Chief Kim: Episode 18

This show just keeps getting better and better with its character moments, treating every member of its cast with depth, sympathy, and love. As Sung-ryong swoops in to save Yul, we see that even in our darkest times of need, there’s always a friend to help you out – even if that friend used to be the world’s worst, most evil, most annoying guy just a few days ago.


Having successfully saved Yul, Yul’s white-haired minion throws the bad guys into his van. Sung-ryong finally asks his name, which we learn is Park In-hyuk, but Yul yells at him to hurry up before they can get any chummier.

As he drives, Sung-ryong smugly explains to Yul how they saved him: In-hyuk had put a tracker in Yul’s candy bar after seeing the file Sung-ryong sent him. Sung-ryong tells Yul not to give in so easily, but Yul assures him that he doesn’t plan to. Sung-ryong offers to buy him some time while he comes up with a plan, and while Yul is uncomfortable with Sung-ryong’s talk of being a “team,” it’s clear that he’ll need the help.

When they return to the Prosecutor’s Office, the entrance is crowded with reporters who leap up at the sight of Yul. Sung-ryong gets out of the car first to show the reporters the four tied-up thugs in the van. Sung-ryong dramatically cries out that Yul didn’t flee – he was abducted, and this whole situation was a scheme to frame him.

Yul finally gets out of the car, ignoring the cameras as the prosecutors escort him into the building. When Sung-ryong implores him for a word before he leaves, however, Yul gives the reporters the world’s meekest, quietest “Aja!” (lol), which Sung-ryong magnifies into a vow to reveal the truth. As Yul leaves, Sung-ryong explains how he was abducted on live television. At home, Ha-kyung and Kwang-sook watch Sung-ryong’s energetic display in amazement.

Yul returns to the interrogation room, where Prosecutor Moon insincerely laments Yul’s close call. At Yul’s flippant attitude, however, Prosecutor Moon demands to know why Yul is so confident. Yul just smirks, telling him that spoilers are no fun.

Outside, Prosecutor Moon’s boss tells him not to move Yul to the detention center yet – with the reporters requesting coverage of Yul’s abduction, the prosecutors’ investigation will look suspicious if they send Yul away now. Meanwhile, in his office, Yul wracks his brain for a plan.

By the next day, the media is rife with articles accusing Yul of accounting fraud, and Sung-ryong groans to himself that he made a scene for nothing. Even Business Operations is horrified by the scale of accusations against him. Ha-kyung sits in pensive silence, recalling how Yul said he ate so quickly because he was afraid someone would steal his food.

In Chairman Park’s office, Executive Director Jo reports that she just managed to block Sung-ryong’s rampage from the media but promises to get rid of him immediately. Chairman Park tells her to make the announcement of an “emergency reformation.”

At Business Operations, the team gathers around the TV for the announcement. Executive Director Jo explains that due to the severity of the situation, the board has been forced to come up with a three-part emergency reformation plan. First, she says, TQ will lay off 287 employees. Second, use of cell phones and personal computers is now prohibited. And third, employee benefits will be temporarily suspended.

Director Chu rushes to the list of layoffs, and sure enough, he finds his name among them. He collapses into his chair in dismay, burying his face in his hands. The team watches, helpless.

At home, a panicked Madam Jang tries to organize an emergency board meeting, but is informed that the unthinkable has happened: since this morning, eight board members have been charged by the Prosecutor’s Office for illegal bribes and stock management. She falls into a chair in horror.

Meanwhile, Prosecutor Moon informs a shocked Prosecutor Han that Chief Lee’s evidence is not admissible due to unreliability. Prosecutor Han asks whether he’s accusing him of forging evidence, but Prosecutor Moon just tells him that Yul will be transferred to the detention center tomorrow.

After everyone leaves, Sung-ryong finds Director Chu alone in the office, head hung in defeat. Sung-ryong urges him to fight as they have been doing until now, but Director Chu shakes his head – he’s been gathering information on layoffs for years, and he can tell there’s no way out of this one.

Ga-eun tearily calls Sung-ryong to say that Chief Lee’s evidence will probably be discarded. The team laments the news, knowing how much Chief Lee risked to protect that evidence. Even when Sung-ryong tries to reason with Prosecutor Han, he tells him it’s a lost cause.

When Chairman Park returns home, Madam Jang demands to know how many people will have to bleed for him to stay on top. Chairman Park tells her that this is just the way of competition and survival and warns her not to try using her shares to do anything, or else her board members will suffer. Madam Jang collapses to the ground in despair, and Myung-suk runs to her side, swearing at his father.

Meanwhile, Sung-ryong returns home to hear Director Chu calling his daughter, cheerily pretending that nothing’s wrong. Aw.

The next morning, Yul eats a hearty breakfast at the Prosecutor’s Office, noting to himself that his plan is complete. Later, in the hallway, Ga-eun passes by a closely guarded Yul, who gives Ga-eun a frantic signal. She’s confused, but when he loudly fakes a stomachache and runs into the bathroom, she catches his meaning and runs off.

Disguised as a cleaning lady, Ga-eun enters the men’s restroom to talk to Yul. He has two things to say: First, he wants her to tell Sung-ryong to come see him before 11 a.m., no matter what. The second task is for Ga-eun herself, but we don’t get to hear it.

