Suspicious Partner: Episodes 19-20

A new murder case brings up a lot of personal issues and insecurities, causing arguments and hurt feelings that are going to take a while to untangle. Is it ever acceptable to lie for another person’s well-being, and what gives someone the right to make that decision for someone else? It can be possible to lie to someone for the right reasons, but that won’t stop them from feeling betrayed when they discover the truth.


Ji-wook tells Bong-hee to bring Hyun-soo to dinner, then he tells Chief Bang that they need to take this chance to sound out Hyun-soo. And when Yoo-jung shows up unexpectedly, she’s invited to join them. As soon as they start eating, Ji-wook asks Hyun-soo if he heard that forensic investigator Chan-ho has disappeared and is under suspicion for the chef’s murder. All innocence, Hyun-soo says that he doesn’t know the guy.

Yoo-jung decides to announce that she’s re-opening Hee-joon’s murder case. She says that the killer could be in this very house—little does she know how right she is, yet how very wrong.

Everyone ignores her, and Chief Bang brings up Chan-ho again. Hyun-soo still looks like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth, but a flashback shows us that when Chan-ho had pulled himself from the river, Hyun-soo was waiting for him. Laughing, Hyun-soo joked that Chan-hoo looked like he was about to die, and Chan-ho froze in terror. Oh no…

Ji-wook tells his guests that he was supposed to meet with Chan-ho before he disappeared, but that Chan-ho canceled the meeting abruptly. He tells Yoo-jung to check all of the CCTV footage between the park where they were supposed to meet, to the spot where his car was found.

Ji-wook and Chief Bang exchange a look that says that this isn’t working, because Hyun-soo isn’t responding as they’d hoped. Ji-wook remembers the one time he saw Hyun-soo shaken up—when he’d talked about witnessing someone he loved being hurt. Ji-wook says casually that they should see if Chan-ho has a record involving violence towards a woman, and he watches Hyun-soo’s reaction.

Later Eun-hyuk gives Hyun-soo a ride home, apologizing for talking shop throughout dinner. Hyun-soo tells him that he got a new job as a motorcycle messenger, and Eun-hyuk offers to use his services as often as possible.

Eun-hyuk asks why Hyun-soo hired Bong-hee as his lawyer, and Hyun-soo gives his usual answer, that his case was so similar to hers. Eun-hyuk reveals that a lot of guilty people approach Bong-hee for the same reason, and that he was trying to feel Hyun-soo out to see if he’d done the same.

As she drives home, Yoo-jung thinks about the end of the dinner. She’d hung back to ask if Bong-hee was going home soon, which is when she learned that Bong-hee is living in the same house as Ji-wook. Although Bong-hee had tried to explain that room and board is part of her pay, Ji-wook said yes, they’re living together, like it’s no big thing.

Once everyone has left, Bong-hee joins Ji-wook to help clean up. He couldn’t be happier to have her all to himself, and the simple act of washing dishes turns into an excuse for Ji-wook to stare adoringly at Bong-hee. She asks if the house feels empty now that it’s just the two of them, but Ji-wook says that he likes the quiet. Bong-hee sees him giving her the eyes and orders him to knock it off, but he leans closer, all But this is just my face.

Across town, a woman sits next to the body of her husband, a knife sticking out of his chest. She calls her lawyer, Eun-hyuk, and tells him calmly that her husband is dead. He rushes to her house, and when he asks what happened, she asks if he’s obligated to keep her secrets. He says that’s true, but he also can’t make false statements.

The wife reveals that she didn’t kill her husband, but that she plans to confess to his murder. As Eun-hyuk watches her being taken away in handcuffs, his voice narrates that a lawyer has two important obligations: to keep a client’s secrets, and to tell the truth. He wonders which is the correct choice when those two obligations conflict with each other.

Ji-wook makes Bong-hee a cup of the tea she bought him for his insomnia, and they sit to talk. He asks if something about Hyun-soo is bothering her, and after a brief hesitation, she asks what would happen if it turns out that she’d asked him to defend a murderer.

Ji-wook reminds her about presumption of innocence, and says that the only thing bothering him is that Hyun-soo lied about his alibi. He tells Bong-hee that he doesn’t suspect Hyun-soo of murder, which is a baldfaced lie, but he sticks to his story even when Bong-hee makes him promise not to keep anything from her.

Ji-wook does ask Bong-hee not to see Hyun-soo alone anymore, adding that he wants her to stay where he can see her twenty-four hours a day. He sounds like a typical jealous boyfriend, ha. Bong-hee has a little fun with him, pouting that twenty-four hours is a bit much, so he asks if twenty hours is okay. She sips the tea and gags from the bitter taste, and he bitterly tells her that he drinks this every day. Because she bought it for him. Cute.

Ji-wook discusses Hyun-soo with Chief Bang, noting that Hyun-soo has only reacted to two things: when he was in jail and Ji-wook asked about the assault incident, and when Ji-wook asked Chief Bang to research whether Chan-ho had problems with women.

Ji-wook asks Chief Bang to speak with the women who were assaulted by the chef. He also asks Chief Bang to keep all of this a secret between them, saying that he’ll tell Bong-hee if and when they discover that they freed a man guilty of murder, because he wants to tell her in a way that will hurt her least.

When Yoo-jung questions the wife about her murder confession, Eun-hyuk explains that she wasn’t in her right mind due to years of abuse from her husband. Forensic evidence shows that her husband died of a skull fracture, so Yoo-jung deduces that the wife pushed him down during a fight, the fall killed him, then she stabbed him after he was dead.

