Angry Mom: Episode 2

Kim Hee-sun is such a badass, I don’t even know how she’s kept it under control all these years playing nice girly heroine types. She’s not the type of badass who begs you to admire her badassery from every angle; she’s the kind who just is, and you admire from afar while she just couldn’t care less ’cause she’s got more important things to do than worry about looking cool. A show like this is so utterly dependent on the title role that it’s a risky proposition in casting, but now that Kim Hee-sun is here owning this character, I don’t know how anybody else would’ve done it better.


Bily Acoustie – “더는 참을 수 없어요” (Can’t take it anymore) [ Download ]

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Kang-ja mulls over recent events—her daughter’s victimization, the broken system that won’t help—before coming to a decision. She makes a call, asking her contact whether they know where to find “Princess Han” these days.

That’s what takes her to the nightclub, where Princess Han is waited on hand and (literally) foot by a team of minions. (I love the detail where the men wear tiny crowns in their hair, to match the boss’s big one.) Princess Han orders her gangster army to tighten entry checks, to prevent underage girls getting pushed into drinking with adults. (Her bloodthirsty threat makes the men simultaneously shield their crotches, ha.)

So Kang-ja fights her way through the gangsters, then orders Crowny to tell his boss that “Beolgupo Sashimi” has arrived. Princess Han, a tattooed ajumma with a saturi accent, recognizes the name and description (“She looks like a high schooler, all skinny with huge eyes”) and asks, “Could it be Bang-wool?” (A nickname referring to large eyes.)

Thus Princess Han comes out to meet her visitor, decked out in an elaborate royal getup with ornate gown and glittery scepter. Somehow the absurd costume looks menacing rather than ironic.

The two ladies come face to face, and then we flashback to their high school days, when Kang-ja was known as Beolgupo Sashimi (her mother ran a fish restaurant), better known as Bang-wool to her circle of friends. Ah, and the boss’s real name is actually Han Gong-joo (which means Princess Han—she’s since adopted the literal meaning as her persona).

Gong-joo narrates as we see Teenage Kang-ja sneaking out of school. Gong-joo tags along as Kang-ja finds a pervy teacher outside a restaurant, after he’s just bragged about all the girl students he leers at freely.

Kang-ja slams him against the wall he just peed on, warning him to stop groping his students. Gong-joo explains that she could never stand to see injustice, and always delivered payback in double measure.

With a father in prison and a mother who works every single day, fearless Kang-ja rules the school. She helps at her mother’s fish restaurant, and one night while prepping sashimi, Kang-ja casually mentions that the school wants Mom to come in. We can see that this matters to her, but she acts blasé and says that she knows Mom doesn’t care and wouldn’t come anyway.

This is the scene we saw previously, when Mom says her life could have been better and Kang-ja retorts, masking her hurt, “Did I ask to be born?”

Then Kang-ja hears that Gong-joo’s in trouble at a huge showdown between the various high school gangs, and hurries to help her friend. Gong-joo is a pretty mean fighter but ends up bested by a mean-looking guy, who’s about to wail on her.

Kang-ja’s appearance comes in the nick of time and she flies at the guy, thereby securing her reputation as a legendary badass. (She was in the air so long that in Gong-joo’s exaggerated memory, the bully has time to rest, while Kang-ja cracks open a book and takes a nap midair.)

So now we return to the nightclub. The former friends stare each other down, eyes narrowed to slits…

And then Gong-joo grabs Kang-ja in a bear hug, saying that she thought Kang-ja had died after she left without a word—she’d worried that that bastard Ahn Dong-chil (now the school foundation’s Chief Secretary Ahn) had gotten to her. Kang-ja explains that she needs a favor, and asks for Gong-joo’s help in going to school (which Gong-joo first misinterprets to mean prison, heh).

At home, Ah-ran wakes up in the middle of the night and trembles at the memory of the alpha bully, Bok-dong, threatening her at knifepoint. She huddles into herself as she recalls Bok-dong’s warning to forget “all about that business” if she doesn’t want to die.

