High Society: Episode 3

Gah, they’re so adorable. These two continue to be the highlight of the hour, that they could easily have us thinking that they’re the main couple of this show. As trouble continues to brew at home, Yoon-ha is faced with a budding crush that leaves her on cloud nine. And who can blame her when he embodies what it means to be a perfect gentleman?

Little does she know that there’s more to Joon-ki than meets the eye, and while she may spout lofty ideas of romance, she’s much more naive to what’s going on in her own heart.


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After tucking Ji-yi in bed, Yoon-ha finds Chang-soo still waiting outside. She doesn’t believe for a second that her sweet friend would ask him for a ride home as Ji-yi isn’t the type to seduce a rich guy to move up the social ladder.

Fed up with the third degree, Chang-soo says he’s the one who had the rougher night, showing off his currently shirtless state. Oh yes, definitely a rough night. Ji-yi doesn’t seem to know about her friend’s familial background—wouldn’t she be hurt when she finds out?

Offended by Yoon-ha’s surprise that he has a heart, he asks if holding a part-time job makes her think that her insufferable life at home is still somehow better than the lesser people who have it worse. Yoon-ha disagrees—working part-time jobs makes things bearable for her at home.

Plus, she doesn’t want to escape one hell and enter another by marriage. “I want to marry for love. I yearn for a warm and simple life. I want a man who loves me for who I am, not because I’m the daughter of a wealthy family.”

Deciding to end this conversation here, Yoon-ha can now enjoy unemployment, all thanks to that awful Joon-ki. Chang-soo won’t stand for anyone speaking ill of his buddy, but Yoon-ha will curse out the jerk who fired her if she pleases, thankyouverymuch.

While Chairman Jang denies knowledge about Taejin Pharmaceuticals’ slush fund, Madam Min reminds Yoon-ha that it’s more important than ever not to make waves. When told that preparations for an arranged marriage will continue, Yoon-ha asks, “Do you wish for me to live like you did?”

Marriage is all the same, Madam Min tells her, whether one loves their partner or not. Yoon-ha would like to make that decision for herself, but isn’t surprised when she doesn’t get a say in the matter. She excuses herself to take a call from Joon-ki, who asks her to come out to the workplace.

Rather than reinstating her, Joon-ki notes she must have some powerful connections because the butthurt customer is waiting to apologize to her. Yoon-ha isn’t interested—one because she no longer works here, and two, she’d rather put Joon-ki in an awkward situation.

But Joon-ki tugs at her guilt strings, so Yoon-ha sits down with the customer, who apologizes and asks to put in a good word with her backer because her husband’s business is about to go bankrupt. In exchange, she’s asked the department store to give Yoon-ha her job back.

Yoon-ha calls up Oppa afterward, who did indeed took matters into his own hands. Kyung-joon believes keeping Yoon-ha working at Yumin will come in handy one day, and says he’ll start questioning her sincerity about leaving the nest ASAP if she doesn’t get her job back.

Joon-ki announces that the part-timers are invited to tonight’s team dinner since they’re the ones who deal with the customers in person every day. He gets called out to see Chang-soo just as Yoon-ha walks in and asks for a private chat.

As soon as they’re alone, Yoon-ha asks why he made no mention of the customer’s request to reinstate her. Joon-ki has no intention of bringing back a troublemaker, and she doesn’t strike him as the type who’s desperate enough to have this job.

Yoon-ha believes the matter is over and done with, but Joon-ki questions why the customer came back and apologized now. “Humans don’t change that easily.”

He can’t help but wonder if Yoon-ha induced fear into the customer and whether or not she’ll do the same to him. She asks what he would know because he grew up rich. “Have you ever failed at something before?” Again, a slightly odd argument coming from her, a chaebol’s daughter. She asks what she needs to express her desperation—shall she beg?

Joon-ki oddly feels compelled to share a personal story, despite the fact that they aren’t even close. A flashback takes us back to when Papa Choi was a security guard, apologizing to a resident over failing to deliver a spoiled box of fruit.

Little Joon-ki had stood up for his father and shed tears at seeing him treated so horribly. “Why did you stand there and take it? Just quit this job!” he had cried.

Yoon-ha apologizes for making him talk about his tough childhood, but Joon-ki isn’t at all ashamed of his humble roots. If she thinks being poor is something to be ashamed of, then that’s the reason why she’s unable to advance in her career. His parents aren’t well-off, but they’re happy people.

What he wants her to realize how precious being employed is from his father who put up with being insulted to keep a job. That’s what having a job means to him, Joon-ki finishes. “What does [a job] mean to you?”

She remains silent, so he takes his leave. When she asks if that means she can return to work, he tells her to attend the team dinner tonight.

Chang-soo is swimming laps when Joon-ki finds him. Like the good friend he is, he pulls Joon-ki into the pool, which then leads into the world’s most adorable water fight.

Afterward, Chang-soo complains how his hyung requested to see both of them. He thinks it’s Hyung just jealous about their tight friendship and is always trying to come between them. He still remembers when Hyung had asked Joon-ki to come over to his side; just thinking about it makes his blood boil.

At Joon-ki’s reply that people might be mistaken into thinking that they were a couple, Chang-soo basically says while girls come and go, friendships are forever. “You’re more precious to me than a girl.”

… and then he gets all pissy when Joon-ki doesn’t return his affections. Hahaha, this is great. While Joon-ki teases him on his mushy talk, Chang-soo orders Joon-ki to verbally express his feelings: “I. Like. You. I really like you.”

At lunch, Yoon-ha points out Ji-yi’s tendency to eat other people’s food. “It’s more delicious when you steal from others,” she cheerily answers. Yoon-ha asks what it means if a guy shares a personal story that he’s never told other people. Ji-yi means he’s making a pass… unless it was coming from Joon-ki.

Yoon-ha matter-of-factly says it was, elaborating that he comes from a poor family. Ji-yi’s good opinion of him is due to her prejudice against the rich, Yoon-ha says. Asking if that means she’s got a decent shot now, Ji-yi scurries off.

She doesn’t find Joon-ki at his desk, however, then stops abruptly when Chang-soo approaches. After failing to sneak past unnoticed, she asks if they can just forget about the ripped expensive shirt. When he doesn’t let her off that easy, she pouts that she’ll just starve and get kicked out of her place to scrounge up the money.

Chang-soo finds her amusing, but that smile disappears when she keeps talking about money. Is that all the thinks about? “Yes,” she answers. He’s left astounded—it isn’t like he’s expecting her to like her or anything, but he’d like to be thought of more than just a personified dollar sign.

She smiles when he says they can forget about the shirt. But he expects something in return for his kindness. Dealing with people is a two-way street, he tells her, then trails behind her wearing his trademark smirk.

In his office, Chang-soo’s hyung comments on how he thought Joon-ki would fall in line under the right kind of leader (meaning, himself) rather than sticking with his best bud.

Chang-soo is unenthused at the vending machine coffee Ji-yi offers him. He lets her drink it instead and wonders aloud, “How strange. You’re tacky, poor, and dumb. But strangely enough… I want to be with you.”

When she asks who that is, he answers, “You!” Aw, do I sense a budding crush? Ji-yi scowls. He’s genuinely curious to speak her mind even though she says hearing it will just make him feel bad. He frowns at all the negative nicknames that start with “dog,” but then looks thoroughly pleased when she has one with “gim“: “Handsome [jalsaenggim].”

He suggests that they meet up on occasion because she’s fun and would make a great happy pill. Ji-yi sees nothing in it for her, and Chang-soo says hanging out with him would be a positive thing in her life.

But Ji-yi would rather keep her image of the rich and famous in her dreams. Bringing them into her reality is far less fun, and he’s beginning to change that idealistic perspective of hers. Chang-soo: “What’s wrong with me?” Ji-yi: “I told you earlier.” And no, I doubt it’s one of the “dog” references.

With that, she leaves, leaving Chang-soo to wonder: “Did I just get rejected?”

Kyung-joon and eldest unni Ye-won exchange terse words in his office, the latter told she’ll be dismissed from her pharmaceutical company next month. Just like he once said, he’ll do anything to remove whatever stands in his way. Ye-won says he originally wasn’t even interested in business management, then Kyung-joon invites her to sit in his chair —the one she so wanted — if only for a moment.

Because her father won’t take her calls, Ye-won sets up a meeting with her father at Lady Kim’s place. She comes right out with it and tells her father that Kyung-joon is deceiving him, but a USB drive alone isn’t enough to persuade him. Chairman Jang is a businessman above all else—there must be something beneficial for him in this deal.

As for Lady Kim, she barges into Madam Min’s office unannounced. Tossing an envelope of money onto the stand, she comments on how nice it was for Ye-won to come see her at home. Madam Min is in no mood to entertain Lady Kim’s company, keeping her words polite.

Taking this as her cue to leave, Lady Kim gets up and asks to be invited to the family home sometime. Once she leaves, Madam Min rips up the envelope.

Chairman Jang blames his son for being unable to keep his own sister under his thumb. He orders Kyung-joon to start from the bottom rung again, resorting to throwing objects to express his anger when Kyung-joon refuses.

Per Lady Kim’s orders, Mama Lee shops for groceries at Yumin Food Market. There she meets Yoon-ha, who is pleasantly surprised when she keeps her promise of coming back to her tasting corner. Mama Lee’s kindness make Yoon-ha smile, then follows her line of sight to Joon-ki.

Realizing that Mama Lee is Joon-ki’s mother, Yoon-ha calls him over, convinced that he’d be happy to see his mother. As expected, Joon-ki greets his mother fondly, and the latter kindly invites Yoon-ha to join them for tea.

Madam Min gets straight to the point when meeting Ye-won at home. Ye-won sadly notes that she’s also sleeping in separate rooms with her husband, but her mother brings their conversation back on-topic: what did she secretly speak with her father about?

