I Remember You: Episode 14

Just in case we get too enamored by the bromance, we come down from the high of Hyun’s reconciliation with Little Bro to deal with more pressing matters. Even though our hearts bleed for the misery the brothers had to suffer, we (and Hyun) can no longer look at Min through rose-tinted glasses. Our hero remains the only one capable of getting through to several of our characters, and even at the eleventh hour, the show is still chugging along splendidly with no signs of slowing.

EPISODE 14: “Lee Joon-young’s Room”

Ji-an takes her gun and heads out of her room on a revenge mission, while Joon-ho cooks for Lawyer Jung in the next-door apartment. Thank goodness Hyun stops her in time (in the midst of baking a cake for her), and holds her back. Having thought long and hard about how to deal with Joon-ho, she exclaims that all her choices point to one answer: Kill him. At this point, Ji-an is on the verge of hysteria, and Hyun envelops her in a tight hug to calm her down.

When he lets go, Ji-an forlornly says that this is the only solution she could come up with. And while Hyun empathizes with her, he has faith that Ji-an will eventually find another option.

At police headquarters, the team is in a somber mood as Myung-woo summarizes what we already know: Ji-an’s dad was charged as an accomplice for Lee Joon-young’s escape, causing Ji-an to live her life as the daughter of a criminal. The recent discovery of Dad’s body implies that Dad was innocent, and that Joon-young is still alive and watching Ji-an. From today onwards, the team will focus on capturing Joon-young.

Hyun presents Ji-an with the birthday cake he personally baked, and she’s understandably impressed at his never-ending list of talents. That’s what I’m saying. She expresses her wish to visit Joon-ho and share the cake, her true intention being to see his reaction after he delivered her father’s corpse as a birthday present.

Giving in to her request, Hyun brings the cake and shows up with Ji-an at Joon-ho’s doorstep. Awkward Cake Party commences, as the three of them, along with Lawyer Jung, gather in the living room. Ji-an brings up her father, and explains that the hope she previously had was dashed soon after her talk with Joon-ho.

Joon-ho casually says that it’s a good thing, but clarifies that he’s referring to Ji-an being put out of her misery of endless hoping. Ji-an just adds, “It was a good present in that context. Someday, I should repay it.” Welcome to the Cryptic Club, Ji-an.

In response to Joon-ho’s question about Dad, Ji-an simply says he was the nicest person in the world. Recalling the intimidation tactics that Dad pulled on him in prison, Joon-ho mentions that there are two sides to every person, and people closest to the person rarely see that second side. At this point, Hyun jumps in to say that even if a person has a bad side, the person shouldn’t be framed and killed, which Joon-ho agrees with.

Lawyer Jung and Ji-an are on the same page with Joon-ho’s words about not seeing the second side of people you’re close to. She uses the example of Hyun: She has known him for over 20 years and thought he was a jerk. But now she’s aware that while he’s a little cocky, he’s far from being a jerk. In addition, she’s also known Joon-ho for quite a while (Joon-ho: “Am I also a jerk?”), but doesn’t voice her honest opinions about him. Wrapping up the not-party, Ji-an proposes a toast for her memorable birthday, and she thinks to herself, “And for the day that I throw you [Joon-ho] in prison.”

As Hyun and Ji-an head back to their place, he commends her for keeping her cool. For now, her game plan is to gather evidence that Joon-ho is Joon-young, and remembers that there was a room in Joon-ho’s house that was off-limits to her. Hyun goes along with her hunch, but warns her never to go into that room alone.

Joon-ho is absorbed in his own thoughts, and Lawyer Jung observes that sadness doesn’t suit him. They both noticed that Ji-an looked especially angry today, and Joon-ho’s genuinely puzzled at her reaction. He assumed she wanted closure, so he gave her Dad’s corpse as an answer. But based on her reaction, he wonders if he made a mistake. Lawyer Jung points out that that’s the result when an evil person tries to do good.

In a sweet scene, Hyun and Ji-an take turns watching the other sleep. Hyun rouses from his stupor and they both smile at each other. Aw.

Ji-an plans to return to her own house today, and tells Hyun to bring Lawyer Jung here, away from Joon-ho. He agrees to do so, and she apologizes for eventually having to arrest Lawyer Jung for his crimes. She gives Hyun some time, and hopes that Hyun can convince Lawyer Jung to turn himself in.

Driving her back to her house, Hyun offers to clean her permanently messy apartment, since it’s his hobby and all. She turns him down, but right before he leaves, she asks how many points she stands at, referring to Hyun’s previous comment that he scores her at fifteen points plus alpha. HA, she’s still hung up on that?

Categorizing the alpha as “something extra,” he launches into this complicated explanation about alpha and dividing by zeros. Her eyes glaze over at the technical terminology spouted, but basically his point is, he can’t put a number on how much she means to him. Lol, that’s actually kinda romantic, in a geeky way.

Satisfied with the answer, she thanks him for holding her back from taking revenge on Joon-ho, but he gives her the credit for controlling her impulses. She smiles at that, and they both give each other this cute tentative wave before Hyun finally heads out.

Not wasting any time, Hyun goes over to Joon-ho’s house, and invites Lawyer Jung to move in with him. Joon-ho starts to explain that being with a doctor would be better for Lawyer Jung, but Hyun just cuts in and hands the decision over to Lawyer Jung — whom does he want to stay with?

Choosing to move in with Hyun (yay!), Lawyer Jung thanks Joon-ho for all that he has done. He packs his stuff and follows Hyun out, but something about Joon-ho’s expression creeps me out to no end.

Heading out for a walk, Joon-ho wonders if he’s being seen as the bad guy. He assumed that separating the two brothers was best for both of them, and belatedly realizes that this distasteful emotion rising to the surface is heartache.

Oh, he’s not alone — the woman who helped him escape as a child tells Joon-ho that he tends to cause more problems when he tries to be considerate to others. For example, when Joon-young spared her life after killing everyone else in the household, she ended up suffering from survivor’s guilt. Accurately pointing out that what he feels is jealousy for the brothers’ relationship, she asks what it is that he’s hoping for. Lost in thought, Joon-ho answers wistfully, “For all three of us to live together.”

Chief Hyun digs up Joon-young’s real fingerprints which she kept hidden, and ponders Hyun’s words that Joon-young is someone near to her. She calls up Seung-joo and instructs him to do a background check on all the external parties they work closely with, under the guise of an investigation into an information leak.

Laying out the cards that Lawyer Jung sent, Hyun asks him for the meaning behind the cards. Lawyer Jung is surprised that Hyun doesn’t remember, although he thinks that it’s probably for the best. Hyun probes more, but Lawyer Jung merely says, “I was born like this,” and doesn’t explain further.

Lawyer Jung asks for a hair dryer and Hyun offers to dry his hair for him, which Lawyer Jung is quick to reject multiple times. Cut to: Hyun drying Lawyer Jung’s hair. Hyun’s contentment is plastered all over his face, as he recalls doing the same for little Min.

At a different police station, Ji-an is informed about a fire 20 years ago that destroyed all the local citizen records, which had to be replaced later on. Connecting the dots, Ji-an concludes that Joon-ho must have utilized this opportunity to take over his new identity, and she wonders what happened to the real Lee Joon-ho.

The fingerprint reports are in, and of course, Joon-ho’s fingerprints are a perfect match for Joon-young’s. In shock, Chief Hyun is noticeably squirmy when she bumps into Joon-ho. He notices her cold sweat and discomfort, and she just pretends that she caught a cold. He takes a second glance at her when they part ways, and she’s barely able to hold herself up after their short interaction.

She makes frantic calls to Hyun, but he’s on the phone with Team Leader Kang and Ji-an, and misses the voicemail from Chief Hyun. Flustered, Chief Hyun packs the fingerprint evidence into her bag, and can’t help looking over her shoulder as she heads to her car.

Ji-an makes a trip to Hyun’s house, just as Joon-ho shows up with a ton of food he prepared for Lawyer Jung’s speedy recovery. Just then, Team Leader Kang shows up in time to join the little gathering. Initially surprised at Lawyer Jung’s presence at Hyun’s house, Team Leader Kang remembers that Lawyer Jung ranked higher than Ji-an, and says that they look good together. Um, what is he thinking of?

After parking her car, Chief Hyun senses footsteps behind her. She turns around to confront the guy, and heaves a sigh of relief to see that it’s Eun-bok, his all-black outfit already screaming shade. She asks what he’s doing here, and he responds with a sudden knife stab to her gut.

Apologizing for his deed, he explains that he has to repay his debt “to that person.” Chief Hyun drops to the floor, her wound bleeding out, and Eun-bok takes off with her handbag after ensuring that it contains the fingerprint document.

Over a meal, Team Leader Kang bluntly asks who Lee Joon-young might be, earning him four long stares from the table. He takes it as a sign that everyone knows about Joon-young, and that he seems to be someone of the present rather than the past. Joon-ho says he doesn’t know who Joon-young is, and the two brothers smirk at his blatant lie. Ji-an steps in to explain that Joon-young killed her father, Hyun’s father, and kidnapped Hyun’s brother.

Lawyer Jung ahhs in understanding, and lightly comments that Joon-young must be a very bad person. Taken aback by Hyun’s backstory, Team Leader Kang adds that it’s possible he has a connection with Joon-young too…

But before he gets to that, all their phones starting ringing off the hook, reporting Chief Hyun’s situation. Ha, Lawyer Jung feels left out that he’s the only one who didn’t get a phone call.

Having changed out of his black attire, Eun-bok washes his hands to get rid of any traces of blood. He gets a call and the entire team, along with Hyun and Joon-ho, gathers at the scene of Chief Hyun’s murder. Gah, she died?