Kang-ja explains the situation, and her plan to pose as a student. Gong-joo’s first reaction is to scoff, but she concedes that Kang-ja always did look young (and her minions pipe up that they thought she was a high schooler). Once she sees that she’s serious about there being no other way to protect her daughter, Gong-joo readily agrees to help.

There’s one complication: One person from school knows Kang-ja’s face. There’s the homeroom teacher she’d tried to appeal to, but Gong-joo says she’ll handle things.

Gong-joo sees her friend off and marvels at Kang-ja being a mother. Then she does the math, and the timing strikes her—this means Kang-ja got pregnant her second year of high school. A flashback fills in the blanks to the attack Kang-ja suffered at Ahn Dong-chil’s hands… and now we see that after he kicked her brutally, he started fumbling with her clothing. Ackkk.

Looks like Ahn Dong-chil never changed his ways, because in a dark room somewhere, he confronts a scared Yi-kyung, who doesn’t know who he is or why he had her brought here. He comments, “You’re pretty. But why don’t you obey?” He reminds her that she was told to transfer schools, which she ignored. He pulls out a switchblade and says that because of her loose lips, she’s made trouble for him and put her friend in danger.

He tells Yi-kyung to transfer, and lets her go. Worried about Ah-ran, she calls her right away. The phone rings unanswered while Ah-ran huddles to herself, and then Kang-ja returns home and checks on her. She promises, “Don’t worry. Mom’s here. There’s nothing to be afraid of anymore.”

In the morning, the judge Kang-ja had sought out gives her a call, wondering why she disappeared on him. He leaves a message urging her to let him help using the law (rather than brute force)—and then we see that he is Teacher Noah’s father. Well.

They have a warm father-son relationship, and Noah has taken all of his father’s teachings over the years to heart, reciting them back to him. But then a phone call casts a pall over the mood—Noah’s just been fired from his academy teaching job. Judge Dad says the principal is blind, but Noah sighs that seven principals can’t all be blind, and that he must not be a good teacher.

Then Dad says that he just wasn’t suited to teach at academies, and Noah points out that schools don’t like him either—he’s failed every interview. Dad counters that in a country of one-eyed people, the one with two eyes is the oddity, and all those one-eyes don’t know how to pick good people. Aw, this is a sweet pair.

We get a bit more insight on bully Bok-dong, who reports to Ahn Dong-chil and calls him hyungnim—he’s a gangster minion in training. Ahn gives him money for his recent terrorizing job and a letter from his brother in prison, whose release he has promised to look into.

Ah-ran isn’t better by morning, and her family is upset to find her on the bathroom floor, having hacked her hair off with a utility knife.

On a more lighthearted note, Gong-joo makes good on her word to take care of the homeroom teacher problem: She has her minions stuff the teacher into a refrigerated snack box and tells him to admit his wrongs. Is it her fault he’s committed so many that he honestly doesn’t know which one she means? She leaves him there and says he’ll have to stick it out until he can figure out what he’s done.

Gong-joo sends his resignation letter to the school via courier, leaving them in the lurch. Two of the administrators (who, just as a reminder, are closely affiliated with the shady school foundation’s shady chairman), Vice Principal Oh and Teacher Do Jung-woo, wonder what to do. Rather than bothering with a lengthyl hiring process, the VP fishes through a stack of resumes and picks one at random. Teacher Noah!

We still don’t know exactly what kind of nefarious deeds our education officials are up to, but everything we’ve seen points to some kind of corruption. Myeongseong Foundation’s Chairman Hong blatantly sucks up to the minister of education before asking his favor: He wants to make Teacher Do Jung-woo the foundation director. The minister rejects this idea.

Kang-ja takes Ah-ran to the hospital and trims her hair while Ah-ran just stares blankly. The doctor had explained that this kind of behavior can arise in witnesses of school violence and had advised keeping her for observation, and allowing Ah-ran some alone time without Mom around.

Kang-ja swallows back her tears and tells Ah-ran that she doesn’t want her to just be nice and still like a doll. She wants her to be like before, and get angry and yell. “The feeling of being wronged and enraged—pour it out to me,” she asks. “You can tell me anything. I can hear it all.”