Taking a seat, Ye-won unloads her emotional burdens on her mother. She wonders what wrong she committed for Kyung-joon to try and oust her. Her career is her identity—what could she do but wait for her in-laws’ inheritance to be passed down to them?

All she wants is a subsidiary company to call her own, but Madam Min asks if there was something she did to instigate her own dismissal. Ye-won doesn’t necessarily deny it, but says they’re family. Moreover, she feels it’s more unfair because her deeds weren’t selfish—they were for other people’s sakes too.

Madam Min still pins the blame on her and tells her daughter to do as told and take some time off to pursue her hobbies like visit exhibitions. Ye-won: “That’s what Kyung-joon likes to do.” Oh snap.

Impressed that Mama Lee remembers her name, Yoon-ha says Joon-ki must take after her brains. Mama Lee says her husband is the smarter one. Unfortunately, Joon-ki has to leave early due to work, but so does Mama Lee after receiving the most adorable text from Papa Choi.

She needs to get back home since he’s physically disabled. Mama Lee strikes her as a wonderful woman, Yoon-ha says.

Kyung-joon is busy in the library when Madam Min walks in. She picks up his copy of “The Gift of the Magi”, he still remembers the lesson she taught him: “A person’s heart is more important than money.”

Instructing her son not to drive Ye-won out completely, she explains a mother loves watching her children get along. Kyung-joon calls his mother a strong woman, meaning he trusts her greatly. He’ll take appropriate measures with Noona.

In fact, he plans on taking a trip to take some time off. He asks that Yoon-ha accompany him, and he’ll be taking a book (entitled “Status Anxiety” by Alain de Botton) with him.

Joon-ki finds Chang-soo enjoying another one of his hobbies — target shooting — and briefs him on a cook-off for the upcoming remodeling project of the Yumin Food Market. Hearing about the team dinner tonight, Chang-soo asks if Ji-yi will be present.

Knowing his buddy’s flirtatious ways, Joon-ki tells him to find someone else to play with. Chang-soo takes offense to being accused of something he hasn’t even done yet, though now he wants to. Lol.

After being forced to accept a bitter shot of soju from her boss, Yoon-ha is about to pour him one when Joon-ki swoops in and takes the bottle from her hands. He pours a drink for an excited Ji-yi, then silently fills her glass with water. Both Yoon-ha and Ji-yi don’t miss the chivalrous gesture.

This way, Yoon-ha won’t be forced to drink nor left out when the team raises their glasses. He continues to take care of her, which makes Yoon-ha smile. Chang-soo arrives just then and offers to pay for dinner, making sure to take note of Ji-yi’s reaction among the applause.

Both Chang-soo and Joon-ki have their eyes set on their respective ladies of interest at the noraebang. Chang-soo gets called out to sing, and his vocals have the ladies swooning—even Ji-yi looks a little impressed, despite herself.

Out in the hallway, Yoon-ha thanks Joon-ki personally for looking out for her at dinner and re-hiring her again. Joon-ki replies that he’d do that for anyone, but smiles to himself once they part ways. Just around the corner, Ji-yi looks crushed.

She initiates conversation with Yoon-ha in the bathroom, telling her that the best thing about a one-sided crush is that one can determine its start and end whenever one wants. She declares her crush on Joon-ki ends now, which leaves Yoon-ha perplexed.

She can tell that Joon-ki likes Yoon-ha instead and bows out, pointing out Joon-ki’s courteous behavior towards her. Yoon-ha argues that even he said that he was just being nice, but Ji-yi says his behavior tonight suggests otherwise.

At Yoon-ha’s genuine naivete at this, Ji-yi says she must like him too. Yoon-ha denies it, but hearing her speak positively about his parents only confirms it for Ji-yi. Yoon-ha doesn’t want to be the reason why Ji-yi stops liking Joon-ki, but Ji-yi just wants to see her friend be happy. You, Ji-yi, are a wonderful human being.

She once loved a man who rebuilt her emotional health when her life was at its lowest point, but she let him go when they faced opposition from his family, Ji-yi tells her. Ever since then, she’d determined to never put herself in that position again, and Yoon-ha says that won’t ever happen with Joon-ki’s family.

But Ji-yi’s point is that she treasures Yoon-ha like a sister. That stirs the hearts of both ladies, and Ji-yi genuinely hopes that her friend will meet someone who will make her emotionally stronger. “A good man makes you see life in a positive light.”

It turns out Ji-yi is the best wingwoman a girl can ask for, because she asks Joon-ki to take her friend home. Joon-ki puts Yoon-ha in a cab though, because she’s supposed to refuse a ride home from a guy she isn’t close with. He even makes sure to jot down the taxi’s license plate number.

Yoon-ha happily reflects upon her day in the car. Elsewhere, Chang-soo seems disappointed not to see Ji-yi walking home alone.

But he is there waiting outside her place. His presence scares the bejesus out of her, and he flashes that charming smile of his while talking about her dark and dangerous neighborhood.

“You’re more dangerous,” Ji-yi returns. He follows her up to her rooftop place, which she loves. Of course, a guy who can’t bear street stalls like him wouldn’t understand that.

She believes environment plays a major role on people—she wondered how he’d survive as an unemployed bum, but now that she knows Chang-soo’s a chaebol, she finds him impressive, cool, and handsome. He immediately smiles at those compliments, and she admits that she feels small next to him.

Chang-soo says there’s no need—he’s friends with Joon-ki and they get along fine despite their social class differences. She laughs when Chang-soo says he can be funny too. The two share a charged moment before Ji-yi looks away.

She won’t pursue another relationship doomed to fail, even if a guy who follows her home is a “green light.” In her mind, a successful relationship leads to marriage, a commitment Chang-soo finds too serious in their youth. But those guys who weren’t serious all ended up being jerks, Ji-yi argues.

“You’re free to like me, but don’t say that you do.” Ji-yi tells him. “If you do… I think my heart may waver.” That’s as close as Chang-soo’s going to get as a confirmation of mutual interest, but when she bids him goodnight, he wonders if he got rejected again.

Ye-won storms into the library in a rage after her office is hit with a search and seizure. She threatens Kyung-joon that she knows a lot more about him than he lets on: “You take anti-depressants, don’t you?”

Kyung-joon owns up to it, saying that’s not the only thing he takes. Noona is under the mistaken impression that she’s still somewhat capable, but there’s no way she can rule even if he weren’t standing in her way. Like father like daughter, Ye-won throws more objects in a fit of rage.

Yoon-ha enters the messy library afterward; she’s eager to talk to her brother, but Kyung-joon hands her a key. Should something terrible befall him, she’s to use this key, he tells her. Yoon-ha doesn’t take it, refusing to believe in something so morbid.

They continue their conversation outside, where she slinks her arm through his. She can’t hide the fact that today was a wonderful day, telling him how there are days when the small things can be so meaningful. She’s usually wary when it comes to guys, but this one makes her feel reassured and she also met his mom.

Kyung-joon can immediately tell that his little sister likes someone, and smiles when she says all the tiny coincidences seem like stars aligning themselves and feels like fate. He asks if it’s one-sided, to which she answers “for now” or perhaps “forever.”

Oppa encourages his sister to confess her feelings first, because guys welcome that if it comes from a pretty girl. There’s no point keeping her heart hidden and doing nothing about it. This love advice, coming from a divorced man.

She promises to take his advice to heart, then rests her head on his shoulder.

Joon-ki relaxes at home, where he compares photos of Yoon-ha with her family and as a child… with the one attached her resume. He still has the hairclip she dropped the day they first crossed paths.

We flashback to the time when he asked Yoon-ha what happens if he likes her instead, then when Chang-soo was determined to beat his brother by marrying the daughter of Taejin Group, and when Yoon-ha confronted him about who she is.

Again, we hear Joon-ki repeat the words he spoke in Episode 1—that meeting by chance three times is considered fate. But he doesn’t believe in fate… he makes choices.


Now the question is: how long have you known about Yoon-ha’s background, Joon-ki? Although I would love to see more of Joon-ki being a gentleman to Yoon-ha as he was in the latter half of the episode, now he’s making me question his motivations. Then perhaps the better question is: why are you being so kind? I don’t doubt that Joon-ki is outwardly nice fellow, but we’ve also been given hints to a darkness that lies just below the surface.

That isn’t to say that I think Joon-ki is a disingenuous guy, because I believe that he believes in every word he utters. It’s more that he strikes me as an ambitious man waiting for his opportune moment to climb the ladder. In other words, the kindling is there, and the right (or wrong) spark could swing him in either direction: the average Joe who wants to prove that success isn’t dependent on your background or the cold, shrewd man who lets corruption engulf him. I admit I had trouble warming up to Joon-ki, because his character introduction shrouded his true self like a veil. It’s a risky move, since you want to be in pace with a main character—keep him hidden too long, and you risk viewers becoming disinterested in a guy the show wants them to be paying attention to. Even more so when you’ve got two winning second leads.

For a man as shrewd as Joon-ki is, it would be silly of us to think he would stay in the dark about Yoon-ha’s background for long. Not only because it’s the digital age, and the Internet is real, but because he also provided Chang-soo with her photo. He easily could have found out plenty of information about her from the start, then pretended not to know. We won’t know the answer until the next episode (or perhaps even later), but what’s important now is what Joon-ki will do with this information. What choices has he made already and which ones will he make? Now that’s interesting stuff to explore.

And if a quick internet search would readily bring up Yoon-ha’s photo, it does seem a bit of a stretch that Ji-yi still doesn’t know yet. Especially if she follows the lives of rich socialites so closely. But then again, she didn’t know Chang-soo was wealthy either. Maybe he doesn’t have Instagram. Or not.