The disappearance of her handbag points to it being a simple robbery case, but since Chief Hyun’s their boss, the team can’t be involved in this case. The CCTV recording shows similarities between Chief Hyun’s murder and a recent string of robberies, and Joon-ho steps up to do his analysis, despite the accusing stares from Hyun and Ji-an.

Stepping away from the crowd, Hyun checks his phone, and we hear the voicemail that Chief Hyun left. She admits to his earlier accusations that she was scared of the career that she had painstakingly built crumbling around her. But she’s determined to do things right from now on, even if it’s too late. She admits to having kept Joon-young’s fingerprints, and asks him to wait for her to reveal his identity. Her last words to Hyun are especially touching: “I didn’t raise you out of a sense of guilt. To me, you really are my son.”

The next day, the team turns up in their full police uniforms, after Chief Hyun’s funeral. They return to their desks in a somber mood, and Ji-an thinks back to her conversation with Hyun. They put together bits of information to conclude that Joon-ho must have found out about Chief Hyun finding the fingerprints, and hence, is the most likely suspect behind her death. But Joon-ho was with them during the murder, which means that there must be an accomplice. The question is, who?

Judging from the wounds on her body, Chief Hyun didn’t defend herself, implying that the murderer must be somebody she’s familiar with. Considering that the murder was disguised as part of a recent string of serial robberies, the culprit must have access to inside information from the police. Which narrows down Joon-ho’s accomplice to someone in the police station.

Hyun details Chief Hyun’s case to Lawyer Jung, and her participation in Joon-young’s escape. Just as Hyun’s about to ask him for help, Lawyer Jung interrupts and asks why he would help when she deserved to die. Because of Chief Hyun, Joon-young escaped from prison and started this whole chain of unfortunate events. Her death is well-deserved, and in fact, Lawyer Jung feels that she died too comfortably, considering all the wrongs she has committed.

Slightly stunned by the hidden venom in his words, Hyun looks at Lawyer Jung in a new light. But Lawyer Jung’s next statement sends a further chill down our bones: “If it were me, I don’t think I would have sent her so easily. What a waste.” He asks if he’s wrong to think like that, but Hyun just ruffles his brother’s hair, making an internal promise to change Little Bro for the better.

Unable to hold in his curiosity anymore, Team Leader Kang broaches the topic of Joon-young with his father. He throws all sorts of questions that hint at his father’s corruption, especially Dad’s hand in closing Chief Hyun’s murder as a mere robbery.

Finally coming clean with the truth, Deputy Chief Kang reveals that he was merely covering for Chief Hyun. Right after Joon-young’s escape, Chief Hyun had confessed her arrangement with Joon-young, but Deputy Chief Kang chose to sweep it under the rug and instructed her to continue extracting information from Joon-young. During a press conference, he engineered the rumor to throw Ji-an’s dad under the bus as an accomplice, effectively diverting the public’s attention away from her in Joon-young’s disappearance.

Furious at his father, Team Leader Kang is speechless that his father would pin the blame on an innocent person, just to protect the image of the police. Deputy Chief Kang sighs at the coincidence of Ji-an joining the police force, and Team Leader Kang just explodes that Dad is still unrepentant. Dad tells Team Leader Kang to forget about it, but Team Leader Kang solemnly says that even if he feigned ignorance, he would eventually inherit all of Dad’s sins.

Lawyer Jung approaches Hyun and requests for him not to expose Joon-ho’s identity, since doing so would incriminate Lawyer Jung as well. He asks if that’s the result Hyun wants, although the lack of evidence would make it impossible to do so anyway. Holding onto Lawyer Jung’s hand, Hyun proposes dissecting Lawyer Jung’s motive for his murders.

If Lawyer Jung was killing Hyun repeatedly in his mind through murdering others, Hyun’s question is, does Joon-ho go through a similar experience? Lawyer Jung sheds some light on the issue, that Joon-ho has taken in other kids aside from him. In Joon-ho’s mind, he is repeatedly killing his family members who abused him, and also saving his own kid self many times over. Interesting.

Eun-bok meets up with Joon-ho, and lets him know that Chief Hyun’s murder was his repayment for Joon-ho rescuing him from his hellish life.

Indebted Friend initially runs away at the sight of Hyun, but Hyun talks in circles around him and successfully gets him to conduct a more detailed background check on Eun-bok (who was found to be an orphan previously). Ha, just before Hyun leaves, he hangs back to tell Friend that his score is above 20, which is considerably high, although Friend has no idea what he’s referring to.

Joon-ho and Hyun meet up for drinks, and Joon-ho asks if Hyun had a purpose for this meeting. Hyun just thinks to himself that even if he can’t forgive Joon-ho, he wants to try and understand Joon-ho before throwing him behind bars.

Joon-ho expounds on a Scottish legend about a man who can see into people’s deepest souls, and all he could see was the evil in people. His eyes became wounded, and he had to live the rest of his life handicapped. Hyun replies that not all souls are evil, and Joon-ho just says that some are nevertheless evil, like Lawyer Jung’s.

He asks if Hyun can handle Lawyer Jung by himself, and Hyun replies in the affirmative. He receives a call from Ji-an, and she finds out that he’s currently with Joon-ho. That means that Joon-ho’s house is currently empty, and she gets the idea to break in and check out the off-limits room.

On the way back to their houses, Ji-an rings Hyun again to let him know that she’s currently trespassing in Joon-ho’s house, and asks him to delay Joon-ho for a bit. And while he has to bite back a reprimand to her for defying his earlier warning, Hyun accedes and buys her some time by asking Joon-ho how he would like to be addressed.

Joon-ho tells Hyun to decide that on his own, and muses that he will be expecting more visitors for the night. All of a sudden, Hyun drops the bomb: “I know who you are. And you are aware that I know.” Joon-ho asks Hyun why he didn’t call him out earlier, but Hyun states that he’s still missing part of the evidence required to prove that Joon-ho is Joon-young.

Having entered the room of interest, Ji-an finds a photo album full of children’s photographs. Hearing someone enter the house, she grabs a couple of the photos to keep. She doesn’t do a great job of sneaking out of the room, since Lawyer Jung is standing right there to catch her in the act.

Joon-ho slowly brings Hyun’s hand to his neck. And just like how he demonstrated in the past, Joon-ho’s pulse is still undetectable, forming the last bit of proof that Hyun needed. Hyun finally addresses Joon-ho as Joon-young, and Joon-ho looks delighted that Hyun finally remembers.


It’s such a pity that we have to say goodbye to this gem of a show next week, because every episode is consistently fascinating and eye-opening. What stood out for me today was the extra glimpse into a psychopath’s mind, something we haven’t been explicitly privy to in the earlier episodes. I really like the reveal, that honest to God, Joon-ho did what he thought was for the other characters’ own good. It totally makes sense that as a psychopath, he wouldn’t factor in Ji-an’s grief over the confirmation of her father’s death, and even expected her to be thankful for his initiative to give her closure. He was actually disappointed in Ji-an’s lack of gratitude for the “birthday present,” and I find this additional insight into his character a fantastic addition by the writer.

On a similar note, he interpreted young Hyun’s comment about Dad as a signal to get rid of Dad, assuming that it was the only way the two brothers could get a better life. It truly never crossed Joon-ho’s mind that Hyun and Ji-an treasured their fathers’ (living) presence, even if they were the respective source of lonely hardship and endless waiting. Joon-ho probably never had such a person in his life, but given that he showed very minor signs of emotion over Lawyer Jung’s departure, maybe his protege will be the first person to affect Joon-ho.

I like the running theme about how psychopathic killers have this one person in their lives, who becomes their driving force to commit repeated “virtual” murders. Does that mean that having this specific target is what causes a psychopath to cross the line? It’s pretty intriguing to paint Joon-ho as a vigilante, saving children from their abusive parents. Many a times, as Lawyer Jung mentioned, Joon-ho’s intention is pure and good, except that his misaligned moral compass causes him to act on this intention in the totally wrong way.

Speaking of Lawyer Jung, I love love love how he puts up all this resistance against hyung’s “advances,” but totally basks in hyung’s affections at the same time. He has this need to put on a tough boy act to pretend that he hasn’t been yearning for Hyun all this time, but Hyun just knows it and patiently chips away at his facade. And as much as I want to just spend the remaining two episodes watching these two brothers spoon feed each other and dry each other’s hair, the reality of Lawyer Jung’s deeds can’t be denied.

We can guess how much Hyun wants to take the easy way out and see Lawyer Jung as Little Bro, without all the additional emotional and criminal baggage. But Ji-an is there to ground him back to reality, and Lawyer Jung’s response to Chief Hyun’s death was also a wake-up call for Hyun, that their reunion is not the end, but the means to an end, to change Lawyer Jung for the better. At least we get a few episodes of them being cute with each other, before all hell breaks loose. Hyun’s desire to change Lawyer Jung was his motivation to understand Joon-ho, because as much as he wants to deny it, the two are pretty much one and the same. But yunno, hopefully his criminology degree had a course on Dealing With Your Psychopathic Brother, because something tells me there’s going to be tears and heartbreak waiting for us.

For me, I’m way more invested in the brothers’ relationship than the romance angle. There’s just so much more pathos and dynamic progression to wring out of it, so I’m not one bit upset if Ji-an takes a backseat. Yeah she’s a great heroine, but her current supportive relationship with Hyun is perhaps as much development as we are going to get. Their little interactions are adorable and I completely appreciate that they are not afraid to break the hard truths to the other. It’s gonna be a doozy to watch when Hyun hands Little Bro over to Ji-an, but if anything, I’m glad that Ji-an will probably be the one to put on those handcuffs.