Afterward, Yoo-jung asks Eun-hyuk if he thinks Bong-hee is innocent of Hee-joon’s murder. He says that it never matters whether or not he believes his clients, since he defends them anyway. But he adds that he did believe Bong-hee, though he doesn’t know why. As he turns to go, Yoo-jung asks hopefully if they can share a meal sometime, but he leaves without answering.

Eun-hyuk tells his team the manufactured story that his client’s husband came home early, they fought and she pushed him, and he fractured his skull. Looking at the evidence, Ji-wook says that there were no marks of abuse on the wife’s body the day her husband died. Eun-hyuk explains this away, quickly moving on to say that the couple’s son has given a statement that he believes his mother killed his father in self-defense.

Eun-hyuk says that this is a simple case he can handle alone, but Ji-wook offers to helping him anyway. He even volunteers Bong-hee to join them, saying that she can learn a lot, so Eun-hyuk tries to get rid of Ji-wook by accepting Bong-hee’s help alone. The two men bicker like children, Eun-hyuk repeatedly trying to refuse Ji-wook’s offer and Ji-wook insisting simply because Eun-hyuk doesn’t want him to, ha.

Hyun-soo makes a delivery of more evidence documents to Ji-wook’s office. Ji-wook tells Hyun-soo that they’re working on another murder case, but that this one is different from his, pointedly mentioning that you can get a lighter sentence for turning yourself in.

Ji-wook invites Bong-hee to join him as he goes over the evidence, and she asks why he’s so determined to help Eun-hyuk with this case. Ji-wook says it’s because Eun-hyuk is acting weird about it, but Bong-hee disagrees, saying that Eun-hyuk is always weird. Ha, she’s got a point.

Ji-wook can’t figure out why this case seems off to him, and he thinks a spilled bag of fresh groceries at the scene seems to indicate that the wife was expecting company. Bong-hee thinks it’s strange that the wife would stab her husband after he was already dead—it seems needlessly violent.

Ji-wook pats Bong-hee on the head proudly, crooning that she’s improved a lot. Grinning, she wonders if the person they were expecting was their son, then mentions that he’s downstairs with Eun-hyuk right now.

Ji-wook listens in while Eun-hyuk preps the son for his testimony. The son says that his father abused his mother for as long as he could remember. Ji-wook interrupts to ask if his father also abused him, and why he moved out of his parents’ house.

Eun-hyuk tries to stop him, but Ji-wook says that they need to be fully prepared for anything, including unexpected questions. He asks the son if he ever imagined fighting his father once he became an adult. He says that he knows someone like that, thinking of Hyun-soo and how he used to dream of growing up and getting revenge on those who hurt someone he loved. Eun-hyuk ends the conversation before the son answers.

After the son leaves, Eun-hyuk confronts Ji-wook about his interference. Ji-wook orders Eun-hyuk to look him in the eyes and tell the truth, asking if the son is the one who killed his father, and when Eun-hyuk can’t meet his gaze, he assumes he’s onto something.

Eun-hyuk tells Ji-wook that the wife had come back from buying groceries to find her husband dead from a head wound. She immediately assumed that her son had been there and they’d fought. She cleaned up any possible evidence and decided to take the blame.

Eun-hyuk reminds Ji-wook that he’s bound by confidentiality, but Ji-wook cites the law stating that a lawyer can’t make a false statement. He can’t understand why Eun-hyuk is willing to let an innocent person go to prison while the real culprit walks, and Eun-hyuk says that he’s trying his best to convince the wife to tell the truth.

But Ji-wook says that Eun-hyuk is failing, because all he has is a false confession and a trial looming closer. Eun-hyuk declares that if he can’t convince the wife, then he’ll honor her wishes, but Ji-wook reminds him that that means letting the real murderer go free.


Soon the husband-wife murder trial date arrives, and the son watches tearfully as his mother faces imprisonment for a murder she didn’t commit. Ji-wook joins Bong-hee in the courtroom, saying that he’s not here to cause a scene, though he refuses to meet Eun-hyuk’s gaze. Bong-hee watches as the mother gives her crying son a smile as if to say, “I’ll be okay.”

Later at the office, Bong-hee asks Chief Bang to get her everything on the murder case. She works around the clock, studying the evidence and growing more and more disheveled. The guys watch her warily, and Ji-wook explains that when Bong-hee is working on something challenging, she forgets everything, including showers.

She scares ten years off Ji-wook’s life when she comes upstairs to talk to him, looking like a ghost with her wild hair. She tells him that she’s met with everyone involved in the case, and even went to the crime scene. Ji-wook is all, That’s fantastic, but your hair… He looks a bit horrified that she’s been going out like this.

Bong-hee tells him that she didn’t find anything new, but that something still bothers her. She says that when she was on trial, the thing she hated most was when her mother worried about her, so they both acted like everything was fine. She’d noticed that during the trial, the mother and her son were doing the same thing, “I’ll be fine, don’t worry,” to each other with their eyes. She can’t understand why a son who loves his mother that much would let her take the blame for a murder he committed.

We see what really happened that day—the son fought with his father over the way he treats him and his mother, and his father yelled that he should beat him to teach the son a lesson. The son said that his father should disappear, then he stormed out of the house.

