School 2017: Episode 4

We cover a lot of ground this hour, filling in a critical portion of our main trio’s backstory while making good headway in solving the mystery behind Suspect X. Attempting to find the school’s prankster with zero help is certainly trying work, but our winsome heroine continues to face her task with optimism and heart, making it easy for the rest of us to root for her throughout her journey.

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Eun-ho catches Dae-hwi and Tae-woon in the middle of a violent fight and tries to pull them apart, but a sharp jab of Tae-woon’s elbow gets her tossed aside. She cowers in the background as the boys each grab a chair to throw—but thankfully, Teacher Gu interrupts them, ending the brawl.

Teacher Gu asks the three students to each acknowledge their crimes: For Dae-hwi and Tae-woon, it’s fighting on school grounds, while Eun-ho failed to report said fight to school administrators. Eun-ho’s flabbergasted at the charge leveled towards her, but Teacher Gu refuses to budge, even with Dae-hwi speaking up in Eun-ho’s defense.

Teacher Gu does, however, offer them an unexpected choice: They can go before the school violence commission, or receive an “unofficial” punishment.

Haha, the unofficial punishment is to run laps around the auditorium—and it’s only the beginning of what’s to come, Teacher Gu warns. Complaining that she’s being punished unfairly, Eun-ho nudges Tae-woon to say something on her behalf to Teacher Gu. Tae-woon refuses, leading Dae-hwi to make a snide comment about Tae-woon hiding behind his father, almost resulting in another fight.

Our trio starts to run, and Dae-hwi and Tae-woon childishly shove at each other every time they pass one another. After a while, Eun-ho collapses on the floor in exhaustion and observes the two boys, narrating that both Tae-woon and Dae-hwi seemed strange that day.

“They took their anger out on each other, but they also seemed to be torturing themselves, running like crazy,” she continues. “I didn’t know then that their personal circumstances would result in my suffering as well.”

Teacher Shim shares with Eun-ho the good news that she’s made it to the final screening of Hanguk University’s webtoon competition. Eun-ho’s thrilled, but her face falls when she realizes that in addition to her portfolio, she’ll need a clean student record. Telling Teacher Shim there’s a problem, she asks him for help.

The two find themselves in front of Principal Yang, who can barely keep his eyes open as Eun-ho asks him to remove the demerits from her record. But Principal Yang couldn’t care less about Eun-ho’s shot at college, telling her that the only way to change her record will be to capture Suspect X.

Outside the principal’s office, Teacher Shim optimistically tells Eun-ho that they’ll figure something out before her application is due in ten days. He asks if she has her portfolio ready, which reminds Eun-ho about her missing sketchbook, and she runs off to the teachers’ office.

To her horror, Teacher Gu tells her that the sketchbook is missing—Suspect X must have taken it when he broke into the office. Teacher Gu then reminds her to grab Dae-hwi and Tae-woon for their daily punishment in the hall.

Eun-ho grumbles to Sa-rang about the two boys getting her in trouble. But Sa-rang points out that the punishment is actually a great opportunity for Eun-ho to get to know the guys, and figure out which one is the real Suspect X.

In the assembly hall, Teacher Gu doles out the next punishment, tasking the three students with cleaning the entire school for the next ten days. He adds that they’re to report to him at the end of every day—all three of them—unless they don’t want their work to count that day.

Tae-woon asks Teacher Gu if it’s possible to just receive demerits instead (earning him a smack from Eun-ho), and Teacher Gu simply responds that Tae-woon is free to keep using his father to avoid punishment. Tae-woon looks properly chastised at that remark, while Dae-hwi smirks.

Eun-ho complains to the boys again for dragging her into their mess. When Dae-hwi apologizes to her and offers to do the cleaning himself, Eun-ho instead asks for something else—their help in finding Suspect X.

She explains that finding X is the key to her being able to attend Hanguk University, as she needs her record expunged and her notebook returned. Tae-woon and Dae-hwi each insinuate that the other must be X, but Eun-ho lays out her own theory: Suspect X must be a psychopath who kills people and hides their bodies at school. Haha, what?

Tae-woon snickers at Eun-ho’s overactive imagination, while Dae-hwi tells her more diplomatically that the suspect’s probably not a psychopath. Eun-ho looks at Dae-hwi carefully to gauge his reaction to her story, then blocks Tae-woon from escaping in order to do the same to him. When Tae-woon brushes her off, she sincerely asks him for help again, saying that she’s desperate.

In response, Tae-woon asks if she wants to date him, giving her that look of his, and then he asks if she wants to kiss him. Completely flustered, Eun-ho calls him crazy, but Tae-woon says that’s exactly how he feels about her request: speechless and at a loss for words. He snarls that he has no reason to help her, then stomps off to begin cleaning, though Eun-ho and Tae-woon just end up chasing each other with brooms.

Officer Han and Teacher Shim come across an old warehouse on the corner of campus, which raises a flag for the officer. Teacher Shim explains that it’s been empty for a while, but Officer Han asks him to find her the key to the building.

As they head toward their bikes, Tae-woon grabs Eun-ho’s arm, noticing a scratch near her elbow. He pulls out a first-aid kit from his bag and hands it to her, starting to say that a friend bought it for him because he gets injured a lot riding his motorcycle, only to stop abruptly.

Later, Sa-rang explains to Eun-ho that Tae-woon, Dae-hwi, and a third boy, Joon-ki, used to be best friends, but Tae-woon and Dae-hwi had a falling out after Joon-ki’s death. This is the first Eun-ho’s hearing of Joon-ki, so Sa-rang hesitantly tells her that he died in the same bus accident that Eun-ho was in.

She continues that the accident was rumored to be Tae-woon’s fault, but his dad intervened so that it was Joon-ki who took the blame instead. Damn.

Flashback to that day a year ago. Tae-woon sat on the ground in the aftermath of the accident, staring blankly into space as emergency workers bustled around him. He finally managed to call his dad, but he could only sob, repeating Joon-ki’s name.

Dae-hwi arrived at the scene just as Tae-woon was being led away by authorities. He called out to Tae-woon in a panic, but Tae-woon just stared back at him numbly, not saying a word.

