The King Loves: Episodes 23-24

Won’s inexperience leads to a mistake that threatens his position as crown prince, but he proves that he’s not one to be underestimated. Even though Won avoided politics and power all of his life, he’s learned a thing or two living in the palace, and now he’s using that knowledge to his advantage. If only Won could make sense of matters of the heart as easily as he seems to handle politics.


The decorated carriage plods through the palace grounds as the search for San gets underway. Moo-suk gets Won and Rin to chase after him as a diversion, but Won suddenly becomes suspicious and orders the carriage to stop.

Rin opens the carriage door, just missing the sword that flies out. Won subdues the driver and joins Rin at the back of the carriage, where they both confront the swordsman inside. As they point their swords at Song In, he calmly holds his sword against the neck of an unconscious San.

Song In warns Won that his position as crown prince could be in danger should the situation escalate. Rin holds an enraged Won back while the king’s guards surround them, accompanied by Minister Song, who explains that San’s abduction was ordered by the king.

Song In gives Won a pointed looks as he cradles San and tells Minister Song that he has her. Once the carriage starts to pull away, Won shakes Rin off and fights past the guards to warn Minister Song, “You will regret this.”

Boo-yong dresses the king in his robe, the two acting like lovers. Minister Song barges in to inform the king that Won has lost his mind, and Won supports that claim as he frantically searches rooms in the king’s palace for San. (Won still calls San “So-hwa,” but to avoid confusion, we’ll just keep calling her “San.”)

Minister Song escorts Won to the king’s chambers, and Won explains, “A crazy man has abducted one of my people… I need to find her.” King Chungryeol informs Won that San is his witness and shouts, “Nothing is worse than your treacherousness. Is it that difficult for you to wait?”

Rin’s attention falls on the curtained side chamber where Boo-yong sits with San. She whispers to San that the discord between the king and Won is her fault, since Won is now openly fighting with his father.

Won tries to explain, but the king throws vases as he rails, “I am the king that brought peace to Goryeo!” He details that he spent five years begging the Emperor of Yuan before he finally married Won’s mother and then angrily adds, “I had you born for Goryeo.” Won finally snaps and shouts back, “Stop it!”

When Boo-yong steps out of the curtained chamber to block an approaching Rin, Won sees her and demands of the king, “Did you insult my mother in her presence?” King Chungryeol ignores him and reveals that he’s aware that the crown prince has acquired two of the three things that he needs to become king.

Rin and Minister Song hold Won back when he steps closer to the king. He grabs Minister Song by the collar and asks, “Did you save Goryeo to give it to the likes of him?” Won closes in on the terrified king to demand, “What did you do other than sleep around and go hunting?”

When the king sputters that Won wants to kill him, Won quietly responds, “If you are that afraid, you should have stopped when I bowed to you and played the foolish son… You should have done nothing while trying not to upset me or my grandfather, the Emperor of Yuan.” At this bold statement, Rin surveys Won with a mixture of fear and surprise.

As Won exits the king’s palace, Jang Eui and Jin Gwan report that his men are posted at every exit. Won avoids Rin’s concerns about the confrontation and urges him to recover San, but once Won and Jin Gwan walk away, Rin admits to a curious Jang Eui that he’s worried about what’s going to happen in the future.

The king confronts San, but Boo-yong answers all of his questions and confirms that she’s the same girl who appeared before him in a veil. San looks puzzled when the king asks, “The crown prince wanted [Minister Eun’s] riches, so he stopped the marriage, abducted her, and tried to violate her?” Song In steps forward to explain that’s why he had to rescue San, who was injured in the scuffle.

San tries to correct the false account, but Boo-yong interrupts to insist that she’s now safe. When the king sneers, “I cannot believe that animal is the crown prince,” San dares to defend Won, but Song In quiets her.

When King Chungryeol orders Won to be deposed, San desperately throws herself after the king. “Why do you believe them and not your own son? What kind of a father would do that? They are the people who abducted me. They are telling lies to frame the crown prince. Why do you not see that?” she asks desperately.

King Chungryeol asks Song In to prove the allegations, and when San protests, the king vindictively adds, “Also, if she keeps on talking nonsense, cut out her tongue. The people will think it was the crown prince’s doing.”

Princess Wonsung delays her appearance at the envoy’s banquet while she and Won wait for Teacher Lee, who is focused on a baduk board. He abruptly announces that Won walked into a trap and did just what Minister Song and Song In anticipated when he lost his temper and threatened the king.

Won predicts that he will be deposed, and Teacher Lee expects that the formal order will be ready by sunrise. Princess Wonsung asks for advice, but Teacher Lee reminds her that he won’t get involved. Won suddenly recalls the king’s words, “My father said that I already have ‘two out of three.’ What are those two, and what is the third?”

While Rin and Jang Eui watch the king’s palace from a nearby roof, the bodyguard becomes concerned when he can’t hear Rin breathe. A regretful Rin recalls the times that he pushed San towards Won and confesses, “I think of her all the time. And each time, it feels like I’ve tripped and fallen.”

Song In and Boo-yong belittle San’s behavior in front of the king, but San simply replies that she’s flanked by two noisy lunatics. Song In tries to take San’s hand, but when she resists, he pins her against a wall. He looks at the gash on her head and offers to prepare medicine to combat dizziness while Boo-yong looks worried by their proximity.

Rin and Jang Eui are surprised when Moo-suk escorts Jeon to the king’s palace. He meets up with San and acts concerned, but she turns away at the sight of Moo-suk. Song In urges Jeon to take San so that he can prepare the case against Won. Jeon rehearses his planned testimony: “I saved her from the crown prince’s wickedness, and I have been protecting her. She is mine to begin with.” Ugh.

Jeon takes Song In aside and voices his concern that the well-trained San might attack him. Song In decides to tie up her hands, but Boo-yong steps in to keep him away from San and offers to handle the task herself. San uses the opportunity to feign dizziness so that she can fall against Boo-yong and steal a hairpin.

Rin and Jang Eui watch as a woman in a veiled hat is escorted from the king’s palace. When Furatai stops the party, Rin jumps out to get a better look at the figure and realizes instantly that she’s not San.

Moo-suk drives a heavily guarded carriage while Jeon babbles on to San about how he will become the crown prince once Won is deposed. While he complains that they would already be married if Minister Eun hadn’t interfered seven years ago, San works to undo her restraints.

Jeon is puzzled when San suddenly mentions the acupressure points that would kill a person if a needle were placed there. After a quick move by San, Jeon suddenly finds Boo-yong’s hairpin aimed at one of those deadly points on his neck. (I guess Jeon was right to be worried. Go San!)

Moo-suk stops the carriage when he hears the commotion and finds Jeon tied up, gagged, and alone inside. His party immediately runs off to search for San.

San finds herself closely followed by Moo-suk’s men as she runs away, but a hand suddenly reaches out and grabs her. Rin pulls San into his arms and motions for her to stay quiet as Jang Eui and some shadow guards move into position to guarantee their escape.

While San catches her breath, Rin tells her that her father is safe. San bravely shakes her head when Rin asks if she’s hurt, but she can’t hide her tears. Rin looks as if he’s about to cry himself when he hugs her and confesses, “I was afraid I would not find you.” San rests her head on Rin’s shoulder as she cries.