Over the phone, Ga-eun tells Sung-ryong that Yul needs to meet him. He leaps out of the office in joy, all fired up. At the Prosecutor’s Office, Sung-ryong wracks his brain with Prosecutor Han and Ga-eun for a way to get into Yul’s room.

The next thing we know, Sung-ryong appears in the Prosecutor’s Office dressed in priestly garb with a Bible in his hand. LOL. As Yul stares with an incredulous expression, Prosecutor Han explains to Prosecutor Moon that Sung-ryong’s a priest praying for criminals. They’re met with some pushback, but the office eventually gives in.

So Sung-ryong, Yul, and Prosecutor Han sit in a fake prayer circle to whisper about Yul’s plan. Sung-ryong isn’t convinced that it’s enough – even if Yul gets out of prison, he’ll simply be attacked again. Sung-ryong promises to think of something.

Catching the prosecutor’s suspicious gaze, the trio leaps up to exorcise the gluttonous sins out of Yul’s body, and Sung-ryong sends him off to the detention center with hymns.

Sung-ryong details the plan to Ha-kyung, who agrees that Yul will need a suit of armor to protect him from Chairman Park after he gets out of the detention center. Meanwhile, Ga-eun yawns in her office late at night, using her wiretap to do her part of Yul’s plan.

At home, Sung-ryong and Director Chu watch TV over fried chicken. Sung-ryong asks for suggestions on a plan, but Director Chu is too busy watching his favorite movie, New World. Sung-ryong sighs at his lack of interest before turning to the TV, where a scene gives him an idea.

He relays the idea to Ha-kyung, who notes that it’d be great if it works, but it’s too risky – she doubts that Yul and Prosecutor Han will be in support of it. Still, she agrees that it’s high risk, high return, and offers to get Kwang-sook’s help too.

So Kwang-sook delivers some fresh coffee to some female employees, taking the opportunity to tell them some new rumors about Yul’s arrest: “Yul actually came to TQ for a special purpose—…” The girls listen closely.

Myung-suk stops Sung-ryong in the halls to ask for some advice. He tells him that he wants to help Business Operations, but he can’t figure out how. Sung-ryong assures him that he’s valuable just by being on their side, and then notes that he’s becoming more and more like his mother when he was just like his father before. Myung-suk scowls at the implication.

Ga-eun calls to say that she’s finished her work, and Sung-ryong grins: that marks phase one of Operation: Rescue Gluttonous Sociopath. The first step is to show the corrupt that they have all their information.

Accountant Lee picks up a call from an unknown number to hear… a recording of himself. The recording is evidence of his transferring funds to Taipans Bank. Through a voice changer, the caller tells him that his lies have caused an innocent person to take the blame; he has twenty-four hours to fix his ways.

The terrified Accountant Lee demands to know who’s speaking, but the person doesn’t answer. We see that it’s Ha-kyung, talking through a voice-changing, untraceable cell phone given to her by Ga-eun.

Meanwhile, Ga-eun finishes sorting all of the wiretap recordings of Yul’s room by person and content.

The next targets are Executive Director Jo and Chairman Park, but Sung-ryong notes that she’s so loyal that she’ll take the blame if something happens. Director Go is also loyal, Ha-kyung says, but he has a weakness: he’s easily persuaded.

Director Chu meets with Director Go to ask him to reconsider his layoff, but he doesn’t budge. Before he leaves, Director Chu notes: “Myung-suk from our office said that Chairman Park said something about you…”

To reinforce the claim, Director Chu and Myung-suk speak loudly in the halls, saying that Chairman Park called Director Go a parasite who never does his job right. Myung-suk sighs that his father doesn’t care about hard work, and says that he plans to kick Director Go out soon.

Sung-ryong talks with Ha-kyung about Phase Two: maximize the fear they created in Phase One. Sung-ryong notes that she’s learned so much, and Ha-kyung insists that she came up with this herself.

Next, Director Chu talks loudly with Manager Lee in the halls, knowing that Accountant Lee is eavesdropping. They gossip that Yul refuses to go down by himself and will take Accountant Lee or Director Go down with him, but that if someone whistle-blows, he won’t take down the whistle-blower. Myung-suk does the same with Director Go, pushing him to whistle-blow.

That afternoon, Director Go meets with Accountant Lee, the atmosphere tense and suspicious. Director Go notes that Accountant Lee is more in danger since he did most of the dirty work, but Accountant Lee retorts that Director Go is in charge of Financial Management.

Sung-ryong visits Yul at the detention center, snickering at how he looks in the inmate uniform with his un-primped hair. When Yul asks about the progress of the plan, Sung-ryong tells him that they seem ready to move by tomorrow.

They bicker at each other through the glass divide, with Yul swearing to punish Sung-ryong to death as soon as he gets out. Sung-ryong gives him a kiss, fogging up the glass, and Yul screams: “Stop with the kissing already!” Lol.

Myung-suk gives a depressed Director Chu an expensive bottle of wine and an apology for his suffering as the whole office looks on with a proud smile. When Myung-suk returns to his desk, Sang-tae offers to split his work today, though he’s quick to go back to bullying him.

