High Society: Episode 6

Dating revelations abound this hour as our core four arrive at conclusions that were all but common knowledge for everyone else, but ones which shake their faith in each other nonetheless. Secrets aren’t fun for a reason, and now that the floodgates have at least partially opened there’s room for more doubt and speculation from all sides. And in each case, the suspicion is pretty warranted—better late than never, as they say.

Ratings-wise, High Society has been on a small but steady rise since its premiere, and topped a series high of 9.8% this week. Saguek contender Hwajeong barely made the lead at 10.7%, while newcomer I Remember You finished its premiere week at 4.7%.


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The morning after Madam Min’s drunken tirade, her husband sits her down for a bit of berating, which she takes much more calmly than expected. She doesn’t even balk at his reminder that Yoon-ha will be formally brought in to work at the company.

Yoon-ha gets a call from Butler Hong when he doesn’t find her in her room, and hurriedly gets up to return home to prevent him from discovering that she spent the night at Joon-ki’s house.

Joon-ki, however, isn’t home. He’s out with a buddy from the press, feeding him information on Yoon-ha’s secret life as a part-timer while claiming to have no relationship with her.

He returns when Yoon-ha calls to wonder where he is and finds that she’s made a full breakfast for him. She seems happy with her domestic art, backing up with a coy smile as Joon-ki approaches her…

…To turn off the stove. She’s disappointed that’s all he wanted, claiming that there’s so much more men and women can do when they’re alone together. She demonstrates by giving him a back hug.

“I think men and women are interesting,” Yoon-ha muses. “How can they become this close this quickly? How can they form trust like this so quickly?” Joon-ki grows uncomfortable and finds a reason to pull away, not that Yoon-ha notices.

Before he goes, she makes sure to tell him that the way she’s acting now is not how she usually is—though she’s not at all unpleased with the new version of herself. Joon-ki has to be the one to tell her that changing everything about yourself isn’t necessarily a good thing, but even that goes straight over her.

Instead of listening to his advice, she says she likes the objective way he talks to her. “What wouldn’t you like?” Joon-ki asks, but again, Yoon-ha doesn’t get it. Oy, if the man on the receiving end of your domestic housewifery is concerned that you’re going at it with too much zeal, maybe some re-evaluation is in order.

Oh, and Yoon-ha’s quitting her part-time job today too. Why would she up and quit something she’s touted as being of chief and irreplaceable importance in her life until now? Your guess is as good as mine.

While preparing for a meeting with daughter Ye-won, Chairman Jang updates his secretary on his plans for Yoon-ha, which include placing her as a team leader for one of their Chinese offices. As for the stocks they assume Kyung-joon bought her, it’s assumed that she’s been interested in managing the company for a while now.

Ye-won breaks the news to both her parents that she’s finalizing her divorce, seemingly fine with giving all custody rights to her soon-to-be ex. That way, she explains, she can take her rightful place as their eldest daughter and take over Kyung-joon’s job as well as his old living quarters.

Madam Min is against all of this, but especially against Ye-won moving into Kyung-joon’s residence. Her father is much more agreeable for once in his life, but urges Ye-won to convince her mother.

She finds her mother drinking despite her promise to stay sober, dropping her usual impassive demeanor when she starts talking about her mother’s blatant favoritism when it comes to her children. Has Madam Min ever thought about how that would affect the children she doesn’t love? All Ye-won wants to do is live with her parents, she cries.

Next up on Ye-won’s visitation list is awful sister So-hyun, who’s taking the time to raid Yoon-ha’s closet since she’s not home. Ye-won is the first one to theorize that there’s something more to Yoon-ha’s decision to leave home now, especially since she has stocks, causing So-hyun to remember Yoon-ha’s threats that she’d leave only when she was darn well ready.

Speaking of, even Joon-ki questions Yoon-ha’s sudden decision to quit her job without warning. She won’t budge on any decision she makes, though she opens the floor for him to criticize her lack of responsibility. But she won’t impose on him for a place to stay going forward, since she can use the resort and villa under her name—she is a chaebol’s daughter, after all.

At least she seems a little self-aware when she recognizes that it must look silly to him, her not having to worry about money. “People like you who grew up with good parents wouldn’t understand,” she adds. How about people who grew up at all?

After agreeing to a post-work date with Chang-soo, Ji-yi finds herself faced with her immediate boss, who intends to do a lot of sucking up now that his subordinate is dating the department director.

Of course, the meta on how relationships like this usually go down in dramas isn’t lost on him, since he feels obligated to tell her that she has a meeting with Chang-soo’s hyung and that he’ll either throw water in her face or offer her money. If it’s the latter, she should definitely take it—relationships with chaebols are temporary, but money is forever.

The meeting with Chang-soo’s hyung is about her relationship with his little brother, though to her surprise, he’s all for it. He even suggests that they have a child should she encounter opposition from Chang-soo’s parents, which definitely tells us that he’s in this because he wants to bring his brother down in their family’s eyes.

Yoon-ha isn’t prepared for how amiably her boss takes her sudden resignation, though she finds out it’s because he knows about her relationship with Joon-ki and doesn’t want to rock the boat.

And while her relationship and Ji-yi’s is common knowledge at this point, she had no idea her friend was dating Chang-soo until her ex-boss tells her. He sighs that they’re both in over their heads with these high class boys, but at least Yoon-ha has a chance with Joon-ki because he’s only a deputy manager. Ji-yi doesn’t have a chance, comparatively.

With that news, Yoon-ha marches straight to Chang-soo’s office to have a word about his intentions toward Ji-yi. But when he brings up the news that she’ll be entering her father’s company, Yoon-ha denies that’s so without offering further details.

Yoon-ha: “I know I’m not in any position to tell you two what to do and what not to do, but—…” Chang-soo: “If you’re not in that kind of position, then don’t.” Thank you. To make himself even more lovable, Chang-soo clarifies that he likes Ji-yi more than any other girl he’s ever dated, but he won’t guarantee he’ll marry her. Ji-yi already knows that and understands.

Still, Yoon-ha insists on giving her two won by sharing that his hyung called Ji-yi in today, and that the rumors are already flying. (Rumors she literally just found out about.) She warns/threatens Chang-soo that she’ll do anything for Ji-yi.

She leaves Chang-soo fuming over how to deal with his brother and pays a visit to Ji-yi to share news of the rumors going ‘round. She’s none too happy that she didn’t find out from Ji-yi herself, and asks her why she picked Chang-soo of all people.

Ji-yi, being her usual sincere self, asks Yoon-ha why she picked Joon-ki before setting a boundary on neither of them saying things about each other’s loves. Besides, she gave up Joon-ki for Yoon-ha and tried not to like Chang-soo, only to realize that she can’t help but like him.

“I support your love,” Ji-yi adds. “Why can’t you support mine?” Yoon-ha changes gears to say that she does support Ji-yi in whatever she does, but she also has something to tell her about her family background.

Just then, Ji-yi gets a call from Chang-soo and opts to put Yoon-ha off for another time—or as she says, “When we meet men, men come first.” (There’s no missing context.) Yoon-ha doesn’t want to wait and blurts that she’s a daughter of Taejin Group, but Ji-yi thinks she’s joking.

The first thing she tells Chang-soo is that she felt terrible after meeting with his brother, but feels better after talking to Yoon-ha. “I think I can see you as a human now,” she says, adding that she realized there was nothing superhuman about his brother—in the end, he’s just a person like everyone else.

Chang-soo doesn’t know how to respond, and with some difficulty, Ji-yi says that it’s all okay because they’re dating. It’s much easier to break up a relationship than it is a marriage if it becomes too hard.

That’s when Chang-soo holds his hand over her face to say that he’s sorry, because he can’t say it while looking directly into her eyes. Ji-yi lowers his hand and tells him that the whole point of an apology is to look the other person in the eye, but Chang-soo isn’t keen on repeating it.

He’d rather bury the issue, and tells Ji-yi that there’ll be something in it for her if she picks up his call later. She’s not opposed to this sort of thing every once in a while, but doesn’t want it to become a habit.

Joon-ki thinks of the reporter he tipped off about Yoon-ha’s secret life as well as Yoon-ha’s speech about her not being defined by her background, while Ji-yi has to find out from her boss that Yoon-ha just quit.

Yoon-ha meets with Joon-ki to tell him about Ji-yi’s unfortunate meeting with Chang-soo’s hyung, which he already knows about. She tries telling him that he may not understand, but she and Chang-soo come from families who do things a bit differently—again something he knows, because he’s been friends with Chang-soo long enough.

On that note, Yoon-ha promises to protect Joon-ki from her family so that he won’t ever have to endure being insulted by them. Joon-ki is unafraid however, since he only becomes more determined when people say things to him. He had to have a thick skin to go from rags to riches like he did.

His speech has Yoon-ha hanging on his every word. “I want to be with you… forever,” she says. Joon-ki playfully scolds her by saying that he won’t get to say things like that if she says everything, but doesn’t repeat the “forever” sentiment back to her. She’s too busy dreaming to notice.

Chang-soo confronts his hyung over Ji-yi, though Hyung maintains his innocence that he was only trying to be kind to her. But he throws Hyung off-kilter when he claims he’ll be going on a seon with an important chaebol daughter, and if that doesn’t work out, he’ll set his sights on Yoon-ha again.

He’s only saying this to downplay Ji-yi as a target in his brother’s eyes, and to let his brother know that he’s not out of the game yet. An advantageous marriage would make him a serious contender against Hyung, and he needs him to keep on thinking that.

But his hyung can’t help but wonder how both he and Joon-ki ended up dating part-timers, which comes as a shock to Chang-soo, who’s just realized Joon-ki and Yoon-ha have been dating behind his back. Luckily Hyung doesn’t know who Yoon-ha really is.

Now that Chang-soo knows the truth, he calls Joon-ki out for a chat… but doesn’t reveal that he knows. Instead, he pretends like he just wanted his friend’s advice on how to play a trick on his brother, and spends the whole time studying Joon-ki intently.

As they prepare to part, Chang-soo can’t help but ask, “Don’t you have anything to say to me?” Joon-ki doesn’t, and doesn’t seem to catch onto Chang-soo’s uneasy vibe, either. The ensuing elevator ride is one of silent reflection.

Meanwhile Lady Kim, who looks like she bedazzled the torn remnants of an 80s prom dress, preaches her personal credo to Mama Lee that it’s better to be somebody’s mistress than to be poor.

Mama Lee voices her disagreement with that statement only to herself: “Even though I’m poor, I live watching over and protecting the man I love. I wouldn’t change that to become a rich man’s concubine.”