In the present, Dae-hwi’s mom notices the photo of the three friends on Dae-hwi’s desk (though Tae-woon’s face is covered by a post-it). She comments that Joon-ki’s family must have been compensated well after the accident, given Tae-woon’s family wealth. Dae-hwi’s quick to put an end to the conversation, ordering his mother out so he can study.

Bristling at his tone, she asks Dae-hwi why he’s so prickly when he’s always coming in first. He tells her that otherwise, he’ll be stepped on, adding, “If you’re powerless, you take all the blame.”

At home, Eun-ho reads through old articles on the accident, sighing as she confirms that Tae-woon’s name is nowhere to be found in all the coverage.

The next day, Eun-ho tells Sa-rang she didn’t really think Tae-woon was a bad guy. But Sa-rang says he’s exactly that—a bad guy who uses his father’s influence to save himself and pull pranks out of boredom. Eun-ho doesn’t look convinced, as she thinks back to Tae-woon’s angry reaction in the hall, when Dae-hwi made a similar remark about his father.

Eun-ho watches Tae-woon as he cleans and tells herself that he couldn’t be Suspect X. So she sets her sights on Dae-hwi, casually mentioning to him that it would be awesome if Suspect X captured Principal Yang’s misdeeds on video and unveiled them publicly at the next demerit announcement. Dae-hwi sort of awkwardly nods along with her, like he has no idea what she’s talking about.

Later, Eun-ho tells Sa-rang that Suspect X must be Dae-hwi, since Tae-woon’s too selfish to be the culprit. But Sa-rang says Dae-hwi’s just as selfish, telling her that he’d refused to leave a test to attend Joon-ki’s funeral procession.

We see in flashback that a furious Tae-woon had punched Dae-hwi across the face afterward—the beginning of the end of their friendship. In the present, Eun-ho looks disappointed that Dae-hwi’s motivation for pulling pranks might be something other than delivering justice.

Meanwhile, our mystery group of students exchanges another round of texts, this time asking if they can trust Dae-hwi. They think they can, since he’s desperate, but another text suggests that they “close things out.”

The latest tally of merit/demerit points is posted, and ugh, Eun-ho’s hit with a whopping 55 demerits. Poor girl.

Teacher Shim sighs at the constant stream of demerit reports coming in from students. He heads back to class, where he uncharacteristically raises his voice at his students to get their attention—then asks the class to stop snitching on one another. To put some meaning behind his words, Teacher Shim pledges to run a lap around the field for every report filed, and tells the students that it’s now up to them.

Eun-ho catches Teacher Shim outside and asks if he’s serious about running laps. She says that it’ll hardly make a difference if their class doesn’t participate in the demerit system, but Teacher Shim just blames the adults for creating this situation.

He asks Eun-ho about her progress in finding Suspect X, wondering if she’d really turn him in once she found him. Looking conflicted, Eun-ho says that if she’s unable to go to college because of Suspect X, she’ll resent him forever. She asks Teacher Shim, “It’s not like I did something wrong, right?”

Back in class, Eun-ho opens her locker and is shocked to find her missing sketchbook inside.

She discusses the reappearance of her sketchbook with Sa-rang at her family restaurant, deciding that Suspect X must be either Dae-hwi or Tae-woon, since they knew she needed the notebook. Sa-rang finds both to be disappointing prospects, while Eun-ho wonders what their motive for being Suspect X might be, if not to deliver justice.

As the girls chat, Eun-ho’s brother and father bail out of nighttime deliveries to go drinking with friends, so Eun-ho volunteers to help out in their stead.

At her salon, Dae-hwi’s mom pleads with her landlady not to evict her, despite being unable to pay her rent on time. When she clings onto the landlady, Mom is pushed aside roughly and bumps into a table. Dae-hwi runs out to check on his mom, then directs his anger to the landlady, who tells him that he’s in no position to get mad.

Of course, that’s when Eun-ho walks in with their delivery order. Dae-hwi’s face goes from shock to embarrassment as he registers Eun-ho’s presence.

The two retreat outside, where Eun-ho assures Dae-hwi that what she saw wasn’t a big deal. She tells him that her family’s been through rough times too, and that he shouldn’t worry—after all, he’s a great student and a hard worker, so she says he’ll be successful.

But Dae-hwi’s not so sure, and he wonders if his hard work is enough to catch him up to the kids who started ahead of him in life. Across the street, Nam-joo steps off the bus and catches a glimpse of Dae-hwi and Eun-ho together. She turns away, looking totally annoyed.

True to his word, Teacher Shim tells his class that he’s going to run 62 laps, one for each report the class submitted. A handful of students gather outside to watch, and when it looks like Teacher Shim’s going to run every single one of those laps, more students join the watch party, looking worried for their teacher’s health.

Teacher Shim’s looking rough by the end, but he gets it done, raising his arms in victory before collapsing in exhaustion. Looking up at the sky, he smiles widely.

Back in the teachers’ office, the faculty cluck at Teacher Shim for undertaking such a foolish task. But Teacher Shim just grins, telling them that strangely, he doesn’t feel tired at all.

Eun-ho’s on her way to retrieve her bike when she stumbles upon Tae-woon’s father slapping him across the face. She quickly tucks herself into a corner and watches as Director Hyun berates his son for wanting to turn himself in. Ah, does Tae-woon want to come clean about the accident?

Tae-woon tearfully says that he’s unable to even think about his friend, thanks to the way his father handled the situation. But Director Hyun doesn’t feel any remorse about what transpired, and orders his son to fall in line. When Tae-woon sneers that all his father does is buy people off, Director Hyun raises his arm a second time.

Eun-ho can’t help but to step in at that moment, innocently calling out Tae-woon’s name and pretending that they had plans to go eat. After successfully getting his father to leave, Eun-ho asks Tae-woon if he’s okay—and he seems to be, in no small part because of her. He tells her to get on his motorcycle, offering to take her to eat like she said.