That much Bong-hee learned from the son, and she knows that the wife came home to find her husband dead and assumed that her son did it. Bong-hee says that what they need to discover is what happened between the time the son left his father alive, and when the wife found him dead. She tells Ji-wook that she talked to the man’s doctor, who had him on medication for possible cerebral hemorrhage. She tells Ji-wook to request a new autopsy, guessing that he died spontaneously of an aneurysm.

Ji-wook couldn’t be any prouder, though the way Bong-hee keeps scratching her dirty head gives him the heebies. He pulls her in for a big hug anyway, telling her that it’s just a hug from boss to employee, though he also admits that that’s an excuse, hee. Smelling her dirty hair, he repeats his comment from several years ago: “You’re dirty, but you’re pretty.” Awww.

The second autopsy proves Bong-hee’s theory correct, so Yoo-jung drops the murder charges. They thank her, though she tells them to stop since she knows they don’t mean it.

Bong-hee is less than thrilled to see Ji-hae in the courthouse hallway, suspicious of her old nemesis when she acts friendly. Ji-hae fishes for information, asking when her relationship with Ji-wook started, and Bong-hee snarls at her.

Ji-hae asks if it started the night at the hotel, but by mentioning the hotel, she tips her own cheating hand. Bong-hee realizes that the only way Ji-hae would have known that is if she were the girl who went to the hotel with Hee-joon. Busted.

Bong-hee says it’s all water under the bridge now. But then she snatches Ji-hae up by the shirt, saying that what bothered her was being bullied and called unethical. They end up in an all-out, hair-pulling brawl, which Ji-wook rushes to break up when he finds them.

Ji-hae says nastily that he and Bong-hee seem close, and Bong-hee tries to lunge at her again. The guys and Yoo-jung follow Ji-hae and Bong-hee to the elevator, and when the door opens, Ji-wook leads Bong-hee inside and shuts the door in everyone’s face, making Eun-hyuk laugh at how cute they are.

Ji-wook attempts to fix Bong-hee’s tangled hair, but she pulls away to do it herself, saying that she can afford to lose a few strands. Ji-wook pouts that he doesn’t like that, and Bong-hee warns him not to flirt. With an impish glint in his eye, Ji-wook asks if it’s working.

Bong-hee lies that it’s not, so Ji-wook steps forward, backing her into the wall and asking huskily what he has to do to make it work. RAWR. He peers at her stunned face closely and reminds her to breathe, and when she waves him away, he says with awe that it’s working.

He follows Bong-hee into the parking garage, smirking happily. She talks about mothers and how they’re willing to sacrifice themselves for their children, and something sad moves across Ji-wook’s face as he agrees.

Bong-hee says that she likes him but she wants to see her mother more today, and of course he latches onto the “I like you” part like a dog with a bone. He likes her idea, so he decides to visit his mom, too.

The moms are currently arguing over whose child is better, so when Bong-hee arrives to surprise her mother, Ji-wook’s mom frowns jealously. Ji-wook also shows up to see his mother… at a mausoleum. Wait, what?

He stops before one cubicle, which contains an urn and a photo of himself as a child, with his father and his mother—but not the mother we know. This is the woman who gave birth to him, and Ji-wook cries as he apologizes for not visiting more often.

Hyun-soo gets an upsetting phone call, and he calls Ji-wook to meet him. He tells Ji-wook that he heard from the woman that he protected in his assault case, who told him that someone was asking her about him. Ji-wook cringes and apologizes, and Hyun-soo asks why he still doubts him.

Ji-wook says that it’s because Hyun-soo lied about his alibi, and Hyun-soo laughs and says that everyone lies. Ji-wook counters that there are different kinds of lies, and many different reasons to lie, and Hyun-soo points out that Ji-wook doesn’t know his reason.

The tension grows until they both laugh, and Ji-wook says that being suspicious of everything is a habit leftover from his days as a prosecutor. He admits looking into Hyun-soo, but says that he didn’t find anything, and he promises it won’t happen again.

Hyun-soo thinks about it, then he says that he thinks Ji-wook is lying. The two guys joke about his quick wit, then he says they should meet up again soon, with Bong-hee. Ji-wook grows wary and says that he’d like to, but he’s very busy these days.

Ji-wook is still unsettled when he arrives home, but he fibs to Bong-hee that everything is fine. He doesn’t look happy about lying to her, and he thinks that sometimes, to hide a big lie, it helps to reveal a small truth. So he sits Bong-hee down to tell her about his family.

Ji-wook reveals that he has two mothers—the woman who raised him, and his birth mother, who had been best friends. His father was killed in a fire when Ji-wook was little, and his birth mother had been taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation and died soon after. Her best friend took Ji-wook in and raised him as her own.

He’d visited Mom today for lunch, missing Bong-hee by mere seconds. They were joined by CEO Byun, who turns out to be Mom’s husband and Ji-wook’s stepfather. This explains so much! I love it.

Bong-hee takes this in, then makes a confession of her own—she has two fathers. She says that she’ll tell Ji-wook her story later.

He asks if she wants to go to bed, which Bong-hee takes the wrong way, and they stare at each other, wide-eyed. Ji-wook tries to stammer an explanation and just ends up calling Bong-hee crazy for thinking he meant that, and they both stand to storm off indignantly.

It backfires when they nearly crash into one another, and the sudden closeness (not to mention that they’re now both thinking of that), creates a moment that Ji-wook can’t resist. He stares at Bong-hee’s lips and leans in to kiss her… but their coffee mugs collide, making a loud CLACK that snaps them out of it.

