Entertainer: Episode 9

It’s difficult enough trying to become a successful band when everything goes smoothly, and Ddanddara Band seems to be going about everything the hard way. Dark pasts, difficult families, and personal issues need to be handled before they can really expect to focus on music, so it’s time to start cleaning the slate. First up is one bouncy drummer’s mother, who has some very constrictive ideas of what’s best for her son, regardless of what he wants for himself.



Jinu goes back to the cabin where he supposedly assaulted Ji-young, but instead of clues, he finds Ha-neul waiting for him. Ha-neul quips that the criminal always returns to the scene of the crime, and Jinu realizes that it was Ha-neul who texted about his tattoo.

Jinu says that he thinks they’re both victims in this, which only makes Ha-neul angry, and he balls up his fists and advances. Jinu swears that he’s not here to look for evidence — he doesn’t remember what happened that night, other than what Ji-young did.

He remembers her opening the closet door, and asks Ha-neul what could have been in there. That’s what he came to find out. Ha-neul tries but he can’t hold onto his anger, not when he sees how genuinely upset Jinu is.

Jinu leaves, so Ha-neul looks in the closet, and on the floor he finds a set of keys with a robot key chain. He knows that key chain — he once saw Ji-young’s little brother Kyung-soo playing with it, saying it was a gift from the girl he likes. He remembers seeing Kyung-soo there at the cabin when he was being dragged out by the cops, but he’d always thought he’d been mistaken.

He runs into Jinu again out by the bus station, clutching his head and grimacing after running his car into a tree. As much as Ha-neul wants to ignore him, Jinu’s obvious pain gets to him. Ha-neul calls Seok-ho to tell him he’s in Busan, and so is Jinu, and he says that there was an accident and Jinu can’t drive.

He offers to help Jinu call his insurance company and avoid the cops — not that he wants to help, but so that the fallout doesn’t harm Seok-ho. He pretends to be the car owner while Jinu hides his face, and takes him home in a taxi. He takes Jinu to Mango, and leaves Seok-ho and Jinu alone to talk.

Seok-ho wants to take Jinu back to the hospital, and wants to know why Jinu want back to that cabin. He still thinks Jinu should turn himself in as this is obviously eating him up inside, not to mention the innocent person who’s paying for a mistake he didn’t make.

Jinu just smiles peacefully and says that he heard Ha-neul call him “Seok-ho-hyung,” and wonders how the two of them became so distant when they used to have that close of a relationship.

Seok-ho goes to Ha-neul’s place, and Ha-neul wakes when he tucks him in. Seok-ho asks how long Ha-neul’s known Jinu was involved, and he says he knew it was a Jackson member, but only realized it was Jinu when he saw the tattoo.

He didn’t say anything because he knew Seok-ho would feel torn between him and Jinu. Clearing his name means destroying Jinu, but Seok-ho says that even though he cares about them both, he can’t let Ha-neul take the blame for this. Ha-neul just asks that Geu-rin be kept innocent until it’s all over.

Seok-ho leans in and says, “Ha-neul. Sung-hyun’s little brother is my little brother too. You’re my singer, and my little brother.” Ha-neul nearly cries, but goes all gruff and rebuffs Seok-ho’s request for a hug. Then he holds his hand up for help out of bed, and they linger on the handshake, and Ha-neul pulls Seok-ho in for that hug after all. ~wibble~

Geu-rin spends the day passing out information on Ddanddara Band, and she goes into Annoying Fangirl mode when she sees her favorite radio show host. She at least has the presence of mind to give her a copy of the band’s album. She even offers to work for free two hours a day at a convenience store in return for their playing the album during their busy hours.

Over lunch, Kyle complains that every person in this band is a troublemaker besides him — they have an ex-convict, a single dad, and a mama’s boy. Ha-neul calls him by his real name, Lee Bang-geul (which means “to smile brightly”) just to get under his skin, making Yeon-soo giggle that it’s so opposite his real personality.