Madam Min is tired of doing work for her various foundations and would rather anyone else do it, even if that anyone else is Yoon-ha. Turns out that Yoon-ha’s been a member of the board of directors for a while now despite never showing up for a meeting. Because the rest of the board doesn’t like Yoon-ha for that reason, Madam Min appoints her to the spot.

Lady Kim, having butchered a wedding dress this time, hosts Chairman Jang over for lunch before complaining that his wife hit her. Chairman Jang only has patience for her if she wants to sleep with him, and rudely shoves her down when she talks instead.

He calls an end to their relationship since it’s no longer what he wants, sending Lady Kim into fits. She’ll expose him for having a mistress, she screams. Chairman Jang leaves his secretary to give her some advice about softening up her looks and demeanor to get her man back.

While Madam Min goes to Kyung-joon’s former house to cry over the loss of her son, Chang-soo broods over his problems while working out. Mmm. To add to his problems, there’s no way for him to get out of the seon planned for that day.

Yoon-ha has her meeting with her father, and notes that this is the first time she’s been in his office since college. He matter-of-factly tells her she’ll be starting work in the company next week, and she matter-of-factly thanks him for caring for her until now but she’ll be moving out.

Her father seems amused by the very idea and dares her to do it, though he reminds her that all support will be cut off. But Chairman Jang wonders if she’s taken into account that she’ll also lose everything she’s received until now.

Yoon-ha blinks, her expression hardening. She tells her father that she accounted for everything, but feels that she deserves to keep what she’s already received (a resort being among them) as restitution for the psychological damage she’s sustained from living as his daughter. Somewhere, a moderately small violin is playing.

“I didn’t come home yesterday. Did you know that?” she asks. He clearly didn’t. She also mentions that she has a man she loves now, and that she doesn’t want him involved with her family—though I’m fairly sure that she could’ve achieved that goal by not mentioning him at all.

Chang-soo spends all of two seconds telling his arranged date he’s not interested, while Yoon-ha lets herself into Joon-ki’s home to find his mother inside. Mama Lee remembers her from their food market encounters, and is friendly to the girl her son is dating.

Yoon-ha refers to Mama Lee as “mother” and insists on cleaning up the dirty dishes she left behind. Mama Lee praises her for her beautiful smile, which prompts the younger girl to invite her prospective in-law out for a meal.

News breaks about Yoon-ha’s part-time job, but Chairman Jang’s secretary sees an opportunity to twist the story to better the company image. Still, Chairman Jang wants to know who released the article and who Yoon-ha’s dating. Wonder if/when he’ll find out they’re one and the same.

Chang-soo picks Ji-yi up for a date as her reward for putting up with his brother, telling her they can go anywhere she wants to go. “Let’s go to an amusement park!” she giggles, but Chang-soo’s face falls. He doesn’t want to do something so childish.

Cut to: The two of them doing something so childish. Awww. Ji-yi is the picture of giddiness next to his side, and Chang-soo the reluctant boyfriend who’s too cool for school but a pushover when it comes to his girl. He doesn’t want to wear matching headbands? No problem.

Cut to: The two of them wearing matching headbands. Haha. He doesn’t want to take a picture wearing them, but Ji-yi need only pout to get him smiling for the camera. The cute. It’s too much.

When posting the picture, Ji-yi finds social media ablaze with pictures of Yoon-ha accompanying her news article. It’s with dawning horror that she realizes Yoon-ha was telling the truth about being a daughter of Taejin Group. Chang-soo doesn’t help when he’s all, “Duh! You didn’t know that?”

She’s affronted that he knew and didn’t tell her, moreso because he went on a seon with her. She wonders how they don’t feel anything for each other when they went on a blind date, but Chang-soo’s quick to bring up that she used to like Joon-ki, too. “I helped Yoon-ha date him!” she says in her defense.

While Chang-soo’s curious about that (since he only just found out Yoon-ha and Joon-ki were dating), he tries explaining to Ji-yi that blind dates mean nothing. He even went on one right before their real date, and asks sincerely, “Do you want to be a woman I go on a blind date with or a woman in front of me right now?”

I think he thinks he’s saying all the right things, and to his credit he is trying, but Ji-yi’s too worked up to listen. He stresses that he agreed to do everything she wanted to do in order to make her feel better, but she refuses to spend another minute with him or even accept a ride from him.

Joon-ki comes out to the restaurant where Mama Lee and Yoon-ha are already having a grand old time, and his mother makes no secret of the fact that she knows Yoon-ha slept over last night even though Yoon-ha claimed nothing happened between them.

What initially seems like an interrogation by Mama Lee turns into a joke played by both her and Yoon-ha on her son, effectively breaking the tension with laughs all around. But they’re interrupted when Joon-ki gets a call from Chang-soo, who in no uncertain terms commands Joon-ki to come to the bar he’s at.

Chang-soo’s already been drinking his woes away by the time Joon-ki arrives, and he tells his friend forthright, “I trust you. Do you trust me?” He seems to be solemnly expecting the silent response Joon-ki gives him, and notes that Joon-ki’s never once said he liked him.

Joon-ki tries to cover by saying that guys don’t need to say things like that to each other, but Chang-soo sees only two reasons why he wouldn’t speak his feelings aloud—either Joon-ki really doesn’t like him or he doesn’t like him, but still wants him around.

Joon-ki doesn’t know what to say and drinks instead, until he hears a distinctly feminine voice call his name. It’s Yoon-ha. “Why are you here?” they both ask each other.

“I called her,” Chang-soo says. Joon-ki seems to have figured out that Chang-soo put two and two together, while Yoon-ha just looks confused.


C’mon, Joon-ki. Are we supposed to believe that he’d go to such great lengths to manipulate people into thinking he likes them but can’t bring himself to lie through direct statements? He can’t be in this self-created game to win if he’s unable or unwilling to lie straight to Chang-soo’s face. And if he really can’t do that, then he at least needs to be able to get himself out of a scrap like this. I’d say he should’ve seen this coming and prepared for it considering how small their world is, but baby steps. Baby steps.

As much as I’d like to put Chang-soo in protective casing so that nothing will ever hurt him (ever), I’m glad that he’s started to doubt his best friend’s intentions even a little. I felt sorry for him before and still do, but now I want him to find out the whole truth and take Joon-ki to task for it. We seem to be seeing the beginnings of that here, with Chang-soo giving Joon-ki every opportunity to come clean on his own before resorting to outing him. It was a sad moment of realization for Chang-soo, especially since he’d been caught so unaware by the idea that Joon-ki could keep any secrets from him at all. Poor guy.

We’re still in the exact same place with Joon-ki emotionally, which is to say the starting point, and while I accept that as part of his design I keep hoping we’ll see a glimmer of something more. Last episode’s “Your reality is my dream” speech is the closest we’ve come yet to deciphering his underlying motivations, but it doesn’t give us much of a new lens to view his actions through. He wants wealth and will do anything to get it—well, almost anything.

Which brings to question his interactions with Yoon-ha, though we have no real way to tell how much real emotion he’s invested in his fake relationship, if he’s invested any at all. There’s a lot more telling as opposed to showing when it comes to them, because we’re constantly being told how much Yoon-ha likes him, misses him, can’t live without him, and wants to be with him forever. Yet I feel curiously unmoved whenever Yoon-ha professes her love, and not just because Joon-ki likely doesn’t feel the same way. After all, one-sided crushes are as much the lifeblood of romantic fiction as any reciprocal relationship.

It’s just Yoon-ha I don’t quite buy, even though all the pieces are there. Why we should feel sorry for her has been well established by now, but why we should root for her hasn’t. I want to see Ji-yi prevail in love and life because her heart practically dragged her kicking and screaming into a relationship she knows probably won’t end well for her. Because she’s making it a point to enjoy every little moment of happiness with Chang-soo not knowing when the end will come.

What can I say, it’s easier to follow along with characters being developed in the here and now as opposed to parsing out who deserves what based on the kind of checkered past they endured. At least in Yoon-ha’s world, pain can be quantified and addressed to the tune of dolla dolla bills and a few resort properties. I’m sure we can all relate.


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This episode though, I was clenching my heart at the end.


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I really want everything to work for all the characters. I like the two pairings for different reasons. I think they have different appeals and both of them are endearing in their own way. I hope Ji-yi and Yoon-ha work things out as soon as possible because they're going to need each other when all the problems with their men start. Ji-yi got the tip of the iceberg but because she's strong she was able to pull herself together. But, Yoon-ha will come crashing like a house of cards when she finds out Joon-gi is just using her.


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Hello Ek Ladhki Thi!

I agree with your comment. I too like both couples, and I find them to have different appeals. I agree with you about YH's possible reaction to finding out that JK was only interested (or primarily interested) in using her. I do hope however that she will get back up, fight (professionally, and maybe clean her father's company), and make JK get on his knees (both literally and figuratively), if she is to take him back. I want him to earn her love for him, and for him to fall deeeeeeeeeply in love with her. And yes, YH and YJ should make up, quickly. They will need each other, for sure.

I do like how JK has been written though. I love that he is not not unaware of how sincere YH is. I want him to have shades of gray.

Also I responded to your comment in ep.5, FYI. I haven't checked those comments back, in case you responded back as well (just so you know).


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"I love that he is not not unaware of how sincere YH is."


That totally sums up the appeal of his character for me. With CS there is a lot of history and douchiness to balance out the CS's sweeter feelings that probably makes it easier to use him (didn't CS have to remember to call him a friend instead of loyal servant a few episodes back? Problem I tots have when talking with my friends too...).

But except for the initial lie, she has been so open and sincere and childlike in her feelings for him. The depths of her innocence does seem to make him uncomfortable. Combine that with how she constantly surprises him with behavior he doesn't expect from a rich person (he totally expected to have to hurry back to make princess some breakfast after her call only to find her setting out a yummy meal she made for them), that I think, if those momentary flickers of emotion we see every now and then are anything to go by, he's feeling unexpectedly guilty for what he's doing.


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I see it too and I like it. He isn´t a black-and-white person like so many k-drama characters.


Also, I loved YH's line (to her dad) about "No, I have done the calculations as well. Considering all the stress and pain I have experienced being your daughter, I deserve to keep those things that are mine." And then she stood up, bowed and left. I am not sure what will happen next week, but I loved that scene.


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Oh, I just replied to your comment below.

There were two Yoon-ha scenes I went "Oh Snap!" in this episode, the one you mentioned and her threatening to destroy Chang-soo if he hurt her best friend. It reminded me of that scene in Heirs when Tan told Young-do that he could destroy him if he hurt Eun-sang. I cheered a lot during those scenes. It made me appreciate the girls' friendship more.


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Hey, I just saw your comment below, thank you for that! I am having problems with my computer, so I can't post as quickly as I wish to :-(
I have more to say about this ep., and I have some questions as well. I will have to post them later, as I need to go now :-( I hope you will continue to visit the page, until the next recap is posted (next week :-) ).