As Eun-ho eagerly scarfs down her sandwich, Tae-woon starts an argument with her about who’s paying for her food. He teases her mercilessly, offering to treat her to ice cream, then taking it back by telling her she’ll gain weight. I know I shouldn’t find this charming, but I totally do.

On their way back, Eun-ho gets Tae-woon to pull over in front of a watch store, urging him to get his watch fixed. She takes a closer look at his watch inside the store, only to pause and note that it looks familiar. An image of the watch on a bloody arm flashes before her eyes, and Eun-ho haltingly tells Tae-woon that she remembers the watch from the bus.

We flash back to the accident again, this time focusing on a badly injured Eun-ho who was crumpled on the floor of the bus. Joon-ki had found her there and made sure she was still alive.

Tae-woon and Eun-ho end up back at their lookout spot, where Tae-woon says out loud that Joon-ki must have saved Eun-ho. Cradling Tae-woon’s watch in her hand, Eun-ho echoes his words: “He saved me, and then…”

Another flashback takes us to just before the fateful accident, when Joon-ki and Tae-woon were out riding their motorcycles (pretty recklessly, I might add). As they neared a construction area, Joon-ki became distracted by a phone call from Dae-hwi and drifted into the path of an oncoming car.

He swerved to avoid a crash, then skidded out of control; just behind him, Tae-woon followed suit, falling off his own bike. A bus behind them swerved to avoid the two boys sprawled out on the road, and ended up crashing hard into the construction site.

Both boys seemed okay, but Tae-woon’s leg was pinned underneath his bike. So Joon-ki headed to the bus alone and helped the injured victims off, including Eun-ho. As Joon-ki headed back on the bus for one last victim, Tae-woon saw the bus catch on fire. Panicked and still unable to move, Tae-woon shouted at Joon-ki to get off.

But it was too late—the bus exploded into flames, killing Joon-ki. Tae-woon collapsed on the ground, wailing for his friend.

In the present, as they’re absorbing each other’s stories, Eun-ho tells Tae-woon, “It must have hurt, a lot.” Tae-woon responds that it must have hurt for her, too.

It’s a new day, and Teacher Shim’s out on the field again, running more laps. Almost all of his students are outside this time to cheer him on, and ha, Teacher Gu’s there too, lurking in the back.

As she watches Teacher Shim run, Eun-ho wonders, “Teacher Shim, no matter how bad I feel, and how sorry I feel towards him, I should still report him, right?”

That night, Sa-rang reminds Eun-ho that she has only two days left to find Suspect X. But Eun-ho’s more worried about what it might mean for Dae-hwi and Tae-woon if either turns out to be the culprit—even as she thinks back to all the awful and unfair treatment she endured because of Suspect X, she seems undecided about what she wants to do.

Principal Yang and his staff gather the students in the hall to publicly shame the students with the most demerits. On the way, PE teacher Jung notes the principal’s glee at setting a trap for X, and mutters loudly that it’s not like they’re on their way to catch Gaksital, heh. As expected, Eun-ho’s at the top of the demerit list, and she and nine other students are called up and forced to sit up front.

When the final student is called, the lights in the hall go dark, and a projector screen on stage rolls down—Suspect X is at it again! Principal Yang’s gleeful at this development, having anticipated that X would take his bait, then has the vice principal call out the security guards.

Meanwhile, a video starts to play onscreen—and ha, it’s a montage of Principal Yang breaking all kinds of school rules. Eun-ho joins the others in laughter as the video rolls, but her smile fades quickly—has she realized that this is the exact prank she suggested to Dae-hwi?

The video suddenly takes a different turn, and silence falls over the crowd as the students start seeing images of themselves onscreen, caught in the act of selling out their friends and reporting one another. Over the photos, it reads, “These are the friends you threw away for merit points.”

Just then, someone shouts out, “There he is!” A hooded figure on the second floor freezes, then starts running, making his way out of the hall. A group of guards quickly get on his tail, and Eun-ho follows.

Outside, Eun-ho breaks away from the group, instead heading toward the empty warehouse that Officer Han noticed earlier. As she scans the landscape, Suspect X rounds a corner behind her, and the two nearly collide. Face-to-face, they stand still for a moment, until they hear the adults getting closer.

The next thing we know, Eun-ho pulls open a nearby tarp that’s covering up some furniture and motions X toward it. He quickly scrambles underneath, safely hiding himself from view. When the adults come by and ask Eun-ho if she saw anything, she hesitates.

“I was torn,” Eun-ho narrates. “If I lifted this tarp, I could have cleared my name for good, and exposed who X really is. Perfect timing.” But instead, Eun-ho throws the group off in a different direction, and taking a final look back at the tarp, she runs to catch up to them.

In voiceover, Eun-ho narrates, “If you were to ask why I didn’t catch X, I’d say it’s because I ended up making friends while searching for him.” As we see Eun-ho exchange tiny smiles with Tae-woon and Dae-hwi in class, she continues, “Not a brave hero who messed with the school, but friends who are eighteen, holding on to pain and scars. Eighteen. An age when you can become friends with anyone. Will we be able to make true friends at this school?”

All that running seems to have emboldened Teacher Shim, as he decides to do something even more drastic: He rips the demerits list off the wall, while the students watch, stunned. A student guesses from Teacher Shim’s actions that the demerit system must be done for, and everyone erupts in cheers. Even Teacher Gu can’t help but smile, shaking his head at Teacher Shim’s idealism.

Soon after, a furious Principal Yang orders Teacher Shim to repost the demerits list right away. Though Teacher Shim comes close to caving, he finds his courage and tells the principal that he won’t participate in the demerit system anymore. Principal Yang can’t say much in response, only yelling at Teacher Shim to write a letter of apology.

Afterward, Teacher Shim falls apart at his desk, quivering in fear, and Teacher Gu calls him foolish.

Sa-rang berates Eun-ho for missing out on the opportunity to catch Suspect X. With another webtoon contest entry form in hand, Eun-ho tells Sa-rang she’ll be sure to win the competition this time. Wait, so she just gave up on her final screening?

When Sa-rang wonders who X might really be, Eun-ho says confidently that it’s Dae-hwi, because he did her a favor.

