that it might’ve been a crime and not an accident. At the same time, we see our hitman/kidnapper Glasses Strangler leave Wonderland and arrive at the hospital… where he’s greeted warmly by the doctors because he works there. Huh.

Hypnosis expert Dr. Tae-joo gives a lecture on his specialty to a classroom full of skeptics, but a swift demonstration in front of the room proves his skills. He calls himself a scientist, not a magician, and once he has their rapt attention, he begins his class.

When he returns to his office, Glasses Strangler is standing outside waiting for him. He turns out to be a lab technician at the hospital, and he tells Tae-joo that Dr. Kang had a CT scan scheduled, and when she never showed up, he found out that she was missing.

He’s also a patient of hers, and says nervously that all of his insomnia and rapid heart-rate symptoms are back. Tae-joo offers to renew a prescription, but Glasses asks for a consultation instead, and Tae-joo tells him to return tomorrow. Glasses seems grateful, but turns around with a frightening evil gleam in his eye.

Seo-jin’s mom rushes over when she hears the news about Robin’s return, and begs Chairman Dad to let her keep him close so they can keep Robin hidden until this passes. But Chairman Dad reminds her that once Robin appears, he comes and goes without any connection to Seo-jin’s heart rate.

He’s terrified of what happens if they can’t keep a lid on this, because the future of his company is at stake. Of course that’s what you’re worried about. Dad wants to send Seo-jin away for good, and when Mom pleads, he reminds her of “that incident” five years ago.

Robin gets dropped off at home, and he lingers to watch the car door close on Hana, who’s still sleeping. He lights up when he sees Mom, but she heartbreakingly takes a step backward when he approaches, like he’s some sort of monster. His face falls and he just bows before walking past her.

He knows to expect an angry chairman when he goes inside, and Chairman Dad yells at him immediately, asking why he crawled out again. Robin says he never knows, just that he exists, has his own life and identity, parents and memories. Chairman Dad screams back at him, “You’re fake!”

Robin takes it in stride and says that even still, he’s happy with his life, unconventional as it is. He points out that he seems happier than Chairman Dad, or Seo-jin for that matter, and that people seem to like Robin better too. Ha.

He asks to be left alone to just live his life quietly, but Chairman Dad scoffs that his life isn’t real: “You’re just a delusion, created by Seo-jin!” He tosses a bottle of pills at Robin’s feet and tells him to go to sleep, because his very existence is a threat to Seo-jin.

Dad tells him how hard Seo-jin has worked for the last five years to keep him from surfacing, but Robin asks, “So then why have I returned?” Dad wonders the same thing when no one welcomes him, and Robin sighs that he really is unwelcome, even after five years away. Dad tells him baldly that he’s not his son, his son’s twin, or anything: “You’re just a parasite.” Ouch.

Secretary Kwon gets strict instructions to make sure Robin takes his pills before bedtime, and once they’re alone at the house, Robin breaks into a giant smile and greets him as “Hyung,” all friendly and sweet. Secretary Kwon remains rigid and emotionless, and Robin looks at him strangely, and tries to wrestle a smile out of him.

When Secretary Kwon persists in keeping his distance, Robin pouts at his use of jondae. But when asked about his kid, Secretary Kwon is caught off-guard and falls back into old familiar rhythms, speaking comfortably to Robin. He rolls his eyes when he catches himself, but it’s too late, and super cute.

Secretary Kwon reminds Robin of Rule No.7—that he has to sleep at least once in a twelve-hour period—but Robin says it’s only been five hours. He says he’ll follow the rules so long as they don’t go see Dr. Kang, and Secretary Kwon says that they can’t anyway because she’s missing.

He catches Robin up to speed on Dr. Kang’s case, and the fact that Seo-jin is protecting Hana because she’s an eyewitness. When Secretary Kwon prods him about rescuing her at the hospital, Robin finally remembers leaping off the building and into the lake with her.

He wonders if Seo-jin called him forth because Dr. Kang is missing and he’s scared. But Secretary Kwon tells him solemnly that Seo-jin has changed: “He won’t be looking for you anymore.” Robin seems skeptical, but when Secretary Kwon mentions Rule No. 19, Robin falls silent.

He gets this vulnerable little crack in his voice as he asks who called him forth if not for Seo-jin? He hates to admit it, but he has no control over whether he comes or goes, and if Seo-jin doesn’t want him here, he can’t come. But Secretary Kwon argues that that’s just what he wants to believe—that Seo-jin needs him and wants him, and that he shows up to save him like a hero. Awwww, I suddenly feel so sad for Robin.

Robin argues that he doesn’t have the power to come forth on his own, so someone must’ve triggered him—if not Seo-jin, then someone else. Secretary Kwon knows how implausible that is, and seems genuinely sad to say it: “Nobody needs you anymore.” Augh, don’t Christopher Robin me! It’s only the third episode!