Princess Wonsung returns from the envoy’s banquet, surprised find Won outside in the cold. Jin Gwan divulges that Won often stares into the darkness all night long.

Princess Wonsung joins her son and informs him that the envoy’s departure was delayed for three days. Won understands that that’s all the time that he has to avoid being deposed as crown prince.

Princess Wonsung changes the topic and compares relationships to red threads that get tangled so badly that they sometimes snap. Won reasons that a thread can be untangled, even reconnected if it breaks.

Princess Wonsung faces her son and confides, “The matter of someone’s heart is beyond one’s control. It is something that will pierce your heart deeper than a sword.” Won asks, “Am I not in her heart? Is that what she said?” Princess Wonsung has no answer at she studies her son silently.

Dan carries a tray to her room and reports to Rin and San that a very angry Jeon just returned. She assures San that she’s safe from Jeon since he doesn’t even know how to find her room.

San apologizes for the imposition, but Dan is grateful that she wants to help her future husband. Rin looks at San to gauge her reaction at the reminder, but San manages to smile brightly at Dan.

San drinks the medicine that Dan brought to help her sleep. She asks Dan to speak casually like before, but Dan objects because San is from a distinguished family and a friend of Rin’s. Noticing San’s head wound, Dan asks Rin to clean it while she gets some ointment. Rin tries to refuse, but Dan explains to San that she knows firsthand that he’s very good at that sort of thing.

San suggests that she can clean the wound herself, but Rin studies the gash and explains that her hair would make that difficult. As he gently cleans the injury, San urges Rin to go help Won. When she shares the plan to depose him, Rin expects that Won already knows and confides, “Sometimes I wish he wouldn’t think so much, but he can’t seem to stop himself.”

Intent on his task, Rin moves closer, but when San looks up, he freezes and backs away. When San reaches for her head, Rin grabs her wrist.


Rin explains that San shouldn’t touch her wound and risk infection. They can’t seem to look at each other comfortably, so Rin gets up to leave and urges San to get some sleep.

It’s much later when San cries in her sleep and a hand reaches out to wipe her tears. San’s eyes flutter open, and when she sees Won, she assumes that it’s a dream. Won caresses her face and she wakes enough to tell him fuzzily, “Han-chun… I need to give this back… the bird. The thing you gave me.”

San wakes up in the morning and stares at the bowl of water that Rin used the night before. She wanders outside where Jin Gwan finds her to report, “He is expecting you.”

San makes her way through the surrounding woods as she looks for Won, who watches her from a parallel path. He leans against a tree as he asks if she slept well, and San’s face brightens when she sees Won.

When San starts to bow, Won orders her to stop. San looks around, and Won explains that Rin left to see her father and Teacher Lee. He explains that her father will travel with Teacher Lee to his school, accompanied by some of his personal guards to ensure their safety.

Won and San walk together and discuss the plot against him, something that he admits has been in the works for a long time. San realizes that because the king is furious with Won, he shouldn’t be away from the palace. Won explains that because he gave San the right to kill him, he wants her to decide if he should give up his position.

Won looks hopeful as he suggests, “And should you and I hang around for the rest of our lives? I came to ask you that. We can go to the oceans and to the mountains. And visit faraway countries. Famous wines. We could find and taste them all. Would that not make for a great trip? Shall we do that?”

San notices a skirt peeking out from behind a tree and remembers Dan’s hopeful words from the night before: “He will be my husband. Right?” San shares what Teacher Lee told her: “If the Crown Prince were to waver, that would be a misfortune. Help him so that he does not waver.”

San promises that she will help Won and then tries to return the hairpin. But Won just walks away and asks San to follow him while Dan watches from her spot behind a tree.

Meanwhile, Eunuch Kim delivers Won’s breakfast and makes a fuss that the prince is sick in bed to hide the fact that he’s violated his confinement.

Won enjoys a bowl of soup at Geumgajeong and proclaims that it’s the best in Goryeo. Rin and San are there too, and San squeals with delight when they are joined by her fellow student from Teacher Lee’s school. Won and Rin have the same uncomfortable reaction to the touchy-feely reunion and simultaneously observe, “They are way too… way too close.” Ha.

San introduces her friend to Won and Rin, who remembers the men from their visit. Bothered by their physical closeness, a dismayed Won asks, “Do you not feel hot, standing so close together?”

San’s friend explains in voiceover, “If you can gain control of the Eungyang and Yongho armies, the rest should be easy.” San adds that anyone who knows Teacher Lee accepts this student as his messenger. We see them visit a fellow student in the Eungyang army as San narrates that while the king’s army has a surplus of food and weapons, other camps get very little.

San delivers a formal report on their findings at Geumgajeong. The falconry office is responsible for the distribution of the army’s supplies, but Won points out that it is staffed with treacherous men.

Teacher Lee’s messenger explains that the supplies are actually sold at the market and the soldiers get old, worm-infested grain. San confides that sometimes the soldiers are forced to disguise themselves to steal supplies from the king’s men.

Won asks if their friend in the Eungyang army can arrange for his men to steal supplies that night. Won notes that his shadow guards are famous as a plan is born.

A supply party for the king’s army is ambushed by the disguised Eungyang army. When the disguised soldiers later transport the stolen supplies, they find the road blocked by Jang Eui and Jin Gwan, who are soon joined by the shadow guards to overtake the soldiers. Rin tasks one soldier to tell his general that they will be held as hostages to ensure that he visits Geumgajeong before sunset.

The Yongho commander is entertained by gisaengs at Song In’s teahouse as San narrates that he takes his men’s pay from them. She also reveals that a general who once served under him, General Lim Chi-young, soaked the soldier’s rice overnight so that it couldn’t be stolen and was punished and demoted because he tried to help his men.

Won approaches a soldier as he sharpens his sword and addresses him as General Lim Chi-young. The soldier doesn’t rise as he acknowledges the name, but not the rank, unaware of Won’s identity. When they find themselves surrounded by the shadow guards, Lim Chi-young realizes that he’s in the presence of the crown prince and kneels. Won extends his hand and helps the former general to his feet.

The commander of the Eungyang army pounds on the door at Geumgajeong before he lets himself in. Won descends the stairs and the commander explains that someone mentioned the crown prince and threatened his men. Lim Chi-young appears behind Won and introduces him as the crown prince.

Won explains to General Go Sung that he needs to command his army for one day and asks for his emblem. The general refuses, worried that Won intends to revolt. Won takes a broken spear, confiscated from one of his soldiers, and asks when they last received new weapons, salaries, and food.

General Go Sung replies, “If you are plotting a rebellion, I must kill you, even if you are the crown prince. I protect the king.” Won responds, “Protect him. But let us get rid of the king’s men. Only then can you truly protect your king and his people.”

General Go Sung confirms that Won wants his emblem in order to attack the king’s men. Won adds that he needs General Lim’s emblem as well and explains that he was promoted after the Yongho general was arrested. Won asks again, “Will you lend me your emblem? For just one day.”