Bong-hee heads to her bedroom, then doubles back to tell Ji-wook nervously that if he can’t sleep, he should just imagine her next to him. She rushes to her room, and Ji-wook asks through her door, “Can’t you just stay beside me?” Her indignant “No!” makes him grin.

He’s still smiling when he goes to bed, and he falls asleep thinking about how adorable Bong-hee is. But his sleep is disturbed by the recurring nightmare of the fire that killed his parents, and the mysterious man who walked through the fire towards him as he screamed.

Bong-hee also goes to bed smiling, but before she sleeps, she opens her scrapbook to look through her family pictures. She touches the face of her father in one photo to wish him a good night. It’s the same man from Ji-wook’s nightmare, who was there the day his parents died.

Upstairs, Ji-wook wakes from his nightmare in a cold sweat, gasping for air.


Bong-hee plays with a coin, deciding that if it comes up heads, she’ll accept Ji-wook’s feelings. But no matter how many times she spins it, the coin always comes up tails. Eventually Ji-wook comes over, complaining that she’s been making noise all day, and he tosses the coin before stomping off. This time it lands on heads, and Bong-hee squeals with excitement.


Wow, I’d almost forgotten that one almost throwaway comment in an early episode by Ji-wook, when he’d seen a picture of Bong-hee as a child and thought she’d looked familiar. But it seems as though they have met before, a long time ago, because that was Bong-hee’s father in Ji-wook’s dream (at least, it’s the father in her photo album—we don’t know anything about her other father yet). It’s not really surprising that their families would be connected, with one of their fathers having been a prosecutor and one who seems to have been wrongfully accused of a crime, according to Bong-hee’s mother. I’m guessing that Ji-wook’s father’s downfall (as mentioned by District Attorney Jang) is all tied up with Bong-hee’s father’s misfortune, and once we learn more about Bong-hee’s past we’ll have some more clues to try to fit together.

I find Ji-wook’s fascination with Hyun-soo really interesting, in large part because he seems to actually enjoy their little confrontational power plays. He senses that there’s something off about Hyun-soo, but all he knows for sure is that Hyun-soo lied about his alibi. It doesn’t necessarily follow that Hyun-soo is the killer, and while Ji-wook is pretty certain that he is, the truth is that we don’t know for sure. We do know that Hyun-soo was on the roof disposing of a body when he thought Bong-hee saw him, but we didn’t actually see him kill Hee-joon. He was there at the chef’s house shortly after the murder, but it was Chan-ho who was holding the murder weapon. This drama has proven several times that even hard facts can be very misleading, making innocent people appear guilty and vice versa. Until we see Hyun-soo actually murdering someone, there’s always the chance that he hasn’t really killed anyone.

Here is where I admit that I find Hyun-soo endlessly fascinating. We know he’s a scary guy with a troubled past, that he’s working through some sort of revenge plan where he’s systematically getting rid of seven people (whether or not he’s doing the killing himself, it does seem to be Hyun-woo’s plan), and that he very well may have done something terrible to Chan-ho. But something about him is extremely compelling, making me want to learn more about what makes him tick, and not just his motive for the murders. I want to know how his mind works, how he’s justifying these killings, and why he’s staying so close to Ji-wook and Bong-hee. It’s actually a brilliant strategy, because this way Hyun-soo can manipulate how they see him—for example, when he figured out that they were getting suspicious of the honesty of his alibi, he was able to turn that to his favor by confessing that it was a lie.

It was an effective way to keep himself in their circle, because now Hyun-soo can say that he’s being honest with them, and it’s even true. I have a feeling that despite his humble jobs and low profile, Hyun-soo is actually pretty damned brilliant. His whole conversation with Ji-wook in this episode seemed heavy with innuendo and hidden meaning, but they’re both so good at it. Their banter was a true meeting of equal minds, and for that reason, if nothing else, I hope that Hyun-soo’s true intentions aren’t uncovered too soon. I could watch him trade barbs with Ji-wook for hours and never get bored.

Of course I want to know Hyun-soo’s motive too, because the few bits of information we have tell a very dark and sad story. We can put the puzzle pieces together, and though there are still more gaps than information, it seems as though the teenage girl Hyun-soo imagined in the park (a sister, maybe?) was assaulted, possibly even killed, and it’s likely that the seven people on his hit list all had something to do with it. Given that we know that at least one of Hyun-soo’s victims had a habit of assaulting women, it’s a safe assumption. But since Hyun-soo seems to have included Chan-ho in the seven people he needed to make “disappear,” it worries me to think that Chan-ho was involved, because I want him to be better than that.

Onto a different subject—as hard as it was to watch, I’m actually glad that Eun-hyuk and Ji-wook finally had a fight. No matter how hard Eun-hyuk has tried for years to get back into Ji-wook’s good graces, there’s still a huge wall between them that’s not going to come down until they both decide to do something about it. And as cute as Eun-hyuk’s devotion to Ji-wook is, a sunny disposition and loud, adorable declarations of love aren’t going to get the job done. I still think that their main problem isn’t even about Yoo-jung—it’s about Eun-hyuk’s betrayal of Ji-wook’s trust. Ji-wook still has all of that bottled up inside, so this fight about a client hopefully released a bit of that tension, and will make it easier for them to have the fight they really need to have. It’s going to be a doozy, but they’re never going to repair their friendship until they get brutally honest.