Annoyed, Kyle reminds them that he sacrificed his pride for this band, and now they have no drummer. His big idea is to kidnap Jae-hoon, but Ha-neul refuses to participate and leaves with a reminder to “smile!”

Ha-neul tells Seok-ho about Kyung-soo’s key chain that he found in the cabin, and how he saw him the night of the incident. Seok-ho asks if he thinks Ji-young was involved, and he takes the key chain to confront her with.

Ha-neul also asks after Jae-hoon, but Seok-ho says he’ll be back, not to worry. He intercepts Jae-hoon at school (ugh, his mom even walks him to class), and poor Jae-hoon is just so sad and wilted. Seok-ho asks if he’s quitting Ddanddara Band, or if he wants to do it but just can’t, and Jae-hoon says that the band showed him that there could be fun things in life, too.

Seok-ho has a plan, and he approaches Jae-hoon’s father, who seems like a nice guy. He likes hearing how much Jae-hoon loves music, and figures that Jae-hoon’s mother pushes him so hard because of how difficult their early married life was. They’re successful now but only because they struggled so hard, and Mom pushes their son academically so that he won’t have to struggle.

He agrees that Jae-hoon is a good boy, never going against his mother even though he could. But Dad worries that Jae-hoon never smiles, not even for pictures, not since preschool.

On his way back Seok-ho gets a call from CEO Lee’s pet prosecutor, and is pulled in for questioning in the ratings boosting scandal. They have proof that fake online IDs were used, though Seok-ho says that happens a lot when new song is released, and not just with Jackson.

The prosecutor also knows of Mr. Kim, the broker, who created the program that forces phones to play the song without their owners’ knowledge, but Seok-ho claims that the company would never pay for such a thing. He shows the prosecutor his own bank account info, proving he’s never had the kind of money needed to pay for such a thing himself, either.

The prosecutor isn’t swayed and says they’ll just ask Mr. Kim himself. And by the way, a new bill is even being passed right now regarding this sort of thing, and Seok-ho can feel honored that he’ll be the first to be detained under the new law.

Jae-hoon’s mom even hovers over him at home, and he says in this blank voice that he’s the only person he knows whose mother still takes fish bones out for him. Mom says it’s just her love for him, but her voice carries a clear note of warning. Jae-hoon asks how she’ll ever let him go to do his army duty, and Mom blames his burst of rebellion on those lowlife band kids.

Jae-hoon says he’s just trying to talk to her about his honest thoughts, but she interprets anything he says as talking back, and Mom just cuts him off. But he’s tired of being dismissed, and his voice grows stronger as he says, “I want to play drums.” Mom goes straight to, “Do you want to see me die?”

Jae-hoon cries that he doesn’t want that, of course not, but he’s always done everything she says and studied constantly. Drums are something fun that he wants for himself. Mom says he can do that, in a studio they’ll rent just for him. It’s just another way to keep Jae-hoon under her thumb, but Jae-hoon wants to do this with his friends.

Mom goes for the guilt trip, saying that she hasn’t had any friends ever since she had him, focusing her life entirely on her child. But Jae-hoon doesn’t want to live that way, never having any friends, and Mom says that he should make friends of his own class. Dad’s been listening from the next room, and he breaks in at this, booming that he’s had enough of her class talk.

Later Dad brings Jae-hoon a suitcase and starts packing his things. He tells Jae-hoon to keep up his studies, but that it’s time for him to go do what makes him happy. Jae-hoon is worried about his mother if he runs away, knowing that he’s been her whole life for twenty years, and tells his dad that this isn’t the answer.

Mom is listening outside the door, and Jae-hoon’s words appear to touch her. She heaves a sigh, looking triumphant.

Seok-ho gives Geu-rin credit for being willing to work for free to promote the band, but it’s not a good long-term strategy — they need to get on TV and the radio. He says he’ll have to go see Jae-hoon’s mom, even if it means barging in on her.

The boys are trying to think of ideas either, since their big debut didn’t make them instantly famous. Yeon-soo suggests busking (playing on a street corner) but they need Jae-hoon for anything like that. Geu-rin tells them they’ll be talking to his mother tomorrow, but they still won’t have an event to play.