Princess Wonsung concentrates as she calmly studies her baduk board. Eunuch Choi steps forward with news that Won’s deposition order was completed overnight and should be delivered to King Chungryeol sometime that day. We then see Minister Song carry a parchment roll through the palace grounds on his way to the king’s chambers.

Princess Wonsung remains composed as Eunuch Choi adds that the king called for a mandatory meeting of the ministers the next day. She finally suggests, “If you wish to know what my son and I are planning, ask me outright.” Eunuch Choi is so surprised that she sees through him that he immediately raises his arms to hide his face.

Won approaches a door at Geumgajeong and asks San to wish him luck before he returns to the palace. Jang Eui informs him that San departed at daybreak with Teacher Lee’s messenger and left a message: “May it all work out.”

Jang Eui hands Won a red pouch and explains that San left it for him. Won takes out the bird hairpin and thinks, “She reminds me of a bird. She takes flight, and leaves so easily without looking back.

Along with Jang Eui and Jin Gwan, Rin waits for Won to come downstairs and announces that everything is ready. They all fall behind Won as he leads the way to the palace.

The Yongho and Eungyang armies surround the king’s palace and clear a path for Won. He makes his way to the king’s chambers as Rin walks behind him with a small chest.

A panicked Minister Song announces to the king that the palace is surrounded by the Eungyang and Yongho armies. When the king asks about his guards, Minister Song informs him that they are trapped in their barracks.

Won enters the king’s chambers with a party that includes not only Generals Ko Sung and Lim Chi-young, but the Yuan envoys as well. Won looks down at a parchment and asks, “Is this the announcement you made of my deposition?” The king clutches it as he sputters, “This is a revolt… I am surrounded by traitors!”

The lead Yuan envoy unrolls a different scroll and asks King Chungryeol to affix his seal to it. The king assumes that they intend to kill him, but Won invites the lead envoy clear up the misunderstanding.

The envoy explains that the king will groom Won to be his successor — he will be expected to concede the throne temporarily so that the crown prince can test his skills. The envoy expresses his desire to bring news of the agreement to the Emperor of Yuan.

The king shakes his head, so Won takes the chest from Rin and presents the emblems of Wang Young, Teacher Lee, the generals of the Eungyang and Yongho armies, and various other officials who all agree that he has more to learn.

Won asks the trembling king, “What do you say we do, Father?” As Won waits for an answer, he narrates in voiceover, “And so, I am making an aviary. For my bird. So big she does not know it exists, and so beautiful she will not want to leave it.”

Won asks Rin to come with him, and next we see them, they’re galloping over a landscape colored in red as his narration continues, “That day, my bird stopped for a moment among the red flowers which were in full bloom everywhere.”

San picks flowers and notices that Won and Rin have joined her as Won’s voiceover shares, “The moment I saw her smile, I knew I would end up throwing everything away to have her.”

San sneaks up to place a wreath of red flowers on Won’s head as Rin laughs, and the narration adds, “I may have to abandon my friend and even myself. I will end up leaving everything behind. But I could not help myself.”

In a field of flowers, Won calls out for San. She waves to both Won and Rin and then cries in pain as she sinks from view. Alarmed, both men search for her as she laughingly pops up behind them. We see the three friends happy together among the flowers as Won’s narration concludes, “The day we smiled with agony lasted only for a short moment.”


Those beautiful images of our happy trio in the field of flowers, coupled with the narration’s warning, makes me very worried about what comes next. Won’s narration admits that his love for San is turning into an obsession as he admits that he must have her, no matter the cost. He doesn’t appreciate that what he wants is at odds with San’s commitment to maintain the friendship between Won and Rin. As hard as San tries to maintain her boundaries, Won persists in trying to break through them. He’s convinced himself that he can make her happy if he crafts a large enough cage, but he hasn’t given a thought about who needs to be in that cage with San.

Princess Wonsung wants her son to understand that not even a king can control someone’s heart. In light of her poor health, she’s desperately trying to teach him what she can while she has the chance, but love and politics are very different things. Won is willing to learn about politics, and these episodes showed that he has a natural talent in that area, but he’s unable to accept that he may not be able to realize his heart’s desire. You can just see the pain that Won’s sorrow causes his mother, who has spent most of her life loving a man who never returned her feelings.

I find it telling that San allows every opportunity to be with Won to pass her by. Her life would be easier in so many ways if she could just accept him. Won’s offer to relinquish his position to spend his life traveling the world with her didn’t seem to sway her — in fact, she looked downright miserable. But that doesn’t mean that she’s definitely in love with someone else, because I still can’t figure out what her true feelings are for Rin. They seem to get closer and then stall, over and over again.

Rin’s carefulness is at odds with Won’s abandon, but I get the feeling that San is more herself when Rin is around. It took fearing that he might never see San again for Rin’s feelings to come into focus, and it may be that San will have to experience that same potential loss to fully understand what Rin means to her. In the meantime, they are both trying their best to preserve the status quo with Won. It breaks my heart that Won doesn’t treasure their friendship as much as they treasure his.

Surprisingly, Song In and Boo-yong were missing for the second episode. Not that I’m complaining, because I welcomed the break from their machinations. They will be back with a vengeance, I’m sure, as we see the aftermath of Won’s solution to his deposition. What a recovery! Won was on the brink of being deposed and suddenly, he’s to take the throne for training purposes. The whole thing actually makes sense, but now I’m curious if and how it will affect Won. There’s so much to resolve in the weeks ahead, and with the promise of a darker turn, each episode takes on greater importance.

Until then, I want to savor the friendship at the heart of our story, even if it’s showing some strain. Really, who would Won be without that younger Rin who first offered a prince a piece of taffy? Rin extended his hand and showed Won the world outside of the palace and helped turn his life into an adventure. No matter what the future holds for the friends, their past is full of great moments that will hopefully sustain them through the rough times ahead.


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eun san has feelings for han cheon imo.. won's alter ego


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I kind of think so too. If the story is between the "commoners trio" So Hwa, Han Cheon, Soo In... So Hwa will def lean towards Han Cheon. Like how Won still refer to her as So Hwa instead of Lady San, I get the vibe that San also prefer Han Cheon more than CP Won.

However, their real identity as the "noble trio" (Crown Prince Won, the richest heiress Lady San, Young Master Rin) comes with royal intrigue and politic that complicates their precious friendship. Honestly, despite whatever her feelings might be towards Won, I think someone like San would not want to be a future queen, confined in a palace no matter how beautiful.


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I'm strangely surprised by how much I'm loving this drama. Not only is it visually STUNNING but the three-way love story is beautifully handled. Yoona is impressing me for the first time ever. Is this going to be the first time in drama-land history that the second lead gets the girl? Oh please make it so.


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She is doing well. I'm impressed too. But I thought she was really adorable in Love Rain, and she broke my heart with her pretty crying, so what do I know?


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I loved one comment in the previous recap how in a usual drama, that the lead would be the dashing Rin and how Won would be portrayed as the insecure and obsessive second lead who would get in the way of the romance. TKIL is great in that the focus is instead on Won and how his love (and obsession) for San would transform him for the better (or worst). It's a very well crafted story and all three are killing it so far in their roles. I've been saying how I want Won to go to the dark side already and how it will affect his dynamic with Rin and San, the two people that he cares about the most, and the next episodes are now moving towards that direction.


