Fight My Way: Episode 12

Being a grownup is exhausting, and sometimes you just want to do what you want and damn the consequences. There are times when the best thing to do is sit and wait, and times when the only thing to do is stand up and fight. For two of our friends, the time for waiting is over, and they’ll have to decide whether they’re willing to roll over and give up on their dreams, or if it’s time to fly.

Round 12: “If dreams disappear as you mature, then I… ”

Up on the roof, Dong-man tells Ae-ra that he likes her so much it makes him crazy. He decides that if it’s got to be all or nothing, then he’ll go for “all.” He asks Ae-ra if she wants to sleep over tonight, and she goes wide-eyed with surprise.

We don’t hear her answer, but soon they’re heading downstairs through the secret door, and run right into Landlady Hwang and her son, Nam-il. She tells Dong-man and Ae-ra to drink and play on the roof all they want, so long as they play like children and not adults, and go back to their own homes afterward.

Angry, Ae-ra stops fighting the nagging urge to talk back to her and blurts out, “We kissed up there.” HAHA, Dong-man looks utterly terrified, and behind Landlady Hwang, Nam-il gets the giggles. It’s adorable, and I suddenly like him a lot more.

When Joo-man helps Ye-jin carry a heavy box into her apartment, he drops the box’s corner on his toe, making it bleed. A few seconds later Ye-jin’s mother knocks on the door, demanding entry, so Ye-jin shoves Joo-man into her closet promising to let him out when her mother leaves.

Ye-jin lets her mom in, and to her dismay, her mom turns on her favorite drama and settles in for a long evening.

Landlady Hwang and Nam-il follow Dong-man and Ae-ra downstairs as Ae-ra grumbles that the landlord has no right to dictate what they do. Landlady Hwang asks if they have the right to trespass on the roof. Dong-man politely suggests that Nam-il help his mother find a nice hobby, lol.

Ae-ra whispers something to Dong-man that makes his eyes go wide. Landlady Hwang asks if she said she’d shower and come back, and from the happy look on Dong-man’s face, that’s exactly what she said. But Ae-ra just states that being told not to do something only makes a person want to do it even more.

She haughtily informs Landlady Hwang that she’s the one setting fires, making Landlady Hwang huff indignantly and Nam-il start laughing again. Dong-man and Ae-ra go into their apartments, and Nam-il says that he can see the resemblance, and why his mom stationed herself here.

Dong-man runs around his apartment, cleaning up and making sure the bedframe is nice and strong, hee. He even Febreezes himself again, taking special care to Febreeze his abs as well. Meanwhile Ae-ra changes into her prettiest underthings and heads back to Dong-man’s place.

They’re adorably shy as they sit on Dong-man’s bed drinking soju. Finally Ae-ra takes the bull by the horns and leans over to kiss Dong-man, but she misses his lips in her nervousness, so he backs away.

When her sensitive stomach makes a loud noise, Dong-man can tell she’s nervous and stressed. He tells Ae-ra that he’s not a thoughtless kid, but that he doesn’t want to be a gentleman with her. Ae-ra accuses him of having a dirty mind, and he agrees that he wants to be a barbarian around her, but he says that this isn’t homework either.

He tells Ae-ra that even without this turning point in their relationship, she’s not Bigfoot to him anymore. He says that he’ll just hold her all night and lies down, pulling Ae-ra into his arms. He says that they can just sleep so long as he can hold her tightly like this.

Ae-ra whispers that she feels like she’s dying because she can’t breathe and her heart is racing. That makes Dong-man happy, so he kisses her forehead and hugs her close, and they fall asleep curled up together.

Ye-jin’s mother conks out on her couch, so Ye-jin sneaks into the closet to find Joo-man fast asleep on the floor. She sighs when she sees his still-bleeding toe, then she hears his phone ring. It’s Seol-hee, and Ye-jin just sighs again.

Dong-man and Ae-ra are woken the next morning by a loud pounding on the door. They jerk awake when they hear Seol-hee yelling for Ae-ra, and when Dong-man lets her in, Ae-ra pretends to have just come over for breakfast (though she gives herself away by pouring water on her cereal, yuck).

Seol-hee doesn’t even notice as she tells them through tears that Joo-man didn’t come home last night. Ae-ra arms herself with a plunger to go after Joo-man and Ye-jin, but Dong-man wrestles it from her, scared of what she’ll do. Ae-ra just argues that he should stay out of it with gems like “You can’t even hit girls anyway” and “Don’t curse? Then why do curse words exist?” A call from Coach Hwang orders Dong-man to the gym, so he reluctantly leaves Ae-ra to handle this.

Ae-ra drags Seol-hee to Ye-jin’s building by the wrist, fussing all the way for not telling her about this, and for not nipping it in the bud sooner. Seol-hee admits that she was scared that saying it out loud would make it real. Ae-ra says that as the girlfriend, Seol-hee shouldn’t have been afraid.

But Seol-hee says that those six years are all she has going for her, and that being with Ye-jin must be more exciting then her boring self. Ae-ra declares that if Joo-man leaves her because of a few moments of excitement, then she won’t let him have Seol-hee anyway.

The girls pause outside Ye-jin’s building, and Seol-hee grows insecure and worries that she’s wrong about Joo-man’s whereabouts. She tries calling him again, and his vibrating phone falls off a shelf onto his head, waking him from where he’s sleeping on Ye-jin’s closet floor.

Ye-jin joins him, asking shyly if he doesn’t remember that he hugged her when she brought him a blanket last night. Joo-man hotly denies hugging her, but she insists that he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close. Then she reluctantly adds that he said Seol-hee’s name then fell asleep, which hurt her feelings. Joo-man checks his phone and sees forty-two missed calls from Seol-hee.

The girls wait outside, since Seol-hee isn’t sure that Joo-man is here. She gets nervous and wants to go home, but Ae-ra stops her and says that she needs to dump Joo-man and follow her own dreams.

Seol-hee tells Ae-ra that she’s always had the same dream—while Dong-man had taekwondo and Ae-ra had her microphone, Seol-hee dreamed of being a good mother. She says defensively that she’s okay with her quiet dream of a family, wondering why being a mom isn’t considered a dream too.

Ae-ra agrees that it’s a wonderful dream, and that Seol-hee can just find someone else to share it with. But Seol-hee says that Joo-man is more than just a boyfriend: “He’s my world. So… so… I just want to go home.”

But as they cross the lobby, they run right into Joo-man on his way out. He hangs his head as Ae-ra berates him for being here, but he addresses Seol-hee to explain that he just fell asleep. He says that nothing happened, but then Ye-jin runs up with his sock, which just looks awfully bad.

Seol-hee asks why he took his sock off if he only fell asleep, in a voice so quiet she can barely be heard. Joo-man reaches for her but she steps away, and he swears that he didn’t cross a line. Seol-hee whispers that it’s all the same to her whether he slept with Ye-jin or not.

Joo-man begs her not to say it, but Seol-hee says it anyway… “Let’s break up.” She turns and walks away, as Ae-ra narrates that Seol-hee’s world just crumbled.