Geu-rin goes online to find ideas for events, but nothing seems appropriate and affordable. Ha-neul finds her asleep at the keyboard and gently tucks her into bed. He lingers, watching her sleep, which Yeon-soo notices through the open door.

Geu-rin is vigilant the next day as she and Seok-ho watch for Jae-hoon’s mother. They adorably bicker over their respective fashion choices, and Geu-rin wins the fight over who gets to wear sunglasses because she’s the driver. HA, then they don’t move when Jae-hoon’s mom finally comes out, because Geu-rin’s got the car in Neutral.

Seok-ho follows Jae-hoon’s mom into her art studio, and though she doesn’t seem angry to see him, she does mention that she’s about to take a class and he should go. He says he’ll wait, and after he’s out of the room, she tells a fellow student that he’s Jae-hoon’s music teacher that she recently fired. She decides to skip the class and goes for coffee with Seok-ho.

She peppers Seok-ho with questions about his company, and lists everything she’s done to help Jae-hoon excel in school and how much it all cost. It’s a big number, especially since she also sent him abroad to study language during every school holiday. She wants to know about Mango’s assets because, as much money as she’s invested in her son, she can’t allow him to be in a band for a small, poor company.

Seok-ho softly says that Mango can’t compete with the money she’s spent on her son, and Mom tells him not to approach her or Jae-hoon ever again. But Seok-ho wants to know… if Jae-hoon is worth that much money, how much is his dream worth? Mom doesn’t have an answer for that, but she swears vehemently that she’ll never see Seok-ho again.

Meanwhile Geu-rin books an event for the following weekend. Seok-ho comes back to the car with determination in his eyes and calls the guys to meet him at the studio. He perks up a little to hear that Geu-rin got the band a gig, but worries what they’ll do if they can’t get Jae-hoon back.

Seok-ho bundles Ha-neul, Kyle, Yeon-soo and even little Chan-hee into the van and takes them all to Jae-hoon’s school. They draw a small crowd when one student recognizes them, and they all bow respectfully when Jae-hoon’s mom comes to pick him up after class.

Jae-hoon sees the standoff, and it’s clear that he has a choice to make: Will he go with Mom, or the band? He takes a long moment, looking at his mother, then Seok-ho, then trudges to his mother’s car.

On her best behavior and feeling triumphant, Mom suggests they skip golf lessons and go do something fun. Jae-hoon tells her that he loves her, but when she takes his wrist, he pulls away. He walks to Seok-ho, who asks if they’re kidnapping him or if he’s joining them, and Jae-hoon makes his decision. “I’m joining you.” Hooray!

Mom makes one last attempt to drag him back, but Jae-hoon says that he’s spent his whole life doing what she wants, and now he wants his own dream. He promises to keep up his grades, and gets in the van with his friends. Seok-ho tells her that this is Jae-hoon’s choice, making it clear that he never pushed him, and bows respectfully.

Jae-hoon is so sweet, he’s still worried about his mom, and Ha-neul says he wishes he still had a mom. Seok-ho teases to make sure Jae-hoon’s seat belt is on since he’s worth so much money, and Kyle declares the kidnapping a success.

Jae-hoon moves in with the rest of the band, and a reshuffling of room assignments has Chan-hee sleeping in Geu-rin’s room. Chan-hee is all for it, especially if Daddy can sometimes sleep with them, which makes Yeon-soo go all weird, heh.

CEO Lee gets an update from the prosecutor, who tells him that the new law won’t be helpful for their case since it won’t go into effect for six more months. Even if they find the broker, Seok-ho could get out of this scot-free.

The charges seem to be dropped, and Seok-ho and Min-joo celebrate. Min-joo mentions that Seok-ho seems to be getting soft, but he counters that he’s got something to go fight for right now.

He meets with Joo-han and shows him a picture of Kyung-soo’s key chain, which they found at the scene of the crime. He texts the picture to Joo-han and tells him to show it to Ji-young, but doesn’t give Joo-han any more information.

