Remember—Son’s War: Episode 5

Yes, that is a smiling Jin-woo, proudly showing off his lawyer pin. But sadly, it’s not reflective of the turbulent road he has ahead. We’re shown most of the groundwork for Jin-woo’s vendetta in this episode, which hints at the immense powers that our young hero will need to overcome. He’s clever and knows how to manipulate players on both sides, even if he’s not wielding the power. Good thing he’s putting that lawyer pin to use.


In front of the courthouse, Lawyer Song anxiously calls his boss about his late colleague, who’s supposed to appear in court alongside him. His boss tells him to cover for Lawyer Seo since he’s on his way right after his previous case, but Lawyer Song complains that he still can’t control his stuttering.

As expected, Lawyer Song stutters through his examination of the witness, the wife of a deceased worker in an unfair labor practice case. Things are not going smoothly, but thankfully, Jin-woo arrives, nonchalantly walking past the protests by overworked guards. He makes his entrance, and Lawyer Song looks at him with relief gleaming in his eyes. Jin-woo apologizes for this tardiness and announces that he will begin his cross-examination.

In-ah tracks down a goshiwon and rips off the police tape to investigate the scene herself. The policemen warn her that she’s disturbing the robbery scene, but she flashes her prosecutor badge to prove her authority. She criticizes the inaccurate reports of the robbery and decides to meet directly with the police chief.

In court, Jin-woo clarifies with the witness’s claims: an overworked guard with hepatitis B, whose illness deteriorated into liver cancer due to overworking. She confirms her claim, and Jin-woo immediately begins his argument. Based on a credible scientific journal, hepatitis B naturally progresses into liver cancer, with stress or overexertion contributing very little to its progression.

Jin-woo argues that the deceased worker had a responsibility to request less hours, yet he voluntary worked extra hours and worsened his health. The witness loses her cool and starts to yell that they didn’t receive any payment for that overtime. But Jin-woo begs to differ and submits evidence that they did indeed receive fair compensation.

On top of that, the guard charged residents extra money for waste disposal stickers. Jin-woo has a document of signatures by the villa residents to prove this fact, and he calculates the extra money the guard would have accumulated. He claims these actions were voluntary, all in an effort to pay his daughter’s art school tuition.

At the police department, In-ah sees a woman desperately asking a detective about her robbed money, so she approaches the woman to introduce herself as the prosecutor for the case. As they talk over coffee, In-ah learns about the struggling woman, Kim Hana, trying to save enough money for her mother’s hospital bill while hopping from job to job every couple of months. She promises to find the robber and return all the money to her.

As In-ah enters the courthouse busily in a call, Jin-woo exits after his trial. They both pass each other without noticing. Jin-woo walks out with Lawyer Song and explains that he was suddenly able to change the residents’ minds after making a deal with the resident representative about disclosing another facility concern.

Just as Lawyer Song starts to question if their argument was excessively harsh, the deceased guard’s daughter comes running towards him. She trembles with anger and accuses him for defaming her father without considering their dire situation. But Jin-woo doesn’t flinch and shamelessly stares right back into her eyes. “I’m sorry, but if you are looking for someone to vent at, look for someone else. Don’t blame me — go to your lawyer who didn’t do his job right. Or blame this nation’s laws.”

As he walks away, the girl yells with indignation that her dad lived trying to appease rich people and now died a dishonorable death. “Do you think rich lawyers like you know how we feel? Is this what you call justice?” With that, she sinks to the ground in tears, and Jin-woo walks away. The judge watches this scene unfold solemnly.

Dong-ho is surrounded by reporters and cameras after his trial, which he won for Gyu-man’s friend. Despite the clear evidence of illegal drug usage, he was able to prove his client’s innocence. Gyu-man calls his friend and brags that they can always depend on their ace lawyer.

At the Il-ho group law firm, Dong-ho enters his office and briefly meets with Gyu-man’s friend and his father. They praise the work he’s been doing for Il-ho group and even credit him for keeping Gyu-man obedient. Dong-ho is all smiles as takes the compliments and offers his services anytime.

At the board meeting, President Nam Il-ho provides updates about the company’s profits. Joo-il’s presence in the meeting seems to irk Gyu-man. He’s even more enraged when he witnesses Joo-il’s friendliness with the Vice President Kang, who took credit for the increase in life insurance sales — credit Gyu-man believed was owed to him.