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I agree, I like that the story is focused on the one who might not get the girl. I'm going to be so disappointed if the story turns into the usual route and she suddenly falls for Won just because he's in love/obsessed with her.


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I think the writer is doing a splendid job in keeping us guessing about San's feelings. Whether we ship WonSan or RinSan there are plenty of looks and words that can lead either side to believe their ship is the true one. If Won gives up himself to be with San then that will be a huge redemption arc for him. Will the drama be one of those "10 years later" kind of things? I hope not, but many dramas take us into later years where the lead is late 20s and I think right now their all only around 20 years.


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Regardless of these repeated traits endlessly repeated by Rin San shipers Won is not played this way. You are overdooing the obsession. You have not defined the difference and anyway, who are you to determine one person's feelings for another and wheigh them in the ballance?


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I'm surprised at myself too. I didn't expect myself to be waiting for this drama each week the way I'm doing right now. And I really hope that Rin gets San because this cage Won is trying to build would just make San so pitiful


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Thank you SO MUCH for the recap, TeriYaki. We watched this and was utterly lost about the whole army posturing and Won's plan to stay on the throne. However, I knew you would be there to help us make sense of it all.

This story is so well-written and everything has a purpose. I still love the one-on-one dialogue between our characters. Not just Won, RIn, and San, but also of Won and his mother, which is just so good. I knew the Yuan envoy would be of good use to Won. Now, we have a sick crown prince who is showing initiative in learning the ropes from his father. How could the Yuan envoy go back without reporting all of this? Is this the 3rd person he needs? Have we established that? I'm wondering if Won will be seduced by his power as his father is, and then have an even greater downfall.

These episodes were really all about Won and Won worries me the most in this--that his actions will bear the most repercussion and will topple the house of cards that he's built around him, and he'll lose everything. He's said as much. Even his mother is ill; it's unclear how ill, but doesn't the mother always die in these sageuks? Is it sadistic that I'm kind of looking forward to seeing Siwon portray this agony? I'm still perplexed as to why in the historical record Won's reign is so short and am wondering if the drama will somehow tie this in to Won's obsession. And Dan doesn't deserve the heartache that will ensue. Poor girl.


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I understood the three to be the ministers, the scholars, and the generals. Won had the ministers' support through the chancellor (Rin and Dan's father) and the scholars through Teacher Lee. And now he has the generals.


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I understood it to be politicians (Rin's father), financial backing (San's father), and Yuan support. But I like your theory too. It's not been clear, to be sure.


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Hmm, I thought it a lil differently lol. Ministers through Rin's dad, merchants through San's dad, and scholars through Teacher Lee. But I also think that the King and Won view "the three" differently, so. Any of our views could be valid, really, depending on whether we want the King's perspective or Won's.


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Not just scholars, but Teacher Lee is an excellent strategist.


Won's reign in history was short because his mongolian wife made a huge ruckus about him preferring his other consorts and tried (I think she succeeded) to murder them all, also couldn't stop complaining to the emperor. It got so much out of hand that they gave the throne back to Won's father and had him and his mongolian wife move to Beijing for some years hoping they would reconciliate, but that failed anyways.

Later Won became king a second time but refused to leave Yuan-China and later abdicated to his son so that they will not keep trying to send him back to his ppl. Lol. He lived almost his whole life in China and died there in the end.


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Kamsaminda! Well, they could tie the whole San-Won story together into this if she was made a consort for a time but then, fearing for her life, Won sends her away with Rin.


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I've been wondering if this drama will take it to that many years in the future. After all, Won's voice over says "after all these years..."


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eun san is my fav heroine so far, she is so strong, brave, smart, and not a cry baby like Dan.. I hope she won't die in the end... tbh I don't care about final couple, as long as san (or writer) doesn't give won (and me T.T) a false hope.. because it's too cruel for wonsan shippers... I know she didn't want to hurt won, but still...:((
this episode isn't my fave because it's too slow imo, when rinsan have moment, I thought they would kiss, but nothing happened...
when I thought WonSan is really game over but yet San wanted to say something but took notice Dan was there and change her words? what does it mean?? T.T


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I think the presence of Dan there changes the situation.If she had feelings for Won, she can't agree to travel and run away with him right there. San is too selfless, and always puts everyone else's importance above hers. It'd be cruel for her to do that in front of Dan, when she knows Dan loves the CP. if she didn't have feelings for him, then the refusal may have come from her heart too.


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agree.. they should have an honest talk T.T


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if San really have fallen in love with Won,no matter how many Dan there is in won's life it doesn't matter because Won can have multiple wives,they can still be together. The queen said he can have them both. So,San refusing the CP because of Dan doesn't make sense.


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San is refusing him to save their friendship. Because she knows both boys love her, or at least are interested in her, and she can't bear to come between them. But Dan is a secondary thought--because she doesn't want to hurt Dan who really loves Won.


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Hi Ally, you are absolutely right..San's sad expression upon hearing Won's question, it not because she doesn't love him but because she adore him as her friend (up till this moment, who knows she might have a bit romantic feeling otherwise she would not have gave him things that originaly belongs to her and very important such as her mother's ring), and she knows how much Won and Rin love her but she just can't reciprocate them for the sake of their friendship..Seeing how far Won willing to go for her, really touching her heart and hurting her heart at the same time..That's why she is kinda indecisive when facing the choice Won asked her to choose but then Dan's presence there help to remind her which one is the best for everyone..Remember she always putting others first over herself..


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Eunuch Kim, where would our Crown Prince be without you ? Thank you for covering up for our CP.

Always a funny guy, that man ><


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If you followed the recap for Seven-Days Queen, I think Eunuch Kim will be this drama's version of the Nanny. The caretaker who has the funniest faces, is loyal to the hilarious end, but also brave and caring when needed. I truly hope he does not die at the end, and that Won appreciates what he goes through for him.


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TT look at what you've done - now i'm all teary remembering Nanny and Chae Gyung


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Hahah I love how he at least gets to dig in to Won's breakfast for his efforts. Hilarious!


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So the cage that won is always said is actually goryeo? He is on his way to conquer goryeo for san? Well wow just wow


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yeaahh so wooowww it's really cool, he will give goryeo for her XD
“The moment I saw her smile, I knew I would end up throwing everything away to have her.” my fav quotes this week


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The cage is not Goryeo to me. It is the palace as Won is making his way as king. He thought he can buy her with the luxurious he can get by being King but one thing Won miscalculate, San is not an ordinary girl who would be happy to be the king's woman. She love freedom, she treasures the ppl around her and the sufferings of commoners. To me Won is too possesive in making San his. He doesn't want to understand who she really likes.


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Siwan's acting has never disappointed me, his eyes are always full of emotion, good job :) Yoon-ah is impressing me too, I have completely forgotten that she was anna in the k2 LOL XD


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Actually, this is the first drama, at least for me, that Yoona was able to finally shed her idol vibe, to think that I was also folllowing SNSD's promotions while watching this drama. I waan't thinking of her as idol Yoona while watching her here. She has been on point so far as San.