Back at Mango, Seok-ho finds something in his desk — it’s the picture he drew of himself in the rain, the one that Geu-rin rescued from the trash. She’s drawn a bright green umbrella over his head, and a note that says, “Even if there’s a rainstorm of stress, I’ll be your green umbrella. Be strong!”

He imagines watching her draw the umbrella, and asks her image what she’s doodling on. She just looks at him and smiles, and goes back to her picture. He thinks about how often lately that she’s mentioned his stress, and calls her to find out where she is, telling her to stay there and wait for him.

Ji-young tells Joo-han that she’s never seen the key chain in the picture before, though it’s written all over her face that she has. He tells her to be honest since Seok-ho could cause a lot of problems for them, and she points out that Jinu and CEO Lee would also be affected, but she still claims not to recognize the key chain.

Seok-ho finds Geu-rin still at the location after dark, waiting for him. He steels himself before approaching her, and she waves at him through the glass wall. He wonders to himself why he came all this way, and says, “Stay right there. Don’t come closer, Jung Geu-rin.”


I appreciate that the show addressed the problem that seems to be plaguing many cultures lately, that of children being pressured so hard to study and be successful that they are, in some extreme cases, being pushed to hide from the world or even suicide. I’m sure that Jae-hoon’s mother convinced herself that making him study constantly was good for him, but she almost seems to consider him an asset she’s invested in, rather than a person with his own hopes and dreams. She’s never thought about what he might want… she’s so uninterested that she’s probably never even asked him.

While it’s admirable to be academically proficient, people need to have balance in their life, and Jae-hoon was going to rebel one way or another once he found his talent and his dream. She sees Jae-hoon as a possession, something she controls rather than something she nurtures, and it’s obvious that she’s even shunted aside her own life to control his. It’s sad because it’s not just one life that’s destroyed when this happens… Mom also lost her chance at a happy life, because she was so concerned with making sure Jae-hoon did everything she wanted. Instead of investing so much time and money into him and only him, she should have used some of that to enrich her own life and marriage.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting your children to be the best they can be, and to be successful. The problem is when you completely subvert who they are, forcing them to do what you want. Dreams are important, and that’s what drums and band are to Jae-hoon — a way to have a happy life, to do something he loves, and be fulfilled. Balance is crucial in life, and I’m happy for him that he’s decided to break away and pursue his own dreams. So many kids don’t get that chance, and either shrivel away on the inside or find other, more destructive ways out. Kudos to the show for modeling that you can follow your dreams.

That’s really what this show is all about, living your dream. Seok-ho thought he was living his dream, but he was really just chasing fame and success, even if on behalf of his talented clients. All of the boys are fighting the barriers between them and their dreams — Kyle’s inferiority complex, Yeon-soo’s personal situation as a single father, Jae-hoon’s controlling mother. Ha-neul has had the worst time, between his brother dying, his parents forbidding him to play music, then his parents dying, and now having to try to be musically successful while also clearing his name. Dreams don’t come easy for Ddanddara Band, and I love their fierce determination not to give up, and to stick together, no matter what.

There are still a lot of secrets to uncover, especially surrounding Ha-neul and his family. We’re getting into the meat of the story now, regarding what really happened in that cabin a year ago. I hesitate to guess because I’ve been wrong several times now, and I still suspect there’s more to the events than what we know at this point. All I’m confident of is that there was a set-up, and when Ha-neul accidentally became involved they changed gears to blame him for the whole thing. I’m still curious why everyone went through this in the first place, since Ji-young is certainly just taking advantage of the situation and wasn’t the reason that Joo-han set things up in the first place. Was it to keep Jinu in line about something? That seems the likeliest answer, but I still feel as though there’s more to it.

And then there’s Seok-ho’s big secret — how was he involved with Ha-neul’s brother’s death? I wonder if Ha-neul himself even knows. Certainly based on Mr. Byun’s confrontation with CEO Lee, it had something to do with KTOP, but I do think Seok-ho was also tangled up in it. I don’t want anything to harm the brand-new bromance he and Ha-neul have established, especially since they both need family even if it’s acquired family. But I think all the secrets will need to come out before this is all over.