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I loved taht scene too! its a great reminder of the inner steel yoon ha has. her dad tried to pull the same shit he did on her mom but she held her ground with a very cool head.
there's no way that's the last of it but if he tries to follow through on his statements she'll likely fight tooth and nail. yoon ha is naive but she's also VERY stubborn. (guess she takes after papa a little too haha). I can even see her being the type that the more you try to push her into a direction she doesnt want to go the MORE she'll dig her heels in. That depends though. We havent seen enough of YH outside of her misguided love for JK.
I dont doubt she has the capacity to be a force to be reckoned with. but right now she is lacking in support/back up and her One True Love right now is a total user. She's def in for a world shattering revelation when she finds out he's full of lies. it'll be interesting to see how both her and CS react to the realization he dgaf about them. (I think thats less true in YH's case, tho he obv doesnt love her, but i dont think he dislikes her as opposed to CS whom he p obv dislikes haha)


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True that!


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The dad's expression after that comment was cool. He started to notice his daughter's strengths ie the fact that she can negotiate and best of all, that she could stand up to HIM without quivering. Those are the attributes he respects, hence the reason he didn't argue and had that look that kinda said "hmmmm, interesting". He's probably calculating how he can use that to his benefit. It was a Daebak scene.


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Nailed it.


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Hi Ek Ladhki Thi,

How are you? I just wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten about coming back to comment some more. It is just that it is my birthday today, and so I have had to respond to emails and FB messages, as well as talking to people on the phone, and some of those calls were international calls. I have not had the time to come back here and focus on my answers. I know what I want to say, it's just sitting down and writing them.

So I will be back to write during the weekend. I hope that you will see this message :-)


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Happy happy birthday. Have a great day. I'm planning on re-watching the episode again to see if I missed anything. Looking forward to your questions.


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Hello Ek, (sorry, I can't remember your whole screen name by heart, so I can type the whole thing when I am writing. I'm currently using my phone, which I have never done before).
I wrote a message earlier (#41), which I was trying to post here, but I clearly failed :-( I have to go have dinner now, so I'll try to be back here later. Sorry for the wait, it's just been so busy. Thank you for understanding.


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Is anyone else finding Uee's new lisp distracting? Anywhoo, the secondary couple is still cuter than the main couple. Ji-yi and Chang-soo are <3


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Then again, the female lead in "Warm Word" had a much more pronounced lisp. Maybe the production team has a lisp fetish ...


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Maybe because I don't remember Uee having such a pronounced lisp from her earlier works


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It' barely noticeable, I think. Gu hye sun has a stronger lisp.


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No one takes the cake like Kwon Sang-woo though, I can only be understand him 50% of the time.


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I noticed Uee's lisp, and it doesn't bother or distract me. And I agree with Jenny, GHS has a lisp that is noticeable as well. I don't mind it though... I guess that is just how they talk.


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I think UEE has improved so much since Ojakyo. There were scenes in that drama where her eyes almost jumped out of their sockets.


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I don't know if this makes me a bad person but I want to see Chang Soo's tears.

I know all the four leads have their flaws but Joon Ki is the only one whom I haven't warmed up to. Everyone else gets something to do on their own, he just gets a meeting with a reporter.


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Same, i would love to see CS expressing his distraught through tears. It'll show him to be human, all chaebols are. And along with those tears, i hope he has a change of heart and mindset about the possibility of having a future with JY.


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They are holding back on JK almost too much at this point. Its hard to connect with him as a result. I still have faith in the writers though.

I am dying to see Chan Soo break down tbh. I don't think it makes us bad people! but like he's been playing it so cool, even if he's hurt by something he reacts by being petty and spiteful or shrugging it off. what i want is to see him truly vulnerable and undone. and then i want to see him really WORK to achieve something that matters to him for more than just his pride. Like his ish with his brother, his wealth, even JK all speaks of someone who has had an easy ride his whole life. and even tho he's clearly smitten with Ji Yi i still dont believe he'd walk thru fire for her or go to the mat on her behalf. like to the point it would cause him pain. like it didnt even occur to him to carry her bags in the previous ep (idt he refused on purpose he clearly never learned true consideration/thoughtfulness for others) and with JK his same casual callousness and total carelessness is what caused a gap between them. ofc JK not wanting to lose out on his payday and thus choosing to ignore it rather than address it didnt help. It's clear CS has never been called out for shit in his whole life. certainly not by anyone who he has respect for or had influence over him. So yeah i wanna see CS sweat. he clearly thinks he's hot shit afterall.
Yes YH is naive and deluded but CS is also naive and deluded in a different way. they both need hella wake up calls.


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Hmmm yassss at CS suffering. He's undeserving of everything right now, it would do him good to eat some humble pie.


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JiYi And Chang Soo Are Soo CutE!!


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Is it a given that idol actors don't know how to kiss?


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I'm convinced they fake it to keep deranged netizens from pointing to "evidence" of them being anything other than shocked & overwhelmed by physical contact and destroying their lives and careers.
I used to think it was a joke when fandoms (I actually thought that was joke, too) cried about being betrayed by their idols for being in relationships.


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Lee Ji Yi also has her motive IMHO...I think she always knew that Yoon Ha is a heiress...2 years of friendship...c'mon...she even tried to look for Yoon Ha's underwear brand because they look expensive...any girl can tell if something is expensive...

Someone commented on disqus how when she came to know that Joon KI is poor and Chang Soo is rich, she changed her preference and also in this episode she makes Yoon Ha aware about how she she scarified her love for Joon Ki and that Yoona Ha should be grateful...

I liked her in the first 2 episodes but now I find her irritating... I think the way the writer wrote her dialogues and the way she says "de" while nodding her head is irritating, my quirks. Sorry.

It would be interesting if the couples exchange by the end of the drama...


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First of all, she didn't change her preference when she found out that Changsoo was a chaebol. She didn't care for him much but he kept chasing after her. Also, Ji Yi gave up on Joon Ki b/c she realized that he liked Yoon Ha & she liked him back. She just wanted her friend to be happy.

"she makes Yoon Ha aware about how she she scarified her love for Joon Ki and that Yoona Ha should be grateful…"

This scene, Ji Yi just wanted her best friend to support her relationship just like she did for her. What's wrong with that?


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Good points.


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totally agree


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Changsoo still going on marriage dates, but people calling Ji Yi a gold-digger?
It's still weird how differently people see the same thing. It's cool for a dude to try to marry up. It's cool for a dude to date "down." It's cool for a dude to step aside so his friend can get the girl. But when a woman does any of those things, she's still somehow a conniving-tramp.

I swear KDrama/Pop (and Bollywood) fans thoughts on women have me defending actresses and characters I don't even like.


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Bravo! (standing)


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I think the show's made it pretty clear most of what you said is wrong. It'd be interesting if it were true,but if it were it'd fly in the face of what the show's been doing for the past 6 episodes.
Ji Yi didn't know about Yoon Ha, that's how the show is setting it up. She gave up on Joon Ki because he liked Yoon Ha (supposedly) and Yoon Ha liked her back. That's what the show set up.
Feel free to not like a character, but don't go making up reasons from nothing for it. It's okay to just be put off by little acting quirks (the head nodding).


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Great recap, HeadsNo2. I love your postscriptum comments:

“People like you who grew up with good parents wouldn’t understand,” she adds. How about people who grew up at all?

She tells her father that she accounted for everything, but feels that she deserves to keep what she’s already received (a resort being among them) as restitution for the psychological damage she’s sustained from living as his daughter. Somewhere, a moderately small violin is playing.

Seriously, that's just brilliant.


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Agree! I enjoyed Heads' recap more than the episode. I think that's the upside of bad drama writing -- the potential for more snark.

I watched with incomplete subs and thought my confusion with Yoonha's motives for her actions was due to that, but apparently Heads was just as confused, so I'm happy. (Or did we both miss something about why she's quitting her job?)


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I don't really get how is she wrong. :) All crazy abusive parents should have resorts to distribute.


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I want a tiny pool, at least.


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Personally I've never understood in these shows why people would give up anything that was given to them. I think they all should be like, "Hey, you gave me that resort! The titles in my name. Guess you shouldn't have done that for tax purposes or whatever you borrowed my name for. I didn't sign a contract of fealty in exchange for it, you gave it to me. Cant take a gift back. And hey, speaking of gifts you can't take back my sweet sixteen birthday cash because I'm now an adult who wants to make my own choices! Nor can you take the money I've been earning this whole time! Money in my bank account is mine, even if it allowance from 2 years ago!"
That last esp bothers me for people who have been working on the family business. Seriously, do they not get a salary?


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Even rich people can have emotionally abusive families. And it serves the parents right if their tax shelter schemes are now used against them.

Of course, family is about more than money. But if someone's suffering enough they decide to cut ties with their family, do we expect to pay back their family for every piece of clothing and every bite of food? No.

I can't understand what it's like to be rich, but I can understand what it's like to feel emotionally damaged. I sympathize with the girl and if I were her, I'd take the damn resort.


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Honestly, this show is a bit too ridiculous. We're not given a lot of information about Joon-ki (aside from his absolute "need" to have money) but I'm even more unfamiliar with Yoon-ha. None of her actions or words make any sense (What exactly are her goals? Where is the story even heading?) that I find myself rolling my eyes at nearly everything she does. This show could've been great (the concept seemed good enough and I do love the second leads) but by the looks of it, it's a mess and I don't plan on sticking around.


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The writing has been rather messy, especially for the first lead pairing. The writer uses a relationship-driven approach, as opposed to character- or plot-driven approaches. As an audience, we are supposed to understand the characters through their relationship encounters.
That can work very well when you have actors who can work with very little explicit character setup, but it is a huge hurdle for actors with rather limited expressiveness.


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Yeah like Sung Joon. His acting isn't cutting it for me in this drama. Tbh I don’t really know how he feels about Yoon ha other than he likes that she gets along with his mom, and she constantly surprises him by being interested in domestic stuff or stuff that "poor" people like. But if he's supposed to keep us interested by being mysterious, it's having the opposite effect. I feel like yelling at him: "throw us a bone here, you're the lead. MAKE me care about you damn it!" If it weren't for Chang Soo and Ji Yi I'd be out the door.

The relationship between Yoon ha and Joon ki is dysfunctional at best, with Yoon ha using Joon ki as a substitute for her missing affection from her family; and Joon ki using her as a potential meal ticket when the friendship between him and Chang Soo goes south. He had to know what would happen if he displeased his friend or made Chang Soo lose faith in him. Being the calculative, manipulative person he is, he would have come up with a backup plan when his friend chucks him to the curb. And I believe that the backup plan is Yoon ha. That's why he didn't bother lying to Chang Soo that he likes him.