It’s amazing how much depth we get out of all of the characters, even those with limited screen time. Most shows suffer from terribly one-dimensional side characters, but thankfully, we don’t see much of that here. Even though Eun-bok only got a few throwaway lines and one scene with Joon-ho, it was already enough for the viewers’ imagination to churn and patch together a plausible backstory for him. Even for Chief Hyun who’s not outrightly a bad person — to a certain extent, we relate to her ambitious nature causing her morals to get blurred along the way. Her death was unfortunate, but I’m so glad that Hyun got to hear her turnaround and her final comforting words to him.


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Thanks for the recap!!


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It's a little sad that it will be ending next week, what am I going to do without my weekly dosage of IRY??? huhu


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this is why i enjoyed this episode so much. it humanises joon-ho wonderfully, and yet reinforces just how dangerous he is, when you think about the fact that he genuinely does not understand where he goes wrong.

there's a lot to love about this drama, but i think i love all the awkward dinner parties the most. poor Team Leader had no idea what he was getting himself into LOL, i couldn't stop laughing.


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oops, i was referring to this quote: " I really like the reveal, that honest to God, Joon-ho did what he thought was for the other characters’ own good."


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OMG that diner was the most awkward thing I've ever watched in a drama and I found it really funny, couldn't stop laughing too. And when Jian just laid down the fact that they're all linked to joon young one way or another AND Min's one liner when the phones rang, just precious !
I knew the chief was going to die ever since she founds those prints
There will be no happy ending witht that drama and I'm okay with that because it's the only way


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I loved how all the phones rang and Min's deadpan that he was the only one not busy... and how everyone went, "Ehhh!" at the same time! Just soooo good. Such 'dark' comedy but soooo funny. :D


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My thoughts exactly! I started LOL! and I mean loudly, the minute TL Kang appeared at the door! That expression on his face when everyone paused and looked at him, except Joon Yeong. If he had looked to notice this, he might have got his answer ... the guy who does not have to look at you, dude, that's the guy!!! He really could not have chosen to have thrown out that question in a company of people any more invested in either outing or hiding the answer to that question!!! LOLOL!


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Joon Yeong *sips tea*


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15+alpha :)) LOL


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When I watched the gathering around food yet again, I thought this show should get an award for the most number of awkward psychopath get-togethers over food and drinks, during which cryptic exchanges seem to enlighten us and at least 1 member of the party might kill another. LOLOL!

One of the firsts was Hyun's 1st meeting with Joon Ho, then there was the dinner at Hyun's, Ji An in Joon Ho's home, and in this episode alone 2 tension-filled meet ups. This was the best with a clueless Kang about to fit in by linking himself with murderous Joon Yeong as well! :D Doesn't he know that he's digging his own grave? Wait. He doesn't! LOL!


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Don't forget:

"Even Team Leader Kang is here. Is this...what was it again? Speed dating?"



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Oh yeah!!! The girls being Ji An and Min-ah???? LOLOL!


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Woah way to go drama. Thnx for the recap


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Lol at team leader thinking otherwise for Hyun and Min XD
In this series everyone's acting is fantastic. I almost felt bad for the doctor when he didn't feel appreciated and left out.


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There are so many hints being thrown at Min being evil inside out, for instance him accepting that he was born this way and then doctor convincing hyun that min is evil soul. I feel like Min might end up being killed by Hyun.


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TBH, i feel like Min really might be the end of JY. I think that'd be poetic and just great. And it would fit. Maybe JY would mind less too.


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So true!


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Or I feel like maybe LJY will take at least most of the blame for Min
and somehow LJY will die; whether it's at the hands of Min or suicide I think


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aww that look of lawyer Jung really gave me some creep...


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I love how they've changed Lawyer Jung's hair to reflect his shift into Min - he used to have much more styled hair, but now he's much closer to little Min's bowl cut, and it does wonders to make him look like a child.

The moment when Hyun realizes that Min is not just misled but truly lacks empathy was wonderful. Min has no idea that what he's saying has gone over the line, while Hyun knows that reacting negatively to Min's honesty will just cause him to snap shut again. Just the fact that Min kind of realizes that what he's said isn't normal is a sign that he might've been okay if he'd grown up with Hyun's example to follow. Min might not have had the intuitive knowledge of how to be a good person, but by following Hyun's lead he might not have been a bad one.


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I thought it was because PBG is filming this and Reply 1988 at the same time, so it'll be more convenient for him to let his hair be.


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I don't think the cut's changed, I just think it was styled when he was Lawyer Jung and now he's Min they're letting it look a lot more natural, like a child whose hair was roughly blow-dried.


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I mentioned this in the last episode. The previous style was the same as Joon-ho. I know that bowl cut seems to be the typical style for Korean boys, but I think wonder if it means something that young Joon-yung also rocked the bowl cut.


I like that the show has not wavered in it's quality throughout it's run. Most shows have that one or two episodes that are either throwaway episodes or wtf episodes but this drama has stayed consistent with it's compelling story telling, camerawork and characters. Two episodes to go.


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This show is definitely one of the best I've seen in a while with its tight plot and awesome characterizations. The withdrawal is going to be severe. Can anyone suggest a similar drama to watch?
THe similar dramas I'd watch and enjoyed are:
1. Innocent man
2. Reset (a really good thriller, but the quality of the eng subs were terrible)
3. Bad Boys (with Park Hae Jin)
4. Liar Game
5, Two Weeks


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Try Missing Noir M.


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Try healer


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Major thumbs up for everything on this list, especially Liar Game! I've had my eye on My Beautiful Bride as well (knowing OCN, chances are it's gritty and gory) and I really recommend Missing Noir M and Joseon X Files (though those shows do leave you with more questions than answers)


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thank you rejoycie for the wonderful recaps! and the rest of DB writers who continuously churn out their insights on respective dramas being recapped:) it helps to weed out what to miss or watch... much thanks to the beanut gallery also, reading your comments makes for a delightful viewing experience! the ability of having another person eloquently express what i feel about this drama is why i luv this site!

by the way, IRY, you will be remembered fondly:)


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The hair-drying scene, how adorable are they? and I loved how Hyun patted Min's head and vowed to change him little by little. "I will definitely change you," he uttered :'( But if ever, Min was born evil (which I would like to believe that this could not possibly happen to a person), Hyun probably feels all the more guilty for not being able to stick by Min's side throughout his entire life thus far. Perhaps that's why he feels the burden right now, to make everything right again. Which is hard, really :( Given how Min has murdered countless people.

The ending, wow. A face off between LJY and Hyun, and another between Min and Cha Ji-an. We may have been told to understand Min objectively through his lenses, but as Cha Ji-an has said, noone has the rights to determine the life and death of another. I only hope that Min does not harm his brother's gal. And if he does, that Hyun will give him a lesson to learn. (Maybe by threatening to not see him ever again, i don't know, something that would genuinely make Min realize that he's in the wrong)


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Hope you are right and Min does not harm Ji An.
All this time it felt like he dislikes his "uncle" and suspects he was manipulated into believing that Hyun abandoned him. Would it be possible that Min helps the good guys to catch Joon Young?
Things don't look well, but I can only wish that no one else dies...


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In the preview, Min did say that he will not be killing anyone anymore. Perhaps he would be the key to proving who LJY is. But I'm pretty sure he will have to also pay for his deeds. I'm going to prepare my tissues for the next episode :( Ahhhh, I really do not want this drama to end so soon :(


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somewhere, i think that Min really didnt kills anyone. Sure he may have been an accomplice to the disposal and certainly not ignorant of what was happening around him, but i do feel that perhaps he's not a first degree murderer. Do you think, Joon Ho with his interest into turning people's lives into one big social experiment, tried to turn Min into something he was not? i.e. not a killer?


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Comment was deleted


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I loved Eunbok, dangit! Whyyyyyyyyy.

When Jian was listing her choices at the beginning, actually she may have been right. The only way to stop LJY might be to kill him. If he was put in jail or an asylum, he would probably escape easily, as he has a bunch of minions who probably work in the justice system like Eunbok and Min, because he instilled in them that warped sense of justice.


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Yes. I like him too. Remember the Dave - David thing! Just subtle comedy but just so well written and enacted! Love this show.


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Eun-bok might not be a psychopath, he might just be an indebted murderer. He killed Chief Hyun specifically to settle a debt, rather than personal gain.


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eun-bok in the that regard could be considered worse than the psychopath killers as he knew what he did was wrong and simply killed a trusting colleague for selfish reasons, that is to 'pay back' the dept, so is was for personal gain really, made even worse as LJY didnt even want Chief Hyun dead.


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and in another note, he's a COP!!! OMG,,, as a cop surely he knows killing someone is wrong whatever the reason is. Even if he was unintended killing a person in the task. yes, he is worse than LJY.


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You have a point right there! D: Eun bok, so disappointing you are :'(


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It's hard to understand how he could kill a close colleague that emotionlessly and without any regret or reaction afterward, if he were not a sociopath.


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But what makes one killer "just a killer" and the other a sociopath? I think it is quite nuanced...maybe it shouldn't be killer vs sociopath, but what level of sociopathic tendency they have?

In itself, the act of killing (and in Eun Bok's case, voluntary murder) is a twisted action. To what extent do we still consider killers as "normal" people?

(How I wish I'd watched this show when it was airing!!)


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For me, ep 14 was the key to understanding LJY and Min. I think, if until now I wanted to think Min's crimes might have been the result of his upbringing, ep 14 was definitely a wake up call. Nope, he's another psychopath, but not as far gone as LJY. And LJY...well. I see him as such a heartbreaking character, because he's just SO lost. He doesn't even realize what he does wrong. It's creepy as hell, but it's also sad, because he's misunderstood, and he misunderstands everybody.

I like the writers for implicating Ji An into the cryptic circle in the last two episodes. Even though she is technically less in the lead right now, it still makes it seem like she's actively involved in the action. I would hate for her to become passive or worse, invisible.

