Grandpas Over Flowers in Greece: Episode 7 (Final)

javabeans: We’re at the end of another Grandpas Over Flowers trip! It’s been a fun ride, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’ll be disappointed if it doesn’t end with wedding announcements. Fine, I’ll take dating announcements. I’m not demanding.

girlfriday: I really hope that they’re secretly dating by now. This entire series has been one giant buildup for their romance. The group reaches their guesthouse in Santorini, which is a really cute cavelike home with beds tucked away in little alcoves. It’s adorable.

javabeans: It must make them all happy, because soon they’re all out lighting candles for ambiance, and Gu halbae goes around snapping photos from all these angles.

girlfriday: Meanwhile, Seo-jin is out with a VJ looking for a place to park, and it seems to take forever. At one point he actually stops and moves someone else’s scooter to MAKE a parking space where there wasn’t enough room.

javabeans: That’s the thing you always want to do but don’t have the guts to do. Sometimes I really love Seo-jin’s shamelessness, in his matter-of-fact way that sort of camouflages just how shameless he is.

girlfriday: The landlady comes by with heaters and sort of flirts with Gu halbae, which is really cute.

javabeans: Especially since it’s through a translator, haha.

girlfriday: Seo-jin and Ji-woo go to the market to pick up dinner supplies, and Seo-jin picks out a bottle of ouzo and notices when Ji-woo helps pick out a lip balm for one of the VJs. Suddenly Seo-jin sidles up to her and asks her to pick out a face wash for him. Why? Why are you suddenly so insistent she do this? It’s so funny.

javabeans: I love that she’s all, “Just pick one” and he keeps pestering her to choose for him.

girlfriday: It’s such an obvious cry for attention. They stop to buy Chinese food after that, and Seo-jin makes Ji-woo pay, which makes her pout.

javabeans: It’s so obvious how much it hurt her to give up some of her precious cash. She totally has it, but worries that it feels unsettling to have to use it. LOL. But a feeling we can all understand, I’m sure.

girlfriday: Oh totally. It’s just a security thing! Boys don’t understand.

javabeans: What’s extra hilarious about it to me is, Seo-jin is seeing their allowance as a joint fund thing — the show gives them money, it’s theirs to use. Whereas, Ji-woo sees it as “Seo-jin has alllllll the money, and I have to make sure to scrimp on the side if I want to use any, otherwise we are at the mercy of the show and I can’t buy anything!” Like in the market there was a tiny beat where she bought a staffer a package of candy, and it made her happy, but then she shot a look around to make sure Seojinnie didn’t see.

girlfriday: If he weren’t such a nag, she might not be so furtive about the spending. But then again, we wouldn’t have this hilarity, so I like that he’s a scrooge. They head back and make a quick kimchi stew to add to the table, then the halbaes gather for their last dinner on the trip, each of them musing that this one really passed by quickly.

javabeans: After dinner, Gu and Sub halbaes sit in silence for a long while, and then Sub halbae tells Gu halbae he has to stay healthy, and they both sigh that they’ve gotta take care of themselves.

girlfriday: All the halbaes’ interviews include the same exact wish for each other: to stay healthy and live a long time. It’s an obvious sentiment, but they mean it specifically in regards to one another, always thinking of the others first.

javabeans: Then it’s morning, and Ji-woo’s up early to get ready. Seo-jin pops in to ask for the hair dryer, and the show points out that the dryer is an excuse, and that he’s gotten into the habit of coming to her room every morning.

girlfriday: See, what will he do when she’s not around? I also love that she yells at him to hurry up, on the one day that she’s ready before him.

javabeans: I wonder if she wanted to purposely do it, just so she could yell at him. She’s weirdly fixated on going out for a walk (“We have to go out on a walk! Hurry!”) and Seo-jin seems bewildered but complies laughingly.

girlfriday: She gets super excited to see a tiny peek of sunshine, and squeals to Seo-jin, “Isn’t it romantic?” (She means dreamy, not hearts and kisses.) And I swear, he purposely wears the frowniest frown he can, just to be contrary. He complains that everything’s romantic to her, while she grumps at his inability to see the romance in anything.

