Answer Me 1988: Episode 9

Here we go. Hold onto your hearts, people, Hurricane Taek’s about to blow through. (It’s a moot warning anyway; I mean, who has yet to fall in love with Taek?) I’d like to think that we’ve all learned and matured since Answer Me 1994, but in case this is your first Answer Me series or you’re new around here, I’ll say this as many times as I have to: Everybody play nice, debate all you want but respect other people’s ships, and don’t call each other names. Shipping wars are a nasty business, and I’ll not tolerate this thread turning into a battleground, so let’s everyone be friendly and remember: At the end of the day, we can agree to disagree.

Okay, on with the show!


Lee Sun-hee – “나 항상 그대를” (Always You) [ Download ]

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EPISODE 9: “Crossing the line”

We’ve crossed over into 1989, as the New Year’s holiday comes to a close. Deok-sun’s dad sighs over having to head back to work tomorrow, and Mom sighs to hear that Deok-sun went to the store so late at night by herself.

Deok-sun seems to be regretting the choice too, because she’s currently speed-walking down a dark street like she’s running away from someone. A hooded figure walks close behind, and as she gets to her front gate, he gets closer and closer…

She scrambles to fling the gate open, just as Jung-hwan calls out and asks why she’s being so weird. Of course you’d be her stalker. Deok-sun lets out a huge breath and yells at him for following her.

He points out that he lives here, and wonders why she was walking so fast: “Is someone chasing you?” Deok-sun: “YOU! YOU! YOU! You were chasing me!” Jung-hwan gets defensive and argues that he was just going home, but when she stomps off angrily, he calls out to her and suddenly croons very sweetly, “Sleep well.” Gah, stop that now.

He plays it cool all the way to his room (where he drops off his newly rented videos Predator and Falling in Love, ha), and then sloooooowly peeks out his window, one eyeball at a time. I have a cat that does that.

Deok-sun is still standing there looking in his direction, so he ducks for cover until it’s safe and then smiles like a loon as he watches her go.

When Deok-sun gets home, No-eul waits eagerly for his bag of chips and says that Bora noona went out on a date. Deok-sun is surprised that she got back together with her boyfriend, but supposes that you can’t beat first love.

Everyone is listening to Lee Moon-se’s Starry Night radio show, as he announces a concert to celebrate the program’s twentieth anniversary. Sun-woo listens as he packs up for the night and heads home from the library, where he heads straight to Bora’s car.

But he turns the corner and sees her standing down the street with her boyfriend, and his face falls. Boyfriend is clearly begging for another chance, and they look happy and flirty, which just digs deeper into Sun-woo’s heart.

In the morning, Jung-hwan’s mom is shocked not to see Taek’s dad sweeping the street, and Taek says he went to go visit a friend who suddenly collapsed. Mom invites Taek over for breakfast because she’s made ribs, and soon Deok-sun and Dong-ryong are stuffing their faces at the table too.

Sun-woo arrives to return a plate and joins them, and Deok-sun scowls in his direction. She suggests going to the Starry Night concert and Jung-hwan agrees, though the other boys are all busy. She deflates, but Jung-hwan casually suggests going anyway, acting as if it’s no big deal that it’d only be the two of them.

Everyone’s jealous that Sun-woo has two tickets to the Lee Sun-hee concert later in the month, but he refuses to take Taek or Dong-ryong because he has someone else to go with. He waits for Bora at night to ask her to go to the concert with him, but she flatly refuses.

She says she’s been letting his behavior slide because he’s a good kid, but she makes it clear that he’s just her little sister’s friend, and that’s all. Bora: “So don’t cross the line anymore.” Poor buddy.

Jung-hwan and Deok-sun come out of the Starry Night concert and she’s so excitable afterwards that she punches him over and over just to express how awesome it was. She says she’s cold, and he points out that it’s her fault for wearing a skirt in the dead of winter, refusing to give her his jacket.

Deok-sun: “How would you ever live without me?” He gets momentarily flustered at that, but she adds, “You live to rag on me!” They’re interrupted when a couple asks Jung-hwan to take a photo of them, and they’re startled when the boyfriend sneaks a kiss just before the picture is taken.

They offer to take a photo of them in return, and Deok-sun is shocked when Jung-hwan jumps at the chance. At first they stand miles apart from each other, but they get coaxed to stand closer and closer, until finally Jung-hwan puts an arm around Deok-sun and yanks her close. When the picture is snapped, he’s wearing a big cheesy grin on his face.

Fast-forward to 2015, where Adult Deok-sun and Husband look at an old photo of them together. She says this must be the moment he started to like her, pointing out the smile on his face and the arm he has around her.

Husband admits: “She was pretty then.” She asks what about now, and he snarks, “Want a mirror?” She bites his arm in retaliation.

Back in 1989, Sun-woo’s mom is astounded that Taek’s dad hasn’t opened his shop, which is so unlike him. It’s because that hospital visit to his friend ended in a funeral, and he drinks quietly as his other friend asks how they got to be the age where their friends are dying. Taek’s dad sighs that there’s no order to death, because one day you could go, just like that.

Sun-woo’s mom asks after Jung-bong, and his mom says that he went to a temple, which he apparently does often, mostly because he’s a big fan of their food. Heh. We see him cleaning out a bowl and respectfully asking the monks for seconds.

Sun-woo’s mom is met with a special delivery, requiring her signature. It’s a letter addressed to her mother-in-law from the bank, alerting her to this house being put up for auction. Oh crap. She calls the bank in a panic, and the clerk tells her that her mother-in-law put the house down as collateral on a loan and defaulted. Craaaaaap.

She has a month to make good on the loan for ten million won, or the house goes up for sale. She calls her mother-in-law, who doesn’t even sound the least bit sorry about it. She took out the massive loan to keep her child from going to prison, and has the nerve to complain about Sun-woo’s mom not having enough cash lying around to pay it off.

Mom-in-law asks what she does with her husband’s pension, and accuses her of throwing it away and dating around, and living comfortably in her house on her son’s money. She adds flippantly that if the house goes under, she can send the kids to live with Grandma: “I’ll raise them much better than you anyway.” You’re a piece of work, lady.

Deok-sun’s mom tells her to call Taek over for dinner, which he declines. So Mom just sends Deok-sun over with dinner in hand, but Taek ends up coming out and joining them anyway. Mom asks after Taek’s dad, and Taek says Dad and his two best friends were like the Three Musketeers. He’ll be back home tomorrow now that the funeral is over.

Mom gets called over to Sun-woo’s house in the middle of dinner, and she tells him to ask Deok-sun if he wants more food, only to find Deok-sun stealing rice out of Taek’s bowl.

Sun-woo’s mom tells the others about the house, and the moms immediately start offering to help out. Jung-hwan’s mom regrets not having enough cash on hand, what with Jung-bong’s recent surgery. She can come up with some of it, but not nearly enough to cover the whole loan. Deok-sun’s mom says she’ll ask around to borrow from anyone she can.

Sun-woo’s mom refuses to take any more of their money, and says she’ll figure something out on her own, or just move out. Jung-hwan’s mom tells her that it’s not shameful to accept help, but Sun-woo’s mom insists that she’ll be okay. Her voice starts shaking as she asks, “Isn’t life… this world… really unfair?”

