Lookout: Episodes 31-32 (Final)

For anyone hoping for a nice calm jog to the finish line, I’m afraid you’ll be sadly disappointed, as Lookout ends not with a bang, but a sucker punch. The time has come to say goodbye to our ragtag team of vigilantes, but the question of what waits for everyone after their revenge is completed still looms. They say that when one sets on a course of revenge, they must first dig two graves: one for their enemy, and one for themselves. A hefty price for sure, but for some, it’s worth the cost.


We rewind to see Shi-wan enter the building some time before Soon-ae and Suji arrive. Soon-ae tells her friend to follow her without asking any questions, and as Soon-ae literally pulls Suji up the stairs, we see Shi-wan place a hidden camera on the stairwell.

Do-han soon reaches the building as well, and Shi-wan watches through the camera as the prosecutor races up the stairs. He murmurs, “The players have entered.”

Upstairs, Suji cries for Soon-ae to only worry about her daughter and just shoot her, saying that if it could have saved Yoo-na, she would have shot Soon-ae herself. As Suji yells that she should only think of her daughter, we see Se-won barely conscious in the utility room, whimpering that she misses her mom.

Do-han continues to race up the stairs, and Soon-ae slowly picks up the fallen gun and phone. She tells her friend that she hasn’t been a good mother to Se-won, but this is the only thing she can do for her daughter, begging Suji to understand. Suji nods bravely, and Shi-wan smirks, telling the detective not to let him down again.

While Do-han is still doing some serious stair-master drills (seriously, how much time does it take to run up a few flights when you’ve got legs that long? Sprint, man!), Bomi and Kyung-soo both urge their leader to hurry. Kyung-soo offers to head over, but Do-han instructs him to stay at the school, promising that he will save Suji himself.

Soon-ae tries yet again to shoot her friend, but with a tortured scream, she drops the gun. This time, Suji makes a grab for the gun, and Shi-wan laughs as the two women fight over the weapon.

The two wrestle for a moment until there’s a bang, and Soon-ae gapes to see that Suji’s been shot in the abdomen. Do-han arrives just in time to make eye contact with Suji before she collapses. He rushes forward and cradles her to his body, begging her to wake up.

Both Bomi and Kyung-soo freeze to hear the sound of the gunshot. Thankfully, Suji quickly regains consciousness and it looks like the shot missed anything vital, but Shi-wan fumes that she survived and restarts the three minute countdown on his utility room bomb.

Shi-wan’s mom hurries into her son’s room and starts looking through his drawings. Suddenly freezing, she remembers Shi-wan’s protectiveness regarding the giant picture frame, and flashes through all the clues that point to Shi-wan having hurt/abducted another girl.

Trembling, Mom walks over and yanks the cover off the giant frame to reveal a huge landscape of their town. Horrified, she stares to see that on the top of the high school is a depiction of Shi-wan locking someone in the utility room.

This proves to be too much for even her conscience to cover up, and she calls the police, shouting that there’s someone locked on the rooftop of the high school.

Do-han puts pressure on Suji’s wound, and she flashes back to the last time he had saved her when she was shot. She gasps that it really was him that time, but Do-han just fusses at her not to move. Soon-ae also hugs Suji to her, admitting that she could never shoot her.

Shi-wan interrupts the moment to observe that Soon-ae really does care more about her colleague than her own daughter, and mocks that Se-won truly is pitiful.

Do-han has had about enough and grabs the phone. He calls Shi-wan a coward, but the boy just turns it back on the prosecutor, calling him a coward for merely watching when he killed Yoo-na. He invites the prosecutor to just watch again this time, and Do-han snarls back that things won’t go his way. Shi-wan just smiles and asks if he’s sure.

As Kyung-soo exits the high school, he sees a line of police and a bomb squad barrel up to the school, sirens blaring. He tunes into the radio frequency and hears the report that a student is locked on the rooftop with a bomb. Kyung-soo mutters that there wasn’t anyone up there, then glances at a nearby rooftop.

In the building, Soon-ae tells Shi-wan that she won’t kill anyone and tells him to do what he wants, sure that her daughter would understand. Suji instead grabs the phone and yells at Shi-wan to stop harassing innocents when all he really wants is her.

Shi-wan snickers, prompting Suji to sneer that a kid like him couldn’t have made a bomb. Except at that moment, Jin-ki calls Do-han to inform him of the bomb threat and Se-won’s location on the rooftop, confirming that Shi-wan really is that crazy.

Kyung-soo watches the police from the nearby rooftop and muses that if Shi-wan’s mother reported him, then she can’t be all bad. (Yeah, no. That ship hasn’t sailed — it’s fallen off the edge of the Earth.)

Said (possibly redeemable) mom is currently in shock after informing on her own son. She picks up one of Shi-wan’s baby pictures and thinks back to all the times she and her husband encouraged their son to hide his true nature while they covered up for him. Clutching the picture, she sobs, apologizing.

Shi-wan taunts the team that they don’t have much time left, so Do-han snatches the phone, walks to the edge of the building and proposes, “I’ll die.” Suji and Soon-ae gape as Do-han argues that everything that happened was is some way his fault, so it should all end with his death.

Shi-wan calls it too boring, so he instructs Do-han to first write a suicide note recanting all his accusations against Shi-wan’s father, Chief Prosecutor Yoon. Suji protests, but Do-han wordlessly takes out a pen and starts writing.

Eun-joong arrives at his office to learn about the bomb and hostage threat at the high school. Meanwhile, the police comb over the utility room while Kyung-soo still watches from afar. Bomi urges him to get out of there, but there’s a sudden static break into their communication. It’s enough to raise Kyung-soo’s suspicions, and he starts running around the rooftop.

The cops break into the room above the school and the heavily armored bomb squad enters to find nothing but a pile of fireworks. Next door, Kyung-soo finds the padlocked entrance to the boiler room, sees the signal jammer above the door, and realizes that they found Se-won.