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I find it offensive the attitude people have against so called idols. It is you ordinary people after all who crave idols and so often treat them like sub human public property to abuse. She was good as Anna, her part was tighhtly controled by the PD as so often. It was the flaw in Kdram her character was not allowed to develop and show realistic responses.


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OMG I didn't even recognized her! Then she greatly improved between those 2 dramas. Or maybe her role this time is better written


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Both! I almost didn't start watching this drama because of her in K2. But then with Hong Jong hyun, I had to watch.


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Thank you for the recap!

I have to admit, the beginning of the drama felt kind of clumsy and the idiocy of how San's true identity was found out by Song In made me thing this drama would be very simple and not with much cleverness (and maybe clumsy romance if they really DID plan to have Wang "I wanna put her in a cage" Wan at the start).

However, now things are really getting better. The suspicious cart I thought the eunuch should have mentioned was noticed, but surprise, it was supposed to be noticed (or, it would be a bonus if it was)! A lot of brains had to be used to get through this conflict, which I love a lot. And I like how the romance and triangle mess is dealt with. Regardless of San's feelings, she understands that Dan loves Won and San likes Dan, so she does not want to betray her new, rare female friend. Rin is falling for San, but like San, wants to save the status quo with Won. But they still have those quiet moments together that just makes my heart burst.

The end of the episode truly broke my heart, because I feel like that scenario is what San truly wishes for; a trio of best friends, fooling around and helping each other when they are in need, temporarily without a worry in the world. I think at least San would have been able to bury her growing feelings (for Rin) if it meant keeping that friendship trio, but she cannot control Won's growing obsessiveness, and I am excited to see how him having grown more powerful will change their dynamic next week.


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Damn, at the beginning of this drama I've never thought I'd enjoy it this much. The story is very good, the visuals are stunning and the characters... That's definitely the drama's biggest strength. Our key characters are so layered and interesting, making the story even more engaging and emotional. And of course the acting, it's just amazing.


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Ahhh the moment when Rin cleaned San's wound, it's so intense and romantic. I love love love it. It's the moment we could see that Rin put San first, for the first time. San said to Rin that CP is in trouble, Rin should go to him, but Rin insisted on treating San's wound instead. ❤❤❤


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❤️❤️❤️ Rin's changed a lot in his mannerism to San, I noticed, after Won told him that San said her heart belonged to another. He's a bit more open with her now, like in ep20, giving her his clothes and telling her he's glad she wasn't hurt, or in these ones too, where he tells her again he's glad he found her. And then takes her to his house! What next, Rin? First, clothes and then your sister's room. When it finally is her turn to save you (twice at least drama stop creating damsels in distress) will you tell her you give her your body and soul lololol.


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And he also told about his feelings to Jang Eui too, which kinda surprised me because both Jang Eui and Jin Gan know that Won has feelings toward San.


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OMG I could not agree more. Rin has really evolved and is starting to put himself/his feelings first now. I like it. Rin-San scenes are really heart-fluttering.


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Plus I wonder how Rin felt when San mentioned and keep worrying about Won's safety in front of him, although he remains calm by asking her to stay put as he treating her wound and telling her that Won's know how to handle it but I can't help when seeing Rin's expression as he seems upset..


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Rin's expression was not upset... I replay that scenes over and over again. He too thinks about Won.. Remember, Won is Rin's first priority. Even San knows this.. Which is why she encourage Rin to go to Won. Rin is too loyal and sefless to Won. Even if San ends up with Won, Rin will be the first to congratulate and be happy for them. I can't say the same thing to Won though...
Until recently, the story is about the fight between Won and the King, and how Won is in trouble because of this. I was wondering what would happen if it is Rin who is in trouble... What would San and Won do?


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@Just Alee if he was really loyal he would not have deceived Won


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I don't think it's upset, it's actually him saying to San that he worries too much and for him, San is important too.

for a long time, he had chosen Won over San, with all the master's talked and escort her to him and this is the 1st time, he chose her than Won.


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I love this drama and i cant wait for next episode. I'll go for Won San (Siwan & Yoona) tandem since they are the lead actors here. The story is great. The director succeeded playing with our emotions lol! Siwan (Crown Prince) acting is impressive as a young pitiful brave loving son of Yuan Princess(Queen) & greedy King, a loyal friends & a sincere romantic lovers for San. His acting and role is the most difficult one. Congrats Im Siwan - we will be waiting for his return from military service for more acclaimed drama & movies. For those who love Siwan please join our group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/imsiwaninternational/


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i just joined! XD


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Have to admit that I envy Rin's long smooth hair... His hair looks so flawless when he saved San... LOL
My fave scene obviously when he cleaned San's wound and San's expression when she looked at him. What expression was that?
I also noticed that Rin always stand at the far end of the room when San with Dan.. He did this when Dan helped San choosing her dress for the dance party and when he took her to Dan's room.

After 24 episode (12 ep).. I think it save to say that San really wants to maintain her friendship with Won and Rin. She said it herself... She wants to be a part of the beautiful friendship, but alas.. The boys both fall in love with her. I think San has the right to choose one of the boys and the reason should be because she loves him as a man. Not because Won loves her more as the CP or because he is more pitiful or because Rin will be killed off (I read that Won San shippers wish for Rin to die so Won can be with San.. Yikess). San also has the right to not choose anyone... Rin, oth... Based on his character so far, he would never do anything (like confessing his feeling to San) because he treasures Won so much. The key now is Won... Does he also treasure Rin as much as Rin treasures him. He did say that he could throw his best friend for San in this episode... Hmmm...


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Oh, yeah, I'm waiting for Won to throw Rin away. And so WonSan shippers want Rin to die so that Won can be more obsessed with San? And she would want to be with a person that obsessive with anger and control issues? Hmm...


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It's funny that Rin and San are very close as sibling.. But Jeon is not. Jeon even doesn't know where her own sister room is? Wuttt??? Is he really their siblings?? ???
Dan is the only daughter and the youngest in their family... I thought brothers would always fond and taking care their baby sister... Guess Jeon is an exception..


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I think there is quite an age gap between the two older brothers and the two younger siblings which would explain the disconnect there. In the first episodes, Song In and Jeon were plotting and scheming together for the throne while Rin was just a pre-teen. He was an afterthought in their minds. He probably was the only one who played with his little sister because his brothers were trying to take over Goryeo! My brother and I, who are less than 2 years apart, are much closer than my sister and I, who are almost 10 years apart. With he and I off the college and professional schools, she was basically an only child from the time she was 9 years old. I think the age gap is probably similar here.


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That probably the reason.... I have a brother with 6 years gap. We are not that close but not that distant either, which I think because our personalities are too different... LOL


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I think it also depends on personality and communication. Jeon is hard to communicate than Dan.

I am way closer to my brother with 9 years gap than my sister with 4 years gap.


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Oohhh give me more of that confrontation between the King and Won. Really good. It's so satisfying to see him lord over his father. So yeah more please.

I am glad that while San gets trapped or kidnapped, she can somehow take care of herself.