Suddenly, some students in the hall shout out that they’ve spotted Suspect X. Eun-ho immediately runs out to join the chase, and soon, she’s hot on the trail of… Dae-hwi? He’s not even wearing a hoodie, but Eun-ho follows him outside, still convinced that he’s X.

Dae-hwi runs up to the roof and looks around, almost as if he’s looking for someone, while Eun-ho hangs back, staring up at him. Dae-hwi starts to turn around, but just before Eun-ho gets discovered, the actual Suspect X grabs her, covers her mouth, and pulls her around the corner, shielding her from Dae-hwi’s view.

Seeing no one behind him, Dae-hwi runs off. Not too long after, Officer Han and a group of guards follow.

Eun-ho frees herself from Suspect X’s grip and faces him angrily. Without hesitation, he takes off his hood… revealing Tae-woon underneath. Eun-ho’s mouth drops open, and Tae-woon remarks, “You’re really getting on my nerves.”


Tae-woon is Suspect X! At least I think he is? Have we really solved the mystery of Suspect X already? Given how early we are in the series, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tae-woon’s actually not Suspect X (or X is an identity claimed by multiple people), or if there’s a much deeper mystery in the works, involving Dae-hwi and the group of texting students. Or, maybe I’m wrong and the Suspect X plotline wraps up about here—especially since Eun-ho’s basically given up on turning him in—and instead, we’ll start to focus on other things, like the developing friendships between Eun-ho and the two boys, along with the rest of the classmates.

The one thing that struck me about Eun-ho’s decision not to turn in Suspect X was her reason for doing so—because Suspect X helped her make friends. It got me thinking of how lonely it must be to be a student at that school, because even though Eun-ho’s got a pretty great BFF in Sa-rang, it’s clear that she’s looking for more true friends. It says a lot about Eun-ho that she chose her budding friendships over her future—it may not have been the most rational decision, but I love that she’s got such a strong sense of right and wrong when it comes to how others should be treated, and that she’s drawn to this romantic notion of justice that helps keep her on Suspect X’s side, even after all that she’s been through because of him.

So if Tae-woon really is the guy behind Suspect X’s pranks, I can see why he and Eun-ho seem to have such a natural rapport with one another (I can watch those two bicker and joke around awkwardly for hours). Despite his gruff exterior, he’s far more willing to be open and vulnerable with Eun-ho than I would have given him credit for, and he, like Eun-ho, seems to be somewhat driven by a sense of what’s right and wrong.

Contrast that to Dae-hwi, who’s driven more by a need to succeed in life, and seemingly values success over everything else. He just seems so much colder than the other members of our trio, like he wouldn’t hesitate to step over others to get what he wants—but the question is, was it the accident that made him this way, or was he always like this? While I’m not thrilled that we seem to be headed towards some sort of a love triangle between the boys and Eun-ho, I’m curious to see if Eun-ho might serve as a catalyst for Dae-hwi to let his guard down and open up a bit.

If I had one complaint about the show so far, it would be that the show hasn’t quite figured out how to pull all of the narrative threads together into a cohesive story just yet. I’m not sure if it’s the editing or the pacing or what, but some of arcs this hour felt a bit forced (e.g. Teacher Shim’s sudden rise against the establishment) while we spent way too much time flashing back to the accident. While I don’t mind that the show’s attempting to balance its light, breezy tone with heavier emotional moments, I didn’t always feel like those moments were earned.

Still, I’m really enjoying the everyday, slice-of-life moments between our students and teachers (I need more PE teacher Jung!), and I’m intrigued enough by the mystery aspects to be excited to see where we go from here. So if you need me, you’ll find me in my corner, sipping my drink and waiting to see what happens next week, Teacher Gu-style.


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There is too much in every episode to complaint about.
But that guy Taw-woon surely is a big tease. shines in the company of Eun-Hoo.


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I'm still not too convinced that Tae woon is really Suspect X. After revealing part of the broken bromance plot, I thought Dae Hwi has more reasons to pull those "pranks". But I can't reconcile the mystery group of students with Dae Hwi as Suspect X.

Aside from Kim Jung-hyun (?), what I like with School 2017 is that Tae woon the bad boy is already friendly at least with Eun Ho even before all the hoopla that pulled them more together. So when they are finally together (please dont disappoint me), it wouldn't feel forced just because of an event.


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I like know right like how she hid him, didn't check to see if it was who she suspected and just kept on running.

With the rest of the backtourage ( backward + entourage) she ran and that was darn funny, I am guessing that was TW given his height and him always wiggly, wiggly in unsureness of how he should react to her.

Then later toward the end she nearly got as far as DH and that instrumental music starts ( that clapping, sounds almost like a nuclear evacuation warning sounding music or was that used in Angry Mom, anyway it is similar).... And Eun Ho knows who it is, this time at least, because the hand over her mouth is Tae Woons, she had to know at that point when he saved her from principal Yang and that's when I started screaming it's TW and it's him.... But why? How? When? Does he have a boiler room office with a drone dressed as principal Yang? Why does he remind me of one of my all time favorite characters Kang Mireu, from White Christmas, without the huge grin, but rather a remorseful heart and look?


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The actor for Tae Woon actually looks a lot like Kim Woo Bin, that's why. Their mouth and jaw/chin are really similar, only TW looks not so much like a dinosaur :)


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"what I like with School 2017 is that Tae woon the bad boy is already friendly at least with Eun Ho even before all the hoopla that pulled them more together."

YESS i love that aspect about their relationship too!! i love that even in the first episode, they already had that casual camaraderie that high school classmates usually have with each other - it makes their interactions feel a lot more natural.


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Im kind of confused too beacause at the scene where she sneaked into the teachers room and sees student X in action, his face was not revealed but we could see his shoes, and in the next scene dae-hwi was clearly wearing the same shoes and there is also another scene showing dae-hwi in the student X layer but suddenly its not him...?😂iM cOnFuSed!!


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I agree that it still feels like separate stories and the tie-together isn't always quite enough to make it feel 100% cohesive. It's not keeping me from enjoying the show, though.

