Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 16

It’s hard not to find this episode frustrating, when an entire group of your leading characters are operating under false information and magically only encountering others who are equally misinformed. Everyone has the best intentions, of course, but I could do with fewer good intentions and more communication, especially when lives are on the line. I guess it’s a good thing our hero happens to specialize in saving damsels in distress. Hurry, scholar-nim!


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While Yang-sun is well on her way to sacrificing herself to Gwi, Sung-yeol learns that her mother died at Gwi’s hands—it means that their blood won’t kill him.

Meanwhile, Hunter Baek is followed by the local loan sharks, who keep calling him hyungnim and beg to be taken in. They say they know he’s part of the black hanbok brigade, which is funny since Hunter Baek has never heard of such a thing. It must be what the townspeople are calling anyone who rebels, since the latest royal decree was about arresting anyone wearing a black hanbok.

King Yoon is told that someone is wandering around in a black hanbok and taking the girls who are meant for sacrifice, and that it must be Sung-yeol. Yoon orders an immediate arrest, even though he knows full well that he’s the one wearing the black hanbok under his dragon robes. Hye-ryung helps him undress, and he wonders to himself where Sung-yeol is.

Sung-yeol sets out to rescue Yang-sun against Ho-jin’s protests, and someone cloaked in black watches him leave.

Hye-ryung asks if Yoon isn’t afraid of Gwi, and Yoon says he’s been afraid of him all this time, and was even willing to sacrifice his oldest friend to kill him. But it was seeing Hak-young turned into a vampire that woke him up. He shakes as he thinks of Hak-young, and Hye-ryung comes close to take his hand.

Yoon says that he will no longer sacrifice any of his people to kill Gwi, and he doesn’t need secret plans that involve letting anyone else die. He asks Hye-ryung not to sacrifice herself either, because he couldn’t handle losing her too. What a difference from her father; how could she not be moved?

Gwi decides that it’s time to poke at the king’s advisor to see what they’re up to, and calls him down to the underground lair for the first time. The advisor warily approaches, and Gwi taunts him with his grandson Hak-young, who’s now a rabid feral vampire and Gwi’s pet.

The advisor is horrified to see his grandson in this state, and begs for Gwi to just let him die in peace. Gwi is more than willing to comply, just as long as the advisor promises to pay him regular visits down here to tell him about what the king is planning.

Hunter Baek’s new minions tell him that there’s actually a black hanbok brigade, moving in stealth to free the girls who are being sacrificed to Gwi. Hunter Baek doesn’t know who they are but he agrees with what they’re doing, and learns from his minions that there’s suspicious activity happening at the gibang.

It’s where the girls are being taken to be dressed up before entering the palace. In the scene that closed the last episode, Su-hyang takes extra care with Yang-sun, sympathetic to the fact that she had no choice to be born into Gwi’s bloodline. Yang-sun says that it wasn’t her choice to be born, but it is her choice to die this way, and wishes Sung-yeol well.

Sung-yeol, meanwhile, is looking for a way into the heavily guarded palace before dawn breaks. He’s noticed by some guards who chase after him, and he’s almost cornered until a man in black leaps into the fray to distract them. He gives Sung-yeol a message that someone wants to meet him.

He’s taken to a house where all the men are dressed in black and their leader is shrouded behind a screen, also cloaked in head-to-toe black. Gonna guess you guys are the black hanbok brigade?

It feels a little bit like Eumlan Seosaeng’s style, and their leader asks Sung-yeol what side he’s on. Sung-yeol says he’s simply on the side of the people, and if he did anything wrong, it was to test the king’s loyalty.

The leader asks if there’s anything left to hope for in the king, and Sung-yeol counters that there is, just as he’s a vampire and there’s hope left for him. Sung-yeol pulls the screen aside and is met with multiple swords to the throat, but the leader tells them to withdraw. He stands up and reveals his face, and sure enough, it’s Yoon, back to his secret rebel ways.

Yoon asks for Sung-yeol to give him his trust, and asks if he’s really going to give up fighting Gwi because of his love for a woman. Sung-yeol answers, “The reason I have been able to fight Gwi as a vampire is because I have not lost my human heart.”

Sung-yeol says that he hasn’t given up control to his beastly nature because he still remembers Prince Jeonghyeon’s wishes for the future of his nation and his people, and adds, “It’s also because I loved one woman more than my life.”

He refuses to give up one or the other, and at that, Yoon asks if he’ll fight alongside him. Sung-yeol asks in turn if Yoon is willing to sacrifice his people to fight Gwi, and if what he really wants is to reclaim the throne for himself.

Sung-yeol wants to know if he’s willing to give up the throne for his people, and Yoon says of course—he’s even ready to give up his life. Are we finally on the same side, guys?

There’s no secret handshake or anything, but Yoon hands over Sung-yeol’s sunlight-blocking black hanbok, with apologies for Hye-ryung’s theft. It’s only now that Sung-yeol fills Yoon in on Yang-sun’s mother dying at Gwi’s hands, and the fact that Yang-sun is on her way to sacrifice herself.

Yoon tells him that the girls are being kept at the gibang, though he warns that it might be a trap for Sung-yeol. It doesn’t matter to Sung-yeol, who dons his protective hanbok and a mask to blend in with Yoon’s men. They look more like the reaper brigade, but in any case, it’s pretty hot.

Yang-sun waits nervously with the other girls and gives Su-hyang a letter, asking for her to give it to Sung-yeol later. The other girls are terrified and one of them starts weeping when she hears that they’ll enter the palace tonight, so Yang-sun tells her calmly that they’ll be okay.

Hunter Baek and his minions scope out the gibang looking for a way in, but find it too heavily guarded for the three of them to handle. At the same time, Sung-yeol arrives with Yoon’s men and tells them to provide a distraction so that he can slip in quietly.

Yang-sun keeps the girls distracted with stories about the night scholar, and promises that he’ll rescue them all. The prime minister arrives to survey the girls, and stops when he sees Yang-sun. He can’t quite figure out where he’s seen her before, but tells her to follow him to a separate room. Ew, please don’t.

Sung-yeol’s men charge the front gate, giving Sung-yeol a chance to hop the wall. Hunter Baek is pleased to help the black hanbok brigade, and tasks his minions with getting the girls to safety once they’ve been rescued.

Hunter Baek jumps into the fray, and meanwhile Sung-yeol takes down an officer and drags him away.

The prime minister stares intently at Yang-sun, trying to figure out how he knows her. He lifts her chin up to face him, and she nervously insists that she has no idea who he is. Thankfully they’re interrupted when the fighting comes indoors, and the prime minister tries to slip away.

He’s caught by Sung-yeol, who’s now dressed as a guard. Sung-yeol demands to know where Yang-sun is, but the prime minister doesn’t recognize the name. Screams from the other girls come from down the hall, and Sung-yeol runs toward the sound.

Hunter Baek is the first to find Yang-sun, and he tells her to run while he fights off the guard. He manages to catch the prime minister as he’s trying to sneak away, and angrily holds a sword to his throat, thinking of all his friends who died because of this man’s treachery.

Yang-sun and Su-hyang find each other outside, and when Yang-sun hears that the rebels have come to free the girls, she says that she can’t be rescued. Nooooooo. They decide to hide and enter the palace quietly.

Sung-yeol puts down the last two guards who are with the young girls, but Yang-sun isn’t with them. When one of the girls asks if he’s the night scholar who’s come to rescue them, he realizes that she was here just moments ago.

Hunter Baek uses the prime minister as a hostage to force the guards to back off, giving the others a chance to flee with the girls. Sung-yeol continues to search the rooms for Yang-sun, and discovers the letter she left behind.

She writes that she’ll take back her words now, from when she asked him to remember her for as long as he remembered his last love—she says it’s impossible now, because the blood of the enemy who took that love away from him flows through her veins.

She says that she’ll use the life he saved to repay him: “I love you. I’ll take all of this love with me, so please don’t remember me when I’m gone.” He opens the second parchment, and inside is the hawthorn necklace he gave her.

He heads outside, where the other officers are closing in on Hunter Baek. It doesn’t look like he’ll be able to get out of this alive, even if he kills the prime minister. When they see an opening, one guard charges and gets Hunter Baek alone—it’s Sung-yeol, which shocks him.

Sung-yeol quickly tells him that he needs to find Yang-sun inside the palace, and asks him to hand off the prime minister. With a quick nod, they push each other and Sung-yeol orders the other men to chase after Baek, leaving him alone to defend the prime minister and escort him into the palace. Nicely played.

Yoon stops in to see his mother, which is his cover story for being outside the palace today. Mom asks after Hye-ryung and admits that she wondered if Hye-ryung had approached them intentionally. She’s decided that Hye-ryung isn’t a bad person though, and thinks that she seems sad, like she’s been searching for her place all her life.

Gwi commends Hye-ryung on getting Yoon to trust her completely, and wonders if she isn’t afraid of being abandoned when he discovers that she belongs to Gwi.

He admits that he doesn’t have human emotions, but he always thought he and Hye-ryung were most alike. He’s curious about the love that moves people to sacrifice themselves for each other, and tells her to go ahead and try growing a human heart for the king, confident that she’ll discover it’s a mistake.

Sung-yeol leads the prime minister back to the palace, easily gaining entry to his room. When he lingers behind, the prime minister assumes he wants a reward for saving his life and opens a chest of silver. That’s when Sung-yeol charges and grabs him by the throat, getting close enough that the cut on the prime minister’s neck makes him vamp out.

His eyes go red and he growls, “You’re bleeding…” He gets ready to bite down and the screen goes black…

But when we return, the prime minister is alive and tied up in the corner. Sung-yeol changes out of uniform and growls one last time in the prime minister’s direction before heading out.

The king’s advisor finds out that one of the girls intended for sacrifice has arrived in the palace, which goes against the king’s wishes. He tries to stop them, but Yang-sun reveals herself and says that she’s here willingly, knowing that her one sacrifice will save many. So of course the king’s advisor leads the way. Aaaack.

Hye-ryung discovers them on her way out of Gwi’s lair, and when she learns what Yang-sun is about to do, she actually tries to stop her. The advisor wonders why, even accusing her of trying to protect Gwi, but Hye-ryung says that Yoon wouldn’t want this.

She admits that she’d like nothing more than to sacrifice Yang-sun and kill Gwi, but Yoon has made his decision to fight without sacrificing another of his people, and she wants to honor his wishes. Wow, I’m shocked.

But Yang-sun is fully committed to being the sacrificial lamb, and makes a break for Gwi’s lair on her own. The only one who goes after her is Su-hyang, who is supportive in her own way and insists on going with her, to help ease Gwi’s suspicions.

She leads Yang-sun in by the hand, and they’re taken aback when Hak-young jumps out at them. Gwi sends him outside to go feed, knowing that the king’s advisor is nearby. Hak-young happily goes above ground and attacks. Please don’t eat your own grandfather. Please don’t eat your own grandfather.