We flash back to see that when Se-won had run up to the school’s roof, she had seen Shi-wan standing on the nearby rooftop. Se-won followed him up there, then he’d locked her in the room and put the signal jammer above the door.

Afterward, Shi-wan went back to the school’s rooftop and placed the fireworks and sign as a diversion. He’d then looked at the adjacent rooftop where Se-won was entombed and grinned.

Back in the present, Kyung-soo pounds on the locked door while Se-won lies unconscious inside, the bomb timer ticking down to under a minute.

In the building, Do-han continues to write his suicide note but stops when he gets the call from Jin-ki that they didn’t find Se-won. Shi-wan laughs that Do-han’s plan to stall didn’t work. Do-han demands to know what Shi-won gets out of this, and the little psycho offhandedly answers, “I don’t know. The thrill?” It’s too much for Soon-ae, and she screams into the phone that whether or not her daughter dies, she’ll kill him.

Shi-wan isn’t worried since Soon-ae couldn’t even kill to save her own daughter, and he reminds Do-han that time is running out, adding that he’ll tell them where Se-won is – if Do-han jumps. Do-han listlessly turns towards the edge, but Suji grabs him before he can jump and yells that it’s really her that Shi-wan wants.

Soon-ae’s phone begins to run out of battery, and Soon-ae starts making desperate, whimpering noises when Shi-wan warns that when the phone dies, her daughter dies. As the phone beeps, Suji whips Do-han away from the edge… and throws herself off it.

By some miracle (or just a lot of drama magic), Do-han manages to catch Suji before she plummets, resulting in him struggling to hold on as she dangles from the building.

Suji calls up at him to let go, but Do-han grits out that he can’t. She tells him that they’ve recorded this video of Shi-wan so they can catch him after Se-won is safe, and begs him not to let Yoo-na have died in vain. Do-han instead urges, “Let’s live and catch them… If you die like this, Yoo-na will be so sad.”

In spite of Do-han’s best efforts, Suji’s hand starts to slip. Soon-ae runs forward to help her friend, but she’s halted by the arrival of Shi-wan, who has deigned to come join his “players.” Soon-ae immediately grabs her gun and aims it at him, but the little creep holds up his phone to show that the bomb timer is paused at one second, and his thumb hovers right above the start button.

As the detective and psycho have a standoff, Do-han slowly hauls Suji back onto solid ground.

Over at the school, Kyung-soo struggles to pick the lock on the adjacent rooftop while Bomi pesters him to hurry up. Heh, Kyung-soo growls back that it isn’t as easy as it looks in the movies. He does manage to open the door and runs in when he sees the collapsed Se-won.

Se-won rouses just enough to mummer a weak, “I’m scared,” then passes out again. Frantic, Kyung-soo looks around and spots the bomb with one second left on the timer.

In the building, Shi-wan nonchalantly gives Soon-ae till the count of three to shoot Suji, then slowly starts counting down as Bomi chimes into Do-han’s earpiece that Kyung-soo found Se-won. Do-han quickly asks if Se-won is all right, but by then, Shi-wan has finished his countdown and starts the one second timer.

There’s an immediate resulting explosion that Do-han can hear over the phone, and Soon-ae listens as Do-han asks if that was the bomb. She collapses in shock and Shi-wan happily chides, “That’s why I told you to shoot her.”

Bomi watches through her monitors as an unconscious – but alive – Se-won is loaded into an ambulance. She has a minor freak-out when Kyung-soo doesn’t respond to her, but then he pops up in front of one of her CCTVs and assures her that he managed to get them clear just before the blast.

Night has fallen at the building and Suji, Do-han, and Soon-ae all stare blank-faced and defeated while Shi-wan laughs at them. But then Bomi calls Do-han to report that Se-won was safely recovered. Do-han relates the message, and as the others breathe a sigh of relief, Shi-wan’s triumphant smirk fades. Oh man, I didn’t like the smiling, but the frowning is even scarier.

As Suji slowly stumbles over to her friend, she doesn’t notice Shi-wan start to run straight at her. Do-han does though. He shoves Suji out of the way, but it leaves him directly in the boy’s path. Shi-wan barrels into Do-han, and they both stumble to the building’s edge.

As the two slowly tip over the precipice, Do-han looks at Suji and flashes back to her oath to never forgive him, and her accusations that he used her daughter’s death for his own revenge. His final thought is of Suji’s thanks for helping her visit her mother.

With that last memory, Do-han falls, taking Yoo-na’s murderer with him.


After Do-han’s tragic dive, ambulances and police rush to the building, and Kyung-soo repeatedly asks Bomi what happened. He gets increasingly nervous when she doesn’t answer, but poor Bomi can only stare mutely at her monitor, tears tracking down her face at their leader’s sacrifice.

At the hospital, the priest is keeping watch over Do-han’s sleeping father when he accidentally knocks over a candle. The shattered glass fills him with foreboding, and immediately after, Eun-joong calls to tell him that Do-han “was hurt.” Well, at least he’s not dead?

Shi-wan’s mother also gets a dreaded call, standing in shock to hear that her son is in the ICU. Drat, he lived, too.

Cut to: The hospital room, where both Do-han and Shi-wan lie unconscious, bandaged, and in critical condition. The priest arrives and finds Eun-joong, Kyung-soo, and Bomi waiting outside and looking lost. Poor Kyung-soo looks like he’s about to break down at any moment.

Shi-wan’s mom arrives right behind the priest and comes face to face with the friends and family of the man her son pushed off a building. Eun-joong doesn’t even look at her, and she rushes past to go find her monster of an offspring.

Se-won wakes up in her own hospital room to see her mother by her side. Both mother and daughter cling to one another, sobbing and blaming themselves for what happened. Suji eases into the room as well, and Se-won thanks her mother’s friend for helping her.