As for Yoon ha, she doesn't really KNOW him. She's in love with the image in her head of what a boyfriend should be. That's why their relationship seems so fake, it's not built on any genuine emotions on either side. Unlike Chang Soo - Ji Yi, who see each other for what they are and like each other regardless.

It's funny that when Ji Yi was saying she ended up with a bad man and Yoon ha with the good one, the opposite was actually true. I don't know what Joon ki wants to gain by outing Yoon ha to the press. Maybe an audience with her dad after catching his attention? I do know that he and Yoon ha want different things, and she'll be hurt when she finds out he sold her to the press. Might be her wake up call not to trust people too easily.


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Yoon-ha comes off very naive and a bit of a whiner with no sense of how harsh the real world is.


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I don't think she needs to have a strong "goal" per se. That's sort of what her character is like, just knowing she wants to be out of her house and out of the influence of her family. She even said her interest in cosmetics just kind of came about, not because of a special talent or strong interest in it.


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I do agree, that the writing is rather messy, but I like the drama so far, it has some unique elements which keep me coming back and enjoying it...

I love all the characters,since all of them seem quite real with some good/bad sides. As you've pointed out their actions are quite hard to understand, especially the main leads, but I like it in a way ;D The second leads are adorable, but they progress at a normal pace for a kdrama with rather cliche setups and longer screen time as a COUPLE , we have seen all of this before, what makes it so admirable is the natural delivery of the actors, I have to give credits to PHS, his acting is really good!

As for the characters:

Yoon-ha - I love Uee's acting, and TBH I haven't noticed her new lisp... can someone point out a specific scene please?
I like how diverse her character is- she is definitively intelligent and self-aware person, but as a women I do buy her naiveness, because I think in her head she had set up a plan to merry the guy who loves her as a part timer with nothing, move out and live in a healthy environment - and here comes Jin-Ki,who passed the test by showing interest in her,without knowing her background, he is good looking , smart, with nice family - a full package, and he seems all ok with it after she informed him that she has no interest in her family's wealth, that's why she trusts him unconditionally.
Plus, now after loosing her beloved oppa, who could teach her a thing or two about relationships, she only has Jin-Ki,the perfect person she has been looking for all her life and DECIDED to love, and there is no one she looks forward seeing at home anymore, nothing is holding her back and according to her now is the perfect time to start realizing her plan..
I really think they both decided to love each other... Jin Ki did it on purpose, for the reasons we are all aware, Yoon Ha decided it without realizing ... but she is using him as well, to escape from her reality... in this episode she confessed that if she decides to do something she does it right away and she can't wait even a minute, and if you think about it she is the one who confessed her feelings first, she decided to stay in his place , she told him that she wants to be with him forever ... she doesn't wait for him (or THEM) to develop feelings ... And I am very much looking forward that through the drama she will grow and learn, that you can't decide and control everything... The same for Jin Ki, I hate that he has no proper introduction as a character, but I think that they are ideal for each other because both want what the other has and don't realize that human's are very weak when it comes to love ... all plans and calculation fall apart when you get attached to someone and develop feelings ... I am looking forward for them to really fell hard for each other through this planned and rather forced relationship.

I like Ji-Yi overall, but it is strange that everyone is questioning how Yoon...


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I like Ji-Yi overall, but it is strange that everyone is questioning how Yoon -Ha fell for Jin-Ki so fast but no one is questioning how fast she fell for Chang Soo, considering the fact that she was supposedly in love with Jin Ki. Given the fact that everyone has some dark character traits in this drama, I don't mind her being little dark either.

Chang Soo- is such a refreshing character, I find him really adorable and I liked when we were shown how bossy he gets around Jin-Gi at times .. This at least explains why Jin Gi could have developed negative feelings for him.

What keep me coming back for this drama are the following:
-I love that Yoon-ha's goal is not trying to live a poor life ... she appreciates the fact that she is rich, she uses all her means and power (the way she threatened chang-soo, or called Oppa to punish people who hurt her ) - she simply wants to change her environment to the better while finding a true love and she is determined to make her goals come true. She is not a fake noble idiot who works part time because she wants to live a simple hard lifestyle ... Come to think of it the girl quit her job right after she found her man :D

-The bromance/sisterhood/ friendship-after so many 2 men-1 girl setups, this is such a nice change. Ji-Yi and Yoon-Ha are really good friends and I am sure they will get over the misunderstandings, and deep down I think Jin-Ki loves Chang Soo as well. His resentment is just the gathered unsaid emotions he had to keep inside of him... As soon as he gets it out of his chest, he will realize how much Chang -Soo really means to him... As you don't understand how dear a person is to you until you are at the risk to lose them.
Also, I think Yoon-Ha and Chang Soo will be really good friends as well. They seem to understand each other in special way since their backgrounds are similar ...
- I like that all the characters are imperfect... I really appreciate that they show so much diversity .. In kdrmas we usually get either perfect people or really evil ones ... This is quite new and I am just hoping the writer will give us more answers ... I would love to know what happened in the past that made Joon-Ha's mom so biased towards her son, why Yoon Ha believes that everyone she loves disappear, why Jin Ki starves for power so much, What wrongdoings has Chang Soo done towards him ...)

Oh boy, this became became way too long :D


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JiYi was not in love with JoonKi. She was only "in crush". It's not that difficult to go from a one sided crush to an "infatuation" when someone is actively pursuing you. I really don't think she's in love with ChangSoo either. She likes him enough to flirt and play and he likes her enough to give into her but they're not willing to go through hell or high water to be with each other which makes it not love.


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Not yet anyway. ;)


True... I have to agree, I guess I was just too focused on finding something negative in her character... :)


I love your post :-)) I am sailing the same boat. I also find all the characters interesting because they display all shades of grey. Jin Ki loves his parents and isn´t ashamed of them and their social status he just doesn´t want to stay there, he wants to live better, more carefree life just like all of us. He isn´t reay the bad guy. I also don´t think he dislikes Chang Soo per se. And Chang Soo isn´t some perfect puppy either, he´s spoiled and treats people around him according to their social status, including Jin Ki and to some extend Ji-Yi as well.

The drama shows that no matter how rich or poor you´re you cannot buy true love or true frienship. Something all of them will learn.


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I loved Warm Words and I also liked this drama. The writer never gives us a black and white character. Instead we have very human character that's simply has multiple goals and multiple morals issues.


Thanks ;) I love how you brought real arguments about Jin Ki's character ... I totally agree. He seems like a really good son and also he was nice enough to warn Chnag Soo not to mess with Ji-Yi and asked her opinion about promotion before doing anything. That shows that he is a nice guy, trying to be a douchebag :D
Also one thing I wanted to ask you, I saw a lot of people were confused why Yoon-Ha suddenly quit her job. May be I am weird, but it made total sense to me... She worked as part timer, because she wanted to find true love and also she she got to spend time with Ji Yi... Now after she has found the perfect guy and has actually decided to move out from home, it is quite reasonable to quit that job and look for something stable, like opening her own business as she has both money(for investment) and skills to be successful... Looking for a guy who will love her for who she is , doesn't necessarily mean that they have to leave a poor life as she is highly aware that it will be difficult for her to adjust to such a drastic change and eventually it will hurt the relationship ... I think that's quite smart of her *shrugs*


Abou Yoon-Ha. I never saw her as someone who wanted to have a poor life. She said herself she wanted to have a simple nice life but it doesn´t mean being poor. She just doesn´t want to have all that drama her family has because of money. A rich family can lead a simple life, loving each other, supporting each other, spending time together, and those qualities don´t run in her family. And I think that´s what she is talking about. Plus she wanted to find a guy who would love her for who she is and she did find him. In her eyes Jin-Ki is that guy. We know he knew all along she´s a rich kid but she believes she was the one who told him her secret. She doesn´t need to pretend anything anymore. She said herself she wanted to run her own business so why she would stay in her job. It´s not like she needs money.


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I always said Sung Joon could generate chemistry with a rock. Seems he's found his rock.


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LOL! So mean... hahahahahahahaaaa


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lmao way harsh, tai


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When the teasers for High Society came out I was pretty stoked with the chemistry between UEE and Sung Joon and I'm not even a fan of Sung Joon. All the dramas I've seen with him, he's been rather lackluster imo. It's kind of a shame as to how much more invested I am in our secondary couple now that the drama is actually out.

I think it really has more to do with the way our characters are written then the acting though (although it probably has a BIT to do with our actors). With Ji Yi and Chang Soo, their characters are kind of an open book and there's something so pure and heartwarming about the way they act towards each other and I can already see it developing into much more.

With Yoon Ha and Joon-Ki though, there's something lacking about them as individual characters and as a "couple". There's still so much about Joon-Ki that we really don't know and I'm unsure if it has to do with the writers or the fact that Sung Joon isn't connecting with me on a deeper level or what but I just can't see myself rooting for this main couple. Then there's Yoon Ha who is kind of a walking contradiction and while I want to root her there's a part of me that is kind of already tired of her character's actions.

When I watch dramas, almost always by default I root for the lead couple but what really makes me want to see their success and happy ending is the story, the path of trials that leads them to become better people and to somehow become better together. As of now even though we haven't seen THAT much of the storyline, I can definitely see myself invested in the path that will lead Ji Yi and Chang Soo together. I can only hope Yoon Ha/Joon-Ki's individual and couple storylines pick up fast before I completely lose interest. (APOLOGIES FOR THE LONG COMMENT)


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well JK isnt really in love (We hardly know what he thinks of YH in fact) and YH is very naively and childishly in love (her very first love) not surprised its not resonating with people. so the secondary couple is doing the heavy lifting atm. but their romance has its own issues even before the chaebol dramaz hits the fan. what remains to be seen is what yh/jk will be like when the truth comes out and the gloves are finally off. so long as the writers can deliver on THAT, im withholding my full judgement.


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Hyung shik abs? Keke. He is indeed a chaebol in real life. So, he nailed his character well.


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He is not chaebol in real life but a rich man's son and also rich himself since he is working and earning his own money. Chaebols are family run conglomerate like Samsung.


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I'm almost wishing that Joonki gets away with his manipulation and deceit only because Yoonha irritates me and I feel like she needs to wake up already. However I also do not want that to happen because of Changsoo and Jiyi who are connected to these other people and care about them..even if it is one sided.. Man I really dislike the leads and it kind of saddens me..also the family is so efing annoying I just skip their parts..I really want to like it but its not working for me...just give me Changsoo&Jiyi please.