Accountant Lee receives another voice-changed call and wiretap recording of himself, telling him to whistle-blow. Meanwhile, Executive Director Jo informs Chairman Park and Director Go that there might be an undercover employee at TQ. Chairman Park erupts at Director Go for not knowing about this beforehand.

Accountant Park runs to Accountant Lee’s desk to tell him about the rumor that Kwang-sook has been spreading: Yul resigned the prosecution to carry out an undercover investigation of TQ, but Chairman Park found out and attacked him first. Now, he’s only pretending to be locked up as a cover.

Director Go leaves Chairman Park’s office in a daze, convinced that Yul was undercover. Now believing that Chairman Park was never on his side, he resolves to take him down first. Accountant Lee realizes the same, and leaves his desk with a sealed envelope.

Ha-kyung tells Sung-ryong that Director Go and Accountant Lee will probably give in today. Sung-ryong prepares to tell Prosecutor Han and Yul about the plan.

Director Go runs into Accountant Lee by the elevators, each realizing the other is on the way to whistle-blow. They race for the elevators to be the first to get there.

Sung-ryong explains “Operation: Spread the Rumor that Yul is Undercover” to Prosecutor Han and Ga-eun, saying that it will protect Yul from Chairman Park after he gets out. They ask why Sung-ryong wants to protect Yul so much, and Sung-ryong says that even bad guys deserve a second chance – he wasn’t a model citizen in the past, either. Satisfied with his explanation, they agree to help.

Meanwhile, Ha-kyung asks Madam Jang for her help, and she agrees to do so if Sung-ryong and Ha-kyung both trust that it’s the right thing to do. Sung-ryong shares this news with Prosecutor Han and Ga-eun, musing that it is a little weird to help Yul. But Prosecutor Han says that Yul isn’t all bad – he might be a gluttonous sociopath, but back in the day, he would sometimes give him candy bars.

Accountant Lee and Director Go stumble into the Prosecutor’s Office with their respective evidence against Chairman Park, both yelling that they were first. Prosecutor Moon demands to know what’s going on, and they tell him that Chairman Park was behind all of the accounting fraud. They start yelling, each insisting that they know more about TQ’s fraud.

Prosecutor Han and Sung-ryong stroll into the room at that moment, applauding the two whistle-blowers, and Prosecutor Han grins smugly at Prosecutor Han: “It looks like you’ll have to restart the investigation!” At Business Operations, Ha-kyung tells the office the good news, and Myung-suk smiles to himself.

Prosecutor Han finally gives the Chief Prosecutor the evidence against TQ. The Chief Prosecutor is furious that he didn’t tell him that Yul was an undercover prosecutor, especially since they could be penalized for this kind of operation. Prosecutor Han apologizes, saying that he had to keep it a secret.

The chief prosecutor orders them to release Yul, but to put the indictment against Chairman Park on hold – until they can come up with better evidence than the (very illegal) wiretap recordings that they have, they can’t make a case.

At the Han River, Sung-ryong greets a newly released Yul with a block of tofu, which Yul refuses to eat. They sit on the riverbank as Sung-ryong explains Operation: Undercover Yul, but Yul is entirely opposed to it, saying that it’s humiliating to get help from the ideals he betrayed. Sung-ryong, however, notes that he should see this as an opportunity to change himself.

Sung-ryong notes that when he became Mr. Righteous, it wasn’t on purpose – he slipped on some ice and accidentally became a hero. “These unlikely coincidences tend to change people’s lives. Why not use this one to change yours?” Yul sighs, saying that he’s gone too far to come back, but Sung-ryong can tell that he’s not being truthful – he wants to come back, but he’s scared. Yul gets up and leaves.

As Yul walks home that night, he receives a call from Ha-kyung congratulating him for his release. She asks to meet for a bit, and they find themselves at a virtual baseball zone. They play against each other, cheering and teasing each other from behind the fence. So. Cute.

Yul eventually wins, and they have a cup of tea in the lounge afterward. Yul isn’t stupid, however, and guesses that Ha-kyung lost on purpose. When he asks why, Ha-kyung says, “You like to win, and I wanted both of us to have fun, even if I had to lose.”

She tells him that she was initially reluctant to get to know Yul – not because she didn’t like him, but because she was afraid. Yul just nods, as if he expected that, but she continues to say that after meeting him a few times, the fear disappeared. She holds out a fist for him to bump and tells him that she looks forward to getting closer to them.

Yul walks home, mulling over Ha-kyung and Sung-ryong’s words about changing himself. Making a decision, he pulls out his phone to contact Sung-ryong.

Yul goes to find Sung-ryong at the Business Operations department late at night, telling him that he’s ready to take down Chairman Park.

The next morning, Chairman Park walks through TQ when he’s stopped by Go and Gu law firm. They inform him that the board has filed a complaint against him and has appointed two gentlemen to supervise the complaint. Chairman Park turns to the door, where Yul and Sung-ryong stroll in, side by side.