She cries that she may have borrowed a little from time to time from them, but she’s never amassed any real debt in her life, and Sun-woo’s never once asked her for nice things because he knows they can’t afford it. Deok-sun’s mom says that Sun-woo is like that because she raised him well, and his mom laughs bitterly that somehow, they’re still about to be out on the street in the middle of winter.

Sun-woo’s mom: “Is life only this hard for me?” That brings all the moms to tears, and she sobs with little Jin-ju in her arms.

Of course, when Sun-woo comes home, Mom has a smile on her face and acts as if nothing is wrong. She brings him tangerines while he studies, and returns to the kitchen to find that he peeled two for her and left them on the table. Her wrist is still bothering her too, but that’s the least of her concerns right now as she opens up a bankbook labeled “Sun-woo’s College Fund” and sighs.

Deok-sun’s dad lights up to see Taek’s dad back at work and suggests a drink later that night. He skips out on dinner with the family, insisting that Taek’s dad needs a friend right now, and this is not at all about him wanting to drink.

He practically skips over there, but freezes at the doorway when he discovers Taek’s dad lying unconscious on the floor. OH MY GOD, you have to stop doing that to me. Dad rushes to his side and tries to wake him, but there’s no response.

Mom and Dad wait by his bedside at the hospital, where the doctor says Taek’s dad could’ve died if he’d been discovered just thirty minutes later. He suffered a stroke due to a cerebral hemorrhage, but the surgery went well because he was discovered so quickly. Oh phew.

The doc says he might have some hand trembling or other side effects, but should be fine. He calls Dad his savior, and Dad just nudges Mom and says, “Alcohol saved his life!” Pffft, not really the lesson here, Dad.

The moms take turns making food for Taek’s dad in the hospital, and Jung-hwan’s mom wonders what he’s doing with all his money and not hiring a nurse to help take care of him. They muse that he’s just used to taking care of himself now.

The doctor reassures Taek that Dad was found soon enough that he’ll make a full recovery, and then asks Taek for his autograph. Dad squirms under Taek’s admonishing glare, and laughs it off like it’s no big deal and he’s totally fine. Taek argues that he almost became an orphan, but Dad tells him he’s not going anywhere.

Taek tells him to hire a nurse because he has to leave for China tomorrow, but Dad says the ajummas come by daily so he’ll be fine. Dad’s more concerned about Taek’s upcoming match than his own health, and worries about not being able to go with him because his baduk teacher can’t accompany him this time.

Taek tells him that he’s fine to go it alone, and Dad worries that someone needs to be there to help take care of him. Taek says the same thing about Dad and tucks him in. These two.

While Taek is out taking care of hospital bills, Deok-sun’s parents arrive with food. Deok-sun’s dad offers to pick up anything he wants to eat on his way home from the bank, and Taek’s dad says he does have a favor to ask.

Cut to: Deok-sun staring wide-eyed at her very own brand new passport. She screams and does a wild dance of excitement, and immediately starts packing a bag with all of her worldly possessions. No-eul asks Dad why it’s noona, when Sun-woo or Jung-hwan hyung could go.

We rewind to the hospital when Taek’s dad asked if Deok-sun could accompany Taek to China, because if no one goes to take care of him, he becomes a lifeless corpse in his hotel room and doesn’t even eat.

Mom and Dad wondered why her, and Taek’s dad said that Jung-hwan and Sun-woo would be busy studying (ha), and passports are issued more readily to girls than boys. Mom hesitated, mostly because she’d feel bad for Taek, but Taek’s dad had assured them that Taek likes Deok-sun and they’d get along wonderfully. (He means as friends.)

So that’s how Deok-sun ends up in China for the first time in her life, with far more luggage than she’ll ever need. The representative from the baduk training center gives her room keys for her and Taek, and makes sure to give her a spare key to Taek’s room because he’s passed out in his room before. EEK, don’t tell me that!

A pair of reporters ask if she’s Taek’s girlfriend, and she says no, they’re just friends. Taek doesn’t look well and heads up to his room quietly, and the baduk sunbae says Taek will likely skip dinner because he doesn’t eat before competitions.

Deok-sun doesn’t even think twice about Taek and digs into her dinner eagerly, chomping down on a duck head like it’s a drumstick. She asks what other famous restaurants there are around here, and the sunbae names a place nearby but warns that you have to wait an hour to get in. So much for sending a caretaker for Taek.

Sun-woo’s mom calls her brother and tells him about the house, but warns him not to say anything to their mother about it. Jung-hwan’s mom comes by with more food for Taek’s dad, and they mention how well he seems to be doing without a nurse.

Meanwhile, Taek’s dad sits in his hospital room struggling to do the most basic things, still stubbornly refusing to ask for help. But Sun-woo’s mom arrives and instantly fixes everything for him, and feeds him like he’s a baby.

Deok-sun’s parents worry that she’s making a mess of things in China, and we cut to her doing a whole half-shouting, half-mime presentation to the reception desk to complain about the running water and freezing cold hotel rooms.

The reporters say that their rooms were the same and they got no sleep, and the baduk sunbae says this is pretty normal stuff that goes on, all to ensure that Taek is in the worst condition possible before a big match. Well that sucks. This happens to him all the time?

When it comes time for Taek’s match, the group rides the elevator in silence, following Taek’s lead. The doors open and a flood of reporters follow Taek’s every move, and Deok-sun is astonished. She’s awed by the whole spectacle, as Taek gets led into his waiting room where he always spends his pre-game time in solitude.

The rookie reporter that came with them doesn’t know this rule though, and makes the mistake of busting in there to ask for a picture, and Taek has to ask him to leave. The sunbaes gasp and yell at him for breaking Taek’s concentration like that, and before they know it, the reporters are flooding the hall again to capture Taek’s entrance into the arena as the match begins.

Sun-woo’s mom gets a call from her oppa, who heard about the house from their little brother. She assures him that she’ll find a way, and looks up realtors to call.

Deok-sun waits with all the others in the hallway until they’re allowed inside when Taek’s game is over, not that she can see anything past the wall of reporters. She’s happy to hear that Taek won, though it’s a two-out-of-three match and he has to win another game tomorrow.

Taek is practically a zombie in the elevator and shuffles off to his room without dinner again, and Deok-sun doesn’t seem the least bit concerned that he still hasn’t eaten, and focuses on her own dinner.

At home, Deok-sun’s parents see a news report of a mass student protest, and Dad immediately asks if Bora came home. Mom assures him that she came home early, and he breathes a sigh of relief.

…Except we see that Bora has stuffed her blanket with pillows and escaped long ago. Dad asks where Jung-bong went, and Mom says he’s at a famous temple that’s on TV a lot these days. Ha, and we find out what she means when Jung-bong spies ex-president Chun Doo-hwan being escorted into that very temple by guards.

It’s time for Taek’s second match, and he looks worse than he did yesterday. Deok-sun finally looks a little concerned about his condition, though again they ride the elevator up in silence and he’s flooded by reporters as soon as they arrive.

This time, the sunbae sends Deok-sun in to fetch Taek when it’s time for the match to begin, and she’s startled when she opens the door. Taek is standing by the window with a cigarette in his hand. Omo. She tells him it’s time, and hangs back timidly as Taek heads into his game.

Sun-woo stops by Deok-sun’s house looking for Bora as usual, but No-eul tells him that noona is out protesting. Sun-woo looks worried and asks if she’ll be okay, and No-eul says she’s the best at running away.