Gyu-man reacts with uncontrollable anger, sliding all the items off of his desk. Secretary Ahn tries to look on the bright side but quickly goes back to cleaning when Gyu-man accuses him of taking the wrong side. He looks like he’s about to burst a blood vessel with this much anger.

Jin-woo drives his boss and Lawyer Song to their new office space. It comes as a surprise to both of them, and Lawyer Song doesn’t believe it’s possible with the expensive rent of this area. But it’s clear to their boss once they arrive at their space, which is covered with debris and on the verge of falling apart, how Jin-woo was able to find affordable rent. As the other two argue about the condition of the place, Jin-woo intently at the Il-ho building across from them.

In-ah walks past Jin-woo’s old house, which has piles of newspapers at the door. She thinks back to her last interaction with Jin-woo — his refusal to trust another lawyer and identify as a killer’s son — and worries about his whereabouts now.

Jin-woo walks around his room, filled with shelves of books, and stops at his case board displaying all the links and players that framed his father for Jung-ah’s murder. It’s extensive and thorough, even showing Dong-ho and Joo-il as a part of the bigger puzzle.

Jin-woo visits his father in the prison, but Dad doesn’t seem to recognize him at all. Then, Jin-woo takes out his necklace with his mother’s ring and hands it to Dad. He looks at it carefully, sensing some familiarity with the object, and then he realizes that Jin-woo is his son. He reaches out to hold his son’s hands and happily greets him. Jin-woo shows off his lawyer pin, and Dad shouts in celebration of his son’s success.

Suddenly, Dad’s smile fades away as he comes to another realization. He’s done this before. Jin-woo showed him the ring, and they’d already celebrated him becoming a lawyer. Though Jin-woo insists that he just got his lawyer license today, Dad knows that he’s lying. Dad trembles with tears falling, and Jin-woo tells crying Dad that he can trust him now. On the verge of tears, he says in his mind, “There should be someone else in your place. Dad, now is just the beginning.”

Jin-woo visits his family on their memorial day, and Dong-ho arrives at his father’s urn as well. Dong-ho notes how they’re tied by an unfortunate twist of fate and claims to have considered skipping his visit today to avoid Jin-woo. He asks if Jin-woo will be getting his father out, now that he’s a lawyer, and Jin-woo responds that he’ll make some money first.

Jin-woo approaches Dong-ho to offer his business card and walks away. Dong-ho looks at the business card, which has the tagline: “We become the truth that wins.” It seems like an accurate representation of the fine line he’s walking, and Dong-ho looks a little unsettled.

As he drives away, Jin-woo thinks back to his father’s trial, Dong-ho’s sudden change of heart, and the incriminating handshake between Dong-ho and the prosecutor. He swerves to the side of the road with flashbacks flooding his mind.

In-ah runs into Yeo-kyung as they enter the prosecutor’s department, but Yeo-kyung is quickly distracted by our observant judge from Jin-woo’s trial. He greets In-ah, and Yeo-kyung later asks if they’re close. He assures her that they’re on friendly greeting terms, and they overhear In-ha’s conversation with her boss, Prosecutor Tak, from the floor above.

Prosecutor Tak scolds her for wandering into the police’s realm of investigation. They’ve been getting complaints about her overstepping her role as a prosecutor, and he warns her to stay dedicated to her role. In-ha argues that she ventures into the different investigation sphere because everyone involved is just human. Their clients, the detectives, and even them — they’re all human, prone to make mistakes. And if they make a mistake, they could unintentionally change someone’s life.

She insists that she’ll continue to visit the crime scenes for this reason but promises to stay on top of her prosecutor duties. Observant judge and Yeo-kyung watch all of this from above before going on their way.

Hana, the struggling woman In-ah met earlier, tries to stay awake and sober during her company’s dinner. When she returns to the tables, a coworker insists that she sit next to Vice President Kang and share a drink with him. She reluctantly does a love shot with him upon the audience’s request. He’s old enough to be her father, which makes things very uncomfortable.