But Ah-ran is frozen in fear of Bok-dong’s warning: Telling Mom would make her a target.

Kang-ja steps aside to listen to her voicemail from Judge Park, which only makes her look grimmer. The mood lightens when Gong-joo takes her to a salon for a makeover and briefs her on the cover story she’s put together. Oh, this is awesome—Gong-joo’s set up a whole elaborate operation here, so it’s not just a fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants scheme.

Some pertinent details: Gong-joo is listed as Kang-ja’s mother, and their address is Gong-joo’s office. Kang-ja supposedly left school in her second year because of heart surgery, and they can say the illness aged her. Last but not least, her fake name is now Jo Bang-wool. Hee.

The makeover complete, Gong-joo asks what Kang-ja means to do when she identifies the culprit. Kang-ja replies that she’ll make them pay double, and kneel in apology before Ah-ran. Gong-joo wisely says that while dishing out a beating is easy, changing someone’s heart is not. Then she adds that although Kang-ja’s real mother never came to school for her, she’ll go right away: “So if you need a mother, call me anytime.” Aw, tears. These ladies are awesome.

And like a true mother, Gong-joo says that she’s holding back from asking all the questions she wants to, because she’ll wait until Kang-ja is ready to tell her. The sweet scene even has Gong-joo’s goons fighting back tears, though I can’t blame ’em because so am I.

Kang-ja comes home to (what else?) a grumpy mother-in-law and weak husband, who are surprised at her new look. She just says that she’ll be coming home late for a while, and her mother-in-law huffs that Kang-ja’s totally overreacting about Ah-ran being ill. She grumbles, “You’d think it were her kid, not her dead unni’s!”

But that’s just another cover story, as we find when Kang-ja flips through Ah-ran’s journal looking for clues. Pages and pages have been torn out, but one that’s left intact grabs Kang-ja’s attention.

Ah-ran has written that the world is full of liars, and the worst is her mother, because there is no dead sister. “If she couldn’t tell people openly I was her daughter, why did she have me?” Ah-ran writes. “Mom has turned me into a liar too. I hate her. Mom has no right to be a mother.” Hard words to hear.

Although Teacher Jung-woo has been denied the foundation director post, Chairman Hong is fond of his protégé and suggests an alternative: corporate planning chief, which is the foundation’s most important position. He calls it the “washing machine” that needs to run in order for the foundation and the school to work properly. Jung-woo thinks it’s too early to make such a bold move, but Chairman Hong says that the education minister is gearing up to make a bid for presidential election, and that means he’s wanting money. He needs Jung-woo to run the washing machine.

The chairman makes it sound like good news, but Jung-woo knows better and leaves the meeting sneering, “You’ll use me as your bulletproof vest?”

Sharp-eyed Secretary Ae-yeon watches the whole exchange, and afterward the chairman asks what she thinks of Jung-woo. Ae-yeon gives a noncommittal answer about trusting the chairman’s opinion, but he flies into a temper and starts to beat her around. He accuses her of trading looks with Jung-woo and having a secret relationship with him, and backstabbing him.

The chairman’s son, Sang-tae, overhears the sounds of violence and hardly reacts, though he does rev his motorcycle (parked in his bedroom) loudly enough to cover the noise.

Yi-kyung crumbles more when she receives a torrent of abuse via text messages from her classmates. She tries calling Ah-ran again, begging her friend to pick up, but only gets the dial tone. Ah-ran lies in bed crying, not hearing her phone.

Kang-ja thinks to herself that her daughter was right; she doesn’t have a right to be a mother, but she became one anyway. Perhaps her decision is wrong, and perhaps her daughter will hate her for it: “But even so, I only have one choice. As I did seventeen years ago, this time also, I’ll protect my daughter.”

Noah greets his father with good news that night: He got a job with Myeongseong High School. Judge Dad just says he’s not at all surprised, because his son is exactly the type of person who should be an educator. Curiously, Judge Park seems to know more about this than he lets on, though all he says is for Noah to continue walking steadfastly on the right path.