On Tae-hee’s advice, Tak-soo holds a press conference, where he makes a stir by admitting that his fight with Dong-man in 2007 was rigged. He puts on a show of being all choked up, lying that the money he gave Dong-man was a personal favor, and that he played fairly but was betrayed. He issues a public challenge to Dong-man to fight him again in a fair match.

Coach and Dong-man watch the press conference, and Dong-man calmly tells Coach that he won’t fall for Tak-soo’s taunts, but that he’ll train hard and fight him next season as they planned. Coach marvels that Dong-man is all grown up, and Dong-man says, “I’m not a tiger cub anymore. I’m a tiger.”

As they wait for their bus, Ae-ra tells Seol-hee that she’s really impressed with her today. Seol-hee thinks it’s because she dumped Joo-man, but Ae-ra clarifies that she’s impressed by Seol-hee’s dream to be a mom, because there’s nothing more incredible than a mother.

Ae-ra takes Seol-hee’s hand and thinks back to her own childhood, when Seol-hee found out she had no mother and would come over an hour early to do her hair every day before school. Nobody else wanted to be the tomboy’s friend, and her dad didn’t know how to do it, but sweet-hearted Seol-hee had taken care of her. Ae-ra narrates, “Seol-hee was a vast ocean.”

Dong-man is shocked when Ae-ra fills him in on the breakup, though he gets stuck on whether Joo-man slept with Ye-jin or not, ha. Ae-ra asks if he somehow ended up sleeping at Hye-ran’s, whether she should let him off the hook or beat him, but he misses her point. She starts to ask if it were her sleeping at a guy’s place, and Dong-man interrupts, “I’ll bash your head in!” and nearly gets a beating before he scurries off.

Ae-ra overhears some shoppers talking about Tak-soo’s press conference, so on the way home Dong-man tells her about it. She asks if he’s going to fight him, expecting a no, but Dong-man says that he’ll have to fight Tak-soo one day.

Ae-ra makes it clear that she’s firmly against Dong-man fighting Tak-soo again. Dong-man promises that he won’t lose, but Ae-ra says that she likes him so much that if someone were to shoot at him three times, she’d take two bullets.

Dong-man chuckles and asks why she didn’t say she’d take all three, and Ae-ra says that would be a lie, hee. She tells him that she can’t take on all of his burdens, but she’d take two out of three bullets for him.

Smiling, Dong-man asks why she’s so awesome, and she asks why he can’t avoid Tak-soo for her sake. He takes her hand and says that he doesn’t want her to have to protect him, and that he’ll become strong so that as his girlfriend, nobody can mistreat her ever again. He asks if she can trust him.

Later Dong-man meets his father at the bus stop, but Dad barely even looks at him as he exits the bus. He gripes at Dong-man for picking him up instead of working then walks ahead, leaving Dong-man to complain about never walking together at the same pace.

Dad wanders around Dong-man’s apartment criticizing everything, so Dong-man asks when he goes to work. Dad turns his question on him, asking why he’s home during the day, guessing that he’s unemployed. Dong-man says that he’s working, but he avoids telling Dad about his fighting.

Dad won’t let it drop, complaining that if Dong-man wanted to get married then he’d be working. Dong-man says he’s not getting married, asking who would want to marry a thoughtless guy with no house or job.

Dad starts the When I was your age I worked hard lecture, but Dong-man snaps that Dad never paid for his tuition or rent. Dad says defensively that he raised his children with all his strength, but Dong-man asks angrily if he should live like that, and have a child who will resent him for being poor.

Back home, Joo-man opens a package of health supplements that Seol-hee previously ordered for him. When the doorbell rings he’s thrilled to see Seol-hee and hugs her. He thinks she’s here to reconcile, but she just asks him to pack up her things.

Joo-man admits that he made a mistake, but Seol-hee calmly says that it’s not a mistake, and it wasn’t just once. She reveals that she knows he put his phone on silent every night, saying that every time his phone lit up with a text from Ye-jin, her heart sank. She says that she knew when he was going to see Ye-jin, and she asks how he thinks that felt.

Joo-man desperately makes excuses, but Seol-hee’s point is that Ye-jin was on his mind and he always went to her. She says that he’s the one who let go of her hand first, and that he thought she’d always be there even if he let go for a bit, but she doesn’t want to do that anymore.

She tells Joo-man that cheating is cheating, and that degree doesn’t matter. Joo-man says she’s just angry, but she says that in all their years together, even in anger she never said they should break up. She says that she has no regrets because she gave it her all, and that regret is his burden to bear. She leaves him sobbing on the stairs.

Later Ae-ra brings Seol-hee a cake with a lit candle. She says it’s for Seol-hee’s first day of independence, but the cake just makes Seol-hee sad. Her voice wobbles as she says that she can’t blow out the candle, and she sobs, “Joo-man… he cried. He started crying.” Awww, poor kitten.

Dong-man consoles Joo-man with soju shots, asking him why he let himself be swayed when he loves Seol-hee so much. Joo-man has nothing to say for himself, and Dong-man just tells him to beg for forgiveness.

Dong-man’s mother calls him, nearly frantic because his father just spent a lot of money at a bar and isn’t answering his phone, which is completely out of character. Dong-man goes to the bar, where he finds his father with his new boss. Dong-man watches from a distance as Dad tells his boss that he paid for the drinks because his boss was too drunk to do it.

The boss talks down to Dad and says that he brought him in over all the younger men in his department because of his connections, but that he’s disappointed that Dad has too much pride to use them. Dad sits stoically, only saying that he’ll try harder, and it reminds Dong-man of his own boss at his exterminator’s job who would abuse him.

He follows his father home at a distance, thinking that Dad has never kept the same pace as his family. He remembers a time when his dad was rushing to the bus, yelling at him and his mom to hurry up as he left them behind. He’d jumped onto the bus and rudely stolen a seat from another passenger… so that he could give it to little Dong-man, who would get motion sickness.

Another time, Dad had carried Dong-man on his back when he was sick, running through the night to get him to a doctor. He’d pounded on the doctor’s door, frantic with worry over his feverish son, terrified he might die. Dong-man realizes that his father’s different pace was always for the good of his family, and he gets choked up. Fighting back tears, Dong-man calls out to Dad and suggests a drink.

He takes Dad up to the secret rooftop, sneaking him past Landlady Hwang’s door. Dad sees something (a cork?) rolling at his feet on the way, which seems strange, but he keeps following Dong-man to the roof.

Dong-man sits Dad down to enjoy the view, then cuts the yolk from one of the eggs he’d fried to feed to his father. Suspicious, Dad asks if Dong-man’s already been drinking, but he accepts the choice bite. They share a drink, then Dong-man asks Dad what his dream was.

Dad reluctantly admits that he wanted to be a pilot. He says he was influenced by the movie The Red Scarf, and that he was dying to become a pilot. Dong-man thinks that sounds cool and asks why Dad didn’t go for it, but Dad says he couldn’t afford the Air Force Academy and that now, his children are his dream.