Gwi is suspicious when he recognizes Yang-sun, and wonders how she came to be one of the sacrifices, and happened to be the only one who wasn’t rescued. He asks about her relationship with Sung-yeol, excited by the thought that her death will enrage him.

He asks repeatedly if she loves Sung-yeol, so she finally answers that she does, and that she doesn’t care if he’s vampire. Gwi goads her, musing that Sung-yeol will stay young and beautiful and live for centuries, while she’ll grow old and be forgotten.

She angers him with her resolute answer: “It doesn’t matter. Even if I die right here, my heart will never change. You could live thousands of years, but you will never know that heart.” Gwi seethes, and in an effort to calm him, Su-hyang says that he loved someone once too.

Up above, Hak-young gets ready to bite his own grandfather, when Sung-yeol flies in just in time to knock him against a wall. They bare their fangs and charge at each other.

Gwi reminisces about the woman he loved, calling it the first and last mistake he ever made while living amongst humans. He says that she found out what he was and ran away, and when he found out she had his child, he killed her.

He went after the child too, since he’d heard that his descendant could kill him, but he couldn’t trace the lineage until after a hundred years, when he found and killed everyone in that bloodline.

Su-hyang asks if he drank their blood, which he confirms, and she realizes what this means: Yang-sun’s blood won’t kill him. It dawns on her just seconds before Gwi leans in towards Yang-sun’s neck…

Hak-young starts to overpower Sung-yeol, so his grandfather starts to join in the fight, and Hak-young retaliates with a bite. At his grandfather’s pleading that they die together, he seems to come to his senses for a moment and looks horrified at what he’s done.

Grandfather falls dead, and at that moment, an arrow comes flying at him from above, where Yoon has just arrived. Seeing his chance, Sung-yeol takes out his dagger.

Down below, Su-hyang stops Gwi by suggesting that Yang-sun will make good bait to lure Sung-yeol here. She puts herself between them and asks to become a vampire, and for Gwi to keep her by his side for a long time.

He tells her that it takes enormous self-control to live as a vampire with her will intact—she’d have to withstand the enormous hunger, which would kill most people. He points out that Hak-young couldn’t do it, and ignores her pleas, pushing her aside.

He’s about to bite Yang-sun, but seems to sense that she’s been bitten once before. He reveals the scar in her shoulder, and asks how it is she survived a vampire bite without turning into one herself: “Do you have vampire blood in you?”

Hak-young is too strong for Sung-yeol to overpower himself, so he drops the hawthorn dagger instead so that Yoon can pick it up. Sung-yeol urges him to hurry, but Yoon hesitates, unable to do the final deed.

But in that last second, Hak-young comes to his senses. He runs over to Yoon and clutches the hand holding the dagger, pleading, “Kill me, kill me.” He pulls the dagger into his own heart, and breathes his last in Yoon’s arms.

Yoon trembles with rage at what Gwi has done, and Sung-yeol tells him to stay up here.

Gwi has Yang-sun by the throat, and she can only spill silent tears as she fights to breathe. She calls out to Sung-yeol in her head, and just like that, he appears. Gwi senses his arrival and turns around with a smile, dropping Yang-sun to the ground.


Guh. I find these kinds of episodes to be the most aggravating—the ones where the entire conflict could be done away with if people could just have one conversation that clears up all the misunderstandings. You can’t even be mad at anyone in this situation (or okay, I can be mad at the writer), because everyone is doing what they think is the right thing at the time, and you can’t exactly fault Yang-sun for being willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Again.

But it’s so deflating when we’re told that the sacrifice is totally moot at the start, after which we continue to watch her avoid rescue (bah) and walk right into the lion’s den. I hate that it was a pointless act of sacrifice that didn’t need to be made, and because of that, I spent the whole episode either yelling at Sung-yeol to hurry or yelling at Yang-sun to slow down, when I don’t want to be yelling at either of them. It might be different if the story had advanced somehow because of her sacrifice, but overall this week’s episodes amount to mostly plot filler, to pad out the episodes before the final conflict.

The only real development was Sung-yeol and Yoon getting back together on the same side, and Yoon showing that he still has a bit of the old Eumlan Seosaeng left in him. I did feel bad for Yoon when he had to kill Hak-young, but by then I pitied Hak-young more, because seriously, how many times do you need to sacrifice your life for your best friend before you’re allowed to die in peace? It was a nice moment between the two devoted friends, and I’m glad for his sake that he was freed from an afterlife spent as Gwi’s pet, though I worry about Su-hyang following in his footsteps. And it was nice to see Hye-ryung honoring Yoon’s decision not to sacrifice his people, which made me think that loyalty might’ve turned into love the moment he asked her not to sacrifice herself for him.

At least I find Gwi’s obsession with Sung-yeol interesting (did he not look positively ecstatic to see him at the end?), especially his jealousy over Sung-yeol’s ability to find love. He insists that he doesn’t feel human emotions, but Gwi seems entirely driven by very base human needs, and what he struggles with is why he can have endless power and wealth, but never love. He seems slighted by Hye-ryung’s disgust, hurt that the one woman he loved abandoned him for being a vampire, and jealous that Yang-sun (and Myung-hee before her) could be so devoted to Sung-yeol when he should be exactly like him.

He’ll never see it, of course—Gwi will never be loved because he thinks he’s better than human, while Sung-yeol believes he doesn’t deserve love because he’s less than human. So he will always be throwing his life on the line for the one he loves, and she’ll always do the same in return. It’s no big secret, but I like that Gwi is stumped by this, having only experienced betrayal. I guess living a thousand years doesn’t grant you much wisdom when you’re still just hung up over the pain caused by your first love. Is that really all there is to eternal youth? Because a hundred lifetimes of teen angst is not my idea of a good time. But seriously, can they fight already and make me forget that the last two episodes were spent putting our heroine in danger by mistake because information travels like molasses in this town? No more secret plan-before-the-plan! It’s go time!


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On tonight's episode of Vampire Idolatry in the Night, Changmin realizes that his only friend, Yunho, just reported for active duty, thereby leaving him with no friends, and crown princes should ALWAYS have friends, even when they're huge dicks. So he regifts Iljimae's magic cloak back to Satto, since he wouldn't know the difference anyway. Then they become friends, it's that easy.
Yoobi-chingu has been kidnapped for the 47th time this week, and Gabri has stopped caring. Even Mukadil, who instrumented her kidnapping, doesn't even care. So he order ox tail soup and studies English and feeds his pet Hak Young some royal guards blood.
Also throughout all of this Arang is yelling at Mukadil for killing her but Mukadil can't see her and doesn't remember so she pours his soup on his English textbook.

Seriously, the more absurd this show gets, the longer my entries are.


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Haha you're Funny ...


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"pours his soup on his English textbook"

Oh...you are hilarious!

I suspect GF and JB prefer to write this type of recap.


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While this fellow, HY, was kicking the well, because there was no bucket there, I realised that vampires are a special breed - the idols of Joseon, sort of - they were the only ones that into adulthood they were allowed not to wear a mustache and they were picked based on their looks. So your short stories got a totally new dimension to me. I am sad that the drama ends, because I won't be able to read your comments anymore!


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haha i'm not watching this show ...i'm just here for your coments!!


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Thanks for keeping us entertained cali <3.


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Haha..don't mind the length of your entries!!

I was happily prepared to watch the finale of this show, which i thought was today! But then Gwi didn't die and i was like huh??

Silly me!!


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lol not a single person here is complaining though!


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Love ya Cali! You are just so funny. I come here only to read your comment!!


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R.I.P. HY!

And now let the showdown begin....

Why oh why till next week!!!!!!!!!


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I really felt their strong friendship here. So sad.

R.I.P Hak-young.


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I'm glad he remembered their friendship before he died for real this time.


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I wanted to cry a little at that scene, poor Hak-young.....

(and is this going to have some bearing on how Gwi goes down in the end?)


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Aaargggh! I'm throwing things at my screen as I watch this hot mess. Soft things, bc I like my computer, but object throwing nonetheless!


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? Soft but not wet like slightly melted ice cream, right?


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Hair ties and very soft slippers....


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? Very wise.


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I am a fierce defender of this drama. I have enjoyed it all the way through Ep14, even with bad music, choppy editing and somewhat daft plot once in a while.
Ep15 was just so so, but I felt it's a well-deserved slowdown after the emotional rollercoaster of Ep14.
Then, Ep16 aired on August 27th, my birthday ...

... and I spent the entire episode banging my hands and head on the table and yelling at the screen. I didn't enjoy it at all ;(

I feel it's a pointless episode, really. Yes, it is necessary for EVERYONE to figure out that Yang-sun being sacrificed is not the right way to eliminate Gwi ... but did we need ONE WHOLE EPISODE of ppl running around like headless chickens for that?! It was worth 1/4 episode, tops!

Sigh ... sad that they just destroyed the build-up from Episodes 13 and 14. This week was a bummer.


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i agree with you in all what you said,

and late birthday wishes to you


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Thankie :)

... for agreeing with me and the b'day wish!


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Happy Belated Birthday, and Many Happy Returns, zi4r! ??

I do agree with you on what had transpired these two last episodes, which were both cringe, yelling and yawn-inducing.

But the OTP scenes and SY in Iljimae and Arang garbs managed to soften the blow somewhat. ???

The wonderful recaps above also helped tremendously (thanks, JB!), as I am reminded once again what kept me hooked to this drama, as ridiculous, sappy and corny as it is.


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Sorry for the mistake. (Edit for the above)

Thanks for the wonderful recap, girlfriday! Much appreciated.


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I feel your pain.

Happy belated birthday :).


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Happy belated birthday!
May this show redeem itself to present you an appropriate gift in the end.. :)


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omg. i can feel ur frustration through my own screen, haha

and totally agree with ur assessment. i feel like they are trying too hard to make the ep at cliffhanger, and ended up failing to deliver during the whole ep.

and happy belated b'day to you, zi4r.


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@tenoh27, @Kiara, @kanz, @s.mitch Thanks for ur wishes.

Fingers-crossed that the show will improve, come Wednesday. Well, I think (or I hope) it can't get any worse.

@s.mitch Yes, you're right. They wanted to wait until next week for the epic vamp battle, but didn't know how to subtly slow down the plot. watamess :(


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Belated happy birthday! I'm sorry you got such a bummer of an episode to watch though :(


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I totally agree about ep 13, 14, being very intense and well-developed, about ep 15 slowing things a bit but that was still Ok (we needed to have again Sung Yeol + Yang Sun bonding again and Yang Sun accepting Sung Yeol for what he is!!
and I agree about the first half of ep 16! ;( They spent too much time on finding out about Yang's pointless sacrifice and passing one another that information!!! ;( grrr
only the last quarter was fast-paced and thrilling again!