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o.m.g... thank you for the recap... i adore this a lottt...yayyy


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Can anyone clarify if the song played with rapper during the 1st 20mins of this episode was MC Mong? I thought it was his voice.



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The rapper is Kang Gary with Miwoo. The song is called "Entertainer" or literally, Ddanddara.


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It was Gary, to me it sounded different? Thanks again, hopefully they play the song again with Gary's rap part. I know Gary and I thought would be able recognized his rapping.


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I also thought it was MC Mong's voice and I've been trying to look for the song for a couple hours now. It is obviously not Tantara by Gary ft. MIWOO because the chorus is a man's voice. I'm almost a hundred percent positive that it is MC Mong's voice because he has a unique voice and rapping style.


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They finally released the full song!

this is the full song


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The cabin set-up was designed as a trap for Seok Ho, using Jackson/Jin Woo as leverage. Once Evil President had the video, he would have been able to use it to control Jin Woo completely - either by preventing Jackson from signing with Mango and thereby ruining Seok Ho, or if Jackson actually made the leap and went to Mango, Evil Prez could release it and destroy both Jin Woo and Seok Ho anyway.

Evil Prez is now getting moustache-twirling evil, but initially it was about money just as much as undercutting Seok Ho - I don't think he would ruin Jackson unless he was absolutely sure KTop would lose the act.

What I do find sort of odd is that Ji Young apparently HASN'T disclosed her version of the video. That means her only leverage over KTop has been that she could drag Jin Woo into court over the sexual assault, but KTop should've been prepared for that move from the start. So I have to assume there's something else she's got that she used to get quite this much power.


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I'm confused. Are there 2 videos? I thought Joo Han was filming when the video he showed to Jin Woo panned down to the floor and showed those distinctive shoes that we know belong to Joo Han. I thought that was part of KTop's plan to ensnare Jin Woo and Jackson to prevent them from leaving.
Now we know that Ji Young's little brother was in the closet secretly filming the whole event. He probably has Joo Han on film and any discussion with Ji Young after someone knocked out Ha Neul.
Where was Joo Han filming from if Ha Neul didn't see him?
Another closet??


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There are two videos. Joo Han was filming from the open door. Kyung Soo was filming from the closet. I believe Joo Han doesn't know about KS and that video yet.


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So Ji Young has her little brother film a fake sexual assault for leverage against KTop. This girl is screwed up and now her little brother is probably traumatized. I understand she is protecting herself and ensuring her rising career but dragging her little bro into this is just cruel.
Of course KTop is all kinds of awful for instigating.


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+1 Seriously, though. I have a severe dislike for So Ji-Young. Every time I see her I think 'little girl trying to act all grown up'. It just comes off as immature, which I think is purposeful. And how can she not think of her brother! Agh, I really don't like her. She needs her comeuppance, now.


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Thanks for the recap! Even though this show has flaws, I tune in for every episode anyway. The boys are just so darn cute.

More than any episode so far, this one delivered the heart-warming stuff in spades. That scene where Seok Ho tells Ha Neul that he's his little brother was so good, I think I let out a squee.

Hyeri is relaxing a little in the role of Geu-Rin, but she still doesn't convince me that Geu-Rin is serious about Seok-Ho. If Geu-Rin does like him, it's a school girl crush. It continues to make me uncomfortable that they're trying to sell a love-line there. Hyeri's better at the comedy than deep emotions. (Love the bickering over those sunglasses!)

Hats off for a good ending to this episode: even though I'm annoyed by the love line, I have to tune in again to find out if they really go through with this surreal pairing. Now that they have a two-episode extension, I wish they'd use the extra time to rearrange the love lines completely. When is Seok-Ho going to realize what an awesome person Min Joo is? It wouldn't be the first time Chae Jung-An has stolen the first lead for herself. (Anyone remember Queen of Reversals?)


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Thank you for the recap!!

This show might have a few weaknesses in the plot itself and/or in acting chops of some of the cast, but the one thing it never fails to deliver is the heart.