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It's so refreshing to see a female lead taking care of herself in any drama, but it has such a greater impact in historical drama


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yeah that sequence is awesome, the moment she asked if the eunuch can fight, then asking him to inform, draw the blade and try to buy a little time [but it's impossible for her to escape], listening to Won conversation, stealing bu young pin and escape with threatening Jeon. She has great fighting spirit!!


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who else here waiting for the kisss??? c'mon let them kiss already, Rin-san or Won-san. I don't care


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yess agree for kiss, I am very sure rinsan will kiss .. (R.I.P wonsan shiper) T.T


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Hey I think WonSan will be the first one, as it already showed in the teaser earlier before the drama being aired that Won kiss San..Don't you remember? Lol..I want both couple to have kiss scene, so it would be fair for both Shipper..Haha i'm greedy for both WonSan and RinSan..


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I have a sneaking feeling that the first kiss from Won is forced and unwanted. But I could be mistaken...


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Yeah you're right..It is true the teaser was Won suddenly initiated the kiss and if I don't remember wrongly Rin was there watching it..


ahah I'm watching on tv channel and that teaser always appears at the end of each episode. It isn't forced just all of a sudden.


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Thank you for the recap! Been waiting on this one :) it helps to understand some of the political storyline as I was a little confused.
These episodes really felt like setup episodes for what's to come. Won is flexing his political muscles, seemingly just for San which is a little sad, and Rin I finally stepping up on his feelings a bit. I found it very telling that when he was cleaning her wound, she gave him an out to go back to Won like he always does, and he refused. Progress!! I still think she loves him or is on the path to, but is holding back out of friendship. She clearly loves Won as a friend, but I still don't see any romantic feelings toward him. She didn't look conflicted about being happy that he's marrying Dan. But then I could be wrong!

I'm worried for Rin next week. It's going to break my heart if Won's love for San leads him to do anything against Rin. But really...bring on the angst! And kisses please!


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Spoiler (maybe):

I read somewhere before the drama started (and these things aren't always true) that Rin loses everything. I'm worried that Won with his newfound power will shut Rin out, hoping that SoAh will forget about Rin. But I don't see Won sending Rin away, but somehow keeping him around but not allowed to see San. The writer is really good at keeping us guessing as to all the possibilities!


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Oooh interesting! Based on the preview, it does look like it could go that way. That would make sense - Rin taking the fall for his family (I can see him and Jeon being stripped of power, and San being kept away from Rin.


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Interestingly enough I have heard that it is Won who loses everything ;)


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I'm thinking Rin loses everything in the next few episodes. After all, his brother kinda committed treason and in one episode Rin's father said he should be killed if anyone in his family committed treason (or something to that effect). Maybe in the end it is Won who loses everything.


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I agree! San's smile when Dan told her that she's marrying Won is really telling. There has always been much more romantic tension between Rin and San. When San is with Won, you can always feel that the love is one-sided. And yes, kisses please! Haha! #TeamSanRinAllTheWay


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After Dan little guilt trippy moment, when she kind of showing that she is the crown princess that will be beside Won, I interpret San smile and reaction as

"I guess it's right that he to pick you", it's a gentle smile and a sense of pride that Dan is a nice person for Won. It's not sad or offends San but she seems to acknowledge that Dan is the right choice.


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All I can say is your Comment section was so good it almost brought tears to my eyes you worded everything so well that I can't possibly expound on it . I thought the last scene was so bittersweet. And the preview is hecka scary, but did you find the words didn't match the scene at all? I think that preview surely must be misleading. One other thought about the first scene of the drama, where Won frees the falcon. We all think he must free San (btw did you notice he still wants to call her SoAh?) but I forgot about a later scene where the king shows Wan that the falcon will always return because it doesn't realize it's free.


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Is there no way to edit a comment? I meant to say both your review and comment. I'm becoming a big skeptical of whoever is doing the subtitles for Viki, because when I read your review the words and meanings are different enough that you add so much added depth to what I've seen in the subtitles. Thank you so much. Too bad you're not doing the subtitles!


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I agree about the Viki subs, they aren't as nuanced as what's explained in the recaps.

The ongoing bird analogy is the one thing that makes me think San and Won will end up together, at least for a while. Even if it turns out that San only has Rin in her heart romantically. Which, as an avid Rin fan, I think she does :)


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Aw, yes. And nuanced was the word I was looking for - thanks. I'm hoping my analogy is wrong. And I'm really creeped out that Won calls her his little bird.


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Strangely... I think the analogy of the free bird which will always return because it doesn't realise it's free can also apply to Rin. Rin always comes back to Won.. He has been programmed to do this since he was little... No matter what Won do, even if Won cause him to lose everything (this is a speculation based on spoilers I read everywhere) but manage to keep him around.. Rin will still forgives him. If this drama follows Won's characterization in the novel, that Won is obssessed with beautiful things, and craving for loyalty and attention from both Rin and San. Then I think he wants that big cage not only for San but for Rin as well...


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I'd think that would happen and be the ending, where they come back, except for the voiceover where Won is reflecting and asks the question to himself, after all these years when did it all begin? It was on this night, when my friend started to betray me, and my love and I began to be separated by (different subtitles) an impassable chasm/ river. Or something like that. I should have written down the exact quote.


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It makes senses too, who knows the ending might be they remains as friends..


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So I did something I shouldn't have done,i watched this show and I am regretting it in a good way. The story of how I started watching this show is actually weird and it still is cos I have not even started from the beginning. I was trying to read the recap for another series when I stumbled onto ep17-18 of this show and I got hooked. Before you know it I have read all the recap and I started watching from ep 19,weird right? Am waiting for my exams to end on Tuesday so I can binge watch from ep 1 am ranting right? But am so obsessed with this show that I don't think about anything else except rin and san and I have got EXAMS! am really scared Tbh. I have never been like this before.


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??? study for exams first! Watch dramas later! But so glad you stumbled upon this little gem


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This drama is truly a little gem. ^^


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I'm liking Won's character more now than I did at the beginning when I thought he was just somewhat annoying with his singular pursuit of San. Now that he is showing interest in something besides San I like him more. But at the same time I also don't like the fact that his only motivation for other interests is still San. I mean it is a romance drama, but does everything have to be because of San? I must say I lost some respect for Won's character when he said that everything he will do in the future is because of San, even throwing away his best friend and himself.

And for all San's good qualities, she has this willfulness that sometimes leads to selfish actions. From the time San defied her father when he told her to leave the city and go back to the mountains to go look for the man who killed her mom, that seemed weird to me. The show suggests that she blames herself for her mother's death because of her willfulness, and then she displays that same willfulness years later in that scenario - which led directly to her identity being exposed and her dad being in danger I might add. I get that she wants to remain friends with Won and Rin because she loves them, but it's just not possible. I wish she would realize that before it's too late.

She is also definitely selfless no doubt. Since that episode she has been pretty consistent and tries her best to deal with the situations thrown at her in a way that would lead to the least amount of people being hurt, even at the expense of herself. The niggling thought that this could have all been avoided is still there in the back of mind though - but then we would not have a story either, at least not one with San. Which would also be okay. A story about bromance between Rin and Won would have been fine too.