Dong-ho and Joo-il share a drink, teasing each other about the people they serve. They ponder about how on different days, alcohol tastes bitter or sweet; sometimes one drink is enough, sometimes there’s never enough to make you drunk. Dong-ho reveals that the kid became a lawyer. Joo-il doesn’t know who’s he’s talking about at first, so Dong-ho clarifies that he’s talking about the one case he lost.

A bruised pair of bare feet stumbles into the police department, and we see that it’s Hana. She collapses onto the floor, and the police officers surround her urgently calling for emergency help. The police find Vice President Kang and arrest him for sexual assault, though he seems completely confused by the charge.

The next morning, Jin-woo looks at the newspaper article of the sexual assault and tells his colleagues that he wants to take this case. Lawyer Song tries to discourage him, but Boss gives her approval of anything that Jin-woo does. Unamused by their partnership, Lawyer Song steals the coffee he made for both of them and looks back at the paper. He notices that it’s connected with Il-ho, so it would automatically be handled by their law firm, but Jin-woo’s expression shows that he’s not too sure about that.

President Nam eats breakfast with this children, who seem to have opposite reactions to this breaking news. Yeo-kyung doesn’t seem convinced that the vice president would commit such a deed, but President Nam only seems worried about the company’s image. Gyu-man benevolently offers their law firm’s services for their vice president of 20 years, but his words don’t seem sincere at all.

In-ah asks Prosecutor Tak to assign her this sexual assault case, but he refuses because he believes that she’ll be overwhelmed. But In-ah isn’t one to give up and follows him into the bathroom to convince him that she can handle this case. She explains that Hana is linked to the robbery case and that she promised to help her. If she doesn’t take this case, it’ll remain on her conscience.

Dong-ho enters his office to find an unwelcome guest, Gyu-man, who asks if Dong-ho can distinguish the innocent from the guilty after practicing law for so long. Dong-ho admits that no one knows a person’s inner thoughts, and Gyu-man readily assigns him to the vice president’s case.

Outside on the stairs, the underlings share a hobbang while their bosses meet. Secretary Ahn complains that the Daddy’s boy Gyu-man always blames him, and Dong-ho’s assistant expresses his sympathies. When given his turn, Dong-ho’s assistant admits that he has no complaints. None at all. Haha.

Dong-ho’s assistant reports that their opposing prosecutor is someone they know, Lee In-ah. Jin-woo receives the same report from Lawyer Song while surveying the crime scene. He pretends not to know her and goes on to reimagine the sequence of events. Lawyer Song also revelas that Il-ho group’s Dong-ho has taken this case, so their investigation will mean nothing unless Jin-woo plans on stealing this case from them.

They hear the police and In-ah arrive on the scene, so Jin-woo quickly pulls Lawyer Song into hiding with him. Since the surveillance cameras failed to capture the scene due to its angle, In-ah orders the police officers to report all the cars that passed through the garage and find any significant black box footage.

Dong-ho meets with VP Kang, who claims to have no memory after entering the garage. Dong-ho says that he has no interest in the facts, but facts are important to building their strategy. VP Kang admits that he has no memory but claims that he didn’t do it. That triggers a memory of Jin-woo’s father insisting that he knows that he didn’t commit the murder.

Jin-woo looks at his comprehensive wall of Il-ho’s inner workings and decides to meet with one of his contacts. The man he meets at the café ends up being the resident representative that Jin-woo helped in the previous trial. He works under VP Kang and secretly tells Jin-woo some background regarding Gyu-man’s place in this issue.

In a quick flashback, we see that Gyu-man seems pretty lax about breaking some rules here or there to get the results they want, but VP Kang argues that they’ll put the company’s image at risk. Gyu-man reminds the old man that he’s the company’s heir, which supposedly makes him more qualified.

In-ah interviews Il-ho’s workers and works hard to put together the case against VP Kang. While venturing around Il-ho, she runs into Gyu-man in the elevator. He doesn’t know who she is, but she’s well aware of him. She freezes, eyes wide with horror as she remembers the clip of him admitting that he killed Jung-ah.

Jin-woo looks at the Il-ho building outside of this office, and Boss approaches him to ask if he’s officially beginning. Oh, so she knows? He tells her that everything had already begun four years ago.

It’s the day of the trial, and Dong-ho greets In-ah in a light-hearted manner. But she’s in no mood for a friendly reunion and accuses Dong-ho for reaping the benefits of abandoning his client. Dong-ho reciprocates her accusations by criticizing her assumption of guilt before proving it.