But we see that she wasn’t this time—she’s on what looks like a prison bus full of detained protestors, and she scowls to see her ex-best friend getting hauled onto the same bus.

Deok-sun’s mom asks Sun-woo’s mom to take her turn at the hospital today, because Jung-hwan’s mom twisted her ankle and she has to feed both houses. Again Sun-woo’s mom arrives and does everything that Taek’s dad was having such a hard time with, and even wheels him into the bathroom to wash his hair for him.

Deok-sun goes stir-crazy from the boredom of waiting for the game to end, and can’t believe that a person could sit still for ten hours. The sunbae says it’s probably a new record, but Taek wouldn’t know that ten hours had passed anyway. She doesn’t think he’s human.

They’re called inside when the game finally ends, and everyone snaps photos of the Chinese player smiling and Taek looking defeated. Deok-sun asks if he lost, but the reporter says no, he won. She’s confused at their expressions, so he explains that it’s baduk etiquette—win or lose, you can’t show it.

She scoffs at the oddity of the ritual to herself: “If you like something, you just like it.” Taek finally looks up at the crowd, so Deok-sun waves happily at him, and he finally smiles. I so love it when he smiles at her.

Bora gets dropped off in the middle of nowhere, but I guess it’s better than getting arrested. She digs through her pockets and finds a bit of loose change, which won’t get her very far.

Sun-woo’s mom heads out for some snacks, and Taek’s dad seems to notice her wrist acting up again. His hometown friend comes by for a visit and nags him about taking care of his health now that they’re the last two of their childhood friends, and urges him to start living his life. His friend asks if he’s heard the news yet, and Taek’s dad asks what he’s talking about.

For now we head back to Bora, who trudges down the street in the middle of nowhere and makes it to a bus stop, where she notices a payphone. She calls Boyfriend, but there’s no answer, so she looks at the rest of the numbers in her phone book. (The list is pretty funny: “Our house, upstairs, next door, across the street,” and so on.)

But nobody answers at home either, because they’re all upstairs at Jung-hwan’s house for dinner. And at Jung-hwan’s, Jin-ju is currently playing with the phone, so Bora keeps getting a busy signal.

She literally calls all of the other houses on the block before getting to Sun-woo as a last resort, and this time she murmurs, “Don’t pick up, don’t pick up…” But of course he picks up.

Taek is congratulated on the big win and the reporters invite him to a celebratory dinner, but he says he’d prefer to rest and hang out with his friend. They assume he must be very tired, what with the terrible conditions and not having eaten a single thing, and Taek looks at them in confusion. He says he ate really well the whole time and his room was toasty warm—he’s been in the best condition possible the last two days.

Taek thought that the sunbae had sent up the food for every meal, but it’s news to him that Taek even ate. And then Deok-sun comes out from behind the reception desk like she’s buddies with the receptionist now, and shows off the fried egg she scored for Taek. Aw, so she did take care of him all that time. Taek looks over at her with a little smile.

Flashback to Deok-sun waiting in line in the freezing cold to buy Taek dinner, and badgering the receptionist to give Taek a new room before he freezes to death and it causes an international incident.

And she didn’t just pack her own things—she picked out Taek’s clothes and packed matching accessories, and brought two electric blankets from home just to put on Taek’s bed. That is so sweet. LOL—not so sweet for Bora, who woke up freezing in the middle of the night to discover that she had no heating pad.

Taek, meanwhile, had a toasty warm bed and woke up to perfectly coordinated outfits laid out for him the night before. The whole group laughs as Deok-sun demands a new fried egg, calling this one burnt, and the sunbae says she’s better than his dad.

Taek remembers to call Dad and update him on the game, and Dad assures him that the ajummas are there daily and he’s doing well. When Dad returns to his room, Sun-woo’s mom is back with pastries. Dad sits down silently, and then after staring at her for a long beat, he suddenly calls her by name in banmal: “Sun-young-ah, why didn’t you tell oppa?” Omo. Why are you her oppa, and when did this happen?

He’s all of a sudden speaking to her very familiarly, and he asks why he had to hear it from his friend Tae-yong. Ohmygah, her brother is his best friend? We confirm it with a flashback, where her oppa told Taek’s dad about her house. He asks why she didn’t say anything to him, and she admits, “Oppa-ya, I was just too embarrassed…” He chides her, “I’m you oppa!” They’re suddenly so adorable with the oppa-ing, I swear.

He points out his current condition and says he’s not embarrassed at all, and tells her that it’s okay to depend on other people and owe them and be a burden sometimes. He tells her to stop hurting on her own. She holds back her tears and says she only wanted to show him that she was living well, but he snaps at her for thinking otherwise when she’s raised two wonderful kids on her own, and even takes care of an oppa from her hometown.

He says that if she hadn’t called him up to Seoul back then, he would’ve spent his days with nothing but liquor after Taek’s mom died. Aw, that’s why he moved to their street? “Thank you, for calling oppa,” he says.

In flashback, we see Sun-woo’s mom calling and forcing Taek’s dad out of his depression after his wife died, and on the day he and Taek moved to their street, she came and led Taek by the hand to make him something to eat.

He says that moving to Seoul was the best thing that ever happened to him, and points out that he would’ve died the other day if it weren’t for his neighbor finding him. He says he’s not going to concern himself with owing them and depending on them, because there will come a day when he can repay the favor. He tells her to do the same and stop trying to do everything on her own.

He opens the nightstand drawer and takes out a bankbook, and says it’s ten million won. She won’t take it at first, but he insists it can be a loan and basically nags her until she caves. Then he hands her an envelope of money, which he says isn’t a loan—he tells her to fix her wrist before he makes her, and says he’s already told the nurse about it. Oppa-Dad, stop making me swoon. I feel weird about it. He successfully out-stubborns her into accepting his help, and they laugh at the ginormous mound of pastries she bought.

The hotel receptionist that Deok-sun bullied all weekend asks for a picture with Taek, and then afterwards the reporter tells Deok-sun he’ll take a picture of her and Taek. They stand awkwardly apart at first, and she sighs that she doesn’t look pretty today.

Taek: “You’re pretty.” He says her clothes are pretty too, and she informs him with a pleasant smile that they’re his clothes. Ha. When the photographer gets ready to snap the picture, Taek suddenly reaches his arm around her and pulls her close and gives a big smile.

Fast-forward to 2015, where of course now we have two possible photograph contenders in that frame that Deok-sun is holding. She asks when this was, stopping to nag Husband for not being dressed warmer for the weather (a thing she’s constantly telling Taek in the past).

Husband says it’s January of ’89, and she says it must’ve been the highlight of his life, and that he must remember everything about her. Husband: “Have you gone senile? The date’s stamped there at the bottom. You’re embarrassed, right? I’m sure it’s embarrassing.”

Back in the middle of nowhere, Bora’s night goes from bad to worse when she sees her boyfriend ride by in a cab… with her best friend inside. Ugh. He didn’t answer because he was picking her up?

But Sun-woo arrives soon after, and puts a jacket around her shoulders as he checks to make sure she’s okay. He takes her to eat a warm meal as they wait for the cab, and when he sees that there’s nothing there that Bora will eat, he asks the ajumma to make some fried eggs just for Bora.