Dong-man says he thought Dad was always a dad, but now that he knows Dad had a dream, it feels weird. Dad just tells him to cut the nonsense and pour him another drink. Dong-man says that he can’t help Dad become a pilot, but he promises to make sure Dad flies first class one day.

Dad lights up like a Christmas tree when Ae-ra joins them, making Dong-man whine that Dad likes her better. Dad asks if the two of them have “done it” yet, giving them both coughing fits. But he’s talking about starting savings accounts, lol.

In the morning, Dong-man takes Dad to Coach Hwang’s gym, telling him that this is where he’s been “working.” Coach says that he’s the one who talked Dong-man into this, but Dad just walks out without saying much.

Outside, he realizes that this is why Dong-man wears sweats—because he’s always training. Dong-man starts to ask his dad to have faith in him, but Dad interrupts to say that he didn’t live like this. He says that he worked hard morning and night, and Dong-man replies that he knows Dad doesn’t approve.

But Dad tells Dong-man not to live like him, surprising his son. They relocate to a park, where Dad says that it’s too late for him to be a pilot, but that Dong-man is still young enough to chase his dream.

He adds that it breaks his heart that Dong-man set aside his dreams for all those years. Dad admits that he feels guilty that Dong-man’s precious youth was wasted because he lost his company, forcing Dong-man to make a terrible decision.

He tears up thinking about how his son bore the burden and gave up on his own life. But he says that seeing Dong-man doing what he loves makes him feel like he can breathe again. Dad tells Dong-man that he’s not poor, and that he’s got his back: “So, fly high. Let me fly first class thanks to my son. You can’t save your youth. Just go for it, and even if you get beat up, live your life how you want, okay?”

Seol-hee goes back to work, and Ye-jin takes her aside to apologize for what happened. But then she ruins it by adding that her feelings for Joo-man are sincere and she wants to try dating him. Seol-hee keeps her cool, telling Ye-jin to do whatever she wants because they’ve broken up.

But then Seol-hee picks up a full glass of water, and this time she actually does throw it in Ye-jin’s face. Awesome. She says that she didn’t do that when Ye-jin was innocent, but this time she knew that Joo-man was with someone, so that makes her evil.

While Ye-jin splutters in shock, Seol-hee says that she hopes that one day, Ye-jin will be in her shoes. She hopes that those eyes that claim to be innocent will overflow with tears. Ye-jin gasps that Seol-hee is mean, but Seol-hee just says calmly that Joo-man liked her a lot, unlike the vague excitement he feels towards Ye-jin now.

As scenes of their romance flash across the scene, Seol-hee says, “He was crazy about me.” She tells Ye-jin that Joo-man remembers all of the passionate moments they shared, adding that if she dates him, she hopes that those memories haunt Ye-jin.

When it’s time for Dad to take the bus home, Dong-man runs over to give him a baggie and asks him to call and talk once in a while. Dad gets on the bus, not giving Dong-man another look, but he opens the bag to find some cash, and he grumbles that Dong-man has no finesse, wondering who he takes after.

Dong-man arrives home to find that his father has cleaned his entire apartment. And on top of his folded shirts is a small pile of money and a note to fix his desk chair. He fights his tears and mutters that Dad has no finesse. Awww, like father, like son.

Dong-man finds Coach Hwang and tells him that he’s done pretending to be mature. He says that he’s thought about that November day every single day of the last ten years, and that every time he saw Tak-soo succeed, he clenched his teeth in anger and felt crazy inside.

He tells Coach that he’s done waiting, and that even though he had a hard time hitting Doo-ho when he was hurt, he’s ready to kill Tak-soo. He begs Coach to set him free from that day a decade ago. Coach just says he’d better do it right, and kill Tak-soo properly.

Dong-man runs straight to Ae-ra, scaring her with his intensity. He tells her that he’s going to fight Tak-soo and she argues that he’ll lose. But Dong-man doesn’t care, saying that he’s not doing this to beat Tak-soo, but because it’s what he’s been dying to do.

He says that nobody can beat someone who’s having fun, and that if growing up means your dreams fade, then he’ll give up on growing up. He says that it’s pointless to pretend to be grown up for others, and that if you save it, you lose it.

He adds that that’s why he ran to Ae-ra like this, to be blunt and say what he wants to say. Ae-ra asks what he means, so he looks her right in the eyes and tells her, “I love you.” OMG.

He keeps going, “I love you to death, crazily, madly, immaturely, I love you. I love you, Ae-ra.” Almost shyly, he wraps his arms around her and drops his face to her shoulder.

Ae-ra takes this all in, then she says quietly, “Me too.” Squee!! Dong-man pulls back to look at her face, and she tells him more clearly, “I love you too, you immature jerk.” Overjoyed, Dong-man remembers to breathe, then he yells, “I love you like crazy!”

He covers Ae-ra’s face with kisses, then he bellows again at the top of his lungs, “I love you, Choi Ae-ra!!


Landlady Hwang hides when she hears footsteps coming up to the roof. She drops the cork from the bottle she’s carrying, which rolls towards Dong-man’s dad’s feet. He stops to look around, then keeps going, and Landlady Hwang whispers, “Oppa. Hyung-shik oppa…”


So, Landlady Hwang knows Dong-man’s father, too. She’s still such a mystery, since all we really know about her for sure is that she used to know both Ae-ra and Dong-man’s fathers, both of whom she hides from, and Coach Hwang whom she doesn’t, and that she came to Namil Villa to watch over Dong-man and Ae-ra. I’m not ready to say she’s Ae-ra’s mother because we haven’t gotten any clues to that effect, but I’m very curious to know how she knows everyone.

I haven’t said much about Landlady Hwang because I was waiting until we knew more of her, but I can’t ignore how much she’s been overstepping her boundaries. She’s dictating to adults in their late twenties what they can and cannot do with their own bodies in their own homes, when she has no right whatsoever to do that, or to threaten to raise their rent if they don’t obey her. If she does turn out to be Ae-ra’s mother, it at least explains her rationale, though Ae-ra is still a young woman living on her own who has the right to do whatever she wants with the man she loves. I generally like Landlady Hwang, and I get that her forbidding her tenants to shack up is supposed to be funny, but in this one area I find her to be out of line.

But more importantly… Hooray, they finally said it!! Dong-man’s love confession was perfect, as open and loud and honest as he is. Isn’t that exactly how we want to be loved—openly, unabashedly, crazily, and childishly and without any reservations? Every time I think Dong-man can’t surprise me any more, he goes right ahead and does just that. He’s such an open book already, but now he’s throwing his love at Ae-ra with all of his strength and just having faith that she’ll catch him, and it’s the best thing ever. I used to worry that Dong-man couldn’t match Ae-ra’s strong spirit because he was so timid with his feelings for such a long time, but now he’s loving her as fiercely as she loves him, and it just makes me so happy.

Speaking of love, I just love the way Dong-man and Ae-ra’s dads love them. They’re both gruff and stingy with their words, but when push comes to shove, they think their kids hung the moon. Both of them have surprised their children by believing in them as much, or even more than they believed in themselves. Knowing that you can follow your dream is a powerful thing in and of itself, but having the support of your parents even when your dream is a long shot is a pretty amazing feeling.