Speaking of second leads, words cannot fully express my adoration for our second leads Chang-soo and Ji-yi. Not only are they cute as a button, they enrich this story so much and leave us words to ponder upon. Even though it’s only been three episodes so far, I love how considerate and loving Ji-yi is to her friend. Putting aside a crush for a friend’s happiness is no easy feat, and her unconditional love for Yoon-ha is one of the many reasons why I admire her. It pains me to think how much it will hurt once she finds out that the friend who’s been spouting lofty ideas of the oppression of the rich is in fact, wealthy herself. Yet at the same time, I admire the wonderfully realistic stance she has about love, men, and marriage even though she allows herself to dream of the perfect romance with a man who will love her for her. You keep being you, Ji-yi, and Chang-soo, er—I mean true love will follow.


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Mmm. I dont know why but i hope yoon ha end up with changsoo..

Joon ki is too dark to describe. But i will change my mind if the writer will make him like kang maru on nice guy?


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I was thinking that the drama might go two ways (they're many ways but I can only think of two). Either it's like Prosecutor Princes, where the female lead only discover the male lead's ulterior motive at the last part, but still decidE's to forgive unconditionally (given that the male lead have also developed genuine feelings). Or it could go the Nice Guy way. Where she finds out and plots against him and both go into the circle of who-knows-what.


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Yes... i do think so

When everyone adore the secondary couple, i just think about the story of the main couple will turn out like nice guy. The different is just we have Chang So here, he is in the posistion to marry Yoon Ha Ha and i think he will know first that Yoon Ha being played with Joon Ki

I dont hate Ji Yi and i hope she will happy too but we know its Korean Drama... if its two different loveline it will be no intetesting..


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Can't believe she is the same actress who did all those nude and bed scenes with SSH in Obsessed. She is so cute here!


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I know right? The whole movie was just terrible and she was terrible in the bed scenes. But she is a bundle of joy and love and realism here. I would totally follow her as a fan of the actress.

Pity she did that awful movie first.


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Are you people for real? That's what a good actor/actress can do. You know pretend to be different people. Korea has a lot of actors/actresses that can stare intently and cry on demand it really only has a handful that can display different kinds of emotions. Comedy is hard, while some can do comedy well a well rounded actor can be believable at both. Those are the the people to watch out for because they can actually act.


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Yes we are for real. She was an awful actress in that movie.Did you watch it? Her expressions were terrible and uncovincing. Her bed scenes sounded so fake. Her facial expressions were just wooden. She wasn't intense and tortured. Her eyes did not express enough emotions.

And that's not what a good actress does. They also try to choose a good script. What do you think we are? That we shoot off without actually checking out the work?


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That was her? Wow!


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I'm really just watching this for Ji-yi and Chang-soo tbh lol...like I skip a bit through the Yoon-ha and Joon-ki parts cuz they're really just not doing it for me (even though I love Sung Joon) :/


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I'm thinking this OTP is supposed to start off in a dysfunctional kind of relationship, (where many viewers are not really rooting for them), and that the falling in love or romantic parts may come later, if we get past Joon Ki's wanting to control how the relationship goes. :)


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Me too!

I think the show is doing a very clever thing by giving us these two different couples.

The JiYi/ChangSoo couple are the typical rom-com couple and most people will watch it for them.

But the drama feel fresh because Joon Ki and Yoon Ha are not your typical leads (even in the revenge genre). From what I see, Joon Ki has no ulterior motive except for being a social climber. And Yoon Ha has to grow quite a deal before she can call herself a "Good" person (I'm thinking she'll get there soon enough though).

So this drama is exceeding my expectations!


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Yup, for now the secondary couple is stealing the show for me. I'm waiting to see Joon ki's actual character and motivation before I can root for them. Even if he's a double crossing jerk, at leas knowing what he thinks on his buddy chang soo and of yoon ha will help us get behind his character arc.

Ji yi is perfection. Like she deserves a guy that is willing to put her as his number one while also respecting her independence. I love her realism and how she's got these set ideas that make her stand out without making her boring. Like she's adorable but level headed. She's perceptive and aware but doesn't use that to her advantage against others. Her confidence and charm comes off wonderfully fresh. And I enjoy that she gets a desrved amount of screen time so she's not just the side secondary.

I haven't really seen enough of Yoon Ha to really fall in love with her character. I like her and I sympathize with her but her unnecessary dishonesty with her BFF disappoints me. You know how good hearted your friend is-you know she would never let out your family status or take advantage of it. You know she's looking out for your happiness. So what's the reason? I get it's hard but it's better than spouting out fake-poor people ideas when you go home to a mansion every night. It's a lovely character flaw to see her overcome though.

Still I'm not really sure we're being led along her character at the same pace as we see her mind going. Maybe it's a thing we'll address but she seems to go from A to Z to back to A really fast.

Chang Soo I thought I'd hate after seeing him dump water on Yoon Ha's head but aside from being a privileged and lazy bum he's really harmless. And adorable puppy heart eyes
directed at Ji Yi helps. Seriously. No chill when it comes to her. He's just going to give her heart eyes all drama long lol.
I love Sung Joon and I like UEE well enough but yeah I'm still waiting to be charmed by them as much as I've fallen in love with Ji Yi and Chang soo.


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Kudos to the show, that was one fine epilogue.
The reluctance to give us Joon-ki's point-of-view in the scenes with Yoon-ha -- something I'm usually not a huge fan of -- definitely payed off here and made him a much more interesting character.

Both leads are, as expected from that writer, far from flawless in their personalities. Yoon-ha is rather irresponsible and a bit of a hypocrite; Joon-ki, well, see the epilogue. This setup allows for more positive and constructive input from the second leads, which is fine by me.


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Why would she be a bit of a hypocrite? If it's because she's not willing to be poor in order to get away from her family, I think it's understandable. If it's because she called for help with the crazy customer I think anyone would do it too.


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It's ok, I read post 19.1 and I get it's the pretending to be poor thing. :)

I never understand those comments because her first line in first episode was to say she was glad that wasn't her real situation. She never lied to herself.

If for example I get a job at this really fancy place full of rich kids and to blend in better I pretend to be rich but only for 6 hrs a day. Then some issue makes me deal with the situation accordingly to my means and resources, would people call me a hypocrite?

Like I said before, it's not her using her money to teach a lesson to the lunatic that was wrong, it's the fact that her friend couldn't do the same that was wrong. If said poor friend was in one of those loan shark tropes and she used her brother to fix it, would people also call her hypocrite? How far should she go pretending to be poor? Should she allow the friend to get beat up?

Besides her objective never was being poor or pretending to be it but sort of living a more common life. There is nothing, or should not be, common about being taken to a police station because of a lunatic customer.


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I don't call her a hypocrite because she uses money to do things -- which she doesn't. She has no idea how her brother actually fixes her mess.

I call her a hypocrite because she doesn't realise that she has no idea what being poor actually means. She can be direct and rude and upstanding because she never has to face the consequences. The way she talked to Joon-ki indicates that.


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Why not? She knew why her friend had to go and apologize while she was free to just say no and get fired. I'd say she knows very well what it means and chose to avoid that before the show even began.

>She can be direct and rude and upstanding because she never has to face the consequences.

I'd say getting slapped often by your mom, hated by your sister and ignored by your your father are pretty BIG consequences. Some people are just willing to pay the price for being sincere. I'm not being sarcastic btw, I don't even consider her to be rude, just blunt at most.


>She can be direct and rude and upstanding because she never has to face the consequences.

Besides, she did got fired. :) That's a consequence, she knew it would happen, accepted and later asked for the job back. I don't get how all of that is not dealing with the consequences.


Yes, in her "real" world, there are consequences. That's one of the roots of her hypocrisy.

But in her "fictional" world, there are none. She loses her job, sure, but she doesn't really need that one job. It's not like for an actual agency worker, whose life depends on his/her job. Not to mention she immediately runs to her brother who blackmails people so she will get her job back anyway.

There's no risk there for her. At the end of the day, she stops playing poor and goes back to the real world.

That's the difference between an actor who tries to prepare for the role of a homeless person by impersonating one during the daytime, and a real homeless person. The actor can pick up the manerisms, the daily rhythm and so on, but he doesn't become a homeless person.

The hypocrisy kicks in when the actor claims that he knows how a homeless person feel. And, like YH to Joon-ki, attacks other people with "we homeless people are ..." nonsense.


>There’s no risk there for her. At the end of the day, she stops playing poor and goes back to the real world.

I think sometimes in dramas it seems like being poor or rich is some kind of lifestyle. It isn't. :) It is just a circumstance. That is why I don't get the criticism at her playing poor. It's like she has a hobby for me, it does not need to be a full time occupation and doesn't mean she doesn't know what it would be like if it were.

I'm not sure if I'm really making sense, English is obviously not my first language, sorry about the mistakes.

I still feel she is just a liar but not a hypocrite. When she gives advice to her friend or challenges her boss based on her fake poor background, she is just lying to keep up the pretense. Isn't hypocrisy to preach one thing and do another? She has never said it felt good to be poor to anyone and later got back to her mansion.:) I mean, she doesn't even bother buying cheap clothes!:) She just removes the brand name tags, shes is clearly honest about her feelings on this, the fact the girl keeps lying just makes her a liar.


I am interested in examining this lie and hypocrisy thing further ... more for my own sake :) The first thing is that in order to be a hypocrite, one has to lie. Not all lies are hypocrisy, but lies to feign having an attitude or principles, to win a certain opinion or attitudes of others, is hypocrisy.

“That is why I don’t get the criticism at her playing poor. It’s like she has a hobby for me, it does not need to be a full time occupation and doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what it would be like if it were.”