In the courtroom, In-ah begins her prosecution with VP Kang’s call records as evidence that he did not call a driver, even though he claimed to have. She brings Hana to the stand and asks her for more occurrences of sexual harassment. Hana claims that VP Kang would massage her shoulders without her consent, and she couldn’t refuse because of his authority.

VP Kang erupts at the false accusations, but Hana goes on with more details about the night. She had been threatened with her job if she reported the assault to the police. In-ah uses this testimony to prove the power imbalance at the workplace and the exploitation of that power being manifested in this case. Jin-woo watches the trial from the seating above.

Before he leaves, Dong-ho compliments In-ah on her performance. She reminds him that Jin-woo’s father’s trial isn’t over yet and asserts that she’ll prove his innocence. He figures that she took this case to take her first jab at Gyu-man, and he tells her that she’s still naïve. He warns her that it won’t be easy, since the world isn’t that simple.

She glares at him as he walks out and notices Jin-woo exiting on the second floor. She runs out to catch him, but he’s already gone. Observant Judge finds In-ah and comments on her impressive performance. He returns her dropped pen, and she thanks him before swiftly running off to catch Jin-woo.

But he’s already working on the next phase of his plan, now approaching VP Kang to serve as his lawyer. VP Kang seems to believe that Gyu-man and Il-ho are still on his side, but Jin-woo argues otherwise. They’ve already turned their back on him, and Jin-woo has proof. He shows VP Kang the list of VP candidates, provided courtesy of Jin-woo’s contact. Whether or not they win this case, Il-ho is ready to kick him out.

Jin-woo also has information on our Observant Judge, Kang Suk-gyu. Two years ago, he ruled a man guilty for sexual assault, and the innocent man committed suicide in response to this unfair ruling. He’ll be extra cautious this time, wanting solid evidence before making his decision. And as for the opposing prosecutor, she’s also someone he knows very well.

Dong-ho thinks back to Gyu-man’s request to lose VP Kang’s trial. Gyu-man figures that it won’t be too difficult to lose a trial for him, implying the past loss. Dong-ho’s assistant suddenly rushes in with news that VP Kang has cancelled his contract with Dong-ho and took on a much younger lawyer as his replacement.

After his late night swim, Gyu-man asks Dong-ho why the prosecutor didn’t destroy this case, since it was practically handed to her. Dong-ho responds that the prosecutor is still a newbie and that the new lawyer defending VP Kang is a person they both know: the son of Seo Jae-hyuk. Gyu-man freezes but feigns lack of recognition. But Dong-ho makes it absolutely clear to him. Seo Jae-hyuk, the man in prison for Gyu-man, has a son who’s now returned as a lawyer.

We return to a familiar scene: Jin-woo walks into the courtroom as the new lawyer on the case, and In-ah looks at him with shock. Dong-ho slips into the back to observe.

In-ah continues her examination of the victim, Hana, who expresses more shame about this situation being her fault. In-ah tells Hana to keep her head up, since this is not her fault. Hana expresses disgust and fear about being in the same room as her suspected perpetrator, and the crowd murmurs in response.

Jin-woo has no questions for a cross-examination and brings out his own witness to the stand. Hana recognizes the man and stiffly returns to her seat. He introduces himself as one of Hana’s college professors and confirms that he was sued by Hana for sexual harassment. But they never went to court because they settled with money.

Hana insists that they didn’t agree on a settlement, but Jin-woo has proof of the transaction. In-ah objects at the irrelevance of this case, but Jin-woo argues that a previous sexual harassment suit is relevant to their current trial. As he continues with his examination, the professor reveals that he was also in a romantic relationship with Hana.

From behind the stand, Hana argues that she sued him because he had lied about already being married. She felt betrayed when she figured out that he’d fooled her, so she decided to take action against him. To make matters worse, the professor reveals that Hana was the one who requested the money for settlement. Looks like the tides have turned.