At that, she gives another of her let’s-go-back-to-how-things-were speeches, this time admitting that she’s always liked him as a person and doesn’t want to change how they are with each other. But Sun-woo doesn’t back down and says he doesn’t want to, and puts the Lee Sun-hee concert tickets on the table. He asks her to go again, and makes his intentions clear: “Not as a friend’s noona, but as a man and a woman.”

Deok-sun narrates, “A line signifies ‘just to there.’ Protecting a line is remaining in that comfortable space you’ve gotten used to and maintaining those rules, that world, those relationships. Not crossing a line also means that you’ll never see a new world with new rules and new relationships. If you dream of a new relationship, if you dream of love, you have to cross that line.”

Sun-woo and Bora get to their street, and she returns his jacket and heads inside without really giving him an answer.

Deok-sun narrates that there are some lines that shouldn’t be crossed though, as we see Jung-bong sneak up behind ex-president Chun Doo-hwan to get a good look at his face, which promptly gets him dragged off the premises.


Okay but seriously, did the episode really need to be an hour and forty minutes? I think not. ANYWAY, it was a pretty major episode for lovelines, and the thing that cracks me up the most is that I walked away shipping Sun-woo’s mom with Taek’s dad more than anyone else. Is that weird? I don’t actually need them to date or get married—I didn’t honestly get romantic vibes from the way she took care of him or even washed his hair—I just love the way they’re another version of family to one another. Okay, the oppa-ya kinda makes me want them to date (it’s just too cute, and makes them feel like a middle-aged Na-jung and Oppa-ya from 1994).

The plot twist was clever with the sly introduction of her brother as his hometown friend, but the thematic twist was what really got to me. Because were being set up for Taek’s dad to be the one who refuses other people’s help and insists on being self-sufficient to his own detriment. It fits with his character type too, at least from what we’d seen so far, and he kept foolishly trying to do things on his own in the hospital. But he turned out to be the exact opposite when it came to Sun-woo’s mom, and it was really something else when he told her that it’s okay to depend on other people and owe them sometimes.

All series long, we’ve seen these neighbors step up to be more than family to one another time and again, but when he puts it in words like that, it feels even more like something of a bygone era, where people just take care of each other and friends’ problems are your own. I expected him to help Sun-woo’s mom out with the house, but I didn’t expect them to be childhood friends, or for her to be the reason he moved there. I’m sure she’ll never see it this way, but he probably thinks he owes her far more for giving him and Taek a community when he lost his wife, than whatever money it costs to keep her house. It was just really gratifying to know that even though the world may be unfair, Sun-woo’s mom has an abundance of riches in friends and family that she built with her own time and love, and that stretches far longer than ten million won ever will.

As for that other loveline, it seems that the misdirection and “clues” (as in, troll droppings, not actual clues) have begun in earnest for the Jung-hwan-Deok-sun-Taek triangle, what with the identical pictures, the surprise smoking habit, the T-shirts in winter. For me it has no bearing on the past storyline because I want to watch the way it unfolds without hunting for The Answer, so I’ll leave the parsing to others. But what I WAS interested in was Deok-sun’s development in this episode, or rather the twist from what we expected (self-centered, shallow, flighty Deok-sun), to what we got (thoughtful, caring, dependable Deok-sun). I think even the most oblivious boy would fall for her after that. I especially loved the touch where both Deok-sun and Sun-woo show care in this episode via fried eggs, which just seems like a mom thing to do and feels warm and homey. I still worry a hell of a lot for Taek’s well-being (you don’t suppose Dad’s condition is hereditary, do you?) and the way baduk saps all of his energy, but it was a nice change of pace when Deok-sun was there to make sure he was warm and well-fed. He really does have the best friends in the entire world, that guy, but I think he knows it.


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Thank you, Girlfriday! I was refreshing like 10x times to check for the recap. You're awesome <3 Happy weekend!


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Bong my fav


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HAhahahaha...yes! seriously.. he's so funny. I like him too


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Hallelujah! It's out!


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It’s a moot warning anyway; I mean, who has yet to fall in love with Taek?)

Me!! I didn't and won't because all I can see is a puppy.


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He's actually pretty manly and stuff. JH is a puppy more than Taek tbh. Maybe a bulldog.


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hahahaha a pug maybe


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Moooooooo. Baaaa. baaa. woof woof.


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It’s obviously that it is Jung Hwan.

The future hubby said that there’s the date on the pict. And if you guys notice carefully, there’s the date on the board behind Jung Hwan, while Taek no. I think it’s a big sign from the PD about who is the future hubby. End game. I hope we can only focus on how they end up together.

Somehow, I think that Deoksun also likes Jung Hwan. (I don’t know how to explain it in words) Did you guys notice Deoksun’s eyes and her blank facial expression every time she was interacting with Jung Hwan? Her eyes widen, as if saying “what is this feeling?”

Deoksun’s silence after JungHwan said goodnight also an evident that she already likes Jung Hwan. Wasn’t she standing too long only for sneeze?

Taek is tougher than he looks. He made me feel betrayed, even though it is not that surprising tbh. He’s a grown man and already stressed out as we can see.

Meanwhile, Jung hwan is totally opposite. He’s tougher outside but a marshmallow inside. I think he’s probably the sweetest guy in the world. Lol. He was smiling when he looks Deoksun outside of the window, and he’s concerns over the smallest things about Deoksun. Ryu Jun Yeol totally killing in it.


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wasn't the date stamped on...?


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I noticed that the future husband pointed at the lower-right hand corner of the picture, when the date from the concert should've been on the lower-left hand corner, so maybe... the husband is referring to an actual timestamp, and not the banner that had the date on it. Maybe I'm overanalyzing things. Yes, I think I am. :)


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i thought the same thing actually


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I don't have a horse in this race yet, but I don't think the date is a big clue. When you used to get photos printed the date would be stamped on the bottom in the corner.


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I don't understand Korean, my opinion was based on Knet's comment on netizenbuzz.

4. [+48, -3] I want her to end up with Taek but it's probably Junghwan ㅠㅠ There shouldn't be a date on the picture taken by the journalist because it wouldn't be added in the settings since the pictures are being directly printed in the press.. meanwhile the picture with Junghwan has the date written in plain font on the bottom ㅠㅠ


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tbh i don't think either one of the pictures is the one present deok sun is holding...


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Future hubby's talking gives it away more than the pictures. He said she's not pretty anymore and you know that's just not in Taek's personality to say that. Totally a Junghwan thing to say and you know he doesn't mean it either.

I also totally think DS likes him and has for a long time.

And yes, Taek is tough on the inside, mushy outside while JH is the opposite. Tough outside, with a marshmallow center.


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I also think that the husband is Jung Hwan, and honestly, I do not care that much. I love Taek but there is no chemistry with Deok-Sun (at least for now), so I will be happy just watching how the story unfolds...hopefully our Taekkie will not get too hurt.


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i still hope the future husband is jung hwanie...

but if you guys remember on every reply series there's always flash back from their childhood. and guess what the flash back always tell about the future husband. so i guess this time would be same so the future husband is taek...

but if it really happens, writernim you really broken my heart. aaaaakkk.... plis make it jung hwan for the future husband...


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who cares about the husband, seriously?
I dont understand this marriage shipping. I´ll only care about the characters´ own development.

still very unsatisfied with not knowing anything about Dong-Ryung. Why is the show not opening that character at all?


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Well, there're still 11 episodes to do that. I'm looking forward to Dong-ryong storyline as well


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A lot of people care about the husband judging by the comments.