I’m so proud of Seol-hee right now, I was literally tearing up with pride when she finally had enough of Joo-man’s ambivalence and ended it. She was so strong in that moment, and she reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite books: “That which yields is not always weak.” I used to think she was weak, but Seol-hee proved me wrong in this episode—her ability to yield is her strength. But I knew she also had a core of steel in there somewhere, and that if pushed, she would stand up for herself. Finding that steel, and using it to hold herself up while she does probably the hardest thing she’s ever done in her life—letting Joo-man go—is going to bring nothing but good things to Seol-hee.

I was equally glad to see Joo-man broken up about the breakup, because he’s the one who needs to see what he stands to lose by not appreciating Seol-hee’s quiet love. If what he wants is a partner who will stand by him no matter what, who will support him and raise wonderful children with him, then he can’t do any better than Seol-hee. A shiny new toy may look good for a while, but Ye-jin can’t hold a candle to Seol-hee when it comes to dignity, strength, and loyalty. I’ll give him a tiny bit of credit for accepting his responsibility for the breakup like a man, but if Joo-man can’t find a way to convince Seol-hee of his remorse, then he doesn’t deserve her.


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What an amazing episode. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I cheered… I am so proud of these characters. Seol-hee and Dong-man were both heart-wrenching to watch; Seol-hee’s conversation with Ye-jin, in particular, moved me just as much as her break-up speech with Joo-man. Probably because I went through something similar in my own long-term relationship, so it’s easy to sympathize with what she must’ve been feeling (which is probably why I’m one of the few people actually invested in their story). Now I just need Joo-man to tell off Ye-jin, and for Seol-hee to get a happy ending - I’ll trust the writer to decide whether that means getting back together with her ex or not. In the end, I mostly just ship Seol + happiness, so whatevers.

And of course Dong-man’s heart-to-heart with his father was written and acted beautifully. The only thing missing was him yelling to his father as the bus pulled away, “oh yeah, and me and Ae-ra are dating!” Then he could’ve sent his father off with zero worries and an even bigger grin, lol. ;)

Seriously, what a fantastic drama.


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No, his dad will tell AR's dad and he will drive so fast to Seoul before DM can make another move.


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Aww Seol-hee + happiness! I ship that too <3
Find your bliss lady.


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If this show can stick the landing (and so far they've done a fantastic job of all the different twists & turns so I have high hopes - DON'T LET ME DOWN SHOW!!)...it will definitely be on my top 5 list.


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When Sul-Hee shared her dream of being a mom with Ae-ra, I understood why she cared about Joo-man so much, it was because Joo-man was her dream as well! ?

Really love that Fight my way is all about dreams and not being able to fulfil it! And I love how the show portray that it's not easy to achieve their dreams, because life is not a bed of roses. It's so sad that many people do not achieve their dreams! I really hope that viewers will be inspired to chase their dreams after watching this show! This episode made me think about my dreams and what I'm gonna do to fulfil it!


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What I love about this show is the slice of life and how real it feels...

SH scene where she comes back to work just a day after the break up, or DM with his Dad and realizing that his dad was a person with dreams before he became just his dad... We can even include the AR's resume scene from the previous episode....

This show acknowledges all these moments but at the same shows how the world still turns regardless of one's problems... *Sigh*

Props to SH though, I'm so much more invested with SH and JM breakup and how it hurts so much... So good...


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SH going to work and pushing through her break up was so real. The way the customer's simple words threw her off was very touching.


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Aww poor Seol Hee. Proud of her and at the same time, i get her pain. That Yejin is such a stupid girl, how cant she understand u should break other people's heart to have what she desires. That way only bring her in Seol Hee's shoes in 6 years.


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u should not*


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Finally Seol Hee realized her self-worth. It was the most satisfying breakup I've seen. I felt bad for Seol Hee but not with Joo Man! He deserved that! Also that water splash on Ye Ri! I actually cheered for that!


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After all the romance in the last epi, I was wondering what else there could be, and boy was I surprised and heartened that the show turned and delved deep into the relationship between DM and his Dad. And Dad's encouragement also led to the little twist at the end where DM decided that he just wanted to break free, fight Tak Su and fly (plus confess his TRUE feelings for Aera). "If you save it, you lose it" - how true and powerful.

The part of the epi that touched me the most was DM's little speech to Aera in his room, his concern over her IBS, then hugging her really tight as they slept. Such a sweet and wonderful moment! How he reassured Aera that he desired her physically, that she didn't have to prove anything to him cos she had already captured his heart (in the previous epi it felt like AR was anxious to have this 'turning point' to cement their new status). His character and self-control is just so admirable, whereas many guys will just pressure their gf to "demonstrate your love" or "meet my needs" through sex.

Can't say how many times I'm loving PSJ's acting in this. He's giving his whole heart to the role. Hope KJW can present a more effusive Aera and reciprocate DM's affection...is it just me or she seems quite subdued with a deer-in-the-headlights look every time she has some lovey dovey scene with PSJ e.g. the last scene, the love of her life is yelling out how crazy he is about her, and she looked rather glum and serious...


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Yep, something was bothering me ( not that i am complaining about these two awesome chemistry and atraction) and now you put it into words. She is kind of too shy towards him which doesnt really fit her character so far. I get the adjusting to the new situation and the night together was beautifully done and believable. But after that night with him, i thought she would have just jumped on him following his amazing confession...


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PSJ always always deliver sincerely that's why its such a shame when the partner aint on the same level. Its like turning into one sided love.
Kim Ji Won is a good actress but she needs to do better with romantic scenes. I like how her eyes literally sparkle during last ep's rooftop scene kisses tho. Or maybe the directing should not make her too shy and be awesome Aera as well. I mean c'mon the chemistry is there. Dont waste it.


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But the thing is KJW didn't have any problem with romantic scenes in DOTS. It's like she's trying to keep PSJ at bay. Or maybe I'm just exaggerating and it's just the directing, because she seems to have no problem with him in the BTS.


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I loved how they showed the sharp contrast between MB's and DM's treatment of Ae-ra feelings and her IBS. DM is extremely honest, respectful and willing to make a relationship that fits both their speeds. MB pushed her so hard she ended up in the hospital.
PSJ is acting his heart out. When Ae-ra and DM first started kissing and going out I wasn't bothered by KJW's "deer-in-the-headlights" stiff body portrayal because i thought alright it's been a long time coming and it's hard to get used to but now I don't get it. PSJ is yelling, smiling and kiss you woman! You've got to give something back. The extended kiss scene after the show ended that was a MUCH better scene. KJW was cracking up while PSJ was yelling.


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I was going to mention that very same scene with DM and MB in regards to Aera's IBS. When Aera was in the hospital during her date with MooBin and her stomach was rumbling and he leaned closer to put his head down and listen (little weirdo creepster) and in this scene when Dong Man sternly tells her that what they do together isn't homework so tell her tummy to quiet down and then he holds her so close. Swoon. He's swoony.