Robin looks around the office, taking in Seo-jin’s surroundings like a brother who’s just come home after a long trip. He chides Seo-jin’s insistence on decorating with impersonal photographs, or owning an expensive set of golf clubs when he’s not even that good.

He goes to their secret surveillance room and checks for messages from Seo-jin, and finds the latest one in which he reminds Robin of Rule No. 19: that he isn’t needed anymore, so there’s no more reason for his existence. Robin hears it for the umpteenth time today: “I don’t want you anymore.”

Robin buries his head in his hands, and wonders why he’s even here then, if all of this is true. He has a thought and scans the security footage of Wonderland, and finds the moment that Seo-jin saw Hana in trouble and changed into Robin.

He rewinds the tape to read what Seo-jin says in that exact moment: “Jang… Hana?” He’s pretty quick on the uptake and puts all the pieces together, and guesses that Hana is the one who called him forth.

Hana wakes up in a strange bed, and finds that Seo-jin/Robin’s Big Dipper necklace is around her neck. We see that while she was unconscious, Robin took it off and put it on her, thanking her for saving him when that’s really more his thing.

She’s sure now that her Angel Bridge hero was Robin, and at the same time that she declares, “It was Robin,” Robin is saying, “It was Jang Hana.” He’s figured out that she’s the one who woke him up, and remembers the girl on the bridge fifteen years ago.

Hana finds her door being guarded, so she opens a window, which happens to look over the greenhouse as Robin paces down below. All that hullabaloo and she’s just at his house? Whatever. He’s calling to find out where Hana is, and she leans out to wave at him, which triggers an alarm.

He runs over and tells her to jump, so she does, right into his arms. They take off running with guards on their tail, but Robin leads her back up the stairs. Either he’s just looking to lock them in for a chat, or he’s terrible at this fleeing business.

They run out to the balcony and lock the guards behind the door, buying a moment to talk. Hana lifts the necklace up and asks if it’s been him all this time, and long ago on Angel’s Bridge too. He nods. She thanks him for saving her, and he thanks her too. “For everything,” is all the explanation he gives, and then they argue back and forth about who’s indebted to whom.

The guards bust through the door and break up the moment, tranquilizer guns drawn. Robin just calmly tells them he’ll go without a fight, taking a beat to smile back at Hana before walking away. She’s escorted off the estate, while Robin goes back to his batcave to record a new message for Seo-jin.

Hana runs into the circus office, ecstatic that she finally found “him,” and begins to draw Angel’s Bridge as we go back fifteen years. She narrates that there was a boy and a girl who came to that bridge every night. The girl came to practice her acrobatics; the boy came to commit suicide.

The first night, she watches in terror as Little Seo-jin steps up onto the railing. But he loses his nerve and comes back down. She watches as he does this repeatedly, night after night, and she keeps watch over him.

But then one night, he lifts both feet up to the top, and begins to lean precariously over the edge. Hana shouts, “No!” and leaps up, pushing him back to safety, but falling over in the process. He peers over the edge and finds Little Hana dangling over the edge, barely holding on. He falls backward, terrified.

But then a moment later, he returns and grabs her hand, and when she falls, he dives into the water after her. Hana narrates, “The girl thought, ‘I was going to protect you, but you protected me.'”

In the morning, it’s Seo-jin who wakes up in bed, feeling sore and disoriented. All he finds on his nightstand is a cartoon drawing that says, “Hi,” seemingly taunting him.

He races to the batcave and opens up a new message, and there’s Robin, waving back at him. Seo-jin seethes as Robin apologizes for seeing Seo-jin’s last farewell message, since he clearly hadn’t expected Robin to ever return.

He apologizes again and says that as of now, Rule No. 19 is no longer valid: “Because now there’s a way for me to exist even if you don’t want me to.” Robin confirms what Seo-jin suspected—that Hana is his trigger.

Seo-jin’s knuckles turn white and he wonders why her. Robin answers, as if they’re siting across from each other having a conversation: “Angel’s Bridge, fifteen years ago. Do you remember? The day you were going to die, and the day I was born. The girl who saved you, and awakened me—that girl was Jang Hana.”

Robin continues with the reminder that keeping Hana safe is important to Seo-jin too, because of her connection to Dr. Kang’s case. In light of that, he’s decided to institute a new rule. Rule No. 20: Protect Jang Hana.

Seo-jin flips through the security feed and freezes when he sees Hana and Robin talking and smiling together just last night. Closing caption: The most difficult thing in the world: the reconciliation and symbiosis of the two hearts within my heart.


I’m pretty sure this show will always remain in the light and fluffy category, but I’m happy for a little depth from Robin’s side of things, because his perspective makes his and Seo-jin’s relationship seem much more symbiotic than Seo-jin will ever admit to. I was wondering if Robin had a dangerous side or a hidden agenda, but so far he appears to simply be hated for existing, for making his parents’ perfect son something to be ashamed of. Chairman Dad’s reaction, I expected; Mom’s reaction was harsh. But given the circumstances, Robin is the nicest second persona a guy could have. He doesn’t even want to be in charge or take over Seo-jin’s life—he just wants to be there and help Seo-jin, and defines his entire existence on feeling needed by him.