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omg you might be right. it seems like the pd/writer did that on purpose judging by how Junghwan stood right next to the "1월" sign on the poster


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i dont think so, if you see in 2015 future hubby point on right corner of the picture, but if you look at pic of JH and DS he should point on left corner like sign on the poster...


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To me it has to be Jung Hwan because of the personality of the husband, unless they do a personality transplant for Taek. Also, in a previous episode she reminds him of all the times he dated in college. I've always been under the impression that Taek was not planning on going to college.


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This. It has been clear to me since the beginning. There is no way that personality could be passed off as anyone other than Junghwan.


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When I watched ep 9 & 10, i kinda confirmed that Deoksun will end up with Choi Taek.

This is just my opinion but well let me explain. In ep 9 or 10, when the adult Deoksun and her husband did the interview, they fought about Deoksun beauty from before (1988) and now (2015). Remember that the adult Deoksun hold a frame that show her husband and herself taking the photo in 1988 era. The throwback showed that Junghwan & also Choi Taek took a photo together with Deoksun in 1988 era. So, back to 2015, when the adult Deoksun hold the frame while fought/teasing with her husband, I kinda saw the background of the picture. The background of the picture got... some white-ish color. So, i did a double check and compared the photo that Junghwan took with Deoksun and also the photo that Choi Taek took with Deoksun. The background for each photos are different. Junghwan's photo is a full dark blue background while Choi Taek's photo is a brownish with some white color background.

So.. yeah. Maybe this is all just my delusion but nahh~ And I also got some other clues why the husband is Choi Taek but well.. too long to write it in here ㅋㅋ I really enjoy watching this drama and im still hoping for Choi Taek as the husband tbh xD cant wait for next episode! ^^


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Yaaay been waiting for your recap. Thank you! ?


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I always found it odd that Taek's dad always spoke banmal (casual form) to SW's mom ever since the beginning of the show, when he always uses polite form to all his other neighbors. But now we know the reason. Now knowing their relationship, I think it's out of the question for them to become romantically involved, with SW's mom being the little sister of Taek's dad's best friend. Don't know about other societies, but it wouldn't really fly in Korea where kids call their parent's best friends uncle/aunt.


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I appreciate that backstory. It's also the most lines Taek's father has had so far! The guy can actually string together a bunch of sentences. Good for him. LOL.


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Please ignore what I said about Taek's dad and SW's mom being "unshippable" due to cultural reasons or whatnot. I'm currently watching episode 10, and let's just say that there's a possibility in the future. :)

(Shows what I know. I'll just go stand in a corner somewhere in shame.)


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Thanks, girlfriday, for your recaps for Reply 1988. I look forward to reading them every Friday and Saturday! I'm sure many of us appreciate how consistently you post them on the same day that the episode airs. Thanks again!


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I feel the same way with Sunwoo's mom and Taek's dad. I don't see a romantic connection but they are like 2 pieces of a puzzle that just fit perfectly. What one lacks, the other fills.

It looks like this episodes is the official beginning of the "who is the husband game". Clues being dropped (or red herrings) more than usual.

Thanks for the recap GF!


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Seeing future hubby's personality i am assuming he is jung hwan. And about sunwoo rejection only he knows.. future hubby teased her about that


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Yup. Taek was in the Korean Baduk Club back then. So he probably don't know about that fact.


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But it's been almost 30 years. It's probably come up in conversation since then. Especially in this close group of childhood friends. Not shipping one way or the other, just Devil's Advocate. I've learned not to trust any clues from these people and just enjoy the ride.


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one more clue: Taek forget things easily but the future husband still remember a couple of things that happened in the past correctly like Deoksun didn't gave him the chocolate and Sunwoo rejection.


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Literally can't Taek this anymore kyaaaaaa <3333


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I laughed more than I was supposed to.


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me too


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oh bless you


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YES! You should extend your Vampire Idol Who Walks The Night commentary to Answer Me 1988 :) I stopped watching at episode 2 but continued to read the recaps just to see your comments, they were very entertaining.


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omg ily


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HUHUHUHUHUHUHU IM REALLY REALLY TORN!!!! When it's a jung hwan and deok sun scene, I think about Taek. But when it's a Taek and deok sun scene, I also think about the opposite.... :((( HUHUHUHU

Rooting 51% Jung Hwan and the 49% for taek :D

What if writernim decides to troll us by making dong ryeong the husband??? LOL


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this drama will be the death of me.. Thank you for the recap tho! aha.


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FEELINGS. Thanks for the speedy recap again girlfriday! I'm in love with the world and humanity lately because of this show. Can't wait till tomorrow!


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We definitely saw a new side to Taek and Deoksun and I love it. Welcome to the third Husband hunt, where we just can't, just cannot deal as the series troll and play with our emotions. Taek is really attractive when he is not a puppy. Though if he plays baduk for the long run, being his wife will not be an easy role (lonely and boring during the tedious matches), demonstrated by Deoksun this episode. Junghwan may cringe, but Deoksun can be her wholesome *crazy dance* self.


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"We definitely saw a new side to Taek and Deoksun..".
I'm not sure I see a new side to Taek, but I like the new side to Deoksun that we are shown.

In the 1st part of this ep, we only see DS stuffing her mouth w good food, and seemingly not giving a hoot about Taek not eating or sleeping. I'm so happy that she turns out NOT to be the idiot that she can sometimes look like, w her mouth hanging open and all.

Who would have thought that she can actually be a good care giver, in bringing the bedwarmer, in packing his suitcase, in setting his clothes out for him day by day, in making sure that the hotel change his room to one that is quiet w a working toilet, etc. THAT sure is a New side of her alright, and I love it! Best surprise of this ep for me!


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LOL love this


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Why? I haven't started the series yet. Have it waiting to go. Does that mean it's time to start watching?


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I was waiting for this recap!!!
So many little hints and blooming romances/friendships, I personally love seeing the interactions between Taek and Deoksun because you get to see different sides of both characters, they are such cute and loving friends that I wouldn't even mind if they just remain as a brother-sister friendship, which is what I see coming from them at the moment...

Overall, I'm thoroughly enjoying this drama and enjoy looking for all the clues about the future husband


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KJH and LMY have fantastic chemistry. I'm only really looking forward to their parts and I just watch bits and pieces here and there. Finding the husband's totally not my concern right now.


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I dont care with the duration or plot hole... I love the story and what they promise to deliver... I hope there will be no YongPal in here.. hehehehe


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Speaking of plot hole... well, maybe more of a technical error or I could be wrong.. Taek's dad made the request for Deok Sun to go with Taek to China only a day before Taek's flight (since Taek said he was leaving for China tomorrow). I don't know how fast passports are issued in S. Korea but Deok Sun got her passport in one day.


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It's not "tomorrow". Taek said "I'm leaving for China this week", and Taek's dad did mention to Duk Seon's parents that unlike boys' passports which will take at least 2 months, girls' passports can come out in 2-3 days if the baduk academy used their influence, i.e. fast track the process.


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Well, in my country it only takes one day for us to make a passport, but then again it's 2015 :-D

My guess is that she got her passport via an express service since she's escorting a national baduk player representing the country.


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Real twist in this episode: the fact that Sun Woo's mom was the one who invited and first welcomed Taek and his dad to the neighbourhood. I was genuinely surprised and actually like this development.
Pure trolling: the photos. I was quite upset that they resort to this false bait shenanigan again. Haven't we learnt our lesson? Sigh...