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I like Ji Yi and Chan-soon very much, really enjoy the time they are on air, I feel like they are the main couple or at least I wish them to be. Yoon Ha and Ki Joon I don´t get and I don´t feel like a couple, perhaps because they are not one?. I don´t know why I feel like Yoon Ha is going to give us a big surprise, like she isn´t so naive like we think. Oh well just enjoy watching the drama.
But despite everything I love this drama. Thank you very much for your recaps. <3


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After the make-over sequence last time, I literally and physically cringed when the "amusement park" was mentioned.
I was pleasantly surprised when the following scene was a rather committed Gilligan Cut sequence, concluded with a rather spot-on deconstruction of the "compatibility" of the second lead couple.


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Tell me more, Jon! I love reading your thoughts.


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Am sorry but Changsoo is just as bad, I can totally understand why Joon Ki would be bitter. The way one minute hes all I love you, ur my best friend blah blah then the next he's pulling rank on JK even when outside of work-not cool. Esp thd final bit when he pretty much commanded JK to come or else...thats not what friends do! So yeahs they are both messed up but I aint feeling sorry for either one of them!


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I think ChangSoo treats him like a servant, an employee under him whose company he says he enjoys because he has no real friends. If I had to choose one, I'd pick JoonKi as the more trustworthy person - again, if I had to pick.


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Amen to that..

Sure he & Ji yi are cute but he kinda pisses me off with his chaebol attitude


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Basically how I feel on it. Like I get that Chang Soo just grew up like that so he might not understand just how shitty he's been treating Joon ki at times...but that doesn't make it okay. And with Joon Ki we just have nothing on him except he wants to get to the top so I don't actually care about him at all, how am I supposed to feel sorry for him?


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YEP. like JK is no angel but lol at feeling bad for CS cuz JK is "deceiving" him. no he is deceiving himself if he thinks any human being with self respect would take how he treats them and still see CS as a friend. like bitch please. yeah a big part of it is obv how CS was raised and no one ever teaching him any better but I cant really waste tears on CS over it. with JK i cant feel bad for him cause i have no idea what he's so determined to get rich for. Like you can make good money and live well without marrying into a chaebol family. like why on earth does JK think that's a worthy goal? I get hating being poor but cmon there is a middle ground between abject poverty and overwhelming amounts of wealth.

tbh i only feel bad for the girls at this poin, who both clearly have a world of hardship coming their way soon.


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I find it interesting that though YH kept (for a while) her secret identity from YJ, she doesn't treat YJ the way CS treats JK. She doesn't seem to look down on her, is what I mean...


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Well she hasn't done as much for Ji Yi as Chang Soo has done for Joon ki. Chang-soo paid Joon ki's security deposit on his flat/apartment. Which is a huge deal in Korea with the soaring costs of real estate. A security deposit is two or three years' worth of rent. I understand that very few workers are able to afford it on their own, most will work for several years just to be able to afford this deposit, and many put off marriage because they can't afford to get their own place. For Chang Soo to do this for his friend, makes their relationship quite uneven. Not only that, but he bought Joon ki a car, and I'm guessing it's a new car. So with so much financial investment in his friend, it's no wonder why he treats him that way at times.

Joon ki wants to accept the financial benefits from having a rich friend, but not the obligations that come with it, that is, bring treated as a dependent from time to time, which is a totally unrealistic expectation.

In the case of Yoon ha and Ji Yi, their friendship is on equal footing. They are both working girls (in Ji Yi's mind, at least) so there's no reason for Yoon ha to treat her like a chaebol would.


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Did ChangSoo really buy JoonKi a car? I thought that was only mom talking shit 'cause ChangSoo only admitted to the deposit (which I assume was a loan since it's out of character for JoonKi is accept such a big sum of money from someone he like-dislikes).

Also, lending your friend money because you wanna help is not the same as lending your friend money and expecting him to become servile. The first one is being a good friend. The second one is being a jerk, not a friend. And if the money is to be returned, JoonKi is not a dependent. (Plus dependent =/= servant)

But that's why they always say to never start money issues between friends.


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@Peeps he didn't deny he had bought Joon ki a car which I took as confirmation that he actually did. Also, there was no mention of it being a loan so I am assuming that Chang Soo being the generous person he is, merely gave Joon ki the money without thinking twice about it. Unfortunately such generosity doesn't come without strings. In Chang-soo’s mind he sees Joon ki as a subordinate though a confidant and treats him as such. But Joon ki's pride won't allow that and he resents his friend. But because he is a benefactor of Chang soo's largesse, he isn't free to say how he truly feels. He is also somewhat loyal to Chang Soo because he won't side with the brother against him.


That's a good point that Chang-Soo's financial help takes away the equal footing, but I wouldn't pin that only on JK for accepting it.

I wonder if one of JK's bigger resentments toward CS isn't only that he's rich, but that he wants everything from JK. He wants him as his best friend, and also as his manservant. They did a really good job of establishing that in little moments earlier--especially the scene a couple epis back when they're joking around, and in the midst of it CS is offended and storms out of JK's apartment. He takes the privilege of treating JK as a friend, and also as a servant, and switches between the roles without batting an eye.

Whatever CS says about friends, he clearly draws a line between himself and JK--but it's only one way. CS is free to treat JK in whatever role he likes, but JK has limits that CS imposes himself, and kind of unexpectedly at that. On top of all of it, CS keeps calling it friendship. It's kind of a slap in the face, and JK's resentment is totally understandable in that way.

But I do think that's a really interesting dynamic, and a good flaw of CS's. I think he draws a similar line with JY, though he's obviously kinder to her, and much more willing to smudge the line, probably. But I do think it's there. He says frankly enough that their stations are different, and he even looks down on her a bit. Honestly, by a large part of his actions, he could be well set to be the bad sort of rich guy--like the kind with the mistress or the ones who leave their true love for better prospects.

I hope the writers don't under-develop that part of his character--it makes him interesting and it's good dimension! Plus it'd be so satisfying to see JY point out his hypocrisy and then pay him back for it. I mean JK definitely has the most blatant faults here, but CS could certainly use a fall too. (Also JY is equally as frank as CS about money,

That all said, I really like CS, and the JY-CS scenes really are keeping me coming back for more, but I do agree that he's more than a bit of a tool.


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I have only watched 5 episodes so far. Can someone at Dramabeans do a running tally on the fan-service shower scenes for this drama? There seems to be a lot of them. lol j/k


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We've got the cleanest leads in K-drama history here. XD


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Two comments about this episode:

1) why should it bother ChangSoo so much that JunKi is dating YoonAh? To ChangSoo, JunKi doesn't know YoonAh's real identity. So it should be to him just his friend dating someone he understands to be a part-time employee. Because of this, it shouldn't be seen as deceiving or anything serious enough for ChangSoo to get angry and drunk about. It doesn't make real sense.

2) also, I think the older sister getting the divorce and moving back home to "be with" her dear parents is all part of her grand scheme to get more influence of the family company. Loving daughter, my foot. She's so scheming she's even given up custody of her kids to her husband.


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<1) why should it bother ChangSoo so much that JunKi is dating YoonAh? To ChangSoo, JunKi doesn’t know YoonAh’s real identity. So it should be to him just his friend dating someone he understands to be a part-time employee. Because of this, it shouldn’t be seen as deceiving or anything serious enough for ChangSoo to get angry and drunk about. It doesn’t make real sense

Changsoo knows that Jun-ki knows Yoon-ha's identity. He asked Jun-ki to find a photo of her before he went on the blind date in the first episode.

I can't vouch for what anyone has in mind in this drama because they don't make much sense to me, but I suppose he could be upset because in his mind he mind not be dating Ji-yi seriously (he's just playing around with a cute toy) and he might be thinking he still needs Yoon-ha as the rich heiress to marry & win against his brother. Or something like that. Who knows!


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I think it's the sense of betrayal. He realized his friend doesn't trust him or confide in him. Period. The same cynicism Yoon-ha had at the beginning is what Chang-soo is experiencing now. AT LAST. What, it never occurred to him until now that he might have been helpful in his poor friend's life?

I suspect Joon-ki will be Dad's man ..replacement for "dead" hyung. And Joon-ki will just love stepping into big bro's place.


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I still think his is unhappy because of JK not because of JK dating YH.

When JK cannot even name a situation where CS may seems ruthless but not really ruthless, CS begins to wonder if JK ever really tries to know him. And then JK intentionally kept his r/s with YH from him which also makes him suspicious. At the end of ep 6, CS said JK never say anything about liking him and gave reasons which suggested that JK never really likes him but he has his agenda for staying by his side.

He is annoyed because he hates being used and he is suspecting JK used him to climb up the social ladder. He said he trusted JK but now he cannot be sure if JK also think of him as a friend.


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Chang-soo knows Joon-ki is aware of Yoon-ha's real identity. Furthermore, in ep 1 Chang-soo talked about how marrying Yoon-ha would benefit him so much, and when Joon-ki picked Chang-soo at the airport, he again talked with his mom about the possibility of Yoon-ha replacing Kyung-joon as the successor of Taejin Group. So if Joon-ki hides the fact that he's dating Yoon-ha, it must mean that he's got something planned behind Chang-soo's back (to Chang-soo, it could mean that Joon-ki would betray him). It's understandable that he's upset.


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I don't think Changsoo is upset about Joonki dating Yoonha, so much as he's upset that his friend didn't tell him he was dating someone at all. I do wonder why Joonki didn't mention it in the car a couple episodes back when Changsoo brought up Yoonha's true identity; it would have been easy to be like "oh, is she? we just started dating, I thought she was a part timer, huh"--but now he likely just looks shady to his friend.


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Re: 1

Yeah, I don't get this part either. As if he thinks (best) friends shouldn't keep ANY between them. Please, everyone has secrets and how is their dating any of his business? Unless he wants to marry YoonHa for her money... which then makes HIM the jerk and the one in the wrong since he's just pissy about JoonKi being on the same level of competition for her attention as he is instead of being below, lile a servant.


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Best or close friends don't need to know everything, but if you are going to make a secret out of who you are in a relationship with, that's just strange. Friends normally hang out with each other, and hanging out will include each other's partners at some point. That's just natural.

I can't think of a good reason why you'd not introduce your partner to your best friend and, indeed, even LIE about whether you're dating unless you've got to hide something.


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But they've just (met and) started dating... and (to JoonKi) it may or may not be a serious thing. Depending on YoonHa's future decision on her familial relationship status, it may just end up as a fling...

Maybe I'm just an extremely private person but I don't see why you gotta share your uncertain relationships, best friend or not.


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Yes, they've just started dating. But the situation obviously isn't just as simple as that as it isn't some random person that CS has never met or has no connection with but someone that CS was potentially going to marry and might still marry. JK is well aware of all this and it's not surprising that CS is upset – which may be a) because he feels affronted as a friend (his expectation of the friendship being that they share everything), b) that he feels JK is 'stealing' something from him that he has dibs on (something I personally don't agree with since people aren't objects to be owned, but it could factor into CS's feelings) or c) that he suddenly realises there's something more sinister going on (JK is lying, JK is using him, JK isn't actually his friend, etc.).