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It's like this drama is a character study. I think Won just has an obsessive personality disorder...
Rin is too good, but too compliant. He has regrets so he needs to change too.


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I think the characters are flawed because that's what humans are—imperfect.


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Again for the bromance thingy, as expected San should not be here in the drama really, the genre for the drama should be hystory, political and bromance, haha..Remember, the title of this drama is The King in Love, so it basically started of with Won's journey from being an ignorant crown prince who only want to have fun and think for himself to be a proper future king that care for his people and his nation..So his obsession with San as heard in the voiceover that he will throw away everything to have her cannot become our reason to judge him as a bad future ruler which motivation is only a woman focus and thus dissapointed with him, as his journey has just begin, he will learn to think wise and wide for others as the story goes on because he will face not only love conflicts but also family and political conflicts in the future..Please don't feel discouraged with Won at this stage yet..


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This drama is Romance centered tho? Romance is its main genre not politic. But I think, the writer definitely killing with her writing, balancing politics and romance in it. Kudos to SJN.

The title The King in Love does not stand for just romantic love. Friendship, country, family all in it. Different kind of loves. And I think if there is no San, the story won't be that interesting and complicated.

Of course bromance is good but not as a real romance imo. This drama is good because it has the not so usual love triangle where for once the female lead care for friendship more than anything, sacrificing herself and is selfless. In addition, the anti-hero male lead. His obsession, possessiveness, and he becoming darker by each episode is the main attraction to this drama for me. This is a brilliant story I can say.


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Yes, his obsession and becoming darker was a huge attraction for me to watch this drama. But the smoldering looks between Rin/San have made an even greater impact and attraction to watch.


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You definitely nailed it..I'm glad that there are still people who understand that if there is no female lead like San to make the storyline more interesting and complicated then the drama left with bromance and political would not be that attracting..Remember not all the viewers like bromance and political only, so this drama basically consist both with romance in it to complete the story..I really want a justice for San, so tired reading those bromance priority comments and blaming San..Nice to see you here with such a good explanation..


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Yeah, for me, I enjoy the most when there is a female lead somewhere. Bromances can be nice, but I don't know... I have just kind of lost interest in stories about men, so men and their brotherly relationships don't intruigue me anymore. With the addition to San, it becomes a trio of friends and the complications where they all want to remain friends while also wanting something more. Not to mention that it depicts a complicated friendship between San and Dan as well. Dan loves the man obsessed with San, and San wants both of them as friends. I really do think that San didn't grow up with many female friends, so while it is a painful and complicated friendship, she does appreciate Dan and doesn't want to hurt her. And Dan is the love rival who hates these jealous rival feelings she gets, because she also likes San. Now THAT is a bromance (or sistermance?) I care to watch more of.

So yeah, I get that bromances are popular, but I really do appreciate that the women in this drama are able to be complex women that support each other their own different ways. :) That for me is what drew me eventually to the drama.


I hold my breath in Rin saving San and Rin cleaning San's wound.

It because they see eyes to eyes, San is seeing him and he is seeing her and I can't believe that feels so intimate.
Maybe it because they've been avoiding each other eyes for quite a time but seriously those gaze is just great.


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Right, they've been avoiding each other gazes so much that it feels electrifying to finally have them look each other in the eyes... and in such close proximity. We as the viewers, held our breath along with San lol. It's cute how she finally breathed after Rin and his smoldering eyes left the room.


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I watch the scenes again and it's really apparent that the director wants us to see their eye movement.

When she looked at him with longing eyes, when he just focused on her wound and then when their eye finally meet and break apart after several seconds.

I was wow, that's awesome.


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I really like that San is not this useless damsel in distress. Yes, she is always in danger but she makes up for it by being really useful in not a girly or pretty way. She's smart and skilled. She deserves to be loved.

Song-in gives me confusing feelings haha! He and San have chemistry lolol I like how Booyoung is always there to see Song-in and San's interactions haha!

I think I interpret Won's aviary plans in a more positive light. To me, he wants to build a better Goryeo, an aviary (nation) where his bird (San or maybe his people) will be happy and at peace. With that interpretation in mind, I feel that that showed Won's desire to be a better person not only for San but for his nation and people. But that could be reaching because he has always been so San-centric anyway haha! I'm still hoping Won would mature and look at the bigger picture of his life where he is the next king and will rule the nation.

Also, Dan and Won are starting to become like Princess Wonsung. They are both in love with people who does not or would not love them back. I just hope they won't end up becoming miserable and evil.


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San and Song In does have a chemistry

It's a shame that he is such a bad person with a bad history with San, if he is not, I can spare my heart so San didn't choose Rin and Won.

This drama makes me think a really bizarre things.


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This drama remind me of chinese drama " my bratty princess" which has Jang Nara starring as the female lead and has romantic love line between the Emperor and the last dynasty bloodline Bai Yun Fei..The romantical side is kinda similar somehow but not that indentical too..The similar part is the three of them met each others during their times outside the palace, becoming friends but each hiding their identities, during the journey, both guys found themselves having feelings they should not to Jang nara's character as she was disguised as man at that time, and when they found out who each identities already, as the story goes on they friendship also become at stake because both Emperor and Bai Yun Fei fall for the female lead also the political issue surface as Bai Yun Fei's Father side is planning a rebellion..Bai Yun Fei is willing to give up the emperor throne to have the girl but the emperor just won't give her up either..but at the end the girl end up with the emperor and Bai Yun Fei end up with the emperor's sister..I wonder how this WonSanRin ending is..


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This is for WonSan shipper,here I got several things to point out as I don't believe there is no feeling from San to Won..I believe San begin to have different feelings toward Won after the hug scene, and more after he sort of confessed to her that she occupied his mind that he can't seem to think of others except her..You can see the way she told Rin that she worry about Won if she is going to stay longer, and when she mentioned Won all the time to Rin at the dancing festival, that she glad Rin didn't reveal the truth to Won that she concerned he may not be able to bear the news of her getting marry and wished that he'll never find out and forget her one day, seems a little off to me as this situation is more like a pair of man and women who love each other but can't be together and wish for the other half to get better and live well..Also when she take out the hairpin that Won gave it to her on her wedding day, the way she gaze at it also hinting something..It's not like they have promise to be together for the rest of their lives and that hairpin is their love token that she has to look at that hairpin like that..She also cried when Won really choose Dan as her wish, I do believe it's part of her hidden feeling that she might don't know herself that although she is the one who asked Won to choose Dan but her heart still can't bear it by hearing it directly from Won's mouth..Also when she struggle a bit when Dan said that it's her job to help them becoz Won is her future husband, although she smiled bit but her facial expression seemed sad, even Rin kinda knowing something between them as he also tried to focus on San's expression and what her answer will be..When Won visited her when she was at sleeping, she can't believe it and thinking it must be dream, and keep thinking that she need to give back the hairpin..Again, what's with the hairpin? Love Token? Haha..I don't know if you guys noticed but San mentioned Won more than Rin..So how WonSan shipper? What do you all think? Do you think those points make any sense in believing their do have unusual relationship?