Teacher Shim was a major highlight for me this ep, and I didn't see his actions as coming from nowhere. All through the series so far, we've had scenes of him acting out anti-establishment speeches he wanted to make that he couldn't manage to get out at the right time. This time, he went with actions first, and his running for the students (which was strangely touching) gave him the moxie to get his words out to the administration and start being as bold as he's wanted to be all series.


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Pick random scenes from episode and put them into earlier episodes, no one will notice the difference.
Jang Na Ra's slapping hands scene was overly dramatic but the buildup was logical and looked real but here i just don't feel much coming from this male teacher. Most of the blame lies with Scriptwriter.
I actually like that Mini-jibes teacher who always deals blow to aggressive voices.


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Teacher Shim is fighting such a frustrating and lonely battle. And I admire him for sticking to his difficult decision that he wouldn't condone his class tattling about their friends merely for some merit points. His action might look too extreme, but I can see his point. For a bunch of teenagers who has spend their whole life listening to adults about how cruel real world is and how they can't really trust others, he would need to show something strong to prove that he does care about them.

It's heartening to see the other teachers finally showing their support even if only in small gestures. Like PE Teacher Jung and his trademark snide comments, or Teacher Goo's small smile watching the students started to care about their homeroom teacher, or Officer Han casually stepping on the merit-demerit announcement. Here is hoping that we'll see more of student-teacher bonding times and them successfully changing the school's crazy system.


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I know the focus of the story isn't on this, but Tae-woon and Eun-ho are so cute together! Their constant bickering seems to amuse them as well. While the main trio's story arc is getting progressively interesting, the rest of the school seems to stagnate in their linear characterisations.


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I'm catching myself grinning like a big dork when those two are together. My ship sailed for these two at episode 1, so I really hope it stays afloat!


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Thanks so much for the recaps.

Let me just say that I love how TW deals with evil dad. And how EH deals with evil principal.

And alas the smacking of son scene in the parking lot did in fact feel repetitive, in a quick reboot of Sassy Go Go, but I felt that Kim Jung Hyun played so well into "father don't do this - let alone here at school" without saying anything at all. At first I wasn't sure about Kim Se Jeong, but now I am sure I like how she is playing Eun Ho, without reminding me of anyone else.

Also to anyone who thinks the accident scene was a but over the top. Lets be reminded of real life accidents, I witnessed a traffic accident today for the second time in less than 3 months. And yes there were no motorbikes but let me tell you the speed at which both accident took place, and how both times I thought the main vehicles would blow up, okay just today because of watching the reveal of the bus accident, I was like let's get out of the traffic that car is gonna blow, it didn't but I knew I had to get out of the road.

The point is Kim Jung Hyun and those sorrowful looks on the rooftops, at the edge of a rooftop, at his class desk, throwing around stuff and a desk in class with DH makes me wanna just say Eun Ho watch over him for us and make sure he doesn't get into any more trouble, we know... It's tough.


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I think the disjointedness of the drama became more prominent in this episode? Kinda like there is so much going on, but nothing is properly and fully developed :") I really enjoy all the sub-plots, and that's why I hope the drama has planned out where we are heading :^) It's also rather heartening to see how some of the teachers' attitudes towards the (rather) shitty system are slowly shifting - you go Eun-ho!! Hopefully we get to see more teachers actively fighting against the principal and the director in making this school a little more humane and kind towards its students.

In the meantime, looking forward to more of Tae-woon and Eun-ho scenes because, damn, these two are really quite cute together, and their interactions feel natural and genuine.

Can we also talk about how much money Subway has earned through PPLs alone? It's kind of a burning question.


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My question is "do Subway's sandwiches taste better in South Korea?" The Subway in dramas seem nicer than the ones I've been too. Clean. People actually want to sit there and eat. No one seems to wanting to order theirs to-go so they can eat it in a less depressing place. Are Subway restaurants really like that in South Korea or is that just PPL-gloss?


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I really loved this episode! I feel like the show is finally finding it's footing. Also I was surprised we got the background between Tae-woon & Dae-hwi so quickly. And go teacher Shin! I was so happy to see him stand up to the principal. About time!


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When Eun Ho asked Dae-hwi to post pictures of the Principle I had a feeling Tae-woon was listening and could probably pull this prank, but I'm still not so sure that he is X. He might have just done that to help out Eun Ho. I also appreciate that he is open with her and they don't beat around the bush and I don't think he would share his stories with anyone else.


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I'm not convinced that Tae Woon is X, maybe he's just there pretending to be X to make Eun Ho stops on whatever she's getting into. Anyway, I'm very curious on what's Dae Hwi's deal. I see a lot of revelations had been shown for Tae Woon's backstory, but I'm still unsure about Dae Hwi. And remember when Kyung Woo said that he's not being truth with his own feelings? I wonder if it's about between him and Tae Woon, or maybe his is living his prententious life, like being the "example" student and all when he's actually rebelling in secret or is it because of his feelings toward Nam Joo.


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There is a little too much in every episode, but that doesn't mean that i don't enjoy this drama. The thing that i dislike the most is, the fact that i feel like they have so many unnecessary scenes in each episode. And sometimes each scenes don't connect well. I'm also confused. I know that Taewoon and Eunho are sort of friends before this drama started, but what is Dae Hwi and Eunho's relation? Are they friends? Or acquaintance? Because they don't feel like friends but with the deep talk scene in this episode make me believe that they're friends, but they don't look like friends from previous episodes.


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I am enjoying this series very much!


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I'm not worried about suspect X , I'm more focussed on the growth of all the characters, I'm glad she made friends with with both the boys.


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I just saw the preview for epi 5, and I think it is safe to say there's no conclusion who is X yet. ?

This drama is like my weekly vitamin that I don't have much expectatation but will just enjoy the flow.


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Link to Ep.5 preview for anyone who needs it! Unfortunately the subbed one isn't up yet. https://www.facebook.com/KBSdrama/videos/1777378978946676/


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I think it will come out tomorrow hopefully!