Suji and Soon-ae exit into the corridor and Soon-ae asks after Do-han, but Suji looks defeated to admit that he’s still unconscious. She asks Soon-ae for her phone and proceeds to erase the video record they took of Shi-wan’s “game.” (What! But why?)

Soon-ae stares, and Suji says that if they turned in that video, then Soon-ae would get into trouble for kidnapping a fugitive and discharging her weapon illegally. Smiling, Suji urges Soon-ae to forget about what happened today and focus on being a mother to her daughter.

Soon-ae cries in thanks, and when Suji walks away, she calls after, almost pleading, “[Do-han] will be okay. Right?” Suji turns back and nods slightly. It doesn’t really look convincing.

Shi-wan’s mom visits her husband in jail to tell him about their son. She asks if they were good parents, and reveals, “I knew about everything that you had done. I saw how you blamed the innocent, and put them behind bars.” She says that when she was pregnant, she thought about aborting it, fearing that their child would be like his father.

Yoon looks a little teary eyed as his wife starts to sob that she’s being punished for having bad thoughts towards the unborn Shi-wan, believing that this is all her fault. Good grief. Worst family ever.

Suji visits Do-han in the ICU. The priest is standing vigil for his brother, but when she asks how Do-han is doing, he haltingly tells her, “It looks like he won’t make it through this night.” (Noooo!)

The news hits Suji hard. The priest leaves her alone with him, and she takes a seat next to Do-han’s still form. She wonders at how it could end like this when he lived such a difficult life, and tears pool in her eyes when she whispers that maybe now he can find some peace.

Gazing down at him, Suji says that she hated him so much, yet now she’s just as thankful to him. With a final thanks for being their leader, Suji slowly reaches out and holds Do-han’s hand, giving final comfort to the man who was once her enemy.

One year later.

In an underground parking lot, Suji collects a USB from a shady character. Unfortunately, as soon as she grips the drive, an unknown man whizzes by on a motorcycle and snatches it from her hand. She rushes to her own bike and chases after the guy deeper into the garage, only to find him smugly waiting for her behind a wall of hulking bodyguards. The men spread out and encircle Suji, but she strides forward confidently and bashes her helmet into one of the men.

Cue a slo-mo fight scene as Suji dodges between all the men, doing an impressive display of acrobatics as she elbows, punches, and kicks her way through the wannabe men in black. Suji makes it to the man who stole the USB, and in a mighty showdown, she knocks him out with one punch. Yup, she still be badass.

Suji pockets the USB and drives off, not noticing a man emerging from behind a car to take her picture.

After retrieving the USB, Suji calls Kyung-soo and Bomi, who report that they’re currently tailing their mark. (Aw! They all still work together.) Bomi gets in a nice phone PPL by texting their location to Suji, and she and Kyung-soo giggle over how wonderful the phone that he bought her is.

Bomi and Kyung-soo follow their mark into an clothing store, and next thing we see, the guy is firmly stuck between the two of them as they demand his opinion on the men’s underwear they’re buying.

As the two bicker around the man, Kyung-soo uses his light fingers to snag his cell phone and start a hack. Bomi keeps the man distracted by nearly shoving the underwear in his face, insisting he take a closer look since he clearly has terrible taste. Hah!

Kyung-soo finishes hacking and sneaks the phone back into the pocket, and our dynamic duo storms off still “arguing,” leaving the their mark utterly confused.

The two scurry off, and Bomi presents Kyung-soo with a present she bought in the store: a whole pack of his favorite boxers. Bomi coyly grins at her man and tells him to wear them… tonight. (Rawr!) Looking slightly weak-kneed, Kyung-soo beams dazedly. Bomi runs away laughing, and Kyung-soo happily gives chase, neither of them seeing the same man from the garage taking their pictures as well.

It looks like Eun-joong is still fighting the good fight as we catch up to him in a courtroom, where he’s acting as the prosecutor on a drunk driving case. The defendant is a rich punk who smirks as his smarmy lawyer (cameo by Ahn Suk-hwan) uses false evidence and twisted truths to argue that his client had been driving safely at the time of the accident.

Eun-joong appeals to the court that the victim (who is now in a vegetative state) was an experienced driver and hardworking father of two, but things aren’t looking good. Just as the Smarmy Lawyer looks like he’s ready for his victory lap, a messenger brings Eun-joong a USB drive that looks a whole lot like the one that Suji just retrieved.

Triumphant, Eun-joong presents evidence that the punk had been drinking at a club before driving, and they have restored dashboard camera footage of him crashing into the victim’s car. Smarmy Lawyer sits in shock, and the punk petulantly yells at a man in the audience for not erasing the video. The man is none other than Kyung-soo and Bomi’s mark.

Suji calls Bomi and Kyung-soo to report that the trial ended well, and Bomi tuts at the Smarmy Lawyer for his history of defending anyone for the right price.

Kyung-soo chimes in, “That’s why we’re here to teach people like him a lesson.” Bomi nags as him to be more serious since they could get caught, but Kyung-soo just plays cute in response. Suji smiles contentedly to listen to their banter, then tells them she has to stop somewhere before coming home. They both look at the calendar date and tell her to give “that person” their regards.

Back in the courtroom, Smarmy Lawyer is muttering, unsure how Eun-joong outmaneuvered him. The the man who had been photographing our Lookout team enters, and the lawyer greets him as Detective Kang. Kang shows the lawyer his pictures and reveals that these three had helped take down Chief Prosecutor Yoon a year ago, and just now worked with Eun-joong on this trial.

Detective Kang tells the lawyer to call if he’s curious, and leaves with the parting comment that someone else is interested, and “he needs someone who isn’t a civil servant.”

