Live Up to Your Name: Episode 13

These halcyon days may not be meant to last, but Im and Yeon-kyung are determined to enjoy them to the fullest anyway, resulting in an hour full of enough flirting and sweetness to melt even the most hardened cynic into a puddle of goo. Still, all these lovey-dovey moments can’t fully distract our couple from the feeling that trouble may soon intrude upon their blissful idyll.

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We return to Im’s first conversation with his teacher as a boy, when he had asked the man to teach him how to help people like his mother. We see him going through tough training, like bringing buckets of spring water from the mountain every morning and constantly being scolded for his imperfect posture.

His teacher tells him that in order to treat patients’ hearts, he has to become one with his needles—his tools will know if he has less than noble intentions. Summer turns to autumn and then winter as a young Im struggles to learn how to sharpen his needles properly.

Now we see an adult Im, back at Hyeminseo Clinic, furiously sharpening his needles on a whetstone. As he admires the results, he thinks of his teacher’s words that both doctor and needles must act from the heart. Im tells his needles that they’ve had a rough time wandering around, but now they’re (both) home to stay.

We flash back to the previous night, when Grandpa asked him why he had returned. Im said that he was back to the place he should be and is joyful when he heals people regardless of their status, which Grandpa had told him was a doctor’s duty. He had asked to be allowed to solve his assignment here (about the needle case), and Grandpa had nodded.

Now, Im picks up the needle case and wonders why it came to him, and what it wants from him.

A bit later, Yeon-kyung emerges on her way to work, and she stops to observe Im for a moment as he happily waters the garden. She remembers Jae-ha’s warning that Im will have to return to his time, and we see that she looked up his famous accomplishments online the previous night.

When she approaches him, though, she smiles and tells him that she’s leaving early because she has a patient waiting. He holds her hand and swings it as they grin bashfully at each other.

Im runs inside and brings some rice balls that he made for her lunch, telling her that she should eat more regularly. He can’t promise to do it every day, but he says that he’ll make her lunch once a week. “Once a week?” she asks softly, moving closer. He amends that to every four days, but when she asks about that too while smiling coquettishly, he ends up promising to make rice balls every morning.

As he walks her out, he asks if she’s forgetting something, since he worked so hard at dawn for her. She doesn’t understand, so he surprises her with a peck on the lips, saying that people call that a “morning kiss.”

She tells him that a real morning kiss should make her think about him all day and want to come home early. She pulls him close, but Byung-ki and Jae-sook suddenly arrive, and Yeon-kyung flings Im away from her. Yeon-kyung stammers an awkward greeting, and Im quickly ushers her off to work.

Im turns around from waving goodbye to see the two assistants staring at him suspiciously, which startles him into slapping Byung-ki, ha. They stare even harder, arms crossed, and he touches his mouth and swears he didn’t do anything. Smooth, Joseon Man.

Jae-sook and Byung-ki ask him how he can just waltz back in here after the way he left before, and Im says that he was barely gone. Byung-ki chases him with the broom, but Im jumps on his back and asks them to forgive him—Im says that he even brought them a gift, because he loves them!

Cut to Jae-sook relaxing in a giant massage chair while Im frets that Yeon-kyung didn’t even get to sit in it yet. Byung-ki sees with dismay that it’s set to Hangover Removal, and Im scolds him for not taking care of her health or their relationship while he way away. Im looks around the clinic and at the two assistants and reflects that nothing has changed here… and that’s why he likes it.

Yeon-kyung’s patient, the one whose valve replacement surgery she did against the wishes of her supervising professors, has yet to regain consciousness, although the operation went well. Professor Hwang berates her for embarrassing him even though he’d warned her that the patient’s chances of recovery were low.

Once he’s gone, Man-soo tells Yeon-kyung she did great on the surgery, whether the patient wakes up or not. Yeon-kyung and the rest of their colleagues stare at him in surprise, and he plays it off awkwardly before sauntering off. Hahaha.

Director Ma is displeased to find out that Im has returned to Hyeminseo Clinic, and his mood deteriorates further when he glimpses Director Shin seeing off Blue House Secretary Jo after an apparently fruitful meeting. Shin gloats to Ma about this reversal in the two men’s fortunes before hurrying off self-importantly.

Hyeminseo’s first patients of the day are the old ladies, and as they arrive, Im emerges from inside the house in epic slow motion. He announces himself grandly and promises to do his best to treat them, and when they just stare at him, he laughs goofily.