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Happy bday zi4r ..... don't be sad. Watch till the end ..... next Ep ... tonight will be better ...becoz everybody already found out sacrifice YS is not the answer ...


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I was right from the start, Gwi is Lord Voldemort.


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aahhhh???? but he has a nose :P


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A pretty one too and a sexy voice for a bonus :).


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...and hair....awesome hair. Old Voldy's got nothing on Gwi's luscious locks.


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I like that name... Lord Gwi-mort. he-he! :D

Uh another draggy episode of Yangsun going to and fro as a sacrifice and nothing at the end. What have the writers done... poor casts are working their butts off.

At last we say bye bye to Vamp Hakyoung and the finale of fight is between Gwi-Sung yeol. Come...bring more action scenes to the screen!


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Why do Lee Jun Ki’s dramas always have low ratings? His name should be “Lee_Jun Ki_never_a_ hit”. He’ll never breaks into movies with such low ratings dramas. Even Lee Seung Gi already has good movies offers (and many other young actors) and Lee Jun Ki still is filming in dramas with crappy ratings. Till when? Until he’ll be too old to leading a drama? He has to choose his projects more carefully.


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YES, he should be careful in considering (hope he learned from this), but this show shine him of how brilliant and versatile actor he is.
Even thou his drama is low rating ( Arang, Two weeks and GIJ ) it has a sense (for me).


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yeah i agree with you, even though the story line is getting crappy, in acting LJK did a great work in Song Yeol.

the only reason for me to watch this drama is for his acting skill. he did a great job in his acting.


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Arang and 2 Weeks did fine in ratings. This is his lowest drama.
I wish he'd go back to his roots and do a movie once in a while. No more fantasy sageuks for a while oppa.


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i dont blame about his acting, he is doing great in it, and oh those expressions in his eyes, no words for that.

the only thing is about selecting a good story!!! and plz do that


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He is carrying the bulk of this show and doing a fine job at it.


if he choose sageuk again in the future, dont choose fantasy again. go for more historical story. i think its good if he transform to be a King /Crown Prince after this. but please wait after 2-3 modern projects (movie/drama) before do the sageuk again


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Would be great to see him in a conventional sageuk at some point. He has done quite a few fusion and fantasy sageuks already.


Yes ...agree .... but I love to see him in hanbok ...he looks so handsome in hanbok ... Hahaha .


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HIGH or LOW the drama was the best worth things is viewers appreciate how great the acting of actors. In addition he already reach the peak of his success. His popularity before in korea is incomparable to the new actor nowadays.


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LJK's hit drama was iljimae, and rest of the dramas got higher ratings without hero and this one, arang couldn't beat bridal mask (that time also joo won, i think he is LJK's Rival), TBDAW was top in its time slot as well as Joseon Gunman.

Anyway i agree with you he should more careful when selecting a drama. he might have born in joseon era in previous life. that's why he always choose saeguks.;)


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it will be really good if that is real,

eventhough he selects saeguks its ok,,,, but he has to select a good storyline


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+1 . Good Point . Could be True ... because he looks very Handsome & Beautiful in Hanbok .


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I thought I heard from somewhere that a director from China personally flew to Korea to ask LJK in person to star in his movie....now that's an actor who's not having a hard time. He's very talented. Not all his dramas had low ratings. Even if they did, I still enjoyed watching them because he is in them. Give him a break. An actor doesn't know if a drama/movie is going to be a hit or not. He probably choose this project because he probably felt the character and he's always up for these kinds of challenging roles. Only LJK can portray Sung-yeol like he did wholeheartedly. No one else can. Applauds to him!


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Agree ~~~ Junki is talented actor and loved by Japanese and Chinese very much by Thais too ...
LJK can portray any roles perfectly , he did all the stunts by him-self ... he gives his all .... LOVE HIM .


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I love him mainly for his acting abilities, but his good looks makes it easy to love him more as well!


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So True .....


Yes, we Thais love him so much. I heard he has had many movie offers but he prefers doing drama to be closer to his international fans.


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Haha..yes! Its amaze me, one of the most respected directors Lin Yuhsien went to Korea twice, and went out for drinks with him twice, and only then he was able to ‘trick’ him into doing the movie!!! Kkkk..


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Love oppas well-informed fans. :)


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Joseon Gunman has Good rating ....


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Yup. Dunno what's wrong with Joseon Gunman, coz so many negative comments about this. I watched it not just because I'm LJK's fan, but because the story is interesting. Compared to SWWTN, JG's writers are more creative


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@Luna, I'm going right now to finish Joseon Gunman. TTYL about it.


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I don't usually bother replying to posts regarding ratings. (In this day and age, Korean entertainment industry knows full well that local viewership ratings are no longer representative of the success of a show.) However, your "Lee_Jun_Ki_never_a_hit" kinda hit me in my gut so here I am, replying.

Maybe, the kind of projects he WANTS to be in and the kind of shows Korean audience like are just vastly different. He seems to like to push himself... and he seems to enjoy grittier dramas.

If he was after ratings, he could have stayed a flower-boy icon for a way longer time, but he didn't. I feel Joon-gi is the kind of actor that enjoys the production process and fan-interaction itself. Artists like that usually make project choices based on their own creative vision (what they can add to a project), not based on the returns (as in, ratings in this case).

I, for one, have enjoyed everything (except My Girl and Hero) he has acted in starting from King and Clown movie. I mean, I am no fan-girl of his, but his very visceral acting always touches me.

So I hope he keeps choosing projects that let him explore his versatility ... like he has been.


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And that sums it up for me.


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+1000000 for nailing it.


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Also that "never_a_hit" part is a lie. I couldn't reply to this main comment but had to put it in comment no 14, his movies when he did them were very successful. And the comparing to Lee Seung Gi for movies HAS to be a joke.


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He is always fabulous in his works, whether they garner commercial success or not, and hence why I am more than willing to fangirl him (even as a noona).

The many facets of his talents and hard work are also highly admirable.

SWWTN would in high probability (it sort of is, already) be a complete failure in the hands of another actor; as it is, am completely in love with LJG's Kim Sung-Yeol. I always have to tamp down the urge to squee whenever he comes on screen, sigh....

Truly, the cast (and the costume design team) should be commended for the effort and dedication in making this poor story work despite everything.


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I'm looking it like this : LJK is still shining even in dramas with low ratings or questionable script. Could you imagine how professional and committed he is ?? He is still putting his best efforts and being good, no mater what happened. I watched 'Hero', his drama that most people think are the worst. I have to admit that I don't really enjoy the storyline, but he still acted well and looked good. So, the fact is, he is exceptional for being able to carry on a show, despite the plot holes.

Regarding Joseon Gunman, I actually like it. The writers are creative, despite the downside in the plot in the middle of the series. And, LJK is amazing as usual.


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@tenoh27 & @Luna That's why I praise LJK even more and not because I am a fangirl. He's committed and acting his butt off!!! And agreed, no can act this role but him and I can't picture anyone else who would play it believably. His acting diversity should garner him awards galore. Damn, his vampire transformation from Episode 1 is the shitz!!!!! Even in the BTS clip from that scene, the staff was like "Ahhh..." Pretty much blown away! If that scene alone doesn't get him awards, then I don't know what will.


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His acting in epi 1 is superb, but his acting in the whole series as a cold vampire who (doesn't want to) fall in love is also good . He looked cold with very limited facial expression all the time, but his eyes are the ones that do the talking.




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you're right


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kudos to you for hitting everything right on the nail.
and for someone who is "no-fangirl of his", your comments did him a whole lot of justice.
thank you!


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you know what, you shudnt even mentioned/ compared between LJK and LSG. you can freely criticise LJK or anyone but dont compare with LSG or any other actors here.
This is not an entry to choose the best actor/popular actor. you shud leave a right comment at the right place.

Honestly, u did wrong.


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I often wonder, and would be most appreciative if someone could enlighten me, HOW Korean actors actually choose their projects. If most dramas are operating a 'live-shoot' system, then what information is the actor given before he takes a project?? The full script wouldn't be done, right? So does the actor take the project solely on a rough synopsis and faith? Faith in the other actors in the drama, faith in the writers/ producers? It seems such a gamble.


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It is always a gamble with live shooting. Nothing is completed ahead of time.


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How is Arang not a hit? Or 2 weeks? Or even Iljimae?
"Never break into movies"? Didn't he "break into" dramas because of a movie in the first place?
Sorry, but I feel as if you are just trolling, because nothing you said makes even a bit of sense!


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@Klare, you should do some research first before making comments like this, otherwise you will make yourself look really ignorant like a "frog in a well", because (1) his dramas do not ALWAYS have low ratings (2) "never-a-hit" is incorrect, he has already had a few BIG hits in movies and dramas like K&C, May 18, Iljimae etc. (3) he has already broken into movies, and (4) his recent dramas (Arang, Joseon Gunman) DID NOT have crappy ratings.


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Finally kept refreshing the site for this recap. Why oh why? Epic fail plan.


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Satto... that outfit.. can stop to fangirl LJG.

I wany to throw my comp. What a mistake of sacrificing they are doing.. RIP HY...
Thank God LJG is here, he is worth watching.


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I just had a thought what if they up the stupid and make Yang Sun's blood the cure to vampirism


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can any one advice me how to spend another week with out a frustration. because i can't wait for next episode.
hmmm, lee Jun Ki is super super thousand tome hot with that plain black hanbok.
Hak yong rest in peace.:(


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Yes, and you can't even see much except the eyes in that all black Hanbok! ?
But whoa, the way he wears that garb, and those eyes! I wanted to scream....??

Poor HY, but am glad he is RIP now.


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yeah, he's literally covered from head to toe except the eyes, and it is still insanely hot.

I really can't blame Yang-sun in the early episodes for her expression being permanently like ?, I mean LOOK AT HIM!


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Well, I channel YS (of the earlier episodes) whenever I look at him, so, I totally understood her feelings. He is the only actor to have inspired this level of worship from me.

Amongst all those gorgeous Hanboks of his, I have to admit I love the all-white and all-black - with face veils - ones the most. ?


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Like I said already, LJK would look good even if it's a trash bag. The man makes the outfit. He's beautiful. An adjective reserved for a woman but said who?


though it's not THAT surprising considering he has such gorgeous eyes.

There's something about their shape that really stands out, no other actor looks quite like him.


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yes he has phoneix bird eyes, that shape is like that, it is a fantasy bird our jun ki is gifted everything so perfectly, that shape is really rare, i think i have mentioned this in this discuss but can't find it.


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His "Phoenix Bird Eyes" are just gorgeous!


Yes ... you nailed it ...Phoenix Eyes ... I read some where Man with Phoenix Eyes and Woman with Dragon Eyes will be very successful ~~~


His instagram is a wonderful way to make the week between episodes more bearable. He's so funny. And is always thinking in his fans.