I’m worried about the lying that Ji-wook is doing to Bong-hee lately, and how it’s going to affect their budding romance when she discovers that he hasn’t been honest with her. I believe that he’s withholding his suspicions about Hyun-soo to protect her, not wanting to upset her with the knowledge that she helped a killer go free until he’s absolutely sure. But Bong-hee isn’t going to see it that way, and I’m scared that when she finds out, it will create a rift between them that they may not be able to repair. Hopefully Ji-wook finds a way to help her understand that he really is thinking of her feelings when he lies to her.


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Ooooh, if Ji-wook is on the other side of the trust fence once Bong-hee finds out the truth, will that force him to see what Eun-hyuk's been through for so many years?

Also, how could you NOT know that your piercing gaze and low, quiet, rumbling voice would work??? Bong-hee doesn't have a prayer, nor do the rest of us!


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I'm just so happy that he smiles so much for these episodes. Like RIP my soul, but that's the ChangWook I always look for and he's finally here! What a cutie. How BongHee thinks she can resist him, I have no idea, but kudos to her slowly deteriorating resolve.


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Her resolve at this point is barely there. I like how she had to run away to her bedroom after the cup kiss. I bet if she stuck around, we all know what would have happened!

And Jiwook's smiles/squees to himself (really cute pj's by the way... I want those for my wedding getting read, lol) before he falls asleep after the cup kiss were so adorable. These two!


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Not always a fan of the families of lead characters turning out to be connected in the past, but I think here it isn't unnecessary. Really curious how Bong Hee's past fits into Ji Wook's, since we know more of his story already.

The way Hyun Soo is described in this recap is so similar to the I Remember You antagonist (his name still isn't coming back to me haha). It's so satisfying to watch crime stories that humanize the characters involved (not to justify their crimes or anything, but to understand and flesh out motives, characters etc) and are particular with the details. So far Suspicious Partners seems headed in that direction, with the many layers we've yet to see to Hyun Soo and Chan Ho and the series of crimes they've begun.


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Also this show is amazing in many ways but also for just spoiling us with Ji Chang Wook. We've seen him mad, drunk, jealous, gaze intensely with those eyes, naked, attempt aegyo, flirt, in suits, in that damned chinese collared shirt that accentuates his shoulders and back, we've seen him kiss the way a kiss should be done!! Halfway through and I can only imagine the withdrawal when he starts his military service.

(This had to be said hahaha)


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Ha ha, thank you for saying what I've been thinking!


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This show is fast becoming my must-watch every week! And I told myself to never angst over having to wait for new episodes for an amazing show, but here I am, unable to NOT watch every week. This couple is hitting all the right notes, and and I'm enjoying learning more about all the characters (even the somewhat annoying secondary ones). Keep it up, show!!


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Thanks for the recap Lollypip.

I literally don't have time for anything anymore, and that includes reading the above comments. So I apologize if this has been said before: anyone else disappointed at the childhood family connection reveal this episode. Even though I was hoping for more a central criminal emphasis like I Remember You, I was perfectly happy with the heavy romance and different cases which have all been well paced and interesting. But childhood backstories that devastate the main leads' futures together is an exhausting trope (or whatever it is) to watch...


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Yes lots of us here are disappointed. But I think some hold out hope that the writer will reveal a twist, or handle it in minimally angst-ridden way. I'm going to cautiously trust the writer because they've thrown us for a loop and pleasantly surprised us again and again.


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No I was the same way, especially since I sort of forgot of all the clues they've been giving us to sort of piece it together because at first I thought it was so random. I'm holding out hope that everything will be written well though and I believe we can trust in our two leads to play it out well.


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@ sparkzy & sidnerella, me too, here's to hoping for everything you guys mentioned ?


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I was a little disappointed because it's such a trope and I just know precious time will be spent angsting about it. Maybe it will be resolved quickly!


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Man I hope so. Coming from I Remember You's writer, I hope its slick like that.


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I'm also worried about Bong-hee's dad appearing in Ji-wook's dream and hope the writer won't go that way too much! Please keep up the good writing! I agree with everyone's comments about the quality and fascination of these episodes.


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So the show is trying to tell us that Ji-wook and Bong-hee met as children, then parted and met again as adults. Ji-wook's nightmare is hinting us that there's a very big case involving his and Bong-Hee's families coming our way.
So if these two families have a history together, it explains the bantering between the two mothers, could be that they were close at some point.


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I never even thought about the mothers previously knowing each other! That would be a cool twist. I hope that's the case, even if they just met briefly through Ji Wook's birth mom.


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On the romance: I really like that they are both aware of the attraction now and are working around it, while cohabiting, and while still properlu functioning as working adults with a job to do. It's quite real to life when you DO have a mutual attraction with a co-worker, and so you have to juggle being "switched-on" and working, while still being super aware of the other. And then taking the chance to be playful when the opportunity presents itself - suddenly alone in an elevator, meeting on the way back from lunch and walking the last 5mins together - you don't actively seek these moments out (you have a job to do after all), but you damn well milk it for all it's worth, and savour the sweetness of the chance encounters for as long as it lasts.


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Hehe. Sounds like you're speaking from experience eh, @purebristles? ?


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Okay, I just have to day that I out right giggled at this part in the recap, "Hyun-soo still looks like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth." LOL That's exactly what I thought when I was watching it...he's just a cool bad guy.