Oof, this case is complicated. I had an inkling that there was something else going on with our victim, since the show didn’t give us proper hints that our VP was a creepy dangerous dude. I’m suspicious that Gyu-man had something to do with framing the VP, but I also don’t want to overestimate his villain abilities. This show has to be careful about writing off this sexual harassment case as a poor girl’s attempt to earn settlement money, but thankfully, In-ah’s prosecution is doing a thorough and sensitive job at humanizing this issue. Although In-ah may still be unrealistic and naïve to those jaded by the justice system, she still brings out a passionate and hopeful message about justice.

This episode feels like part two of the introduction, since we’re now in the current day setting, but I’m not too disappointed with the lack of plot in this episode. We needed to establish the players and the dynamics between them, and I can see the mechanisms being put in place for Jin-woo’s ultimate revenge plot. Though I’m engrossed by the intensity of Jin-woo’s uphill battle, I’m also happy to see some irrelevant lighter moments to release some of this high pressure. The unexpected bromance between Secretary Ahn and Dong-ho’s assistant has got to be my favorite — they’re fulfilling a need I didn’t have to begin with. It’s good to see that poor Secretary Ahn has got someone to rant to, since it doesn’t seem like he’ll be leaving our psychotic Daddy’s boy any time soon.

This father and son pair never disappoint, especially when they’re together. The infectious happiness between Dad and Jin-woo was quickly followed by regret and sadness, but that transition didn’t feel disjointed at all. But as compelling as their performances are, I wonder how much Dad can contribute to prove his innocence, plot-wise. Looking at where we are now, it doesn’t seem like he’ll play any role in his release, since his Alzheimer’s is only getting worse and his deteriorating memory will have little ethos in court. I guess his condition only reinforces the fact that Jin-woo is on his own in this battle.

Sure, he’s got In-ah and potentially Dong-ho, but I don’t foresee either of them fighting alongside him until much later. He’s got to prove himself alone first, though I fear that he may play death (read: Gyu-man) too frequently in the process. It’s easy to distinguish who to root for and who to hate, but Dong-ho lies somewhere in between.

I’m frustrated with Dong-ho for not revealing his circumstances, when clearly there are some misunderstandings that could be resolved with communication. To some extent, his explanations may just sound like excuses, but I don’t see how keeping silent will get him anywhere. It’ll only serve as his punishment, which could possibly be what he’s doing — punishing himself for not fulfilling his promise. He’s an interesting character who’s really difficult to read, and I hope that his character won’t be wasted observing for too long when he could dive into the real nitty-gritty of this story.


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Thanks for the review! Love it!


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First comment for once! Yay!


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Hmm, the subtitles that I've been using translated Jin Woo's business card to "We win with the truth". Your translation definitely makes it more interesting.


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Thank you for the recaps !!


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I think in this episode we could start seeing Dong Ho weakness . I got sense that his introversion to communicate openly is one of his weakness. I still remember that he seemed so strong to keep his promise to Seo Jin Woo in episode 4. But then, it has been 4 years, yet he is still going around in the closer circle of Gyu-man without doing anything clearly (more like spying with high carefulness). I wonder, maybe his target is Gyu-man father too? You know, with that tragedy faced by Dong-ho father years ago.

Well anyway, in previous episodes, I could see Dong-ho was more like the main hero of the story. But since episode 5, I caught Jin Woo become stronger.

And by the way, I read on DB drama casting of this drama that the hero also will face memory degradation. Do you think Jin Woo will struggle with this similar problem like his father? Or actually he will struggle with his father Alzhaimer that will make him harder to have another trial and prove his father not guilty? Well you know, in this episode his father disease is worsen. It must be difficult enough for Jin Woo to stand on his father issue and yet he will face more problem about himself later? Arrrggghhh that will be toooo hard :(


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oh my god, i almost forgot. here is hoping the writers leave that out, there are more than enough problems in this drama already.


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Thanks for the recap !! Why Dong Ho never investigate why his dad ran away and gave him a one way ticket ?


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believe he is sleuthing about himself, and i have a hunch, DH's willingness to sacrifice JW's dad case due to fact that he may know his own dad's case is linked to Il Ho Groups, and Evil Dad may be the One responsible for forcing dad to send him away, knowing his likely impending death.


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Do you guys notice the scene when Gyu Man entered the elevator and turned back to look weirdly at In Ah (who was trembling in fear), and glanced at her again before leaving? He was smiling at that time. Let me guess what he thought. Maybe "What a beauty. Who is she?!"