You might not agree with CS being upset, but he definitely has various reasons to be upset.


I feel like I have to shut down my brain to watch this drama.

There are so many things that make ZERO sense. Particularly Yoon-ha and Joon-ki's actions/logic/goals.

I want to love this drama but I can't. All I can do is enjoy the few good scenes of sismance and the cute secondary OTP.


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Thanks for the recap. I have been anticipating it since the episode aired. Great insights HeadsNo2! It's like you were reading my mind every step of the way, except of course you did a better job articulating my thoughts.

I have read comments about how CS is a terrible friend and shouldn't expect anything from JK, but I disagree. He has been a good and open friend to JK. In his eyes, their friendship has been mutually beneficial. He's also kept JK in the know of everything from the battle with his bro, his future plans, and even his initial interest in JY. Also, remember that he knew about the girl in the first episode that JK was interested in for her status. I think for a long time he's been feeling like his bromance with JK means more to his calculating friend only to come to the realization that he's also one of JK's marks. For someone who hates being used, and who has repeatedly defended his friend, I totally see how much of a blow this is to him.

I can't even with YH's love for JK. At this point I'm still interested in the story, even with the obvious unevenness. Mostly because I'm hopeful that the writer will get it together soon.


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But to clarify, in ChangSoo's understanding of things, JoonKi doesn't know the chaebol's daughter he researched for CS in ep. 1 is YoonHa the part time employee. Remember, ChangSoo said to JoonKi, referring to YoonHa the employee, "You really don't know who she is?" Then he said, "forget it" when JoonKi asked.

So to the viewer, it really doesn't make much sense that ChangSoo is so upset that they are now dating. So what? JiYi didn't tell YoonHa she started dating CS and YoonHa didn't take that as betrayal as CS is doing with JoonKi.


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How does that make sense though? CS asked JK to find a picture. JK found pictures. He also knew CS was meeting someone from a rich family. CS may have asked him and said 'forget it' because he believed him back then, but at this point I think the penny has dropped and he realises that JK knew all along and just lied.

If YH doesn't take something as a betrayal, that doesn't mean CS isn't going to take it as a betrayal. They are different people and they might have very different friendships. CS has known JK longer than YH has known JY too.


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And then last week after her brother's death he told him during their car ride. Also, JK was responsible for looking up a picture of her before the seon, I don't buy the fact that he didn't connect the dots.


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Chang Soo told Joon Ki Yoon Ha;s identity in Ep. 4 when they were driving back from the airport. JK does know YH the part timer is a chaebol daughter & CS knows that he knows this cause he told him himself.


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Okay, I think I missed that part of the car ride in ep 4. When I watch on viki it tend to skip a lot sometimes. I'll have to go back and re watch that part. Thanks, everyone, for the info/ correction!


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@ Jenny

My guess about Chang Soo reason for being upset that he did not know Joon Ki was dating Yoon Ha is that:
1) Chang Soo may remember that JK had done research on YH for CS and knew that CS had targeted her as marriage material, therefore, if JK decided to date the same girl, CS feels it's only right and above board to tell him, since he was the one who blind-dated her first.

2) CS still wants to have YH as a standby marriage partner and having JK in the way now means he has to fight his 'friend'/minion to get the girl which, well, irritates him to put it mildly. Who wants to compete with one's minion for a girl?

3) CS thinks that JK has been pretending to not know YH was the girl he dated and to not know that she's rich and is now jumping in to get her (maybe for her money) or to thwart CS.... after all CS and his mum spoke about it when JK was present in the airport, about CS now marrying Taejin's Yoon Ha since she would inherit after her brother died.

By the fact that Joon Ki when asked before never admitted to CS that he was dating anyone (when CS asked him in the car) and the fact that he's keeping quiet about it still when even CS's hyung knows about the dating, means that JK has something he's hiding from his 'friend', so CS is mad.


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Hello GB unnie!
Just wanted to say "Hi!" Will have to be back later to comment. Also, I see that the Mask recap has been posted, and I think you comment there as well? If so, have fun commenting and reading the recap and the posts :-)


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Hi Ivoire!
Yes, I've been all over the place and also trying to watch the episodes subbed earlier today. I'm just back here for a bit to see if there's anything new.

I look forward to reading you! :)


Hi again GB unnie,

I have been meaning to comment here today, however I have had to do other things today because it is my birthday. I will make an effort during the weekend to come back and respond to some of the comments. So you know how we do: please continue to check and see if there are any new comments :-) Thank you!


Will do until the next recap at least :) and you know you can always email me to let me know if you posted anything and where. ?


Thank you unnie,

I will make an effort to come back and comment. Yesterday was a very long day, though a good one. And I do have more thoughts about this drama and about epis. 5 and 6, and I have some questions as well. I appreciate you coming back and reading the additional comments posted. I have another long day ahead of me, so I will have to wait until tonight (my time) to be able to come back here.

Also, have you listened to the song (of the day) posted by Heads? It is from the OST. I love it, and I constantly listen to it on my phone. I really like the beat of the song, and the voice of the singer.


I'm not quite getting the aims of the lead couple like what is it that you want to do?!?! It's getting kind of annoying but the thrill makes it intriguing to watch!
But Yoon Ha is so confusing??? I still don't get why she's doing all of this I don't think she understands how difficult the real world actually is, it seems like she's fantasising it a little too much which is pissing me off (sorry but I still love her)
OKAY BUT ONE THING is for sure, the second lead couple are seriously digging it for me, they are power couple of 2k15, seriously. The fact that they're so innocent and honest towards each other is really heartwarming and it stirs something in you. I feel so excited whenever I watch there scenes but when they suddenly fall out my heart stops! I believe that Ji Yi and Chang Soo (baeeeee) have a future ahead of them! It was so damn cute when he had a flashback of her talking about marriage, I think Ji Yi is swaying and changing Chang Soo's morals in a good way ^^ ITS SO CUTE MAN
(Apologies for the long comment, I'm in too deep)


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Hi orangeyPHS, u got a cute name over there!

I'm 100% behind u on that power couple of 2015. When YH back hugged JK, I felt next to zero for the couple. The profession of love did nothing for me either. Not even a little bit of chemistry there. And this is coming from someone who likes UEE since Ojaykgyo!

On the contrary, when JY back hugged CS, I felt everything for them. It makes me want to ship them so very hard! And that I am care for these two characters so much more..


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Thank you for the recap! I really loved this ep. in which so much happened. I am loving the dialogue of this drama. My heart goes out to YJ, and man, is she gonna get hurt. Part of me thinks that she knew what she was getting into, CS has been clear about not being able to promise that he would marry her.

Speaking of CS, I was wondering, when he made the unilateral decision that they were dating, in ep.5, couldn’t that be considered sexual harassment, since he is her boss and all? And then, in this ep., CS went and showed how much he actually cares about YJ. I think he has told JK and YH that he likes YJ (a lot), however I wish he would tell her. Maybe the writer is saving that for later, because it would have much more of an impact and much more meaning by then. I love that line CS had about “I only do with you the things I don’t want to do,” and “I like YJ more than any other woman I have liked.” Please, be together in the end, you two, is all I am asking for.

I felt dirty in YJ’s place, when CS’ hyung was undressing her with his eyes. So crass… YJ had to have known that some people would treat her like hyung did. I couldn’t believe how he insulted her twice, to her face. However, YJ held her own, good for her. I loved how CS couldn’t apologize while looking at YJ in the face, he actually felt really bad. And I also loved his verbal battle with his brother. I hope he keeps the fight with his brother, and that he will win it (by working hard as well).

I really love the feeling that each character in this drama seems important (to me), even if s/he does not have a lot of screen time/episode. What the mistress had to say, and experience in this ep., what Mama Lee had to say (good for her), even Sec. Hong gives pieces of advice about his boss. I feel sad for YW. I don’t condone what she might have done in the past (professionally), however considering how her mother is with her, I pity her. She seemed to easily give away her children (to her husband), and she was OK visiting them (only) every once in a while. Sad, really.

And JK told YH’s secret. Bad, really bad, though that makes the drama interesting. I am liking how the writer portrays JK: very ambitious, but one can tell that he is bothered by YH’s sincerity (his reaction to the back hug for example).

I loved the speakerphone manager’s dance, so funny. I would love to see his face, when he finds out who YH really was. And CS was soooo cute in this ep. He is falling more and more for YJ, I love that. I also love the interactions between Mama Lee and YH. I loved seeing LSW in this ep., so handsome is he. I am hoping that YH will come back (or change her mind), and work at her dad’s company, and start investigating her brother’s death/disappearance. As many have said, I too hope that Oppa is not dead, and that he will come back. I can’t help but be curious about the direction the drama will take. Bring it on, drama…


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I was waiting for your comment as much as for the recap, Hi.
I don't think I say this enough, but Ji-yi is easily my favourite character in the entire drama. If she were a real person, I'd want her as my best friend. I agree a lot with all you've said. Ji-yi is an extremely strong person, stronger than she seems and she's got a good head on her shoulders. Yeah big sis is a pitiful character but watching her and Paris Hilton sis's plan to gang up on Yoon-ha made all that pity fly out the window. It's not Yoon-ha's fault that her brother and sister are at war, she probably isn't even aware that her brother bought shares in her name, so why should she be caught in the cross-fire?
Joon-gi, man I wondered what he stood to gain from spilling Yoon-ha's secret to the public like that.


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Thank you for this, "I was waiting for your comment as much as for the recap, Hi." Made my day! :-) As I said above, I will have to be back later to respond...


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"Joon-gi, man I wondered what he stood to gain from spilling Yoon-ha’s secret to the public like that."

Yoon-ha is insisting that she doesn't want to get involved with her family business, so if her identity is exposed, she will have to 'accept her background' and can't run away from the family. This will make sure that if he marries her, he'll get the family fortune. (if Yoon-ha lets go of her wealth, then there's no point for him to keep pursuing her since all he wants is to become rich).


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Unh, when you put it like that I guess it makes sense. I can't wait until he totally likes her for real, I want to see what'll happen. But I hope she doesn't discover his secret until they are so woven together they can't bear to be apart. It'll probably shorten the angst.


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I also loved the two questions that CS asked in the end. We know the answer of course, however, to hear CS say it, was (to me) like, "ahhhh, finally his eyes are being opened."
Though I have to say, how can you be friends with someone who orders you around? And when it comes to trust, I don't know, because being ordered around will bring about some resentment. So how do you build the trust? JK you made your bed, you are going to have to sleep in it. And I agree with Heads, if JK wants to be so duplicitous, he should learn/become comfortable with lying, and lying in peoples' faces.