javabeans: Funny thing is, I swear his crankypants attitude only makes Ji-woo more determined to find something that’ll crack his shell, while her exuberance makes him more determined to bah-humbug it.

girlfriday: Gah, sometimes I hate that Seo-jin so fits the stereotype of hot and broody.

javabeans: But when he does the tiniest thoughtful thing, it suddenly seems so meaningful and sweet. While he’s probably grinning on the inside how he gets big results with little effort.

girlfriday: Yes! It sucks! Also, clearly it works for him, which is why it’s infuriating.

javabeans: I just want Ji-woo to break him. Only a little! But break him.

girlfriday: They pack up and head out, feeling a little wistful about leaving so soon. At least they got nice weather for one day, even if it’s just on their way out. They stop at a gift shop to look at souvenirs, and Seo-jin totally starts buying kitchen items to use on Three Meals a Day. Already thinking about the next job, eh?

javabeans: They fly out of Greece, and then we jump to a month later, to a restaurant in the Itaewon district of Seoul named Santorini Tavern. Haha. You know Na PD is so proud of himself for that one.

girlfriday: He’s so pleased. He breaks out into an even bigger grin when Ji-woo and Seo-jin walk in together (looking amazing, might I add), and Ji-woo just casually slips her arm around Seo-jin’s to show that they’re friendly now.

javabeans: Ji-woo’s all full of wistfulness and nostalgia, pointing to her menu and saying, “We were there, oppa! Isn’t that something?” And Seo-jin says, “I don’t remember.”

girlfriday: Well that’s just a lie. You just know he’s doing it on purpose to push her buttons. They easily fall back into arguing over the menu, namely Seo-jin’s cheapness and Ji-woo’s insistence that he doesn’t need to scrimp and save anymore. She cries that she’s paying today, which means that it doesn’t count as overspending, and he grunts back that the overspending is ingrained in her.

javabeans: He just likes getting a reaction from her. He baldly says (while smiling to himself) that they barely ate any Greek food, and of course the flashbacks show Seo-jin specifically introducing their Greek foods to the group at dinner. Then we rewind to show Ji-woo reserving a room that first time, when she was upset that the hotel wanted to charge more than she thought she reserved, and she very cutely pecks out a message in English to the hotel.

girlfriday: Back at the restaurant, Na PD asks how Ji-woo was able to keep her participation in the show under wraps, because he expected rumors to leak. But she says that she cut off communication entirely so that she wouldn’t leak it accidentally, and even told her mom not to see her friends during that time. That’s hardcore, but hey, it worked and she managed to surprise everyone.

javabeans: Even on the ride to the airport, she explains running into Soon-jae halbae at a screening, and how they chatted about Three Meals a Day, and on the inside she was giggling, “I’m going to see you in a few days!”

girlfriday: Na PD asks Ji-woo how she held up after the trip, like if she got sick or anything, and she says that she was totally fine and could go again right now. Seo-jin balks, “You weren’t fine! You texted me that no matter how much you slept you were constantly sleepy!” I had to listen to that twice to hear the “text” part, because I was like, How do you know how she’s sleeping, huh?

javabeans: I know, it was tucked away at the back of that sentence. “You kept saying you were sleepy!… in texts.”

girlfriday: They start reminiscing about the delicious foods they ate (and by “they” I mean Na PD and Ji-woo), and we get flashbacks to one of their yummy dinners. Na PD randomly starts quizzing Ji-woo on the names of hotels she reserved, which is totally pointless but puts her on the spot, which the boys enjoy.

javabeans: When she comes up with the name, Seo-jin piggybacks on the moment to ask for the full name, and Ji-woo’s enough of a perfectionist that she totally wants to get this right even though it doesn’t matter. So while she’s madly trying to remember the full hotel name (and Na PD prods that if she can’t remember, how will viewers believe that she reserved the rooms personally?), she blurts out the name of the street it’s on, and the boys are all, “But who asked about the streets? What’s the hotel name?” She finally recalls the full name and then complains to Seo-jin, “Oppa, why are you being like this to me?!”