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saw sato years after arang and the magistrate,

and god this episode sucked, guys why are you running on all the place and missing each other within some little steps.

this episode didnt just slow down the drama, this episode is like a recap for all the previous episodes, making me remember all the previous episodes one by one,

the dramas which are nearing the ending normally should be fast and nerve wrecking, but this drama is the opposite, starting episodes are great! couldn't wait for the next episodes to be aired. but now this is dragging out.

but any way girlfriday thank you for your recap :)


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At least they got the filler episodes out of the way. I don't know what to expect from this show any more.


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at the rate the storyline is going I am envisioning a finale with something akin to a power ranger, sailor moon-esque trifecta attack against Gwi. I for the life of me can not picture exactly where the writer is dragging this out to anymore.


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Today felt like Frodo and Sam's journey to Mount Doom. Are we there yet?


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Seems like everyone in South Korea has stopped watching this drama. But it has a strong international following due to LJK and I will support him and the cast till the very last episode.


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agreed, and dont care about the ratings LJK cas we know how is your acting


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No offense to South-K Fans ... it's proven that the koreans love modern com more than sageuk ... only romantic sageuk worked for them . We can see this pattern .... but this is sageuk with vampires ... more fantasy . And the Rating Systems kinda weird ...based on who turn the channel when it's air ...and the same samples ( for many years ---- mostly already became an old women ) .
If they stopped watching this drama it's their choice ....... Kkkk ......
Sexy and Beastly Vampires ( Candy Eyes) are absolutely not for them .....


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Agreed, and lots of people use to watch them in internet, or after few days when they have time because of busy schedule they have in day today life, tv will watch by ahjussis and ahjummas mostly they don't like fantasy dramas anyway. so rating system is kind a out dated. S korea is a developed country i hope they will invent new rating system.


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I'm an ahjumma and I love fantasy dramas, lol! Guess that makes me cool...hehehe. It helps also that LJK who I adore is the star. :)


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i beg to differ. koreans love sageuk and i can see many sageuk actually got high rating as well. if you say romantic sageuk, didnt fantasy sageuk also romantic sageuk? if you say fantasy sageuk is not their cup of tea, before there were some fantasy sageuk that actually got quite good rating, for eg Gu Family Book. Good rating is contributed by many things, one thing for sure is a good plot. And the casts also plays important role. but high rating for sure not the sole factor for the success of drama.

This drama got own fan base internationally, even not everyone watching, it is still good. credit to popularity of LJK who has many loyal fans.


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Fantasy sageuks in recent years have rarely done well/topped the ratings unless the competition was exceptionally weak. Moon/Sun was the rare exception, and even Sungkyunkwan Scandal was more of a mania drama than anything else - with a fantasy sageuk, you have to hope that your competition is worse than you on script etc, otherwise it's a loss.

Gu Family Book won its ratings battle against Jang Ok-jung, but they actually started out with the same ratings - it's just that the JOJ script went straight to hell and interest in the drama plunged as a result, leaving the field clear for Gu. Same with Night Watchman's Journal - utter trash with some terrible actors and more embarrassing special effects than anything seen in SSWTN, but it was up against Trot Lovers and Temptation - again, exceptionally weak competition.


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I agree with yaya that modern dramas seem to be more popular with the SK audience nowadays.

For 2014, the top ratings dramas were You Who Came From the Stars, Empress Ki, You're All Surrounded, 3 Days and Dr Stranger. For 2015, The Heirs, I Hear Your Voice, Master's Sun, Good Doctor and Gu Family Book.
Only 1 sageuk made it to the top 5 of each year.

For fantasy dramas, whether modern or sageuk, I think SK audience don't like vampires. All 3 vampire dramas did not do well this year. It seems that they prefer ghosts and gumihos. After all, vampires are not Korean supernatural beings or monsters in the first place, unlike gumihos.


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Sorry, I mean for 2013, The Heirs....


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For 2013 the top dramas were Heirs, Good Doctor, Master's Sun, I Hear Your Voice and Yawang (aired in early 2013). Gu Family Book was successful but unlike the others it didn't make 20 percent ratings so it's not top 5 but still in the top 10.


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@Pogo, Yes you are right. Which means no sageuk in the top 5 for 2013.


So sorry, I mean @pigsnout.


S.Korean viewers do love their historical/period dramas, conventional sageuks over fusion and fantasy. Some big hit dramas back in the late 1990s all the way to the last 3 yrs were sageuk/period dramas.

Heo Joon, Dae jang Geum, Jumong, Tears of the dragon, Taejo Wang, Queen Seon Deok etc
I think the only fusion sageuk to cross the 40% mark and becomes a national drama was Moon/Sun 3yrs ago.

Time changes and the ratings is not going to be as high as it used to be. Not everyone watches their dramas on tv like the old days. Heo Joon's 60+% rating will never be beaten.

The one sageuk that is shaping up to be a rating hit is "Six Flying Dragons". Kim Young-Hyun knows how to please her sageuk viewers. Hook them from the beginning with a first solid 10 episodes (excluding the child eps if there is any). It's going to be entertaining with 2 big competent stars at the helm, Yoo Ah-In and Kim Myung-Min.


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@Klare - Joseon Gunman was #1 in its time slot for the second half from its episode 10 onwards, are you trying to call that a flop too?

And Lee Jun Ki "will never break into movies"? The movie (yes, movie) that made him a star was one of the highest grossing Korean films of all time, the King &the Clown - 10.5 million admissions. And his other movie got 6+ millions admission...... after military service he only did kdramas but if he wants to return to movies, he will be welcomed back with open arms. Meanwhile Lee Seung Gi's movie didn't even make 2 million admissions but you want to compare?


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You got that right!!!!!!!


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@Klare ans @pigsnout
Claps pigsnout !!! ..... totally agree . Acting wise LJK is much much better than LSG. And personally I think LJK is more handsome too ....


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@ pigsnout & @ yaya, I just hate it when people don't get their facts straight! Don't mess with LJK fans, we know our man and his stats.


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LOL !!

You gals are amazing :D . I'm LJK's fan, but I don't know those stats :p ..

Well, I guess I agree that his drama choices don't really suit the taste of most korean. I, as his international fans, like it though ..


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@Luna I think he chooses roles that are out of the norm/out of this world/ superhero type of roles that pushes his acting abilities to the limit. Personally, I think he does very well with these types of fantasy/sageuk roles. And he looks so damn hot in hanboks!

If you were his manager @Kiara and @Luna, what project would you suggest for him next? BTW, who picks projects for Korean actors? Their agency, manager, and if you're a A-list star like LJK, does he picks his own projects? Or all the above.


@Ice - I'll jump in here to say that if I was his manager, I'd love to give Lee Jun-ki a gentle nudge towards doing more movies.

I personally would love to see him do an action movie, whether that's a sageuk or a modern-day one - he'd kill it in something like War of the Arrows or Ajusshi (NOT saying he should look for copycat scripts of those, because Park He-il and Won Bin were perfect, but I do think he'd do those types of roles really well). He can do his own fight scenes, which is a huge advantage when it comes to shooting such scenes and adds a lot to the experience as a viewer. And movies have the bonus of better working conditions and no live shoot.


@pogo I'd like to see him do more movies, too! It'll give him more exposure if he picks the right movie to star in. Side note: just a fangirl wish--he'd make a sexy pirate!


@pogo and Ice

Personally, I could not imagine why he does not do more movies - as stated by Kiara, better working conditions and no live-shoot - since I am sure he has to have offers for those. He is quite well-known as an action star, and yet, no movies as yet. I hope this situation changes soon.
("Under the Sicily Sun" will be out by the end of the year, and I hope that movie does him justice).

I am trying to imagine him in a rom-com, and nothing comes to mind. However, that is a different challenge he should try. That would be great fan-service, as he himself once said.

@ Kiara

Having him in a good Chinese Wuxia - even just a good sageuk will do - would be a dream come true; as well as a couple team with Park Bo-Young.

Well... A woman can always dream.


@tenoh27 @pogo Agreed on action movies. I personally like to see him doing some type of James Bond/player type role. He's got swag (think tuxedo picture) and that flirtatious grin of his is so...ok I don't want to go there.


@Ice I would prefer if he does a movie with his King and the Clown director Lee Joon-Ik. He could've been part of "The Throne" or his upcoming "Portrait of a Poet".

I would trade his manager with Yoo Ah-In's current manager. Yoo Ah-in gets to star in a movie with the incredible Song Kang-Ho. That could've been you oppa...../cry. Before that he was in the movie "Veteran" with the talented Hwang Jung-Min. Then he comes back to dramaland and headline Six Flying Dragons with the amazing Kim Myung-Min. Now that's the kind of sageuk meaty role oppa should go for.

If he stays in Dramaland I would like to see him try some cable shows, like my Beautiful Bride packed with amazing veteran actors.
He has been picking shows where he is mostly the strongest actor in it. I want him to be in a drama with strong veteran actors who would challenge him. Like Han Suk-Gyu, Ryu Seung-Ryong, Kim Myung-Min, Lee Beom-Soo etc.


Thanks for the insight!!!!! This is amazing how we can discuss a subject and have respect for each other's opinions. LJK has got himself some brainy and well-mannered fans. :)


@Kiara - so true, oppa would do really well in dramas or movies where he's matched with a stronger senior actor as co-lead - and he has in the past, King & the Clown had none other than Kam Woo-sung!

But as a leading man, the only time he's ever been somewhat evenly matched by a costar in terms of acting prowess and story focus, is with Shin Mina in Arang & the Magistrate. And honestly, I think he was even better for it - despite the imperfections in that drama, it was still the story of both its protagonists, not just one. And it's no coincidence that that drama is the best of his post-military works, in terms of quality.


@Ice, well that's a tough question. Someone can choose to become a general or a specialized . Usually, action actors do well in action movies, but their acting are mediocre (the actors that I watched, though .. and I don't watch a lot of movies ). On the other hand, LJK is different. He can do well in both action and dramas. His movement is flexible and action scenes looked beautiful by him, because he holds a taekwondo black-belt. His emotional scenes are also done well and touching.

So, I guess he's doing fine all this time, playing various characters, like a vampire or a father. He should continue to play a unique character that he has never dong before. That is in term of expanding his acting ability. If he wants to do more, then he could choose a script based on other factor, like the writer's experience or his acting partners. I really hope that he won't try to become a villain, though. He acts really good, and he'll be very evil. I don't want to hate him *LOL*

In the end, I hope he do what he likes, not just in term of making the fans happy. From what I saw in Happy Camp, he should try to think about what truly makes himself happy.


@ Luna

Couldn't agree more with what you stated.

I think he would make a fabulous villain, but I don't want him to go there either.
Me, too, the more I read about him, the more I just want him to find ways to make himself happy, not anyone else.