At that moment, Kkot-boon arrives, calling for Bong-tak, and Im joyfully races to meet her—only to fall flat on his face. He asks if she’s better now, and she assures him that she is as she slaps his cheek fondly.

Yeon-kyung sits at her patient’s bedside and tells him that she recently met a child who was hurt, but because she didn’t have her tools, she was no longer a doctor and could do nothing for him. But miraculously, she tells him that she was able to save a child who was shot with a just a scalpel.

She repeats Im’s words about looking into a patient’s heart and mind in order to heal their body, and reflects that perhaps it wasn’t a miracle after all. Now medicine is so much more advanced, she adds, but here she is, unable to do anything for her patient. She takes the man’s hand and tells him that just as Im did, she’s going to trust in her patient’s will and his love for his family.

Meanwhile at Hyeminseo, one of the old ladies complains to Im that she has pains all over, and he wonders where he should apply acupuncture. Overhearing, Grandpa comes over and tells her that as a person lives their life, traces of every injury remain with them; some see these as medals, others as sorrow, but all you can do is soothe the pain and keep going.

However, when he’s about to apply a needle to her knee, his hand shakes, and Im asks if he can be allowed to do it, in honor of his first day here as a doctor.

As they see the ladies off later, Grandpa tells Im that the clinic doesn’t just treat illness, but helps patients like these embrace their hearts and share their sadness. Im asks why Grandpa doesn’t get treated for his own bad heart, and Grandpa grumbles that he’s just slowing down with age, though he forbids Im to say anything to Yeon-kyung unless he wants to get kicked out.

Director Ma catches Im alone outside the clinic and asks why he acted out at Chairman Min’s house. Im replies that if he hadn’t, Ma wouldn’t have let him go. Director Ma asks if Im has forgotten what he did for him, but Im just says that the director showed him his path, and he’ll never forget that.

Director Ma points out that if he reports Im to the police for his fake license he’ll be in trouble, but Im counters that so would Director Ma, since he’s the one that made it. Touché, but don’t poke the bear, Im!

Director Ma says that there’s something he hasn’t taught Im: It’s hard to gain money and power, but it’s easy to be trampled by them. Yikes.

Another professor who declined to operate on the valve patient has heard that the man is still unconscious, and feeling vindicated, he scolds Yeon-kyung for still thinking like an intern. Yeon-kyung vows to do the same in the future, even if she becomes a professor or a department head. Just then, Min-jae informs them that the patient has woken up.

Yeon-kyung rushes to the man’s bedside and is near tears with relief when he’s able to understand her and move his extremities. His wife thanks Yeon-kyung and embraces her, and uncharacteristically, Yeon-kyung hugs her back. She refuses any credit, saying that the patient’s love for his family saved him.

Outside in the hallway, Yeon-kyung does her usual victory dance—until she painfully cracks her neck, ha. She decides to call Im with her good news, but realizes that he no longer has a phone. Nurse Jung, watching, marvels at all the ways Yeon-kyung is surprising her these days—the power of love, perhaps?

Nurse Jung gives Yeon-kyung a form to request sick leave and tells her to fill it out. Yeon-kyung protests that her patient needs her, but Man-soo joins them and says that he’s now that patient’s attending. Yeon-kyung laughs and gives him a playful nudge, and he tells her she’s not the only doctor around here. She smiles at them both fondly.

On her way out of the hospital, Yeon-kyung finds Jae-ha waiting for her and tells him she’s taking a few days off. Understanding that she wants to spend time with Im, he asks if she won’t regret it. She says that she might, but Im is by her side right now, and she wants to follow her heart.

Yeon-kyung arrives home excitedly, but grows panicked when she can’t find Im anywhere in the house. She finally finds him feeding the dog in the yard, and she stops short and just stares at him.

He notices her presence and rushes over, but he trips in his excitement, and she reaches out to grab him. They both end up falling down, with Im landing on top of Yeon-kyung and aggravating her sore back. He reprimands her for trying to catch him when she’s hurt, and she pushes him crossly, asking if he’s crazy.

“What if you’d hit your head on the ground? Careful, careful, always be careful!” Yeon-kyung all but cries. Eyes welling, she tells him that everything is dangerous here, so he needs to be careful in every situation. He pulls her close and reminds her of his promise to never leave her alone again. He says that he’ll be careful, but even if he does end up back in Joseon, he’ll return immediately, so she mustn’t worry. She cries and holds him tight.