girlfriday: It’s extra hilarious since Na PD is the instigator. I love that he calls her noona, by the by.

javabeans: Seo-jin: “Ask her about the Greece hotel.” Ji-woo: “Byron!” Seo-jin: “And the one after that?” The best part is that Ji-woo totally gets absorbed in answering the question, which makes it extra fun to quiz her.

girlfriday: I’m shouting at my screen right now: “Don’t fall for their tricks! Stop answering!” But I’m dying of laughter because it’s so funny. This must be why Seo-jin teases her so much.

javabeans: They keep asking, and she finally kind of rolls her eyes when Seo-jin asks for the name of the tall building in Dubai… and then you see her eyes darting as she tries to remember that too.

girlfriday: She takes a sip of wine to buy herself time to think! I love that you can read everything on her face.

javabeans: She tries to turn it around on Seo-jin, prodding him to remember, but it doesn’t work because he’s just all, “I don’t remember.” It’s no fun because he doesn’t care, whereas she totally cares and it’s hilarious.

girlfriday: Mention of the building makes her sigh to think about the part that got cut out of the show, and a flashback shows us why: It’s miles and miles of moving walkway, just to get from the train to the mall, and Ji-woo practically shudders to remember how horrendous that trek was.

javabeans: How funny is it that Soon-jae halbae is the oldest, and he’s the one who chooses to walk the whole way instead of stand on the moving belt, and he ends up way in front?

girlfriday: I know, he’s like way ahead of them. It goes on forever and ever, Seo-jin can feel Il-sub halbae about to explode about twenty minutes in, so he sends Ji-woo over. The captions count down ominously 3… 2… 1… and then she runs up with a burst of aegyo, and suddenly Il-sub halbae smiles. That’s so cute.

javabeans: It’s adorable because she wasn’t as aware as Seo-jin was (since he was right behind Il-sub halbae the whole way), and the moment she reads the situation, she defuses by complaining the thing he wants to complain about: “Isn’t it sooooo far?”

girlfriday: Thankfully Seo-jin discovers a taxi that shuttles people around inside the mall, and later sends Il-sub halbae on a ride with Ji-woo and Gu halbae. Na PD tells them that he made a mistake about the prince they met in Dubai, who was apparently just a regular worker at the tourism office. How that got lost in translation, I have no idea.

javabeans: That sounds terrible, because apparently it attracted a ton of negative comments accusing the guy of posing as their prince, like he was making claims he didn’t have a right to. That is totally Na PD’s fault! He says he wants to set it to rights, while Seo-jin keeps his eye on the important thing: He saved their trip a lot of money with that freebie up the tower.

girlfriday: Na PD brings up their differing music tastes, and we get flashbacks to their endless back and forth on the road trip, picking at each other’s choices. They talk about how the halbaes’ proclivity for snacks has really become a full-blown constant thing now, with them stopping to purchase sweets when before they’d just politely decline.

javabeans: They really are a snacky bunch. Ji-woo points out that when you travel a lot, you start craving sweet things, to which Seo-jin says flatly, “I don’t.” She’s all, “But you ate everything I gave you!”

girlfriday: Talk turns to money, and Ji-woo admits how scared she was after The Ice Cream Incident, that she’d really be pegged as an overspender. Seo-jin fully admits that his heart lurched when he saw how much ice cream she’d bought, thinking that they were doomed for the whole trip.

javabeans: Na PD asks why Seo-jin kept the pursestrings rather than splitting it half with Ji-woo to manage, and he says that at first he’d given her money, but the Ice Cream Incident made him afraid, and she seemed the type to spend everything she was given. But you turned her into a hoarder! She totally looks hurt and pouty.

girlfriday: Na PD totally pokes at the open wounds, all, “I would’ve given her half!” No matter how many times Seo-jin explains his reasoning, all roads lead back to the Ice Cream Incident.

javabeans: We get tons of flashbacks, to Ji-woo basically begging for money. “Oppa, buy one more cotton candy!” and “Oppa, why won’t you let me have fruit?”