Given that the inciting incident was Seo-jin wanting to end his own life, it makes perfect sense that the alter ego he created was a version of himself who rescues people. He’s meant to rescue Seo-jin, but letting your split-personality save you from yourself is probably easier said than done. That’s why Hana is crucial—she’ll be the bridge between them, and the one who saves Seo-jin in Robin’s place. Now that the backstory has been set up, I’m looking forward to some forward momentum and romantic development, especially with the twin lie in place. It’s a plausible explanation and a good way for her to keep hating Seo-jin while falling for Robin, none the wiser that they’re sharing a body.

I’m surprised that Robin and Seo-jin’s attitudes towards their identities are pretty in sync—they seem to be in agreement that Robin was created out of self-preservation, and that he exists as long as Seo-jin needs him. The only thing they disagree on are the particulars. In this view, Robin is more like an imaginary friend, and Seo-jin’s childlike need for him is his lifeline. That’s why my mind automatically jumped to Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh (I don’t know if Robin’s name has anything to do with it—it’s just my go-to sad imaginary friend reference, and anyway he’d be Pooh).

It seems like what we ought to be rooting for is Seo-jin’s maturity and healthy development so that he outgrows his need for Robin, but it’s so pitiful when you think about it from Robin’s point of view. He only exists because Seo-jin conjured him up, and he’s seen as a weakness, a freak show, a crutch. And the truth is, he is an emotional crutch. But it doesn’t change the fact that he feels like his own person. It makes me think that the moment when Seo-jin truly does outgrow him, I’ll be terribly sad about it, even if that’s what’s best for both of them.

Clearly Robin has his own goals and relationships, like his adorable friendship with Secretary Kwon, his friends from his webtoon artist life, and he even shared a little moment with the otherwise stony-faced head bodyguard. But he’s being portrayed as an extension of Seo-jin from the start, rather than a rogue agent, like he’s acting on Seo-jin’s subconscious thoughts and desires. It’s cute to think that this is how Seo-jin might want to act around his staff. And now that Robin is needed by someone else, it gives him new purpose and a new reason to exist—perhaps that’s dangerous in Seo-jin’s eyes, but then again, isn’t this all just his desire deep down to save Hana, again and again?


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wahh... you r very fast to recap this...
Thank you girlfriday.. Now I am off to read the recap.. :-)


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I feel like this episode was MUCH better than episode 2. Hopefully things will only get better from here on out!
Btw Hyun Bin is FANTASTIC. You can really see every little thing in his eyes.
Thanks for the recap girlfriday :)


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also, is it just me, or does han ji min have better chemistry with hyun bin when he's robin? idk thats what i felt...weird...


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I think so too. I think it meant that way, Hana has better chemistry with Robin because he is her savior and a nice guy. I don't doubt that Hana has a crush on him all this time.


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Erm yes. I kinda feel that way too.
So maybe those "antagonistic sparks" were lacking but the usual "romance sparks" are ok. Ok that's good enough to start but let's hope it goes both ways coz that's where all the fun starts right! *wink eye*
Choosing one hyun bin over the other. *yums*


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I feel for robin. They all seem to not welcome him and he looked crushed.
He's bound to disappear eventfully and the thought of it kinda makes me teary. Well, an emotional connection to a character is enough for me to follow the show (*cough as if hyun him isn't enough. I can just watch him do hoola hoops all day)
Not bad for ep3 considering ep1-2 was kinda weak.


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Why would he disappear? (actually asking) Isn't Robin the inner-thoughts/wishes of Seo-jin? So Seo-jin's maturation would mean that he will fully embrace both business-practical side with his fun-loving-hero side...right?

I feel like Robin will always be there - in co-control of healed Seo-jin.... because that would make him well-rounded, with impulse of fun or heroics or warmth, instead of just cold shell of a business man?


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Well with actual multiple personality disorder, no, it's not just your inner thoughts. They're really completely different people created to deal with problems that the original person can't handle. I mean yes we all have different sides to us, but DID is entirely different then just small aspects of us coming out.

Then again the way they've been talking about Robin in this show sounds incredibly inaccurate in terms of DID so who knows what they'll go with.


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Lovin it.....the story is making. I hope every scene becomes memorable


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I fell in love with Robin... but why he's the second lead :( ???

omg, it's already episode 3 and Hana hasn't changed her clothes :D


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I thought I was the only one who was bothered by the idea that she's apparently been wearing the same clothing for several days now....


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I think I actually like that much better than how in dramas the candy girl without a dime/won to her name wears a different winter coat/ensemble in every scene. Maybe it's a strike for some kind of realistic portrayal of a character.