Every episode has touching moments and every band member has their own story with themselves, with each other and more importantly, with Seok-ho. Every episode has me emotionally invested 100% and just for that reason alone, I will continue to watch this drama

Still a bit uncomfortable over the Seok Ho - Geu rin loveline, but I am willing to gloss over this for the rest of the episode, lol.


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Still loving this show. The bromances are fun and heartwarming.

I really don't want a triangle between Seok Ho, Ha Neul and Geu rin. That will just get in the way of an otherwise nice story.


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+1 I watch for bromance. I love them all.
No need for love triangle - or no love-line is fine with me.


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I really enjoyed this episode, I'm really starting to enjoy the slow pacing. Jinu is making me worried, poor kid is a victim too and he's so young and lost that it's understandable why he allowed Ha Neul to be convicted of what he thought to be his crime. Especially since he never truly seemed to be able to reconcile with the idea that he'd do something like that (and thank goodness he didn't). I'm still hoping they'll join forces - not asking them to be friends, just work together to bring down the KTop monsters and bring forth the truth (:

I don't know if I'm buying the Geu Rin-Seok Ho loveline, but at least I'm no longer bothered by Ha Neul's crush on her.

Jae Hoon breaking away from his mom was so satisfying. She really needs to rearrange priorities. How some people can say they just want their child to be happy and that's why they push them towards something, yet fail completely to see that they're making that exact child miserable, is something I'll just never get. Yay for a little rebellion! That scene at the university was so odd though - the band were just standing there not talking to each other and the crowd were just standing there staring at them LOL. It seemed pretty akward and unnatural, not to mention unrealistic.

The scene with Seok Ho and Ha Neul in his room was really touching (and this time Minhyuk's crying didn't look weird, yay!). I actually don't think Seok Ho has any involvement in Sung Hyun's death that Ha Neul doesn't know about. Especially as it seemed like Mr. Byun knows some stuff Seok Ho doesn't about it.

Off to watch the next episode!


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Also, I think if anything is going to come between the SH and HN, it's gonna be GR. Hope it doesn't happen, but it probably will and then they'll be friends again and everything will be fine LOL. It is a kdrama after all...


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Do people not like this show? I personally think its fine. It is not crack-worthy, so I take my time with catching up on the episodes, but its not as bad as some of the comments I have seen.
I agree, there is something is off about Hyeri, I cannot put my hands on it. But otherwise, she is fine. She is a new actress, she has a lot to learn. I can accept that. The truth is, her charcacter in Reply 88 did not reply a lot of acting chops. Especially if her character in real life is similar (like in the case of 1997). And a lot of people forget that skills take time. Some people are instant dynamites on the screen, they just blow it out of the park. But some people learn on the job, they have the talent/ skill in them... but they need time to grow and build that skill. I wish we would consider that before bashing someone.

There are however, some people that cannot be helped. And those ones, irritate me to the ends of the earth. Eg, Jin Se Yeon. (Argh! She annoys me!)


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I just find it boring and predictable. I've tried watching it three times. This was the first episode that I watched the whole way through, but the next day I forgot all about it. So I don't know what happened on ep 10. To tell you the truth I'm not too interested.


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The first few minutes of this episode really broke my heart. Omo~ Jinu-yah!!! I got teary eyed when he asked how he and SH became distant :( I wish his and HN's case get resolved soon. I need to see some Suk Ho-hyung competition b/w him and Ha Neul XD Kekekekeke

I actually like this episode X))) I mean they're finally starting to make a move for the GR x SH pairing. But is it just me? I think this drama doesn't need any love line anymore XD I think all the bromances and the 'family love' is enough for me (LOL, although yeah. If there's still a love line, I do support GR x SH. Sorry, it really just feels weird for me if its GR x HN) And anyway, don't you just love that drawing-umbrella-doodle scene? I think it was really sweet and just like what I was pointing out... SH needs someone like GR and GR needs someone like SH. But yeah, I'd go for no love line anytime *insert thumbs up here*

