Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 14

Oh I like this episode. There’s payoff in the central conflict, and more time spent with our three main characters and the developing romance. Er, romances. The jury’s still out on whether Hana is dating two guys or one, but the closer she gets to both of them, the more complicated it all becomes. If only your alter ego were an ugly toad. Too bad he looks just like you.


Burstered – “기다릴게” (I’ll Wait) [ Download ]

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The sting operation is underway, as Seo-jin heads up to meet Tae-joo, posing as Robin. He’s wearing a wire so that Hana and Detective Na can listen in, in the hopes that Tae-joo will reveal his identity while Robin is hypnotized. (We’ve been told previously that Robin is very susceptible to hypnosis, while Seo-jin isn’t, so hopefully that still holds true.)

Both boys plaster fake smiles on their faces before Tae-joo opens the door, and Seo-jin makes sure to grin and speak slowly in his best Robin impersonation. Seo-jin says that the memories have been coming in bits and pieces, but lately they’re becoming whole. He presents his interest as curiosity over the events that led to Seo-jin creating Robin as an alter ego—he wants to know where he came from, and Seo-jin isn’t into sharing.

Tae-joo surmises that the recent kidnapping events have dislodged some of Seo-jin’s repressed memories, and then his pleasant façade slips for a second as he says that Seo-jin is just pushing the painful memories onto Robin, another form of hiding behind him.

Seo-jin baits him by saying that he’s not sure that these memories are hide-behind-your-alter-ego caliber, and Tae-joo immediately twitches angrily. He’s eager to dig around in the memories, so they begin hypnosis.

Seo-jin closes his eyes on cue, and Tae-joo begins firing questions in an even, flat tone, and Seo-jin responds in kind. It’s enough to make Detective Na and Hana nervous about whether Seo-jin is really hypnotized.

Seo-jin describes waiting for his friend outside the haunted house for his friend Soo-hyun who called him there. Then once they’re inside, someone drags them away. Tae-joo interrupts to say that he’s got it wrong—the kidnapper grabs Seo-jin, and Soo-hyun clings to the man’s leg, crying, “Why are you taking Seo-jinnie?”

Tae-joo says that Soo-hyun was kicked and hit repeatedly, but he never gave up. Well now I see why he’s doubly angry about Little Seo-jin escaping without him at the end. Tae-joo sighs that their memories already diverge here: “Your memories… and mine.” Oh. Is he going to say it?

Tae-joo is feeling a little cocky and says, “How do I know this? That’s because… I… am your friend… Lee. Soo. Hyun.” Ding ding! Hana gasps and Detective Na radios his squad to move in.

Tae-joo says that he’s wanted to see Seo-jin for a long time, to work out the anger and resentment that he carries. He gets worked up as he says that what really angers him is that even in this moment, the one he’s waited his whole life for, he’s being forced to talk to the alter ego that Seo-jin created to hide behind.

At that, Seo-jin says, “Soo-hyun-ah,” and opens his eyes. Aaaah! Seo-jin leans forward, and Tae-joo shrinks back a little, trembling. He gets up with a start when he realizes that it’s been Seo-jin this whole time.

As the cops race up the stairs, Seo-jin tells him that the police are here and have been listening to their conversation. Tae-joo refuses to let it end like this, but he’s taken aback when Detective Na rings his doorbell and demands that he open up. Wait, all you’re going to do is stand outside the door and knock? And call Emergency? What’d we call the cops for then??

Seo-jin tells him that it’s over, and that this might be the last chance they get to speak to each other freely and plainly. He apologizes for what he did to him and for forgetting all these years. Tae-joo doesn’t seem to find it sincere enough, but Seo-jin says that he’s also here to figure out the truth about their scars from being abandoned as kids: “And our lives that have been broken since that day.”

Seo-jin shuts off his listening device and almost pleads with Tae-joo to tell him that he wasn’t in on it too—that he didn’t call Seo-jin to meet him at the haunted house that day because he was a part of it all. The look on Tae-joo’s face says he’s innocent of that, though he gets defensive when it’s implied that his father was an accomplice to the kidnapping.

Tae-joo insists that he was never abandoned by his father—Seo-jin was the one who left him there, and Seo-jin’s father was the one who abandoned them both. Seo-jin argues that they were just children, and that it’s okay to admit that they were thrown away by their parents: “We’re the ones who are alive. No matter how difficult and painful, isn’t it more important that we’re alive?”

Tae-joo counters that Seo-jin might need an excuse to keep living, but there’s no evidence that his father was involved. He accuses Seo-jin of inventing fake memories to hide behind, and Seo-jin surprises him by agreeing that the same thing worries him too. He asks Tae-joo sincerely if he doesn’t remember anything about his father, and Tae-joo says no.

The cops are getting antsy outside, so Tae-joo tells Seo-jin that Dr. Kang is here in the apartment. While Seo-jin rushes into the hidden room to untie Dr. Kang, Tae-joo uses the moment to fling the door open on the cops with guns, and runs for the stairs.

They close in on him in the stairwell, but he manages to get into the elevator just in time. But when the elevator doors open in the basement, the cops are waiting, guns drawn. Tae-joo slowly raises his arms, holding a cell phone in one hand. Suddenly the song “Happy Together” starts to play on his phone—the one he used when treating the entire police department, when he hypnotized them to quit smoking and such.

They freeze like statues, and Tae-joo smirks as he just saunters past them and rides off on his motorcycle. Detective Na flips out to hear that they lost him, but the officers say that they couldn’t move a muscle as soon as that song came on.

Hana runs up to the apartment, calling out for Seo-jin. As soon as she sees him, she talks a mile a minute, asking if he’s okay and not hurt, and yelling at him for turning off the listening device when he promised not to, and what if something had happened to him—

Without a word, he just pulls her close and throws his arms around her, quieting all her fears. She sinks against his chest as he holds her tight, and they both close their eyes. The moment is interrupted by Detective Na, who comes to a screeching halt when he sees them. He mutters awkwardly in amazement that love is in the air at a time like this.