I didn't shed any tear this episode though, so it left less of an impact compared to for example the Mothers episode, or Taek and his dad's episode, or Jung Bong and his mom. I guess the family stuff is where it touched me the most.

However, if anything, I gained a newfound respect for Duk Seon here. I thought she was just going to be useless but with the revelation, she did a very good job of taking care of Taek in China (which was why she was sent there in the first place), and it brought a smile to my face to see a more thoughtful side of the heroine.

Last but not least, I found Duk Seon and Jang Pyo's (the hotel receptionist) friendship to be so cute. It transcends language barrier, and I've re-watched the scene where Duk Seon did a full pantomime of her complaints so many times and it still made me laugh to see his expression. He's very sweet and patient with Duk Seon. They spoke different languages but in the end still managed to get through to each other. I guess that's the power of sincerity.


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yes, have to compliment Deok-Sun, not such a brat after all perhaps. though if Taek smiles like that one more time, I will have a stroke too, cause there is too much cute. I feel like a vampire in sunlight.


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I never though DeokSeon was a brat though? She yells and screams but she's never come across as entitled and is an obvious marshmallow. The whole neighborhood is actually.


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she did come across like that, maybe because of how Hyeri was playing. But I can pay credit when it is due, no need to argue.


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Some people last week or so said she was a brat and didn't have a good heart like her unni Bora. It was weird since they must have been watching a different show. This isn't even the first time DS has taken care of people. She did so when her parents were away when grandma was sick, is shown being the most caring to Taek in their childhood flashback too... so yeah.


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True. Never thought of DS as a brat. In the first episode, it was shown that she had to constantly give way to her siblings so that her mom won't feel guilty for not giving her the last fried egg.


OMG!! I've been shipping Taek's dad with Sun Woo's mom all along, I'm soo happyyyyy! I want them to make a new family. Marriage doesn't always mean all lovey dovey, being comfortable and respecting each other is also love. Please let them be together, please....


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yess i can see them being the kind of older couple that are married for companionship, and just take care of each other


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Me too, me too. I ship Taek's taciturn father w SW's mom, if being with her can make him talk that much. Ha ha ha.


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Thanks for the recap since we're still waiting for subs..
Ok after this episode, I'm rooting for Taek but I also like Junghwan.. Ahh what to do with these love triangle..


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This episode doesn't change anything in the husband hunt. It's still so obviously Junghwan. They are just messing with people obviously. Not even subtle in how they are doing it either lol.

Ignoring how outwardly she's silly and immature, DS showed today in taking care of Taek is what she always does with her family all the time. She's actually a very loving and dependable person. Her family still doesn't seem to understand her. It was kind of sad though, that even when she's eating in China she takes the less delicious pieces of food. It's just ingrained in her to sacrifice for others.

I do like that she saw another side of Taek. In a lot of ways of all the kids, despite being a little behind in some things, he's more adult than all of them. He commands respect and is just on a whole other level from the rest of them. In some ways I thought this triangle would have Junghwan run all over Taek, but really I fear for Junghwan more? lol He's such a softy and I think everyone underestimates Taek. He's a tough guy and no pathetic second lead. From now on I kinda fear what Junghwan will do. Noble idiocy? Lying about his feelings? Who knows.

And I did totally ship Sunwoo's mom and Daddy Oppa-ya, but I actually kind of like their nonromatic friendship more than them marrying each other.

I do love the bounds the neighbors have. They always there to help each other out.


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You took the words right out of my mouth! lol


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i totally agree about deok sun's family not understanding how caring she is, like how she told her mom she's ok with not eating fried egg when there's only 2 left. but in china she took half of the whole fish so i dont think its as sad as you said though haha


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I don't think the hubby's personality is a big clue, because Taek could change, especially if he stops doing baduk. I think the cigarette was supposed to show us that his friends don't know everything about him. I'm fine with either one being the husband, although I'll feel bad for whoever it's not. But I'm not going to look for clues on who it is really, because these writers are master trolls and it will take away from my enjoyment of the show. I appreciate that the other plotlines are sufficiently fleshed out, and we don't only care about who the husband is.


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I shipped Sun-Woo's mor amd Taek's dad from the first time i saw them together when all the parents were telling Dad how to spend Taeks winnings, and Sun-woo's mom does the fake flirty thing at him before she begins to sing, which was cute, but the expression on Dad's face @_@. It was like he was ensnared. All i could think was this guy is a great actor too give soo much with so little time, dialouge, or action.


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Which episode was this where Sun-woo's mom sings?


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Ah, Taek my baby, you're so beautiful when you smile. Keep smiling, my dear.

I really thought it's end game but then they had to do TWO pictures. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU SAID NO MORE HUSBAND HUNT? I just feel so betrayed right now. Watch the husband be Dong-ryong, guys.

Anyway, I cried a lot during Sunwoo's mom's scenes. She's such a sweetheart but life's so hard on her. I'm glad that she has all those people around her. It's also nice to see a different side of Taek's dad.

Ugh. The episode length. The show is good but I find myself drifting away at times BECAUSE IT'S SO FREAKING LONG. It's not like there are no scenes that they can actually take out. I can't imagine how hard it is for people in Korea because they had to watch commercials in between too! That would make the watch almost 2 hours! No wonder they need more time to shoot.

Thanks for the recaps, girlfriday!


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that wouldbe SO FUNNY but it is impossible. in the earlier eps. (when they were their older selves) they said the husband had been smart. dong ryong is far from smart hahahaha he's hella fun tho !:)


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More than the younger lovelines i was rooting fir taek's dan and sunwoo's mom...☺️☺️☺️☺️


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This show is driving me crazyy ke ke ke... but in a good way.

I really love Junghwan and Deoksun together, but ugh Taek is slowly making his way into my heart. But no matter who she ends up with, I'll be happy because seeing these characters happy is what will make me happy. Ya feel?

Hehehe and omo Taek's dad and Sunwoo's mom tho!! I feel my heart shipping <3

Gahh, what has this show done to me!


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I still think episodes would be so much better if they were shorter (like 45 min., similar to the 1997 installment).

An hour and 40 minutes is way too long for me. I fast-forwarded a lot this episode.

Jung Hwan and Deok Sun are cute, but I think I ship Park Bo Gum and Hyeri in real life. Their BTS scenes are adorable.


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I know! Their BTS are just blatantly shippable.


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where did you see those BTS? I wanna see too!


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Someone shared it in a different website. I can't find it now. :(


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The tvN channel on Youtube has a lot of Reply 1988 BTS ^^


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youtube.com/watch?v=-3EP_AU1WUA - bts

youtube.com/watch?v=05W4qr9p3fw - v app (it's subbed on the app if you look for it)

Their flirting is pretty blatant (and cute)


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watching so cute, the cursing scene omg Bogummie, is it that uncommon? aaah he is really the good kid.

tbh they all look even closer than on screen!


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can you please explain me how you use this app? where is it? i want to read the subs ç.ç


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Ah yes, all those those BTS scenes, I just can't...


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I REFUSED TO GUESS THE HUSBAND ANYMORE. I don't care, I don't mind either Junghwan or Taek, but please, let there be no another Chilbong ?