Does he happen to have some feeling / fall in love with her in the future? Falling in love with the girl who hates him the most will be an interesting experience for a heartless person like Gyu Man. I am sure that there will be a love triangle in here.

Yoo Seung Ho and Park Min Young make so damn beautiful noona - dongsaeng couple, but NamGoong Min & Park Min Young are so damn good together, too!!


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no, the love triangle will be our breathe-taking OTP SJW and LIA, and weaving in Judge Kang Seok Kyu. of cause they will throw in Miss spoilt Nam Yeo Kyung.
i so so so hate Trio third party relationships in KDland, worst is when it turn quartet.... arrggghhhh.
there are already some people out there kinda shipping KSK, kinda like him more with LIA (.... nopes... over my dead body.)
i want, no, i demand, i threaten to have: LIA with SJW only.

but, i don't mind having Gyu Man go find another girl, after he wake up to his "sins" and become a better person. Writernim can put more depths into GM, instead of almost every ep can let him go at least once "shirt-less".


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Oh, am I getting Alzheimer myself? I''ve totally forgotten about handsome - rectitude judge Kang Suk Kyu and Nam Yeo Kyung.

Then we will have a love PENTAGON here. Yeo Kyung -> Jin Woo -> <- In Ah <- (Suk Kyu, Gyu Man). Omg, so complicated!!!


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yeah, they can go Trio, Quartet, Quintet, Concerto, ... whatever.
hope thru-out the show, inside the 2 Main Leads, i hope its always A Duet.
not matters how many joint in to 'play'.
if not, at least by end of ep 20 (or 24), it will only be Duet with SJW and LIA.
(or don't ever let SJW forgot LIA, and marry Miss Nam, i will dump my laptop instantly.)
at last i have the unadulterated joy of "no interference" by any added 'players' at Healer-ya OTP, which made me very gratified.


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and, DON'T EVER ALLOW SJW or LIA go SOLO in the end!!!!!
some times, brainless Writernims or maybe because of pressure from low ratings, or whatever, Producers/writers like to write 'open-endings" or 'no ending'..... then i will scold myself till insomnia.
at least this year, all my FAV dramas happened to be 'HAPPY ENDING', eg. Healer, I Remember you, Twenty Again,...etc. so don't Writernim go break this OTP up into some 'Solo-ending'.
i will boycott his show forever.


Thank you for admitting first about GyuMan-InAh chemistry in that short elevator scene. I got the confidence to admit that I saw some sparks too. lol


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I also want a love line for the two, and I want our female lead to be the one who will lighten his dark heart.


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If it is true Gyu Man will fall in love with InAh, i have a feeling that I will ship these two. lol


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He was giving her a once over and all but I also thought he noticed her staring at him and was just like preening as he left...LOL. But I spose he could be admiring her.

I don't envision any triangle though since there's like no way in hell he has a shot.

Plus I doubt he's gonna have substantial feelings of love for any girl in this show--if she did happen to catch his eye, I think any unlikely affection on his part would fade once he found out she's a threat to him...his insecurities really dominate him.

I can see him like harassing her (drama trope right??) but love line is too much a euphemism LOL. Plus a legitimate love line between them would be super gross.

But yeah, the two did great in the scene! They're both my favorite performances in the show right now.


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I was distracted this whole episode by Jin Woo working with "Lawyer" Song. His utter incompetence almost lost Dad's case. Is Jin Woo only with him to get revenge? Meanwhile, I love Jin Woo's ahjumma boss who is almost like a surrogate mother to him.


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It will be revealed afterward, I think. Maybe he is not a good lawyer, but a good human who helped Jin Woo to become a good lawyer.

I am curious about ajumma boss, too. She seems to know about Jin Woo's revenge and helps him as well.


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actually thinking why JW told this ahjumma boss everything? who exactly is she, can she really be trusted?
she looks fine at the moment... but, in everything there's always a "but"...


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I don't think his smiles indicates any admiration for her beauty. I feel that he probably smiles because he thought that she freezes because of her admiration to her. I dont think he is capable of loving anybody but himself.


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LOL, the brainless hunk was probably thinking that he has a new secret admirer working under him.... very please with his "new conquer".