He sheepishly tells them that Tae-joo got away, and Seo-jin and Hana are so exasperated that they just walk out. Cousin Seung-yeon storms in, always two steps too late, and blusters to Detective Na that he had a hunch about Tae-joo being the bad guy. Uh-huh.

At the hospital, Seo-jin sits with Dr. Kang as she tells him about Tae-joo. She thinks she was too hasty about confronting him with his secret, because she was convinced that being alive would be enough for the two boys to heal their wounds.

She describes Tae-joo in a similar state to Seo-jin, having deleted the most painful memories that he couldn’t handle as a child. Where Seo-jin had taken on his pain in the form of guilt, Tae-joo turned his into anger and vengeance.

She worries that he’s been pushed over the brink, and that confronting the truth now might lead to terrible consequences. Seo-jin thinks that Tae-joo has nothing left to lose, but Dr. Kang says he’s wrong about that—there’s one weapon left with which to hurt Seo-jin. She must mean Hana.

Hana walks into the room and introduces herself, and Dr. Kang thanks her for everything she’s done, and for staying by Seo-jin’s side.

Secretary Kwon briefs Chairman Dad on the day’s events, and admits to being a little miffed at being fooled by Seo-jin. But he beams proudly that everything is good now, and even yells at the chairman not to threaten Seo-jin with extradition every time something goes wrong. Chairman Dad gives him a little side-eye for his outburst, and Secretary Kwon bites his lip. I bet he’s not sorry though.

At home, Hana tells Seo-jin that it was for a short time, but she had come to trust Tae-joo and feels betrayed, like there’s no one to trust in the world. She can’t imagine what that’s like when the trust you lose is in your father and your best friend, and says that she wouldn’t have been strong enough to survive the way Seo-jin has.

She tells him very earnestly that he’s done a good job. It’s a simple compliment, but it probably means the world to Seo-jin.

He just silently leads her to the batcave and sits down to start a recording, but hesitates before beginning. He looks up at her and confesses that he never thought he’d be in here recording a message with someone else present.

Seo-jin tells Robin that they rescued Dr. Kang and are looking for Tae-joo, and thanks him sincerely for his part in helping them get here. Seo-jin sighs that if there’s one thing he really wishes, it’s that he and Robin wouldn’t be forced to interact solely via video message.

Robin wakes up and finds stories about Tae-joo all over the news. He checks on Hana who’s fast asleep in her room, and when he notices that she’s having a bad dream, he holds her hand and just sits next to her for a while, smiling at her.

Tae-joo stops by the river, alone with his thoughts, and keeps trying to shove out all of the looming doubt about his father. He swears that he’s different—he’s not like Seo-jin, and he remembers the truth.

Woo-jung and her father watch the news in shock, and when Woo-jung reaches for her phone to call Robin, Eun-chang grabs it out of her hand to leave the message for her. Dad smiles when he notices what’s going on, though Woo-jung seems a little clueless about the cute boy with an obvious crush on her.

The police surmise that Tae-joo will make an attempt to contact the kidnapper, who’s being treated at a hospital near the prison. They call the officers stationed there to be extra cautious, just as Tae-joo enters the building with a surgical mask on his face.

A CT technician arrives at the room to take the kidnapper for a scan, and the officers demand that he unmask his face. It’s false alarm—he’s a hospital employee. But then when the man wheels the bed back out of the lab afterwards, we see that Tae-joo is there. Ah, he had the kidnapper brought to him! Damn he’s smart.

Tae-joo has him tied up in the corner, and prepares to sneak him out of the hospital. He admits that he planned on never coming face-to-face with his kidnapper, and thought that letting him rot in prison for a murder that he didn’t remember would be enough for him. “But I don’t think that’s enough…”

Detective Na flips his lid all over again, and when the other cop suggests that Tae-joo must’ve hypnotized the other doctor at the hospital, Detective Na gets a little meta as he cries foul at the ridiculous number of people who’ve been hypnotized all too conveniently. You don’t say.

Detective Na calls Seo-jin to update him on Tae-joo, and says contritely that he’d like to make sure that he and Hana remain safe. Seo-jin tells him not to worry since his security is here ’round the clock, but Detective Na worries about Hana and asks where she lives. Seo-jin: “My house. We live together.”

The look on Detective Na’s face is priceless, and I love how Secretary Kwon stifles a laugh, knowing exactly how that sounds. He promises not to step one foot outside the house, and heads up to check on Hana.

When she doesn’t respond, Seo-jin worries and finds her burrowed beneath the covers looking pretty sick. He feels her forehead and rushes downstairs to make tea and grab sick supplies, just like she did for him.

He feeds her aspirin and checks her temperature, and she watches curiously as he runs down the list of things he remembers her doing for him when he was sick. He even apologizes for not having anticipated her being sick after such a rough day. Who are you right now?

He says it’s his fault for not taking better care of her (aw), and then answers her phone when Eun-chang calls. He lets him know that Hana won’t be at work for a while for security reasons, and when she protests, Seo-jin tells her that they have to be safe and that Tae-joo has already kidnapped the kidnapper. There’s karma for ya.

Seo-jin says that it’s his first vacation in years, and for the first time, he wants to do what his heart wants to do: “Let’s do it all, slowly.” Rawr?

Hana has a fleeting memory of seeing him by her beside last night and starts to ask if he was in here, but then realizes that it was probably Robin. Seo-jin heads down to his batcave to watch the security feed from last night, and crosses his arms when he sees Robin go into Hana’s room at midnight and come out nearly eight hours later.