Eun-joong is working when someone comes in and drops a plastic bag on his desk. He looks up and sees… Do-han! (He’s alive?!) Do-han is in full prosecutor persona mode, and he clucks at Eun-joong for getting transferred to some tiny corner of the country after taking the fall for him. Eun-joong insists that he didn’t do it for him, but he stops short when Do-han calls him “hyung.”

Heh, it’s touching until Do-han tries to say it again, but just can’t, and reverts back to calling Eun-joong his trademark “friend.” He then upends the plastic bag and showers Eun-joong’s desk with triangle kimbaps. Do-han calls them a token of his affection, though Eun-joong points out that Do-han usually buys much nicer food for himself.

Do-han grins and cheekily agrees, “Because this is for you, not me.” Eun-joong looks caught between grinning and glaring, but then a voice asks if he doesn’t like the food. Eun-joong snaps back to reality and sees his assistant standing where he imagined Do-han to be. Now that is just cruel.

The assistant asks what Eun-joong was thinking about, and Eun-joong sadly replies, “A friend.” (*Sniff. Whimper*)

Suji’s destination turns out to be the church. The priest soon joins her and thanks her for remembering even after a year. Suji smiles slightly as she asks if she’ll ever be able to forget Do-han. She says that now that she’s fulfilled her promise to Yoo-na, she can just miss her daughter in peace. Except now, when she thinks about Yoo-na, she also remembers someone else.

The priest sighs that he had once hoped that Do-han’s fight would free him from his memories of childhood, except now he knows that there is no need to forget. “When memories of your loved ones are wiped away and you stop missing them, you also lose the reason to live.”

Suji asks what Do-han was like as a child and the priest jokes that because of the chip on his shoulder from his father’s imprisonment, Do-han gave a bad first impression. Suji smiles and adds her first impression of him wasn’t that great either.

Suji flashes back to the first time she met Do-han in that interrogation room and he had ranted about the wonderful meal she had pulled him away from. Suji remembers how he had crouched down beside her and teased, “We’ll have to see each other often then. What if we end up growing on each other?”

In the present, both Suji and the priest smile. He start to tell stories of when his brother was little, and Suji listens, thinking about the man who gave her revenge, and helped her find a life after vengeance.


Well. I suppose that’s one way you could end, Lookout.

I have to admit, I’m not sure how I feel about this ending. I really want to like it, and on some levels, I do. I’m so happy to see that Suji has found a way to move on with her life, never forgetting her daughter, but no longer living for revenge with no regard for tomorrow. The fact that Bomi and Kyung-soo stayed with her makes it even better since they all make such a great team, and an even better family. The icing on the cake is that they’re working with/for Eun-joong – Mr. The Law Is Absolute is teaming up with vigilantes to catch the bad guys. It’s all great, a wonderful way to tie up our Lookout family, except… I still have so many questions!

Did any of them ever end up serving time, or are they all still fugitives? Who the heck was the guy behind the stalker dude? What happened to Assemblywoman Chae? Is Soon-ae still a detective? Has Se-won picked up some common sense? Is Do-han’s father ok? Where’s Suji’s mom? And — most importantly — what the heck happened to Shi-wan?! Is he dead? Did he wake up? Will he be a psychotic vegetable forever more? Gah! It seems like the show was lobbying hard for a second season, and while I would welcome one, second seasons are very rare for K-dramas and it don’t feel like Lookout was popular enough to warrant one. So now, I’m just left with questions and vaguely disgruntled.

I hate to poke holes since I do love this show. It truly was filled with some superb acting, directing, composing, plot lines, and visuals, and I would much rather spend my last recap praising rather than critiquing. However, there was a noticeable decline in the last two or three weeks, and it felt like the story switched from being character driven, to being plot driven. After all the action and character development, I was surprised and a bit disappointed that the final showdown mostly consisted of everyone screaming into a phone while Shi-wan cackled. I agree that Suji and Soon-are are both mothers that were desperate to save the life of a little girl, but let’s not forget that they’re also seasoned detectives. There should be panic and desperation, yes, but these woman have enough experience to use their brains rather than meekly following orders and uselessly raging at a phone screen.

I honestly believed right up until Kyung-soo found Se-won that they all had some kind of grand master plan and they were just acting helpless, then we’d get another one of Lookout’s patented flashbacks to reveal that they’d already saved Se-won, and this was just an elaborate trap for Shi-wan. Instead, Soon-ae broke down, and Suji shot herself then leapt off a building in an attempt at martyrdom. A harsh assessment, I know, but I’m annoyed. Especially since Do-han actually DID turn into a martyr.

Words really cannot express how unhappy I am with Do-han’s demise. If I try, then I suppose I could understand that the show may have been leaning toward this with all his talk of wanting to pay for his crimes and not speaking about the future; but that is what prison is for – reflections and payment! It just hurts that the team was so close to accomplishing everything and living happily ever after, then Do-han gets needlessly chucked off a building. Instead of Do-han gaining Suji’s forgiveness through time, it was forced on us, because you can’t hate someone who saved your life. You just can’t. It’s a rule. The show literally pushed him into his redemption, rather than let him earn it while finding a reason to live again.

All in all, this was a solid show with a great cast, stellar directing, and (mostly) excellent plot development. I very rarely think a show could benefit from being longer, but in this case, I wish it could have gone on to eighteen/thirty-six episodes so we could get those pesky hanging questions answered. Still, this all started because of family and the lengths we will go for the ones we love. I hope that Do-han has found the peace that he was always denied, and Suji can start her life anew with her vigilante family. And evildoers beware, Team Lookout lives on!


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I knew all along Do-han would never make it out alive but at least give him a dignity ending with people craving for his conciousness or them mourning his dead and paying honor to his funeral. My heart torn apart knowing that no one was really deeply cared for him not even the priest. I would have been satisfied If they had Father Lee immersed in teary pray at the hospital or the Lookout team to at least shed tears together and Soon-ae as well and maybe Eun-joong too. I wouldn’t even mind they go over melodramatic on his dead that way I could let him go properly. Can’t accept that Father Lee and Soo-ji were giving up on him. All I wanted was someone to say: Don’t die Do-han. Don’t give up!