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I have been into korean dramas for a year. I have watched several of them but boy this drama has got me obssessed over the story, the leads, the supporting characters and of course the writer! Just like the episodes are proceeding the characters are also proceeding and capturing the hearts of the viewers and the viewers are of course in the verge of slow-mo death because of JCW and NJH. I mean everybody is talking about ji wook's glances but hey bonghee can also make those small gestures that makes me want to give her hugs! For example, after the dinner when they were having the insomnia curing tea and wook told her to stay in front of his eyes for the whole 24 hours the look she had was adorable and beautiful at the same time. And about the twist of bong hees father in wooks dreams on the day of the fire, i believe in the writer considering his previous drama IRY. All this time i have only read the dramabeans recap and comments and made up my own comment in my head. This time i got off the hook of not commenting on discussion forum! I blame suspicious partner and glad to put all the blame on it!


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Welcome here! I also don't comment much because I tend to marathoner my drama after they finished airing.

I totally agree about Bong-hee. Maybe not these last episode because she is trying to keep it low, but there is many instances in past episodes where she was totally looking at Ji-wook with heart eyes! I love it when it's not just the male lead who does that but both!


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Me too.? All the past dramas i watched, i could resist my urge to watch till the whole drama ends. But this 'suspicious partner' has beaten me. The story is such an all-rounder!

Yes you are right she is keeping it low cause its time for our hero to do some crushing over the girl.


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In my case, I used to watch the dramas already finished because I liked to read part of the review or advises others gave to me, wether it was worth or not my time to watch it, and because they were all good, I ended up doing a marathon and finishing exhausted, because you know the feeling, ah? You cannot stop even if it is past midnight.
The advantage of watching while airing is that you don't have another option but watching little by little every week. And I actually like this better. It is healthier for my sleeping time. ?☺?

Also: one has the chance to comment and share with you guys... having fun with the trivia!


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Glad im not the only one who's going crazy because of this drama. I checked sbs youtubr channel regularly to see if they release anything about this show, and reading every single comments from the internet, its just how obsessed i am.


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Same here @kaeka! Sbs channel sbs catch hahaha!! This drama is really a gift for me after my grad exams!!


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The sexiest thing about this episode was Ji Wook giving Bong-hee the space and freedom to work. He didn't try to distract her and was there to celebrate her intelligence. He didn't even comment on her unwashed hair! TALK ABOUT HOT!


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To be honest, I'm glad they explained it a bit better because in the first episode, I was sure she couldn't shower because he gave her too much work. I thought he was really condescending with her for something that was his fault! But now her workplace is also where she lives and she still does that, it's way cuter like that honestly.


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I wonder if they will ever reveal what happened on their two drunken nights, cuz neither BH, nor JW knows how far they've gone ???


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I really hope so. I can die in peace the moment they show us what they did on two drunken nights.


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Let's hope they reveal it too. I am dying of curiosity.


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Ji Chang-wook will be the death of me one day, I'm not even joking. He is smart, then cute, then jealous, then adorable and then hot af. His smolder (he's as good as Park Hyung-shik, maybe even better) and this deep, raspy voice, that sometimes comes out, are driving me insane. When he's like this, I swoon. When he's sad, I cry. Damn, I have it really bad. Bong-hee needs to break faster because if not, I will die.
I realize how shallow I must sound, since we have such a good drama on our hands, yet all I talk about is him, but I'm sorry (actually no, I'm not even sorry, it feels way too good), he is just so PERFECT. My mind cannot comprehend how can somebody so flawless exist, thus it is permanently in the state of amazement.


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This episode was so cute and fun that I could not deal. You know those memes where it shows how we can read smut with a completely blank straight face, but when it comes to anything fluffy or cute we immediately dissolve into a loud, squealing, semi-functional puddle of goo? Well that was me this episode, I was goo, flailing limbs, hand gestures and all.

Ji Wook crushing is the most adorable thing ever, he is so cute and sincere when he admits to his feelings and I just love it so much. It kind of reminds me of the Noona/beta-male romances where the much young hero is so head-over-heels in love with the heroine that he can't help but turn into a devoted, affectionate puppy around her.

The scene at the sink and while they were drinking tea was my fave part. And lol at BongHee trying to tell Ji Wook to stop making smoldering eyes at her, like, girl, do you not realize the near impossibility of such a request? Ji Wook, the fool, is now biologically programmed to do nothing BUT smolder at you cause he in luuurrrvveee. Admit defeat now and save yourself from the stress (or not because I'm all about delicious tension)

Logically I know that Chan Ho is not an innocent party in his relationship with Hyun Soo but all the same I'm really worried about him. My fear in the last episode when we saw him getting out of the water was that Hyun Soo would somehow come upon him as he was swimming out. I was so horrified to find out during this episode that this was actually the case. I don't think Hyun Soo has killed Chan Ho yet (although with this show you never know). And I say this because even though Hyun Soo commented on 4 people having disappeared when Chan Ho jumped; he looked truly shocked and emotional by CH's seeming suicide. Even if he did EVENTUALLY plan on killing Chan Ho, I think he would have done it much later towards the end. So clearly CH is being kept around for some reason.

As for Hyun Soo's characterization, I am really loving how the actor is portraying this character. He is doing such a fantastic job of not playing HS as a one-note villain. Hyun Soo is being given layers and complexity and the actor completely humanizes him even though we should all be thoroughly revolted by everything that he is. It is especially jarring when HS goes from ordinary man to glimpses of a psychopath with nary a glitch in between. As though a switch was flicked and all of a sudden there's a more volatile, dangerous conductor at the seat.