He’s about to get angry, but then decides, “I did the right thing,” suddenly taking credit for Robin’s actions as if they were his own. He retaliates by leaving a passive-aggressive message to Robin asking why he didn’t notice that Hana was sick and that he should’ve told Seo-jin.

We cut to Robin watching the message later, and he reacts like Seo-jin socked him: “She’s sick?!” This is the weirdest pissing contest, and it’s hilarious. So then Robin runs upstairs to check on Hana, hovering the same way that Seo-jin was. He criticizes Seo-jin’s store-bought porridge and heads to the kitchen to cook.

Hana comes down and asks if Robin watched the video that Seo-jin left for him yesterday. Robin pouts that she’s not allowed to mention Seo-jin’s name around him, and tells her to start sleeping during the day so that he can get more time with her. He’s adorable.

He tells her to stop smiling because he’s still not onboard with sharing her. Hana knows that he’s hurt and wraps her arms around him in a back-hug, thanking him for staying up all night with her. He softens at that, and she says that their lives have been so chaotic ever since she’s arrived, and suggests that they just rest a while. He leads her down to his room, where they lounge around reading comic books. Well, she reads comic books while he stares moony-eyed at her face. It’s too cute.

Tae-joo takes the kidnapper to a warehouse and demands the truth about his father. But Ahn Sung-geun’s attack in prison has the man so spooked that he swears up and down that his father had nothing to do with the kidnapping.

Tae-joo looms over him menacingly, wielding a wooden beam that he’s lit on fire. He screams the question over and over again, and every time, the kidnapper swears that his father wasn’t involved. He’s so afraid for his life that I don’t believe what he’s saying, but it’s the right answer for Tae-joo, and he finally drops the beam and calms down, though now he’s seething at Seo-jin for making up lies.

The police get a report from a drugstore where Tae-joo picked up bandages and other supplies, clearly intending to treat the kidnapper’s wounds. They’re relieved to see signs that he’s not going to kill, and we see Tae-joo redressing the kidnapper’s cuts.

He says that it’s not time for him to die yet, because they have a lot of work to do. The police discover that Tae-joo is curiously leaving a very obvious trail with his credit card, as he moves south toward Busan for some reason.

Seo-jin does a double take in the morning when he opens the fridge to find it exploding with fresh food. He asks Secretary Kwon what the hell happened, and when he hears about Robin cooking for Hana, he heads to the batcave to watch the security feed.

This time it’s impossible to hide the jealousy that’s written all over his face. Robin cooks a lavish dinner and spoon-feeds Hana, but it’s the way she laughs and smiles, and the way she looks at Robin that feels like a stab to the gut. Aaaaagh, poor Seo-jinnie. They just look so… happy.

Secretary Kwon heads down to his car to drive over to Seo-jin’s, when he gets a weird feeling about a figure walking past in his rearview mirror. Not Secretary Kwon! When he turns around, nothing is there, so he shakes it off and drives out of the garage.

Hana is surprised when Seo-jin calls her down to dinner, and approaches the table warily. She asks if it’s going to be like this—Robin makes her dinner so then Seo-jin has to do the same. Yeah, it’s totally like that. But he says it isn’t, and that he just wants to eat.

Seo-jin says that his time as Robin is like a dream that he doesn’t remember, but because she remembers what happens, he’d like for her to tell him about everything so that he can share it with her. She asks how, and he says he wants to know what he does when he’s Robin: “How to make you laugh. How to love you.”

But before she can respond, all the lights shut off. Oh no. And outside, the trunk of Secretary Kwon’s car is propped open. Is it that easy to sneak onto the extra-secure chaebol estate? Hitch a ride in the secretary’s trunk? Bah.

Seo-jin tells Hana not to worry because the security team will be here any minute. But someone already is there—Tae-joo, who walks up right behind Hana and clamps a hand over her mouth.

Seo-jin is frozen in shock, and Tae-joo steels his gaze at Seo-jin and says, “You and I have truth left to unravel.” Closing caption: Even though you weren’t invited, even though you’re not allowed.


I think I prefer Tae-joo as the loose cannon. Not that he was a pillar of stability before; I was just getting tired of Dr. Kang living in his closet, with them rehashing the same conversation in different forms. It was good to have her around, since he treated her more like his therapist and clearly cared a lot about her opinion. But it was getting repetitive, and I like what we’re seeing when Tae-joo is pushed to the brink and behaving erratically. They should maybe rein in his powers of hypnosis though, since I want to try and believe that he could hypnotize people in the right conditions, and his insta-hypnosis on everyone but Seo-jin is starting to feel like a magical power without limits. I know we’re not exactly floating in realistic waters to begin with, but let’s not go overboard.

I do like that Tae-joo is just Seo-jin’s darker half, and now that they’ve been allowed to confront each other honestly as themselves, we really start to see how they’re struggling with the same things, and just dealing with the pain in opposite ways. Maybe it helps that Dr. Kang has affection for Tae-joo and feels pity for him, but he really does seem like a lost kid lashing out, looking for somewhere to place the blame. And now, everything that he’s accused Seo-jin of—running, hiding from the truth, misremembering events to protect his fragile emotional state—is exactly what he’s doing himself.

More than anything, I loved the moment when Hana ran to Seo-jin, anxious and nagging him for making her worry. It’s not even all that romantic on her side, but that kind of concern just hits Seo-jin right where he’s most vulnerable, and that outburst means more to him than anything. All he did was hug her, but it felt like a big moment for them. Sometimes I’m frustrated at how slow their relationship is, but then other times I really appreciate the tiny moments, like that hug or the way Hana looks at Seo-jin like he grew a third eyeball when he starts fussing over her fever. He was so stiff and cold that all this show of warmth looks adorably awkward on him, and there’s just something really endearing about his cautious I’ll-wait-for-you approach with her.