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I honestly think that Suji and Father Lee were both in shock -- ditto for Prosecutor Kim, Bomi, and Kyung-soo. The former are professionals who have been around enough injured and dying people to recognize the signs, so their acceptance of his impending death makes sense to me. Now that I think of it, they were probably tired -- if not exhausted -- at the end of the day.

Do-han deserved a send-off, that's for sure. It bothers me that he didn't get one. Heck, he would have gotten one if someone were faking his death. The lack of closure bothers me.


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There's a theme in LOOKOUT that's been lurking in the wings: “The best laid plans of mice and men go often awry.”

For all the intricate scheming and dogged research Do-han & Co. have conducted in their campaign to bring Chief Prosecutor Yoon and his minions to justice, they meet their match in the person of Si-wan. It truly seems that they have totally lost their mojo when they find themselves up against the little sociopath. On the other hand, the hellspawn who's been getting away with murder for heaven knows how long finally is thwarted after Enabler-in-Chief Mom rats him out in spite of herself. When he learns that his scheme has failed, he loses his cool detachment -- and leaves himself open to a counterattack he never saw coming.

In looking up that line in Robert Burns's poem "To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest With the Plough, November, 1785," I came across the final stanza, which seems to sum up the state of Do-han's soul:

Still you are blessed, compared with me!
The present only touches you:
But oh! I backward cast my eye,
On prospects dreary!
And forward, though I cannot see,
I guess and fear!


That surely sounds like the guilt and despair Do-han feels for his non-intervention in Yu-na's murder.

However, as he hangs onto Suji's wrist and hauls her back onto the edge of the floor, Do-han says to her, “Let’s live and catch them… If you die like this, Yoo-na will be so sad.” It sounds as if he has found a reason to continue to live -- right until he has to make a split-second decision to shove Suji out of Si-wan's path. Dang. Another sucker punch.


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Commenting two years later, but this is exactly the part that had me bawling. It had to me that Do-han was ready to die any moment in his quest for revenge, but once Yoon was behind bars it became clear he didn’t really want to die and had acquired a purpose in life: “Let’s live and catch them.” However, protecting Suji and making up for his part in Yoo-na’s death took precedence over everything else, even if it meant his own death. And I’m crying again.


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I was not okay for a while after Jang Do-han's devastating end. That glimmer of hope that life could at last become a wee bit livable for Do-han after so many privations killed me dead when his undercover crusade against Yoon Sr. took that final sudden turn because of the teenage hellspawn. Do-han's failure to protect Yu-na may have sealed his fate, but there wasn't much left of him anyway. Even without the Yu-na issue, he had burned the candle at both ends to clear his father's name, and now had to leave it to his stepbrother to look after Dad Lee, who had killed the priest's mother.

See my comment in #70 below after I watched MAWANG, which features a similarly vengeful protagonist in hell-bent pursuit of a murderer, and playing an equally long game. Should you be tempted to watch, KBS World TV on YouTube offers good subtitles for LUCIFER. It is plotted way better than LOOKOUT, with none of the frustratingly irrational behavior demonstrated by the law officers in their dealings with Si-wan. The pacing is relentlessly assured, and it never lets up. There are beaucoup literary and metaphysical references, a terrific cast, and memorable OST. And for my money, the resolution is apropos. Instead of having a kiddie sociopath and his father pulling the strings, MAWANG takes the wangtta phenomenon as its starting point -- the same mindset that figures so prominently and causes so much suffering in MY COUNTRY: THE NEW AGE, NOKDU FLOWER, and HAECHI.


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@pakalanapikake Indeed, Father Lee had a cruel fate in having to take care of his mother’s killer and losing his own name. Shin Dong Wook put on a grand performance as a priest who practices what he preaches -forgiveness- but who’s also human. It’s normal to feel pain even when turning the other cheek and forgiving one’s enemies. Being a priest doesn’t make him a robot. He also had a dark side, because supporting Do-han involved lying and manipulating. However, Father Lee had to come clean long before Do-han. I’d like to think he earned an ally in the form of Righteous Prosecutor Kim because of this. I can imagine them hanging out in the church garden in the future talking about theology, and good and evil over tea and biscuits.

I’m not over Do-han’s death yet but I was half spoiled over the ending so it didn’t come as such a shock. Yes I wished he had lived and continued leading the team and bickering with Prosecutor Kim, but most of all I’m glad he was at peace with himself in the end. It would have been a completely futile and hopeless ending if he had been bumped off by Yoon’s goons and died laughing...

This show will continue simmering in my mind for a while, I can tell.


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Aw, I'm so glad you enjoyed Shin Dong-wook's performance. At times you could see how conflicted he was about the situation. On another level, he recognized that his stepfather snapped because of the PTSD he'd developed as the result of Yoon's torture. He came across to me as very human.

If you haven't seen this, you should:
Then read the comments (*blows own horn*: mine in thread #20 and @ally-le's in #24) and follow the pointers to more discussions in Open Thread #550, and @sicarius's LOOKOUT Manifesto on her fan wall: http://www.dramabeans.com/members/sicarius/activity/165426/. Alas, @polywag's Stakeout is no longer online at tumblr. I wonder if we could persuade her to post it on her fan wall. It was good.