girlfriday: Seo-jin: “We can’t starve meals because we spent all our money on snacking!” It’s great to see it all in montage, because it devolves from long arguments to whining, to just silent taps and tugging on oppa’s shirt until he hands over some cash.

javabeans: Then Na PD asks his last question: “My mother thinks you two are going to get married. When will you marry? My mom kept telling me to ask you that.”

girlfriday: Nice, blame it on your mom. And then he follows up netizen comments with a text he got from Uhm Tae-woong: “Are Seo-jinnie and Ji-woo dating?” Na PD jokingly says that it might not be a bad idea for them to just get married to fulfill the country’s wishes and all that, and SEO-JIN TOTALLY NODS HIS HEAD. Twice!

javabeans: Na PD points it out, and Seo-jin adds, “If she fixes her overspending habit.”

girlfriday: That is a yes if I’ve ever heard one.

javabeans: Na PD hands over a box as a gift, and Seo-jin asks if it’s a pair of lovebirds or something. Na PD’s all, “What are you imagining?” and it turns out to be a box of lemons, haha, to commemorate their lemon water fixation throughout the trip.

girlfriday: The lemons apparently allowed her to drink like a fish and still be fine every morning. I think I’m going to try that.

javabeans: Na PD jokes that she picked up a drinking habit, and she laughs that she loved having a drink with the halbaes every night. We see a few clips of their drinking time converstaions, and it’s so funny to hear the halbaes talking about venerated veteran actors as “That was when he was a baby!” (As in, rookie, not literal baby.)

girlfriday: And then we see what they did on the nights when the halbaes went to bed early. Ji-woo, Seo-jin, and Na PD sit around drinking, which seems to be the usual thing, and after one round Na PD makes a stealthy exit, leaving them to talk on their own.

javabeans: Ji-woo watches him leave, then asks, “We can take off our mics, can’t we?” They hand in their mics and the staff lingers, and clearly both sides are waiting for the other side to turn in. Then we just get video, while they chat and giggle for a while afterward.

girlfriday: I know we’re like a broken record, but they really need to date already.

javabeans:He says he almost did Winter Sonata, but because Bae Yong-joon signed on, he didn’t get it. Then he says how he’s probably an old bachelor at this point, all wistful, and Ji-woo is the one who exclaims that it’s nothing to be sad about, that you live your life happily, and date and break up and life is good.

girlfriday: I like her outlook. He could use some sunshine in his life. Back in the present, Seo-jin brings up the one big fight they had over money, and claims that he went to go get her cotton candy in order to make her feel better. Aw, it’s true — he goes over to the cotton candy stand and just buys one at first, and whispers at her to just eat it by herself. But then the halbaes ruin his (tiny) grand gesture by asking for cotton candy too.

javabeans: She says how they didn’t know, and he says he doesn’t even want his gestures to be recognized, or known, or for anybody to be touched by them. Why is that so funny?

girlfriday: But! You brought it up!

javabeans: I know! “Here’s a thing I did for you. Don’t acknowledge it!”

girlfriday: The show wraps up with wistful thoughts from the halbaes about how much they enjoyed this trip and traveling in general, and then when Na PD asks Seo-jin about what travel means to him, Seo-jin answers, “My dream vacation is the best hotel with the best treatment, where I can shop like crazy!”

javabeans: Basically, the complete opposite of every Over Flowers trip he’s been on.

girlfriday: Yeah, this is no vacation for him. It’s work. But we already knew that. Ji-woo says that she was worried before going on the trip, but once she was there, the halbaes were so nice to her that it just made her naturally happy around them.

javabeans: Seo-jin says how these two grandpas came up to him and asked to hold his hand, and shouted “Manseh!” because they felt a vicarious sense of gratification for him through watching him take care of these halbaes.

girlfriday: Awww. I mean, I know why WE love him, but it’s sweet to think of it from that perspective too. The episode ends with Ji-woo casually asking Seo-jin about the farm, which maybe means that we’ll be seeing her pop up on Three Meals?

javabeans: It’s too strange of an edit otherwise! Aw man, does that mean I have to watch the farmhouse show now?