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"And I agree with Heads, if JK wants to be so duplicitous, he should learn/become comfortable with lying, and lying in peoples’ faces."

Bingo! THAT's exactly what's fascinating, to me, about JK's character! He's such a WANNABE. He clearly does not feel comfortable with what he's doing, but has convinced himself that to reach his goals, he has to keep his cards close to his chest and reveal as little about himself as possible. His ominous voiceovers at the end of episodes is like part of his mental training, psyche-ing himself, prodding himself to keep his eyes on the prize, not get sidetracked, keep on pushing. You get it. If he felt alright being duplicitous, he would go for it and outright LIE, already!


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"Meanwhile Lady Kim, who looks like she bedazzled the torn remnants of an 80s prom dress.... having butchered a wedding dress this time."

Oh, Heads, thanks for that deliciousness! ROTFL!

And that lil bit of non-conversation between Lady Kim and Mama Lee will certainly be remembered somewhere down the line in this drama. Can't wait!

(I'm already imagining scenarios about JK's motivations, and this tidbit with Lady Kim to me is a hint. When little JK defended his Dad from abuse, Dad was still working. He hadn't become disabled yet. We still don't know that part of his family history. Must be painful... if we know our kdrama health $cenario$.)

Thanks for the recap.


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Is anyone else shipping changsoo and joon gi? They have an interesting relationship and actual chemistry.

Thus far jiyi and changsoo seem to be attracted to each other, and i find myself thinking they should just sleep together and get it out their systems then part ways. I find ji yi annoying and don't understand anything she says (i.e she always seems to be contradicting herself). I think maybe its the actress though. And yoon ha and joon gi's relationship is all over the place. I found yoonha quite interesting at first, but now she really makes no sense. her relationship with joon gi feels very flat. I also find myself bored during all the scenes with the chaebol family- how many times have we seen scenes like that in other dramas? I want to like this drama but its not really making a lot of sense at the moment, and the characterization is getting weaker and weaker. I think the poor acting all around is also not helping things. :/


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Since Jiyi posted her pic with Changsoo on instagram, im expecting Changsoo's mom to find out real soon that her chaebol son is dating a commoner.

Things are gonna get more difficult for the cute second leads (as if they already aren't in this ep), but im really dying to see them being tested by fire and holding on to each other! That would so solidify my love for the second leads.


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right there with you, im kinda hoping for that to happen as well, them being tested, ohh the angst. but i already love them with with the trials they will be faced with i feel like it would really hit the nail on the head for me with these two.


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I want the same!! But I don't know if CS is as committed due to his "I'm a chaebol so I need to marry a chaebol" mindset. But I hope he's swayed by the adorable JY...


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CS is an ambition young man and he cannot stand losing, as we have seen from his conversations with his hyung and JK. Am afraid he has the guts to marry a chaebol without love, in order to be on the same par with his brother in his family's eyes.

The question will come down to whether his own pride or ego is more important, or will love prevail after all..


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i started to watch this show for the lead couple now, im here to stay and watching it for the 2nd lead couple, although to me they feel like they are more the leads. they have so much chemistry and i love their interactions. i wanna see where their paths leads to and where they end up, hopefully together cause changsoo is falling hard for ji yi and i love it.


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With Joon-ki and Yoon-ha, I think it's just the drama trying to show us what it's like to be in a one-sided relationship. It's pretty effective on these two--at least, for me--because every time they're together, I get this nagging thought like, "Ugh! Joon-ki is so sweet! But he has an evil plan!" Haha. It's still pretty difficult to understand Joon-ki's motivation. He's too closed off that I reaaaaally want to see more of what's going on inside that calculated looks. As for Yoon-ha, I think she's a girl who pretty much falls in love easily, like she's into the colorful rainbows when it comes to love.

Which is why Ji-yi is actually a nice juxtaposition compared to Yoon-ha. I can relate to Ji-yi's character because she's that kind of girl who knows there's probably a whole baggage of hurt waiting at the end of the relationship she has, but she still wants to try. It's not that she's contradicting what she's trying to say, she's just weighing her options and decisions as humanly possible. Haven't we been in the same decision-making process as her? What I appreciate, though, is that when she decided to really go out with Chang-soo, she's completely on-board.

I also really like Park Hyung-sik's portrayal of a chaebol. He's so classy without having the need of a sequence to flaunt his wealth--unlike the typical chaebol-related dramas. I think it has a lot to do with his hair and the way he dresses, plus his mannerism and characteristics. He's my favorite chaebol so far in the history of chaebol-related dramas.

I feel like there's still so much in store for these people. I hope, for the sake of how good it started, the show goes on well. For now, I just love to see more of the leads.

P. S.

Who else here hates the sister and the mom? I don't like the eldest sister at all because she's acting like such a know-it-all and greedy when you can just see how stupidly she can handle a company, especially because of her past stint. As for the mom, she just feels too obsessive of her son for me (even when he was alive--remember that part where she felt jealous when he said he'll bring Yoon-ha with him to the vacation?). You know, she gives me an Oedipus vibe for some reason. Gross thoughts, right? Sorry 'bout that. Just gotta get it out.

P. P. S.

Park Hyung-sik and Lim Ji-yeon both followed each other on Instagram, and it's pretty cute how they often post pictures of them together. I like that they've gotten close over the filming and I guess it's evident on how they're very natural on-screen when they're together. I still have a hang-over from episode 5's rooftop scene. Hee.


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@ Jyc

Oh that sister and mother!!

I cannot stand Ye Won's being so 'in control' in front of dad and such a manipulating 'cry baby' with her mum. I believe mum sees through her or at least is not all that softened by her. Unfortunately Ye Won is such a flat character, written perhaps only to add flies to the ointment by her cold-hearted scheming for top position with father and in company. Perhaps in this family, few people are really able to love, because she does not even love her own children. SElf and power come first.

ON a side note: I'm not sure what the 2nd sister is in the show for. Just to annoy us and Yoon Ha is all I can see at the moment.

Mother is slightly more understandable. She's not too far off from real mums who dote on one child and ignore or ill-treat another. She is constantly frustated and angry with husband and his mistress but only now is letting it out. She is grieving, unsupported by husband. But like everyone else in the family, she is also self-centred. That there were 2 nicer children like her son and Yoon Ha is a wonder in this environment!!


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At the least, I hate the mother less than the eldest sister. I also don't get the deal of the 2nd sister at all! Urgh.


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@ jyc

They followed each other? Awwe now I don't just ship CS and JY but I ship Hyungsik and Jiyeon too!

And like you said, I am enjoying Hyungsik's portrayal of a chaebol too!


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Yes! I am super stalkin' them on IG. Hyung-sik has, like, 3 consecutive posts of him with Ji-yeon. Also, I'm not sure if Google translate i accurate, but the latest one has a caption "Fall in love." HEH. I know I'm being a delusional fangirl, but they're just too cute and so handsy in the show at that, I can't help it!


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Both relationships are developing far too quickly for my taste but at least with Chang Soo/Ji Yi I can forgive it cause of their charm and chemistry. I'm not feeling the same way with Yoon Ha/Joon Ki at all. In fact, I've seen so many people complain about Im Ji Yeon's acting and far less people complain about Sung Joon when he's easily the worst of the bunch, in my opinion. And this is coming from someone who holds SUFBB near and dear to my heart and therefore has a huge soft spot for Sung Joon.

Im Ji Yeon's not the greatest but she at least brings a charm and likability to her character unlike Sung Joon who I am getting NOTHING from. Obviously the writing is to blame but a part of the blame goes to him too. He's so bland and uninteresting in this role, I feel like a better actor could at least rise above this mediocre writing and make Joon Ki semi-interesting, I mean on paper he's easily the most complex out of the four characters, but he's just so meh.


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I agree. I love Sung Joon, but he's really not great here, and he needs to be to bring this character out. All the broodiness of this character is kinda lost in SJ's bland expressions.


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Totally agree. Sung Joon IS the worst of the bunch, as I said in my earlier comment above. He's ruining this drama for me. He isn't emoting at all.


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I don´t find Sung Joon the worst here. They are all equal in my eyes. He plays an emotionless person with pocker face. I like Sung Joon´s subtle acting and the way he can express himself just with his eyes.


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@Mia - I'm with you, and I'm not a SJ fangirl, and barely finished SUFBB cuz of the hype.

SJ's doing amazing pocker face with occasional relapses of emotion emerging from his eyes. Emtion he quickly tries to hide to keep up with his intended goals.

AND I think the writer has only 16 episodes to do what a drama like Nice Guy had four more to play with. So I understand the rush.


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Thanks @Heads! Good recap!!

Sigh... such flawed thinking and so much unawareness of it!
About Yoon Ha...
Yoon Ha is really doing about everything that is a mistake and unlike Ji Yi who goes into risks with eyes open, YH does it blissfully oblivious. She's had Ahjusshi secretary and previously Oppa to take care of things for her and does not know what it means tidy up a mess.

She is leaving home, so all the more she should keep her job and even look for another one, since funds from dad will stop, but she quits. Boyfriend has not once confirmed that he likes her and wants to be with her forever and she's throwing off (almost) all inhibitions with him and her heart at him. She loved and respected her brother who told her she should be the one taking over the family business, but she does not even consider what her father is offering her with a place in the company and how she can turn it to her advantage. What Joon Ki says just does not resonate with her ie she does not have to start from the bottom.

Like a child, she is self-centredly doing what she wants and avoiding what she does not like without thinking ahead properly or anticipating the consequences.

Like I said before... I 'worry' about her. I guess she's one of those who have to have sense knocked into them by failure and being hurt, since she does not understand/listen properly to good sense and advice.


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@Growingbeautifully - Thanks for pointing that out. I can't wait for, when supposedly evil JK gets his comeuppance, his realistic advice will be redeemed. He's speaking the truth. (And not just to YH) a

Love this drama!! (And all your comments, too.)


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First of all, I noticed many people are watching this drama despite of not liking it much, which is a bit surprizing to me because it is a melo, does not have any big star, does not have a dangerous villain and thrill (like mask) and yes as many people mentioned writing is rather messy.

I liked the drama from the 1st episode, and liking it more and more now. In this episode Ji Yi won me, when she said, " I gave up Joon Ki, remember that " and "I support you, why can't you support me?" I was just too happy after that scene.

I like that fact Ji Yi is a cute, honest and a good girl but she is not there to make any silent sacrifices. If she gives up something for her friend she makes sure her friend owes her (though she actually did not have a chance with Joon Ki). I hope she remains same with Chang Soo too.