“Like you?” Noah asks proudly. “You can’t be like me,” Judge Park says. It’s a strange way to react, but Noah doesn’t pick up on it. Judge Park says that judges shouldn’t judge children lightly, whereas teachers have to kneel down to see them eye to eye. He encourages Noah to try to win as the two-eyed oddity in the land of one-eyes.

In the morning, Kang-ja hurries through her housewife tasks like making breakfast, then heads out to put her plan into motion. She puts up a “temporarily closed” sign on her restaurant, and dressed in a school uniform, she heads off to school.

Noah arrives on campus with bright eyes and full heart, making a painfully earnest introductory speech to the faculty, promising to do his best. He’s happy to hear he’ll be a homeroom teacher in addition to teaching literature.

Then Kang-ja arrives at the faculty room, and Noah ushers her to homeroom. He tries to place why she looks familiar and tries to chat with her, but she remains stony and silent.

Noah is introduced to their class first, and some of them already recognize him as the “sleeping pill” teacher from academy. The whole class cringes and gags when Noah starts to recite literature, though it doesn’t dampen his enthusiasm at all.

Next is Kang-ja’s turn, and the class bursts into laughter to hear her name, calling it dog-like. (Bang-wool is a little silly-sounding, but not completely ridiculous.) Kang-ja scans the room, already scoping out the scene here, and notes how Yi-kyung protests to have the new girl assigned to Ah-ran’s desk.

In a spare moment, Jung-woo asks Noah how he got this job, surprised that he didn’t have connections through the administration. Vice Principal Oh ruffled Jung-woo’s feathers by selecting the new teacher without his input, and now Jung-woo thinks Noah bought his way in. But Noah is so innocent he doesn’t get the subtext, and answers in his guileless way.

Kang-ja takes a seat and is shocked to see all the graffiti written on Ah-ran’s desk—hateful comments calling her all sorts of epithets. She wells up in rage, and that’s when the trio of mean girls descends on her desk, led by Jung-hee, who says Bang-wool was her dog’s name. Jung-hee laughs at her tears, thinking it’s from her teasing, but Kang-ja asks if Jung-woo wrote all the stuff on the desk.

Jung-hee readily admits to it but assures her that Bang-wool is safe, since she reminds her of her dog. Quick as a flash, Kang-ja grabs Jung-hee’s head and slams it into the desk. Damn, that was satisfying. I know, I know, violence doesn’t solve violence, but still: satisfying.

Kang-ja grabs Mean Girl 2 and snaps at 3 to lock the doors. Jung-hee whimpers in pain and switches to jondaemal, asking to be let go. Now she’s polite.

In the faculty room, Noah takes a look at Bang-wool’s file, trying to place how he knows her. Only now does he remember the foul-mouthed girl from the pojangmacha and the academy, and he makes the connection.

By the time he makes it to the classroom, a crowd has already gathered outside the windows, watching Kang-ja wield a mop inside. The three mean girls kneel penitently, as she snaps off the mop’s head and demands answers. Did Jung-hee do that to Ah-ran’s desk?

Jung-hee mumbles feebly, “It’s not like that… just once… as a joke…”

Kang-ja slams the stick into the desk and screams, “A joke?! The stone you throw as a joke could kill a frog!” She raises the staff to use it again, but this time a hand stops it.

It’s Bok-dong, and he tells the new girl to give it a rest: “If you keep it up, you could die at my hands.”

That rings a bell. It’s exactly what the mysterious voice said in her ear the night Ah-ran was cornered and collapsed.

So rather than being intimidated by Bok-dong’s languid menace, she whirls around, whipping the stick out of his grasp, and grabs him by the throat. She pulls her other fist back for a punch—but this time, it’s Noah who grabs that arm to stop her.

She glares at Noah for a second, then reverses his grab easily, yanking him near and grabbing him in a headlock. Jaws drop—even Bok-dong’s—and the class stares in amazement. Bully in one hand, wimp in the other. Badass in the middle.