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Oh man. I agree with Na PD's mom!

Can't those two just get married already?


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Santorini is awesome. I hope the show has some distance shots to show the immense size of the volcanic caldera that makes up the island.

When my wife and I were there on an Aegean cruise, I took the boat over to hike on the cinder cone in the middle of the lagoon. I doubt that any of the grandpas could have managed it. 100 F, no ground cover, the ground a few inches under the top layer of ash was too hot to touch, and the craters were oozing sulfer fumes.

I had to drink two cans of ice tea immediately afterward at two Euros apiece.


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Memories, memories!

Santorini, Mykonos, Sardenia ... The Mediterranean isles and ports are simply awesome. Except Malta and Sicily.

In comparison, Athens on the Greek peninsula is dusty, brown, inhospitable, etc., just like much of the Iberian peninsula.


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Oh gonna miss this season to Greece, hence we're all fascinated on the romantic scenes of CHOI JI-WOO & LEE SEO-JIN. It was a remarkable relationship to all, the Teamwork, the fun, adventure and all. We are all focus of the sweetness and the cuteness of the couple. Hope they would end up together. Keep it up! And Congratulations for the job well done!


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When Seojin bought that kitchen stuff, which pocket did the money come out of? His own? He wasn't allowed to bring his own money. This show's allowance? I thought it wasn't enough to last them till the end. Na PD's?

Seojin's idea of a perfect vacation seems to make him the big spender, esp. the shop till he drops part. So why is he making Choi Ji Woo look bad for spending money on ice-cream and snacks? Is that just part of the script from the start?

When asked WHEN (not IF) they'd get married, and Seojinnie nodded Twice, saying "If Ji Woo would change her excessive spending habit..", she said after a pause and an embarrassing moment of fixing her hair, "Forget it", clearly referring to the part about her spending habit, cos she had a blushing expression. Ha ha.

If they date, which I'm sure they are doing by now, I hope he doesn't pick on her spending habits. The girl makes on average USD2 million a year, for many many years. I'd say she has earned her right to shop and snack in style and not be nagged for it.

Thanks to CJW's presence, Grandpa O F has been the ratings winner in its time slot for 7 consecutive weeks, ending at 9.8%! 9.8% for a cable variety show! The power of that love line!

Can't imagine Seojin as Kang Joon Sang/Lee Min Hyeong! Can't imagine Winter Sonata that way. It's funny to contemplate tho.

The halbaes wistfulness n fondness of these trips at the very end make Na PD say, Maybe the show can keep going then. Here's hoping.

New season of 3 Meals a Day starts this weekend.


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In the past, the cast has been allowed to use their own money to buy personal things (souvenirs and the like). Seo-jin's teasing of Ji-woo was for overspending their trip budget, which was for food, lodging, and sightseeing. (In past trips, Seo-jin got around Na PD's strict budget by buying meals occasionally for the whole staff out of his own pocket, just to have a meal where everyone wasn't scrimping.)


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Ah thanks. So they Are allowed to buy personal things. I know the halbaes aren't restricted in what they buy, but I guess those things are for taking home.
By making everyone scrimp, Na P.D. gets to have a show w top ratings on a shoestring budget. **Shaking my head w a grin**


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Was the avg rating for final ep truly. 9,8 %? I thought it was 7.8% with the highest around 9%. Maybe i read wrong since i used google translate hehe


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maybe KDaddict?JCW means, overall rating for GOF greece, i also dont know the exact rating for overall rating GOF greece but i come across an article that said it increased by 1 or 2 % if compared to previous GOF, which is good.. perhaps drama PDs could offer to these two in melo or rom com with halbaes as cameos or supporting actors....


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I was also thinking that someone needs to cast these two as an OTP asap-- preferebly in a drama (written by a decent writer) in which they get to bicker their way to a HEA, with plenty of flirting, dimple-flashing, and skinship along the way. Lots of people would watch, wanting to see signs that reel love was turning into real love, and CJW and Seo-jiinnie would be able to spend a ton more time smiling at one another.