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Thank you for the link :)


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@seralovestteobokki do you mind sharing your vitamin ? hahaha ?, I know the plot isn't perfect but I watch School 2017 for this fresh vibe school drama gives , there's also Eun Ho - Tae Woon ship and simply me having a crush on Tae Woon Oppa ?


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Sharing is caring @kudoran. ?

I'm not that hard to be pleased, but yes hard to be convinced. As long as I can get into the story, I'll watch. If not, regardless how many positive reviews on some shows, I won't watch.


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I feel this show is at its strongest when it lets character moments step up, so I liked the focus on the accident, since it has been seared into the psyches of our main trio and continues to influence the boys' actions.

Eunho's narration about making friends who aren't heroes but simply eighteen-year-olds with scars resonated deeply thanks to the sufficient emotional buildup from the accident flashback scenes.

But I also feel a strength of that scene lies not in explaining the characters' present actions/ state, but in moving them towards a future with each other. The deepened understanding between Eunho and Taewoon on that rooftop scene was palpable even in their silence, and in the simple words they exchanged.


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Tae-woon?! And for a moment there i was suspecting Teacher Gu ( i still do). Given how Tae Woon doesn't care about his low merits at school, it makes sense that he's suspect-X. Then again, i don't think he's the only one out there.


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"Tae-woon is Suspect X! At least I think he is? Have we really solved the mystery of Suspect X already?" --> Exactly my thoughts.


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What I am most interested is in finding who sent the suspicious note to Eun-ho. Any guesses?


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Kyung Woo. He seems to know everything.


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Kyung Woo is so sarcastic and cryptic, and hides behind the guise of his guitar.

For instance when he tells Dae Hwi to get closer to his true feelings ... What is that all about romance, bromance, academance, homelifemance?

So for KW it could be like oh she asked him why he was on the rooftop that time and if he was the culprit, so he mockingly answers her and puts together a note that incriminate TW and DH...

All along I thought it could be Han Su Ji employing unorthodox tactics to smoke out the inner workings of the worker bee ring, because what should a detective do anyway?

A plain clothed, or school clothed, detective amongst the students would have been more fun...new student idol I am watching you very closely...


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I am not fully convinced about Tae-woon's fault in the accident. Both of the boys were driving recklessly, but Joong-gi was the one who got distracted. Why is everyone saying its his fault? I love Tae-woon too much to accept this without a fight!


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It's not Tae Woon's fault. No one is saying it's his fault. What made Dae Hwi mad is that Tae Woon got away from everything using his father's connection and put the blame solely on Joong Gi, even though it's true that Joong Gi got distracted and caused the accident, but they were racing together.


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Thanks for that. Because that makes me think that the two motorcyclists in the black that intimidate Tae Woonie are Dae Hwi's connections, perhaps part of the DH-texting-ring.

But I agree that it wasn't TWs fault at all, for crying out loud his leg got caught under his bike. He would have yanked Joong Gi out of there in no time. It seems TW still feels guilty though because even if it was Joong gi's idea and JG's fault in his moment of distraction ...he, Hyun Tae Woon, should have talked him out of it, yelled loud enough to JG, being a hero in his 'last moments', to get out of the bus it's going to blow up and last but not least, TW should never of let his dad talk him out of taking some blame for the incident and just blaming it solely on Joong Gi-yah.

What would be crazy is if JG turned out to be alive and hiding, but why? A disfigurement maybe, or is possible psychologically smarter DH messing with Tae Woon's mind? Do other people also place some of the blame on TW like DH does?


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I thought of this too.. I was thinking Joong gi maybe X. But Tae woon saw him being blown up..so there is no way out..


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I think maybe a brother to Joong Gi who wants to seek revenge.

I still have some confusion about Dae Hwi and his connection with a group of students that we only saw a glimpse of them.


Yea I agree with your point. I was confused because Dae-hwi calls him a murderer. Before the flashback, I thought Tae-woon somehow actually was the reason for Joong-gi's death. But, it was really both their faults.


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I think it's because none of the students know what really happened that day. All they know is that Taewoon and JoongGi went riding and got in an accident and JoongGi died , and Taewoon's name was completely removed from reports of the incident. Hence some of them believe that Taewoon was the reason for the accident and his father covered it up and blamed it on JoongGi, who has no "power" and can no longer defend himself. This is kind of what Sarang said to EunHo when explaining the incident to her, and what DaeHwi alluded to when his mom asked him about the photograph.

I don't think the accident is anyone's fault per se - Taewoon feels partially responsible because they were racing. But I think even he doesn't know why JoongGi suddenly fell - in fact at this point no one will be able to know that he crashed cause he was trying to pick up his phone ( which he should not have done so I guess he is more to blame than anyone else ) and you can't really blame Daehwi for calling him either.


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The thing that I don't understand is, why he was bothered to check his phone while racing? It seems like he must answer that call at that time regardless in any situation. I do hope there's not something more to this incident because have some other speculations that I hope will be wrong.


I am mildly obsessed with what I assume is the lead couple in the drama - I'm having trouble determining if their couple name is "TaeHo" or "EunTae" so that I can ship them officially haha. Or maybe they can be kim-kim couple like song-song couple(?) Their behind-the-scenes interactions are as cute/ even cuter than their scenes in the drama. In any case, they:
1. fill the void left behind by park seo joon and kim Ji won in fight my way;
2. make me look forward to Mondays more than the weekend, and
3. make me overlook the sometimes "disjointed" plot lines and weird editing.

Like for example, did anyone notice that a scene in the ep 4 trailer and during the ep 4 closing illustrations, where Dae Hwi catches Eunho when she falls off the table she was standing on while cleaning, was not actually shown in the drama


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i noticed that too when i watched it from kbs world acc. i thought that scene was cut since it's from that channel


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This show has flaws but Tae-woon's presence is really making it up for every complaint that I have. Plus his endless bickering with Eun-ho is just purely fun to watch!


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Your name reminds me of my two favourite nocturnal ninja's. Of which one is a modern day take on ninja and also operates by both day and night, referring to Tae Woon of course, well at least for now. The other was from my fav fusion-Sageuk but who's asking?