Awesome. As I said up top, what I love about Kim Hee-sun in this role is that she doesn’t care about being a badass, and therefore she totally schools all the resident wannabes who try to posture and intimidate. She couldn’t care less about winning some invisible battle to be most feared, and because she comes to school with a singular mission, all that other stuff is a waste of time. And nothing could be more fearsome.

True, we’ve been told that Kang-ja’s rashness has been her fatal flaw, propelling her into situations that are difficult to fix once she’s set off the chaos. But that’s the grown-up world, which operates much differently than the adolescent one, which operates in the shadowy in-between spaces where adults are absent or uncaring. It makes it much wilder and unpredictable—but that’s Kang-ja’s forte, and I can’t wait to see how she sets the whole school on its ear.

Even so, I like that the show isn’t going full comedy on this setup, which based on description alone could have gone in a totally different direction—less realistic, more slapstick, going for the easy joke. I’m pretty sure I’d have been up for the joke version, but since that isn’t where Angry Mom is heading, I like that Kang-ja remains dead-serious in the wake of all the confusion and potential humor around her. It’s that weightiness that gives the show its anchor, so that even if it were to go broad at times, it’s grounded in this very heartfelt and honest mother-daughter love.

It’s similar with Noah’s character, whose simple nature could be such a punchline (as it is for the kids), but we can see how he’s driven by a genuine earnestness and idealism. A cynical way to look at him could say he’s so out of touch as to be useless, and it’s true that if you can’t connect with the ones you’re meant to teach, there’s only so much a good heart can take you.

But I liked the one-eye-versus-two metaphor he shared with his father, and how Noah briefly wished he could be one-eyed to fit in before opting for two eyes after all, fighting the uphill battle. It’s telling that his father, who seems to have compromised some part of his integrity along the way, is still rooting for Noah to stick to his guns. I’m curious to see what exactly the judge’s deal is, because he seems like a caring father who values honesty and ethics, but has dealt with enough that he can’t quite look his son in the eye. And I wonder how Noah will react once he finds out his father may not be the paragon he thinks him to be.

Most interesting is that Noah and Kang-ja seem quite similar to each other despite the obvious outward differences. They’re both driven by a sense of justice, corrupt world be damned, and I sense that neither is the kind to compromise on that code of honor to take the easy way out. They’ve expressed those values in completely different ways, but I can’t wait to see them realizing their commonalities eventually. Hopefully sooner rather than later.


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princess han cracks me up


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She is adorable!

I thought it was just a straightforward old-high-school-friend-now-ajumma sidekick, but she actually has her own bar and minions and stuff. :D


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This drama sounds so good! I love strong female characters. It's refreshing to see a character that doesn't take crap from both adults and spoiled students. I really hope this drama gets picked up soon. It's so ironic that there hasn't been a drama I wanted to watch in a long time, but when I finally found Angry Mom, it's not even being subbed.


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Viki finally got the license!


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thanks.......... thanks..........for the news
now, I can wait for viki subs....


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loved her since Faith...I guess I like cold, badass, uncool girls...hihihi...I've loved Park seyoung, the Queen Noguk from that drama too...will definitely put this on my watch list!


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OH MY GOD I didn't even recognize her. I remember looking her up when I heard the casting. She was like, "OK" in Faith but here? Action movie star.

Actually, what Javabeans wrote earlier made me think: "Kim Hee-sun is such a badass, I don’t even know how she’s kept it under control all these years playing nice girly heroine types." I think it's a case of "Fear the Cute Ones." She's had all this pent up badassness and now she's letting it out. It seems her character is both a rape survivor and a champion of justice. I think she's going to go for it 100% and I am looking forward to this show.


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I badly need proper subtitle, did anybody already subs this drama??


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Usually first week's episodes take much longer, maybe even 1+ week, after that i'll usually be quite on time :)


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thanks for answering
I'll wait as long as there's sub-ber ^^
and well I am gonna said thanks 1st (virtual hug and high five?)