Being poor and being rich is something like a state of being. Each brings different responsibilities and privileges. Yoon Ha is trying to have the privileges of being poor (being accepted, having a friend who distances herself from chaebols, earning and having independence) without taking the responsibilities. In order to do this, she deliberately pretends to have the same attitudes as her friend in public, pretends to Ji Yi that her clothes are not expensive but this is different from her attitudes in private (why go for expensive clothes if one is really saving money for instance). This according to a dictionary definition is hypocrisy. (I know it’s a fine line because many people are not well to do but behave as if they are and vice versa to project an image ... so perhaps we don’t like to think it, but many of us are hypocrites in some way/at some level???).

How much more praise-worthy (although more difficult for Yoon Ha) if she had instead gone to work part-time with everyone’s full knowledge of whom she was, and was still able to win friends and respect and be independent.

“Besides, she did got fired. That’s a consequence, she knew it would happen, accepted and later asked for the job back. I don’t get how all of that is not dealing with the consequences.”

About the consequences ... the ones that she disregards are the consequences of not having a job to fall back on, not just losing a job per se. A person who lived from hand to mouth would depend on having the job, and not losing it, and so would not take the risks of speaking rudely to a boss and standing up for one’s rights. (There was another story but about people in the professional level, where to be seen as not a good subordinate in one place, affected most of one’s chances in that profession in other places ... but of course Yoon Ha’s job is not on that level, just saying that this is the culture in which she is flinging her job away, which makes her action more irresponsible).

And your English is really good! :)



I was thinking about this and maybe it's a little bit of cultural difference? I guess maybe here we only use the word hypocrisy when someone preaches one thing and does another so if she just claims to know something, like being poor, and doesn't, it is just a lie.

>Yoon Ha is trying to have the privileges of being poor

Here we disagree, because to me it seems their friendship is really based on their complimentary personalities and not on Yoon Ha sharing the same background, I'd never call it a privilege she gets for being poor. They could work together and just as easily not become friends or she could have told YiJi about being an undercover chaebol and I think they would be friends just the same though it would have taken longer. I don't buy for a second that YiJi really would not like a chaebol friend, she just doesn't want to be the amusement of guy who won't marry her. :)

>why go for expensive clothes if one is really saving money for instance

I'd guess if she wore cheap clothes she would stand out too much in her social circle, she doesn't seem to have anymore friends but she does seem to want to avoid unnecessary conflict.

>How much more praise-worthy (although more difficult for Yoon Ha) if she had instead gone to work part-time

Being honest, I'd not find her more praise-worthy. I'd just think she was looking for another kind of acceptance, kind of, look at me, I'm rich but still a nice and hard working person. As it is, she wanted to experience what it was like to be treated like a regular person and live for a bit in this world, she could not have done it without lying. I don't blame her for wanting to live in this world for a bit but not pretending to be unable to defend herself.

>the ones that she disregards are the consequences of not having a job to fall back on

Yes, of course, she doesn't really need it. The thing I don't get is she said on the very first ep she was glad that wasn't her life. She wasn't looking to really feel what they feel and have the exact same life. It is about how she would feel in that place, it's like a controlled experience. I respect that as long as she doesn't ilude herself thinking she goes through the same hardships as they go but I don't remember her doing that. She is not pretending to herself to be poor or to need a job and at that moment her pride and sense of fairness is more important than the job. Yi Ji complies and apologizes not because she is more responsible but because she is in another situation.

Sorry if I seem stubborn and write a lot about this. I find it very interesting how we have such different takes on the same thing. :) Just imagine if she does something that I find completely hypocritical in ep 4, that would make me laugh, I'd make sure to write about it next time. :)


While I think that is true, I also think that one of her motives for taking a minimum wage job was to actually see how the lower half lives, and in the end be prepared for it. The plots are not fully formed yet, but that is my take on her so far.

I think she is also a bit clueless at this point as to how nefarious (love that word) much of her family really is.



Yes, I agree that she wanted to know how non-chaebols live and to prepare herself for that life when she decides to leave... I believe she told her brother that she's saving up so that she can separate herself from her unloving household (can't really call them family!!) and fend for herself (or something like that!) :)



I think sometimes in dramas it seems like being poor or rich is some kind of lifestyle. It isn’t.  It is just a circumstance. That is why I don’t get the criticism at her playing poor. It’s like she has a hobby for me, it does not need to be a full time occupation and doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what it would be like if it were.

I don't criticise her for playing poor. I'm not sure I criticise her at all actually, calling her a hypocrite is less a critique and more an assessment. I don't blame her for it, to be honest. And I think it makes her a much more interesting character.

Anyway, there is little wrong with playing poor. It turns into hypocrisy when you don't realise that you are just playing poor.

If I paint my face black and go on about how evil white men are with their oppression of the blacks, because I suddenly think that painting my face black makes me qualified for these kind of statements, I'd be a hypocrite (and a horrible racist on top of that).

I’m not sure if I’m really making sense, English is obviously not my first language, sorry about the mistakes.

Don't worry, English isn't my first language either (or my second, third or fourth language for that matter). I feel that I'm understanding you well enough, I just happen to disagree with some of your points.

I still feel she is just a liar but not a hypocrite. When she gives advice to her friend or challenges her boss based on her fake poor background, she is just lying to keep up the pretense. Isn’t hypocrisy to preach one thing and do another? She has never said it felt good to be poor to anyone and later got back to her mansion.:) I mean, she doesn’t even bother buying cheap clothes!:) She just removes the brand name tags, shes is clearly honest about her feelings on this, the fact the girl keeps lying just makes her a liar.

She scolded Joon-ki that he, unlike herself, doesn't understand the struggles of the poor because he is a rich spoiled kid. While she is aware that this includes the lie about her background, she seemed honest about the argument itself. And that is pretty hypocritical (because it's 100% true for herself).

Her challenges of people she's not supposed to challenge is another instance of hypocrisy. She does it exactly because she has the luxury to get away with it, and she knows that. But she pretends to be a tough cookie. That hypocrisy.

Ripping out the tags from her clothes, well, you are right: There are two ways to interpret that. One way is that she is fully aware of her status as a superficial pretender, an actress who doesn't want to get too real about her role.
But that's not what we are shown she is doing. I think (and that is mostly an opinion) she just rips out the tags so she can have the best of both worlds. She wants to "be" a poor hard worker, but doesn't really want to give up the benefits of...



I was thinking about this and maybe it’s a little bit of cultural difference? I guess maybe here we only use the word hypocrisy when someone preaches one thing and does another so if she just claims to know something, like being poor, and doesn’t, it is just a lie.

I'm not sure about the different connotations of the English term either, to be honest. But I think there is "internal hypocrisy" and "external hypocrisy", the later tends to be rather preachy. YH strikes me as mostly the "internal" type. And maybe "hypocrisy" is not the most accurate term for that.

Here we disagree, because to me it seems their friendship is really based on their complimentary personalities and not on Yoon Ha sharing the same background, I’d never call it a privilege she gets for being poor. They could work together and just as easily not become friends or she could have told YiJi about being an undercover chaebol and I think they would be friends just the same though it would have taken longer. I don’t buy for a second that YiJi really would not like a chaebol friend, she just doesn’t want to be the amusement of guy who won’t marry her.

I agree that Yi Ji-yi might still (or especially) be friends with her even if she knew her background from the start.

The privilege is not "a" friendship, it's "the" friendship she has. And that works only because she pretends to be in a similar situation as Yi Ji-yi. Otherwise their relationship would be different. (And that doesn't only apply to Yi Ji-yi, it applies to the rest of her second life too.)

I’d guess if she wore cheap clothes she would stand out too much in her social circle, she doesn’t seem to have anymore friends but she does seem to want to avoid unnecessary conflict.

She wants to have the best of both worlds, and she's pretending in both of them. I don't blame her though.


I have been waiting for this recap for oh so long (even though it only came out Monday).

Thinking about Joon Ki, and trying to decipher his motivations is a bit painful for the head...

Have to keep this short and sweet, so I guess I'll just end here by saying I am loving Chang Soo and Ji Yi. I have a ton of stuff I want to write about in way of character analysis for Chang Soo, but currently no time, so.

The show is pretty predictable, but it has a charm that makes me keep coming. Hoping it retains that for the rest of the run.


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despite the chemistry that both couples have, i still can't find myself attached to this drama. the flow feels a little off, or is it just me? it really felt like it jumped from here to there,... bad editing perhaps? not pretty sure though...


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The editing does seem a bit off. I had to rewind a couple times to really get what was going on, and still not sure on a couple of points. But the plots are still forming, so hoping that 5 and 6 will solidify most of it.


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YES!! Thank you. Just in time before I log off.

I would admit to rewatching the JY and CS scenes a few times. Gosh, those 2 are just so adorable. I just want to squish them together.

And by the way this drama is not as light and fluffy as I thought it would be.


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Rest assured - you're not the only one rewatching Ji-yi and Chang-soo's scenes ;)


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Me tooooo.


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"You keep being you, Ji-yi, and Chang-soo, er—I mean true love will follow."

*squeal * truer words have never been spoken. I think CS would end up being kicked out of his family. Poor little rich boy.

But what the heck, if it's in the plot I would watch it.


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gummimochi ~

Thanks for the recap.

Speaking of second leads, words cannot fully express my adoration for our second leads Chang-soo and Ji-yi.

They could center the show around these two and I'd be happy.

Keep the corporate battles to a minimum and double up on the cuteness.


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Honestly, I think they made Yoon-ha fall for Joon-ki wayyyyyyy too quickly. Honestly, he hasn't been too nice to her. He didn't do anything sweet or cute. And pouring water and giving her potato isn't enough to make her suddenly in love with him (and forget that her friend was already super crushing for the guy first). Anyway, I find Joon-ki to be a really boring character. I don't think Sung-joon has what it takes to play a character like Joon-ki. He lacks personality and isn't charismatic enough. Like many I find myself a lot more invested in the two second leads (who are so adorable)!