To Im’s delight, Grandpa serves up meat for dinner, and when the old man asks Yeon-kyung to join them, Im begs her with his eyes. She gives in and sits down, and the lovebirds play footsie under the table, which is adorable. Grandpa still refuses to let Im have any meat, so Yeon-kyung piles a huge amount in Im’s bowl.

Unable to sleep that night, Im knocks on Yeon-kyung’s door, and she happily joins him in the living room and presents him with a gift. It’s a cell phone, and he thanks her, glad to be able to reach her again. He asks for her number, and she programs it in as “My Gum ❤︎” (a reference to how he was stuck to her after her surgery). Pleased, he rubs the phone against his heart.

She asks if he regrets giving everything up, including the money, which she knows he loves. He says that he doesn’t—it was just a manifestation of his anger and his empty heart, and a way to withstand the hardships of living as a doctor in Joseon.

“But no matter how much I saved up, I could not fill my empty heart,” he says with a self-deprecating laugh. “Though I have nothing now, I am more satisfied than ever before. I find happiness in the small things. It’s all thanks to you.” He takes her hand.

She looks moved, but then slips her hand away and takes him to task for leaving her behind to go get his riches that one time. He exclaims that it was all a misunderstanding, and she laughs and says she’ll take his word for it.

The next morning, Yeon-kyung and Im brush their teeth together, then she sets him to washing the breakfast dishes. Afterward, Im teaches her exercises to help her circulation, and Byung-ki and Jae-sook join them (also purely for health reasons, of course).

Im decides that the next move will be a hug, and he tells them to embrace each other. Byung-ki hugs him, and Im slaps him away, calling him an idiot. The two couples hug, and then Byung-ki adorably runs around the yard in giddiness over what he’s just done.

Meanwhile, Director Shin becomes the new chairman of the board for Shinhye Foundation, and Director Ma has a vase-throwing tantrum in his office over it.

A foreign man arrives at Hyeminseo Clinic with acute asthma, and Yeon-kyung gives him emergency treatment, but says he needs an ambulance. The man’s friend explains in awkward Korean that they can’t go to the hospital—they’ll be caught and deported. At Im’s confusion, Byung-ki tells him that they don’t have legal status.

Im reminds Yeon-kyung of her statement that a patient doesn’t require qualifications, and since she’s at a loss to explain the current situation, Im asks if he can treat the man instead.

Everyone watches in silence as Im checks the man’s pulse, then carefully applies acupuncture to various points. Then he pulls out his biggest needle, making the patient nervous. Im reassures the man, but warns him not to move, and inserts the long needle deep into the man’s chest. Grandpa tells Yeon-kyung that this is the most dangerous acupuncture point, and only someone as skilled as Im can do it properly.

The man finally breathes easier, and the entire group smiles in relief. As he leaves, the two friends express their gratitude. The patient takes out a crumpled photo of his family from his jacket, thanking Im for letting him continue to send them money. As they all watch the two men go, Im tells Grandpa that it’s time for him to go somewhere.

Im and Yeon-kyung are on their way out when Jae-ha arrives. He says he’s following his heart now too, and when Im asks snippily why his heart led him here, Jae-ha just tells him to go back to Joseon. Yeon-kyung tells him that they’re going to do some medical volunteering, and Jae-ha says he’ll come too.

At this, Im pouts, especially when Jae-ha shows him up by saying he’ll drive them, since Yeon-kyung is still injured. (I’m enjoying this petty jealousy.)

They end up with the homeless at Seoul Station, and Jae-ha tries to hide his reaction to the smell. Im goes up to the curly-haired man, whose name is Yoo Chan-sung, and apologizes for running away the other night. He asks after the man who was sick then, and Chan-sung points down to wall to his friend Park, who is lying down clutching his stomach. Im checks him over and eases his pain, giving him medicine to take daily.

Im asks curiously why they all stay here and don’t go home to their families, and Chan-sung says that they just can’t. Jae-ha then notices a man taking pictures of them from behind a pillar, but he runs away before Jae-ha can catch him.

At the same time, Director Ma begs Chairman Min for another chance. The chairman agrees, but says that he’d like for Heo Bong-tak to apply acupuncture to one of his family members. Uh-oh.