The romance is where it should be. I'm pretty sure there won't be much more of it, but it's okay. It's developed enough that I can believe Hyun and Jian ending together, and seeing how both of them are not the most demonstrative people, I don't think there's time to develop it any further.

I personally wish there was less of the bromance, because there is no way there'll be a 'happy' ending for these two. Min either dies or goes to jail, and when the time comes, because they'll be so close, it'll be so very sad.

For this great drama I just hope it gets a nice, well-rounded, coherent ending. And that Hyun gets his memory back so we finally learn how his mother died. It's doable in two episodes, so don't let us down Show!


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Psychopaths actually do pretty well in jail, typically - they figure out the system and work it to their advantage.


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I wish there was less of the bromance too. It'll be better if it was more subtle. Feeding the brother and blowing his hair were a little cringy...


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Poor Ji-An.
she has becometh the unfortunate victim of Production team’s fine castings, and Park Bo-Gum’s pristine’s greek-goddness victimised face (not un-noticed excellent acting), and growing fandom’s acceptance of Bromance….
Am not surprised that many do not mind Ji-an take a “back-seat”, or given lesser “scene-times” with Hyun, provided that Min may have his “well-deserved” endings, and all Hail to the Power of Bromance..
regarding Min, he will never be that lighthouse, that fortress that Hyun can lean against, as long as he is not “saved” and thus, not “safe”, as long as he believed that someone has sinned or abandoned others, thus deserved punishment, there will be impending pain in future, as Hyun continued to see this “evil side” in Min not treated. And Min will always be a time-bomb, that may one day out of jealousy kill whosoever girl that has threaten his solid position in Hyung’s heart…. Thus, to depend Hyun’s eternal happiness in Min alone is due to tragedy!

like I say, Ji-an is a victim. As much as Min deserve his happy ending. I say, Ji-An deserve hers too. She has come a long way, chasing after Hyun, digging for the truth, yet at the same times, didn’t allow herself to blame anyone, and fallen away… even after learning to ugly truth, and given the ill-timed closure, when we most expected her to bang her way thru, and do “something really stupid”… she did not ! Even Hyun knew that deep within her, she knew what she should do, and she will (with his encouragement), stand on her own feet…
this gal, is not the ordinary Belle or princess, that need some rescue from princes from ivory tower… within her, she has the Goliath strength hidden in a David’s small statue, she is the only one that draw smiles to Hyun’s weary face unexpectedly in times past, as much as Hyun needs Min, Hyun will not be complete, without Ji-An at his side.
This drama has beget something very unique, a simple smile, an understanding look, a whisper of “thanks, Ji-An”, a tight hug, a soft kiss on forehead, and we ended up reap each of them, very thankfully, one ep after another…. So, we are contended, as long as Hyun keeps her beside him to the end. To Hyun, she is his alpha (the first letter of the Greek alphabet α), as much as his omega.


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Well-worded!!! Totally agree with you that Ji An's role and her importance to Hyeon is probably undermined by the explicit show of cute bromance between the brothers. I can understand the sweet actions Hyeon towards Min, as he totally felt guilty and responsible for the way Min turned out and he had to try to find ways to make it up and perhaps change Min little by little, though he will eventually find out that Min is probably beyond repair. Hyeon also knows that Min must eventually be put in jail for his crimes and therefore want to spend as much time left to show that he loves and "remembers" Min (therefore the acts of taking care of young Min in the past).

Ji An is really a strong unconventional heroine. She is smart (not genius but smart enough to connect many dots and put the pieces together) and independent person who has her own thinking with high sense of moral. Even at her most vulnerable time, she managed to pull it through, knowing what is right. She is also the one who also keeps Hyeon in check, reminding him there is no justification for killing, no matter how evil the victims are.

How can he not love her? She understands him very well, probably even better than himself. She gives him the space when needed and support and consolation when required. She jumps out to say “I’ll protect you and catch the culprit” when she thinks his life is in danger. She manages to get to the scene in time to save his beloved brother. She is willing to put aside her own desire to stay with Hyeon (or else she wouldn’t have sent her aunt away when leaving hospital) and let him bring his brother to stay with him instead because she knows what’s best for Hyeon at that time. She also understands him that she says will give time for him to be with his brother while standing her moral ground that Min will need to be put to justice.

Because of Hyeon's characters, we don't get to see the usual sizzling hot romance scenes in other dramas, but we can clearly see that he’s warming up and opening up to her. However, their small little actions speak words about their feeling towards each other. The scene of them taking turn watching each other sleep and the shy little smiles they exchange each other is so beautifully captured.


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Totally agree, Mary and Mstella, well thought out. She is his rock and yes, probably understands him more than he understands himself, given that his memories are not intact and that not wanted to face the truths about his brother. He's coming around, but she knows he needs prodding so give him both space and an ultimatum, in the most gentle way possible.

I'm hoping that the writer does continue to develop their relationship, but it will probably be in the same subtle, tender and cute ways it's been. Perhaps a longer kiss, but it won't be the those demonstrations we know SIG and Jang Nara can deliver from other dramas. Not that I wouldn't mind, but I can't see anything very passionate napping that keeps in synch with the writer's characterization of Hyun. Yet with the skill of this writer, perhaps more intimacy will happen in unexpected and very tender ways.


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Ha, that would be "...passionate happening"...

Good old autocorrect... just when you were trying to envision "passionate napping"


Larrymimosa dear. seriously you do NOT need to "correct" your "napping" to "happening"...bwahahaha... we all don't really mind the NAPPING.
just like we take pleasure to allow our imaginations run wild at that ep 10 kiss....
too bad, the writting style of this writer in this particular drama, does not allow the napping....so SIG excellent "passionate-acting" can only be put to good use in other drama.
none the less, many times Writer do bow to fans' needs, and we saw our fans' miracles works in Healer.... hahaha>
so Writer, please continue whatever you DID NOT DO PROPERLY AT end of ep 10.
indulge us please!!!!!


I think in the end there will be another kiss. We can see that Hyeon has been warming up a lot towards Ji An. At this point he also realizes his feelings towards her. However, now the timing is not quite right for that kind of romance yet, as he has loads on this mind - to handle his brother and LJY. Maybe after all is settled with these two and some time for the grief, we will eventually see the passionate kiss happening. Hyeon has his loving, tender side and is very capable at caring people (we can see examples from his childhood and his adorable caring for Min), but he has shut himself all these years.

Also if you see BTS on ep 10, SIG said something like Noona work hard this time, I'll work hard next time. So probably, there'll be another kiss where Hyeon takes the initiative!


you rightly said "she knows what’s best for Hyeon at that time".
in our pathetic life, most of the times we couldn't balance between what our most beloved one truly needs, and what our most beloved one desire most. Many of us decide upon ourselves to give what we "think best, according to our own selfish needs" to our loved ones. then, there are some of us, wake up to realised giving what our loved ones desire will make him more happy than giving him what i(we) wish to give... thus, this group of self-less ones goes in miles extra to pamper and spoilt their loved ones.
finally the 3rd kind of lovers, there are the pityful rare ones that did the unthinkable to give their loved ones, what he actually needs most, even if its cost her more agony to take the narrow path. Ji-An happens to be that 3rd kind, she doesn't take the straight path. she doesn't mind that in Hyeon's heart, she doesn't hold that central stage, she doesn't mind to keep a further distance, to spend lesser time, so that he can be comforted. knowing that he needs to shower tender cares for his brother, at this moment, the blessing and joy in loving someone will be channel at Min. and she doesn't mind that Hyeon find solace in Min now. Yet, she has to do that unwelcome reminder, to remind Hyeon that, he really needs to counsel and lead Min to true repentance, and Min himself must take the initiative to own up, and should not force Hyeon to be the one to finally cuff him up. Ji-An knew the pending inevitable ends, and someone must carry it out, and she knows, Hyeon will want her to be the one, while Hyeon may wish Min will walk himself in when cometh that day.
yes, she knows what is best for Hyeon. and she sacrifice what is best for herself, to see that what is best for him be met. i will missed this beautiful girl.
thus, after sat in silent with Hyeon, holding his hand while Min is in the OP, she whispered to the blurred Kang that this is one of the moment she dread being a cop, to force your beloved one to "deliver up" his brother again.


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"To Hyun, she is his alpha (the first letter of the Greek alphabet α), as much as his omega."

I'd say Jian is the alpha and Min is the omega... :D


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i was thinking, say if ever Min was acted by Min Seung Wook, and not Park Bo Gum, even if MSW is able to act his pathetic brother part well, do you think the huge wave of Bromance Hailings will be so deafening? likewise, while i believe LJY's sins should be paid to the very last dot, like Ji-An said, no one has the right to kill even someone whom you think has sinned against many.
was glad that you pointed out that while Min was sheltered by dad's ignorance over his borne Hyde brewing nature, and also covered up by Hyun's sacrificed in his place, our Senior Hyde LJY wasn't really borned into such. in fact he was whipped n left to rot into Hyde-state. He has absolutely no-one to sympathized with from Day One of his life, without proper education or friendship, a normal kid will turn nuts, moreover, someone gifted with higher intelligence n self-awareness, he was a passive Hyde. while Min was a self-willed Hyde, Min killed animals even before LJY kidnapped him. while i don't believe that LJY should be given a Lecter in Silence of the Lamb treatment, that he definitely shouldnt be left to enjoy retirment in Europe or Jeju,... i will not hope he meet a cold blooded ends... let's just hope he realised n show some regrets that he killed Ji-An n Hyun's dad, and truly apologise to them, and end his days in life sentence. as for Min, he better realised that even the most "sinful" person in our eyes, deserved to be left to die in the God's given timing, no one has the right to punish any by death, else Min will be a time bomb beside Hyun, and may even threaten Hyun's future relationship with his future wife (be it Ji-an or not). happy endings to me, isn't just jail or death, but the "evil" persons realised his sins, and the righteous ones forgive him (them), and let the Law of the Land judges the evil ones. Forgiveness rewards the one who bestow on others.