I understand some of it but I can't quite sure in the context since I get where's this drama going to do and it looks like not a lot of people watch this drama

but again thanks :):D


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Opps, so sorry, just realize there's a typo, should be "it'll usually be on time", I'm just a person waiting for the sub too, keke :p


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ooh.. well no worry, I actually see comment above that VIKI subs it
so... we can wait together, still wanna accept my virtual hug?

btw my birthday is June :)


haha, my birthday is in June too :)

(virtual hug) have a great day! :)


i'm lovin kim heesun in this role.
she's simply pulling it off with elan.
i mean, usually KDrama heroines have some fluffness in their characters, regardless of how much of badassery they supposedly possess.
but this role is the true unabridged version of badassery. i simply love kang-ja!


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This is exacto-mento reason I LOVE this drama


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Where can i watch it with eng sub pls..pls..pls?


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Viki have them. But, the subtitle aren't completed yet.


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Oh man, this show is doing things to my heart XD it's so awesome and satisfying, with such interesting conflicts but such sadness too.
Kang-ja's backstory is such a painful one and I so want her to get justice


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I was going to wait for at least 4 episodes to be subbed then start watching it (because I hate waiting a whole week for another episode). But your recaps have persuaded me to start watching right now!


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This show is more fun and much deeper than I thought *w* I really hope they continue talking about the girl-mance between Kangja and Gongjoo because their dynamic is so awesome :P


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I know it, that I make a right choice. I love Kim Hee Sun as Jo Kang Ja. She is really perfect for this role.
Beautiful awesome mom!


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I also dont know many actresses who would do so splendid in this role. Except lee bo young. They're both great.


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What's about LBY here? Kim Hee Sun is Kim Hee Sun and Lee Bo Young is Lee Bo Young. Kim Hee Sun is best for this. I don't like when pp keep making comparison this one with another in the comment.


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and why ever not? they both great actresses who do/did well in roles featuring moms, so what is your problem comparing them? shall other names also not be mentioned? then maybe let's delete the name 'carol' and 'wildfly' which may bring unwanted associations and take away the attention from the drama in case we have those with attention deficit disorder? lets just gave numbers to every user, shall we? answerer1 and so on? who decides what's relevant when discussing acting? maybe we have a new moderator i didn't know about? one that takes political correctness to the extreme?


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I don't see any problem when it's a comparison saying both of them are good. Like you did in your comment!
But maybe Carol is afraid of fan wars!


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I agree...I've seen LBY in stronger badassery roles too...but I also knew KHS had it in her when I watched Faith...only that this time it's tenfold more awesome...:-)


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Oh my god, this is so true ! I made the same comparison just yesterday. Lee Bo young and Kim Hee-sun win at being badass moms.


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I absolutely love this drama and its actresses & actor (Ji Hyun Woo). There's an comment that exactly what I think that I quote here. And thank you for the recap:

"What makes me happy is Angry Mom really focused to mother-daughter relationship. The way KJ go here and there to get justice for AR is very touchy. Because in reality, isn’t majority of mom just like that? They will fight no matter what until the end to protect their child. This mother-daughter relationship portrayed very well by Kim Hee Sun and Kim Yoo Jung. Maybe because KHS herself is a mother who has a daughter and KYJ is a daughter who really close to her mother, so it really works. I love it the most when both of them on the screen together".


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It's true that comedy element is interesting but the thing that makes deep point for the drama is touching relationship between Kang Ja and Ah Ran which well-played by Kim Hee Sun and Kim Yoo Jung. Yoh, I cried because of them after laughs. As JB, I want to see how Mom win the hurtful heart of her daughter!


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Everytime they're on screen together, they make me cry. I love this mother daughter pair!


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Awesomely intense acting job. You can watch this one without subs and Kim Hee Sun's face will tell you all you need to know about each scene. It's worth rewatching just to track her eyes as they read and judge everything that goes on.


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That's exactly what I'm doing, watching without subtitles. And then I read the recap to understand the parts I didn't get the first time.


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"The sweet scene even has Gong-joo’s goons fighting back tears, though I can’t blame ‘em because so am I."