Of course, the growing jealousy makes it even better, and I have a feeling that Robin’s relationship with Hana is going to light a fire under Seo-jin’s ass. It amuses me that they’re both equally petty and feel the need to even the score at every turn—Seo-jin plays nurse so Robin has to, and Robin does dinner so Seo-jin has to. I felt a pang when Seo-jin saw Hana laughing and smiling with Robin, so easily, so comfortably. I know he’s been trying to convince himself that it’s him doing those things with her, but it has to hurt to see it so plainly that she looks at Robin differently. But then it impressed me when he asked her to tell him how to love her and make her laugh, knowing that it can’t be easy to hear any of it. That’s what makes me root for Seo-jin though, because while Robin forbids any mention of Seo-jin out of jealousy (cute as it is), Seo-jin swallows his pride and asks to hear about what Robin does to make her happy. Yeah, I’d say he’s a keeper.


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This drama needs a reality checker. I volunteer.

If I pfft three times in a single episode, then the drama has gone too far and I will lose interest...

Pfft #1 - the bumbling cops call 119 but lose Sung Joon anyway at the hotel.

Pfft #2 - the bumbling cops know Sung Joon is going to show up but lose him AND a convicted felon anyway at the hospital.

Pfft #3 - the bumbling cops dont cancel Sung Joon's credit cards and simply have no plan to catch an extremely tall good looking but evil Sung Joon except to hope that someone else calls 119.

Pfft #4 - aww never mind.... who am I kidding, this is binnie. I gotta watch...

Love your recap GF!


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I defended this drama from negative comments before, but it's time for me to be realistic and realize this drama has dissapointed me in so many levels. If it wasn't for the actors I would have given up a long time ago...I swear I'll never watch a drama with the same writer again. But I'll still watch till the very end, it's not the worst drama I have ever watched but I expected so much more:(


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I know, right? And, they all themselves cops!!!


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It seems the clowns in Hana's circus were hired as police officers too. :-)


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LOL oh, THAT'S where the circus is, at the police dept! *smacks head*

But I'm with samsooki all the way on #4.


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The competence level is pretty bad. AT LEAST one of the guards at the hospital room pulled his gun and demanded the face mask be taken down. The swap happening later ... well, I think there should have been a third guard assigned to stay with the patient at all times and that's the problem.

I like that Seo-Jin has had such a major personality upgrade. When he slicks his hair back and looks so stiff now I think, "Ugh just give up and go casual!" I like that he's warmed up. They may both be playing tit-for-tat games but I think he's less graspy and more genuinely selflessly concerned for her.


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What you don't know is, Dr Crazy also has multiple personality. When faced with danger, his alternate personality JasonBourne-JamesBond shows up. Don't blame the cops. They just don't have a chance against JasonBourne-JamesBond...


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Oh man, I'm so far gone that I can't turn back even with the foolishness that's happening. I've invested too much time...i almost chuck my darn tablet at the wall, cops are dumb ass seriously he left on a bike and your not using the street cameras to find him, oh wait what about using his phone to track him.mmmm


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Staaaappp bringing logic to the table!!! :-D


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Girl, I feel you. I am only watching this show for Hyun Bin...(maybe a little for Sung Joon). Week by week, I know the whole script has no logic but I'm still watching. Haha.


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Now i don't even bother to question the polices' incapability. I'm loving the cuteness between Robin & Hana though. So curious about how the drama is gonna end this because I don't know how i feel about seeing Robin and Seojin as one personality..i love them both!


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lol @ pfft#4 because its binnie.. i missed your recaps samsooki!


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I am totally with you on team Seo Jin Girlfriday. I don't know why but Robin bores me, both as a partner and as a character. The second one is easier to explain. Besides his desire to live he did not grow or develop as a character. Seo Jin on the other hand is not only trying to find healthy ways to deal with his trauma but his outlook on life has changed. He trusted Ha Na to keep his secret, to not treat him as a freak and run away as the other woman did and started changing how he interacts with people. He observes and learns, wants to learn and actively tries to improve.

Since there is no logic in the rest of the story I wish his loveline would be developed better so there would be something beside Seo Jin to look forward to.


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Yeah Robin is pretty Blah. When both Robin and Ha-na are on screen I fall asleep. Talk about bland.


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second moonbean's and sfgirl's comment! sooo agree!!!


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@samsooki, i agree with you on this.
but seriously, i like this show. i dont LOVE it, but i like it.
maybe, it's the after-effects of watching Healer. but nothing's ever been able to replace the spot Healer's occupied in my mind and heart!!!
Ah! Bongsookie, i miss you so much!


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"Wait, all you’re going to do is stand outside the door and knock? And call Emergency? What’d we call the cops for then??"

I know right?!! The cops in this show will be the dumbest in kdramaland for a long time hope.


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One would think so but...

Who would win the "You Can Not Be Serious!/Are You Kidding Me?"contest between the cops here in Hyde Jekyll, Me (SBS, 2015) vs. the cops in Who Are You (tvN, 2013)?


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I was desperately hoping the cops wouldn’t be able to open the door so Seo-jin and Tae-joo could talk it out. But instead, their incompetence drove me up the wall. WTF is up with the knocking and asking a kidnapper to open the door. What did they expect, he’d open it with a smile? What was the point of them even being there if they were going to call 911 anyway?? Omg, the writer really doesn’t know what he/she is even writing anymore.

But other than that, I liked this episode too! I love the focus on Tae-joo and Seo-jin’s broken friendship and where each boy stands in regards to their past. In a way, I feel Tae-joo is really Seo-jin’s other personality because they both went through the same trauma as kids, both were likely to have been abandoned by their father and both are struggling to get their lives back on track. Its just that each of them react so differently from their situation. Seo-jin chose guilt, Tae-joo revenge. It’s all very interesting and however unlikely, I really want them both to make up in the end of this mess. They were both victims and had their lives ruined by an incident, I wish they’ll eventually be able to move on and live better lives.