Hyun Soo reminds me a lot of Sung Jae from the drama Oh My Ghostess. [SPOILER ALERT if you haven't watched it yet]. Sung Jae was played by actor Lim Ju-Hwan who also did a fantastic job of flipping the switch between Sung Jae as a caring kind man and a possessed ruthless killer. To the point where you couldn't tell where one began and the other ended. Not to say that Hyun Soo is kind and caring but he's clearly not some mindless terror on the loose. He's careful methodical and we know that he has a...


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... well thought out plan. Both characters are played in such a way that is both incredibly interesting and terrifying. These aren't the monsters hiding under your bed. They're the ones who could easily be sitting next to you on the train, the bus, or walking by you on the street. And they're all the more terrifying for that reason.

Suspicious Partner is just really checking off the boxes and I'm so excited to see where it goes next.


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Well said - if I could give you all the upvotes in the world, I would! This show ticks all the boxes for me too - sizzling chemistry between the leads, great characterisation across the board (villains especially), unexpected twists...and the addictive OST is just the icing on the cake. It's been a while since I've watched such a satisfying show!


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I'm such a sucker for great characterization. Especially when it comes to your antagonist and protagonist. Honestly, you could have the most basic of plots (not the case here) but if your characters are complex and nuanced it automatically elevates everything. It just makes the story so much more interesting when the audience is able to be invested in the inner workings of the villain. You may not agree with what they do but realizing that they have a line of reasoning that makes sense to them is so fascinating. Because we may see villains and monsters as just that but they don't always see themselves the same way.

We got that with Hyun Soo. There's no doubt in my mind that he genuinely does not see himself as a bad guy. He knows intellectually that the things he does are socially unacceptable but I don't think he sees himself as a villain. In his mind, everything is justified.


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I feel like SP is missing a great PPL in not having any Purel on screen for Ji Wook to use after he touches Bong Hee.


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I can`t wait to see both moms as bff !!!! it's going to be awesome!!!


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How can you tell the man from the fire is Bong Hee's father? Have they actually shown his face? I thought the scene is always shown in the shadow with his face barely discernible. I remember much earlier in the show there was speculation that it was CEO Byun though that seems quite unlikely now.
I enjoyed the surprise revelation about Ji Wook's mother. The fact that CEO Byun is actually his adoptive father explains their relationship a lot.


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They showed his face at the end of the episode, and then finished it up with Bong Hee's father's picture. Definitely the same face. Not loving the idea that he's related to Ji Wook's family, but hopefully this show won't venture too far into angst-ville!


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Oh I must have missed it. Thanks, will watch it again.


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Thanks LollyPip!

Ji Wook out to get the girl is the most fun watch! We viewers are just going to sit back and enjoying watching the girl's resolve and determination crumble before our eyes (aren't we mean!).

Looking back on the several dead bodies disposed of, presumably by Hyun Soo, and counting,... I'm beginning to wish we could have some bits of crime procedural also taking place to solve those mysteries. I guess with the revelation of our criminal's mind, we'll get all the threads brought together for us by the end.

Here' looking forward to much more coupley shenanigans and psychotically mysterious killer engagements!


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Ji Wook and his eyesssss
Cutest washing dishes scene ever <333


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I’m wondering where they’re gonna go with the whole BH father & JW father storyline. Even though we don’t know the specifics, it’s pretty much assumed that BH’s father tried to either help or hurt JW’s father in the fire. And he did end up in jail at one point (length of time is unclear).

What I’m curious about is why the supporting characters haven’t mentioned anything? If JW’s mom was best friends with his biological mom, wouldn’t she have been in court and seen BH’s mom there regarding the fire/deaths? Does she know more than we think? I mean why does she always seek out BH’s mom? And with Lawyer Byun I’m sure he would’ve been at any court trials regarding the fire/deaths and seen BH’s mom as well… How come he hasn’t made the connection? (He was the one explaining the legal jargon used in BH’s original trial so her mom could understand).

Maybe I’m just overthinking this! Just genuinely curious and excited to understand more with next week’s episodes.


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Ji Chang Wook continues to slay me. Like seriously, how can a guy just use his eyes like that? It's not fair, totally cheating. Every time he looks at Nam Ji Hyun like she's the most precious thing in the world, it is physically painful, I swear.
This show continues to be sweet and breezy. I feel the tension with the murder is beginning to get a bit stale at the moment, but the romantic moments are so sugary sweet that it keeps me invested in the rest of the plot.
I loved seeing Nam Ji Hyun's little victory this episode, with the echoing of the "You're dirty but pretty" line. It finally feels like she's actually gaining some confidence and agency, not just as an individual but also as a lawyer, and I love that she's really beginning to earn her place amongst her colleagues!


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I don't know why I'm so thrilled when JW told YJ matter-of-factly that BH is living with him. I like that he did not just said she lives here.


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I cracked up at the part where Chief Bang told Bong Hee, "I'm single, but it seems like I am the father of 4 children," then CEO byun arrives and Chief Bang said, "here comes my eldest son," but I didnt see it in the recap. Anyway, ji wook's stares and glances are just... Ugh. I melt into a puddle of goo each time. ????


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Lol. That was also another highlight for me too. Chief Bang is such a cool and funny person. I really like his character. And I also love it when he gets pouty whenever Bong Hee mistaken him for Ji-Wook.


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Yes! And whenever he shoots ji wook the knowing smile whenever JW and BH interacts. ???


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I love his knowing smile. It's soo cheeky and cute. Lol


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If BH knows her father has something related with JW's family, she might leave JW because she feels sorry and wronged. O please I don't want that happen!