Im and Yeon-kyung look at other patients, and Jae-ha finally screws up his courage to check one of the men’s pulse. Chan-sung grabs him by the collar angrily, and when Jae-ha gasps at Im to help him, Im assures Chan-sung of Jae-ha’s credentials and encourages him to take a look at the patient. Im and Yeon-kyung watch like proud parents as Jae-ha helps the man. Aww.

At the sound of a police whistle, everyone flees the subway, and Im and Yeon-kyung run ahead of Jae-ha. Yeon-kyung waves goodbye, and he watches wistfully as they outpace him, hand in hand.

Im and Yeon-kyung have a leisurely date that involves eating ice cream, taking selfies, and cuddling. She introduces him to the wonder of sunglasses and puts some of her lipstick on him, and they both laugh.

They go to the beach, which Im is happy to visit for the first time in a decade, and as they walk, she shows him a couple’s declaration of love written in the sand.

Im remembers Ha-ra telling him that a heart can mean love, and at Yeon-kyung’s request, he grabs a stick to write their own names in gigantic letters. He explains that what looks like an arrow in the heart is actually an acupuncture needle, placed in his heart by Yeon-kyung.

Touched, she kisses him, and then coyly tells him to catch her and runs off, acting girlier than we’ve ever seen her. Im doesn’t understand this modern lovers’ game, but obliges anyway. Later, as they eat at a restaurant, Im sees a little boy feeding his younger sister, and it makes him think of Kang and Dam from Joseon.

That night, unable to sleep, Im thinks of the undocumented immigrants and homeless he treated that day, as well as the poor back in Joseon in the midst of war with no medicine, the doctors having fled along with the nobility.

He peeks in at a sleeping Yeon-kyung, and then lies down on the floor next to her bed. Unsatisfied with this view of her, he brings some chairs and lies down on those instead, watching her as she sleeps. Some time later, Yeon-kyung wakes up to find him asleep, and she covers him with her comforter, now her turn to watch him.

She remembers Heo Jun saying that Im used to be a good doctor that Joseon needed, and that he believed she had the ability to bring the old Im back. She reaches out to touch his face, and a tear falls down her own as she pulls her hand back, unable to make contact.

The homeless men, Chan-sung and Park, arrive at Hyeminseo Clinic the next day, cleaned up and dressed in suits. Park asks worriedly if they can really do this, and Chan-sung just says to let him do the talking. Im and Grandpa greet them gladly, and Chan-sung claims to have indigestion and asks for acupuncture.

Im checks his symptoms and says that he seems fine, but Chan-sung acts offended, so Im assures him that he’ll do it. Strangely, Chan-sung asks for Grandpa instead.

Once Grandpa is done, the two doctors leave him to rest. Chan-sung ushers his friend out of the room too, and he takes a small string out of his pocket. When he comes into the courtyard, he’s pale and twitching, and he suddenly collapses on his way out. Grandpa and Im rush over to him, perplexed to find a needle stuck deep into his chest.

A siren wails and paramedics enter along with two detectives, one of whom is Im’s acquaintance from his own arrest. Park tells the detectives that Chan-sung collapsed after receiving acupuncture here, pointing an accusing finger at Grandpa. The detective arrests Grandpa on the spot, despite Im’s horrified protests.

At the station, Grandpa is locked up in the holding cell, and he wonders how this could happen again as he grips his chest, his heart paining him again. Park swears that he saw Grandpa place that needle, and the detective tells Im that the old man might be jailed for five years, or pay a heavy fine. Im tells the detective that Grandpa would never make such a mistake, but Park says that he’s seen the old man’s hands shake while applying acupuncture.

Chan-sung is taken to Yeon-kyung’s hospital, and she discovers that the needle’s end pierced Chan-sung’s heart, causing internal bleeding. That’s when Jae-sook calls Yeon-kyung to tell her the bad news, and just then, Chan-sung suddenly loses consciousness, and Yeon-kyung looks over at him worriedly.


This episode felt like the calm before the storm, a little oasis of happiness that we knew couldn’t last. We got a bit of everything that this show does best: great character moments from everyone in the ensemble cast, funny shenanigans with Im, Yeon-kyung and their friends, touching medical cases that had something thematically relevant to say—and last but not least, the incredibly warm, natural chemistry of our lead couple.

I don’t know when I’ve last seen an OTP so genuinely joyful to be in each other’s presence, and who express the giddy early stages of a new relationship with such realism. Kim Nam-gil especially can go from besotted, to bashful, to giddy, to serious in the space of thirty seconds, and you don’t even see him in the performance. He’s just Im, completely in love with the most beautiful woman he has ever met. And yet despite these two’s physical attractiveness, that’s the least of the reasons they fell for each other. Both simply find that the other makes them grow and learn things about themselves that they couldn’t on their own, and they’re more whole as individuals now that they’re together.