Oh my god, this scene ❤ I cried and then I laughed at him. I love the princess character and her relationship with Kang ja

"Bully in one hand, wimp in the other. Badass in the middle"
Another moment where I cried at first (at her shedding tears for her daughter) and then the bully's surprised expression made me LOL.
Thank you so much for your recap, javabeans ❤


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The last fifteen minutes or so were great. Kim Hee Sun is totally believable in this role. My heart broke watching her heart break as she was reading the nasty things written on her daughter's desk.
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Mom bang the bully's head on that desk. Usually the leads just sit there and take the taunting so it was a welcome change.


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I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Mom bang the bully’s head on that desk.

Very, very satisfying! I love the fact that she also made her kneel on that desk. Ha! And the headlock while holding the Bully in one hand was hilarious. :D Can't wait to see what she does in the next episode.


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What? Recap summary felt so short that's over already? Lol

Thanks so much since there's lack of sub! I was so into it and when the summary ended I was shocked... What? Episode over already!

Gosh, loving this duo and mother daughter relationship! Tears!


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Something amusing that I noticed about this series and Seonam High: the lead school girl is actually a teenager, but virtually every other school kid is played by people in their early to mid-20s.


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Angry Mom looks satisfying.

I will have to watch it.


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I hope to watch it this weekend. Sounds like another good drama this year :):)


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I hate to ask and detract from an already great drama butttttt I'm dying to know... is this not going to have romance? Because Mom still has a husband and she's totally (and awesomely) focused on protecting her daughter. It's hard for me to see any room for romance?

Also, does anyone else get the feeling Bok-dong will start to like Mom? He's really intense but pretty sure Mom will kick his butt for threatening her kid. But when I saw the last scene where she's holding teacher and bully, I thought "love-triangle!" before I realized that I was probably wrong.


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For me, better than romance, it promises to be a story about the deepest kind of love. The protective love between a mother and her child. She loved her child enough to protect her life, though conceived in horrific circumstances. She loved her child enough to marry a flawed man who could provide a secure home. And she loves her enough to take on a corrupt youth culture and educational system to give her a better life than the one she had.

I really hope to see nuance unfold. The story has started with the accurate observation that the only thing thugs understand is the projection of power. And it's satisfying to see them receive justice for the choices they've made. However I hope that they'll dive deeper and show that the young bullies are motivated by a misdirected response to their own pain, insecurity and perhaps lack of proper modeling in choosing right over wrong. I really hope that KHS's character and the teacher (as a fatherly archetype) take these young chicks under their wings and - through good leadership - help them find redemption.

I just love the combination of heart and grit this story has shown us so far.

Thanks for recapping JB.


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You know as a mother of a pre-teen in middle school, I have seen cases of bullying and experienced the unending frustration there is in wading through school bureaucracy to get things accomplished. It's really an emotion that hits a mother in the gut to see their child go through that kind of struggle, so this series really hit twice as hard. Kim Hee-sun was able to impart that feeling of helpless rage a mother feels when put up against one wall after another, and watching her kicking ass and acting quickly without hesitation is just so so so satisfying! It really does show in how great an actress she is when every line is delivered and I could understand it without the usual need for subs! I really can't wait for next week now...


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Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Totally beat down!!!!! Whooooooooooooooop!!!!!!! Oh, I am going to enjoy this. Talk about a badass. I know violence doesn't solve anything, but gawd! I can't say No to this violence..... Let's kick more ass next episode.


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The end song is pretty damn awesome


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Love love this drama.with no subs and waiting for your recaps that is how I understand whole conversation they make.Never enjoy kim hee sun's drama before but here she just own this character and I love every story they offer here.hope the subs will be up soon so I can rewatch it again and understand more.thanks for recap


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I have watched Kim Hee Sun in Faith too, and found her lackluster, but she is killing this role. As a mother, I enjoy relate to this character though I'm not badass like KHS! Loving this drama^^


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I'm surprised no one brought up that the writer of this show is the same writer of Punch, The Chaser, and Empire of Gold. First off - how did he do it?? Punch literally just finished! Did he just have a stack of amazing scripts at home ready to go? Crazy! Second - knowing this guy, I'm not surprised at how dark it got, and how much it focuses on corruption (his pet topic). Also, knowing this writer, I'm pretty sure there won't be much romance. Maybe at most mom will end up leaving her wimpy husband, but that might just be it.