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You nailed it even though am a rinsan shipper. There are times when I think San actually likes won not as a friend that am really hoping but as a man that I am definitely not praying for. The leads always end up together even if they are not fit.


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The leads don't always end up together, esp historical ones based on real kings. Ex. Kingdom of the Winds, Jumong, 6 Flying Dragons, Scarlet Heart, etc.


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I think the writer has deliberately made it ambiguous so that there are scenes for WonSan shippers and scenes for RinSan shippers. As a RinSan shipper, I easily see the smoldering looks and care they have for each other and easily see how Won is just possessive and she turns him away each time he tries to hold her hand. And the same goes for the WonSan shippers. You more easily see those scenes you want to see. It's just how human beings are made. We easily see what we want to see and have a harder time seeing the other side. That's one reason this drama is so very interesting.


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Well to be honest i'm more of a RinSan shipper actually..But I'm not gonna deny that I like WonSan too as I actually ship WonSan in the earlier episodes becoz Rin was too focus on Won, me actually kinda dislike Rin when he keep suspecting San and keep San away from Won..Only after he found out her real identity and begin to interact and understand her more, I realized I have began to jump ship to RinSan..But now I like both WonSan and RinSan, so I always try to see from both shipper POV to understand more, to guess what is actually in San's heart..Well to be fair, i'm gonna mention a bit about RinSan's part, why bit becoz it's clear already that San do have feeling for Rin..From the first episode Rin already give good impression to San, if you recalled the scene when she went undercover as maid in the Chancellor's residence, Won approached her first followed by Rin..The way San looked at Rin, seems like a girl looking at her crush who suddenly appear in front of her..She has that happy yet shy moments..Also remember the rooftop scene, San was jealous when Rin said that he know some of the Queen's maid by saying " so you know lots of the palace maids"? She also be able to cry in front of Rin which she will never show it to people, although she tried to hold it at first..Even when Rin hugged her, she let it out and cried it all..Also one scene that I like from the last 2 episode was when Rin recognized the hostage girl wasn't San..His facial expression nailed it..Kudos to him for being able to tell the differences..He has this ability and also he can see it whether San was laughing or crying behind her veil when Won even can't recognize San with her veil on even tho he claimed that he likes her and how she occupied his mind..


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Yes, that's exactly as I see it.


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@Dlophin beautifully worded, thank you.


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Woah. Si Wan here is sooo good! I replayed the confrontation scene between Won and his father a couple of times. Soooo impactful!

The ending of episode 24 is heartbreaking </3. I should prepare myself for more agony and angst, cos the preview!!! Oh my... just give my WonSanRin a satisfying ending, please!


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I live for Won's monologue each week. ???


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Well, during maintenance of this site my login got corrupted and I've been locked out for a while.
It seems strange to me that up to now there has been a consistant feel and pace to this drama, episodes 21-22, have the same feel but they are amongst the best in my view for they give us a glimpse of the state of feelings between the players and chiefly Won, Lin and San.
Won visits San in her imprisonment (despite his father’s order of confinement- here we see he is no longer willing to bow the head and act the dutiful son). He is bent on examining to what extent Rin and San have deliberately witheld the truth from him: how much he can trust them. Did San feel pity for him, or something more? He is heart broken by what she asks of Han Chun, wanting her to be the same informal friend she was, he tells her to return to being that person.

The same high qualityis present in every aspect but the final dramatic sceen of Song In deliberately and wilfully wounding San heralds a new ark: Won now takes of the kid gloves (he already has an understanding with his mother) and takes charge. Episodes 23-24 are eually beautiful, perhaps a tad more dramatic but overall, in spite of the momentus decisions taken they seem a little flat.


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He takes off kid gloves and takes charge? I saw it as more as he lost it and his anger over San got the best of him. Only Rin could stop him (which is his job).


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Just one scene stands out for me in episode 24
Just as in episode 18 at the culmination of the tea party, San wavered, and her tears and expression contradicted her declared position; that CP should choose Dan not San. So now: we have a similar display of ambivalence.

“What should I do, have you forgotten? I gave you the right to kill me. You should decide this one. Decide what? My place as Crown Prince. Should I just give it to him (Jeon)? And should you and I just hang around for the rest of our lives? I came to ask you that. We can go to the oceans and mountains and visit far away countries. Famous wines We could search and taste them all. Would that not make for a great trip? Shall we do that?“
(San is wavering at this point thinking furiously, but spies Dan eves dropping close by) She resourcefully turns the question round by saying “If the Crown Prince was to waver. That would be a misfortune (for Dan) and tells him, I was given an order “help him” - but she does not say that failing to be chosen as the Crown Princess will result in her and her father having their possesions and wealth confiscated and their lives forfeited.
Even after the conversation ends and she fails to return the hair ornament, she lingers over it, as if still thinking of a life spent together as Han-chun and So-hwa. …echoes of ‘There’s a world outside of the palace. People are living in that world. Won’t you come with me?’

In short I will take deposition and exile to be with you for life. He wants her to choose him (he’s as smitten and needy as Dan) not use his position and power to keep her.


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It's thrilling that the show keeps having us guessing who does San love as a man but must admit that it drives me crazy sometimes I mean it's episode 12 (or 13 now) already and yet no confirmation from San. I just wanna know to whom her heart belongs to.
And so to satisfy my curiosity I sought viewpoint from complete male stranger to this drama that is my big sis boyfriend^^ I dragged him and my sis to watch epi 11&12 during Sunday re-run on tv. He's sure San has feeling for Rin during the scene of Rin cleaning San's wound. And that San doesn't see Won as love interest during Won conversation with San, asking her to go on journey with him. Sis bf argued that San looked puzzled over Won's proposal. Hah I have to agree with him on this.
Anyway since I originally like the trio if they can stay friends and be happy together at the end I'm good with it. Even if San doesn't end up with one of the boys.


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Thankyou TeriYaki for the recap which is detailed and thoughtful, however you clearly have the Rin San bias and your knowledge of history, so you paint a certain view. However, the writer has changed so much from the original inspiration this drama can go anywhere. Won in this drama is getting an undeserved bad press.


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I don't see that Won is getting bad press. I love his character. In fact from what I hear shippers are equally divided between Won/San and Rin/San. Personally I'm a Rin shipper, but who knows, she might not end up with either of them. Depends on whether they follow the book (and I don't want spoilers) or follow his real life down thru the years.


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I cann't believe how lienient reviewers are to Song In and Boo-yong and their web of co-conspiritors including the King, they are both devious and sadistic. I wish San had killed Song In.


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I find the chemistry between Dan and San (ep 23) every bit as heart warming as the bromance. Cry baby Dan, as some have styled her is just plain straighforward and pure, but she is not stupid. She is generous towards San and yet sensative enough to realise it would be auspcious to leave Rin and San together as he bathes San's wound. Once again that swoony OST makes a perfect entry. Oh this drama is so under rated in Korea!


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Did anyone else notice that when the king threw the ornate porcelain vases, they bounced, bc the props were plastic/rubber?! They made the *crash-break!* sound (good job sound engineers!) but they really went *boink-boink-bounce!* Sorry, so random.


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Im Shi Wan and Jang Young Nam are killing it in this drama!


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