And yup, it's really nice that they'd address JH's issue. I really love this drama a lot :) Although yeah, it was kinda unrealistic, I really loved the scene where JH has to pick b/w his mom and the band. He looked so vulnerable and like a lost kid... then when he went t his mom to say I love you and left, I was like "HA! TAKE THAT! GO OPPA!!" XD XD XD

And also love the Bang Geul Scene XD KEKEKEKE I JUST LOVE HN and Kyle's bickering scenes XD

AND if entertainer's a real idol group what do you guys think are their roles? For me, I think YS fits the leader role. Since he's the oldest and like he's the most understanding of all XD And JH's like the 4D and fake maknae XD HAHAHHAAHHAHA (Since HN is the maknae? If i'm right? Since JH's in college and HN just applied to college?) and lol, I can't seem to think of a role for Kyle? But I imagine him as someone like Hong Ki of FT Island? HAHAHHAHA LOL what about you guys?

Anyway~ Bang Geul... Let's all smile :) KEKEKEKEKE
And Entertainer... more Jinu-oppa please. JUST LET HIM JOIN MANGO ALREADY!!!! HAHAHAHHA KEKEKEKEKEKE ^^ Entertainer, hwaiting ~


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Bang Geul~
Let's all smile~ ♥


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I loved that scene (Bang-geul)! Loved it loved it!! I just enjoy watching them all have fun together, so much.


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Show - no love lines between Seok ho and Geu rin please. That is one love line that does NOT feel organic to the plot and would feel forced down our throats. There's nothing in Geurin's countenance that shows that she views Seok ho as anything but her boss who she's trying to take care of. I would sooner buy a love line between her and Ha Neul, at least that one had time off-screen to develop.

I wish I could say that this is an A class drama, but it isn't. I still like it, though many things about it pulls it away from being anything but a mediocre drama. Anyway, we're more than half way through so I hope for a good resolution to all its issues.


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I know a lot of people ship GR X HN really hard--my heart is fairly torn, myself--but I'm finding it harder to ignore that he just waltzes into her room all the time, whenever he wants. He realizes he has feelings for her, he wants to act on those feelings... dude, you shouldn't be hanging out in her room, sitting on her bed late at night if you feel like that. She's not 13 and can take care of herself.

In contrast, I've been impressed with how careful Seok-ho has been about his feelings for GR. He's always been conscious about her space (ep. 4 outside the convenience store), and the end of this episode. We've all been concerned about the Ji-Sung/Hye-ri age gap, and I think it's worth pointing out that his character is thinking about it too. In the end, I just want GR to know who she really LOVES, and work to be together with that person (Kyle, anyone?)

Other than that, I just want to say how much I love the balance this drama has achieved. It's got some heavy stuff being talked about and could easily feel dreary and the humor inappropriate... but they managed to tie it all together with heart and our band ( :) >.< :) ). The funny blends well with the serious and the heartfelt. Kudos, Entertainer!


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About the first part of your comment - I so agree! However, it's a farily common thing for kdrama leads to do (both men and women) and at least he didn't kiss (always extra creepy). It still always creeps me out lol, but at least it's not Ha Neul's fault, but the kdrama tropes ha.

I also have an issue with how he thinks she would've been scared to sleep alone in a strange place. Dude. She's an adult, not a little girl *eyeroll*


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I was thinking the same thing about the scene when he was watching her sleep! Like come on dude... I feel like he is doing way too much.

I can picture Ha Neul and Geu Rin together more so than her and Seok ho. They come across as more natural. I feel like Geu Rin and Seok ho seem more big brother/little sister than anything else.

They all have such a great family dynamic that I am starting to feel like let's leave the romance out. The story feels more organic without it to me.


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I'm glad Jae-hoon made a choice and joined the band in front of his mom rather than running away like his dad suggested. How frustrating it must've been for him all these years, complying with everything his mom says, not having friends, not being able to smile, that is just cruel. I understand that his mom had her struggles and she worked hard to get where she is now and she wouldn't want her son to go through that but instead of forcing him into studies she should've asked him what he wanted to do. Jae-hoon is a good kid and he's understanding, I'm sure he would've not neglected his studies, he would've only wanted some personal space, some time for himself, to do what he loves and what he enjoys.