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What a great episode. What a great series. I just love every single thing about it and will be so sad when it ends next week.


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I can't even finish reading the recap yet.. but i just need to drop this comment.

"Welcome to the Cryptic Club, Ji-an."

I lol-ed so hard. I always thought she was supposed to be the sane one, but how come she can fit into a club of psychos? Well, that's why she complements Hyun. Hahaha.

And i love love the shot when they are watching each other sleep. I feel that the PD captures the drama really well, it felt different than most of K-dramas camera style.

I love Min but boy, he is in too deep. He needs help. Maybe Hyun is giving his all in fixing his lil bro, but Min needs real help. Hyun can't be all objective in this, and maybe thats where Ji An will come in the picture. She won't let Hyun runs away from this matter in any way. Park Bo Gum is certainly killing this role and i will keep an eye out for his project excluding the Reply series.

And i like that Seo In Guk, character or not, give chance for other actors to shine. I can't exactly say what is it about it but maybe the actors are just so good that they are killing the role... but i find that the balance is nice. Like even at the start, when Ji An was screaming in hysteria i find it kind of heart wrenching aside from loving psycho LJY in some twisted way.


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thanks for the nice recap ( as usual ) and especially the comments <333
i'm in love with those two brothers <3333 for the first time in a drama i focus more on bromance than the main couple :) but soo sad that all those cute moments are coming to an end next week :'(( "sobs"


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Aw, still loving this show too.

Joon-Young is a great character to watch, and this actor is clearly doing him justice and more. I really can believe that he's urged by his loneliness, and that's his primary motivation. Not that he's not also maybe using the kids and shaping them in the wrong way, but like rejoycie said, I totally believe he's coming from some wrong place. It was kinda heartbreaking when Min told him that it's because these good acts are coming from an evil person--it's pretty accurate but also terribly sad. As terrible as Joon-young is, when you look at his life altogether he's kind of a tragic monster.

I should've mentioned this for last epi, but idk, I kinda wish Ji-An was handled a little bit better here. I agree that the brothers line (and Joon-young too) is the most compelling and gets to the heart of the show, but Ji-An definitely has a place in this show too. I think the romance might be eating away at her time too; her grief with her father was used a bit as a way to develop her closeness with Hyun. Which isn't bad, but I would've liked some concentration on her own development as well. I liked this scene of her breaking into JY's home for that affect--it's rash, a bit stupid, but purposeful and totally Ji-An. (But yeah, she's really not good at being sneaky...)

Anyway, Min remains one of the most fascinating characters too. I'm waiting for his murders to be somewhat dexter-ized--they already are a bit in that he only kills people who abandon/wrong others. I wonder if they'll push that a bit, to make him a bit more palatable, but I'm trusting they won't do that too much. In a way, he seems more like the cold blooded serial killers we see on TV than Joon-Young even; he likely started off committing crimes as a kid (with the animal killing), whereas JY started off with one terrible blast, which was huge but aimed at those who had hurt him. Min started off with innocents, and without too much stirring him--though maybe something happened with his mother.

Ah, so much to play with in this show! I could totally have gone for more. JY and the woman who had let him escape was a great touch. Min with everybody, including Ji-An, is great. Hyun is still lovely and fun to watch. Etc. ^^


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Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. - Psalms 51:5.

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; - Romans 3:23

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. – Isaiah 64:6

we sinned automatically since Day one of our life, only when we put on righteousness of God, then we are changed.
some changed along the way, as they grew on.
LJY was left to rot in Self-destruction, and be himSELF,
in fact, if he changed place with Min, having a dad like Min, and not left to abandonment, he may be a good doctor or lawyers, like Hyun.


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Thank you for you recap. Only two more episodes left, which makes me so sad. My Tuesdays and Wednesday won't be the same. This drama is in many way so different from most KDramas, I don't even know where to beginn. The development and actually seeing why the main leads are falling in love, without being told to. The plot is well developed, but it's also not perfect, especially the first episodes had some plotholes for the sake of the plot. But with every new episode the plot thickens with actual cause and affect. I can't believe how much actually happens in one episode. It's such a joy to watch. People aren't acting stupid, or storyline aren't simply dropped.

For the most part it's serious, but without being depressing, sweet without the sugary coat of aegyo. Every glance, every touch seems meaningful, but not for simply display, rather simple being. The acting is top notch. Seo in Guk played it incredibly well, when Lee Hyeon was waiting outsing his brothers operating room in the last episode and his hands slightly quivered. Perfectly in character. Or in this episode when Min was leaving with his brothers you could actually see the slight reddeing of Lee Joon Ho left eye.

And isn't it nice for once in a while? Characters actually true to them selfs? 14 episodes and no groan worthy moment. Perhaps police work that needed a bit more professionalism, but I can live with that. Can't we get another season? They could do it Sherlock Style.


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hmm... both brothers rejected LJY just like his family.That does not bode well for the 2


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I don't know...they rejected him, but didn't abuse him or anything. I think Min would have a more deadly reaction to rejection than JY.

But true, JY still might react.


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according to JY conversation with Hyun's father it was his mother who abuse him ... the family just neglect him and isolate him from them... just like what the 2 brothers are doing.

In this episode JY and Min are much surprise that Ji an accepted Hyun since they both think Hyun is the same with them.

I think the 3 guys just want someone to understand them and They kept on finding that someone but only Hyun found it.

Cha ji an is angry right now and the 3 guys understand that emotion very well. They (especially the 2 psychos) react to anger positively. Especially Min who cherishes Hyun very much and thought he was abandoned but it wasn't the case because of LJ. I think Min is much angry with JY right now because if LJ did not kidnap him there is no Cha Ji an right now so LJ must be taken care of first.

I guess what I am trying to say is Cha Ji an is not a threat for them (2 psychos) right now but I guess an asset. Her anger and emphatic character is gold. She might not be physically in trouble facing the 2 psycho guys but they might manipulate her.


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never did i think of it this way. Very nicely said and great POV. Kudos to you. x1000 for this comment.

I need a thumbs up button..


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Ji An's influence may very well extend to Min at this point. He's not an idiot and should have pieced together that Ji An's absence resulted in Hyun inviting him to live together. He probably also suspects that Ji An knows he's Min... and that as a policewoman she's not pursuing that line of questioning.

So as much as Ji An matches Hyun, she is showing a lot of grace towards Min, and that is not just for Hyun's benefit.


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it depends on how much he shifted his moral compass from LJY to Hyun, and as he already said if he kills anyone last it would be LJY that would suggest very much he switched to his brother over his 'uncle'.
Also I been getting hints that LJY wants to get caught in some way, why would he tell off eun-bok for killing Chief Hyun as not needed when she was going to hand over the finger prints to Hyun, unless he want Hyun to get them.


"she is showing a lot of grace towards Min".
right on! she is taking a back seat, to give Hyun some spaces when he needs space, wait for him to speak up.... knowing who he needs most at that moment, and she knows when to waken Hyun up to realise that, while basking in that sunshine of Brotherly reunion, there are still some shaping and cleansing works be done in Min... and not just for the sake of Hyun, but Min needs the "cleansing" as much, so that he will not end up being possessive,.... Hyun needs Ji-An at his side, to remind him times again and again, we must all stop blaming Hyun for the "abandon" or LJY for the dad-killing... Min himself needs to be cured and stop hiding behinds excuses that he"being borned as a monster"... and realised that no one deserve to be killed just because she/he did something wrong to another.
ji-an is liken unto the Lighthouse, thru-out the whole show, the conscience that whip all the rest of the 3 guys back to truth every now n then.


That's what I am worried about. LJY wants to belong, to be understood. Hyun/Jian and Min being hostile to him is perfectly understandable given the circumstances. They're judging him based on what they know is right - the law. But they're going about it the wrong way. This isn't how you get to understand a psychopath, this is how you back them to a corner and act out.


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It speaks to the power of this writing and this actor, that I do not want Joon Yeong to be backed into a corner, to be humiliated or to be forced into prison, but to be given the respect due him, to have the opportunity to choose to give himself up. I'm guessing that he will probably end up dead though, which I find equally sad.


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GB, remembered Moon Sik of Healer?
he was not behind bars, but his mind was trapped behind the visible bars he caved himself in daily when he turned somber.

so 3 scenarios:
1. Min, or someone else kill LJY.
2. LJY killed himself, after lost the aim in life, as Min "wake up".
3. LJY turned himself in, and spend Life Sentence behind bars, or willingly let Hyun cuffed him, then he apologized, and Hyun and Ji-An forgives him. Occasionally, Min will visit him. (this is my happy ending.)


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LJY's room, a room off-limits to others, room of interest

Those are actually has deep meaning that stands for understanding LJY's mindset. If anyone knows it can be explained in details. I will just point out that LJY, Min and Eun Bok has similar room of interest. Talking about psychopath has their hobbies as for LJY that room is his neverland which keeps him connected to his lost kids. (hyuns's father diary, ji an's father's corpse location and lastly kids photo album) I still can't accept he was trying to help them for me it's more logical to say that he has twisted Peter Pan syndrome. (Empathy for lost kids led a selfish desire to keep them close to him) As for Min we all see his workroom means he keeps pour out his twisted imagination on drawings ever since childhood. As for Eun Bok again we saw he is in love with his keyboard( and mause?) and his hidden identity as criminal also connected to that technology obsession( i am sure he over heard Hyuns conversations with Detective yang on phone and the voice message Planning menager left.) So here is my question nuture, nature or twisted obsessions^^


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Yay! Thank you for the recap. So, I was wondering if everyone thinks the look Min gave Jian at the end is because he is going to do something bad to her? Because, I've been thinking, he has said to Joon Ho that Joon Ho will be his last victim. What if Min tries to turn Jian to the dark side to off Joon Ho? Or less evilly, just decides to help her in putting Joon Ho in prison? So the smile Min gave at the end may have been genuine, for someone who might be a psychopath.