So great. So fun. So satisfying. This show always treats its viewers with intelligence and respect, knowing that it can’t reuse its tricks and antics, and instead draws upon strong character development and fun writing to keep us invested. Each episode executes its plans differently (save for the clever and psychologically unbeatable hero to carry them out). Through this whole episode, for example, we know that a plan is going on, but we aren’t told exactly what it is – and honestly, it doesn’t matter. Instead, the focus is put on the team members, both old and new, and how they interact with each other. It’s an especially well-executed tactic as the show winds down to its finale, since it takes advantage of the viewers’ evolved relationship with each of the cast members, warmly embracing their individual strengths. The gossipy, lovable, loyal-since-day-one Kwang-sook contributes with her outgoing personality; the morally awoken Myung-suk does his best to support his newfound ideals; and our newest team member, Yul, is slowly learning to be a better person as he’s saved by the very people he was trying to destroy.

And how great was it that Yul was the driving force behind the mission this time? Yul’s long-awaited change of heart was more satisfying than I was expecting – with all the evil things he’s done, I was starting to become afraid that he might be well on his way past the point of redemption. But Chief Kim is a show that emphasizes forgiveness and warmth to its characters most of all – the very premise of the show lies in Sung-ryong’s resolve to change himself, after all – and it gave our antagonist the same forgiving treatment. I love that Yul himself seems to be constantly surprised by the kindness he’s given, not only by Ha-kyung but by Sung-ryong, and by proxy, the rest of their team of TQ friends and prosecutors as well. He might have grown up in an environment where he had to eat quickly to survive, but in a land with friends like Sung-ryong and Ha-kyung, that isn’t necessary: they can share.

I’m also very happy that this episode touched on Sung-ryong’s feelings about being Mr. Righteous. After all, it was a mistake on an icy day that got Sung-ryong involved in this fight against TQ, not a sudden and heroic decision to change his life. It’s almost as if life itself pushed him into meeting his potential; without that fateful coincidence, perhaps Sung-ryong would never have changed his ways or realized his unique and unmatched strengths as a man for the people. By immersing himself at TQ, Sung-ryong was able to realize that he could apply his special skills to something constructive and good, and thanks to him, an entire company and culture has begun to change. I’m willing to guess that he’s a lot happier now than he was back in Gunsan – life may have more headaches, roadblocks, and threats than before, but he’s able to contribute to something he’s proud of. With that kind of satisfaction under his belt, is it any wonder that he’d want the same for Yul?

In a sense, Sung-ryong is a sort of father figure in the team, “adopting” these little lost, misguided puppies back into hopeful optimism. Kwang-sook was the first, Ha-kyung, Director Chu, and the rest of Business Operations next, then Ga-eun, Myung-suk, and Prosecutor Han, and now finally Yul – and as his team of do-gooders expands each episode, we’re reminded that a good fight is hard work and slow progress. And if change toward progress takes a person at a time, so be it – it can only mean more love in the future.


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So excited to see Sung-Ryong and Yul take down the chairman! That last shot this episode had me fist-bumping the air. Hooray! I love how Yul seems to be changing. Junho is KILLING this role. I've never loved a "villain" so much before. Other notes:

-Myung-suk is my new favorite. I love his wardrobe, too. I feel like a proud parent?!
-Ga-eun singing "Cherry Blossoms" by Busker Busker is such a nice touch. Also, nice throwback to when she was mopping back in the beginning of the drama.
-But WHO IS SILVER HAIRED DUDE? There's gotta be more to him, since SR had a conversation and found out he's year of the sheep.
-Puppy Yul! <3 <3 <3
-I can't wait for the finale this week! Chief Kim, fighting!


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Also, thank you hanshimi for the recap!


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Haha Ga-Eun sang Cherry Blossoms in the episode where she gifts Seo Yul with that tiny USB fridge with the recorder. Until he gave her a stony look.

But seriously, I initially thought Key of SHINee styled Myung-Seok. His stuff are like a ready to wear version of Dream Girl era costumes.


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Yep, once again I'm reminded of "History of a Salaryman" and the way the sides of Lee Bum-soo's past not-so-good guy and Jung Gyu-woon's not-so-good guy team up and I'm finding it almost as gratifying as I did in "Salaryman." There are some lagging moments in "Chief Kim," but on the whole I find that its energy makes for an entertaining watch. I'm especially liking the way Myeong-seok the maknae is getting a do-over thanks to the time spent with this team.


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This episode was satisfying on so many different levels!

My heart can finally rest easy, now that I now Yul is no longer traversing a dark and dangerous path. I would not have been surprised had he turned out to be fully bad, but with all the hints the show gave us of his humanity or conscience, it would have been a little painful to digest.

His scene with Sung Ryong was touching. We the audience know that Sung Ryong made a choice to be consciously good. But Yul does not know that and at times like these, it always helps to have someone lead the way and show you that you can change. I love that Sung Ryong shared his experience with Yul and lets him know that it is not too late, and that it will be alright. He needed to hear that and who better to hear it from, the very person who experience the same thing!

And I must say, what a difference a hairstyle makes. With his impeccably gelled and controlled hair, he looks so poised. But with his hair all floppy, he looks so young and lost!

I just want to take Madam Jang's walking stick and beat the Chairman. He really is insufferable and I love that Myung Seok is so very uncomfortable with the man his father his and is fully on his mother's side and wants to contribute more!