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IA became a prosecutor, while spur by JW’s plight, is not about: ‘i exist mainly to save the dad of my one true love.’ While the show till now ep 5/6 has no hint of romance, or that she is inspired by the tragedy of her true love… even now, there is no sign that she “loved” him. While every signs did points to he should be someone important to her as a friend at least, that his plight did inspired her to uphold the role of a worthy prosecutor, not like what Hong Moo Seok did. She was zealous and went extra miles to cover the truth, loved the way she bull-dozed into the crime-scenes, pissing off detectives by doing what they actually should do but failed. She went to seek witnesses, and asked around even at Iho Life which is the Lion-Den, and we don’t find that courageous? Shaken but calm when faceoff the brainless sexy Murderer in the Lift. She softened down to comfort the victim and “promised” to save her, when she just doesn’t need to. She is determined, followed her Head into the Gent even, to get what she wanted. She is willing to tell JW off when she find him stepping into the wrong direction. She is got herself emotional screwed and drunken, not just take it like “a day job only”. She did more than just a sympathetic girl crying for JW’s plight, and barking at anyone attacking JW like a purebred. Whether this drama will continue to garner high rating, hope SBS do not harshing treat the few main leads characters/natures, hope Writer-nim will write IA and JW with realistic, in-depth feels. I am so-done with people that start off thinking IA (just like Cha Ji-an of I Remember you, is like not very important role). Chae YoungShin (healer), Cha JiAn (I remember you) and Lee InAh (Remember) will be my favourite female leads this year, if not of all times.


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Thanks for the recap Db


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Lol, I can't believe that he's working with the lawyer that essentially threw his dad's case.

But I guess having such an inept "superior/senior" as a collegue makes it easier for him to have things his way especially with him so young and so one track. His boss who knows what's up should be a bonus.

If I overlook the very first case and all it's problems, this is shaping up to be an interesting drama!


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Looking forward for the next review in episode 6..


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His eyes when he briefly looks at her and drop his gaze at the elevator...Ahhhh: goosebumps.... for a second i feared for In ha safety. her eyes were filled with hate and dispise but still they shared a quick intense chemistry! Gyu man is such a sexy and scary evil freak, thank you for recapping this show.


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5 stars! This show is really picking up and being utterly delightful. I adore Jin-woo and find his journey extremely intriguing and interesting. And gosh his eyes just break and mend my heart XD
In-Ha and Dong-ho are also really interesting and I can't wait to see how they react to Jin-woo. I hope JW won't be alone on his journey for long.


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Badung, badung, goes my heart during this drama whenever I see Jin-woo. Oh boy, this drama draws one in with compelling characters, clever plotting, and an intriguing journey ahead. Jin-woo is one of my favourite kinds of heroes, and the scenes with him and his father make my heart twist, ache and soar.


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This drama is compellingly good! it keeps getting better and better~


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I think the "observant judge" is a interesting character. He obviously's on the "good side" and fights for the truth(seemingly for the public and not for self benefit) but he's realistic enough not to interrupt when the girl yells out her grievances to Jin-woo. And because he's been jaded, I wonder what he thinks of Jin-woo.

Elevator scene with In-ah and Gyu-man sent chills down my spine.

Also, it seems sorta tragic that In-ah is always trying to fight for justice-in fact, she's the most idealistic and pure out of everyone in this show-but always ends up on the side obscuring it: for example, the bus scene in Episode 1, where she blamed Jin-woo unjustly, or in this show, where she's used to heist the VP out of his office.


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hahaha.... Park Min Young has unique Death-threatening Elevator scenes every times. the last one she almost died and saved by a Masked Hero literally "swept her off her feet into thin air", landed with a kiss at rooftop.
ahah, this one, she also almost died of heart attack.... so funny.


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Yeah I felt bad for her too. She got dealt some bad luck here. My finger's on the next epi, but I'm really hoping that if Dong Ho goes to her offering help she doesn't take it. That would hurt extra for her if she does.

Even if this case becomes some learning experience, I'd be really disappointed if JW always has the upper hand in this show. I feel like she's due to teach him a few lessons by now. Not just through support, but by besting him.

And yes, Handsome Judge is super interesting... LOL. This is rare for me, esp so soon in the game, but I'm shipping em already. If he is on the "good side" like @Julzevias said, then he's likely more upstanding than JW, who's uh a little lacking now. Judge doesn't seem jaded to me, more cautious? Ik it's early to say, but I kinda hope he'll be given some of the idealism I got a taste of here.