@ Luna, @ Ice

As already stated many times by others, he is not only badass in action, he can also act (not to mention dance, sing and wears his clothes like a dream), hence, wishing for more development in his craft and career.

@ Kiara , @Pogo

Thanks for the insightful commentary on his career choices so far, and the contrast with YAI's. Hope his career trajectory will be better from now.


Who can forward these comments to LJK? You guys nailed his experiences, expectations, projections, achievements, and goals. He needs to hire us as his managers!!!!!!


Ladies, I think we can manage LJK. I can put aside my personal desires and be professional. Not really.....


King and the Clown will always be my favorite in all of oppa's work. A masterpiece that I will remember for a very long time, even when I get old and grey I will still want to rewatch it. I love everything about it.

Acting was impressive (Jung Jin-Young, Kam Woo-Sung and oppa). I've been a fan of Kam Woo-sung ever since. Any Jung Jin-Young casting news makes me happy.
Directing was beautifully done by Lee Joon-Ik. He is one of my favorite film directors and that's why I want them work together again. I'm very much looking forward to "The Throne" (Sado) and I won't be surprise if it's going to be another masterpiece.
The story was beautiful and moving ( true friendship and sacrifice always gets me). Loved the beautiful soundtrack. I've been listening to it for years. "Fate" made me a fan of Lee Sun-hee.

This is the kind of quality project that I will remember oppa for and this psycho fan-girl want more of it.


@Kiara - totally. I think what many of us forget is that back in the day, oppa was as huge as five of the present-gen flower boys stacked together - King &the Clown released while he was in the middle of filming for My Girl?

And still, he blew up. Think what happened to Kim Woo-bin with Heirs/Friend 2.....


Deep down, I want LJK to be even more successful because I want the whole world to see what an amazing actor he is. When his eyes meet mine, I knew he was the one. That may have been in my delusional head, but whatever he picks for his next project I wish him much success. I will be a fan forever. I have about 20 more years left before I forget my LJK and which kdrama I love....so I will support him until I don't know him anymore and my memory fades.


That is so true but I do remember every detail because I didn't get to watch it when it came out. A friend recommended it about 5yrs ago and that's when I started following oppa.


I also wish he'd do another movie with Lee Joon-ik someday..... but yeah, he could fit any genre of movie - sageuk or modern, action/thriller or romance, anything's possible. He has the physical ability as well as the emoting skill to pull it all off.

Another director I'd love him to work with is Choi Dong-hoon, his movies are pretty varied but engaging. Yoo Ah-in picked some great projects over the last couple of years but some of that is really good judgement - Fashion King was a dud, everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

I know some of us might not be fans of the idea, but I would REALLY love to see oppa as a villain. A show-stealing villain can often make a movie, and we wouldn't love him any less at the end for it - hell, look at what we think of Lee Soo-hyuk as Gwi here :)

Plus, think of it as he gets to try something new. Ha Jung-woo, Kang Dong-won and now Yoo Ah-in all seem like they found a kind of personal breakthrough as actors after playing villains....... I think if oppa's ok with the idea of it, he would make a great one. And it would be invaluable experience as an actor.



I know we all love him as our hero but I will love him as a villain too. It reminds me of Tom Cruise turning villain in Collateral. He absolutely owned it. It'll be refreshing to see oppa in a different role.

Choi Dong-Hoon is very good with directing action. Lee Joon-ik is fantastic at directing sageuks. He could do action with Choi and sageuk with Lee.

I know that oppa loves to please his fans but that also could hinter his progression as an actor. Most of us fans want him to do dramas so we can watch him right away. We'd hardly see him if he goes back to doing movies but I think that would really good for him and his career.
I love Yoo Ah-In and I'm a bit jealous at the same time. He's been working with the best in the industry lately. Song Kang-Ho, Hwang Jung-Min, Director Lee? A lot of actors would love to be in his place.


yeah, I really do appreciate the fanservice and yearly drama choice but oppa should think of himself and his own growth as an actor, too. He took SWWTN because fans kept saying that Sung-yeol looked just like him, and now he's carrying it but at what cost to his own morale?

And that's partly why I want him to do a villain/anti-hero role and do movies, because I think it'd do him good in many ways to not do what he thinks his fans expect and try something new.

Pretty much all the actors I like who've tried villain roles, have always emerged as better actors afterwards for it - from Yoo Yeon-seok (poor guy only played villain roles until Chilbongie lol) to Kang Dong-won in Kundo, and even Su Ae in Yawang/Baek Jin-hee in Empress Ki. Not to mention Lee Joon in Gap-dong! It'd be great to see oppa really let loose and play an antagonist.


I do think LJG will make a great and impressionable villain! He has the looks for it too.

Playing a villain will certainly gain him extra acting chops, but just imagining the hate he will bring makes me shudder. ?


@Ice - there's no way he will personally get hate just for taking on a villain role, if anything audiences are more likely to praise him more than ever just like they did the other actors I named.

I think in many ways, a charismatic and well-performed villain role can really do wonders for both an actor's creative spirit as well as public recognition.

But if he does take one, he's likely to terrify the living daylights out of us (I could not watch The Chaser without all my bedroom lights on, Ha Jung-woo was THAT scary).


LJK can play any character. But I agree with you all, he would make a badass villain.


Ha Jung-woo is in his own league and he will be around for a very long time since he is only 37.


lol yeah, the King & the Clown wasn't just one of the highest grossing Korean films of all time, it was THE #1 highest grossing Korean film of all time by the time it ended its box office run.


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His movie "Virgin Snow" also set a record in Japan. First time a Korean movie did well there. He's very marketable and loved in Japan and China.


Lets just fan-girl over oppa without comparing or putting down other actors.


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This isn't a diss against Lee Seung Gi btw, I think he's decent as an actor, but to try to say that he is more successful in movies than Jun Ki is just......lol.


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I wasn't talking about you pigsnout.


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Oh ok, I understood :)


I'm sorry for LSG ...he just dumped by Yoona.... Yoona is too pretty for him ... Sorry this is my personal opinion ... No offense LSG Fans


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why LSG and Yoona names come out of nowhere...??both them have no connection to this drama at all @_@
if you want to fan girl over LJK, please do so peacefully without mentioning others' name. Im not a fan of LSG and Yoona, but it seems nonsense to even put their name here, yaya.


@sera, it's because of Klare's comment (at no. 6) comparing LJK and LSG. Agree with you that others' names should not be mentioned.


@sera @ jannie
Sorry Gals ... no offense to anybody ...just my personal opinion ... Yes no mentioned any names ...... somebody try to compare LSG & LJK ... I think it's unfair ....


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Thank you pigsnout. I'm too lazy to break down his career and ratings for all his movies and dramas. You have good memories:).


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@Kiara I thought you were his #1 fan, lol. Pigsnout got us beat.


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Ikr? I think pigsnout and pogo beat us all when it comes to oppa.


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awww I'm touched to be mentioned :) but yeah, it is nice to be able to throw cold hard box office numbers at anyone trying to claim oppa isn't successful. Wish I'd been around to do that too.


lol you two are still his #1 fans, I just thought that it was more fair to compare with actual statistics including his pre military dramas/movies (since LSG has not gone to the army yet).


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@pigsnout @Kiara @pogo We are all his #1 fans. When this drama is over, I'm going to have you to thank for an education on kdramaland. And let's continue to support our oppa LJK! :)


I will add more iljimae was a hit in that year, all the dramas were successful, without hero, this one has lower ratings but loved by many fans.
I am Not Going to defend LJK over LSG but honestly LJK is multi talented actor. even the plot is a rubbish he has ability to attract the audience.


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LSG is to far to compare for JG


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Low rating doesn't mean bad acting...in this case - the script for ep 15 and 16 had everyone running around in circles.

This is my first LJK drama - I find him mesmerising and intense....and a little too pretty. If not for him, I would have given up on this drama. Can't imagine anyone playing the role of the night scholar!


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He nailed it, the character were made just for him.


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All around the mulberry bush...


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Who cares about rating .... I enjoy this drama ... love all the casts !!! That's it !!!


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Goodnight from the U.S.! It's been a long day. It's past midnight now. Why am I still up? Love my baby LJK and just want to show his drama some love and support.


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Goodnight Ice :). Talk to you tomorrow.


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Guys is it just me or that i think the same group of ppl who subtitles Yongpal and Scholar, cas last week Yong pal's subtitles were late to upload and this week Scholar is late earlier before the week it is Scholar's subs are late,

cas i remember well that i was refreshing the same web page countless time to watch the scholar with the subs


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Lee jun ki's Beauty is perfect match for Bai Xi Hua's character in Journey of flower(chinese Drama). Sorry for mentioning about aChinese drama here, but i can't help my self. :D


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I have chinese Blood from my paternal & maternal line .. and not Vampire Blood ..so I understand what you mean . He is as Pretty and as Beautiful as Bai Xi Hua character ...

Oppa has almond eyes ... Diamond Shaped Face ... he is 100 % fit "Sageuk" ....


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you got it i'm not good at explanations. thank you


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for me his eyes exactly looks like Phoenix bird eyes witch indicates as a fantasy bird. it is really rare to have those shape of eyes. i think LJK is gifted every thing perfectly.


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His eye shape is exceptionally beautiful, but eyes like his are actually called phoenix eyes? That's a lovely name.


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find a picture of that bird from google, it is fantasy bird so only drawings, just compare you may not disagree with me, not only my thought many have confirmed it


There is nothing much to say about this episode so anything about oppa goes here lol. I think he'd fit perfectly well in any wuxia and blend well with Chinese actors.


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I'm happy to see that there're more comments on each recap of this drama than others. I enjoy watching this show and reading here.


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Has anyone read the manhwa??? Is the story in line with the story of the manhwa or did they change it totally? 'Cause I've been reading comments... As long as it follows the story of the manhwa, I think the story would be okay...

But to be honest, I haven't seen even one episode of this series... I will wait until it is finish before I will watch it in marathon... I hate waiting episodes week after week ahahaha...

I'm really hoping it will end happily or beautifully. I really admire LJK and his acting... I'm a fan not just because he has a handsome/flowerboy face but because he is a great actor... :) Let's support this man who always gives his best in every work he has done! Been following his guesting and even saw that "Healing Camp" where he guested that he has suffered great depression. I hope he won't get depress with the ratings and the criticism he gets... KEEP FIGHTING! Sure he is grateful to his ever supportive fans who still acknowledge him as a great actor even with all the new famous actors younger than him....


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I never read it, but most of the comment I saw the story were change, one of it is addition of new character ( the 2nd lead ) and the story were quite far to manhwa.

I wish also a happy and unforgettable ending ( just like arang ). We are same, before I am not a fan of his beautiful face or flower boy image, his acting really brought me to love and admire him. And also his inspirational interview. But as years goes by, I admit I totally hooked with his beautiful and perfect face and the most his eyes that really expressive.