Oh, and you'll enjoy these articles if you haven't seen them already:

Enjoy! ;-)


I think alot of people didnt realise this but i just wanna point this out because it made me cry a river(not kidding) .
There were so many parallels between do han's death and yu na's death it was as if it had to come full circle and even if the storyline wasn't that good towards the end i feel like his characters death was planned.??
Here are the parallels
-Both fell off from a building
-Both were pushed by si wan (im still angry at not knowing what happened to him)
-Both somehow survived the fall
-Had a while in the icu where soo ji could talk to them.
-Both actually wanted to do something while on the rooftop (yuna:deliver the letter, do han: save soo ji)

And i feel like lookout is one of those shows where even though the plot can most certainly have been improved in many aspects it has a lot of heart and i guess ability to connect with audiences be it do han's conscience, soo ji's losses , bomi and kyung soo's lovee❤❤ or even yoon seung ro and his wife "defending" their son even though he's evil. So i would still rate it an 8/10!!


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That's what makes it so frustrating - the story as a whole had a clear sense of direction, with each character's arc beautifully fleshed out and interwoven into the story. And yes, it was so emotionally engaging all the way through, it wasn't just empty plot manoeuvres. Just that last stumble at the end...


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Lookout's ending was unbearably sad and so unnecessarily tragic. SPOILER from here: I can understand a hero's death if it makes narrative and logical sense. But in this case the stupidity of the characters' actions in the last episode outweigh many common sense ways of dealing with a psychopathic teenage killer that it simply amazes me why the writer chose this way to end the series.

The ending reminds me of Warrior Baek Dong Soo, or even City Hunter, or Heartless City and I'm left scratching my head wondering what happened.

On a happier note: Kudos to Key, Kim Seul gi, Kim Young Kwak, Lee Si Young, Park Solomon and Kim Tae hoon for fantastic performances. It really was a very solid show.


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Episodes 30-32 were such a letdown!
Characters behaving in frustatingly stupid ways, plot holes, lackluster fight scenes that belied the quality of earlier action choreography and most of all, missing closure or the emotionally manipulative closure.
Meh, now I will remember Lookout as the drama that manage to ruin itself for no good reason at all.


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argh! I just had this mental image of some psychopath taking a hostage to force the writer to ruin the ending.


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Lord C, thanks for making me laugh. It's a lot more plausible than some of the drama's contortions at the end. ;-)

If only there were a way to erase the finale and redraw it.


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Well i kept my hope up that he's alive. Till the end of the ep but..
Only the priest said, "the friends hated them because of his behaviour....." Bam. Ending song (i cried hard at the ending song realizing that it really ended just like that).

No funeral scene, no death sentence. He's still alive or not it's up to the viewers. It's just the most cruel ending i've ever seen. Even if there's season 2, him appearing in show after make the viewers bawl like that, is just not funny anymore (but yes, i do hope so).

Even detective Nam could appeared so unexpectedly at the hearing with that surprising flashback. Why couldn't the hero?

Well the writer is so mean to leave so unclosed thing like that. I choose to believe that he didn't die. No funeral, no death sign in that medical "beep beep" machine (?)

I'm starting Gogh Starry Night to meet Kim Young Kwang <3


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You should try Plus Nine boys too. He's really charming there! Just skip the parts about the Uncle's love life...it'll frustrate you.


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Thanks for that hot tip, crazyahjummafan. ;-)

I think that SWEET STRANGER AND ME was the first drama I saw with Kim Young Kwang. Alas, that drama, too, went sideways and ended with a thud. Too bad, because it had some touching and lovely moments. "I have to knead dough." -- I'll never look at mandoo the same way again. LOL. The ManDoods (assistant dumpling makers) were also great fun.


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My first of him was White Christmas and I've liked him since. Now I'm watching him in Law of the Jungle, go check it out he's the star there :)


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Thanks, miselpo, for pointing me to another show with Kim Young Kwang. I haven't seen LAW OF THE JUNGLE before, but I'll give it a shot. ;-)

I'll have to check out WHITE CHRISTMAS, too.

With all these recommendations, it looks as if I'll be holding a DIY Prosecutor Jang Do-han Memorial Kdramafest. ;-)


Law of the Jungle is a reality by the way not drama. But it's really fun to watch these actors/idols surviving the beautiful wild nature and Kim Young Kwang's really stand out among the cast. He's praised for his skillful hands ^^


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Same! Only when the priest said, "the friends hated them because of his behaviour....." Bam. Ending song (i cried hard at the ending song realizing that it really ended just like that).

It's just the most cruel ending i've ever seen. Well the writer is so mean to leave so unclosed thing like that, with season 2 or not.

But now I choose to believe that he didn't die. No funeral, no death sign in that medical "beep beep" machine (?).Even if there's season 2, him appearing in show after make the viewers bawl like that, is just not funny anymore (but yes, i do hope so).

Even detective Nam could appeared so unexpectedly at the hearing with that surprising flashback. Why couldn't the hero?


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Ugh, well... I thought there was no way Do-Han was ever going to survive this series after the Yoo-an revelation. Exactly *none* of my kdrama experience has shown me that the male lead could get away with anything less than giving up his life. So I don't like it, but I am peace with that plot point. Others have died for much less and I really questioned how he would live with himself. But still… All the unanswered questions! Can't we at least see what happened to the homicidal maniac teenager? Because I'm familiar with the multiple season format I. My country, I get teasing a mystery that's on going, But can't we at least wrap up the Shi-wan part in this season! Especially because we usually won't get another season! All it needed was one sentence from anyone about "yeah well at least that little $&@& is ____________."( insert choice of dead, brain damaged, jailed, captured and beaten constantly by another smarter teenage psycho). Not that hard writer!