“That’s what makes me root for Seo-jin though, because while Robin forbids any mention of Seo-jin out of jealousy (cute as it is), Seo-jin swallows his pride and asks to hear about what Robin does to make her happy.”

I love this. It's the best way to describe why Seo-jin is so much better than Robin. It breaks my heart how much he tries to convince himself Robin is another version of him, when really, he knows Hana doesn’t think that way. I agree that their story is a little too slow and I hope she’d truly fall for him already! I just want him to feel loved and wanted the way Robin is because to me, he isn’t Robin and Robin isn’t him. I’ll be so happy when we get to the point where Hana would pick Seo-jin over Robin. It needs to happen - pronto!


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I must be incredibly easy to please. I happen to like this show, bumbling, idiotic cops and all.

I kept questioning my like for HB while he was away doing his military time. Was he really 'that good'? Every episode I watch of this proves that, yes, he really is that good.


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Who watches kdrama for realistic storyline? ? lol. Lets face it. We only watch it for the eye candy. Just like how I watch 'lie to me' for Kang Ji Hwan, Gong Yoo in 'Big' and now Hyun Bin here. ?


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Absolutely. If we expect for realistic, we will get angry. But here I am watching for Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min


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Thanks for the recap, GF!

I think by this point, I'm really just watching this for Hyun Bin though I had hoped this drama would get better with time. The whole cop takedown failure was just too laughable... The writing for this drama is really sucky. I know they can't have Lee Soo Hyun caught yet with another 6 ep's to go, but they made the cops behave like amateurs that were complelely incompetent.

I liked the Seojin-Hana moments: the nagging and worrying, Seojin taking care of her fever, Hana telling him he's done a good job enduring all this time, and the dinner at the end. It's great to see his transformation and honesty as well as sincerity. It pained me to see Seojin watching the CCTV and noticing how happy Hana is with Robin. It made me wonder whether Seojin ever had the fleeting thought of just becoming Robin in order to make Hana so happy and willingly hides himself... But for now, he's taking the humble approach to ask Hana to share with him and teach him. ^^b

The Robin-Hana moments were cute too and I liked that scene with them reading comic books (Is she reading Boys Over Flowers? LOL) and Robin just staring at her non-stop. XD

I was afraid something would happen to Secretary Kwon. It's never a good feeling when you see a scene with someone alone in a parking garage or in the car. At least Lee Soo Hyun was just hiding in the trunk and not in the backseat to hurt Secretary Kwon.

That hospital scene when Dr. Kang was talking about there being a final way to attack Seojin... I wondered if she was gonna tell him how Lee Soo Hyun might use Hana to hurt him before Hana walked in. Also, I'm curious what Lee Soo Hyun might have done during those hypnosis sessions with Hana, and whether he had planted something in her mind to hurt Seojin.


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Frankly, with his 'magical' hypnosis powers I wouldn't be surprised if didn't already plant some sort suggestion in Hana's mind. Actually I'll be surprised if he didn't.

Side note - I wonder how many hypnotherapy appts. were cancelled this week in South Korea?


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Yeah, I think he must have done something already... I recall in an earlier ep. how he was gonna use Hana and Robin/Terry to hurt Seojin. The Robin/Terry move didn't go as planned with Robin coming to his senses in the threatre. So, only Hana left now...

Haha... I'd bet some people would be weary of hypnotherapy if they were watching this drama. XD


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Let this drama be a lesson for the writer and SBS. SBS, avoid this writer. Writer, avoid writing dramas.


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LOL I agree. I wished there was a better writer. Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min are really professional and I think the writer kind of wasted their talents...


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Maybe next time those cops would wear ear-plugs when they go meet TaeJoo. What is this nonsense, writer? What is this?


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First off, WTH are the cops doing?!!! Hypnotized? like hell everyone is under Tae Woo's spell. Why didn't Tae Wo hypnotize his kidnapper to get to the truth? scared to know the truth?

As to Robin, is it just me who feels he is acting too possessive and kind of clingy? Earlier I was rooting for Robin and Hana but the last few episodes changed my stand ... I feel bad for Seo Jin and wish Hana falls for him soon. I used to perceive Robin as that poor guy who can exist only during night time and had no real identity, but now am unsure. Seo Jin is the one who has struggled the most, never known happiness nor ever been carefree and now he has to work hard to win over Hana. Dunno how the writer is going to sort out this Seo-Jin/Robin rivalry over Hana but looking forward to it and hope they don't disappoint us.


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"Why didn’t Tae Wo hypnotize his kidnapper to get to the truth? scared to know the truth?" - That was my first thought when all he did was question him. Anyone could see by the way the kidnapper was acting he would have said anything to not be beaten again or killed.


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He is scared and not ready to face the truth, for all this time he has been scoffing that Seo Jin is hiding behind DID, Tae Joo has been suppressing the unpleasant memories. Yeah the kidnapper was scared to speak the truth and being beaten to death by these psychos.

The show is hilarious wrt hypnotizing anyone and the cops.


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I like it when everything develops properly in this drama, but honestly things are getting repetitive.
Tae Joo is a really nice and caring criminal so I don't feel excited at all when I see him. I would have enjoyed much more if he was more evil or he was smart enough to play tricks (just like Seo Jin did to Tae Joo).
I wished that Robin could fuse himself with Seo Jin. I think Seo Jin smiled twice so far...?? Plus, Seo Jin is pretty dumb and dependent on others. I know Seo Jin is living in pain because of all the shit happening (the only realistic part) around him, but knowing it doesn't mean liking it.
There are also lots of meaningless characters. ie Hyeri/Eunchang, I don't see the point of them. I know they're there to add fun to the drama, but the drama is going pretty slow already so I think additional fun isn't necessary.
The plot of the drama is really good, acting is also good, chemistry between characters is good. I like the little plot twists especially. But since Hyun Bin is starring in it, I obviously expected much more (I expected something at least better than Secret Garden, this drama is somewhere at the same level).
p.s. stupid police should be excluded from the drama.