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My favorite part was when they were in bed and AR said her heart was beating so fast and DM hugged her tighter.


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add the fact you can actually see Kim Ji Won's pulse in her neck was beating really fast. Its too real my god,


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Best episode so far..

1. Just love the writer and everyone involved in the making of this drama. How they actually slot in a bit of the lead actor/actress's previous drama scenes to some of the episodes. Ae Ra - song hye kyo (from DOTS) when Moo Bin said that he love Song Hye Kyo.. If I'm not mistaken when Dong Man was describing dating a girl who looks like Kim Hye Jin - the other one (means the real Kim Hye Jin) not pretty but 'cute' as Joo Man then claimed is from She Was Pretty and this episode with Dong Man romantic scene with the Kiss Kiss song in the background just throw me into laughing so hard remembering his 'beer kiss' scene with Ban Lady from the Witch Romance. Keep it up drama team.. Love all this precious details! This drama quickly become my favorite in line with the Reply series!

2. Never been more proud with Sul Hee. All her lines when he's asking for break-up with Joo Man. Hope she will be continuously making us proud throughout the episodes! Although I think they'll be back together :)
One of the point loving the k-Drama is they are very good in highlighting all the potentials of each character.

3. The landlady hwang quickly becomes my favorite and his son too. Although I do wonder why is his character is introduced.. Now I'm a bit confused whether landlady hwang is actually Ae Ra's mother or actually Dong Man's? That'd will be a surprisingly plot twist then.. Since I love her acting now also after watching her in Sunny.. I think I'll be searching for her other drama/movie too :)

3. As crazy as it may sound.. I hope Hye Ran's character will develop with realistic portrayal of her life as an announcer (I think she got too much time being around Dong Man with such a job) and the drama owe us an explanation of her disappearance in this episode. I hope Dong Hee character should be shown to us a bit more too.

6. This drama can survive even without all the cute romantic scenes. It does give good impact. Have never been more proud with PSJ; if he's really starring in this for a good cause.. He made it!


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It certainly felt like someone was cutting onions near me during the scenes with Sul Hee, and the ones between Dong Man and his dad, but in the other scenes I was probably squealing (okay, not probably. I did make dying noises) because Dong Man and Ae Ra are the cutest together. I think I love Dong Man as much as Ae Ra now hahahah. Definitely my favourite episode!

PS: I wonder how many times the question 'did you guys did it?' had to appear for OTP to actually do it *coughs*.


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For some reason i missed the childhood flashbacks, they are a bonus for me.
Dong-man is on the spotlight these two weeks, making almost all the decissions while Ae-ra follows queitly and obediently. He's been confessing in most of the episodes and it's making my heart rejoice. In the previous ep' it was the "I Like You, So Much" part that made my day. And today doubled it with the "I Love You Like Crazy!" screams. And Ae-ra's responses, wow! Iam loving every little scene Dong-man and Ae-ra feature in together doing anything they do together, beit bickering, drinking or smooching.

I think Joo-man deserves what he's going through, he may be loyal to Seol-hee but he doesn't appreciate her love for him which is so clear and predictable. She may have a simple dream but it means a lot to her.
Just like she told him about purposely letting go of her for a moment thinking he'll go back and find her, he's taking her feelings for granted.


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Why do I get the feeling that the landlady is somehow related to DM and not Ae Ra? My theory is that she's probably DM's biological mom? or she's the "Ae Ra" of Dong Man's dad when they were still young? Agh! too many mysteries! Plus those plates outside Hye Ran's house! I think Dong Man is the one who puts food outside her house and this will lead to a conflict between him and Ae Ra. Just sharing my thoughts lol


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Dong man already has a mom he is very close to. There may be no blood relations between the landlady and Dongman. It is his father. Nam Ill maybe dongmans half brother. She is also Aera mother when Nam Ill said she and Aera are alike.
I think she had friendship with Aera dad and Dongman dad that ended up as love triangle. There is a high probability that she is Aera's mom. Small probability that Dongman and Nam Ill may be half brothers. It is an interesting twist. We will see.


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Seol Hee and Joo Man are so real, so i cried.


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Ahhhh! I just finally got the chance to watch this and I'm practically doing jumping jacks because THIS is the episode I've been waiting for! It had everything l wanted (including no Hye-ran)!

It never works out for me to comment on this show because I'm so busy Mon-Tues, but I've been enjoying reading all the other posts. Even now I have to leave before getting all my thoughts out, but this episode made me so happy that I at least had to join in on the love!


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I walked out of my room just as my mum was watching Seol-hee splash that glass of water on Ye-jin's face and all I could think of was how I would love to be as poised and calm AND collected as Seol-hee. Because that's really winning.


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I was literally cheering on Sul Hee when she threw water on that girl's face. Sorry I did not bother taking note of her name. ? And yey no Hye Ran this episode! ? And goodness Dong Man and Ae Ra, I love you both so much! Thank you for making me so happy!!!


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Since no one has said it here, here's a thought about Landlady Hwang being Ae Ra's mum:

I think it isn't a coincidence that their scene was being interjected with the scene between Ye Jin and her mum, it's almost as if they are comparing and contrasting two mother and daughter pairs. That said, Nam Il's comment at the end of the scene plus the epilogue are big hints to her real identity. My guess is that Landlady, Ae Ra's dad, and Dong Man's dad are the idiot-4 of their time and hometown, and Landlady and Ae Ra's dad were a couple which resulted in Nam Il and Ae Ra. I can't wait to find out the ending though! Waiting for the last 4 episodes is going to be a test for my patience.


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Something random…but…I love how the last few episodes (or at least every second episode of the week) tend to end on a high note when it comes to Dong Man and Ae Ra’s relationship, so that the week-long wait for the new episodes can be a bit sweeter! <3


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ha ha... i am sure they do it on purpose, because Ae ra and DM are the pearls of this show. Nevertheless, today Seol hee was awesome!
I even watched her breaking up with Joo man, and I even watched for the first time a whole scenes with the pinky intern, just because Seol hee was there!! LOL...
But yeah... The endings have been all the time AR and DM.


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This episode was truly a satisfying watch, since we were able to finally see each and everyone grow more mature as an individual. Seol Hee was seriously my favorite character in this episode. As sad as it was for her and Joo Man to break things off, I was so proud of Seol Hee that she finally stepped up and faced the reality of what was happening with their relationship. Especially loved the part where she splashed water onto Ye Jin and gave her some real talk. The girl seriously deserved that, as it was kinda rude of her to pursue a man that she herself knew was already taken. Seriously frustrating.


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I loveeeeee this episode!!! 10/10! My favorite episode so far.

Honestly, I cried when dad's scenes came up! Like damn, I want to love my kids so passionately! And i love Dong Man's spirit about following his dreams, it's so inspiring.

This episode was written like a poem and just so inspiring, i wish I could put it in my pocket everywhere i go, lol.