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I agree, up to a point.

First, crushes aren't relationship. Just because you have a crush on someone doesn't mean it will become more, especially when the crushed on has feelings for another person. I find JY giving up knowing it's one-sided, mature and correct. But I completely agree with you that the romantic development on YH's part was way too sudden. She went from cursing him out at the top of the episode to swooning at the end over him shielding her from getting drunk and offering her side dishes. Really? Writers-nim is that the best you could come up with?

Second, where you said JK's boring. I don't find him boring at all. I find him interesting. He is calculating and ambitious. I can totally see the wheels in his head constantly turning, which IMO is his job ATM. He's setting things up and I'm invested in the journey. I actually think this is a character tailor made for Sung Joon as an actor. All the actors are great so far, very on point with what they are given. Now the writer just has to buck up and not let us down.


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That's exactly why she became interested in him. And he played it (and her) perfectly.

He was deliberately ignorant of and rude to her early on. At the same time, he tried to create a certain image of himself in her mind (e.g. the lie about "don't be ashamed of poor parents", both by making her his confidant and by planting a false concept of his principles in her mind).

On that background, his very small gestures of attention and kindness are enough to confuse her positively in exact the way he intends to.


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Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking. His behavior towards her didn't make much sense to me before, he was too interested without any real reason but if everything was a ploy to get her interested in him, than it was perfect. Maybe even that story about his father is a lie, even better.


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Am I the only one that find Ji Yi annoying???

I like her with Chang Soo cause she seems much more real. But her teenage behaviour around Joon Ki got on my nerves.


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I take issue with Im Ji-yeon's acting. So uncomfortable to watch.


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Yeah, I'm a bit on your side here! I'm not sure if her character is a bit annoying or the portrayal--but I swing from being annoyed to thinking 'aw this is so cute!'

Her dimness is a little cartoonish, and the cute is too much sometimes, but when it's downplayed I like it a lot more.


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I find her character "selectively dim". In one scene she seems to be mature beyond her age, and in the next it is like she reverted to some high school teen. But my take is that her heart is over ruling her brain here, and she keeps trying to stop herself from being dim.

Or I could be all wrong :P


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for me. jiyi is really annoying. i'm okay with the character, but not the actress. out of 4 leads, she's the only one that i find hard to like. not just her bad acting but her look is even..... :/ i always feel they cast the wrong one.

usually i don't post here (or anywhere), but i just want to tell farhana -- you're not alone :)


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I was also annoyed by her in the beginning but I've warmed up to her by this ep. In the beginning smthg abt her character felt a little too over the top and unrealistic. But her honesty and words of wisdom won me over. She feels more real than the other characters right now. For me she's the most unconventional one.

Sung Joon is the poor guy who's ambitious, good looking and calculating. He's going to be sure to fall hard and lose at his own game.

Chang Soo is the a-typical rich childish chaebol who thinks that everything should come to him easily. But he is ironically falling for the poor girl which is a cliché.

Yoon Ha is the rich heiress who hates her life and feels like she is in the wrong family. So she tries to escape her like by taking up a low-salary job and hiding her identity. Yoon Ha also wants someone who loves her for her. She acts badass when she needs to but is clearly more naïve and innocent than she thinks.

In essence this show is a bag of clichés but if done well it cud work.


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I actually started to watching this drama to avoid to typical candy girl lead but it seems the second couple is starting to embody the Cinderella story of most dramas


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It's cliche and all that jazz but I like it. JIYI AND CHANGSOO SOOOO soooo cute.


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I have to agree with some of the other comments the flow is definitely off with this drama. But besides the disjointed editing I'm actually strangely obsessed with it. I think it might be the reversal of characters. Instead of a cinderella/candy female lead we have a hypocritical chaebol and male lead that's still cold but already is more interesting than the normal Mr. Darcy. Plus it's not often that the second female lead acts as the moral compass, in other dramas ji yi would turn into a backstabbing bitch hopefully that won't happen here. Maybe it's just because sung joon looks damn fine in a suit?


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Im still laughing at how he stood, with his back curved so his baby abs would show.


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I had an eerie feeling when Yoon ha's oppa packed all his books to go on a two weeks' vacation. I mean, who does that? That should have been a red flag to his mom. And then he gives a key to his sister 'in case anything bad should happen to him'. And after the fight with his sister. Oh boy! Hope they're not planning to do away with his character? Which happens to be my favorite in the whole drama including the actor that plays him. The most seasoned of the whole bunch.

As for Joon ki, Yes, he knew Yoon ha was an heiress from the minute he saw her in the hotel lobby. He's not stupid. He's a highly intelligent man who can recognize a face from a photo. The same photo he sent his friend some time earlier. Did he make a play for her? Yes he certainly did. But Yoon ha had already initiated conversation with him earlier so it wasn't completely one sided. She intrigued him, first. An heiress working as a part timer who befriended an orphan.She was also nice to his mom (a quality his ex-girlfriend lacked). So when he saw the opportunity to be nice to her, and make her notice him, he took it. And considering he has been on the lookout for an heiress to further his plans...let's just say she fell into his lap?


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I'd have written this comment exactly this way if I had dropped by earlier and you haven't.
I like these two guys just the way they are. I don't have a problem w Joon Ki. He can start with ulterior motives and genuinely fall for her when given a chance. She'll find out that he is wise to her identity and doubt him. Hence the drama. Nothing wrong w that.
Liking it.


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Agreed! I'm changing my screen name after this. But it's nice to know we are alike. Great minds...


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Terrific. Hope to catch u in future.
I loathe to change my name, which I've been using for 8 years on various sites. I only tagged on the "?JSW" at the end to distinguish us. TTYL.


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Oh I totally realized that you had made an effort. I've only been a beanie for about 3 years, plus I'm not nearly as active, hence I changed. You can totally reclaim your title.


I think you are right. She was an option, not a done deal until she heard his story, met his mom, and began showing an interest in him. He really is very calculating. And IMO, he's playing his part to a T. YH's falling for him though feels sudden and unnatural. A history of rude and inconsiderate behavior, doesn't potato and water erase. Her warming up to him after seeing him with the mom makes sense, given her own rough relationship with hers. But this should have been the beginning, not an outright "green light " for a confession.

I agree with most that the real gems right now are the second leads. Falling for one another doesn't feel sudden or unnatural even in the same time frame. They are also very aware of the social divide which is rather rare in KDs.

I'm definitely on board for the ride. I think all the actors are doing a bang up job. Now let's pray the writer doesn't faulter.


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@ KDAddict

I found that Yoon Ha's character is very naive in some areas. She seems to just depend on her friend and her brother for love advice, therefore if Oppa says confess, then so be it! LOL! Yes I find that her change from finding Joon Ki unfavorable, to being someone to crush on quite sudden.


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You're right, for all her lofty idealism she is very naive. However, the reason she's getting the advice in the first place is because she's swooning, and talking about liking someone. That is the big problem for me. I don't see that development. It's like we skipped an episode or something. I just want to see a better love story so that they can become a couple to root for when things heat up which is inevitable.


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It does feel too sudden and not at all organic to the story. Which is why I have a hard time buying Yoon ha's attraction to Joon ki. I understand his motivation and calculated moves. But her? Is she so love starved, that she would jump at a stranger who shows her interest because her best friend and older brother say so? Mmmmm.....The drama is not really selling the idea, is it?


Well, she kinda is that love-starved. She has one friend and one brother and... this new crush? Everyone else in her life has either left, hates her, or somehow was clearly interested in her money and not her. She probably considers jK's interest safe from the last one, since she believes he thinks she's poor. This does not excuse her lack of caution in that, as CS's friend, how much should she trust CS's promise to keep quiet?


Speaking of love-starved... I was watching Mask and the same thought came to me. The main character is love starved and so, in spite of protests (from himself even!) he quite quickly warms up to the main female lead. I guess we'd have liked if the show had given a bit of a slower transition from dislike to understanding to liking a little to admiring a lot.... but like someone else commented... this part is over quickly perhaps because we are meant to have many episodes of the darker times ahead of us as she is manipulated by boyfriend and 'family'.


I don't get it. I'm not a massive fan of yiji. The character is a really good friend but the actress's performance is soo over the top and really hard to watch. I find it hard to believe that a 20 - something year old character would have the maturity of a child. I do think her and Chang Soo are cute but there doesn't seem to be any depth and its all airy fairy. Its over done and its getting boring! I do like the way Sung Joon is portraying his character! It's darker and whole lot more interesting! Yoon ha is a little dull atm but it suits the situation of the character and I hope she starts opening up soon! Definitely more invested in the main couple. They seem to have a lot more growth in store compared to the 2nd leads. I do hope the drama starts to focus on the main character or else this drama isn't really going to far!
These are just my thoughts, hope I don't offend anyone!


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Yi Ji-yi is there for comic relief. She and Chang-soo are the comic relief couple, in the way that Song Min-soo and Na Eun-young were the comic relief couple in Warm Word (less outright comic, more relief though there).

And I'm fine with that, depending on how solid the main couple drama will be designed.

As for her being childish, well, that's okay. Some people are born childish, some people accomplish childishness, and some people have childishness thrust upon them.


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Actually what makes you mature are life experiences not age. With age comes more life experiences, hence more maturity. But without life experiences even adults can be immature. I buy her maturity. There are hints that she has experienced certain things to get her to this maturity level even though she's in her 20s.

I do agree that she does tend to over-act in the comedic roles but I don't find it so off putting. Some people put on an air of happiness to hide their pain or after realizing that being down is only that much more depressing. I also find that most comedic timing in KDs are exaggerated so to me this is very fitting.


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I agree. She and Uee don't seem to click as friends either. I think if she gained some weight and some years, she could do an ajumma role. But this role of 2nd lead isn't fitting her well.