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I really hate it when I always choose the prettier face. Go team Taek! I also know Dukseon is a kind, caring girl. Episode 1 showed us that.

SW mommy and Taek's daddy relationship will probably be the future Dukseon and Taek's relationship.


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I was so sure in previous episodes that Taekie was going to be that sweet second lead who’s going to be devoted to the heroine, but due to massive k-drama bad luck (e.g. he dies or something lol) loses out in the end. OR he was going to be that sweet second lead whom the heroine genuinely loves—only she realizes in the end that she loves him platonically (welcome to the friendzone, bro), and that with time what she has with Jung Hwan matures into a sexy, electric love between “a man and a woman”.

Which is why when the smoking scene happened, I squealed and cheered and wanted to high-five the writer. Never have I been so happy to see someone destroy his lungs and increase his chances of heart disease/cancer/death.

Not for a moment do I believe Taek will be the future husband. Him smoking is a cheesy, moby-dick-sized red herring thrown in to rock the ships. But STILL! Its use/placement is brilliant. With one detail all our previous assumptions and expectations are flushed down river. The staging was awesome too: Taek’s position at the window, with the blinds behind him and the lighted lamp in front is kinda hot and Don Draper-esque. I love it when characters go rogue and subvert the genre. Though I adored pre-ep 9 Taekie, I did find him lacking in sex appeal; whereas Jung Hwan is all teen boy and ranging hormones, puppy Taek was like a gay BFF or precious baby brother. But no more! As it turns out, sweet Taekie can be an absolute badass motherf*ckr.


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OMG this. You said everything I was thinking in my mind but couldn't express in words. I've tried so hard to understand why I found the Taek smoking scene so... well smoking hot. OMG thank you for your mini essay.


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Taekie was indeed smoking hot this episode. But it was scary, those reporters and camera flashes. I nearly panicked, cause I hate such a thing. how does he steel himself for that? If it were me, I would run away.


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Yessss! I love badass Taekie. He can't be endgame but he will surely give Junghwan a hard time. Yep, i would be laughing in delight as Taek shows them all that's HE's not the puppy here. It's Junghwan! And i bet Dukseon would stop patting Taekie's head after ep9. Hahaha!


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I love your comment!! That is EXACTLY how I felt (and feel) :)


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Did you write this on tumblr? I liked it there lol.

I agree. I actually could see Junghwan get owned pretty hard by the "puppy" Taek. He's definitely not a pathetic second lead.


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Taekkkk!!! we got to see more of him this epi.Park Bo Gum is totally killing it!! But I missed the 5 chingus in one frame this time.Always look forward to the time these 5 are together.Answer me '88 is even surpassing my love for '97.Way to go!! fighting


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Great episode! Watched it raw (even though I understand very little Korean) then came to read your recaps to fill in the multitude of blanks. LOVED the interactions with Taek's dad and Sun Woo's mom, and how he reminded her of how she took care of him once upon a time and how it's okay to rely on others sometimes. I also love how crazy and sweet Deok Sun is. She's a little nutty and wacky (and I really like how Haeri doesn't mind all the awkward antics and wild dorky dance moves of her character), which is what makes her pretty endearing in today's episode. The scene where she was complaining (basically pantomiming) to get Taek a better room was awesome.

I really enjoy this drama, but just wished it was subbed faster in English. In the meantime, though, I get to enjoy the recaps here and practice trying to understand Korean by watching it raw...

Thanks so much!


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Sorry - it's Hyeri, not Haeri.

And I have to say I'm not surprised at all that Sun Woo's mom got the rug yanked out from under her about the house. The way she talked to and yelled at the MIL when the MIL visited last was not a good way to part. (I was thinking that when as she was telling off the MIL.) Don't get me wrong - that MIL is something else - she just treated Sun Woo's mom horribly and said really cruel things to her. She deserved everything SW's mom said. At the same time, though, they are still living in the MIL's house and she could kick them out anytime she wants to - like she did in this episode. So it's even more of a nice surprise to find the connection between Taek's dad and SW's mom, and how he helped and saved her and her kids. Touche...


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Truthfully SW's mom should look for other arrangements and a new place to live. A place she owns in her name and not owned by someone who hates her and wants to take her children away. No way would I deal with that evil MIL anymore.


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The way SunWoo's mom said it when she was arguing with her monster-in-law was like SunWoo's mom and her husband worked hard for it.

I don't think monster-in-law gave that house to her but for some reason the house is in monster's name (I blame the husband - not that I know what went on but he probably was the one to suggest and carry that out since women usually care far more for security to do such things. Such a stupid move). The only think I can think of why the house in under monster's name is just because she provided some funds for it but I do NOT think she paid for the entirety of it.

And I guess SunWoo's mom assumed that her love for her grand-kids would keep her reasonable and never dreamed that she would ever stoop so low. (And my impression of monster just took a major dive down when I heard the reason for the loan - to keep her other son out of jail. What kind of mother are you that your son almost became a jailbird? And what kind of mother are you for getting him of hooks?)

I kinda hope that SunWoo's mom lets her house get repossesed, if only so that she could buy it back from the bank and have it in her name. I'm not sure monster would ever willingly pass the deed to her. (Also, that'll put a black mark on monster's on the credit rating).


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Oh wait...you are right. If SW's mom repays the loan before the due date, then the name on the title remains unchanged. What's to stop MIL from doing it again??? I hope sb will remind SW's mom to smarten up, and protect her and her children's interest!
What a monster of a MIL indeed! Even compared w all the horrid chaebol MILs we've seen, this one takes the cake!


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Not on any particular ship, but Deok Sun owns my heart this episode.

I must say that I was more moved by the adults' relationships even though I love the kids.

I know it was long but I didn't feel it. Looking forward to the next episode.


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Hi whimsicalnet!

I too didn't feel the long duration lol makes the long wait for the new episode worth it :-D


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Thank you for the recap! :) I think I ship both---- I just cant bear the mere thought of Junghwan or Taek being heartbroken :( (though it's inevitable)


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Argh Taekiee.. How could u be such a puppy and a mature man? He totally changes into a grown up man during his tournament showing his charisma. While sending his shy, boyish smile to DS everywhere. My heart can't Taek it.
No wonder thry cast PBG for this role.


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Taek's episode obviously.

I mean, this shows many dimensions of Taek without just being a puppy.
-From the way he's so calm around the ajummas,
-to when he was worried about his dad (that look omg, full of pain, hateful, hurt, and disappointment - only Park Bo Gum can do it, eh?),
-to the pro Baduk player (that zombied out in elevator, silent glares to reporters, to that adorable morning routine),
-andddd his eyes on deoksun....


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Love Sunwoo Mother x Taek Dad friendship :D


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I've been shipping them for a while now! It wasn't just the fact that they're both widowed, but there seemed to be some extra camaraderie between them even in previous episodes.

Of course, I'm not super invested in this ship - all the parents being friends is a wonderful thing in itself :)


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I don't know if anyone noticed but the Taek smoking storyline must've been planned from the very beginning. There were some screencaps from prev eps I saw at DC of Taek having something in the back pocket of his jeans. Now we know that it is probably a cigarette box in his back pocket! Wow this show is seriously so detailed. Shows that they have properly planned everything from the start of the production.


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You know the husband guessing game in 97 and 94 never really bothered me as much as other people. I mean in 97 Shi-won never saw Tae-woong as anything other than a big brother and Tae-woong was just projecting his feelings for her sister onto Shi-won, which left obviously Yoon-jae. In 94 Trash was the only choice that ever really made any sense.