I somewhat missed the tough Yoon Ha but in this ep she was back. Threatening Chang Soo and facing Dad was really good. I am again happy with the fact that she did not follow any foolish idealistic way like "I am leaving , I don't want any of your money" and all. "I have done my calculations well" was wayyy better.

Now that Chang Soo became suspicious of Joon Ki's intentions, I want to see what happens next. But I hope and hope, that the writer wouldn't walk on predictable path and arrange CS and YH's wedding *fingers crossed*

I dont have much complains about acting (except UEE) but yes with a more experienced cast , we could feel the complexity of characters more.


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I'm watching for ChangSoo and Ji Yi...they are so adorable.


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I am not a fan of Park Hyung-shik so much but out of the four leads, his character, Chang-soo is the one I can understand and appreciate the most at this stage of the show. Unlike Yoon ha and Joon ki where we have to ponder the reason or motive behind each action or decision, Chang soo is a transparent slate. I appreciate the fact that despite being a spoiled chaebol kid, he wants honest relationships with he people around him. He know the value of his money but doesn't want others using him simply for the that value. This is why I find his reaction to Joon ki at the latter part of the episode as a very welcome turn. It tells a lot of on how honest he has been with Joon ki so far.


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Right now I'm pretty interested to see Chang Soo and Joon Ki's relationship progress. They have a tension filled relationship. I really adore Chang Soo and that's why I want him to realize that he wasn't really a good friend to Joon Ki (which we can infer from his bossy ways and how he shut Joon Ki down when he didn't agree with him) These little moments tell a lot about why Joon Ki is always on guard with Chang Soo.

And yeah, I am definitely more invested in the second leads. I want to see Chang Soo desperate, may be Ji Yi can dump him...


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I want JY to dump him for sure. We've got 10 episodes left, it's bound to happen. Cue angsty showers and groveling to win her back!


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LOL at this, "Cue angsty showers and groveling to win her back!" However, I am there with you guys. I even wrote a scenario in my head of how that scene could go :-) (with tears and all)...


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I don't know with this show anymore. I love Ji-yi and Chang-soo as much as anyone, but I can't stand anyone else. I like want to like Yoon-ha, I really do, but I swear she has the consistency of a mouse, on speed, in a maze, with mirrors for walls. Her family should be enough reason to root for her but it's not, not when she's so all over the place. Poor Uee. Also either Sung Joon's just not ready to be a leading man or his character is just as poorly written, I'd say it's 50/50 as to which it is.


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@blu_blu_skye thank you so much ;)

I totally agree with you I feel like out of all the dramas I've watched so far JY and CS have really done it for! They're scenes are so adorable I love how they're just so pure and they can talk so openly about almost anything!

I'm aware things are about to get really messy because JY uploaded a picture of them two on Instagram and his mom is bound to loose her shit! I'm not ready for all this tension but somehow I am??? Do you get me??

I felt so upset for CS because it's about time he finds out that his best friend has actually been deceiving him, I'm really rooting for CS because I feel like he should always be protected, he's tooooooo special!! I'm so happy CS is finally questioning his best friend and is looking at the bigger picture, I, too find it weird how JK never replies to CS's "i like you a lot" "you're my best friend" "I trust you" Poor baby CS he looks really stressed in this episode but I hope JY will be there by his side!

As of now I'm getting more interested in CS and JK story and what will happen to there relationship and I'm also very excited to see what happens to my power couple! To me they're head over heels for each other and have you guys seen how CS looks at YJ?!?!?!! Isn't that the cutest thing ever? I see more chemistry in these two that the "main couple" tbh but with this drama you really don't know what will happen so I'm looking forward to next week!

The preview wasn't all that great, and I see upset baby CS poor guy, I'm glad he's opening his eyes now! As for YJ and CS I didn't see much bit I agree CS got enough to deal with, If I was him I would really be questioning who my best friends ACTUALLY are! I hope to see some CS and JY because those two lovebirds complete me!!!!!!


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Yes I totally capture the essence of whatever you have just said!


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@ OrangeyPHS,
That is a lot of love for CS :-), lucky guy. It's all good though. It is nice to see the passion you have for him.


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I have not watched this writer's work in the past. But i like the way she writes the lines. A pity is the low budget given to this drama. All the sets are not glamorous enough. But I think SBS must be happy. The ratings are considered very high given the small budget and relative not as popular and well established cast.

I miss all the cute dating scenes. I guess the story is getting serious. A melodrama indeed. But i looked forward to the progress of the story. I am seriously shocked everytime I watch this drama. A kiss scene in ep 4 and 5? CS already started to suspect JK's motive in ep 6? wow.

Lastly, I must say PHS's acting has improved so much. I already think he has potential in Sirius. He should really take on serious roles instead of comedy roles. If he is willingly to spend sometime to go for acting lessons, he will be such a good actor.I love how he can express feelings through his eyes.


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You guys are trying to dig way to deep into this drama. The writers don't even know what the over all plan for these characters are yet. It's best to just go with the flow.


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I agree. People often ruin their own enjoyment of watching a drama with personal expectations and theories about what they think drama characters should do. I take what I get, I like it or I don´t, I complain to but it doesn´t change anything.


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I respectfully disagree. We have not (that I know of), communicated with the writer (it is just one, for this drama), so we don't know whether or not she already has the ending for the characters in place or not.

Some of us do enjoy dramas better by "digging way too deep into a drama." From my years of reading DB, it seems to be one of the many reasons people congregate here. To each his/her own though. Feel free "to just go with the flow," while some of us will continue to dissect and analyze the drama and its characters. I think the recappers are doing the same by the way, in their comments section. In addition, I don't think we are doing anything wrong by analyzing the drama. There is more than one way to enjoy a drama or a TV series.


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I probably didn´t express that clearly (English is not my first language), there´s definitely nothing wrong with analyzing dramas. Sorry if that sound like that. I like these discussions and I love DB site´s recaps (I often prefer reading recaps to watching dramas because I don´t have that much free time),that´s why I visit the site so often and read viewers´s reactions as well, but sometimes people don´t really analyze, they just set their mind how it all should be, what characters should do and how the story has to go and when it´s not that way, they are trowing all those harsh words around - bad acting, bad writing, bad directing. I write movie and theatre reviews and I don´t mind if people don´t like the movie or play the way I do, but it makes me sad when they don´t look at its story in its complexity, especially when it´s not even finished yet and can turn different direction at any time. And I´m actually quite harsh critic myself :-))


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Joon-ki is a lost cause for me and he's the male lead. When do we start tiring fit him and Yoon-ha, because right now, I could care less for either of them. Chang-soo and Ji-yi, on the other hand.... so cute.


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I know what you mean but I hope that writers have a big surprise for us! But I totally understand because JK and YH relationship is totally messed up at the moment and yea I couldn't care less!
But seriously I hope everything goes well for CS and JY my heart would probably break if something happens to the power couple ><


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I agree with pretty much everything here but I would give more credit to Joon Ki - who I don't yet like as a person but am willing to give the benefit of the doubt if only for (1) hints of his sincerity, like towards his parents for example, and (2) you know, the fact that he's the main male lead, so he's surely bound for some character development, which makes me interested in him as a character - and to Yoon Ha, her wanting to defend Ji Yi against Chang Soo who is yet to be able to stand up for Ji Yi against his rich kid responsibilities, because until then their relationship, adorable as it is, is still bound for tears. I hope these things are acknowledged too! Our main leads deserve some credit too!


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It's episode 6 so why is the writer holding back on developing Joon Ki'? Sung Joon acts out the emotions and the feeling of hurt or betrayed and suffering so well, I really hope we don't miss out on that. The chemistry between Sung Joon and Uee is extremely lacking, and its really ruing this drama for me, I find myself fast forwarding through their scenes, tired of hearing how much she "likes him" oh please!.
Excited to see what CS's next move will be.


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I agree. The character, JK gets far to little screen time compared to CS and his flighty love. CS is not that serious with her yet either, he still might marry for money and power because that's what his family wants.


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I am really loving the second lead actors,... Infact am watching it mainly for them.. I can understand sung joon's character but UEE ! Am absolutely clueless about her. Sung joon's character would become interesting in the coming episodes I feel and we may see some darker side of the so far cute CS , as he keeps saying that he hates 'being used' so much. Once when he gets to know that Joon Ki is with him practically due to that he may get super annoyed.. Probably there's a lot more interesting events to come..


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Despite the darkness lying under the main lead-Joon Gi's table, i am and will still be rooting for him. I want to be able to understand his reasons for wanting to become wealthy. I know that the last few episodes had shown why, but i want to know why he would do almost anything just to become wealthy. Though the development of each character (main leads, joon ki and yoon ha) is a bit slow and boring, their characters had totally won me over.

I don't want to see Yoon Ha's wounds get even bigger. Because we all know that this naive but lovely little lady, who would do anything for her simple yet complicated dream (well, atleast for a chaebol), just recieved a little love from her family. I don't want to see her crumbling down. Losing her brother and recieving painful words from her own mother are enough reasons to sympathize with her character. I just want her to be happy.

I don't care whatever reasons Joon Ki has to offer; I want him to realise that money isn't everything. I believe he would feel guilty about using Yoon ha and would totally fall for her charm.

AND OMG THE OTHER TWO MAIN LEADS ARE JUST SOOOOO CUTE. it is just soooo good to balance the darkness that joon ki and yoon ha has been providing for the show. At least it's a little brighter when changsoo and ji yi are together.


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Hello there,

It's been so busy this weekend. I'm currently with some friends, waiting to be seated for lunch. I will be back to respond later. I know I had two questions (for sure). One had to do with how CS's brother called him, when CS was in his office. I'll have to rewatch that scene, to say what I heard. It wasn't what I expected to hear. I can't remember what my 2nd question was right now. I wrote it down, however, I don't have the paper with me right now.
Also, I was wondering, could the fact that CS decided in his office that YJ and him were dating, be considered sexual harassment? I was curious about that. I think it could be...


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Hi Ivoire, I hope you had a lovely lunch! I'm in and out of DB a lot. It's the work day for me!!!


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Hey GB unnie,

Yes, I did have a lovely lunch that Sunday. The week started, and it was really busy. Also, I wasn't feeling well, and that didn't help. I am sorry I was not able to stop by and actually comment. I meant to, and I really wanted to. I might still leave some comments, even if that might be too late for most people to read them. I'll read them, I would be interested in what I was thinking when this drama was airing.


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LOL! Ivoire... yes, at least you should come back to read what you yourself wrote. That makes me feel that I should go back to Liar Game and all the other shows and see what I commented back then too. I wonder how my drama watching and commenting experiences have changed. :)


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I think Yoonha just still immature and doesn't know how scary Joonki could be.. a little bit dumb also, blinded by love..
I feel bad for her :(


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