I love that along with Sung Ryong and Yul, Myung Seok too has had a chance to grow and change paths, so to speak. It's definitely a good lesson about how our futures are not set in stone. You can make a choice, any time to turn back and go down a different road.

I cracked up at the way Director Go and Accountant Lee were racing each other to be whistleblowers. The way the Business Operations team played them like fiddles was hilarious as well. Director Go's face being like a parasite in particular gave me a laughing fit!

The part of the episode that truly made me squeal with happiness though was the Yul/Ha-Kyung part. Oh my word, my day was made when I saw that scene! Who knows if there is going to romantic intent going forward but I feel like this scene definitely cemented the beginning of a friendship. It was so nice to see Yul enjoy himself, without worrying and it was so nice to Ha-Kyung view Yul in a different light, one where he's fun and excitable, and generally cute all around! I also appreciated the fact that she played a role in Save Yul plan and gave him some food for thought.

And last but not the least, Sung Ryong and Yul's entry in the final scene was SO.CUTE. Formerly villainous bros for the win!

I cannot wait to see how the final two episodes will wrap up!


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SQUEEEE!! My ship was rescued from the bottom of the sea!! However, it's a different kind of ship now... slower and steadier. Instead of a Yul-Ha Kyung romance the drama has shown us the beginning of a solid friendship. If he asks her out by the end, or we just get an open ending (seems likely), I will still be happy imagining their future. This is not one drama where the heroine falls for a rude jerk (she's stronger than we are lol) :)

Puppy Yul in bowl hair, stuffing his face while cheering from outside the baseball cage = me grinning from ear to ear *replays it for 10th time* :D


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I completely agree. In many ways, a friendship is better than a last-second ship. Friendship stablises a foundation and makes things better all around.

Lolol, Ha-Kyung is not an easy woman to impress. She takes her time!

Puppy Yul was the cutest. Just so carefree and happy! :D


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This episode is so full of win, with both a lot of heart and hijinx. I can't decide which LOL moment was my favorite - the weak, high-pitched Aja from Yul or SR dressed as a priest or the series of tricks the entire team did to get the two baddies to out themselves?


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Yup, these 2 moments were one of my favourites too. Yul's squeaky Aja, Chief Kim pretending to be a priest and Yul in prison garb putting his palm against Chief Kim at the detention center (only to have Chief Kim remove his palm to tease him).


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When Yul was putting his hand up to meet Sungryong's at the jail, I was thinking, don't do it! And then I cringed so hard in embarrassment for Yul.

I'm pretty sure they had to cut that scene a little short because Yul was cracking up a bit when he was screaming at SR to stop the kisses. These two are comedy gold.


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Your comment made me think best friend~!! same thoughts.


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Lots of funny moments this ep, but the best one for me was when Yul and Sung Ryong quickly eyeballed each other in the car as they were driving away from Yul's rescue. It was such a small little beat, but hilarious. XD


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Lol yesss, momentarily wondering just when they became a team and then both playing it off as a necessary evil to defeat the enemy lmao. I love that part.


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I loved his smart-ass "Thank you, thank you, thanks, thanks, thanks, are you happy now?" :cracks up:


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I will be back to squee in delight later, but one thing for now: Operation Undercover Yul is just genius. Here we were thinking 'is Yul undercover or not?' Turns out he never was, but is now forced to act like it. Aja? Amen! Hallelujah! I'm laughing all over again...


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I guess the writer read our comments about undercover Yul and decided to force him to be undercover for his fans poor heart.

We all loved Yul and it's hard for us to watch him be a real villain because we never took his villainous attitude seriously lol.


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Haha, I wonder, or did the writer always intend it? Now that I think back, the grayness of Yul's character was a clever setup for Operation Undercover Prosecutor... we audience were duped as now the rest of the world is being duped. :P

I really took him seriously as a villain around episode 13, and accepting that broke my little fan heart. But then we had the hospital scene and my hope was revived. His character journey was never smooth, which is probably why it's the most compelling for me.


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I feel like the writer intended it since it seems like the writer has had a good grip on how to plot things out. It took me till episode 17 to accept that he was never really undercover when Chairman Park gave him control of all these secreted assets and new responsibilities and Yul looked like he was relishing the new power and all those denials that he was being used as a scapegoat.


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The writer is smart, i am looking forward to his next drama he's becoming one of my favorite writers.

I this he wrote Good Doctor and Blood


I know right? I love the fact that things that we expect to happen did happen but in an unexpected way. How brilliant is the writer?


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How that I can't hate any character in this show except the dirty chairman of course, in this episode i liked the prosecutor he's cute too awww.


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I'm continually impressed with how this drama uses the side characters and make them endearing and useful in such a short span of time. First we got our heroes in the official poster. The KwangSook. Then the circle expanded to include the Business Operations Team and Cleaning Lady. Then Myung Seok and the Go and Gu lawyers. And now prosecutor Han.


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me too. since episode 17, there is a bit prosecutor han's scene. and I love the way he expressed his unsatisfied toward chief prosecutor


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All the little bits... like telling Prosecutor Han "your hair looks really good with the helmet off" ... it's just all so well-written. Despite a 4 episode sorta extension!