This one I'm pretty sure Jung-hwan is her husband but this time Taek is actual competition and neither is the obvious logical choice.

This has nothing to do with anything but I just discovered that Jung-hwan's actor Ryu Joon-yul was born September 25, 1986 which is exactly one year after my birthday.


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Same with the 97 and 94... Tbh i think the series always makes it obvious who the husband is. Be it in the screen time, the growth, the reciprocality and strength of the feelings, etc


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I am watching this series for the heartwarming storylines. This is nostalgia at its best.

I rarely join discussions for this drama because the shipping is starting to annoy me. I really don't care who the husband is, but if one follow one's kdrama gut instincts, it's obvious that the hubby is Jung Hwan. Unless Taek had a lobotomy in the future, there's no way his personality matches that of Deok Sun's hubby.


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Agree... People are saying that taek's personality could change... But i don't believe people change or lose the main points that make them them. So if KJH is taek... Then I'd say he's not really doing a good job making him at least feel like there's some taek in him. He just screams Junghwan from appearance, personality, physical and verbal cues. And, well, I have so much respect for the writers of this series. They plan the whole story beforehand to make it really coherent... And I don't think they have it in them to deliberately mess that up. They put red herrings in the plot, but they don't mess with their characters. They don't just take everything that the audience found adorable in taek, change it and expect the audience to accept the 'new' person happily.


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Augh! My heart gonna break when this show end and the OTP is final.

Yeah, the future husband personality reek Jung Hwan so much. However this production is like one the biggest troll ever and the way they create Taek personality and moment with Deok-sun... Omagah. I just can't... Only able to hope, if Taek is not the husband (which is my gut feeling say yes), he won't that heart broken like Chilbongie.

Auuuugh!! Need to stop analyzing which one is the husband and enjoy the show in the moment. But... but... my heart...


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i ship junghwan X deoksun


taek X me

end game.


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Just want to say thank you before reading. <3
Who doesn't love this show and the others!?


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Does anyone know where to find an English translation of the preview for episode 10? I seem to remember a couple of people posting links for other episode previews, before main subs were released..


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How i love your recap GF. I don't mind whoever Duk Seon end up to. I love all the family interaction. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!


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Okay am not having time to watch this drama yet, but I thought there was gonna be no husband storyline this time ???!
Or the writers simply couldn't resist????

I don't want another chilbongie heartbreak!.


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I don't see a husband storyline.
Okay, I -pretend- to not see it lol saves me from any heartbreaks.

C'mon and catch up, Div! Don't go on any ships, and you'll be fine :-D


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There's only a husband storyline if you let yourself get fooled by the obvious bait. The husband is 100% Junghwan. There is no doubt about it.


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- 2021


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Taek doesn't have to get the girl but can he please live? All the death flags being set off make me fear for this precious child's life. On another note, PBG is fantastic as usual. I've liked him since his 5 sec appearance in Bridal Mask and he's been great in every role ever since. He was especially heart rending in I Remember You. Lol hard to think harmless Taekie was a cute but genius serial killer in another incarnation.


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Don't worry. The PD hates killing off characters that the audience has already loved. He already explained it in an interview regarding the series. He isn't like George Martin lol thank goodness for that


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a haha the George Martin RR Martin comment just cracked me up. I used to get so fed up with that. So much so when I see someone reading the first book on the tube, I'm always tempted to lean in and shout "They all DIE!!!"


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I feared this too in the earlier episodes, especially during all those scenes showing all fragile and drained he looks.

But now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure he will survive.

The writer/PD really went hardcore in the crafting of Taekie's character and based him pretty closely on Lee Chang Ho, the famous Korean baduk player. Taek and LCH share the same nickname ("the stone Buddha") and a lot of zoom ins of baduk games played by Taekie are replicas of LCH's more legendary matches. Even that one detail of Taekie unable to work the cassette tape is taken from real life-- there's a clip out there showing LCH unable to work headphones during an event/interview.

The basis is so close that LCH has been interviewed regarding Reply 1988 (lol he says he's jealous of Taekie for having such good friends).

Knowing Korea's culture of venerating public "gods", and knowing how closely Taekie mirrors LCH, there's no way the PD will dare to kill Choi Taek. Like this would be seriously disrespectful when the real life figure is still ... you know, alive and kicking.

I'm pretty certain Taekie will get his own happy ending... Perhaps married to a girl just as crazy about baduk as he is.


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Thanks so much for this comment!

I read in another comment that the famous baduk player Taek is based on (I asumme they meant Lee Chang Ho here too) married a girl much younger than himself?

I don't know how the Sun Woo's Mom & Taek's Dad will affect a possible future Taek-Jin Joo backup plan if he's not the husband (which I greatly doubt as much as I want to see him & Deok Sun together for a while.)

I've got the weird death-vibes from Sun-Woo, but if the PD has promised not to kill off characters that we love, then I can relax a bit. :-)


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I like spoiling myself because I know I'll eventually catch up in the episodes. (They're just way too long to watch all at once but I enjoy them nonetheless).
I refuse to get into the husband game too. I love every character on this show and I want to enjoy the story. I just hope the latter half of the show isn't bogged down with husband-baiting because so far I've loved the balance. By all means drop all the shippy scenes with both Taek and Jung hwan (within reason) but don't mess with the family beats.
I'm going to really enjoy watching the adults because I find it incredibly heartwarming to see friends act so much like this cute little family. I love how all the moms feel each others pain and cry with them, like this bubble of feminine support where no one thinks twice of feeding each other and caring for one another. Ugh, melts my heart!
Thanks GF!


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The moms in this drama are SO awesome! It's so wonderful how they tell each other everything, share their troubles and their problems, their hopes and dreams for their kids, and there is no malice or jealousy, no evil ulterior motives for anything they do. They don't think twice about helping feed each other, take care of each other, cry with each other, and always give each other moral, emotional, and physical support. JH's family won the lottery and they are so giving and sharing w/ the other families. You never get the feeling that they are holding back in their generosity, but rather they truly understand what it's like to have nothing so they want to share their blessings. Like the scenes from last week when JH's mom was treating them to the little beauty treatments - simple luxuries like that - and she never acts superior or flaunts their wealth. DS' mom is always giving food and helping in any way she can, even though they are poor. SW mom is always taking people food and sharing what little she has, even tho they show her to be lacking in culinary skills. They can talk about each other's families - kids and hubbies - in both good and not so good ways, and yet you never feel like they are being mean, hateful, judgemental. They are just being honest w/ each other - and venting - in loving and respectful ways. I think one of the best treasurers of this show is the ajumma relationships and how they really are the glue that keeps this little neighborhood and these familiea together! Other Kdrama writers - and people in real life - should take some lessons from these women! ? 최고!


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Yup! It's what women should all aspire to have- that kind of love for your friends. Yeah, like it really strikes as cute that they come and go into each other houses without thinking twice. Like SW's mom running into borrow things so her house looks fuller or the kiddos just going to Taek's room and hanging out even when he's not there. Or even DS using JH's bathroom to wash her hair. Obviously the best is all of them cooking for each other. No one ever thinks-oh JH's family should be doing this or that since they have money- they ALL make food with whatever they have and share whatever they can. It's adorable.


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