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Min probably finds Ji An fascinating. She's competition for Hyun's affections, but also does unexpected things like moves out of Hyun's home in favor of Min, shows up out of nowhere to shoot Min's assailant, and generally is not putting on her policewoman hat when it comes to him.

And honestly, he probably also finds her amusing. She's joining in the psychotalk even though it's out of her league. She keeps doing unexpected things, and she's definitely taking it to Joon Young in a way Min doesn't often see.

I don't think he'll do something bad to her for the sake of doing something bad. If he did do something bad to her, it would be for the purpose of testing Hyun, but he's just as likely to make Ji An squirm through some really uncomfortable conversation instead.


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I think we the viewers are meant to fear for her, but Min has demonstrated at every turn that all his actions are predicated on Hyun in some way. Although Min is clearly jealous of Ji An, there's no way in hell he'd do anything to hurt someone important to Hyun. Not for Joon Yeong anyway. Maybe if Hyun actually picked Jian over him, but not at this point.


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Drama gold, right here!! Thank you very much for recapping, rejoycie!


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That last image to me seems to sum up the characters so well. Everyone has something to push them forward, although they all have a gritty past, they are all working towards a goal of some sort, only min although has a new name is still technically waiting. ...I sometimes get frustrated with the k-dramas, but this one has given me so much, akin to my coffee prince experience. A whole new world has begun!


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love the bro's time again ♥
there are some things I find it missing, like what is the connection between death of Hyun's mom with LJY? Hyun still can't remember it if I'm not mistaken.
Hope it'll be answered next week.
I really find this drama really entertaining and perfectly executed every eps and although domestic rating isn't really good, I stick to this one and stop the competitor from SBS which I won't mention..


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"can't look at Min through rose-colored glasses"
Min been held captive for all intent and purposes, mentally, emotionally, and physically all his life by a psychopath- and how heart-wrenching it is just to look at his broken life? Heong is so gentle, but his heart is in his throat all the time with Min.

It is shocking to see the ripple effect of one person on so many other people.


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Correction. Min wasn't held captive by LJY. He was told by LJY that his brother left him with LJY after their father was killed. LJY didn't raise him as a serial killer. Watching him being nice to the "saved" boys, I assume LJY was busy studying to become a pathologist while Min was well taken care of and going to school himself. So no serial killer training here. He did his killings on his own, in secret. They both kept the the pleasure of their murders to themselves, for the most part. Ladies. Your hearts are made of gold. So much heartache for the poor killers.
Do we know if Hitler was ever abused by his parents? He had psychopathic tendencies, you know. Oh, wait. He wasn't tall and handsome enough for our "hard earned" sympathy.


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Kidnapped five year olds are captives, and telling a child their family abandoned them would be psychological control and abuse. We have no idea how LJY raised Min; at the very least he didn't dissuade Min from killing, and he most certainly knows that Min is doing it, given his comments about the couple who got the radio card.

It's possible to feel sympathy for someone while also wanting them to be brought to justice, and I think that's well-represented in the comments: feeling bad that Joon Young was severely abused as a child, and feeling sorry that Min was kidnapped and lied to, but also recognizing that the resulting crimes deserve punishment. When you stop feeling empathy and acknowledging nuance, that's when you start getting into a very dangerous black-and-white world.

Lastly: I can't believe you just tried to Godwin a Kdrama discussion. Seriously?


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huh... i gonna say something not very "welcome" here.. have been holdin on till now.
actually i have not much empathy towards Min. while LJY do stirred some strings within me.
guess, if Park BS is casted to act Min, and given that Park BS played Min to almost perfection in his forlorn puppy eyes look, if another actor were to be cast as Min, i guess the Min-swoon factor will NOT be that great, lesser even any chants of bromance... thus, all hail the power of EXCELLENCE CASTING.
(i like Min more in Tomorrow Cantebile). Min's psycho straits isn't a result of "bad bringing up" or "childhood traumas". he was the Monster (killed some dog even? lied to his dad about Hyun as the one drawn the Hydra-beings thingy), thus, even if LJY didn't kidnap him, and Hyun was locked up instead of Min in that bunker, Min may just grew up left to be weird and hiding a "hyde jekyll" identity. what he needs is therapy and counseling, even if LJY never "corrupt" him.
look away from Min to LJY, you find a very diff story. LJY is A complete TRAGEDY. Guess he was a gifted child, abandoned, hurt, loneliness, even physically abuses. His mind was so twisted, that he actually did he should be complimented for saving Hyeon from his bunker-prison guard (dad), and providing the safe haven for Min to "be himself and develop his gift" by bringing Min away from a "normal" upbringing.
thus, LJY looked so "unappreciated" when he was smacked into realization that Ji-An was hurt by his birthday gift. not once do i think, he ever wanted to hurt Hyun, or Min or Ji-An, guess he really has a soft spot for unfortunate kids. many ever said, the thin line before a gifted genius crossed over to become a psycho, will be his humanity, when he has given up his humanity and wanted to play God using his god-given gifts.
The differences between Min and LJY is, if both were given loving Parental nurtures from young, LJY will becomes a Senior Hyun, but Min will be an eccentric artist by day and Min by night.


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It is actually wonderful how this drama brings about everything in a circle. The quality has not wavered till the very end. I hope we have two more intriguing episodes. The acting is sooooo great. I am totally loving the bromance . Hyun and min look just sooooo cute together. Waiting to see the closure to this wonderfully woven tale.


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Sad to see this one end. if it doesn't fail me in the end it will be my fave drama of the year..and def up there in fave 5 dramas ever..yup..I love it that much.. :))


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The characterization on this show is remarkable and consistent. Everything falls into place in unexpected but completely reasonable ways.


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I really love this drama. To me it seems more of a struggle between good and evil and how good can only be good in others eyes and how wvil can only be true evil if it is defined as such in others eyes. Like how the doctors good act is only considered good to himself alone. I usually get disappointed when dramas that are supposed to be romantic don't sell the romance well but this drama is govimg me a good dose of romance that balances the romance and the thriller.


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Interesting point!

It's dangerous when individuals with a skewed set of morals (and little empathy) determine what is right and wrong. Does it make right or good, the evil thing I do, just because I can justify it to myself? How about if I can get one other person or a whole bunch to agree it is good? What about if I did it for the good of another person, and that person is grateful? If so, then I'd feel my evil deed was actually good.

Fortunately we get judged not only by ourselves or by a few. But you know, even the wider, social sense of what is good, true, right and wrong can be gradually changed and skewed. It is happening even now, so that what was once taken as right and moral is now in the grey area.


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The director is doing a fantastic job, as is the writer - that scene of Ji An and Hyun watching each other sleep and then smiling at each other doesn't sound romantic at all on the page (no one's bleeding, they're not even in the same bed, they're not touching, no one's crying, they didn't even speak!) but it shows just the right level of closeness for these two: unlike other "romantic" couples who stop using words and start using their bodies to communicate, these two are at a place where they know each other well enough that no words are needed.

This really is one of the best Kdrama relationships I've seen. You actually feel like it could last a long, long time, with the two just liking each other more and more until they can't imagine life without the other - not in an all-consuming passionate way, but like they're naturally two halves of a whole.


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I also love that scene so much! A wordless scene that speaks more than words can describe about their relationship and how they feel about each other! The director and writer really did a splendid job on many small meaningful actions between the couple. I even find these actions more powerful than kissing scenes in other dramas.


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Hi Miranda!

I love that scene too! It was lovely in a way that you can actually feel each other's earnest love evolving into something. It was executed brilliantly, despite no words and no touching involved! <3 It's not like the other scenes, where it is mandatory to have many touching and/or intimate actions on a "romantic" scene.


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same here ^_^ silent however incredibly powerful scene full of emotions and unspoken ( but meant ) words , just an eye contact and sweet smile can do the job in a perfectly romantic way <3


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mmm... Healer's OTP is my OTP of all times, and we all knows Healer's Writer Song truly spoilt us fans real good, with 6 solid Kisses.
well... compared to I R Y, its kinda of pale in comparison in terms of "passion" degree... but no!
surprisingly, we are not starved of deep emotions portrayed, because of the fine acting of both Hyun and Ji-An, but the story line allowed both characters to grew to like each other's character, when i said "LIKE", i really mean, LIKE each other's characters, weakness or strengths, plain without make-up looks when they just woke up, esp Ji-An. whenever they present before each other, is exactly the REAL THEM, so both grew to FALL IN LIKE, then just fall in love, as in Love at first sight blindly.
so we are given a baby-spoon bites each ep, we truly see how both drew closer bit by bit, and we really see Ji-An's contentment as she was fed a "little more" each times, from a smile after the sudden kiss, to a "thanks, ji-an", to a gentle peck on forehead, to a leak about "most cherish person", to 15+alpha, to a tight hug,, to finally, "your number cannot be counted...".... then, we realised, Less is more, slow is deeper, silent spoke louder. a smile can shaken you more than a kiss. yet, we are convinced, what transpired between them, hidden between those looks and smile and hugs, is deeper than what park shin hye's hot kiss can do, or what Uee and SungJoon can churn.
these 2 couple, just proven that. i am gonna missed them achingly.


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"Park Shin Hye's hot kiss... "
Definition of non-sequitur


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She did alright when there was toast involved...? Or when Lee Min Ho basically blindsides her.