I'm so proud of seol hee, she literally kick ass this episode and i really do admire her for doing her best to stick to her dream, even if it's a dream we might not take as a dream, you know what i mean? She was right when she said that wanting to be a mom and a wife is a dream that doesn't make her less than ae-ra or any of us for that matter, I respect her for that.

I will admit, joo-man got me a bit with the tears but ultimately he got what he deserved and i'm not sure if I want them to get back together.


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I keep loving this show so much! Dong-man and Ae-ra were adorable as usual, and I love seeing how their relationship has changed, awkward bits and all. I'm really excited for next week! I want to see them move forward together and chase their dreams (and take down that jerk-off Tak-su).

Seol-hee was by far my favorite part of the show (as cute as the "I love you's" were). I was like YAAS YOU GO GIRL. It was so amazing to see her empower herself and with dignity. I hope she gets a happy ending, with or without a man, and not necessarily Joo-man (he'd really have to step it up at this point for Seol-hee and us as viewers to forgive him) (also Landlady's son, anyone? Would be down to see Nam-il with Seol-hee). I think this story was very real and well done. I love how they've made the characters dimensional and relatable. Even though I don't like Joo-man at the moment, I think even he has a lot of elements that are very real--his stress and lack of recognition at work, his dependence on Seol-hee, his excitement at attention from Ye-jin... There are lots of guys like Joo-man, who aren't necessarily terrible people, just idiots who should've known better. It's not right, but you can understand how he made the mistakes he did.


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What do you think is the meaning of the empty plates outside Hye Ran's door?


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as heartbreaking as it may sound, but I think Dong Man is the one who leaves the food outside hye ran's door. Notice how he's always the one who sees it everytime there's a shot of the empty plates? Gosh! I just hope my theory's wrong


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Ae-Ra left it.


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Comment was deleted


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There's just something about this show - every time I think I want something in particular from it (like more kisses!), the show goes in a different direction. Yet I feel even more satisfied by where it goes!
I didn't realize just how much I wanted Ae-Ra to be so supportive and appreciative of Seol-Hee's dream or how badly I needed Dong-Man and his father to reconnect. I didn't realize that Dong-Man reassuring Ae-Ra's nerves was going to be so much more satisfying than what I was looking forward to. Kudos, Show.


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"I didn't realize that Dong-Man reassuring Ae-Ra's nerves was going to be so much more satisfying than what I was looking forward to. Kudos, Show."

This!!! I totally agree with your comment here!!
This is why I love this show!

At the end of every episode I have great expectations on what's coming next (thanks to those crazy cliffhangers) but I try to lower them, to not be disappointed...but then there comes this show to surprise me every single time!!
I love it!!


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Just a thought… This episode dropped a lot of subtle clues about Landlady Hwang’s character… I am not sure if anyone mentioned this before me or if anyone noticed… but… I think Landlady Hwang is Dong Man’s biological mother… The clues for my theory are listed below:

1.Is Kwak Si Yang really Nam Il…?
-Landlady Hwang said she is at Nam Il Villa to find her son Nam Il.. If Kwak Si Yang’s character is Nam Il, she has already found him so why is still staying at Nam Il Villa?
-Whenever she speaks of Nam Il, she says his name with a longing and painful look.. If Kwak Si Yang is Nam Il, it doesn’t make sense for her to do that because it seems as if they have a good relationship..
-When Ae Ra asked Kwak Si Yang’s character if he was Nam Il, he didn’t confirm nor deny it.. He asked her if she even know him and told her not to call that name if she doesn’t know him..
-Nam Il tells Landlady Hwang that he understands why she is staying here and they are just alike… I am guessing he means that Ae Ra is like Landlady Hwang and Dong Man is just like his dad. I think Landlady Hwang is staying around to make sure Ae Ran and Dong Man stay together forever unlike her and Dong Man’s dad.

2.Epilogue of Episode 12
The epilogue shows that she knows Dong Man’s dad.. She calls him “Oppa” which is a term of endearment for a lot of Korean couples..

3.Coach Hwang
Landlady Hwang has known Coach Hwang for obviously a very long time. I think that he knows she is Dong Man’s mom and she has relied on him to look after Dong Man.

The way she wants to support Dong Man shows she cares for him. She wanted to show her support but was too shy and was only able to meek out an incomprehensible “fighting” was too endearing.

5.No Sleepover Rule
The way she is all up on the relationship of Ae Ra and Dong Man shows that she is clearly invested in their future and kind of hints that she is acting as the mother-in-law, restricting Ae Ra from doing the deed with her son.

Overall I loved this episode. I love Dong Man and Ae Ra's relationship and their chemistry on screen. I love that Hye Ran was nonexistent in this episode. Any thoughts on my theory about Landlady Hwang??


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I also thought she could be DM's instead of AR's mother, even though DM has a mother and AR doesn't. Although she hid from both AR's and DM's fathers, somehow her saying "oppa" after seeing DM's father feels more sentimental rather than just pure hiding from AR's father ( also she was trying to call the police to protect DM from him Haha ) .

But clearly she is related to both of them - she has helped them both financially and in other ways ( most likely paying for AR's hospital suite , scolding the shopping centre for firing AR, buying the gym building so Dong Man can train ). And her alleged son Nam-il said there was resemblance. I just hope she isn't related to both of them as this would be incest haha ( omg hope that isn't why she keeps forbidding them from spending the night )


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OMG we have the same theory! like the landlady is probably Dong Man's biological mom and that she's the "Ae Ra" of Dong Man's dad when they were still young. That's why she doesn't want DM and AR to sleep together. Noticed how she also tried her best to wish Dong Man "Goodluck" before his fight? She's obviously worried for her "son". Gosh, she's just so mysterious!


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"3.Coach Hwang
Landlady Hwang has known Coach Hwang for obviously a very long time. I think that he knows she is Dong Man’s mom and she has relied on him to look after Dong Man."
I agree.


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And Coach Hwang is Landlady Hwang's brother, Dong Man's uncle.


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Any idea why this page doesn't show up sometimes?? I've been waiting for this recap all night and I know it usually comes around 3 or 4am for me, and i waited until 5am and it still wasn't showing up. When I woke up I saw some of the comments from 3am again. WHYYYY


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Anyone know the name of the song that played when Sul hee and Joo man were breaking up??? If it's part of the ost it hasn't been released yet... :(


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Thanks for the recap, LP!

What a wonderful ep! Way to go, SH!! I hope you can focus on yourself and also build up your confidence. You're an amazing person. JM, time to reflect on your loss.

Serves YJ right to have water thrown in her face. She's really manipulative and the whole innocent act makes me wanna puke. She knowing went to JM's neighbourhood after he has clearly drawn the line. Then when he wanted to face her mom and just tell the truth, she kept shoving him back in the closet. That's just not right, and if I were JM, I wouldn't have let her have her way. The lies just create more trouble. And even though her mom didn't find out as would be cliché, it certainly made things look very bad to SH and it was the last straw. YJ saw SH calling JM and should've tried hard to wake JM up. Like him, I'm confused that she's purposely letting him sleep all night in her closet. I doubt she made any real effort after waking him up once and he was too tired to get up. JM should just ignore her from now on and not get himself into these situations. SH is a beautiful person with a big heart, and she deserves better. I really wanna see her love herself more.