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Same here. It shows that Ha-na isn't a rich girl who can affords to change her clothes. Another thing that really irritates me is when the character is suppose to be super poor; yet, you see that character wearing expensive clothing (*ahem that girl from Boys Over Flowers*).


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a+. let's talk about poor girls who carry a designer bags.


Cartoon characters don't change their clothes either. And that hasn't bother us. Why should Hana? I wear the same clothes sometimes. And if it smells? Febreze the whole outfit. Kidding about the Febreze. I will simply change if it smells. Lol.


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I think she hasn't gone home yet lol


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The same thing happened in Rooftop Prince. She wore the same pair of white colored shoes for at least 10 episodes T,T


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Can we just have Robin till the end of the drama? Hahaha
but seriously, I'll be so sad if he ends up disappearing forever and stuff...


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I'm sure by the end of the drama, Robin and Seo Jin will merge. LOLs.


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I don't know if that is possible tbh, and we don't want Jang hana two-timing, but perhaps GSJ slowly has more Robin-like traits in him as the story progresses such that in the end while Robin does disappear GSJ has embraced the other personality in him? I mean, it would not make sense if GSJ disappeared instead since it is his body in a way.. OR this man dies the end she ends up with Taejoo.
Like, why not. HAHAHAHA jokes


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And it’s not just the dimples! …I think.

GF! That dimples was enough for me...
Off to watch...


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This drama is so cheesy and nonsensical
Corny too
Bute the casts are awesome


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But at least it's entertaining.
And I doubt it wants to be more than that. :)


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Haha, it is really is. The convenient zipline and rope escape, her jumping out of the window and safely in his arms as though she weighed a feather... smh. I'm really amused at how long this director will continue to use that zipline trick.

But I have to say, I like seeing Hyun Bin as Robin. It's very easy to fall for him, I found myself cheesing so hard whenever he was on screen, which in this episode was the entire time. His gaze, his dimples, his smile... it's captivating. There was heart there even in the midst of nonsensical, so I'll stick around.

His parents though... ugh.


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I was really pushing myself to watch this drama, and I finally gave up. I feel that there's not enough depth in the actors, and the storyline is a bit meh. I was so excited for Hyun Bin's comeback; I might get back to it when it finishes :)


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Same here...

plus Han Ji Min is pretty and all... but her acting is pretty wooden to me, which is a total turn off.

And I don't see any chemistry with Hyun Bin at all.

It's really a pity...He's not my favorite, but I was really looking forward to his comeback...

Big disappointment that he chose something this cheesy...judging from the episodes so far...


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Its getting better though.


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Dimples. Dimples. Dimples.

*fans self*


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*helps fan you and fan's self as well*


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Between Robin and Shin Segi, who'd you choose?


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Robin. No competition.

There's bad boy with marshmallow innards (hot!) and then there's possibly psychotic bad boy with rage issues (run away at all cost). His guyliner is super hot but I still don't want Se-gi within a 10-foot radius.

If I really want guyliner, I'd ask Robin to put some on and cosplay for me. He's already got the fighting moves anyway.


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I second that!


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I can't help but wonder what made SJ what he is, if he can be this amazing personality, then deep within he's not all that bad...I can't give up on him, I feel he's just putting on a front and he's not the coldhearted jerk that he WANTS everyone to think he is...I feel bad for both of them, to even want to have someone else within you that brings all that good that's locked away (for whatever sad and hurtful reason) must be such a painful existence, how can I not feel bad for someone who has all that love in him but is "forced" to lock it all away?

I'm dying to know all the WHYs...Let's see if in the end both SJ & Robin will have the same amount of fans :)


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It hasn't really been clear why he was trying to jump off the bridge - but I think I can understand his obsession with control after having lost 'time' to Robin. As he's so focused on maintaining his calm/heart rate/whatever, he slowly loses any spontaneity and must always be thinking about (not having) excitement or keeping control...


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Ha! I knew this would come up at some point. But this is dramaland, why choose when you can have both? Lol


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Se Gi. Robin is boring. Gives you no challenge.


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This episode was great! Although… I was shocked to see Hana and Robin swinging on a rope from building to building like Jane and Tarzan! I also wondered where they tied the other end of that rope. However, it is a drama, so I will let that one slip. Especially because I enjoyed the scene where Hana jumped from the bedroom window and into her Robin’s open arms, just like “the Princess Bride.”  Loved the OST with that scene too ;)
I felt bad that nobody wants Robin, when he was just a nice person who rescues people. But, I think I understand now why he’s not wanted. I think that the family doesn’t want to soil Seo-jin’s image that he has a mental disorder of split personality, which can cause problem to their company. Especially, when it looks like Seo-jin is the successor of the company. But, the fact that Robin is an artist and Hana is a performer just makes it too cute; like they’re soul mates 
I can’t wait to see the next episode, even though it looks like we will see both Seo-jin and Robin. Seo-jin will be mean to Hana, while Robin will be playful with Hana. I hope that she meets Seo-jin’s wrath first, then receive Robin’s warmth later. That way, Robin can take her sadness away after she get mistreated by Seo-jin.
Awww… I am enjoying this drama a lot. I look forward to see when Seo-jin falls helplessly in love with her. Hahaha… Then, have Hana tell Seo-jin that she is in love with his twin brother, Robin. Ha! I wonder what he is going to do then. Hehehe 