Otherwise: heh.


its almost a good month past the screening of that "watching each other sleep" scene... and i still couldn't get that scene out of my mind. was watching it, then it dawn upon me, the thoughts that was going thru Ji-an mind as her turns cometh when she watched him slept... knowing of cause he has just fallen asleep watching her... surely it warm her heart, like those moments when he kissed her forehead, or when she was counted as "precious person" .... any leaks by him, that she was treasured make her shrieked in delights... but this... i can see slight sense of pain, and helpless, as she watches him, knowing by daylight, she will needs to break the news that she need to move out, so that Min can come back to Hyeon.. its a sacrifice on her part, that she does not find pleasure to even opened her mouth and request... so whatever she can, is to savor this moment, watching him, her last night here.... she is not numb nor stupid, by now, she knew hidden behind his constrain, his reserved and blunt words, he has a growing fondness for her... she knew.
but the next day, she has to go.... so she just has to, enjoy this moment, looks on, .... this moment of evident that he cares for her, he watched her slept. this precious last night.


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Just look at Min's face. He looks innocent but he's a murderer. Even with that I still feel sorry for him. But he still has to be punished for what he did.


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That dinner...the level of awkward greatness amd the implication Hyun and Min are dating lol


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Finally!! Wondering how Hyun next steps are. Next two episode will be awesome...chebal....


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Fave drama. I cannot even begin to describe it! The bromance is heart wrenching. Low dose of romance but works for me. I hope Heung, Min and Jian get their happy ending... but how? :(


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What it comes down to with Min. Does he, will he, and most importantly can he truly know, believe and feel that murder is wrong? Judgement is just as much about punishing the criminal as it is for the victim giving the still living a sense of closure.

What judgement would Min say he deserved? (As a lawyer he could probably look at it clinically and apply the letter of the law, but would he feel he deserved that?)


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On an intellectual level, Min knows what he's doing will result in punishment if he's caught, he just doesn't have all the emotional and instinctive underpinnings that would make him, well, not kill people. He's got his own very specific sense of justice and thoughts about the value of life.

I tend to think of judgement as being an opportunity for the criminal to reflect, but more being a chance to segregate and retrain the criminal to stop antisocial behavior. Min is a little bit of a curious case as his desire to please Hyun might override any personal desire to eliminate annoying/bad people. So Min might change, to all outward observation, while still having a void where most people store their morality.

He's lived his life so far rudderless. Joon Young wasn't a guide and if anything probably led Min astray by example. But if Min can basically ask himself "what would Hyun do?" or possibly "Would Hyun approve of this?", then he's probably capable of functioning normally in society.

...unfortunately he's killed a bunch of people, so he's going to have to be incarcerated. I genuinely hope he ends up in prison, because that way he can keep seeing Hyun, and Hyun's ability to be selfless and loving towards Min could help develop a morality-shaped concept that Min could hold onto, even if he personally doesn't care all that much about people or their reactions.


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But Min thinking Hyun abandon him all of this time. So how Min can think “what would Hyun do?” or possibly “Would Hyun approve of this?” He hate Hyun for abandon him.

I think Min actually still have little bit moral in him, he not kill just anybody who he dosen't like, but some one who remind him with something which hurt him the most "being abandoned". And when he killing, he do it as a form of his cry " remember me!"to Hyun.

And remember even he orcestra the attack to Ji An house, at the last moment he cancel it and save Ji an, because he know Hyun care for her. Although maybe he will think it's just becasue he is curious what make Hyun care for her.

Actually with his history killing animal when he is small and then kidnnaped by LJY, being lied that his brother abandon him, Min just killing peoples who abandoned another person is count lighter for me, i have watched another story who have psichopath who kill peoples randomly just because they love blood smell...(bad guys)

And remember when Hyun first time know he is Min and come to find him? He said to Hyun that he is already broken since Hyun abandon him.

So Min is aware he is not normal, he is someone who is broken. He know his life is screwed.
I think if he is still don't want to surrender his self, is just because he just know that the hell he is living in all of this time is just LJY's lies. And at last he find his brother love again, how he can let go of it just like that.

And if we talk about he personally doesn’t care all that much about people or their reactions, i think it's not because he is not capable do it. He just never teached or showed how to do it.

The adult min aware he is not normal from his childhood too, but i really think he want to normal and has hope if his brother around him, he will show him how to do it. That so when he think Hyun abandon him, he let himself to become a murderer as a form to punish Hyun.


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Team leader Kang saying that Min and Hyun look good together was hilarious. How did you even come up with that idea. First it was Lawyer Jung detailing his first love, then the investigative team misunderstands that Min is a girl (LOL), and now it's team leader kang. This is so amusing!


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True!! LOL! You caught on to all the ludicrous misunderstandings of the Hyun-Min relationship! I love this show for all this subtle and real humor just popping up unexpectedly.

On TL Kang's part, I kinda feel it's wistful thinking as well, since he seems to have a bit of a crush on Ji An. He's probably hoping that Hyun's cold exterior means he does not prefer her or girls in general. :)


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Hahaha! Team Leader Kang is totally in denial... he'll be crushed once he finds out that Jian and Hyun have a thing going on...


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Definitely my favorite drama right now!! So happy that Ji An is taking the lead in taking down Joon Young while Hyun has time to dote on Min. I'm honestly quite scared for her seeing this ending because we've seen Joon Youngs rationale in action but not Min's. I mean he did almost kill her before and she didn't abandon anyone. So will her actions cause him to try again to protect himself and his newfound happiness with Hyun??? Hope not :(.

Thanks for the awesome recap!


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@ Ultramarineblue

Yes, that is one question to ask, since now he is big enough to take control, will he see Ji An's interference as something he should stop to protect himself (by protecting Joon Yeong).

The other question could be.... if Eun Bok felt thankful and wanted to repay a debt, does Min feel that he too has a debt he should repay Joon Yeong?


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Thanks so much for a good recap @rejoicie!

A little note about this part ... "Joon-ho says he doesn’t know who Joon-young is, and the two brothers smirk at his blatant lie. Ji-an steps in to explain that Joon-young killed her father, Hyun’s father, and kidnapped Hyun’s brother."

Does anyone else have a different take on this???
What you say here seems to make sense as well, however ... according to what I gathered, I thought what Joon Ho meant was that he personally did not know TL Kang all that well, and that someone who knew him better should explain,... ie he was saying he could explain/speak about himself, but did not feel he should, since he was not that 'friendly' yet with Team Leader Kang as to go and talk about himself to him. Therefore it fell to the one most familiar to Kang (ie Ji An) to do the explanation.

The reason I believe this was what was meant, was that I noticed Joon Ho actually telling very few DIRECT lies. He may circumvent, put false ideas into people's minds and change the subject and quote other people's thoughts but he seldom (I cannot recall anyway) gives a direct lie like, "I don't know who Joon Yeong is."

Can anyone remember?


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You made me curious so I watched that part again. Joonho uses slightly ambiguous pronouns (literally, "He's not a person that I know well. The person who knows him the best should explain."), but I'm pretty sure Rejoycie is correct, Joonho is referring to Joonyoung, not Kang. Min smirks after he says that, like yeah, right.

Anyway, I watched that dinner scene a million times, and I could watch it a million more, it's so hilarious. Min gets all the good lines. That psycho sense of humor...


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Thanks... I've been replaying that part as well... it's still a bit grey to me ... can be taken either way, but still funny.

The other thing that struck me was that it seemed Min was hearing it said in his presence for the first time that he had been kidnapped... he was, "Oh so that's what happened... That was a bad man." And Hyun smiled that he was realizing this while Joon Yeong was making a note of Min's reaction. I wonder if Min had never had that version given to him before. Did he never find out the official take on how he came to disappear or did he never believe it until Ji An voiced it at that dinner table.

That is sad, that if only he had got this version and believed it, he would not have killed.


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Ah, you're right! Joonyoung's case was buried, so Min probably never knew that he was considered kidnapped by law enforcement until Jian said it. So sad.


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I cannot believe that next week this drama is coming to an end, what a shame...but I'm looking forward to the finale, because I'm sure it won't disappoint.
The ending of this episode though, the look on Min's face, it slightly worries me but I also think he would keep the promise with Hyeon and not kill anyone unless it is his brother.
I would love if Lawyer Jeong teams up with Ji An, but that also means his downfall.
I wish we had more episodes filled with bromance and those adorable flashbacks of little Hyeon and Min. It makes the ultimate ending so much harder to accept, knowing that either Min will die or spend the rest of his life in prison.
Anyways, great drama, a shame it didn't get the recognition it deserved from viewers.


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"It totally makes sense that as a psychopath, he wouldn’t factor in Ji-an’s grief over the confirmation of her father’s death, and even expected her to be thankful for his initiative to give her closure."

Minor quibble, and I could be wrong as it's been a long time since my high school psychology class. But I believe that Joon-ho and Min are actually sociopaths not psychopaths as a psychopath would be someone who is completely crazy with no touch with reality, whereas a sociopath would be Joon-ho, Min, and most serial killers in general who are just a little broken but otherwise completely adjusted.


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Hi @Sajen
I've been in and out looking up psychopathy out of curiosity, since so many kdramas have psychopathic characters in them. Here's an article that gives more info for the layman: "How to Tell a Sociopath from a Psychopath : Understanding important distinctions between criminal sociopaths and psychopaths
Post published by Scott A. Bonn Ph.D. on Jan 22, 2014 in Wicked Deeds" https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wicked-deeds/201401/how-tell-sociopath-psychopath

My limited understanding is that psychopaths are born rather than made. They are also more able to 'fit in' with society and harder to 'catch'. There are other traits.... however I feel our killers here are more psycho- than socio- paths. :)


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Oh, ok, so my memory was backwards.