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Who saw the Slam Dunk reference at the end of the episode? :D


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This show makes a lot of references. Did anyone pick up the Sister Act reference when he pretended to be a priest? I laughed my butt off. Hahaha


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I did! I couldn't help singing along to the song too. That pastor scene was so unexpected, replayed it many times. Yul's face was the icing on the cake - he was so done with Sung Rong


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Yul's reaction is the best thing ever...He knows he is bat crazy and pulls off the craziest stuff all the time yet he is always astounished by what he does...


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I hadn't catch it but their it is true that Seung Ryong is a genius of his own!


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I have a feeling Namgung Min has a quite a bit of input in his characters. Its probably the 5th or 6th drama of his I have watched over the years, and when he's not playing a murderous killah, he tends to have a good bromance with his male co-actors. Be it Can you Hear My Heart to Gong Shim to this one.

That said, I sincerely wanted Chief Kim to sing "ADTOY" to Seo Yul at some point, I mean, hasn't he already claimed SY as his.


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What a great episode...This week episodes were totally Yul focus and his arc...Loved the way Sung Ryong gave him his hand and told him now it's his chance to turn around and go back and correct his life even now...That sometimes people do take a wrong path yet they deserve a chance to redeem their lives,that even bad guys do,that it's never to late as long as one wants it...Loved how SR and HG choose to give him another chance and saw the good in him,even when Yul himself doubted it and asked CEO Jang to take him by their side,just like she took SR once...

Loved the moment between SR&Yul at Han River when he told Yul that this whole fake thing that he is a Prosecutor Undercover(way to take everyone's speculation about Yul and make it true,in other ways along Yul blank moment at the crazy story jajja)another chance for him to turn back to the days when he was fighting for Justice,to be a good man and telling him how he became Mr. Righteous,by chance...And that Yul actually really wants to return to his former self yet he is afraid to do it...Love,love the bromance between him and SR and maybe he will realize more later there are actually more people who respect and care for him if he didn't yet...

SR really is a beagle,so full of energy and talking sooo much...in some ways Yul really needed a friend like him,taking him out of his confort zone just as much as HG who is such an amazing women...Their moment was also endering when she told him her impression and that in the future they could become friends.

We have this two,one became Mr. Righteous and a Global Celebrity and i can see now all the Aspiring Juinor Prosecutors and inside people looking up at Yul and becoming a Legend,"the Brave Prosecutor who went all alone for the sake of eradicating Corruption"(with the BGM" Eun-in,Eun-in")...Love the writer so much!!!

Without doubt the soul of this drama are his people and the emotion that comes from it,that they feel real,not entirely bad nor good(Except D to the O)...Each and everyone tells a story and has their on porpouse aside from being just there....Bring on the last to episodes!!!

by the way those two really need to win the couple award at the end of the year!!!


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Also seeing Yul maybe for the very first time smile genuinely when he told SR to team up and get Chairman Park


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"accidentaly become hero"!!! I laughed hard when he say it again. I miss that screen. I wish I could be come one by accident too. but that is impossible. only sung ryong could become one with accident.
Also seeing yul smile with sung ryong for the first time. Interesting.


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I wish I have coincidence accident like that. I like SR's quotes 'A big coincidence can changes your life.


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Yes, Yul on Team Good Guys! To be honest I hope he doesn't stay on this team forever, because it's so much fun when he and SR are better as frenemies, as in they like to fight with each other but they don't allow anyone else to come between their squabbles and can present a united front against a common enemy.

I'm just waiting for Yul to get his revenge for all SR's kissy faces. I can imagine this drama ending by Yul catching SR off guard, like planting a big one on SR in the company lobby then just nonchalantly strolling off to the elevators and leaving SR to deal with the embarrassing aftermath. Imagine the rumors that would fly after that, especially since Yul and SR working together when they should be enemies will probably confound most of the employees anyway. The ultimate revenge, lol!


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Or SY finally catching him for the alleged crimes he committed in Gunsan for the mob, and meeting him outside prison with a block of tofu.

He did say he had trouble figuring out how Chief Kim cooked his books back then. After seeing him first hand, he might have figured out the methods.

OR I will take that SR-SY popo and sail my spaceship.


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That would be the best thing ever!


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SungRyong and prosecutor Han reaching to find reasons to justify wanting to save Yul killed me lmao. He's not a total monster if he gives you candy once lol. For a guy so hell-bent on being alone and arrogant, Yul sure does have a quite a number of loyal people at his side. Prosecutor Han may be a bit dim as a prosecutor, but he's a sweetheart for still wanting to save his senior.

Using the undercover story as an armor for Yul is absolutely genius. It's such a good trope and I still can't believe this show managed to take it and spin it in a whole new way. Quite possibly my favourite thing is how bewildered Yul was at the idea. He may have done a lot of bad things, but I do appreciate him never being a hypocrite. He wasn't lying about thinking that he was trash, and SungRyong and HaKyung taking turns telling him change was possible was such a wonderful and organic way of turning Yul's character. I really love what SR said about faking goodness until it becomes true for you.