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I think it's unfair to want robin in place of seojin... And that's probably why seojin doesn't want robin there too. Anyway, having him as second lead is fine since when they reintegrate robin's qualities will remain so no need to be sad. For me, i'd like her to fall in love with seojin, knowing that he has that robin side to him that he's just repressing. Hope she and robin can help seojin reintegrate and be happy already.


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It's gonna be killer when she realizes that Robin is in fact Seo Jin and not his older twin brother. Still cracking up on that... like really?


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I think this show is sort of making it seem like Robin is just another side to him, but DID really is like different people in one body. However, I think Seo Jin is really putting up a lot of fronts to keep control on his life (I mean, hello, no sexual stuff at all?! That will take it's toll). In the scene where Robin came out with the iant disco ball, Seo Jin definitely had the reaction to save her - he remembered his dream - but he didn't get to do anything because Robin came out. He's definitely not as bad as he wants to come off as.


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WOW WOW WOW all i can really say.
i'm expecting big things from this drama though.
thanks for the recap :)


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Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!

Lol at the line-zipping scene. I don't know if this scene is adapted from the webtoon's plotline but it's kinda not well-thought scene.

Anyway Robin is a charmer but I wonder if chaebol family is very cold in reality (in every freaking drama that involves chaebol), so sad to see his mom backed away from him not to mention the meanie dad. Perhaps Robin did the worst things in the past but I wonder what could it be. I hope the future plot will give a strong reason why everyone seems to dislike/afraid of him.


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Opps typo*zip lining


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Hyun Bin and Han ji Min have great chemistry. They're so adorable just standing there and smiling at one another. I hope the drama will gain more love from viewers as it deceived


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The cheesiness is still there, but I'll brush it aside since character development/narrative clarity is improving. It's picking up! I'm glad we had the opportunity to see more of Robin's interactions with the family and Jang Ha Na. I know I'm in the minority on this--and God forbid I criticize Binnie's dimples--but that manic smile weirded me out in previous episodes.

Also, isn't it time that she changed out of that red plaid top and leather pants? Nitpicky point. Still, I enjoyed it. Thanks for the recap!


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Haha I'll join that minority.


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I find myself to be a minority too. If he smiled any bigger she might have mistaken him to be a pedophile.

Reminds me of the man when you youtube 'hey baby'


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The sory is getting interesting and I'm glad there some depth about Robin...He's not just a saviour...


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It's no wonder all the good dramas are by sbs. They have a good eye for stories and actors. There's always something that they have to pull you in like the story or actors or both! Love the pacing so far although you could tell there was a bit of effects Going on like the water scene lol.


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This is a personality that I can sympathize with, Robin does nothing but good, and they've even established rules and 'protocol' and Robin isn't rebellious. I feel as if he knows that the body isn't his, and he is like a guest being invited into someones home. He comes only at the request of the home owner, and on this special occasion when Ha Na was in trouble. On the other hand, sorry for bringing up another drama in this Hyde, Jekyll, and Me recap but.... I really can't sympathize with Shin Se Gi at all, and It bugs me that some people would rather Do Hyun just be gone forever. Back on topic, this was a great episode and I loved the recap. I was laughing so hard when you called the suspicious guy "Glasses Strangler" lmfao. Oh and the father who played Cha Jae Wan's(Lee Dong Wook's) father from Hotel King is also playing a role in Shine or Go Crazy. He's pretty busy right now hahaha. Anyways thanks for the recap, and good night all.


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"Oh and the father who played Cha Jae Wan’s(Lee Dong Wook’s) father from Hotel King is also playing a role in Shine or Go Crazy."

The actor's name is Lee Deok-Hwa. Like you mentioned, besides the weeknight kdramas Hyde Jekyll, Me & Shine or Go Crazy; he also appeared in the weekend kdrama My Heart Twinkle Twinkle.

To me at least, it seems like almost every year you can expect him to pop up in kdramaland portraying his characters (most often villians) with monotonous regularity.

Market oversaturation??? Can't help but wonder where are all the other senior male actors? Let them have a chance. Sigh...wishful thinking.


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I always wonder how some of these actors can be so busy, in so many dramas all at once. Great memory skills? Good agents helping them? Ultra-super beloved?


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thanks GF!
the last picture.. can't help but sigh at that.. *dreamy eyes*


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Thank you so much girlfriday for the speedy recaps.