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^^, embarrassed face...

Would have been more effective if this went through as a reply to nocturnalninja, how did that happen? Flip now I should get an account so that I can delete stuff that do not go through as replies...cue crying lamb track...


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Glad that I went back here to read more comments, I got to see this! My reason for using this username is because one, I am a nocturnal. And second, ninjas are nocturnal so that makes me a ninja. Did I make any sense? Lol. You should prolly make an account, it's a lot more fun!


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Lol, your reply made my weekend!!!

Thank you, @nocturnalninja.

I will probably make an account when I get my dream cast for 'Bad Guys 2'. Maybe I will choose Sakura Sensei or Sakura's Tsundere as my account name as I noticed by chance that there was another Sakura, also unregistered, on dramabeans.

Why am I the only one who reads comments whilst waiting for tomorrow's episode, lol!!!, any show with a bad boy gets my interest quickly!!!


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I am really in love with this show! I cant believe I have to wait so long for the next episode! I hope I survive this??


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How about EunSwoon(s), purposeful -s- for impact, for now, and later on when the scriptwriter feels like placing a dagger in our hearts it can be EunHwi? Lol!!!


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I am truly drawn to this show. The light drama is just what I needed after the heartbreak with my other shows 7DQ and FoS. I really like the rapport between TaeWoon and EunHo. I am all for their budding romance since their endless bickering and flirting is what I adore the most.
The teachers are also growing on me. I am starting to like Teacher Shim and PE Teacher Jung. Teacher Gu is also endearing despite his gruff ways.
I am not sure if I am to believe its Suspe t X is TaeWoon. Will just have to wait and see.


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Cheshire Cat with the red hair, get well soon and out plot us in some complex dramas.

Is Kim Jung Hyun also 1.88m and why do I obsess so much with guys who have a version of Hyun in there name ( real or stage).


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Think he is 183cm, and she is 164cm. I don't know why I know this haha. I think their height difference is just nice like she fits in the crook of his neck ( during the scene where they were hiding from the principal in ep 3 )


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At Ahjumma

Does this mean that our cutesy Dae Hwi is 173cm? Then there will be a ship full of Eunho and Dae Hwi supporters by the end of the show.

Technically I couldn't back Nam Joo Hyuk with Kim So Hyun but Yook Sung Jae totally rocked his building scale scene.

So I am wondering who will scale a building first in this drama, I am hoping it's Tae Woon, if that ever happens.


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I don't take this too seriously but the chemistry beween the main characters is good and the programme seems fun.


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At Ajusshi

Jung Hyun takes care of Se Jeong in real life too... In one of my fav scenes with the two, the first aid pack, that Tae Woon gives to Eun Ho doesn't seem to suit his style by her. But if you watch the NG/BTS it rains in real life and Jung Hyun immediately covers Se Jeong and her lovely, as per KJHs observation, strawberry perfumed locks, with his satchel, so sweet..... Cut to prop whom covers them with an umbrella, what a relief.


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so much drama woah!
i'm a bit confused about the role of that bunch of mysterious (well not really mysterious - it's obvious who they are but like..) students... i was convinced they were x but i mean i kinda cant see them saving eunho ???
another thing is that I kinda can't see her art winning contests really ??


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I'm more confused at her dramatic changes of art style. It's like they hired 10 artist to do her arts. That why you said that, because some of her work is just...


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Hey can anyone please explain me as to why Joon Gi calls Eunho as guemdo in that bus scene? what does it mean ?


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At Healer99101

I thought they were calling her 'hotshot' in Korean, I can't remember if it's 'dameul' or something but I see that is far from sounding like 'guemdo' ... By the sword... If I am not mistaken it refers to her using her markers to draw cute caricatures of everyone in the web toon vibe, so now I am more confused because...that word be by the pen not the sword, lol I read to much in to Chicago Typewriter.


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Geumdo is the name of their high school, so he's using it as shorthand to refer to her as a student from Geumdo.


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Ahhh, thanks @chocolatte our talented writer and life saver.

I witnessed an accident today, so I have been thinking about the bus accident in this show all the while, I never thought of the school's name though.

Thanks again chocolatte, I really wanted to know that as well.


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ahh thank you I understand it now .


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Her drawings remind me of 'Take On' by Seo In Guk, they should do a musical School 2017 episode and include this song in Korean. Also I only got to the end of episode 2 in W-two worlds when I realized how much I miss Kang Chul, how cute Lee Jong Suk looked in School 2013, I couldn't finish...sorry MBC I am always dumping you for KBS, hehehe.


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Wooh I hadn't seen/ heard this song... So, thanks for mentioning it.. It reminded me so much of W -two worlds! Plus SIG and So Ji Sub together? Must have been around Master's Sun era..


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At obsessedmuch...

Or be much obliged, just thinking about all that Kang Chul went through all the while being trapped in that webtoon with inverted/mirrored Korean lettering taught me to read Korean fluently, or die, but I have yet to understand grammatical order.

I think 'Take' that it is from just after SIG won in 2009 which explains why he looked so young and into a throwback 80's genre, with his smooth high notes. And loosely explains why So Ji Sub looked younger than he did 5 or so years prior in Misa.


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I can’t wait for all the broadcasters to add best-use-of-a-subway-commercial into their end of year awards. With that tense-fueled save, and tasty retreat, I think School 2017 has a real shot at taking home the gold!

Also, I'm loving this series. It's lacking, for sure, but the actors are really bringing these characters to life and making it easy to root for them.


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I actually really like the show now and even Eun Ho, who got on my nerves last week. I enjoyed her attempts to smoke out X and her struggle with outing X. I enjoyed the themes of trust, friendship, and betrayal in this week's episodes. I'm glad that the teachers seem to be coming around, especially seeing Teacher Shim finally speaking his mind.

Tae-woon was adorable in that subway scene. I love Tae-woon's smiley happy face while EH was all excited about ice cream, only to dash EH's ice cream dreams.

I really wish they had made Sunhwa's police character another one of the teachers. She sort of dangles in the periphery of the story. What's the point of having her arouond if the principal is tasking Eun-Ho with catching X? We could have used a tough gal as a teacher.