DM and AR, you two are adorable and just perfect for each other. ????? The Febreze doesn't get old. The bullets talk was sweet. Love love love the open, honest, loudly declared confession at the end!! ??????

So glad to see DM and Dad breaking the ice, and DM realizing how much his dad loves and supports him. They really resemble each other so much. So many touching moments in this ep.


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Things I loved about this episode:

- Dong Man reinforcing AND soundproofing the bedframe ( How does he pull off this innocent yet naughty thing. And honestly what was he expecting haha. It's not going to be like ground training right )
- Dong Man febrezing everything including his abs ( for a moment when Ae Ra said she couldn't breathe when he was hugging her to sleep, i thought she meant she was being suffocated by the overpowering smell of febreze, or his bulging muscles )
- Dong Man waiting for Ae Ra until she is truly ready to sleep with him, even though he wants her right now ( I have to confess I read the subtitles wrongly. He said "I don't want to be a gentleman" and she said "you're so dirty-minded". And I read his reply as "i want to be your dirtiest ever" and nearly fainted. I think something is wrong with the subs where I am watching )
- Seul Hee being so strong even though she had just admitted that Dong Man was her world. Maybe it's for the best that she finds someone else because Joo Man doesn't seem to be ready to settle down, which hinders her calling of being a mother.

My wishes for the future eps:
- Dong Man and Ae Ra to kiss longer than a few seconds ( and for some BTS of it if possible pls ! )
- Ae Ra to find a job ( I don't understand how her savings are lasting so long haha )
- Seul Hee to find herself or someone else or get back with Joo Man ONLY if he is severely reformed and ready to marry her this time
- for Dong Man and Ae Ra to not be related
- Hye Ran to not appear ( if she loved Dong Man so much , why did she marry someone else for money in the first place. Because she wanted to have her cake and eat it i.e. Have money from alimony AND Dong Man's abs ? )
- for Dong Man to not get beaten too badly by Tak Soo ( like what are the chances Tak Soo will not cheat during their match ) or Ae Ra's father when he finds out that they are dating and Dong Man even reinforced his bedframe haha


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*joo man I mean. Ugh why do they have such similar names haha


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HAHA i got "i want to be your dirtiest ever" too LOL do you use dramafire???


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oooomg, dying laughing at this


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I watch it on a paid app called Viu that's available in Singapore. The original wording was "Yes. I want to the dirtiest ever" but I accidentally read it as "your". I think he's alr the dirtiest ever (in a cute way ) because no one else in kdrama had to strengthen the bedframe. Also I know it's silly but it disturbs me greatly to think that DM has possibly slept with HR before AR


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I find myself singularly unmoved by Jooman's tears? I mean, what did he expect - to eat his cake and have it??? He wants the security of being loved by Seol hee but at the same time harbor clandestine flirty feelings for Ye Jin. I've never seen Seol hee look so cool as when she broke up with him, in such a calm restrained manner. She really had no regrets because she did all she could to salvage their relationship.

And Ye Jin, of all the nerve with her insincere, half hearted apology! Was she looking for validation or approval from Seol hee after snatching her boyfriend away? I love Seol hee's cool response - you reap what you sow. Ye Jin will find herself forever competing with the memory of Seol hee and Joo man's relationship. She will feel second best because Joo man didn't come to her free and unentangled and of his own accord, and ultimately she will lose him when another younger version of herself walks through the door and makes advances to him. That is if Joo man doesn't align his priorities and goes to reconcile with Seol hee.


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Did anyone else think that when Dong-man went for the last 'Febreeze' moment...it would't be his abs but something else??
*wink* *wink*
I did.....


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I didn't, but ???????


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OMG I imagined this in my head and cringed so hard


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Getting ready for the big night together was funny. From fixing the bed to spraying his Abs, DM is very special indeed. His straightforwardness is refreshing in dramaland. The smile on DM's face whenever AR starts yelling at anyone who tries to hurt DM is so adorable. PSJ and KJW are way too cute together.
Sul Hee finally broke up JM and am so proud of her. She deserves to be with someone who doesn't keep her up at night worrying about his whereabouts. JM would probably come running back but SH needs to take time for herself in the mean time.


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I just wanted to appreciate that the writers gives so much depth to Joo Man x Seol. In a way, we feel bad for both sides and yet we understand there's a right and wrong (and even then--it's not a black or white situation). There's so much depth to their relationship and even the reasons Joo Man takes advantage of Seol's love for him to take "breaks" from their relationship by appeasing his own tiredness/whims/ambitions by meeting the intern. It's surprisingly realistic and that's what makes it so much more heartbreaking that Seol cuts it off, although it was necessary and surprisingly refreshing as well. The main leads are dishing out the love and the second leads are dishing out the heartbreak. Hopefully an upward trend for all parties from here on out...

P.S. If Dong Man doesn't learn Jiu Jitsu I'm going to explode. He wouldn't last a second in MMA without it, that conviction at the end to "do it his way" didn't sound so swell to me when his way is solely kicks and half-hearted punches :(


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Anyone knows the song in which was played when Sul Hee brokeup ? Please help me out!


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Anyone knows the song in which was played when Sul Hee brokeup ? Please help me out!


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This is such a great episode - with the romance, heartbreak, family drama, the challenge of Dong Man's fight, etc. I really cried watching Sul Hee's scenes and Dad and Dong Man's scenes!


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I will say this: I may not LIKE Hye-Ran, but I do at least respect her. As much of a bitch as she is, she's also pretty straightforward. I neither like nor respect Ye-jin. She went after Joo-man after he told her he didn't want her ass - even AFTER she found out he had a girlfriend! And then her faker-than-my-mom's-Gucci-sunglasses, no-class-having, sheep-in-wolf's-clothing ass had the NERVE to sit there in Seol-hee's face and pretend she was sorry and pull the "but you'll still like me even though I tried to seduce your boyfriend, right?" bullshit! BITCH NO.

May Ye-jin always get cheated on, be the side-chick, and get left for the shiny new Ferrari on the block, because that's truly all she deserves.


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I LOVED Seol-Hee in these scenes. She was ruthless. As Pinky was simpering in front of her, "I really like him, unni!" (Sorry for spelling it incorrectly) and Seo-Hee's all, I hope that you'll be haunted by my presence for your entire relationship. And, the killer: I hope that you'll be in my shoes in the future. Have some water, cow.


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Thanks for the recap @lollypip and thanks for finally--I think it's the first one--including an abs shot of Dong-man!

This episode was all kinds of awesome. From Dong-man getting ready to get a little freaky to dad and son's reconciliation. Seol-hee is a totally different person now, and I like it. Hopefully she will take care of herself and not go around like a mad woman in a nightgown in the streets. More episodes like this please. I swear, between this and Suspicious Partner we finally got some damn good dramas!