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Do you think we'll ever get to actually see Terry? :o


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I hope so!


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I've literally given up on this show, such a waste of talent. Hyunbiiiin :'(


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Why is it that when Seo-jin took Hana to the bat cave, it reminded me of the movie Beauty and the Beast? You know, the scene when the Beast took Belle (Beauty) to his room where he had the magic rose? It just reminded me of that scene. Speaking of the beast, where is Bing Bing, the "King Kong" from episode 1? LOL
Maybe, the PD can create a scene of Bing Bing attacking Dr. TJ just for the fun of it. ROTFL But, then again, Dr. TJ will just use his "superhuman power" of hypnosis and hypnotize Bing Bing, anyways. There's no fun in that :P


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Hana hugging Robin, Seo Jin hugging Hana. Han Ji Min must have save Korea in a past life to be hug by or give hugs to Hyun Bin. Arrggg.....*rake with jealousy* (~.~)


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I know! Rite?? What a lucky gal!


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pacing and plot wise, this drama still pretty slow and weak.

the mystery is as obvious to anyone who watch it that it doesn't feel mysterious.

but i still watch it. lol

while i already lose interest on the romance and and mystery part of the drama, i'm still interested on how the writer of this drama will actually wrapped Robin and Seo Jin's character.

The good thing about this drama is that, it successfully makes me believes that Robin and Seo Jin is two different identity, even when they're actually the same person. so kudos for that. or maybe kudos to Hyun Bin? lol

As much as I'm disappointed on how they write Ha Na's character and Han Ji Min's disappointing performance in this drama, it does make me think what exactly Ha Na's real thought on Robin being Seo Jin and Seo Jin being Robin.

At this point of the drama, Ha Na is able to differentiate her feelings for Robin and Seo Jin. But Seo Jin is making it pretty annoying by always telling her that Robin is him, so she liking Robin meaning she's liking him. it tend to be overused at times and pretty much making Seo Jin seems so desperate. So desperate for Ha Na to love him, to the point that i feel like he lost the sparks that was once Seo Jin. Seo Jin is like becoming so *tame*, if you know what i mean.


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That was another thorough and helpful recap, girlfriday. Your insight makes me rethink some of my own interpretations, and I admit yours makes more sense. Just like the scene wherein Seo-jin watched the security feed of Robin that indicated he stayed in Hana's room all night and Seo-jin said, "I did the right thing." I initially interpreted it as Seo-jin disagreeing with Robin's actions and that he (Seo-jin) is doing the right thing by not being too forward with Hana unlike Robin. Anyway, after reading your recap (wherein that line was Seo-jin taking credit for Robin's actions), I realized your interpretation makes more sense than mine. So thank you. I also enjoy your little comments within the recap as well as the comments after the recap. They add to the reading pleasure, and I agree with every single one of them for this episode's recap.

What Seo-jin told Hana toward the end is the most romantic and convincing thing I've heard from him since he decided to pursue her. Sometimes this show drops lines that are so touching and make you nod, and, when that happens, it makes me wonder if it's from the same writer who's showing that hypnosis is that powerful and easy a weapon to wield. Anyway, going back to Seo-jin's sweet last lines before the power outage, all I can say is that after those words, Hana will surely slowly fall for him as well. Can't wait to see that part when she is torn between the two personalities. Oh, and then there is the third personality to consider, Terry. But I suppose there won't be romance where he's involved. Speaking of Terry, I wish he'll emerge and jump across the table to deal with Tae-joo. Lee Soo Hyun's case is getting really, really old. Much as I like Sung Joon as an actor, I don't want to see much of him anymore.

I enjoyed this episode because of the unconventional love triangle that has suddenly become prominent with both personalities now competing to win (or hold on to, in Robin's case) Hana's heart. That and the fact that there were lots of Hyun Bin with Han Ji Min moments, be it as Robin or Seo-jin. I have a feeling we'll have more romance soon. Yay.

Thanks so much again for the recap.


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thanks for your recap girlfriday
I was read in hoping Terry will come, Taejoo will behind bar, and Dr. Kang Free and Robin is not like that

but I just wanna said, they can't bring tense character and didn't showed it for the next ep, it's basically like cheating for response,
and don't have cop's scene if it bad, I mean how can hypnosis is that powerful
and the love story is late, it's like I saw GSj as 2nd lead and Robin as 1st lead when GSJ develop more but the substance is on Robin feelings so the girl must like him until now

This is very well written recap but I do hope you put some critics regarding Terry since I always found i like the shows more (when I watch it) after read the recap

I have hope for this show, but it just like it still not deliver better episode than before,
so for next 2 week, they need to be better since new drama aired and if they still bad, It just sad


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THE COPS! I nearly fell off the chair laughing when the cops froze after hearing "Happy Together." That's some cray cray stuff there.

I adore Hyun Bin and I LOVE Sungjoon to bits so I'm going to really pull myself together and finish this show, wishing that every episode might be better than the previous one. Everything is all over the place for now, I highly doubt things are going to be better, fingers crossed that this show wouldn't hurt both actors' career that much. ARGH it's so frustrating because I had so much hopes for this show. What a waste of talent ):


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They are so 'Happy Together' that know one wants to move! I did have to laugh and shake my head at the 'cops'. Why did no one get a master key, or even have a locksmith on standby? First time I ever saw cops call 119. (I hope to never see it again.)


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Why did they even have to call 119? Weren't they 'there' for that very job? and what the hell were the cops waiting for in the parking lot? Shouldn't they have been outside his apartment and sent the building superintendent to ring the bell and lure out Tae Jo? Even kids would have done a better job and rounded up the criminal.