I will marathorn those 4 epidoses this weekned. All I can say right now is... oo-ri Hyun Bin shi is so flawless.


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WOOOWW this ep was literally a roller-coaster... here I thought nothing could top the gorilla scene but ohh boy ohh I was rung.. I think the writer/ director where smoking some heavy stuff to be able to do a scene like that... Plus didn't this ep feel like a very long music video.. All I heard was the drama's ost.. it is a great ost :)... I think they all should work at the circus by now...LOL
I'm really confused about this drama, do I like this drama or what? hahah


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Oh they are playing the OST too much for my liking. I hope they go with more instrumental score from now on or just not have background music for every single scene before they turn this into "Almost Paradise"


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Definitely the Hyun Bin Show. He's great. The plot though...I get where the source is from, but couldn't the screenwriter not make the impossible so obvious?

I liked Seo Jin in the first two episodes. I was not really interested in Mr. Nice Guy Robin, but when everyone was not welcoming his return (especially the parents), I felt kinda sad for him. (And the preview will probably make my liking for Seo Jin even less)

Anyway, don't care for creepy lab technician. Give me more Dr. Tae-joo instead.

Also, hope BJY's song would be used less and quietly. Not that I don't love her voice, but they're overplaying the song and it doesn't even suit the scenes.


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very compelling, I can't stop thinking of why would SJ want to kill himself at such a young age, and why does he now hate Robin so much?! Yes he's a big jerk but he's not evil or at least he doesn't appear to be much more than plain self indulgent and selfish! I'm excited for all the new secrets to be revealed.

Bennie darling, you rock, you make me happy...Keep doing your thing superman :)


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Dont be left out..if you love korean drama and would like to interact and gist about kdramas its not a scam just for intrested ones... Join this entertaining and interactive group on facebook WE TALK ALL ABOUT KOREAN DRAMA! https://m.facebook.com/groups/1541633016075605?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C8289804497&refid=13


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Just want to say that Kaddict is NOT KDaddict. 2 different persons.


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hyun Bin is a pile of charms. His dimples, acting, looks are amazing but seriously... This drama is a joke.
What's with the hanging on a rope.. Jumping out from the window... The pd is trying too hard which make this drama so absurd.

With the obvious plot of rich guy and poor girl( bland acting) , the girl keeps getting into danger and him saving her. Lmao....


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I totally agree with you. I think the production is not very well done. Hyun Bin is carrying this whole drama but even with that certain scenes are hard to watch. The rope is hanging on what - thin air? Lots of other characters are overacting. Sung Joon is doing a great job but he comes out so little and his character itself is not so interesting. He can't be part of the love triangle - not between two Hyun Bins.


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They got me!! I am loving it despite all the gripes and flaws. I hope they can find their footing and make it flow better. Still kinda bothered by that.

I don't mind the cartoonish scenes as long as the drama knows what it wants to be, but I don't really feel like it does yet.

I have some questions answered and even more new questions asked so I will follow along and see if I can figure out sj's DID case. SJ is one talented young man with his artsy side and his business side.


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Wow thanks for the super quick recap!

I had the same questions about their zip lining thru the amusement park although like gf said, it's better not to question that. And the way Hana leapt from the second floor window into Robins arms?? I thought the impact would have at least broken his arms in real life!

That said, I'm enjoying the light breezy tone of this drama. Can't wait for when the romantic developments to come!


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I watched ep 1, 2 and found it necessary to wait till Healer and KMHM both finish to come back to this.

Healer has a fantastic plot and I like it way too much, so this pales by comparison.
KMHM has more interesting split personalities, and this too pales by comparison, Hyun Bin and his swimming pool sized dimples notwithstanding.


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I should check out KMHM then. I study psychology and this show is just... What can I say, I cannot get myself to invest into the characters. It feels too light-hearted and not in a fun way.
Actually I only checked out this show for Sung Joon, but waiting for 40 mins of this show only to get 2 mins of Sung Joon is not worth it...


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You could try Heart to Heart too. :)


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I assure you that KMHM is far better and deeper than this show so far, so I suggest you to check out KMHM


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Don't expect any kind of medical accuracy from KMHM (or any kdrama for that matter) but at least it does know how to balance humor with emotionally heavier parts. The portrayal of the personalities is top-notch and things flow easily while watching it so yeah give it a try :)


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I haven't started this show yet - just reading the comments to get a feel for it - but I am watching Heart to Heart and KMHM and I love them both....while Heart to Heart has a more whimsical feel to it, yet all the characters have some kind of issue....KMHM is more out and out comedy, all the personalities bouncing off the central female lead and there's a certain logic with the plot.

If you study psychology then this is your golden time in Kdrama LOL.


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actually, KMHM has done well when it comes from DID from what i have researched about DID and being a pysch student myself im really impressed that the creators did do good researching.