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I was worried about this show at the start because of the weird mix of comedy and darkness in the first couple of episodes, but they've really found a balance now. The writing has turned out to be very clever, and they are surprising me. The twists just keep coming. The chemistry between Bong Hee and Ji Wook is so great that I'm fearful of the inevitable problems between them when he finds out who her father is. It's going to hurt to watch it. I'm going to have to peek between my fingers like it's a horror movie.


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I find JCW's acting here so FORCED... Very very unnatural...
I prefer his comedy acts in Healer more..


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More skinship please..?


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I love how it's his turn to be heads over heel for her. And how cute he was when he didn't mind her unwashed hair and still give her a hug and pat on the head. You know it's true love when he still find her pretty despite being dirty. And it is super adorable to also see dirty but pretty Bong Hee comeback too.

And I just gain huge respect to Ji-Wook's adoptive mother for raising, adoring, and loving Ji-Wook as if he was her own son.

Although I don't like storyline where the two leads are connected by the past, I will put my trust in this writer. I hope it won't cause too many angst and noble idiocy.


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I hope too that the writer will not go to that angsty and noble idiocy thing. I hope even if they have connection in the past they will resolve it pretty fast.


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A little off topic but I have a hunch that You-Jung and Eun-Hyuk had a thing going on way before Ji Wook and EH got together. So on the night of said affair, YJ and EH wasn't a 'mistake' per se. I think they truly wanted to and it just so happened that Ji Wook found out. For me the telling sign was when YJ told EH that she did it because she didn't feel loved enough by JW. And EH actually asked her why she did that he was clearly annoyed (his birthday cake scene). I think that's why its easier for him to move on from that event - because for EH he didn't do it as a means of revenge for JW. He just happened to love the same girl as JW did. IDK if I'm making sense but yeah, just a hunch


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Has anybody commented about how horrid forense work is being portrayed in this drama? No, in whole dramaland!

I mean, in today's case, they started a trial without the forensic proofs which actually showed that the guy died due to aneurysm!

Also what's up with communication between the mother and the son? She assumed the son killed him, but she never called him to find out? Or even later, when she declared herself guilty.... she didn't talk to him? The son as well... never talk to her about it?
It would have been so easy... without having BH half of the show getting filthy in order to understand what really happened. And BH even having interview with the doctor or researching the medicine the guy used to take... that is all forensic work! Police, detectives should be investigating a so called "murder" case, not the lawyers!
This is so unrealistic that it makes me feel upset I am watching it.


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I've seen American crime tv shows that does this kind of plot device (where it turns out they need to do a second autopsy to determine that the victim died from a natural cause) which is why I'm not upset when I saw it happen in this episode. Maybe because I watch alot of crime shows that I don't really care how they execute it. I don't care if it's logical or not because it's just a drama and I can suspend my disbelief. :)


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I dont know whether this is an important point. But i am really curious to know who was the anonymous person who told bonghee about her cheating boyfriend being there in the hotel..!!!


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I always thought it was Ji-Hae.


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Was it? May be you are right. ?


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my favourite little scene was when jiwook went to break up bonghee and jihae's catfight but only took jihae's hands off bonghee LOL

+ Bonghee's triumphant smirk when she had free reign of jihae's scalp xD


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Thanks LollyPip for this awesome recap. Things I like about these 2 eps:
1. mother-daughter and mother-son (plus CEO byun) scenes. they are all adorable whoa!
2. the you're dirty-but-pretty scene, so cute and adorbs
3. the dish washing scene soon lovely of them
4. the I've got 4 kids ahahaha
5. and the epilogue coin twisting.

overall, I just love these eps I am so happy writernim is just daebak pulling all together a seamless flow of story.


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no no ..guys ..I know when my feeling is right ..that twist in the end that ji wook's mother is now not his real mother and that his real mother died in the fire seemed really MADE up just now ..it doesn't fit with the drama beginning ...it looked like they wanted to make the drama more dramatic or something ..and what ? the CEO is his foster father ??? god it just doesn't fit ....when he said "he always calls me CEO" that when I was 100% sure that they made up this part of the story just recently XD anyway its ok ..still love it this way kekeke


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That scene in the elevator... Now I can clearly understand what a smoldering stare is... I was almost fanning myself, and I can't even imagine what our actress is living. I'm pretty sure she isn't acting when she can't breathe (I know I wouldn't).
On another note, I really like where we are going with our characters: the two (former) best friends need a good honest fight to finally make up, and our villains are so interesting ! What are their motivation, their story ? I like that we have some bits and pieces that make them so human (the will to protect someone you love, HS's desire to stop violence against women...), but at the same time, I am quite afraid of them and what they're capable of doing when someone gets in their way... I really liked "I remember you" for its characters and the way the plot was handled, and I feel the same here (with a little bit more of swooning...). Now if all days could be wednesdays and thursdays... ^^


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Can't get enough of Ji Wook and Bong Hee. They're perfect characters for each other--in love and other things. Though honestly, I feel impatient about Bong Hee not being *there* yet as a lawyer (she admits to this a lot; very self-aware!), I want her to get a move on and show everyone that she's smart, capable, and a natural at this.

So fascinated by Hyun-soo's murderous brain. He's like everyday evil and that makes him more dangerous than the ordinary villain.


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This drama is one of those that I just can't stop watching...it's so addictive and i love all the characters, even the killer. Ji Chang Wook - those eyes, hugs....sigh! How can Bong Hee play hard to get!?!


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