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I like when SJ or robin and hana grace the scene. The hunks is part, not so much. Urgh


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urgh - where it says "hunks", it was supposed to say hypnosis. Stupid autocorrect.


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Thanks for the great recaps GirlFriday!

I enjoyed this episode more, despite the cops and 'magic' hypnotism. I am really looking forward to the jealousy between Robin and Seo Jin. I definitely think they got that part right. Now Terry, quite hiding and come and play.


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I felt really bad for Seo jinwhile he was watching Robin and Hana.That would be the time to gracefully bow out.but it's your body that's dating but your mind... I'll stop there because I'm confusing myself.
I understand the cops getting hypnotized but come on,what's with the knocking and calling 119,doesn't this writer watch cop shows. Even in real life this BS never happen s.the cops maybe holding sticks but they will BEAT the heck out of you the moment you walk through the door. So he pushes you out of the way, and what why aren't you firing the gun that you have pointed at him.I thought you were supposed to be the bright cop in dramaland. Face palm.Bianahaminida Hyun bin oppa.


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Ugh, i can see why the ratings for this drama keeps dropping. I watch this every week (for hyun bin) and is disappointed each time. Not evem tensure, i can basically guess whats going to happen next and seriously, the cops? 6 more episodes left, and i know the ending is going to be flimsy and weak. I wonder what lure hyun bin to pick this drama at the first place. ? now my only hope is for hyun bin to get a casting offer for the upcoming drama with ha jiwon (if shes confirms). would totally be awesome! And make up for this crap


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The chemistry btw Hyun Bin and Ha Ji-won was really off the charts.

And chemistry can really make all the difference. Secret Garden had so many problems (to say the least) yet I thoroughly emjoyed it (multiple times), and I think it's because every member of the cast played off each other so well.

Here, Han Ji-min is a real dud and has no visible chemistry w/ HB. HB and Sung Joon are putting in a fine performances, and HB's relationship (as both Robin & SJ) w/ Secretary Kwon is cute. But that is hardly enough to make up for the plot.

So I'm w/ you would love to see HB and Ha Ji-won light up the screen together again.


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I really like this show!! Don't get me wrong, this show has A LOT of flaws, but I just love Goo Seo Jin! I love how patient and understanding he is towards Ha Na. I hope she acknowledges his love soon!!!


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Thanks for the recap, Girlfriday. This is my first drama, so I haven't necessarily gotten an eye for everything yet, so I'm really enjoying this drama, in spite of its flaws. I'm really loving Seojin's development as a character, and I'm hoping Robin gets the same too. Personally, I doubt Robin will though, with only 6 episodes left. But I have to say, with that preview at the end, I have a feeling Terry's probably going to make an appearance. Hana gets taken by Tae-joo, Seo-jin's in shock. Robin might try to stop him, but with Tae-joo as the all powerful hypnosis god, I think he'll get away.

I'm actually really curious to see how Tae-joo is planning on using Hana in his plans. Didn't Tae-joo say that he really liked Hana? Taking that into consideration, I don't think he'll hurt her too badly...but I'll wait for the next episode. I worry that Tae-joo will kidnap her, hypnotize her, and force her to say or do some thing to Seo-jin and/or Robin that breaks both personalities completely. Tae-joo has shown that he really wants revenge against Seo-jin, so breaking Seo-jin emotionally through Hana seems like the best way to do so. But with only 6 episodes left, I don't know how the writer is planning on resolving this. It seems like some time will be spent on this arc, so where does that leave the ending? I hope that the writer has a plan.

Don't mind my ramblings here.


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This IS the place to ramble. I for one am hoping Terry will make an appearance. I do remember Tae Joo saying how he liked Hana but I think at this point his desire for revenge is much stronger. Sometimes it does not pay to figure out where the writer is going. (Especially if the writer is a bit weak like this one.) However, we all hope that everything gets resolved with our main couple (or trio) and our favorite characters live till the end.

Welcome and enjoy the ride into the black-hole of Kdrama. There is no return!


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DON'T let this be your benchmark for k-dramas. Hyun Bin is a mega star in dramaland for good reason-- he is one of the only redeeming things about this show (and may I add can wear the hell out of any sweater, some sweatpants, and a pair of slippers)-- but there are so many better dramas out there. See this one through, but if you end up disappointed don't give up on k-dramas. The writing here is just too questionable in comparison to others. I'm hanging in to see how the writer wraps up the story, but also really to support Hyun Bin. If you like the actor, I highly recommend you check out Secret Garden after this. My all-time favorite drama... I honestly don't mind Han Ji Min's here, but if you like her also check out Rooftop Prince.


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I don't think the kidnapper actually lied to Tae Joo mainly because i hint he doesn't really know who he is...for me he thinks Ahn Song Gun is Soo Hyun and Tae Joo is Seo Jin,so he didn't lie when he said his father wasn't involved aka in his mind the chairman....Tae Joo never stop a moment to think he will put the wrong idea into that dude head without even revealing who he is....i felt really really sad fro Seo Jin when he was watching the videos with Ha Na dining with Robin all happy,felt so far away and cold,must hurt a lot knowing and seeing how she treats Robin and how he can't get close to her...


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I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your thoughts especially when I didn't think that too many people get these last two episodes.

The writing in this show is flawed but I don't think it's terrible. It's not the worst thing I've seen by a long shot and it has its own internal consistency which is more than you can say for a lot of other dramas.

I'm enjoying the drama for the most part and I especially appreciate the way SJ is evolving. He's the adult in this whole mess and he's definitely playing the long game in this.


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That's why I'm watching. Seo Jin's long game. (Doesn't hurt he's played by Hyun Bin. I actually feel each episode gets better, at least concerning our main characters.