That’s why it was so hard to watch them slowly begin to acknowledge to themselves, if not to each other, that it’s very unlikely that they’ll be able to stay together in the long run. Life in 2017 is rife with hidden traps that Im is unprepared to deal with, and Yeon-kyung can’t always be there to protect him, no matter how much she wants to (and I suspect that in the long run, such an arrangement would feel oppressive to a man like Im). There’s also the basic fact that Im can’t keep all of his promises. He’s sworn to stay by Yeon-kyung’s side, but there’s also his pre-existing vow to save Yeon-yi, and now he’s also given his word to Grandpa to be the right kind of doctor and figure out what the needle case wants from him. I highly doubt that whatever mystical force controls the time travel wants Im to stay in the present. More likely, as with Heo Jun, it came to Im to remind him of the doctor he used to be, and what is truly important for one who is called to medicine. After all, we’ve been told repeatedly that the needles know if the one who uses them has corrupt intentions.

There’s also the guilt that has begun to eat away at Im for leaving his people behind in one of the worst wars in Korean history, without any doctors or medicine. Now that the immediate danger to Yeon-kyung has passed, and he has decided to follow his heart and conscience, he can no longer truly justify to himself staying in the relatively safe and luxurious present when the poor and disenfranchised—people much more his own class than the Hyeminseo Clinic—are suffering such terrible depredations.

The undocumented immigrants’ storyline was also a poignant illustration that in every world, there are those who aren’t given the basic human right to be able to seek treatment when they’re sick. Ironically, Im had imagined that this wasn’t the case in the present day, but now he sees that in some senses, little has changed in 400 years. It’s clear that Yeon-kyung sees and understands all this without Im having to verbalize it, which made that scene where they took turns watching each other sleep heartbreaking and bittersweet, and my favorite in the episode.

I did find the ending plot turn to be strange and out of nowhere. Why on earth would two men who seem to love Grandpa suddenly betray him in such a terrible way? Are they being paid off by Director Ma, and if so, is this the bad blood between him and Grandpa that was indirectly referenced before? I’ve grown so attached to this little family at the clinic that it enrages me that anyone would dare try to hurt them, but part of me is also underwhelmed by the fact that of all places and of all doctors, Kim landed in Yeon-kyung’s lap as a patient. It’s a little too on the nose that she’ll now have to literally fight for the man’s life in order to protect her Grandpa from serious charges, but hey, I’ll roll with it for now. I’d love to see Yeon-kyung, Im, Byung-ki, and Jae-sook coming together to defend Grandpa from these opportunists, so if that’s where we’re headed, I can forgive the show the convenience of this twist.


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Thanks @laica for the recap :) The date scene with both Kim Nam Gil and Kim Ah Joong is so adorable and he does look totally besotted with her. But my fav scene will definitely be where they were both brushing their teeth together and Yeon Kyung hit Heo Im lightly looking cross when she saw that Heo Im was eating the tooth paste instead of using it to brush his teeth. That is what couples do so this OTP is totally goals for me :)


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The BTS of that toothbrushing scene is just as fun to watch! 💓💓💓 Also, Ah-joong and Nam-gil seemed to have become more comfortable with each other. Their chemistry is sizzling even off-screen! 🎆


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Totally agree with you on that ❤ He was even saying that he was hot after doing the rice ball scene where Kim Ah Joong was going full on aegyo on him 😍


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😄😄😄 I had to replay that bts scene countless times just to see him blush!


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Did you watch the bts with subs? I've tried looking but I can't find them anywhere...


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Try instagram. There are plenty floating ard.


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Kim Ah Joong's performance is so so beautiful in this episode - she really portrayed Yeon Kyeong as someone who fully understands Heo Im's call of duty and realises that he will have to go back to Joseon, but at the same time trying to enjoy and hold onto the little time they have together. That scene where they watch each other sleep is my favourite too!