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I like Jiyi and Changsoo too, but I have a bad feeling about them. I think they started out too cute too quick, it's not gonna end well for them. As cute as he is, Changsoo is just spoiled rich kid and doesn't seem like he's faced much hardship, I don't know if he'd put up much of a fight for Jiyi if his family opposes. I feel like realistically it's in his character to give up on her pretty quick. Or he'll get married to a rich girl and still go after Jiyi anyway. I just can't see the writer keeping them fluffy throughout the whole drama.


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ITA. I'm convinced he just wants to have a relationship with her, knowing she won't meet his family's standard. He said as much to her. Which is why she made the comment about guys who date without intending to marry being jerks. Hence I think they are very aware. It will be interesting to see how the writer will spin this. Let's hope for a good journey, even though it's sure to come with a ton of angst.


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I swear I have this weird feeling that she's going to end up his mistress in the end. Changsoo is the type of guy who wants to be greedy and have everything. Jiyi seems like the naive type that falls hard and she knows that about herself so she's been trying to push him away from the beginning, but he keeps following her around and it's getting to her.


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Well, it would help if she would stop saying such provocative statements to him like "I could really fall hard for you and so on". It's apparent that Chang Soo has an ego, the more he's rebuffed, the more he's intrigued by her and pursues her.

She's let him know multiple times that she is vulnerable and is holding hard to her integrity. Since he doesn't have any intentions of marrying her, any honorable guy would've backed away by now, but not Chang Soo... which just shows he's a cad. It would be sweet payback if he really does fall for her and plans to marry her, what an uproar that would be for his family especially his stuck up mother!


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CS reveals a little bit more about his intentions in episode 4 :)


He still has intentions to marry Yoon Ha, remember. Pretty soon the two men will be in opposition. And I'm not entirely convinced that Joon Ki isn't already working with Hyung, in some way.

There are layers here that we have yet to discover.


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l love the second leads. They are so cute and surprisingly great chemistry. The glances and constant bickering....ahhhh so cute.

So far I don't feel the chemistry from the leads although they do look good together. Maybe because Joon Ki has not fallen in love with Yoon Ha?

I like the big brother. His relationship with Yoon Ha is so nice to see. Too bad he is only a guest cameo.


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The problem with the OTP relationship is that Joon Ki is thinking too much ie using head and not his heart. He is as he says, making a decision. He deliberates and does not 'fall' in love. So his behavior is not that of a lover but of one making a rational choice with his head. For us who want or are used to swoon-worthy romances, this will be a new take on an old theme. :) On the other hand, it could be Sung Joon's style! LOL!


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Thanks gummimochi!
I continue to be intrigued by our main protagonists.

The way they think seem so deliciously twisted (not necessarily in a bad way) and somehow warped ... Yoon Ha wants to marry a man who loves her and not her money and starts having a crush on the very man who is probably thinking that since she is rich and available, he might as well make a play for her. He thinks he likes her for her money, when it could be that he really likes her for herself .... but she will think he likes her without knowing about her wealth... so who will be right?

I was saying last episode, that I'm not sure these characters have a grip on reality and now,... do they have a grip on what they themselves are saying?
Another warped thought, Yoon Ha to Joon Ki, about inducing fear or manipulating people, 'She asks what he would know because he grew up rich. “Have you ever failed at something before?” Again, a slightly odd argument coming from her, a chaebol’s daughter.' True, true... as one who is rich, how much does Yoon Ha know? She does know but is she appearing purposely blind since she knows that her brother did have something to do about manipulating the customer into apologising. Seems warped to me that she should then say this.

Another slight discrepancy... Joon Ki hates that his parents are poor and happy despite it, because then they remain poor, but he tells Yoon Ha that his parents are poor and happy and it's nothing to be ashamed of... which contradicts what he feels.

I'm invested in knowing how far our main characters are lying to others and to themselves. Are we as inconsistent and contradictory... thinking one thing and saying another?


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They are not inconsistent but contradictory.

Yoon-ha thinks she can "score" against Joon-ki with her argument about him being a spoiled rich kid who has no idea about suffering and failure. She thinks that, because of her background, she deserves to exploit the "best" of both worlds: Playing the poor, hardworking, tough-talking and straight heroine and having her brother cleaning up all the mess she doesn't bother to handle. She's a hypocrite.

Joon-ki is a more complex example. He is ashamed of being ashamed of his parents and he turns this into attacking Yoon-ha, knowing full well that he aims totally at the wrong target. He also expects her not to counter his argument because she doesn't know that he knows who she is.


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@ Jon G.

They are both hypocrites since Joon Ki wants to appear straightforward in order to use her, when in fact he has more that he is hiding and revealing, to her discredit.

He is the same way with best bud, Chang Soo.

A darker show than the initial episodes intimated.


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I don't think he is a hypocrite on the same lever as her (or maybe he is, but we don't know that yet), he is just manipulating her, and he is deliberately feeding her false information. Not so much about his background (like her), but about his principles.
She lies about who she is on the outside, her hypocrisy is rooted in the fact that she has no idea what poor really means, despite what she thinks. He lies about who he is on the inside, and he is very well aware of the discrepancy between what he really believes and what he tells her.


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I was thinking about being deliberate in hypocrisy and misleading others.

I feel that although Yoon Ha knows she is lying, on a certain level, she sort of believes in her own 'lies' and is not always false with the same degree of deliberation.

Joon Ki, on the other hand seems to be thinking cold-bloodedly about each step and working to manipulate Yoon Ha into thinking she chose to fall for him, when that attraction was, in a sense, engineered.

To that extent he is a worse person than her, meaning I feel it makes him more of a scoundrel than just a hypocrite.



Yoon-ha is a rather innocent hypocrite, it's not really her fault that she is spoiled and naive.

Joon-ki knows what he is doing, he is far from a good person for sure. Apart from the fascination of his meticulous social engineering, there is very little I would like about a self-made psychopath like him in real life.

As a male lead, I prefer this kind of psychopath to the other kind of psychopath though (I'm looking at you, Hong Sister's).


Did anyone else notice that big brother's library seems to be the exact same one as Evil Chef's in Smelly Couple? Right down to the creepy voice print at above the desk?


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I thought the library looked similar but now that you mention it, I'll have to check TGWSS to see if everything is the same. LOL! It's quite likely since both shows are from SBS. :D


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SBS reuses their props. And hope no one notices.


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Lol. I always get sidetracked when something like that happens and I have to go back and re watch the scene. I noticed this one right away, probably because the other drama was so recent.


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Heeeheeee I swear I wanted to check this out based on UEE and Sung Joon promos, but dang that STP!

Also, for the love of the drama gods, someone love Hyungsik. LOL. Rejected by women and rejected by his bro in the shower. XD

PS thanks for recapping this~ I don't have time to watch but I reaaaaaaaaally wanna know what's happening to our 4 leads.


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I love Hyungsik! (Sorry, I couldn't not reply to that!)


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*transplants blu_blu_skye into High Society world*

Now, go get that poor, unloved doofus.


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On my way madam!


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Enjoyed this episode. Second lead couple so cute, but I agree with others here that sad times are ahead for them I fear. It looks like their conflict is a pretty standard one of rich guy/poor girl so I wonder how the writers are going to make that fresh. I do like JY character outlook. It was interesting to hear about her ex-bf. I wonder if we may see him return to her life later on? That would spice things up I think.
Loving the friendship between the 2 girls and I hope that it continues.
Main couple of YH and JK is slowly developing. I think that pairing has the more intriguing story but so far I'm not really feeling it. I love the second leads-they have a great chemistry. Right now I find them more interesting that the main leads but that may change as the main pair get more interaction together.
The main premise of JK wanting YH for her money seems a bit off in that wouldn’t the fact of his being from a poor family automatically be a no go with her family? And lead to her being kicked out of the family/$$$? If JK is smart wouldn’t he know that a chaebol family wouldn’t accept him and so no $$/power? Maybe I’m missing something?


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Joon-ki is probably having a much longer game in mind than you imagine. He should know fairly well that he is no A-grade material for a chaebol family.

What he needs is a strong-minded younger chaebol daughter who is totally devoted to him, who will move heaven and hell to marry him no matter what the family says, and whose family will finally yield and accept the poor but highly intelligent and hardworking guy over the useless chaebol peer.
There are enough dramas with this kind of plot line out there, maybe Joon-ki thinks that they contain a grain of truth.


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LOL at the idea of Joon-ki being inspired by common kdrama tropes


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Thanks for the insight, Jon G.


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I. Love. This. Show.

I'm not saying it's perfect. But I LOVE these people. And I love how they all make SENSE, how their actions make sense considering their backgrounds etc. So far only dad is meh because he is too much of an one note villain. Give him some depth, show!

Yi-ji showed some amazing maturity here which was pretty much shocking coming from a woman in a drama. She had a crush but fully realized how one-sided it was and was immediately ready to set it aside for the benefit of a friend. She hasn't gone into any university, it seems, but she has so much street wise it keeps amazing me. She is so rooted and so practical. And I like that she actually has a history, a boyfriend with whom her relationship was both good (he made her see the worth of living again) and bad (she had to break up with him). It shows that even tough that relationship hurt her, she wasn't traumatized but rather she grew AND she can see value of having been with that guy. And I love how blunt she is with Chang-soo, fully admitting she might fall for him and yet announcing she doesn't want because he is not marriage material. And the reason just cracked me up. Not some "we're from different worlds, can't be together!!" but "I want to keep chaebols imaginative, you're way too real, go away!" Ha.

I am not sure whether Joon-ki knew about Yoon-ha's identity immediately at the hotel but whether he did or not there definitely was attraction for his part even at the beginning. He might not started to woo her had he not known she is rich, but he was definitely attracted to her.