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I agree that only seojin has the best character growth and arc in this drama. He also have the best lines. 2nd is so far behind.
I'm beginning to wonder if a completely different writer writes seojin and seojin only.
He is the only reason I'm still following this drama
Hyun bin needs to be in another drama soon. He is too good for this


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It could be so easy to focus on the flaws and the mistakes of the show because there are so many, but the bottom line is that I've given this drama 14 hours out of my life. So, good, bad or ugly, I'm not going anywhere until the very end. As such, let me focus on the positive....
I have to give props to the writer for listening to her viewers and giving Ha Na more emotion and likeability. For the first time it really lookeed like she cares about Robin (as a boyfriend) and Seo Jin (as a person). I like how her level of comfort with each guy showed us clearly where her heart stands at least up until now. I also think that Hyun Bin is doing an excellent job of keeping his characters reactions totally seperate and believable.You really would expect a guy to be jealous, scared, and posessive if he thinks someone else might win the interest of his girl, and his part as Seo Jin beng patient, willing to change, and almost desperate endures me to that character and has me for the first time rooting for the bad guy in a drama (team second guy is usually my motto).
I don't agree that this drama is predictible and am enjoying the fact that they give us something new and unexpected almost every week. Flaws and all, I am looking forward to seing this drama to the end and seeing where it will all lead up to.


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Bottom line. Robin needs to get a grip and come to terms with the fact that the ONLY way he can have a REAL relationship with Hana is to merge his and Seo-jin's personalities together and become whole again.

He also needs to stop being so clingy. That is not a good look on anyone.


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HB's acting is really good, even the tho the story is somewhat lame.
I have liked HJM in her other roles I have seen (rooftop prince for example), but her character here is pretty blah... she isn't given much room to act, and the character does stupid stuff, like why leave the safe van when she was told not to. Thankfully, the crazy hypnotist didn't kidnap here then, which I thought might happen. That would have been just too lame.


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I agree the police has made some horrendous mistakes but it's to move the story along and make the audience yell at the t.v. Admit it, we were angry or disappointed in their incompetence but so were they.

I like most of the twists in this series and I do look fo the next episode and seeing Seo Jin's evolution. He probably never competed with Robin before for anything and I have to believe his character is more alive than ever before and looking forward to morning arriving every day.

The actors are working hard and GF you, too, are working hard to give us some great insight. Your recaps are the best. Thanks


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I can see in the eyes of Ha Na her love towards Robin but not in Seo Jin.. Poor that guy..please don't dissappear..


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I agree with the dumbnessity of the police but do you think maybe they are supposed to be comic relief? I think they're hilarious. Especially Detective Na who realizes how incompetent they are. I love him. He cracks me up in everything I've seen him.


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I love this drama no matter . Yeah I know this drama not getting along with logic . Relaxs guys . this is a drama . we should enjoy it .
I prefer seo jin than robin even they are the same person . seo jin hurt too much .
I really want to see the ending . hahahahah . lots of love .


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The story is really getting weird. I wouldn't claim to be well versed with MPD but the rules they have established so far is really not logical anymore.

What's with the hypnosis thing? It's like suddenly Lee Soo Hyun has super power that he can evade even dozens of police at once. The rules of the game keep changing according to Lee Soo Hyun's convenience.


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THIS IS what I'm talking about!
Just share your memory whether you are with Seojin/Robin, Hana!!
all this time I wait for Hana to propose that..
it is sad that Seojin has to be the one to ask that to Hana.. :(
but seriously, the OST always come out weirdly for me, especially when Hana with Robin.. the feelings is just not right...


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After watching the scene where Seo-jin watches Robin spoon feeding Hana and the way she responds with a happy am-in-love smile..My noble idiocy detector, suggests that, Maybe just maybe, Seo-jinnie will be the noble idiot, who will decide to give away his existence, and let Robin live instead of him just for the sake of Hana. That'll be really bad.
Honestly, I never once felt the relationship spark between Robin and Hana. From the begining itself. I can't get past the fact that Robin is not real. He is just a fake identity created by Seo-jinnie to cope with his childhood trauma. So, I never really accepted it as a healthy relation, because no matter how much difference there is in their personality, Robin still remains a part of Seo-jinnie existence.
Seo-jinnie is the real entity. That said, I don't hate or dislike Robin. Actually, in the beginning, I was anticipating his appearance. But thats it, that is where it ends. He's a good alter ego, not a real person. Moreover, if Seo-jinnie wants a healthy life, Robin has to disappear sooner or later, a condition like
DID cannot be accepted just because the personality created by the sufferer is a saint. For a healthy life, its important to cure this condition. He practically doesn't sleep, which in real life cause tremendous bodily ailments.
Robin is indeed a very nice, good and cheerful persona created by Seo-jinnie to makeup for that childhood incident. But that still does not justify the coexistence, romance and desperation to save Robin's identity.
It may be a better option to let Seo-jin acquire all of Robin's memories after he disappears, but not in this life is it acceptable to encourage them to coexist keeping in mind the severity of having to suffer from a condition like DID.. Its not a child's play.


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I feel bad for Tae Joo, because up until this point nobody gave a damn about how he was doing. The focus was all on Seo Jin. I'm disappointed in Dr. Kang only seeking Tae Joo/Soo Hyun out to help Seo Jin. Had she thought about Tae Joon, she would've realized that Tae Joo was struggling and that only wanting to talk to him for Seo Jin instead of for him would've been the better approach because it wasn't just Seo Jin who was kidnapped.

To add insult to injury, you have all these people going out of their way to save/protect/help Seo Jin through his trauma, but no one ever did that for Tae Joo and I can see how that is also feuling his rage. Like, what about him? Where was his support system? More importantly, where is his support system? I see that Seo Jin has one, albeit one he didn't know he had, but he has one. But I don't see any for Tae Joo.

That to me is just heartbreaking. This could've been avoided. This is like The K2 all over again.


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