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By that logic, Soo-ji and Soon-ae don't deserve to live either. How long do you think Shi-wan was up on that rooftop with Yu-na? Would it have taken minutes or seconds? Do-han was OUTSIDE the building, and he was supposed to somehow magically turn into Superman, rush upstairs, and prevent Yu-na's death? How? By throwing himself off the roof in the first episode of the show? (Following the show's internal logic, the only way to prevent someone from dying is to throw yourself off a building instead). We know he DID go in after them but it was obviously too late. He is just a normal person. Soo-ji and Soon-ae are TRAINED police officers RIGHT there on the scene, one FOOT away, and they couldn't save Do-han? Of course they couldn't. It's gravity they are up against. Do they deserve to die? No, they don't. Do-han was by far the most honourable character by the end of the show, taking on responsibility for everyone he was involved with, and taking all the blame onto himself silently, deserved and undeserved. Well, he got his forgiveness by going down the exact same way as Yu-na, so even if he lives, since poetic justice was served, he has got his redemption.
Now, since Soon-ae was also staying overnight in that hospital that night because of her daughter.. And she was his partner the last time they staged a fake death.. And it would be natural to assume that a full grown adult male's skull would be stronger than a seven year old child's, and Yu-na was even able to communicate with her mother after falling, and Do-han's hands weren't damaged in the fall.. And seeing as Do-han was in full-blown Martyr Mode these last few episodes, the two people he is most sorry towards are the Priest and Soo-ji, so it could naturally follow that he might believe that taking himself out of their lives would be his biggest gift to them..putting all this together I can be completely satisfied with the existing vague ending without needing an alternative ending, with the proviso that Soo-ji eventually realises that the burden of guilt she threw on Kwan-woo was more than he deserved, whether he dies or not. We have Detective Nam's example only two episodes ago so there's plenty of hope. And Soo-ji has never looked so bleak in the entirety of the show as in that one scene when she turned back and tried to smile at Soon-ae in the hospital and reassure her everything was fine, when it so clearly wasn't, not for her.


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Is there a list for the most evil child villain among the kdrama land? Because if there is, Shi-Wan would be a front runner. Definitely.


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In VOICE, serial killer Mo Tae-goo is an adult -- but he had been violent as a kid, and his father still covers for him. Si-wan seems to be in a different league from Mo Tae-goo, who's a very hands-on and bloody killer with a taste for cat-and-mouse games.

Then there is the little lovely in the film A GIRL AT MY DOOR who turns out to be sociopathic. She lied convincingly to frame people, but wasn't physically violent, IIRC.


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Hmmm. I think Shi wan would've become hands on as he got older. As a kid, physically he is limited by his strength and lack of mobility (car). Yoo na was probably an escalation as was his need to be there on the scene for Su ji's death.


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I'm with everyone else...I did/didn't see his death...and I thought that time lapse of one year meant he was alive by divine prayers. I still think that this is one of the best drama of 2017...I'm so the rom-com girl, but I loved the writing and acting. This drama kept me in suspense. I did not notice the switch into a plot drama until I read your recap..however it was still true to form because when your loved ones are facing death doors - logic and training disappear. I am not sure how I feel about the ending...if there is a season 2 that will answer all your questions stated in the recap - ok...if not I hated the ending. I was so caught up in the new storyI was shocked when they start rolling the final credits. Id anyone is reading this and wondering if it is a GREAT drama...Yes it is...even with the flaws. I enjoyed Whisper, however I felt the writing and acting were a lot more developed. The 2 female cops are in two different worlds...Lee Shi Young was a BA...strong woman, great actions scenes, and consistent...I can not believe that she was pregnant while filming....this add bonus stars...she is a solid actress and should be proud ...along with the cast of their performance....I looved it!


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Agree! The ending could have been better, but overall this was a great show! Well worth watching! A bad ending does not ruin a show for me, disappoint yes, but I can get over disappointment. I was frustrated by the ending, then came to terms with it by appreciating that it really is an open ending, and maybe that's the genius of it (hey, I'm trying). It lets us fill in the blanks and we can each fantasize about what ending we would like for Dohan, and ShiWan, and the rest that just wasn't addressed. Because unless the show shows us differently, we are all right/correct in our thinking/hypothesis! And, it makes us yearn (scream!) for more, so much more. That's brilliant Show (yes, I'm really really trying)! But yes, only love, respect and admiration for the cast and crew! This one is definitely going in my Kdrama treasure chest!


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Actually I wouldn't have minded if the hospital scene with Sooji in particular was cut. I'm not a mother but heck I would have never forgiven Dohan. Maybe I'd think him pitiful but I don't think I could ever forgive him. I've gone through a somewhat similar situation where I lost a loved one because of someone's imprudence. I know he felt sorry but I could care less and to this day I haven't forgiven him. Maybe I'm spiteful in some people's eyes but that's me. So although many interpreted that Sooji-hospital talk as her forgiving Dohan, I chose not to. I don't think it went in accordance with her character and loss. She may have understood his motives and appreciated that he tried to set things right but like she said..none of that would actually bring Yoona back. Thus, she wouldn't and couldn't forgive him. Heh I just didn't add my take on her 'forgiveness' (or lack thereof) because I know I'm in the minority too.

Regarding the depiction of Dohan's death, I think I'm just frustrated at how weak episode 32 was. It was full of unnecessary scenes. If they were going to have 30 minutes more of 'story' after Dohan's death, they should have made better use of it. Whether we had a bit more insight on the team's reaction to the death or just have the important questions answered. Otl.


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Gahh why'd it post here!? It was a reply to @ramonathepest ?


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Lookout you will be dearly missed! What a roller coaster! I find a new light that is Kim Young-Kwang. His persona is just so undeniable here that everytime he's on screen I'll be like (*-*). Srsly this guy was born to wear suits. Nevertheless Do Han will be a character that linger on me for a good while :') I'm glad i found this show.


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Just finished this drama.

Ugh, phenomenal performances by the main cast. Kim Young Kwang and Lee Shi Young were at some of their best. LSY is such a badass. Hoping for a healthy pregnancy for her. After all that action, I'm sure she'll probably be tippy toeing for the next 9 months, lol.