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This drama and lookout are the only one that I watch and even read live recap. OTP is so darn cute. They so complete each other.
Glad sul hee finnaly had enough and broke up with Joo Man. I have no simpathy on him. He deserved it. Now I can not wait for DM to knock out that jerk face in the ring and finished him once for all. Will DM and AR be getting married. DM once said to dad that he's not getting married because who wants to married someone with no stable income. I hope I' m not misread it his intention and he did have plan to marry AR.
One happy things is that no puke face aka HR.


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It's like that KBS special Becky's Back where the daughter tries to find her real dad amongst these 3 guys. I think the daughter cameo'd in the earlier eps of Fight My Way and the guy who's acting as the coach was her real dad. Landlady Hwang still is pretty hilarious. Aera and Dongman continue to be adorable with Dongman just breaking my heart with the father-son scenes. So happy to see Seol Hee fling that glass of water, that was so satisfying.


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How old is Nam-Il supposed to be? If he's older than Ae-Ra and Dong Man wouldn't they know that one or the other of them has a long lost older brother? And wouldn't they know his name? But, maybe he's younger than them (he doesn't seem younger, though) and its all kdram coinkydink.


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Omg. I swear I used up a whole box of tissue for this episode. ㅠㅠ


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I can totally relate to Sol Hee... growing up, my only dream was to be a good wife and a mother (I'm still chasing that dream though). And I understand that this dream might be small compared to being a brain surgeon or a president, but like me, this dream will make Sol Hee happy. I still believe that they will get back together but I can't wait for Joo-man to grovel (as what Dong Man suggested) and beg SH to get back together.

Is it too much if I pray for PSJ and KJW to end up together irl??? I wouldn't mind another NamLee :)


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I have one of those incurable ailments where I can't help but ship kdrama couples irl . What saddens me is that it's so hard to find BTS ( much less subbed ones ) of them, compared to other dramas


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I think Dongman has loved Aera long before, and his relationship with Hye ran is just an excuse to make Aera jealous. Waiting for her confession always came in a bad timing until now. Dong man and Ae Ra are facing the challenge of jumping into relationship and confessing for each other or they will lose each other forever. The hint came from when Aera mentioned Sul Hee didn't want them to date because they will loose each other as friends. She asked them just to jump into marriage instead and don't date. Haha. Dongman consider it as proposal. Hehe. It is ironic that Sul Hee is the one who is facing the problem instead. Dong man loves Aera for long time and he did was hiding his feelings in fear of losing her and his best friend forever. That is big challenge for all of us when it comes to opposite sex friendship. I love Dongman's amorous confession to Aera which equals to her affection for him and her strong nature. I like her quality and her strong spirit making her a heroine with every respect. Sul Hee finally unleashed her fighting spirit and it made her such a strong gentle lady. She is amazing. She has no regrets loving Jooman. She is such a lovely and amazing woman. She is just full of compassion like 'a vast ocean.' When Aera said her world just crumbled, it just tugs my heart. She builds it with loyalty, compassion, and full of love. She shines when it comes to that not only how she broke up with Jooman. She is not even a pushover. She just have powerful capability to love and protect them so deeply. She and Aera are same but different nature. Jooman did love Sulhee. Ye Jin is like an excuse like Dongman with Hyeran. It is all about excitement. Jooman mistake is the wrong timing and luck vs Dongman. Dongman looks up to Aera and he is more afraid to loose her than his curiosity of growing male puberty. He shut his feelings and stood by her all the way. It makes his love for her to grow deeply. That is why patience is Thine! It makes me so happy to see their relationship blossom and will endure all hardship and challenges. I hope to hear more confession from him. Hye Ran is going to test their relationship. I am sure it will pass with flying colors. I also sense that Landlady Hwang secretly approved of Dong man and Aera's relationship. She actually indirectly helped them to confess for each other and become closer. I think she, Aera'e father, and dongman's father were best friends and caught in love triangle that let her run away to Japan. I think she is daughter of chaebol who couldn't approve her marriage to Aera's dad who is owner of small restaurant. Maybe that is why her family send her to Japan. I also sense something about her relationship with Dongman. I think Nam Ill may be the son of Dongman father and also a half brother to Dongman not Aera. She once said the bloodline is messed up in previous episode. It is my crazy guess!!! Korean drama is full of twists !!!! I love Dongman and Aera relationship and their...


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i am very intrigued at the leftover food shown in front of Hye-Ran's apartment. Why focus on it? It was shown at ep 11 at around 52:30 and ep 12 around 36:55. Any theories?


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Am i the only one whos suspicious of the lack of Hyeran in this ep? Its weird how they showed us she moved in but then she disappeared... imo its a mistake on the writers side since its not believable knowing Hyeran. Anyways, can I just hug Seolhee? What bugged me about her character was that she KNEW what was happening but apparently thought it would all go away because she trusted JM and I feared she might end up in 'doormat mode' cuz we all know JM is her world but im glad she had enough and she told him just that.. that he saw her as a sure thing and thats why he waver. Even when she was unsure -or probably wasnt but it was too real for her to go alone- about him staying with YJ,she always had a gut feeling and she was right everytime.

JM... i cant say much about him cuz I pretty much just stared in envy at YJ's closet in his scenes... guess I lost my faith in him and im ready to move on like SH. he reminded me of MyungSoo of ExGF Club in the way that he knows there should be boundaries but just cant stand his ground cuz of the 'good guy' illness...

AR and DM are too cute! But Dad stole the show for me since hes so cute on his own way, especially with AeRa. He kinda reminds me of my own father and his grumpiness hahaha

Landlady is quite bizarre... I thought she was a random comic relief ahjumma but now she sounds more like that overprotective aunt cuz she indeed know the leads' families maybe she was around when they were kids but they dont remember her cuz she went to Japan? More like been AeRa's mom she must know her mom... still, I wanna know whats her deal...


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Seol Hee was a total QUEEN! Loved her! <3

And that scene where Dong Man peppered Ae Ra's face with kisses and declared his love for her gave me so much LIFE! <3 *____*


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Landlady hwang has to Aeras mum. Scene one when they came out of the closet, Aera wants to argue and Namil is just loosing it. Scene two landlady Hwang says shes already in Aeras Head. Haha, if she was Dongmans mother, thrn the resemblence is really just dongman blushing and giggling. There was too much familiar TalkBack lol. Just a thought.


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No Hyeran it a good thing for this episode.

Wondering again who is Landlady Hwang and she told her son, Ae Ra is out of bounds maybe cause she is the mother.

Liking this show, but is it because it is on KBS the kisses are quite timid at times which some which look like lips smacking or Kim Jiwon is still shy of onscreen kisses her lips does not seem to part. Am I too nitpicky. Anyways, didnt see Descendants of the Sun so do not know how a good kisser or not she is.


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She has had kissing scenes where she kisses normally, not just pecks, so I suppose the director tells her to do this here.


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It didn't have to be scene with many flashbacks, crying, screaming to convey the feelings of pre and post break up. True to Seol-Hee's character, it was a quiet breakup and its aftermath was dealt with maturity and grace. The screen time was short but it was truly the highlight of this episode this time round. Sorry, abs of Dong-Man!


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