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Mine too! I really thought she would go noble idiot (after watching the preview last week), but I'm glad she acted her age (lol in dramaland) and just expressed her love to the man who holds her heart. 💝💪

But omo, the scenes do look like the major calm before the storm so ... 😱


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Thanks Laica, for the recap.
I don't know how I am going to live with this show ending next week because it is so beyond perfect until now.
Though nothing much going on in this episode except for the relationship development between our OTP, I still appreciate the effort to give us some sweet treats to prepare for the upcoming heartbreak.
I have my utmost respect for Jae Ha because his love is so much bigger that Yeon Kyung's happiness is what really matters to him. And it truly saddened me especially on the part of Yeon Kyung because we know from the very beginning of how this girl always acted her mind but at the rate that she is going, she is truly trying to savor every moments that she could get having Heo Im by her side because she knows he will eventually leave to take his place in history.
I really do not know what kind of chemistry that Kim Nam Gil and Kim Ah Joong have but they rose top to becoming my favourite OTP of all-time. The date scene was so natural, so perfectly done and it's been such a long long time since I feel all giddy, warm and fuzzy inside like a girl falling in love for the very first time, just watching them being all lovey-dovey.
Love ya, show!!!!


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I've disliked Jae-ha for the most part also, but I'm so glad the writers didn't make him go to the dark side. 😈 That scene where YK waved him off at the subway station and he had that resigned-accepting look when he stopped running, I swear my heart broke with him. 💔 Cause come to think of it, apart from his desire to avenge his dad's tainted reputation, he has always been a "good" man. He has always hated his grandpa's twisted principles and he has been respectful of his noona YK's wishes.


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You can count me as a viewer who no longer thinks Jae-ha has a Backpfeifengesicht (face in need of a punch). From the start, he's always had an ambivalent relationship with his grandfather and I really hope he triumphs against Chairman Ma's malignant ambition. I'm glad his story arc isn't simply one-note. And yeah, I actually said, "Awww" when IM and CYK left him behind when they ran away from the train station. (Followed by a squee in anticipation for the date montage.)


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😍 I know, right? I especially liked how YK casually and comfortably wrapped one arm around Heo Im like she has been doing that forever. 😂


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It is a fixed calculation in dramaland that if this episode is all loveydovey then be prepared for doom that is bound to happen in the next episode. I looooooveeee their cute date😍
Why is Heo Im tripped twice in this episode? I think there is something going on and the reason he tripped is not because of excitement, is he sick? The last time Im was transported back to Joseon and back again to Seoul, he seemed to be in so much pain, that he even needs to get rushed to the hospital. This is my first drama with Kim Nam Gil in it, and I've been reading online that every Kim Nam Gil's character almost always ended up getting killed. Will we get a happy ending here??


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He was hospitalized the last time because people thought he was suicidal 😂 (he really did stand in front of a moving car to really get hit because he wanted to go back to joseon stat and retrieve YK). In Joseon, he clutched his chest because he couldn't understand why he time-travelled again when he swore he already threw away the magic needle case.

So, I think the scenes where he tripped were just meant to underscore his clumsy dorkiness. 😂 Honestly, the bit where he tripped after running to YK was kind of jarring cause it was followed by YK's crying.


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You know with Kim Nam Gil, it is inevitable to expect and be prepared for a sad ending (though not likely the writer will go for this route).
I have said it before that he could be the first actor to die in a rom-com and in here, he died many times (probably those countless deaths are to pay tribute to his moniker as the "Prince of Death").
So, I am not surprised that the beloved OTP in rom-com may not end up together because we have KNG forming one half of this OTP. LOL


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Better be prepared then..


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Let's define "happy ending." I've been bargaining with the drama gods about this one. Since Heo Im is a real historical figure who lived to old age, what are our options? I want our OTP to be together forever without sacrificing who they are.


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Maybe if Heo Im decides to stay in Joseon, will we get Yeon Kyung meet with Heo Im's incarnation in present time? Sort of like in Splish Splash Love?


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Arghhh...no reincarnation please. It does not feel the same anymore because it's totally different person. I would rather that they seperated but the love still goes on.


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Damn. Tennyson agrees with you:

‘Tis better to have loved and lost,
Than never to have loved at all


Agree. Heo Im still has to take his place in history but despite how much I want them to be together, I am strongly against Yeon Kyung giving up her medical practice to join Heo Im in Joseon. If he gets to bask on his glory, then she equally deserves to have an achievement of her own because she is one damn good doctor.


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Agree with you. A love that's alive and flowing is my definition of a happy ending, akin to that of the OTP in Seven-day Queen. Yeon-kyung and Heo Im both have flourished in the love they have for each other, and if they never see each other in person, I think they will continue to cherish their unique relationship throughout their lifetime. I am already bracing myself for that inevitability. 😭😭


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I'm growing anxious with a bit of dread and apprehension to see how everything plays out. This is one of the nicer couples on TV today, I think I'm going to be sad.