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This episode is amazing. But i still couldn't understand why robin give hana the necklace before he know that Hana is the trigger? It's become a black hole in beautiful episode for me. I like how robin has a good chemistry with hana because of their past. But i'm more curious how Seojin will fallin love with hana... Hahahaha


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I think it's because Hana saved him from that tranquilizers as a way of thanking her.


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Aww....poor Robin. Whats he gota do to get some love!? At least Hana is there for him now.
Hyun bin is playing the 2 different character very well. Seo jin is so cold and lack warmth while Robin is more animated and smiley. And the dimples!!!! ?


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I like everything but the unrealistic jumps and diving, this show is disrespecting gravity. It's like I'm watching roadrunner or any cartoon where there's a huge distance between where the cliff runs out but you fall some distance ahead and the slow motion doesn't help.


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HJM is the new Blade Man


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If it wasn't for Hyun Bin's charms in portraying Robin (those dimples gosh..) I would have considered dropping the show. All the savings looked really looked too pretty to be true till borderline ridiculous. But I'll stick to it for now. :D

I'm hoping Dr Tae-joo gets more screentime! Or perhaps go really evil because idk each time when he appears he would give out that unexplainable mysterious vibe. I LOVE SUNGJOON (!) and I really want him to play a bad character this time around. After all he isn't the second lead and he's not going to give us any second lead syndrome anyways heh


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Let's hope he does not get tangled in this. We would have Third Lead Syndrome then!


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I AM INVESTED IN THIS COUPLE! Talk about the PREVIEW, their chemistry makes my heart thump! Last time Han Jimun pulled off such chemistry was with Kang Jihwan; last time Hyun Bin pulled off great chemistry was with (still) Kim Suna. I AM SO GLAD THIS IS WORKING OUT WELL!

Because of this Episode, I might have to switch priorities. I'll watch Hyde first than Kill Me. I LOVE THIS PAIR!

Btw, I love Robin. But I ship Hana with Seojin. Waaaaa the classic "tough guy" persona lol.


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I already watch Hyde first and then KMHM, that way I can go to sleep dreaming about that bad, bad boy Shin Se Gi.


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It kills me that I'm getting Second Lead Syndrome for someone who is literally the same person as the Male Lead. Seriously I just want to yell at everyone who's decided to treat Robin like garbage.

Not looking forward to more violent manhandling of Hana next week. Seo jin needs to learn a few lessons from Robin when it comes to that apparently.


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"Not looking forward to more violent manhandling of Hana..."

Me neither.


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I hope more viewers would watch thhis and help keep up the ratings from dropping!! Fighting HJM!!
Loved this episode! The OSTs were so perfect for the scenes!
'I am falling' for this drama completely!! xD <3


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Yea, the music is good. Had me tearing up during the bridge part. Suicide scenes always get to me. ?


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I really liked this episode. I thought that it was interesting that Robin doesn't remember Seo Jin's actions (unlike Se Gi, for example). That makes me wonder what he felt like when he appeared the first time. How did he know that saving was just his personality if that moment was like.. the only thing he knew at that point?

I actually like the twin excuse ^^

And while reading that part in the recap, I thought it would be interesting if there was a fantasy drama/movie/story about two brothers and one is in a coma for a long time, but when his younger brother is in danger, he can take over his body for a while and save him. ^^ But then I'd hope that the older brother would wake up in the end so that there'd be a happy ending for both of them, since I'm already thinking that Robin's disappearence will be quite sad..

Thank you for the recap!


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Does anyone else find it hard to believe that that incident is what triggered his multiple personalities for the first time? Not whatever made him suicidal...but her falling in the water while saving him? I get it makes the whole story more romantic but ugh. Now it does feel more like using a disorder as a gimmick.

I do like this show despite not realizing in advance that it would be so cartoonish in feel. It's a fun romp more than anything.

I am a bit annoyed by the amount of flashbacks...especially flashbacks of the same scene. If it's already scrambling to fill in the time then I'm worried for future episodes.

Other quick thoughts: lol at the fragmented mirror on the wall, Robin is adorable, shouldn't she be more concerned by men pointing guns at robin all the time, and the idea of the dr having a cure all is aggravating.


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There was a brief flash of a memory in episode 2 of a boy and girl in a scary situation. I think the something bad may have happened to the girl causing Koo Seo-Jin guilt - guilt enough to want to commit suicide.
That guilt and inability to act may have been the cause for Robin's birth when a life or death situation occurred again.

I've been struggling with possible reasons why Robin's appearances cause so much panic. Here's a thought I've come up with. I wonder if Robin has any thought to self-preservation when saving others. He leapt off the Angel Bridge and later off the building to save Jang Ha Na. The videos of of him saving people around the park looked quite heroic. Maybe and some point (or points) in the past, these acts of heroism were at the expense of his own safety and/or even put him in the hospital.