We know that Na PD is a genius PD, but I think he may be a genius matchmaker as well. LSJ used to boyishly crush on Sunny, so Na PD gave him a chance to spend some time with her (and get a reality check). Their shyness with each other was cute, but I doubt many some them as being a good match for each other. Then he astutely matches up LSJ with CJW, and they're so cute together that we're all counting their offspring before they've hatched. I'm not sure how Na PD's going to top this-- good thing he's a genius!


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I was thinking how fun it would be to have them cameo in 7000 days. With him as the hot ex boyfriend and her as his new love interest. Of course, to keep with the original drama it'd have to include skinship. (...and he could stick to his story that he's only 'acting'.) LOL


Just date or rather get married already! Both of them are perfect for each other.


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right though??


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Aww I'm so sad it's over, I really enjoyed reading the recaps. I ended up shipping Seo-Jin and Ji-Woo just from reading these, and literally squealed when it said that Seo-Jin nodded to marriage plans^^
On another note, does anyone at all know where one might find full episodes with subs for any of the grandpas over flower trips??? I don't think they're on viki?
Thank you!


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Hulu had past seasons. In the comments section of the last recap someone posted links for unofficial subs of the first two episodes.


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I've tried the links it keeps saying forbidden even after I signed in and removed the age restriction.


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Good question! Where can we find subbed episodes?


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If they are officially found dating...they'll officially be Korea's couple of the year! And when they get married (hopefully), I'm sure ALL Korea will be wishing them well...maybe with the exception of a few fan-girls and fan-boys.

Here, in Dramabeans, we should throw a party in their honour!

Please, please, please get married.

And it's so cute that Uhm Taewoong actually asked if they were dating! Haha! At one time, I recall that Korea was trying to match-make him during his stint in 1N2D. He can perhaps identify with Seo-jinnie and Jiwoo.


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One of the netizen comments that Na PD mentioned actually said: "With so many ppl rooting for you, you'd be idiots not to date."
Last time when CJW went out w Lee Jin Wook, there were photos of her in all black, wearing a goodie and a mask, taken at night. This time around, they can go around in broad daylight. There is great advantage just in that.

I saw a new cf of theirs (CJW, SJ, Shin Goo ssi) on tv, selling a smart phone. It's so cute. She wears a peach dress w stunning blue earrings! OTP bicker over the phone she's eyeing. Shin Goo ssi just goes into the store and gets it! Anyone has the link?


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I hope they at least do a rom com together!

Anyway links for their CFs:

Another CF with the couple (about travelling? not sure):


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Thank for the links!
The second one about travelling is soooooo good. they both look so good and together, even better!

I really hope that it's not just something they do to gain popularity or keep the fans happy.

Anyway, I'm surprised that they got to do CFs together so fast!!!


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the second CF is for insurance


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Thanks for the links the last one is super cute and beautifully done,I literally squeed seeing them so sweet, watched 4 times.
it's definitely a favorite.


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Omo. Omo! I am a happily married woman, but seeing Seo-jinnie's leading us by the hand--

His dimples. (Yeah, I'm shipping the 2 of them, but during the time when it seems like he was pulling on my wrist? SIGH)


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Oh my gosh that second cf gave me all the feels!!!!!


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Holy cow. The 2nd CF is lethal. I felt fluttering just watching them.

Get married already PLEASE!!!


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He did an interview with Star Date and talked about his relationship with Na PD, it's hilarious!



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Pls get married soon!!


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Get married soon, have babIES quickly, bring them on Return of Superman, and SJ can be the grumpiest, laziest dad, or be the most doting. Either way, it'd work, wonders.


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My thoughts too! He'll be good in The return of Superman! Grumpy dad, and will take all kinds of short cuts, but will eventually indulge in the kid - somewhat reluctantly.

Imagine him playing tea-time with his daughter or having to act cute and funny for her/him... in his grumpy, half-hearted way. Cooking wise, won't be a problem though, with all the training that PD Na has given him! And knowing PD Na, he'll take credit for that!