The best thing about this episode is how they really managed to combine the best of Yul and SR. Yul really is the smarts of the show, and he was the one to figure out how to save his own skin, but SR's heart and unconventional ways was what ultimately led to a real out for Yul and a way for him to truly change, and I just love how seamlessly these two things blended together. They truly are complimentary, and I love it so much.


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Haha, though Yul was hell-bent on being alone, miserable and powerful, he did a few tiny things that made these people root for him:
1) He saved Chief Kim: like it or no, he earned himself CK's gratitude, and a lot of kisses.
2) He was honest to Ha Kyung, a person who values the truth above everything. And showed her glimpses of his true puppy self.
3) Prosecutor Han: um, gave him a chocolate bar? He must be just very loyal to Yul lol.

I don't know if Business Operations could handle having an alpha character like Yul around, but I'd love to see him stroll in and get into a petty fight with Myung Suk over a desk. Can't wait until Wednesday! :D


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"Come back and be good again."
"I've come too far to go back."
"What do you mean? All you need to do is a u-turn. You're just afraid."

THANK YOU. Finally someone in dramaland who doesn't accept "I've come too far" as a legit excuse!


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Totally loved this episode. Our good guys are rallying and recruiting for the greater good.

Namgoong Min looks like he is having the time of his life. At the beginning of the show it seemed like he was a bit too crazy to be a real person. But at this point, I have no doubt that somewhere in the world there really is a Chief Kim with a big personality and a good heart.

The scenes in the prosecutor's office of Chief Kim's spiritual ministering were hilarious. And also his visit to Seo Yul in detention. The almost romantic meeting of hands separated by the glass turned into a complete fake-out. So many jokes at SY's expense only to end with a kiss on the glass. LOL
I don't know how they get through some of these scenes. Junho is doing a great job pulling his weight in this show.

A plot question: What is a Declaration of Conscience?
In this case is it only a withdrawal of previous testimony against Seo Yul?
I assumed, since they were mentioned as whistle blowers, that Director Lee and Go were bringing evidence that could be used against the CEO that would prove the information in the wiretapping. So I was confused as to why they couldn't indict the boss. I guess I assumed that is what was in their envelops.


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I'm hoping Chief Kim and his team can hit a home run and not only bring down CEO Park and Director Jo, but also shoot down that old crow Elder from his lofty power perch.


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I had the thought that maybe the sudden introduction of the Elder is a set up for a second season. They can get rid of the Chairman but still have more reason to fight than ever by the revelation there is a bigger baddie!


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Very fun episode, can't wait for the last 2 episodes


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Thanks for the lovely recap... Makes me laugh all over again thinking back on the scenes. Love this episode and the love/hate bromance between Chief Kim & Yul.
Really looking forward to the last 2 episodes wondering if Yul will join them in the basement office (if yes, where shall he sit?) or can he remain in his own office?
Would love to watch Yul awkwardly fitting in with the rest of the team in the basement and regret his decision in not giving them an office on the 17th floor earlier, hahahaha....


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I think Business Ops will end up getting an office on the 17th floor xD


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Thanks for the recap, hanshimi. Really liked your comments at the end there, they sum up nicely why I love this show.


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I am late but just to say I love this epi so much!


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Your conclusion that Chief Kim is the father figure to the whole team members is an excellent analysis, hanshimi-shi. Throughout the end of episode 18, I started to doubt the role of Chief Kim in the company and to what extent his antics affects the corrupts, since the more he fights the higher the corrupts that he will face. Then, you pointed out that his presence is to make people have faith in the good, and to keep fighting the evil no matter what it takes. Chief Kim is indeed the core of the story, and his personal growth shines on the people around him.


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Yul! Welcome to the team!


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I jus needed to say that I really really really like this wacky and heartwarming drama. Looking forward to the finale. I hope Morpheus and Neo make another appearance to round up the party! (+ another wacky mime hopefully?)


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I watched this episode without subs, and got really excited when "Seo" and "undercover" were mentioned together several times. Aaaaand then I saw the subs.

Well, dang. Guess I was incorrect about Yul. But I love that Chief Kim spun this story and then made it true, giving Yul the chance to turn back around.

And I loved the sweetener from Ha-Kyung, where she (essentially) lets him know that she's interested if he continues this u-turn back to the light side of the force.

One of the things I like about this series is the visual component of the narrative. The show-runners show us layers and layers about each character every time they appear on-screen. For example: the actor playing Seo looks about 12 without his power suit. So we got to see him stripped of his armor, vulnerable and looking like a kid - a defiant, angry, smart-ass kid, but still....just a kid. Sung-ryong also has his 'armor' - but his is the armor of a small-town grifter because that's his comfort zone. And as the series has gone on, it's become less of a comfort zone, and more of a costume. But the best part is, Ha-Kyung has none of this. She is what she is: competent, uncomplicated, down-to-earth - and we see that in the way she stays the same no matter who she's speaking to, no matter what the situation. So much character info with so little effort.


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Just chiming in to say I agree with your comment about the visual component of the narrative. The show uses costuming very well to play up characters and I really love that about the show! And yes, Ha-Kyung's clothes reflect who she is, straight and to the point, no secrets to hide.