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I feel like the story or the characters are lacking depth, and they are just trying to make it up by casting top actors...but it's not really working


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I agree, there is currently a lot of foundation lacking and they're getting into it already which has juicy bits appear less juicy to us viewers. Let's hope for the best in the next episode (though the spoiler.. uh.. i won't spoil it)


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Agree, that's why I dropped it and can't continue watching it anymore. Even since ep 1 I really pushed myself to continue watching it, but nah I'm dropping it now


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jang ha na is batman confirmed


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Thanks for the recap again!

Some pretty random thoughts...
This hour flew by pretty quick, though it was mainly the two of them... but I wouldn't wanna see everyone else, considering atm it seems half the characters aren't too keen for Robin. SIGH.

Anyways, from this episode I can kinda conclude tae joo will be out of the scope from the love triangle, and it'll probs just be double binbin and jang hana. AWWW mang. The stuff he talks about on hypnosis does intrigue me a lot though. Like, really really? Off to google I go after this!

Three things to worry: the girl we saw in the piicture (i guess we always need 'the other girl'), driver anh and seo jin.

Clearly that guy (SJ) needs an alter-ego of Robin, with everything he doesn't have. Robin is a bloody blessing bro WHY YOU NO UNDERSTAND!
Kekekeke. Looking forward to the progress we will make tomorrow as I'm not fully convinced with this drama yet. BUT they have a pretty solid OST imo! Like daaang baek ji young you are back at it again.

And the head guard is quite charming. Just saying.


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I can't believe Hyun Bin chose something this cheesy and lack of depth over the great Kill Me Heal Me. I've watched ep 1 & 2 of HJM and decided to drop it, came here to read ep 3 recap in case it gets better so that I can contemplate to pick it up again, but no it's still so cheesy and lack of depth. So I decided to drop it for real.

Well I'm glad that Ji Sung acts as the male lead in KMHM since he does his role excellently, nevertheless. I know Hyun Bin is a good actor but tbh I doubt he'd pull KMHM male lead off as good as Ji Sung does.


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I'm also wanting to know the reasons behind HB's choice.:) I haven't watched ep 3 yet but 1 and 2 were really safe and boring for me. KMHM is far more risky and in the wrong PD hands could be a total mess, maybe that was scary?


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I read somewhere and apparently when they approached Hyun Bin (& Lee Seung Gi) the script and everything wasn't fully completed I think that's why both of them rejected it...


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I'm really liking this more than I thought I would. I'm not sure what it is about it, but I like it. I find myself being sympathetic to Robin, and I hope there is some way that Seo-jin will be able to combine his personality with Robin's because I do think Robin is everything Seo-jin wishes he could be: nice, funny, brave, etc. Basically the exact opposite of how he is. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Thanks for the recap, GF!


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There are times when Robin's smile appears to be fake. Hyun Bin is like, trying his best to look dashing and mischievous to sweep you off your feet. Yawn... may be I am growing old and his charms are not working on me anymore. But it does feel forced. Especially when there are armed guards, running around, trying to stun you. (And what's up with the bazillion bodyguards? It's just one man!! And how could one hope to protect their secrets this way, chaebol daddy?)


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Same here.

When he's Robin, his smile appears as trying hard for me. I guess PD thinks it'll be convincing as to create a distinct alter. And too many equipped bodyguards just to hunt ONE HARMLESS person. It's so absurd. Though a lot of MEH parts are scattered in this drama, I'm hoping it can get better on the coming episodes.


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That song it just never stopped. I'm just not loving this show. The zipline was just dumb. It was badly shot and utterly unbelievable and the show isn't far enough over the edge to pull off that kind of corniness. I felt like it was stuffed full of flashbacks and looks that were trying to be meaningful but just didn't work well. It seemed like a lot of fluff and filler. It's as if the show can't decide if it wants to be a light sweet romance or a more serious mystery love story and it's failing at both for me. I'll give it a couple more episodes and see if I like it more. He is a cutie.


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allways freaks me out how much power the rich have in korea, or at lest drama land korea, and I guess it is a reflection if distorted of the real one. I mean knocking out someone with a drug is something even doctors in a full hospital would only do if really needed, there is Always! a risk in putting anyone unconscious of complications and even death as a result, and here it not even by accident. And dose every big company in Korea have an army of guys in black seeming willing to break any law and normally in broad daylight at that.


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Your comment makes me wonder - where were all the guys in black with the tranquilizer darts when there was a LOOSE GORILLA??! hahahaahahahaha


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No need for fancy schmancy glasses to tell me that Hyun Bin gives me heart palpitations


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If I didn't love the leads so much, I probably wouldn't watch this. There are just some moments that are a little too cheesy for me that make me roll my eyes but....dimples!!!!!

I'm still not feeling any real connection to the story yet. Just watching for the pretty :)


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I really liked the meditation room. Are there real birds inside it or just bird noises?

"Dad tells him baldly" typo there. I checked, the actor has a full set of hair on his head, in case this was some sort of metaphor.


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