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He'd probably be the most doting dad ever if we base it on how much he dotes on his niece.


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Awesome recap! Just date already!


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Here's the link to the CF...


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CJW and LSG make me puke rainbowso..seriously.
I have a strong feeling they are secretly dating.


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eh, i thought that lee seo jin was offered the role of the late of Park Yong Ha though. in winter sonata... i cant imagine if he took the offer, which couple would i root for, if during that time they have explosive chemistry like this, maybe we would be torn between kang jung sang/jung yoo jin or kim sang hyuk/jung yoo jin, hahaha

maybe they are each other destiny, the fate that they almost collaborate 13 years before just make me ....hehehe


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Why do I have a feeling they're already dating? Gosh. Especially after watching episode 7 several times. Lol.


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My gut feeling tells me they are dating otherwise why would they walk in together in post interview which was a month after they came back from Greece, wearing couple shoes (btw exactly the same) and color coordinated attire AND linking arms?? LSJ didnt even flinch or shock as if it happened many times before. They obviously wanted to declare that they were in some kind of a relationship without flat out admitting it. Perhaps this would deter Dispatch from spying on them since the news wouldnt be juicy anymore.


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Hmmm ... Jiwoon in TMAD???!!! Why not? She and LSJ should have a new reality show together under who else?? NaPD of course. That's a must watch. I can only imagine what things this couple can do.


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Especially when he nodded his head twice when asked if he would marry her..... The feels.

Great idea!! Just date and PD Na can develop a new reality show for them alone. We Got Married, for real, not the fake version. Hell, I'll even settle for We Are Dating, for real.


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LSJ and JCW they are really a soulmate, their personal characteristic is very compatible to each other...love them ???


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episode 7 i daebak. seojin really like jiwoo in a truest sense. they are contacting each other and he smiles when he heard jiwoo's laughter. if you like someone even the ugliest side of her make your heart sing " you are so beautiful to me" lol.


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Those two are stinkin' cute! They should seriously date, get married and have a whole soccer team of babies!!


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please Mary Fairy let my wishes be granted…I wish for them to get married and start CJW and LSJ cuties babies….
swish swish….


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They're too cute together !!! whispering *Please date happily*. I'm really sad GOF is over but I cannot wait for Three meals to start !!! ThankU for the recaps and ThankU for the ride Na PD hilarious and delightful as usual.


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awww....totally gonna miss the halbaes. I wish they always in good health.
As well for Seojinne-Jiwoo, they had become such power couple. Everyone cheering for them. If they decide to date (and hopefully married)...its a dream come true.


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I wish on next season, it'll be their honeymoon with the halbaes.
O dear internetgod, please make it true.


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Look at the cover pic!! He is totally looking at her!


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I didn't know GoF has reduced to a love line between the young(er) "porters", or is it the recap?


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becoz the porters interaction had become the talk of town and many korean viewers are curious about them...and dramabeans recap are based on the episodes with their comments between jv and gf make it even more interesting..nothing wrong with that :)


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Thanks for recapping the series, JB and GF! You always make a great show even better.


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awwwe and the show finally ends huhu..
may Ji Woo and Seo Jinnie end up together as real couple!!! Pls Oppa marry her and have a bunch of dimpled-babies soon!!! so cute to imagine he he he

i will miss my habit watching recaps of GOF!!!!


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anyone knows where I can watch episode 3?


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I was able to get an eng sub for ep 1. The texts, the quotable quotes, the subs, and even the innuendoes... please an english sub least I do a crash course in korean language.
I am so proud for the porters. They show how we Asians truly take care of our elders. We go out of our way for their comfort. As much as possible we cover our stress and problems from them, so that they can have a good, stress-free travel time. The porters succeed! Congratulations! Manseh!!!


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Can I be the lone dissenter here? They are both very attractive people, no doubt. But looks aren't everything. Choi Ji-woo can do MUCH better than Lee Seo-jin and his Crankypants personality. And Lee Seo-jin's personality would really wear you down. Being alone would be much better than ending up with him. And, unless he has a personality transplant, I'd say, leave him and his miserable self alone. Every show I've ever seen him on, he is such a downer. Running Man, 2N1D, Grandpas Over Flowers (season 1). He's not the only attractive man she can date.