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Every hero needs an ajhumma. Dong-soo got one and now Yeo Woon has one too.


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Yes. Seo Junghoo Ahjummah is unique even in KD land,not to mention in real world. At any time , she may even be more sincere in caring n chiding him, more selfless in protecting him coming out to show her face to CYS, more trusting when people don't trust SJH,... She is every bit of what a mom is, is some times more than those who use their kids to climb social leader or get rich in-laws. Hope SJW ahjummah has some quality like that , scold him into sense when he try do something silly . And worry for.him when he got.into the wrong side of the law framed by the Dark Side.


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Thank you for recapping this.

The current case has me so conflicted (even if it's fictional).


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Rememeber next ep.,
and come back here, tell me what you see.... isn't it look familiar to a certain Night courier.


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lets try to watch SBS award tomorrow and cheers for SYH and PMY, if they appear as MC ,or hosts. they won't be nominated for Best Couple, will be next year award show.
see the Best Couple List at the SBS original site.


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My first thought was why is that judge so young? He is too good looking to be a playing a small role. Glad to see him appearing again!


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I normally like Namgoong Min because he made me care about his character in "Can You Hear My Heart," but in this drama I hate his character so much! He must be becoming a better actor, haha. Even though he was a villain in "Girl Who Sees Smells," I still liked him - those abs and that excellent wardrobe. In this drama I tried to enjoy his abs, but instead I was disgusted! Great acting, Namgoong Min. I will try to dislike only the character, not you ?


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I can’t remember,... I have a feeling that you have been very good to me.”
“this is .... I think I have seen this some where. Just a few second after viewing the necklace, his memories returned.... “Jinwoo-ah, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t recognised my own son....”
Finally he furthered remembered that “I have ... Done this before, right? ... You told me you became a lawyer and shown me your pin last time... ” Since started to rewatch the whole show again, we all know then this will be how Jin woo will become, as his dad was a shadow of himself. Thus his heightened overwhelming agonies as dad’s deteriorated right before his eyes each time he visited, all will be a shadow of how Lee In ah will goes thru for him, all his desperation, helplessness and agonies.... will become Inah’s very own desperation, helplessness, and agonies.
Just like his dad, even after he lost his memories, he can still feel and not forget the feelings someone once makes him felt. Means he may forget the profiles or events or words or face regarding someone dear, but he will never forget the feelings or love he ever felt, feelings of joy, hope and needs and trust in someone he loved so dearly. Knowledge may be lost, but feelings won’t.


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Then he will proceed to start recognized objects, just like dad remembered the necklaces which in itself is a strong memories key. The necklace which stirred up dad’s memories, will now play an important part in bringing his own memories back.. Hinting thru this necklace, InAh will bring him back. Benefited from the power of the necklace once, he actually give it to inah, hoping she wil use it to bring him back, knowing and trusting and desiring that she will make him remember her, his most precious memories, her name, her face, her love?
When he finally remembered his loved ones’ identity and events, like dad remembered Jinwoo is his son. The identified of the person of his loved one, namely InAh’s identity will recalled, just like dad remembered that he did remembered and recognized his son many times, asking “i have done this before right...?” he will proceed to remember more. By having the most beloved one with him, may just be the right key to unlock the door to his memories. Even if he were to lost it again the next day , just like dad, he will remembers again, just like dad... “i have, done this before.” Thus what happened? Dad started to write letter to jinwoo, when his memories returns those days.. So will jinwoo occasionally remembers clearly who Inah is. Dad’s letter was written in perfect remembrance state.


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That is the key thing in the whole drama, when you have the direct evidence of what post-ep20 will be like, and the stage of JW’s Alz will deteriorate till how his dad was. That’s the few meetings between dad and him was, JW swallowed back the tears and didn’t cry. One FIRST thing to remember, is the feelings onced stirred up, then remembered the special objects that, finally remember the identity of the loved-one, the clearer picture of how much he loved and was been loved. At least thru this scene, we are sure that the Writer’s genesis thoughts of the “post-ep20 scenario” should be like how his dad remembered jinwoo, that jinwoo himself will remembers Inah.


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