Many young actor whose well known than him. But he will still be the best.


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yes he is popular for his sensitiveness, he hides everything in his smile. i hope he won't be depressed( kind a dangerous situation) but no one criticise him, he is doing really well, every one blaming to the writer not to him, if someone blame him he or she must be out of their mind.


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I watched his Healing Camp episode last night after feeling a bit let down by ep 16. He came a long way and deserves the success and respect. A really sensitive man who thought no one would turn up when he was released from the military!

Will work backwards and watch his older dramas after I am done with this. Don't think I can get used to him with another leading lady for now. Hahahahah..

LJK fighting!!!


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Fans of the novel said that SWWTN the series are very different, and has it's own story and characters. Whether you'll like it or not, then you have to watch it yourself to figure it out. Other than that, the actors are all performing good and the costumes are pretty, especially the ones worn by LJK and the gisaeng (forgot her name, sorry).

Anyway, LJK is acting well here as usual. If the rating is not high, then nobody should blame him. On the other hand, he is one of the reasons why many people keep on watching. I'm glad that he took this challenge and polished his acting skill, coz acting as a vampire is not easy . He has prooven that he can do it very well.


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Whenever an entire episode is predicated on the plot point of miscommunication or lack of communication in general, I am reminded that this can only work in sageuks because if this were modern day, I'd be screaming at everyone to call or send a text to Yang Sun letting her know that her sacrificial intentions are not needed. Where's a cell phone when you need it ...


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When I see at the comments I find LJK fans are very decent like him, (so am I but don’t know I am decent or not) I remember once I said “ Lee Min Ho can’t act properly only he has pretty face” ( I am not a anti fan just told the truth) right after that comment I became a little chicken surrounded by wolves. They were too harsh, but I am glad he has lots of fans who can defend him. But I am thousand times glad about LJk because he has well mannered and lovely fans, who will follow him till the end even he grows older and wrinkled. That’s what we called devoted fans. :D


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Amen! You're very true about that, like everyone else I respect LJK immensely and am his fan so long. Will continue to be his fan forever. He deserves my respect. LMH I feel have a lot more fanbases covering younger teenagers too so I'm getting the feeling too that LJK oppa have more matured aldult fans. My sister is young, she's a teen too but she loves LJK just as equally :)


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I've been a fan of LJK since Iljimae (dunno what year was that .. 2008 ? ), and I'm 3 years older than him. After following his serieses' threads in soompi, I noticed that his fans are mostly mature people (at least over 20 years old), who have been following him for a long time. Perhaps, that's why LJK's fan prefer to react in a more cool-headed way, compared to other actors' fans who are usually teenagers.


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Sorry, I guess it was in 2006. :p .


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Iljimae was 2008, you were right the first time :)


I'm old (*coughs, 40) and I love many Korean actors. But LJK just draws me in especially with his eyes. There's something about his eyes that seduces/mesmerizes me. In his dramas and movies, most of the time his eyes does all the talking. That my friends....is pure talent. No need to defend talent. LJK has it!


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@peri it's tough being a fan girl. Luckily for us, our LJK is very talented so we don't have to do much defending. Even if there's a hater it can never bring us down. We are here to support our LJK and to share our thoughts on the drama. The acting is exceptional on his part. The writer no so. But that gives us something to praise about (LJK's acting) and discuss (bad writing/plot holes). ?


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Hello every One, Thnc Dramabeans for the recap. I watched the show nd love it.. I dont care abt the ratings ... I simply love LJK acting... hwaiting LJK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish 2 c him soon in another drama soonnnnn love you lee joon gi....


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Versatile actor like LJG is rare in the industry. Not only his good in his craft also he has a good and beautiful heart that's why his fans like us adore him so much.This drama is being watched and loved by his fans so much.


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That's why I love him to death. He seems like a good-hearted person in real life and cares about his fans. But no worries, I think his acting in SWWTN is praised. It's the writer who is to blame.


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I don't think I've seen the best from oppa yet although he has been fantastic in this drama. I'd love to see him in a really solid drama with good writers like My Beautiful Bride or Giant.


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Any actor who thinks he/she have acted their best is not an actor. There's always room for improvement and to better their trade.


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hear, hear!


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yeah, a solid drama of any genre would be great but I've always had a yen to see oppa in a romcom.

I mean, my first sighting of him was in My Girl, so...... but the Hong sisters have shown that they are not to be trusted with a good cast any more, so I just want him in any good romcom. With a leading lady who can match him, instead of his character dominating the story and ending up having to carry it.


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Which leads me to ask this question???? What actress right now can match LJK? In Two Weeks, the leading lady was lacking emotionally. She over-acted most of the time and barely had tears for critical parts. Shin Mi Na was just ok. His leading lady in Joseon Gunman did nothing to me, if not annoyed me. I personally think LYB did good. But still not up to his caliber. Fan girl wish: Moon Chae-won or Oh Yeon-seo.


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Park Bo-young, Kim Go-eun, Moon Chae-Won, Hong Soo-hyun, Kim So-yeon, Kim Min-seo Seo Ji-hye - (one of my favorite sageuk leading lady).

Co-star /Bro-mance: Song Joong-Gi, Yoo Ah-in, Jung Kyung-ho, Kim Mu-yeol, Im Ju-hwan.

Veteran Co-star: Han Suk-Gyu, Jang Hyuk, Jung-woo, Kim Myung-min, Lee Beom-soo, Eom Gi-joon, Choi Min-soo, Kim Kap-soo. Ryu Seung-ryong.

Excluding the best of Korea's movie actors because anyone would benefit greatly by acting alongside Song Kang-ho, Choi Min-shik, Ha Jung-woo. We probably won't get to see any of them in dramaland.


I've listed 2nd lead actresses like Hong Soo-hyun, Kim Min-seo so I'll add Baek Jin-hee and Jeon Hye‑bin to it because these are the kind of 2nd lead scene stealers that would blow some of oppa's past leading ladies out of the water. All 4 can rise to the challenge and they've all done sageuk before.

I haven't seen enough of Han Groo or Kang Sora's work to make a judgement but I've heard a lot of good things about them.


Oh yes!!!! <3 the co-star/bromance choices! All my faves.

I want to add another actress that I love: Jung Ryeo-won. <3 her in Ja Myung Go and History of Salaryman.

But damn @Kiara your analysis broke it down!!!! Girl, you know your Korean stars! I am so impressed by your knowledge and intuition. Thank you! I learned a lot from you. :) And all your choices are superb match ups with our LJK!


I personally think Shin Mina did great in Arang - she has a very natural presence and charm that played really well with oppa, and especially in that role. And of all oppa's leading ladies, she's actually the best actress so far. I actually think she's a better actress than Oh Yeon-seo, too.

Which leads me to the point that LJK actually shines most/is most effective onscreen when his costars are on his level, or better - whether it was Shin Mina in Arang or Kam Woo-sung in King &the Clown.


As for which actress can match him, I think Moon Chae-won would be absolutely fantastic, whether in a sageuk or a modern drama.

Kiara has a much better and more comprehensive breakdown of potential costars (though Baek Jin-hee is moving firmly into first lead territory now with MBC), but I would really like to add Gong Hyo-jin - she is a fantastic actress and I would love to see how her and oppa's contrasting acting styles play out when put together.


I would really love to see LJK with Jeon Hye Bin, maybe as a badass couple. And a LJK, Jung Kyung-ho & Kim Gap Soo reunion would be awesome.


@Jannie, I second that! :)


@Ice, I wanted Hanjo-san to end up with Hye Won in Joseon Gunman, but alas, her dad killed his dad, so it was hopeless.

Hye Won was channelling "Yang Sun" level of worship when Hanjo saved her, but somehow she was gorgeous and intense vs fangirly cute.


@ Kiara

Echoing @Ice, that was an impressive list, and thanks so much, really learned a lot!

Here is hoping LJG takes note and achieve some of those projects! With his acting caliber, I am expecting more from him in the future, and am in for the long haul.


It may seems that I know a lot of actors but I really don't. The only reason why I know more K actors that K-drama fans are not familiar with is because I also watch K-movies. When actors like Park-Bo-young, Kim Go-eun, Kim Mu-yeol, Jung Jae-young, Jo Seung‑woo etc comes to dramaland I'm already familiar with them.

Agreed, Jung Ryeo-won is a great leading lady as shown in History of the salaryman. I didn't like the writer for Ja-mung and thought the show dragged on with the child actors in the beginning for way too long. Not her fault though.
Over-hyped dramas that underperformed is such a turn off too. It was set for 50 eps but it ended with just 39 eps because the rating was so bad.

Agree with everything you said. Yes Shin-minah was his strongest leading lady. Gong Hyo-jin is the rom.com queen. I didn't add the talented Son Ye-jin either. There is quite a few that are not on the list. I forgot to add Kim So-eun too.

I love Jeon Hye-bin ever since Queen In-soo. She was one of the best thing about Joseon Gunman. A TBDaW reunion with Kim Kap-soo and Jung Kyung -ho would be super awesome.
Did you get to watch Kap-soo in Joseon X-Files with Kim Ji-hoon? One of my favorite sageuk.
Adding Kim Ji-hoon to the list of costar bromance. Love him...


I'm still learning, I really don't know much yet and I still trying to catch up with old dramas and movies.


I wanted a Hanjo/Hye-won ship in Joseon Gunman too, Jeon Hye-bin could really match oppa so well for intensity and chemistry. She has incredible screen presence and bearing, it just makes you want to watch her.

I am not surprised AT ALL to learn that they may be dating in real life.



I'm with you when it comes to rl shipping too.


@ Kiara, @ pogo

I have not watched Joseon Gunman yet but all that talk here of him and Jeon Hye-Bin has me very curious. Basically, I just want him to date and settle down (he needs to spread those beautiful Lee genes of his), so, any whiff of his dating in RL makes me happy.

Yeah, Yoo Ah-In's present career trajectory as an actor is really enviable; the sort I would wish for JG. Hope his will follow a similar route. He needs to ignores us fans at times so he can pursue what he truly wants. I am all for it!


@tenoh27 - this has been the first dating rumour he's had in years with a whiff of plausibility to it (couple items spotted, even though their shared agency keeps denying it - probably because he has previously stated that he would never take a relationship public).

And you should definitely check out Joseon Gunman, it has its faults but its villain (Yoo Oh-sung) was a pretty great and nuanced character. Like he didn't WANT to do bad things but did them anyway out of desperation.


@pogo as long as LJK is only dating, then we still have a chance with him. I'm not a home wrecker so if he ever gets married then I will let him go. Just make lots of cute babies! ??


@Kiara the only reason I even continued watching Ja Myung Go was solely because of Jung Kyung Ho and Jung Ryeo-won. Their chemistry together was fire! Once again, a failed drama due to writing. The premise was interesting enough, but it was painful to watch at times. The only good episodes for me were maybe 19-22? Been so long, but hope they both get a another chance to co-star in another drama that is more successful.