This made me think about his manipulation and friendships in general. We usually assume immediately that mixing the money with friendship is bad. If you are someone's friend because that someone is loaded, it is considered WRONG. But. What if you still are a true friend? What if you do what friends do and what if you do like that person? Are you a bad person? Why? Even though we like to think friendships as selfless and based on giving, they actually aren't. Friendships are based on reciprocacity: both give and both receive. Is it wrong if the other person gives money/power while the other person gives emotional support? Is it wrong to want monetary benefits from your friends if you cannot reciprocate with money yourself?

I like this show bc people here are complicated and contradictory but in a way that feels real. Because people do have conflicting emotions and many different motivations to do stuff, not just one single motivations. Ep. 4 just highlighted the amaziness of this show even more. (No spoilers!)


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@ Arawn

"And the reason just cracked me up. Not some “we’re from different worlds, can’t be together!!” but “I want to keep chaebols imaginative, you’re way too real, go away!”"

I LOLed at this! A really refreshing reason to keep one's distance... and for a rejection ....much good this will do though, since this just makes Ji Yi that much more intriguing to Chang Soo. :)


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You took the words out of my mouth. I thought the same way about Ji-yi!


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What I really like about the writer: She doesn't shy away from exploring different kinds of friendship, courtship and love than just the one stock K-drama variety.
She did it in her two previous works, sometimes it works out very well, sometimes not so much, but by K-drama standards, it is a risk that most writers don't take.
And she doesn't do it in a preachy or flat way, she likes to keep it real and simple.


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Yes I started watching without any expectations at all because the promo looks cliche-y and boring to me. But so far this show is interesting! The plot seems very K-drama conventional but the details are easy to get hooked on. I do find the actress who plays Yi-ji a bit too over the top but her character is so refreshingly endearing. So much street wisdom coming out of her mouth indeed! I also like it that Yoon-ha is not 100% pure and Candyish, she holds some idealism but she is also confused and naive. Joon-ki is also really interesting, being a loving son to his parents and being a very ambitious, calculated and cold person at the same time. So far I've only seen his cold and calculated side most of the time. But Sung Joon is capable of playing the extremely gentle and loving character. I actually nervously waiting for him to be like that, in a manipulative way, to Yoon-ha in the next couple episodes... I fear for her but since this is a K-drama I think at some point she will find out and then we will have to go through a whole rollercoaster of angst but in the end Joon-Ki and Yoon-ha will be able to come to each other with true love LOL


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Also, I totally saw how YH fell for Joon-ki and I would've definitely done the same. Crushes do not necessarily need a long time to develop nor do they need a lot of stuff happening. All depends on interpretation and here Yi-ji is constantly convincing YH that JK likes her - and she is not wrong considering how JK wants to portray things. His manipulation has been so spot on, he is soft when needed and less available when needed.

I am so expecting the times when he has fallen for her for realz and shit hits the fan. He will SUFFER. Deliciously so.

And oh boy her family.


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"And oh boy her family."

Indeed. Talk about dysfunctional. It's no surprise Yoon ha wants to marry for love.

Both her older siblings marriages are dysfunctional (we're not even going to talk about her parents marriage, where a mistress can waltz in and insult the wife, without any fear of retaliation). The older brother divorced, and the older sister is trying to bury her sadness by working in the father's company.

As much as I dislike Yoon ha's Unni for being unprincipled and unscrupulous (enough to use her father's mistress to get what she wants and then lie about it to her mother). Her heartfelt cry to her mother about her marital sorrows really broke my heart. And it went unheeded by her mother. I swear that woman has really done a number on ALL her daughters! In the end she couldn't reach her mother and had to reproach herself for even trying. WTF! Ugh!

It seems Yoon ha's mother lives for one person only, her son. She's blind to anyone else's needs and feels her daughters should just do what they are told. I know she too is suffering from marrying such an emotionally and psychologically abusive man, but it would help a lot if she could have some empathy for her daughters.


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She's not only blind, she is actively HARMING her daughters. When she said to Yoon-ha it's time for her to marry and that they (parents) would not do anything to harm their children - OMG so hilarious! And tragic, because I do think she truly believes it.

What I like about the mother is that her actions make sense considering her situation in life and her character. She's not just written to hate and abuse Yoon-ha but she has valid reasons (from HER point of view) to do so. Of course it's clear that her reality is severely warped, but SHE believes it wholeheartedly.

Dad is my main complaint. I'd like to see some depth from him but so far it has eluded me.


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IDK, I felt like the oldest sister was manipulating their mom. Giving her the tears, just enough sprinkles of the truth (a la her marriage problems), some deflection, and a whole lot of lies. My inference from the show so far is that the only person being actively broken by their mom is Yoon Ha.

I felt no pity for noona in that scene. It was beautifully acted, but as I felt she was manipulating mom, I was unmoved. This is the same person who voiced out that she wishes someone could kill her brother for her. That felt like her true feelings too and was very crazy. Sometimes a dysfunctional family, poor examples of human beings, and growing up entitled and unaccountable is all you need to be as twisted as noona.


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I do agree that the one ACTIVELY being broken is Yoon-ha. Mom does not attempt to reign other daughters to same extent. However, it doesn't mean her actions are not harmful to them. She enables middle daughters bad behaviour and ignores oldest one's troubles.

Even if you think that crying scene was msnipulation there is another one where she clearly tells her to give in to oppa. Like, she is not important, oppa is. That seems to be her whole mind set: son is important and showered with live, daughters are used to further family interests and their wishes are largely ignored. It's telling that oppa has divorced and yet mom shows zero dissent for it. Middle daughter's engagement was broken = she is berated and ignored (although it does not seem to scare her - she seems to have learned to direct Mom onto Yoon-ha thus mitigating mom's possible anger towards her). Youngest botches her matseons = all hell is loose.

Also, mom shows no warmth towards any daughter. Only towards oppa. That in itself is harmful.


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It is almost like the mom is saying "my life is miserable, so you daughters should also be miserable". I think she is borderline nuts and obsessed.


Agree. I have no sympathy for the mother or older sister at all. I don't get why she hates Yoon-ha so much. Sure the fortune teller said something like she would "destroy" her but that was so vague. I don't think the writers did a very good job in establishing why the mother hates her so much. The hate is so extreme it is unusual and you would think they would think of a better reason than a fortune teller's words since she is her flesh and blood but they didn't.

... I have a hunch they may have based the older sister's character on the chaebol's daughter that was in the news not too long ago who went nuts-o about the nuts on her plane. LOL


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But the mother doesn't need more of a reason to turn Yoon ha into her whipping boy. The mother's story is not underdeveloped by any means. I have seen firsthand how a mother hated her son because he resembled his father physically and reminded her so much of her first love who rejected her. She hated him so much, she refused to raise him and poured all her love onto her daughter whom she had with another man.

I know of another household where favoritism was practiced. One child was despised by the mother because she looked a lot like, and shared similar personality traits with the father. Another child was adored and could do no wrong. And the other children in the middle received varying degrees of affection from the mother. Of course, it goes without saying that the despised child found herself the target of her mother's verbal and physical abuse each time the mother was angry with their father for his infidelities. I witnessed this so it isn't hearsay by any means. What I'm trying to say is that the portrayal of Yoon ha's mother is very real, there are some women like that who don't need a reason to vent their spleen on their child.


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But the examples you mentioned have reasons for the hatred. I may have missed something in the drama but I never heard an explanation of the hatred except for the vague reference the fortune teller made. Go figure.


@ Alice
I gathered that the mother not only placed great store by the fortune teller's words but also felt that they came to pass... I have to look it up... but it was something to do with Yoon Ha bringing misfortune to those around her... and soon after or just before Yoon Ha's birth, the father got that mistress. I'm not sure if this is the only reason(s), but maybe for some people, it's enough of a reason (plus to relieve stress at their own sense of failure) to maltreat someone, no matter how unjustly.


Haha... that thought about the "nuts about nuts" daughter crossed my mind also. The older sister seems just about as crazy and immoral.

I also cannot figure out why the mother hates the younger sister so much, based apparently only on some vague fortune teller, who are not known to be all that accurate (except in k-dramas and fairy tales). There might be a back story to it.


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@ windsun
I just replied to @ Alice above in ... might that help answer your question?


You are so spot-on about crushes. I think soon Yoon-ha will find out and then the two will have to re-start their love story in an angsty way. And yes he will have to suffer too. I'm nervously anticipating the next episodes.


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Aw man, they're going to kill Kyung-joon aren't they. I guess that means my dream of Kyung-joon and Yoon-ha leaving the country only coming back to run the company after the rest of the family kills each other is crushed. Which ok, wouldn't make much of a drama but we could inter-cut that with scenes of Ji-yi and Chang-soo being adorable making the greatest drama ever.


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Oh, totally. I'm pretty sure it was in the previews too. *sigh* At the very least, I wanted Kyung-joon to be around to unleash his big brother wrath once he finds out Yoon-ha's heart has been played with.


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Please dramagods, I want a spin off dedicated to Lee Ji Yi and Yoo Chang Soo, please make it happen! Second Potential couple syndrome has hit me hard and messed with my coherent thought process. I adore the two. Yes, its standard poor girl/rich guy setup but I love them already.


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I really hope this story-line doesn't end up being a love rectangle with all 4 in on the deceit.

Yoon Ha publicly dating/engaged to Chang Soo but secretly dating Joon Ki and Chang Soo using the guise of helping the couple to secretly be with Ji Yi.


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What if....Ji Yi knew all along exactly who/what Yoon Ha is? Now THAT would be interesting!!


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Highly likely, considering she follows Yoon Ha's dumb blonde sister on SNS. Maybe she wants Yoon Ha to trust her enough to admit the truth herself. I've felt its that way for a while, lets see.