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Dear writer of School 2017, don't you dare make the trio have tangled up in a love triangle. Please, don't, just don't, never.


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I do not know why I am still watching this drama. But the actors have good chemistry and the story is somehow workable. All school dramas in Korea always portray these students struggle in maintaining good grades and being demerit free as free pass to a good education and career and having less financial troubles.

However, as we see all other dramas life is not that easy, even if you have good grades personality matters and who you know also matters. And who you do not trouble also matters.


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As a teacher myself I can't help but cringe at the irrational rules this school came up with. Calling out student names with the most demerits just feels wrong. Don't get me started with the scene from last episode when our heroine faced the parents because the whole school acused her. If we have an award for the worst school in the whole dramaland universe I think this school takes the cake.
You don't, ever, embarassed kids in front of their own friends for their sins.


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I had a teacher that that calls out the names of the student he didn't pass a test. Like if you get below 45/50. It's nerve rocking hoping your name won't be call out. The thing is, it motivates me to study more just to not have my name called out. We have like below 10 fail rate and only handful of names are called. If your called, your ashamed since all your classmates know you failed. But honestly they don't care, they're just relieved they wasn't called. And I'm from Philippines.


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I've decided to stop caring about the series, plot etc and focus on the romance as everything else about this drama is annoying me. I keep getting an amateur vibe from it whether it's directing or the writing or even some of the acting or all of it, i'm not sure but if i focus on it i'm not going to get to the end so romance it is ~Taeho fighting!!


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I think Dae Hwi is the really the real X but Tae Woon seems to went out of his way to help him? So far that's all I can deduce. And Teacher Gu turned out to be the ultimate tsundere of this drama! Imagine that! lmao


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This drama makes no sense in many ways but I find myself enjoying it nonetheless - I like the characters, and I love the bickering relationship between Eun Ho and Tae Woon.
I'm really confused though- how long have Eun ho and Tae Woon actually known each other? They seem so comfortable, like long term friends. I'm also really confused about that accident and why Eun Ho didn't know Tae Woon was involved in it? Was she in the hospital for a long time, hence why she missed that whole story? Has she not been at the school long? But it seems like she has been there for a while and should be aware of what happened between Tae Woon and Dae hwi, like Sarang is. It just felt wierd to see Sarang explaining that to her - if its common gossip, why did she miss out?


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Isn't it because she was the last person Joongki was able to save?

Questions for dually synchronized motorcyclists of the bus accident...Did they know she was on the bus? Were they spurred on by something Dae Hwi had mentioned to them? Did Dae Hwi call Joong Ki that night to tell him to cut it out or back off because he wasn't ready to admit his true feelings for Eun Ho perhaps? Is Nam Joo just a cover up girlfriend so that Tae Woon wouldn't figure out what the freak he was doing daredevilling on the motorcycle that night? Did Eun Ho not only by serendipitous-coincidence be on that bus that night but also just happen to be the only survivor to develop a strain of selective amnesia?

If all answers is yes, I have to say that I still love this show even more so because it keeps us guessing...


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i think the reason eun ho didnt know that tae woon was involved was because tae woon's father had tae woon's name removed from all the news reports on the accident.
besides, they were probably classmates for a while now, so they get along comfortably.


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So none of the 3 boys knew her back then, but she had a Geumdo uniform on. So she was a new student or she was in a different home room. I wonder why Dae Hwi called Joon Ki that night? Maybe it was to call something off? Maybe he found his study guides, lol, he left on the bus, and Tae Woon didn't even know why they were out biking that night, the real reason?


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My confused with K12 since it's not what I grow up with. It effect on our country for two years now only. What I know is they are grade 11 now, senior next year. So this happen on their grade 10 which is senior high. Possibly Eunho enters school on grade 10, if this happen in beginning of school year this is feasible that Eunho doesn't know the 3 yet. When I was in highschool, I was like Eunho that only draws all time and I tell you. If I know you, either your my friend or we seat side by side.


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While Tae Woon may not be Suspect X (or may not be the only X), the reveal was still anticlimactic because we see Dae Hwi in front of her, so obviously the black hoodie who grabs Eun Ho must be Tae Woon. Did the bus driver look like he was nodding off? Regardless, any driver in that situation would've panicked to see two motorcyclists sprawled out in the middle of the road. Joong Ki and the bus passengers may have survived had he first helped lift the motorcycle off of Tae Woon and then rescue the victims together. Since Eun Ho didn't know Joong Ki, the flowers that she placed at the side of the road yesterday must be for the bus crash victims. I'm surprised she didn't know he died in the same bus accident as they went to the same school, but I guess she wasn't friends with Sarang or classmates with Tae Woon and Dae Hwi yet. We have only seen the transfer student once since he started school. Thanks a bunch for the recap, @chocolatte!


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oh my god i love tae-woon and eun-ho and i'll shamelessly admit that they're probably 95% of why i'm still watching the show. everything else about the drama just feels messy and recycled. i wish they'd stick more to the breezier slice-of-life scenes instead of the angsty backstories - the drama's genuinely enjoyable when it's about eun-ho chilling with her friends and flirting with tae-woon, but gets really bogged down when it starts focusing on bus crashes and parent abuse and whatnot. we've seen it all before, and the writing's nowhere near strong enough to prevent these tropes from feeling cliche. but!! tae-woon and eun-ho!!! are the cutest!!!! LOL.


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I have strong doubts that Tae woon is suspect X. if at episode 4 we all think that he is suspect X then he isn't. The writer probably wants to drift our minds of the real suspect. I have watched a lot of dramas where at the onset everyone thinks it's a particular person that's the “bad guy” but later on you will be surprised at who it is (eg in sensory couple) But again i might be wrong.


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I don't think Tae woon is that X guy. I'm still suspecting Dae hwi to be the one playing those pranks. During the fight between the two guys, Tae woon accused Dae hwi of wanting to destroy their school.
The girl in the bus I don't think she is Eun ho because Eun ho didn't know anything about the former three best friends until Sarang her best friend told her.


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