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I've seen the terms used interchangeably - media sources seem to like "psychopath" for killers and "sociopath" for manipulators, but I don't think there's a difference in the DSM-V?


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All those kids in LJY'S album could grow up being possible killers. They could be everywhere and imagine all the connections LJY got. Putting him in prison would not be the best choice. I'm getting serious The Following vibe from this.

Years of watching Criminal Minds makes me think LJY might opt to suicide by cop. Just don't bring Min along will you? And Min too could possibly be LJY's killer in the end, which is gonna be hard for Hyun to deal with but Min is beyond saving I think.

Gonna be shallow and say I need an extension of fan service on Hyun and Ji An.


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I need a fan service too because i'm curious about how people are raging about SIG kissing skills. As you can see, i'm not exactly a fan nor did i ever watched his drama until the end until now.


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People are not just raging, they are telling the truth! Haha... I'm a fan so I'm biased but you may check Reply 1997 and High School King of Savvy kissing scenes. It's epic. :)


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Have you watched the NG part when jang na ra kissed him? The pd asked him to stop receiving the kiss and he kept saying 'It's habit, habit'. His arm cast sling kiss in High School King is hot.


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that's why... today i am in ":vigils and wake" mode,(like unto waiting for funeral to start).
worry, that Writer will not do FAN SERVICE.
HEY... enough of bromance.... i am very traditional. still prefer a Hyun-An pairs.
but wait, after he said "its habit, habit..." at the NG part, SIG claimed to Nara, "noona work hard now, later i will work hard".
All Hope is not lost.


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i'm seo in guk's fan, so maybe i'm being biased here :D
if you don't mind watch lover have a kissing scene here are compilation of his kissing scenes

from high school king of savvy


from reply 1997 a.k.a answer me 1997



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Oh my god! I really really miss his kisses. Both the dramas are from tvn. Kbs just don't let SIG kiss. What a waste! I don't mind him going back to tvn for another great rom-com like reply 1997 and high school king of savvy, as long as it can give may SIG kisses


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Is it possible that Hyun's dad actually killed his mother??? the fact that is still hidden in his head???


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I'm thinking that Min played some role in her death. Possibly not directly, but something. When they were talking about the clues he left and his assertion that he was born like that. The purple flower keeps coming up. That's Min's calling card and it had something to do with the mother's death in the flashbacks we've been shown thus far.


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I think Min killed their mother and Hyun somehow took the blame. At the time the father may think its an accident. Perhaps she was going to leave them which would be the beginning of Min's abandonment issues. Its that trauma that made Hyun forget the incident.
When Hyun was looking at all the cards Min had sent, Min was surprised to hear that Hyun didn't remember their meaning which has something to do with their mother.
The disturbing drawings and the dead dog made the father think the mom's death was no accident. He thinks Hyun is a monster and must be locked up.
Remember the story told by the old prosecutor to the young lawyers about the child who killed someone. It was considered an accident but he believed otherwise. The prosecutor admitted to knowing of a case just like that and the child grew up to be someone they all knew and he was looking at Min at that moment.
I think this twist will make Min unredeemible in Hyun's eyes.


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Thanks for the recap Rejoycie. As if watching this gem is not great enough, your recap give so much more pleasure.

Again, this ep doesn't fail. The more we are getting to the finale, the more dense and packed each eps is. And we just getting more and more fall in love with all of the characters, the hero and the villain side of each characters.

Hyun, do you know that hugging and forehead kiss is just a beginning? Please do proceed. It's natural and I'm sure your super sexy genius brain will agree. As agree as we all viewers here.


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What?! ? its ending next week?that cant be im not ready and it feels like we need 4 more episodes not 2. Gahhh, how are they going to resolve this? What about all the floating chemistry? I dont mind that its floating but... ?


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I can't believe this show is ending. Another season of crime solving, please please please? Then you can take your time to explain Hyeon's mom's death. Maybe another of the 'foster' kids can step is as the new ultimate murderer/criminal? Preferably with an intriguing psychopathic backstory too, please. (By the way, we've not really wrapped up the first chaebol guy whom Min addresses as Hyung!)

I've been one of those who've been really interested in the back story of Min and LJY, as well as a glimpse into how their minds really work. But I did feel some dissonance when some other commentors pointed out that a crime is a crime, regardless of the intent or pitiful childhoods. So, I'm really glad that this episode grounds us about this reality – Hyun realising how scary Min can be, Min telling LJH point blank that his 'good deed' understandably backfired since it's from an evil person, and Creepy Lady telling LJH that his good intentions tend to have the wrong effect, and Ji-an telling Hyun that she will eventually have to arrest Min.

That reveal about LJY trying to be vigilante for similar kids is quite a bombshell, and really explains a lot. I'm not surprised that he's got a confidante in Creepy Lady, though I'd like to know if they've always been in touch or just started talking to each other again. Right now, it seems like Min and Creepy Lady aren't totally won over by LJY's good deeds, but Eun Bok seems to be the only one who was truly grateful about his 'rescue'. I wonder how he managed the conflicting emotions, as a kid, between being thankful to LJY for murdering to take him out of his hell, and wanting to become a cop when he grows up.

Min, I think wants to keep his identity secret, not just for self-preservation but also because he only has just been reunited with his big brother, and reestablishing a relationship. But I think he'll keep his promise to Hyun, or at least know how important Ji-an is to his brother not to kill her. Maybe he'll kidnap her first?

As for LJH, I think he welcomes the chase because he's pretty much let down his guard with Hyun and Ji-an. Look at how he smiled when Hyun finally remembers that pulse thing! It's almost like he's rooting for his two fave cops to uncover evidence and also understand him. To him, they're kinda friends, and even Ji-an's dad's location was wistfully intended as a present. And he told Eun-bok that it wasn't necessary for him to kill the planning officer. I'd anything, I think LJH might run away rather than kill to cover up evidence.

BUT THEN AGAIN, @red and @sel pointed out that LJY might feel abandoned by Min and Hyun, two people whom he tried to protect in his warped way. Min, who was almost a son to him, told him that he might he the last one Min kills, and Hyun just refuses to sympathise with his motives. Losing his 'family' again might be the push to kill to avenge his hurt feelings?


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Am i the only one that thinks Min killed their mother and Hyun doesn't remember?


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I have the same worry that Min had something to do with their mother's death and he covered it up too!


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I also think that Min killed their mother too. Some clues: Prosecutor Shin in EP4 mentioned about a child that killed making it look like accident, but he thought it was a well-planned murder. He said something about that child grows up to be well-grown man that appears in front of him. He said that while glancing at Min. Also in this episode Min said "I was born like that".


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thanks rejoyce for the recap ^^

maybe the ending with min kill LJY is the least problem for hyun and ji an.
they didn't have to find evidences to give min to the police (lack of evidences with 9 bodies that min have already killed)
hyun and ji an can visit min in the jail. (better than hyun losing his bro cos of death)

and they didn't have to deal with other children that LJY has raised that want to take revenge to them.


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I love this drama. A high tension-funny-awkward-lovable drama in it's way lol.
I don't know but i got a feeling that someone has to die at the end of episode. Might be min or hyeon?


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I've been feeling that for some time now but I cannot say why... It's like although we hope since Min survived one attack it means that the same character won't later on die (by some unwritten kdrama rule or other) but I feel there will not be a good way to resolve all the evil that has been done and that Min still wants to do (kill Joon Yeong) until Min dies. I feel that Joon Yeong himself, now feeling abandoned by the only family he really wanted, may purposely antagonize and provoke an attack upon himself. At least then he will have the attention he craves and won't feel forgotten. In that ensuing battle, someone is going to be killed and or someone is going to try saving another and get killed in the process.

Continually I feel so sad, that if only Joon Yeong's mother and family had not been so ashamed, so abusive, so neglectful... and had sought help and support, Joon Yeong, even if he had been brought up in an orphanage, might have had better care and more of a sense of belonging than the person he has become, who is pathetically so happy to have someone to have a meal with, to have a drink with, someone who can remember him and call him by his real name *sob* .... :(


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I join the wagon a bit late as I actually did not have the slightest interest in this drama until accidently watching it on KBS, ep 7 if Im not mistaken. It was good and I'm glad to watch it. After so many years of watching Kdramas, this one is an exceptionally well written, directed and acted. I know we still have 2 episodes but I'm confident that they will maintain its quality.

I wonder what it is that hyun doesnt remember (refering to Min's cryptic msgs). Min..oh Min, his comment regarding chief's death really as a reminder to hyun & me how twisted Min is.


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If ever there was a time for Hyun's memory to return it's now. We've never been told why he should have lost his memory, but since it appears to be part of the trauma of seeing a dead father and a brother being taken away from him, now that he has come to 100% certainty that Joon Ho is Joon Yeong and now that Min is back with him, he needs to remember what happened to his mum and what those messages that Min sent him are all about. :)


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I'm worried maybe he saw min do something related to their mom's death....


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Thanks for the recap. I really enjoyed watching this episode. How I wish Min and Hyun would have great happy ending together. I love their bromance. Min may be have psychopathic signs at early childhood but if Hyun is with him from the very start, I believe he would have great blissful life.him LJY may give some resolution to the lives of the abusive kids but in a wrong way... Bromance lives on pls, Writenim.. and the OTP... so amazing


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Thanks for the recap.

For me personally the two episodes this week were the best in the series so far. I love the exploration into the minds of Lawyer Jung and Joon Ho - and just how unnerving it is when they speak their minds and try to justify their actions.

The quote (I think Lawyer Jung says) "the reward for an evil person's good deed" was so aptly put!

I am definitely going to be sad when this show concludes next week. Such an underrated gem with thoughtful characterization and solid ensemble cast!

Separately - the theme of raising monsters is such an interesting question. The same theme was explored in Hidden Identity too!


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