I don't think Seok-ho has anything to do with Ha-neul's brother's death. We were told he was away when Sung-hyun died, so I'm thinking CEO Lee did something to him and mr. Byun knows. Maybe Seok-ho feels guilty for not being there and not being able to protect him.

I wish Jinu would tell Seok-ho what he knows and what he doesn't about the incident. He's a victim and alone I don't think he can do anything. I was so happy Ha-neul didn't just leave him there, he was obviously conflicted but he decided to help him out, he said it was for Seok-ho's sake but I'd like to think that maybe he believes him a little. I hope they work together to find who exactly is the master mind behind all of this.

I like how this show gives focus to one charatcter at a time. Each one of our band memebers has a different story but at the end it's all about difficulties and trying to overcome them, realizing that nothing comes easy in life and to achieve your dreams you need to work hard and put lots of effort, it will pay off, it's very heartwarming and satisfying to watch.

Thank you LollyPip for the recap.


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I would like to see SH and GR end up in a non-romantic, respectful mentor/mentored relationship. Very boring but would it be so bad to show a young woman learning her chosen career from an older (but always sexy) man without it ending in a big romance? They are showing her growing and learning but leave it there. Show SH fighting his romantic attachment and winning. Because really, they aren't that good together. Give GR a few years of experience in love and life and then I could see romance between them. GR is just too Green!


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+1 I totally agree with everything you said! :)


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I like the bromance in this show. Seok Ho and Ha Neul's conversation and hug in the beginning was so touching.

I really do not want the love triangle happening though. I don't even see Geu Rin having romantic feelings for either SH or HN. She's better off on her own, focusing on her career.


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Are the kids practicing in the same space as Eye Candy from Shut Up?


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Nope, very different architectural structures. The egg trays on the walls is actually a pretty common thing to do to cheaply soundproof a practice room (in case that's what made you think it's the same (: )


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I started watching this show because I was curious about Ji sung's and Hyeri's loveline, and I am so happy it turned out well. I love their chemistry! What's so wrong about 17 years age gap? Why do people have to judge everything? Can't two people just love each other withour bringing age in between? It's not like she is a minor or something and he is a 60 yr old man. My main reason to watch the show is to see their romance, and I think I am the only one who likes them as a romantic couple.


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You're not alone, I like them together... but I can also easily see her with another band member. I like them all too much, that's the problem. Although now (after ep 9-10) I do think she's best fit with Seok-ho.


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Glad that someone thinks the same way! <3


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!

What a heartwarming ep! So glad that Jaehoon stood up to his mom and finally told her his honestly thoughts. This is a great portrayal of what usually happens in an Asian household and how we should pay more attention to a kid's well-being rather than just focusing on academics.

Haneul and Jinu were both victims and I really hope they will team up to put together the puzzle pieces. I'm glad that Haneul gave Jinu the benefit of the doubt and helped him with his car.

The Seokho-Haneul scene was so touching. Haneul really needs a hyung like Seokho.

I'm liking how the clues are being unravelled one by one. Can't wait to find out the whole story of what really happened.

As for loveline, I don't mind the Seokho-Green pairing. I find their bickering funny and I like how the green umbrella doodle touched Seokho's heart. I think they complement each other and it must be so reassuring for Seokho to see that someone's got his back.


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I'm watching this in March 2017 but wanted to comment. I am enjoying it so far and love the brotherly love between the band members. I absolutely love Ji Sung in pretty much everything he's done and he doesn't disappoint here. But I've been thinking for the last few episodes that this show doesn't actually need a romance and I've been hoping they weren't going to go in that direction. I personally don't see any chemistry between Seok Ho and Geu Rin, not romantically anyway so I hope the show doesn't try to force that. For me their relationship feels brother/sister. If there absolutely HAS to be a romance I'd be happier with Geu Rin and Ha Neul. Anyway, I will keep watching and see what happens!


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