In terms of our oppa LJK, I think he needs a vacation after this drama wraps up. Just a short one before he decides his next project. But knowing how he adores his fans..he knows his fans will want more of him so we shall see.


Let's hope our Scholar's ending doesn't end up like Ja Myung Go. Just kill everyone since the rating sucked.

I loved the story/history that it's based on. What girl wouldn't want to watch a drama about the handsome Prince Hodong.
I think it would've worked if it was shorter like (16-20 episode) especially when you have newbie writer.


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@Kiara that was the worst ending ever! Even at the end the evil Queen was sad...you can sense her emptiness without Prince Hodong to bicker and fight with anymore.

But let's hope for a happy ending for our vampire and Yang-sun. :)


I want to sign up to be a vampire. No more shaving. lol


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Lol and 10x hotter eh?


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if it removes all facial and body hair, I think I can put up with the perpetual thirst (it's summer and I hate waxing)


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Puleeze!! Su-hyang is not sympathetic. She's dying to kill off Yang Sun so she can go back to being the only woman in Sung yeol's life.


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Did you watch/read the episode? She offered herself up to hungry Gwi once she realized that drinking YS's blood was not the secret plan. For the greater good.


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She wasn't earlier but a magic spell in this episode caused everyone to protect Yang-sun.


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nah, I can see how she disliked/was jealous of Yang-sun earlier but now that she's spent time with Gwi and been thoroughly scared by him, she draws the line at giving Yang-sun to him for dinner when she knows it'll do zero damage to Gwi.


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I wish they'd stop showing that scar on her shoulder. It bugs me because it's always on a different spot lol.


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I don't mind as long as they keep it roughly within the same area and don't go showing it on the opposite side to where it's supposed to be.


Oh my...i too was surprised..frustrated, can't imagine what had just happened.
Is that it? nothing more? but nonetheless I'm still happy.
Another 6 days again..waiting, hoping ^_^ that something good will come out from all those misunderstandings.
All the casts are great. Love Lee junki acting so much.
I find myself so funny, I never get tired of watching the raw videos, I just connect the dots by reading the expressions on SY face...then refreshing this site for recaps.
I even can't stop myself from posting comments..just so happy. I find myself addicted to LJK dramas.
I'm still hoping YS can overpower Gwi in the next episode. Like lifting him & throwing him on the side of the cave ^_^... Showing Gwi that its now payback time so don't be too confident. Hoping though something like that will happen..
Then my frustrations for waiting 6 more days will turn to happiness.


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Sometimes I'll watch the raw version just for the acting. I can get a lot out of oppa's facial expression alone.


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yeah I can follow just enough dialogue to get some sense out of things....even though this drama uses slightly different vocabulary from what I'm used to hearing in other dramas (even sageuks).

And people repeat themselves so often you end up understanding what they say almost by osmosis, ha.


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Don't you wish they have mobile phone, then they can just call one another immediately to pass the information that sacrificing Yang-sun is not the way.

Anyway as aggravating as this episode can be, I actually enjoyed the episode.

First we have Jun-ki in all black hanbok. I mean, this guy looks good in any hanbok, but all black really makes his feature stands out.
Second, we have Yoon back to his senses, thank God!
And then we have the sad ending of Hak-young..
Most importantly now everyone is on the same page (no more stupid sacrifice YAY). Finally guys, be united!


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Rooting for oppa to the bitter end of it . No matter how crazy this show will goes, will still watching it .


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I thought Sung Yeol would die if he didn't drink human by the full moon. There was all serious music like it's a BIG PROBLEM if he didn't get human blood. Then he was all weak and delusional on the full moon, but now he's magically okay.

The logic flow seems to be
no human blood + full moon ->
weak and dying ->
lose cloak ->
further weakened and barbecued by the sun ->
get shelter ->
few drops from YS ->
drink animal blood ->
got back cloak ->
yay! let's move on.

What happened to the first problem? He's supposed to die a few days ago right? Unless it's trying to say that a few drops of YS = one juicy human. But then, he drank her the night after the full moon. He should have died the day before. Oh yeah, sheer force of will. That works.

Wonky rules mean the conflicts have no urgency. There's no risk at all. He will die if he doesn't do X!!! Uh no, he'll be fine next week. I wouldn't be surprised if Gwi drained YS dry and then SY just takes another bath with her and she's all well again.

But Gwi's respect/friendship/love with Su Hyang intrigues me. He seemed genuine about not wanting to subject her to an eternity enslaved to hunger.

And the effects are so cheesy. When they run it reminds me of Sonic or the Tasmanian devil.


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The scenario in the last few episodes above was actually sort of similar to the one in the first half (Ep 7?), and he was late by about a night then too. That time, a few drops of YS's blood (mixed with tears) were enough to revive him enough to go back home and get his full fare.

Since it was not categorically stated that it was a full moon night (not 100% certain), just that it was very near (a day before perhaps), I tend to give this ambiguity a pass (given the loose and wonky plot in this story, I am always trying to let the many flaws pass me by by not examining it. Otherwise, would be difficult to enjoy the drama).

So, if it was the day/night before (in the more recent episodes), SY not dying and getting revived by just a few drops of YS's blood is not out of the equation. Given the example from the earlier episode, it would seem that YS's blood is special and is sort of a powerful tonic to SY.

(Additionally, SY's strong will is no laughing matter; it was what has him lasting this long against all odds. ????)

As well, since he did not get much human blood this time around, he is not fully recovered to his full physical capability (YS's plus animal blood managed to prevent him from starving to death, but he is clearly still hungry and not at his fittest) . He is still quite weak, and his fight with HY showed that.

Basically, am stumped how he plans to fight Gwi and rescue YS in the next episode given how weak he is. Am expecting
SH's sacrifice now, sigh, and just when I want to worship her too.


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THis is just my thought ... SY is Guardian Vampire + YS is GWis descendant from Maternal Blood ---- the combination of their Blood become very strong --- LIke a Tonic or Formula ... therefore will be able to kill ( defeat ) Gwi . Now , this made sense ....


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So .. yang sun won't turn into a vampire if she got bitten .. is this a new information ?


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Wasn't Hye Ryung bitten too?


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Somebody already mentioned .... Gwi not rteally bites HR ... when he bites he put his hand ..so only leave the mark ...to convince KSY ...she is Myunghee ....... Plz ...check the previous comments ......


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No... Oh you come late ... I think somebody already write a comments about this ......


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for me o love LJK and i love this drama with the same feeling from the first ep till this recent one...
ps: i love changmin..i can see his improvement in acting episode by episode...


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Yes Changmin acting improves a lot compare to his previous drama ( forget the title ? --- about horse & hotel )


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Paradise Ranch, and it has the same writer as SWWTN.


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LJK is so hooooot in these black cloths!!!


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He sure does. Even in the darkness, he still shines and radiates.


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Agree ~~~


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I wonder if Yang-sun's Mom ever cross-dressed to hide her identity as well. But then again, the writer was crappy. We will never know.

Now that our boys have met again face to face, I'm hoping for a more epic duel. Their limited fight scenes have been too short for me. I'm a swordplay/kungfu kinda girl and I want to see some sweat, flying, and rolling! And we know our LJK can certainly go there with his own stunts!


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I don't think SY is up for that gruelling fight with Gwi at the moment (he is so weak, I am frightened for YS and SY), and it is not the final episode(s) yet, though we are getting there. ?

I am just hoping he will do a rescue-and-run, as I want SH to live, and I highly doubt she will be by the end of next episode. ?

LJG's stunts are fabulous! I have to stop myself from gawking every time he starts kicking!

When I read on Soompi (and then saw for myself) about their meeting by the end of last episode, I just had to laugh at Gwi's excitement at seeing SY. I totally agree when that poster said they seemed like ex-lovers reuniting (on Gwi's part, at least). (The fan fiction spin-offs would be unbelievable, if any exists). ?

LSH is totally rocking Gwi, and I am finally gaining an appreciation for him! Hope he gets better and/or lead roles after this.


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Gwi was so excited to see Sung-yeol that he tossed Yang-sun away like a rag doll!!!!! Hahaha...the fan fiction is exciting to see and read.

And yes, LSH is more than just a pretty model boy. Hope he gets lead opportunities in the near future.

BTW, I saw some of the BTS pictures of the underground palace scene and I'm so happy so see smiles and teamwork in those pics!


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Gwi did, didn't he? I laughed so hard at that (tossing YS away) because, "Tsk, tsk, dear Gwi, SY is not going to give you a kiss if you mistreat the woman he loves".

Totally agree about LSH and his potential.

The BTS scene in the cave was very heartwarming, with smiles all around. Contrast that with the viewers' reactions during that scene; had me laughing again.


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I though that was pretty funny too. How he tossed Yang-sun aside when he felt his man-crush's present. Oh and that smile on his face.... Yeeees, he's here lol.


yeah, Gwi is just doing the (really murderous and evil) version of pulling a girl's (Sung-yeol) pigtails to get her(him) to notice him. Sure, Sung-yeol is no girl, but you know what I mean!

I always like their scenes together, right from episode 1. And it's kind of funny just HOW obsessed Gwi is with Sung-yeol, to the point where even the girl he's currently obsessed with (Hye-ryung) looks like a carbon copy of Sung-yeol's first love. I mean, it's a nice little layer of subtext over there - the murderous version of 'he has that so I want it too!'


Gwi is obsessed with Sung-yeol! If you're standing atop an ancient roof and breathing in SY's presence, then something is wrong with you. This vampire needs to see a psychologist!


The Gwi-SY dynamics is messing with my head! Don't do that to me, please, LSH/Gwi! I just want to be a peaceful shipper of SY-YS (and SY-SH in an alternate universe).

(Have never been much of a slash fan before, but Gwi is turning me into one, dang!) LOL


tenoh27 you crack me up!!!!!!!!!!!


LOL at the peaceful shipper. I've shipped Yang-sun with Yoon, and Hak-young. If hunter Baek wasn't another father figure I'd ship them too for being smart and a badass fighter. If he was around in the beginning I'd ship him with our equally smart and sexy Su-hyang.


@ Kiara, @ Ice

You name it, I ship it!
Don't forget YangSun-HoJin! Excuse me, but YS-Baek would be HOT (father figure is the operative word here), so are Yoon-HakYoung or Baek-HJ. I also ship Hye-Ryung with her personal guard.

Another reason I find this drama so amusing, the eminently shippable characters! ?

(All that crack requires some psychological intervention, perhaps)


Everyone is so shippable here, it's messing with my head too.