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You're not alone, dear beanie. As for me, I will be consoled if I hear reports that this couple have become real off-screen. 👐👐


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Same. Blessed your shipping heart.


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I love the lead actress and most her dramas but I can't lie, her face is about to explode from all the plastic, she looks like kardashian's distant Korean cousin


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I actually don't think she looks bad here. Probably the best I've seen her in recent years compared to her My PS Partner days. I think the fillers have probably settled in already. The plastic surgery is apparent with KAJ and Lee Yuri but it's not bothersome enough to distract me from their acting. If we're talking about disconcerting plastic surgery, it's Seo Woo and Nam Gyu Ri who have gone way too far IMO. Sorry. But yes, I wish KAJ and the rest of the actresses would lay off the fillers and botox.


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She had plastic surgery or just fillers or botox injection? I have only watched her in "Punch" but I think she looks pretty much the same then and now.


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Both plastic surgery and fillers I think, from the photos and posts I've seen. But I don't think she did anything recently, hopefully.


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I agree that she looks pretty much the same as she did in Punch to me. Not to mention, if she's reminded me of anyone, it's Jessica Alba.


@chandler Oh wow, so it's not just me who thinks she bears a resemblance to Jessica Alba at times! That's exactly who came to mind in that one BTS scene where KAJ and Yoo Min Kyu were playfully teasing each other. She does look like Alba in certain angles.


I watched her in 200-pound Beauty and man, she looked a tad different there, though prettier if I may say so. 😢 It's a sad reality these actresses have to choose to go through.


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I have always loved the natural-faced beauty of a korean actress. But as time passed by, i eventually learned to love those who did plastic surgery. It is not their fault that people nowadays tend to judge them because they look "ugly". And almost all of the recent kdrama starters/watchers only stream those drama with beautiful actress/actor. They did it to either earn more confidence in their selves or to go with the way of society. I just hate it that they are not being loved for who they are.


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I'm exactly the same way.


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True that. Yoo Inna, Hwang Jeung-eum, Uee, and the list goes on. 😢


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Kim Nam Gil and Kim Ah Joong are so cute together in the date scenes! This is probably the fluffiest and most natural date scene I've seen in a drama so far. They just ooze chemistry left, right, top, bottom. I think both actors did their job well in looking utterly smitten with each other. Didn't think Kim Ah Joong could be so girlishly adorable, lol.

Other than the cute OTP moments, this and the 14th episode do feel a little slower than previous episodes but still enough to build up tension for the finale week. There are also a couple of plot conveniences but everything else is done well that it's easy to look over these. What I really appreciate about this show though is the maturity of the characters despite the goofy scenes splashed in between. I like how we're not getting immature jealous second leads, noble idiocy, nor lack of communication. It does not have the fastest or most intricate plot but it has the things I look for in a drama -- smart and capable characters, sizzling chemistry, introspective conversations with lots of heart.


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I agree with you that these couple of episodes felt slower. But if they had to do that, I was at least expecting MORE kissing if they had to move the plot slowly!!! 😂 I'm greedy like that. Lol!


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LOL. Those betting for 2 kisses for the remaining 4 episodes at soompi have lost their bets and have to change their soompi avatars to "the OTP that never happened". This drama is so unpredictable. Just when you thought you may settle for a mere handshake, it gave us a hot kiss. Just when you thought our OTP transformed into some kissing machine, the following episode just gave us heartbreaking hugs. Still, I really enjoy the many rides of emotions.


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Pardon my perv thoughts lol. 😂😂😂 Indeed, the rollercoaster ride of emotions this episode. I think I might need acupuncture after this. Lol


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To me both HI and YK look perfect, i would not change anything , and i mean anything in this drama. So far they have given me more joy and laughter than any other drama in years. I will never hear morning kiss without having the visual of HI giddily waiting to send YK to work with one. This is one drama that J'Adore .


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And Heo Im's smexy waist-grabbing. I swear, this Joseon guy (who never had a girlfriend in Joseon) sure got a lot of romantic tricks up his sleeves. 😅😂


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I'm as convinced as I've ever been, probably more so, that these characters are two real people who are crazy in love. I dearly love our actors ❤️


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Hear, hear!