I can understand Do Han's demise but uggh, at the unanswered questions. I would have gladly done without the One-Year-Later and would have preferred to see if Do Han really survived the night or not. Me thinks Shi Wan didn't end well since someone is watching the new Lookout team ad I'm feeling like it's Yoon working on something while in jail. But of course, we'll never know! Because the show is done! And they didn't tell us! I hate when I have to make things up but with the way things went, anything is possible. Like Do Han could have survived and went into hiding for secret Do Han reasosn. Shi Wan could be paralyzed from the waist down or something and now Yoon is out for some revenge of his own. Liiiike??? What?

But all in all, it was a good show that really kept my attention with characters that kept my heart. And that hasn't happened for me in a K-drama in a while. Seriously. I've been dropping things left and right and shows have just not been clicking with me. I'm glad this one was able to stick and glad for the short journey these characters took me on. I just wish I got some better closure but what I'll be cooking up in my head is not bad, too.


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I dont mind Do-Han being dead but it's the way he die I counldnt accept. They, 3 adults, were standing in front of the crazy psycho kid who just didnt get what he wanted/planed, yet they all just stupidly smile to each other not even notice the kid's condition right there. If they'd just look at Shi-Wan, they would've known it was coming! But I supposed it was meant for Do-Han to shed his heroic moment. Because he has none of them all series long. It's just...stupid and unreal. That's all.


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I still don't really understand the lawyer and detective Kang part... Does that mean Do-han is alive and that he's doing something else in secret or is it someone else like Yoon after the team?? I just don't quite get that part?? Can someone explain that to me??


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I still don't really understand the lawyer and detective Kang part... Does that mean Do-han is alive and that he's doing something else in secret or is it someone else like Yoon after the team?? I just don't quite get that part?? Can someone explain that to me?? Who are they anyway??


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I think as some of the other commenters have also expressed, it is a. either showing that corruption is just part of the system, you can take away Prosecutor Yoon, but there will always be another "Prosecutor Yoon"...just with another name, hence the Lookout team will always have a reason to exist...(or other vigilante individuals/groups); and b. a possible teaser for Season 2! There's another bad guy to go after! I am hoping for the latter. Monday/Tuesday came and no Lookout! So sad...I will wait for your return Jang Do-han!


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Does anyone know the song that played at many of the ends of the episodes?


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Back to revisit LOOKOUT about 6 months after its finale with a few philosophical thoughts.

Now that I'm watching MAWANG (aka THE LUCIFER / THE DEVIL, from 2007), I have a much better appreciation for LOOKOUT and its ending. Prosecutor Jang Do-han is definitely a spiritual descendant of Lawyer Oh Seung-ha. He's basically Oh Seung-ha v2.0, and his fate is very much in keeping with the pyrrhic nature of revenge. In neither case is there an actual Mephistopheles. Instead, they both decide within themselves to pursue revenge couched as justice for the victims of power-mongering predators, and focus their lives for many years on those goals. Instead of signing Mephisto's contract in blood, they sacrifice all their opportunities for happiness in life.

20 PakalanaPikake January 28, 2018 at 8:04 AM

On a saguek note, the viciously vengeful Madam Park, wife of Nobleman Jo in REBEL: THIEF WHO STOLE THE PEOPLE, is a hybrid case of greed leading to all-consuming revenge. Her worship of Song Sabu's warped brand of Neoconfucianism leads to her son's destruction as well as her own. (Since when is the annihilation of one's own family a Confucian value?!) The main difference between Madam Park and her younger modern counterparts is that she is a member of the upper crust, like Congressman Kang in MAWANG. She benefits from her yangban husband's place in the social hierarchy, even as her own life is strictly limited by the very same conventions because she is female.


81 PakalanaPikake January 28, 2018 at 8:24 AM


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Literally my biggest problems with the ending is that it felt like there was stuff that just seemed to be forgotten about... Like what happened to Shi-Wan? How is Soo-Ae and her daughter? Did they go to jail? I mean there was so much emphasis on paying for their crimes too...
I think I can forgive the whole stalker thing since it seems to be building up for a "season 2" but everything else seem to be more suited to be answered or at least mentioned in this season.


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Thank you recapper. You summed up exactly the problems I had with this show. They had no plan against Shi Wan? They'd been outsmarting people throughout the entire show and suddenly they're weak and helpless in front of this kid and all too willing to martyr themselves? I found that really annoying. They didn't even know if Shi Wan would keep his word if Soo JI was killed. He might have just cackled some more and set the bomb off.


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I truly feel like the ending was very open especially before the time skip. Do han was such an important character yet his death was so vague? It seems unrealistic that do han would die such a tragic death and go down like that especially since the guy is very smart. I'm guessing they did the ground work for a second season and I'm hoping( more like I like to believe) that in the second season if they make it, do han will somehow be alive and plotting to take down more bad guys. A second season would be the only logical explanation for such an uncalled ending. Hoping that even if the chances are low they think about a second season.


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Just finished watching it in 2 days and I thought this could have been a good series only if the lead characters did not turn out to be idiots. The characters were established pretty strong in the beginning -- they were smart, focused and highly experienced individuals, able to solve difficult situations in a very short period of time. Even the storyline is laid out neatly, with very promising endings in every episode that I just couldn't just stop watching it the moment I started it. But somehow in the last 2 episodes, the story took a ridiculous turn where the lead characters suddenly turn into idiots, who were easily swayed by a conniving and manipulative brat whose psychotic behaviour could have been addressed only if the adults acted like their age. The whole story and chemistry of the lead actors was ruined in a snap. It's funny how Chief Prosecutor Yoon who was supposed to be the main villain of the story became the secondary villain just because of his psychopath son who only showed up in few scenes per episode. The characters were not given enough justice despite their very impressive acting. I wouldn't recommend you people to watch this. It's one of those dramas with a very strong and promising storyline but somehow ended up a flop.


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