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Now, maybe I'm not up on fashion, but to me Ha-Kyung's wardrobe comes off as a bit old-fashioned - elegant and sensible and businesslike. Which contrasts beautifully with Yul's shark-like power suits, and Sung-ryong's more loose-y goose-y style.


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thanks for the recap hanshimi:)

cried a little when myung-suk gave the wine to Dir Chu, he knows he can't help him but as SR mentioned, 'being-there' might just be good enough.

hilarious episode all around but the sequence of SR playing the pastor to get Yul out, thumping his back, to the amen in the end, so funny...

HK & Yul finally had their baseball meet-up!!! she mentioned this in the earlier epi, can't remember which one, but it was sweet of her to 'lose' just coz Yul loves to win. her advice was very meaningful due to the fact that it really applies to real life. that's one of the best advice i've gotten when i started working, pick your own battles coz you can't win every single time. but if you win the most important ones without compromising your ideals, then it would be more meaningful.

hence, that's why i luv this drama!!! it's not preachy with the way the characters discovered a way to be 'good,' as SR mentioned he just slipped in the ice, he really didn't intend to be mr. righteous. and to remember that there will be good people to show you the way, from HK/Dir Chu to SR. SR mentoring myung-seok & now rescuing Yul... loyalty wins also!!! SR started off with kwang-sook, now he has the whole BO team on his side, even ga-eun & the prosecutor.

i've searched the writer for this drama, would anybody recommend any of his previous works... thanks in advance!


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there are a lot motivation/ advice I got from this drama.


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I had watched 4 times this episode but still did not get boring. cant believe this week is final week, how fast time flies. I really hope chief lee's case have it answer and anyone who involved in chief lee's attempted murder will get punishment. and whoever accept bribe to save Chairman get punishment too include chief prosecutor. and I hope writer tell us about relationship between him and his minion.


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I feel this drama doesn't get all the love it deserves because of the lack of apparent romance between lead male-female. I find it refreshing personally, sacrifice the focus on romance in order to focus on solving the corporate corruption issue. That way the side characters get a better development and longer screen time.

At first going into this, I was sort of reminded of History of Salaryman. While it still is being one of my fave kdramas, I find Chief Kim to be equally entertaining on a different spectrum. While Salaryman has apparent story arches, Chief Kim focuses on one problem and used it for character development. (honestly I thought they would've scrapped the Chief Lee plot after TQ delivery was saved. was pleasantly surprised they didn't put it aside).

The one thing that I'm still curious about, is at the beginning Seong Ryong's back story for being crooked is his father--that even though SR's father was an honest man, he got screwed anw. Would this ever be mentioned in the drama? Even if it doesn't, I will still be praying for a truly satisfying ending. Himnae, Writer-nim.


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me too. I think 2 episodes left is not enough to make all clear for viewer.


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I loved this episode! Okay, superficial things I liked first:

- Yul might have been missing the gorgeous burgundy coat I'd mentioned a few episodes ago, but he had the burgundy suit instead; it's such a pretty color on him! So. Pretty. Thank you, wardrobe stylists, for seeing how great of a color this is on Junho.

- Myung-seok's crazy-patterned jackets ONLY are a great idea. I find the patterns continued with the suit pants to be distracting and actually cringe-worthy, really. But just the jacket having the crazy patterns is actually a good look!

Onto something with a little depth (not much, but hey)! Things I liked from this episode:

- Anything with Yul interacting with the good guys and ladies of TQ (where was Cleaning Ahjumma his time? I look forward to those two bumping into each other now that Yul's on their side). Especially his interactions with Sung-ryong. I will remember Yul's face everytime he first meets with SR in this episode. The look of sheer disbelief is priceless! And his one-on-one time with Ha-kyung is too cute. Not that it will happen, but IF there is to be any hint of romance, I have been on this ship since Day One.

- Myung-seok's character and conscience development has been such a satisfying watch. If there's anything left of TQ Group once the dust settles, I think he'd make a fine leader. Now that he's starting to understand the struggles of people at the foundation of the company, he will carry that perspective with him once he's at the top. Myung-seok, hwaighting!

- The involvement of Prosecutor Han was cute, too. His listing of good things the Glutton did for him was hilarious. ONE candy bar is the reason to help him out now? I guess you really must like the guy to try to find the positive attributes or actions and can only find this one deed. Hee! Prosecutor Han and Sung-Ryong stacking their heads to peek into the room when the TQ guys come to the police station to save their own hides was more comedic gold.

Okay, so that's about as deep as I'm gonna get. I'm bummed that we only have two more episodes to watch this motley crew in action.


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This has been a perfect K-drama in my opinion. Characters start out well-defined, unique, and interesting, and they develop even more.

The basic plot is clear and simple but unfolds in unexpected and satisfying ways and doesn't get confused or bogged down.

The unique K-drama blend of head-banging drama and slapstick comedy is perfectly balanced.

The message is encouraging but not unrealistic. People can change.

I have loved every minute of Chief Kim and will be very sad when it's over.


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Just dropping in to say... this show looks so wacky on the surface but has so much wisdom in it. I really enjoyed reading the recaps and everyone's comments. :)


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