In the past weeks, I have ended up shipping all of the following, besides Sung-yeol/Yang-sun and Yoon/Hye-ryung:

1. Gwi/Sung-yeol (because DUH, Gwi's literal thirst for Sung-yeol could not be more obvious)
2. Gwi/Hye-ryung
3. Gwi/Soo-hyang (at least when she first met him and pretended she was swooning)
3. Yang-sun/Hak-young (when he tried to save her from the torture chamber by saying he was Eumlan Seosaeng)
4. Sung-yeol/Hunter Baek (buddies who vampire-slay together, stay together)
5. Sung-yeol/Soo-hyang
6. Yang-sun/Yoon.

(the number of times Gwi shows up in this list is probably disturbing, considering he is an evil murderous monster lol)


@tenoh27 okay.....anything? What about dagger and pencil box? Or The Night Scholar book and Memorandum? You did say anything....hehehe.


@ Ice

Why not? Am an equal opportunity shipper. ???
The Night Scholar novel would be especially compatible with CPJH's Memorandum. A romance between fantasy and strategy is just my cup of tea. ???


@tenoh27 Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ????


I think our dead princes needs shipping too. I love Crown Prince Junghyun. I'm going to ship him with Sung-yeol too. Best friend for life and death.

Crown Prince Sadong with Gwi. Why else would he hang him up on his wall lol.


lmao these new ships...... Night Scholar novel/CP Jonghyun's Memorandum? Sadong/Gwi?

I think I'm a little dead here, if Gwi decides to hang me on his wall to give CP Sadong company, you know who's to blame for my death lol.


Lol pogo.

Did you see the picture of Yubi making a kissy face at Hee-Jin? That was so cute.
Yang-sun and Su-hyang ship inc lol.


@ Kiara

Now you have gone and done it, but thanks for the gift!

I finally found my OTMénage-a-trios for this drama! Thanks a million! ??


oh great, we've got enough ships here to form an entire Navy!


I love reading all the comments! This is so entertaining. ? Really made my day!!!!!! <3


Hey we are not done yet.

Shipping hunter Baek's gun and Yoon's bow. (The weapon combo that would make Gwi weak).

Oppa's puppies with So-eun's cat. (I have a thing for animal lovers).


Add, the Prime Minister/Yang-sun's Foster Mom

Those two bad parents and meanies deserve each other.


Maybe unconsiously Gwi - SY ...Gwi has ... LOVE & HATE relationship ....


Hahaha:)) you are right! Please bring more action between two main enemies: Sung Yeol and Gwi:))


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Is Hunter Baek the actor who acted as muscular General Choi in Chuno? I thot it looks like him but not too sure.


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Yep. His name is Han Jung-soo.


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Thank you!


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Your welcome! :)


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He also plays as one of prosecutor in Prosecutor Princess. I think it's the only series where I can watch him having a love story :p . He always acts as one tough guy. His acting is average, but dunno why, I like him :p .


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He's also the grim reaper in Arang. Love him.


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I've been out a day and.....wow! Also, happy birthday for zi4r!

I read the recap while waiting in the line and almost collapsed, insisting to keep it at home.

It was so obvious that they are making things really long in order to fill the scenes. I feel bad for actors once again, they worked their ass off.....esp Yoobi. Perhaps that's why she couldn't participate much because of her injury. I kept imagining her being stabbed by Gwi but continue pushing the blade through her body and stab Gwi right in his heart -- but I guess it's impossible.

Goodbye Hakyoung, you've been waiting so long for that one scene lol RIP


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I don't know why but I thought the drama was ending with episode 16 and I was glad to watch the end of this annoying secret plan. I love the characters but the plot is too thin for my taste. It's going to be hard to wait 2 more weeks to discover what fate the writer has concocted for YS, SY & co.


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One question, why didnt the queen dopplehanger turn into vampire after getting bitten?


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She wasn't actually 'bitten', Gwi just pierced her neck with his fingernails and let her think it was a bite.

I didn't notice this at first either, but observant beanies pointed it out and it's true, look at the cap of when he is holding her neck. And the blood ends up mostly on his fingers and not his chin which is how it is when he usually feeds.


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Oic, i need to rewatch that part then, thanks!


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I am getting more and more frustrated by each episode. How come there are repeated scenes from episode 15?
I really don't like Yang Sun's character in the drama. She's a cool character initially, but as the story moves forward, she became the weakest woman. I love how Soo Hyang and the Queen fights to serve their men. 4 episodes left. Just end, please.


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Actually I have a feeling that it should less than 20 series? Don't you think so? Because in 16 episode it looks like we have the final battle between Sung Yeol and Gwi. Perhaps there will be 18 episodes?


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There will be 20. They won't have the final battle until the 3 main players (Yang-sun, Yoon and Sung-yeol) figure out how to defeat Gwi together.

It's amazing how much time and lives were spend looking for the Diary of vague only to be put aside like it's not important any more because hey, they found it. Lets just move on to something different. This is the kind of story telling that turns off viewers.


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aaagh that means they are stretching out plot enough for maybe 3 episodes, into 6.

The number of attempts this drama has made to say, hey screw the diary, is kind of hilarious.


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The diary is not important anymore because he's already read it and they have got the clue that was in it re the matri line?


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i just watched few episodes of yong pal, that drama is good but no different than watching an american tv series, only language difference. i think it lost its charm which korean drama should have. but i find it here 100%, that charm, and identity a korean dramas have.


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In recent years, a diet of a few Korean dramas a year are all I have been able to stomach, as most other dramas have lost their lustre for me, whether Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, American or telenovelas. They either bore or aggravate me.

Due to encultured personal preferences, I find SWTTN charming and moving, and despite its many flaws, a drama I can have fun and dream with; something I have not experienced for a long, long while.

So, for that, I thank JB and GF for a great site (and the always entertaining and thought-provoking recaps), and of course, the incomparable LJG and the other cast members (and crew) of the show for giving me a great time this summer!


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I agree with the first half but I disagree with SWWTN. This drama hasn't done anything for me that reading screen caps is more than enough. None to the actors fault and completely driven by LJK's portrayal. The characters were intriguing but they just fell flat shortly after. To each their own, I guess.


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I can definitely understand where you come from, as SWTTN is a net of flaws and ridiculous.

Admittedly, I wouldn't be here at all if not for LJG (though I enjoy the performance from the others as well), but once immersed, the characters in the drama also appeals to me - for personal reasons - with its simplistic innocence/ideals and romance. Not to mention all those laughs due to the cheese and ridiculousness.

So, it is a mix of laughs at all the digs at the drama, and LJG's moving portrayal of KSY which has me here till the bitter end. ?


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I agree, actually. SWWTN is so ridiculous at times, but despite its flaws it's still watchable.

And like Kiara said earlier, the cast is acting their butts off (impressive considering a good number of them are relatively new to acting and don't have much experience of sageuks).


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Yeah i agree with u, I am watching both now and when both are available at the same time, I will choose to watch scholar first.


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Hak-young died so uselessly!!! could made him ultra vampire to help KSY too!


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I agree with you. What's the point? Just to kill his grandpa?


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Not useless for me but too short. He did good thing, because of his vampire appearance LY realize what the best thing to do.


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I see your point and I agree that Hak-young contributed to Yoon's alliance with Sung-yeol but I felt that it was unnecessary and a waste of a good character.
Hak-young ended up killing more people including his grandfather before he took his own life.

The way the writers make up the (vampire) rules as they go annoys me to no end. So now vampires can remember their human life at some point? When, how, what, why?


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Well, in the writer's defense, Sung-yeol also remembers his "human life" like his bff and first love.

In Hak-young's demonic state the sporadic memories of friendship and brotherly love made him "human" enough to ask for death and rid of his misery.

I know it's cheesey and cliche. But love conquers all. The human heart is resilient. Even a vampire can be swayed by the power of love.

I'm just a hopeless romantic. Shoot me.


@Ice I swear I'm not looking for flaws.It's just too out there for me.

We know from the beginning that Sung-yeol still have his human heart so remembering his past makes sense. I never question it. Maybe that's part of being a high rank guardian vampire.
Hak-young didn't remember squad until "that moment". So basically he had temporary amnesia?


@Kiara, hahaha this drama doesn't make any sense at all that's why I'm like a 5 year old child asking everyone here questions. It's actually made me a better and civilized person.


When I saw Yang Sun actually running to the lion's den, my only thought was: "Wow. Never saw someone so eager to die."


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So many 'Arang and the Magistrate' feels today!


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Just want to give some love and shout out to Ho-jin! He's just a side character but he's so loveable and even tries to save his Master. Not knowing where his Master or Su-hyang was at one point, this dedicated worker still manages to dust the furniture and keep the house tidy. Thanks for taking good care of our vampire!


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Ho Jin is amazing! Watching him dusting his master's study while worrying about him was both heartwarming and funny! Go, HJ!


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I hope he finds someone who will take care of him and be loyal to him as he is to his Master and live happily ever after.


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I second that prayer, Ho-jin is an all-round sweetie who deserves nothing but good things.


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Since Ho-jin is a SY/YS shipper I hope he'll sail with his ship in the end.


Ho-Jin can become SY/YS's nanny and help raise their babies.


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If they survive and are able to cast out Gwi, I bet the first thing Ho-jin will ask for is a baby.


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LOL! Well, he better start dusting the house again then and set a romantic mood in the house with fresh flowers and candles.


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One question. How do all the various players in this universe find out quickly that sacrificing the girl won't work any faster without cell phones (or even landlines), twitter, facebook, skype, telegrams, Morse code, telegrams, or the pony express? The confusion is actually appropriate for the setting.


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I do agree with you to a certain extent, as the story is set in an era where no such convenience exists, not to mention that miscommunication and mistakes happen as well in our modern daily life even with all our communication gadgets.

However, I suppose most viewers expected more from the writers in terms of story development at this late stage of the drama, when they need time to make a viable plan to defeat Gwi and not running around doing their own thing (even if mobile phones don't exist then).

Me, I just chose to laugh at the funny of all those 'headless chickens' (thanks @zi4r) running around.


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Sung-yeol, the Hunter, and Su-hyang all were able to deduce in their heads that Yangsun's blood will not kill Gwi. Back in the days, people actually had to use their brains unlike nowadays even with all this technology/social media/Google you still have "headless chickens." LOL!


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LJG such a joy to watch. A versatile actor like him is rare. I love this drama, of all his female love interest LYB is perfect to him their chemistry is awesome. LJG is the best the best among the rest.


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..for Lee junki i stopped watching our local tv series..even other series on our local cable tv.
oh, I almost forgot with exception for "3 meals".^_^.
this became a habit every time he has a new drama. I find it unusual for me doing this but maybe this is 1 symptom of being an LJK fan.
I find his acting exceptional..his face so pretty as a man..so very addictive to watch. doing a drama with a good storyline is just a bonus for me.
So go SY..its time to defeat Gwi..slammed him in the floor hard but spare his pretty face though..^_^
and YS get the dagger, help YS..or is it Yoon's role since he is just outside?


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