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Angry Mom is written by new writer Kim Ban-di, who won an open screenwriting contest for this drama's script.


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Oh I see. Dramawiki reported that it was the same writer so I was confused! Thanks for the clarification javabeans!


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Just loving Kim Hee Sun's badassery. I hope they keep her as a badass and kicking people over without a care to get to justice for her daughter. I also like her back story and the parents in this drama, who clearly do not care about their children, except for our heroine of course. I didn't like the sexual assault (or the implication of assault) by Ahn Dong Chil againt Kang Ja. I hope it's only a partial flashback and not the full story. I want Kang Ja to have kicked that ass's butt and escaped somehow.

I wonder if Noah and Kang Ja are supposed to be have a romantic story line. I would think that's difficult given that Kang Ja is married. Her husband and her mother-in-law seem weak and somewhat uncaring but I don't foresee that they are so awful that Kang Ja would leave them or they would divorce. I wonder how that romantic connection, if any, is supposed to be made. I guess option 1 would be for her husband to betray her severely (either an affair or betrayal related to her daughter) or option 2 he will get killed by the goons (which given the existence of dark as well as light comedy aspect to this film it is not outside the realm of possibilities. Of course, none of these could happen and Kang Ja could simply go back to her husband after the ordeal and resume her life, sans Noah. But just curious.

Also, I wonder if there will be a crush of some sort between the bully and Kang Ja. I assume not since how could she even consider a kid, first of all, and second a kid that bullied her daughter, if that's the case.

Anyway, like you gals so far I'm totally loving Kang Ja/Bang Wool and Angry Mom. I hope she keeps up the awesomeness~!!


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Can't cant cant wait Til dramafever gets this!!! I want to watch it so bad and your recaps are just awesome! Its these posts that helps me decide if I should watch new dramas or not. Thanks!


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try viki instead :)


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Yeah, Viki has better subs anyway.


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love how one of her eye was glowing at the end cuz of the sunlight..... makes her look more badass! HAHA!


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i don't understand, can someone explain it to me?
so ah ran, the daughter, she transfer school?
and her mom is the new student in her old school?
am i right or wrong?


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Ah Ran hasnt transfer yet. She just got admitted into hospital and has been absent from school. While at the same time her mom fake her way into her sch to investigate about her bully case.


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wow i love how kim hee sun's left eye pupil glows yellow in the sunlight in that last picture


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Assa! That was pure awesome. I normally have a really hard time watching storylines about bullying, but watching the bullies get schooled by a bodacious, badass Angry Mom just makes my day. And Princess Han may be the best ally ever. Moar please!


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Thanks for the recap! I finally understand what was going on between the Chairman and all of those other people he was talking to.


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This drama hits close to home.Some people might take bullying lightly but only one who has been through it knows how it is.
For a short period it too was bullied in school.There was a bunch of mean girls and they tore me down completely.The thing is they never even raised their fingers (like in the drama) but sometimes words hurt as much as fists.School was hellish to the point that i couldn't sleep at night and my health suffered. Their bulling completely ruined my self esteem and self worth to the point i completely hated myself.My grades suffered and at that point i felt totally helpless.I was too scared to ask anyone for help and i thought if i kept quite they would get bored and move on.
After a point it was so much to bear and i just wanted the misery to end so i popped an entire bottle of sleeping pills one night. I miraculously survived and my parents changed my school after that.For a long time i was angry and held a grudge. But i slowly learnt to let it go over time.I'm glad a drama is adressing a serious issue like this.


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wow have I got a lot to say about this drama and it's themes! i really love how it is shedding awareness on the violent bullying culture in high school.

here are some more of my thoughts on bullying and the role of teachers!



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OMG Must be every parents dream to school their child's bully. I mean I would totes take those girls to task for that shit.


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Why does yi kyung get bullied in the first place ?


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All the stars! This show is great!


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