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Hehe...what you see i could say is only about 5 to 10 % of his personality...sure he is grumpy..blunt ...not easily pleased but he is also caring not only to the halbaes but also to people around him including jiwoo...meticulous and these is also traits that jiwoo praised him during her recent interview in instyle apart from saying he is funny and humorous..like lee seung gi mentioned that lsj personality will either make one like or dislike him..no grey area and its proven that jiwoo like him too...as on what level either as co workers...bff..siblings or more than that we dont know but...dont fret yet...you are entitle to your opinion...this is free world...cheers


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Because of the addictive pairing of the celebrity porters, I checked out some online contents. Correct me if I am wrong, the GOF4 aired first then followed by 3MealsADay. But on time of shooting/producing 3MealsADay started first then followed by GOF4. It was in the interview with NaPD that selection of CJW was based on the good potential chemistry of the celebrity porters.
I was following dramabeans for the review when less than 2 weeks, fan fantasy of these two were enacted by commercials CF not one but 3. WOW!
Great business model if I see one.


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Yesterday was my lucky day. I was watching cable from the hospital and it featured the critics' panel and GOF episode 6 all with English subtitles!
Me impression : Seojin flirted like a creep (eg " we can dance inside the cable car," "let's do a melodrama movie," etc). So I can empathize with CJW reactions "What?!?!?!"
Anyways it was a fun, fan fiction.


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Let me profile the grandpas: il sub halbae is your typical male who hates walking, window shopping, museum watching yet his comments of how he enjoyed his travels were heart felt. I was teary eyed with the verbal and non verbal care he had for everyone esp Seo jin. No wonder sj commented he was just like his father. No words needed but bond is obvious.


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GU halbae projects a happy go lucky guy but his anxiety to the future especially job security is something which contributed to the depth of this variety show. I pray the discussion can be sustained and address. But this grandpa knows his Greek. In ep 6, when interviewed how he managed to make the non alcoholic drinking grandpa drink , he wittily said " this is Dionysus' influence."


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Soon jae halbae is truly the stately elder. He defified the new senior citizens who live well and healthily. Plus to us daughters and sons who have living parents, he reassured us that seniors like him are still capable to travel and enjoy life the fullest.


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Park Geun Hyung is unreal. Sure I knew of 1 to 2 senior couples in my sphere who exemplified the concept true love and forever more. For a matured single lady like me my take is "where do you get a guy like this?" Mrs Park got the jackpot.


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Anyone notice which apartment they stayed in for 1 night in Santorini?


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In my opinion, it's confirm. Sj was smittened to Cjw. I was viewing via YouTube how sj interacted with his female colleagues in his varieties. He was different with Cjw. He met his match. But how these two conduct themselves in interviews with regard to this phenomenal pairing: sophisticated, professional, matured.


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Oh how I wish they will announce their wedding date to be before bae yong joon's wedding date...God really knows whats best for us. I was a hard shipper of Bae yonng joon and Choi Ji Woo but a good woman must be for a real man. Praying for a blessed union, LSJ and CJW


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I was hoping too that BYJ & CJW will get married if they are both 40 and still single , but this fantasy faded away with him getting married and now am sooooooooooooooo loving this amazing LSJ & CJW couple , pls get married you both deserve happiness ...


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I keep being addicted to Seo Jin-oppa since I watched the first Over Flower.. I keep hoping this *cool* guy will immediately get a perfect girl for him since then.. And finally she's here, please just get married already ? Staying tuned to the 3 meals a day S2 right now, really looking forward for Ji-woo to be there ?


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LSJ and CJW are a great match. They are opposite in some areas, but opposites do attract and if you have the same morals and goals, then opposites can also last. My husband and I are opposites and we have been married now for 28 years and going strong. Their chemistry is definitely off the charts and they look perfect together.


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Hopefully grandpas over flowers will get another season...


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