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At this point I'm totally enjoying ?the drama !!! I was scrolling down the recap and getting excited ?whenever there was a chang soo ji yi ?scene !!! Love their interactions !!! ?I think the story is trying to tell us that inspite of yoona acting stubborn ?like a heiress ?with the whole work issue ?, she's actually quite easy to manipulate with? !!! And I think that's exactly what sung joon is trying to do with her !!! Making yoon ha like somebody so early in the episode probably means there's going to be some major plot? !!! At least that's what I'm hoping for ?!!! And until that plot reveals itself I'm gonna enjoy the chang soo yiji ?moments !!! So I'm hoping there's more of that in the coming episodes ?


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Ughhh I adore the secondary couple. I really really hope they end up happy, although I have a sinking feeling that it's not going to end well for Ji-yi. DON'T CHANGE, JI-YI!!!!! Please don't become a backstabbing bitch! :(

Also, thank you SO MUCH for the Instagram link! Gaaahhhh so much cute.


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I am watching this drama just because of the second leads. I like the scenes with them together.
The main couple has not won me over since I don't understand there motivations yet. Thanks for the recap.


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Why does the older sister call the mistress "little (younger) mother"? Is that typical in Korea or is she trying to get on her good side?
And didn't the sister lie when her mother asked her why she met the father at the mistress' home? She said the father wanted to meet her there but didn't she arrange it herself?

I agree about the 2nd leads. The femaie 2nd lead just seems out of place; awkward acting I think. She doesn't click with Uee.


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Younger/smaller/little mother is a neo-confucian term for the lesser wives of the patriarch.


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So is that standard? Not "ajumma" or something like that? I thought she was trying to butter up to her.


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She was trying to butter her up. She didn't need to call her father's mistress that title, but she was trying to curry her favor to get an audience with dad.


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Yes, @Alice, Ye Won lied that her father called her over, when it was she herself who engineered that meeting ... she was being two-faced... a different 'poor me' face for her mum and a 'winning, respectful' face to carry the mistress.


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THAT library is Jae hee's murder library in The girl who sees smells right?


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Why doesn't Joon Ki leave CS for CS' more capable older brother? Wouldn't that make sense given his ambition and how he seems to be making use of people?


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Probably because he's not that simple of a character. Sometimes it appears that JK likes CS and does consider him a friend. His disappointment when CS told him to hire JY as a full-time employee regardless of what JK thought about it shows that there is some affection there. CS lets him down.


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On the rational side, CS seems to be easy to manipulate. His brother, well, probably not so much.


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I confess at the moment i'm more more into the second couple Ji-yi&Chang Soo...they really are entertaining and i like the girl,is not the usual naive Candy and he is quite entertaining..Really like how she refused him like 3-4 times...and i can say he is quite cute in his relationship with Joon Ki,being like a girlfriend jjaja,sad that the other one doen't really think of him as friend


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It very rare for me to aknowledge those actors/actresses that are from Kpop groups. But , seriously, this guy , Hyung Shik is beyond my expectations. When I discovered that he was from a boy band, i just could not believe. He is so young and in What happens to my family he was good, and now amazing. His strong gaze makes me remember Joo won's gaze - deep and emotional. I am watching this one because of him really , and I didnt know he was from Ze a . Really rooting out for this couple.


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ZE:A is a really strange group. They are not popular as a group but they have very popular and talented members.

Both Im Siwan and Park Hyungsik are not only good looking but also talented in acting. This is my fav performance of Hyungsik although I think he should also take on darker roles in the future like he once did in Sirius. His eyes are more expressive now.


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Oh is he from the same band with Jang Geu-rae?? Hhaha I know he is Im Siwan but I just love his character in Misaeng too much. He is forever Jang Geu-rea to me.


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yes. they are from the same group


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I'm a longtime fan of Joo-won's acting and a recent fan of Hyungsik's acting. Glad you're on the same page!


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Oh sure ! Bridal mask made me a big fan of his acting. I've watched dramas for a long time already , and I tend to like darker histories and with strong emotions. In my opinion the gaze is the best way to pass those sentiments and to qualify the actor . There's a scene on The princess man when Park Si Hoo is wearing a mask that covers his mouth and he sees his loved one being shot by an arrow and he acts only with his eyes. It's beautiful. I've rewatched several times haha


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Oh sure ! Bridal mask made me a big fan of his acting. I've watched dramas for a long time already , and I tend to like darker histories and with strong emotions. In my opinion the gaze is the best way to pass those sentiments and to qualify the actor . There's a scene on The princess man when Park Si Hoo is wearing a mask that covers his mouth and he sees his loved one being shot by an arrow and he acts only with his eyes. It's beautiful. Rewatched several times haha. Hyun sik makes me feel the same .


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As cute as Chang soo is, he needs a new do. He looks like a bum ?


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Haha, really? I actually quite like his haircut.


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@ Oohlie and Skyofblue

That hair is (I'm guessing) his sign of rebellion against his brother, or aspects of his life. When his hairstyle changes, we're going to see some changes in his relationships or his rise in power or something like that. :)


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It's too early to tell how the Joon Ki and Yoon Ha relationship is going to develop. Maybe he will genuinely fall for her but his ulterior motives will come to light leaving her in heartbreak and giving him his dose of medicine the best way high society can.....company take overs?! Kyung Joon said it himself, the experience working at Yimin Food Market will benefit her in the future. Also when the fortune teller told her mother she had to keep her youngest in check because she has her fathers personality. If Yoon Ha ends up taking over her the reigns, she will be a piece of work to handle.


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I'm so onboard for this show! The romance w the second couple is so on. I could feel the chemistry between the two in that last scene. I had to rewind that scene.

And tho Director Choi acts like he can play with Yoon Ha he must admit that he fell for her a good while ago. Poor YH tho when she finds out abt his schemes.


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The secondary couple is the most perfect thing ever!!! They are sooooo cute and have soooooo much chemestry!!! Love their scenes!!! Can't wait for romance to develop!!! :D


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Uee has zero chemistry with either of the two male leads. And from the wooden way she walks around, I don't think if Kim Nam Gil swept in and did his bad boy thing before dying, that she'd react any differently. I feel bad for SJ being paired with her-- because obviously he can deliver the smolder and cute.

After watching episode 4 with its LOL plot contrivances, I can't watch any longer... not even for the cutey second leads... not when I can compare to the crack-watch that is MASK!


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I am liking this drama very much even though I kept fast forwarding the family scenes. lol


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what the song in swiming chang soo & ki joon ?????¡¡¡¡¿ ?


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Is not Ji Yi too sweet??? What if Joon ki and Ji Yi are alliance??? Ji Yi knew Joon Ki, may be from her Joon Ki got the initial info about Yoon Ha and after Chang Soo rejected her he made a move. Now that Chang Soo unexpectedly has an interested in Ji Yi , she also may trying take the advantage...

Well I will be happy if Ji Yi remains sweet like this :) there are already three twisted persons


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Anyone noticed THAT library Yoon-ha's oppa was in, is THAT MURDER library in 'Girl Who Sees Smells'?? HAHAH, it's amazing how they changed the entrance xD

And the second leads are so adorableeeee and i agree that it may feel like that they are the main couple


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YES! I noticed that too - right away.


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I was starting to warm up to the leads this episode but ep. 4 was so awkward to watch that I really have no interest (won't go into specific detail on this post). I can tell that Joon Ki is being manipulative (like a toned down Nice Guy) but it's so subtle that all their interactions become super uncomfortable to watch because Sung Joon has to keep up his cold facade for this character so we don't see his cute doting side (I know for a fact he can do it, too) and it's just Yoon Ha swooning over some potatoes. I know crushes come fast but the progression is so unnatural and it's pulling me out of the drama because I keep laughing at how ridiculous they've made her character in such a short span of time.

Ji Yi, on the other hand, no matter how much one may criticize the actresses acting (honestly, I sat through Fashion King so bad acting doesn't even faze me anymore) made me cry when she gave up her crush for her friend. The thing that pisses me off the most in shows is when a strong friendship suddenly is over because of a crush and nothing gets me misty eyed quicker than cute friendship moments. I am really sticking around for this character, as backwards as that sounds.

I'm starting to doubt this drama but Sung Joon is shirtless in the preview for ep. 5 so I'm sticking around.


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Yoon ha is swooning over some gogumas (sweet potatoes) = Sung Joon in I Need Romance 3. lol


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Hi , i like changsoo and jiyi but i hope yoonha end up with joon ki . sung joon is handsome and charm than hyung sik .


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Thanks for the recap, gummimochi!

I like the story development so far. The most heartwarming scene for me was YH meeting JK's mom and having tea together. I Iike CS and JK's bromance. Second leads are cute and I'm usually amused by their conversations. LOL at JY's reason for wanting to maintain a distance with a real chaebol like CS. XD

I wonder how extensive JK's plot is. He's already manipulating the circumstances so that YH will fall for him. For someone like YH who lacks love and attention from family, it's no wonder how small gestures by JK, such as swapping the soju for water, would touch YH so much.

JY is an amazing friend for giving up her one-sided crush and encouraging her friend to be with JK. So understanding and supportive, which is refreshing to see.

The whole Jang family is messed up other than Oppa. So, I don't know if JK is ready for any of that when he thought of getting together with YH.

Anyway, I can't wait to see how these four come to influence each other to grow, to learn, to reflect, to mature, etc. as they spend more and more time together.


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Can anyone please tell me what is the title of the song that Chan Soo (Park Hyung Shik) sang in the karaoke place? Thanks!


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The song is "It's Fortunate" by Lee Juck.

Here's the youtube link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJgLVwmbBXg


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please what title of the song in swiming chang soo & ki joon ?????¡¡¡¡¿ ???

thank you ?


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Gummimochi thanks for the recap! I think I like this show (even) more after reading your recap.


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