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I like how Kim Ah Joong (Yeon Kyung) giggles. Her reactions adds fun and cute to Kim Nam Gil's (Heo Im) antics. That's why I especially love the beach scene.


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Me too! I loved them in the beach scene. Super cute!


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Honestly, together, they have a pair of the most glorious laughs I've ever heard. So infectious! It's impossible not to grin throughout that whole entire scene.


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Yeon Kyung in love is so cute! She's really basking in their romance and happiness and wearing her heart on her sleeve. I love that she's not shy about admitting to others, that she's cconfident and willing to take initiatives in the relationship. I like this kinda romance a bit better than in some dramas where the (adult) OTP freak out about kissing and touching, or stressing out because they don't dare to articulate things.

Awww Man Soo is really growing on me! I'm so glad that he was only dipping toes at bootlicking his way to a promotion. I think it was quite adorable that he was always acting grumpy like Yeon Kyung was inconveniencing him and working too hard, when in reality he was quite happy to do his best for patients. (=

And Jae Ha too! It's such a relief that he's not actually evil. He's learned to step back and let Yeon Kyung make her own choices, and even respect Heo Im for the latter's superior skills. He clearly still needs to get over his own hangups, but I was so proud of him for persevering when treating the homeless man.

(Although I was confused by Joseon Jae Ha. At the beginning, when he was mocking Heo Im for his lowly status, and ignoring the patients at Haeminseo, it didn't feel like there was any redemption for that Joseon identity. Even when YK showed up, I thought he seemed sinister. So I felt like it wasn't very in keeping with his selfish character to go out of his way to save injured YK when he was merely curious about her.)

By the way, did I miss a scene where YK learned that her grandpa already knew the truth about Heo Im?


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The actor playing Man soo nailed his character, from his comedic timing to his annoying expression when he's delivering snide comments. What I like about his character (as well as the others at the hospital) is that they are all competent in what they do. Hence, Man-soo's competitiveness at work is realistic if not relatable. As for his pettiness, well ... 😂😂😂


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Finally we now have a korean female doctor without bangs.. Just Joking...I like this time travel drama i'm still curious why he keeps coming back in forth to the past and present. I like Kim Nam Gil and Kim Ah Joong's chemistry. Kim Nam Gil is good in doing rom com drama eventhough we always saw him in action dramas. Kim Ah Joong is good in portraying Yeon Kyung I like her in rom-com dramas too like accidental couple. This drama will be in my recommendation list if my friends ask me what to watch next :D


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Omo, black people in a KDrama!!! I haven't had time to watch, but I'mma find the time pronto!


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"Kim Nam-gil especially can go from besotted, to bashful, to giddy, to serious in the space of thirty seconds, and you don’t even see him in the performance." - Oh my gosh, I LOVE what you wrote!

I've only ever heard heaps of praises for Kim Nam Gil and his acting previously and have always wondered if he's really that good until I see him in this drama. And boy, I am SOOO glad to be witnessing his amazing acting skills. He is really as GOOD as I've heard, if not more. The way he smoothly interchanges between emotions and nails it all down to the nuances in different facial expressions and body language, he just draws me into his character "Heo Im" so much so that I'm already having terrible withdrawal symptoms now. I'm totally not ready to bid Heo Im and the drama goodbye! T__T

And YES, his chemistry with Kim Ah Joong...I have completely lost count of the times I've replayed their cute and romantic moments together and having all those scenes linger in my mind all day long. The warm and giddy feelings feel so true. This drama is <3 !


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Their flirty, romantic moments are too cute for words. I'm living vicariously through their date scenes. I've replayed them enough times for my single ass to suddenly feel like I'm the one who's in a new relationship. LOL!


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Thank you, @laica, for beautifully capturing the tender moments of this episode. I have you to thank for peaking my interest in this series. Four episodes had already aired by the time I found it and your first recap convinced me to give it a try.

Being new to K-dramas, I accepted the label of "comedy" at face value. I didn't know of Kim Nam-gil's history as a brooding leading man and the soundtrack's bouncy music, dolphin laugh effect and overall goofiness certainly supported the label.

So, weeks later, here I am clutching at my heart. I never imagined this OTP would become one of the warmest portrayals of mutual love and respect I've ever seen on screen. And I haven't squeed this much over chaste skinship since Mr. Darcy briefly grasped Elizabeth's fingers as she climbed into her carriage.

As others have said before me, this show's a gem.


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Aw, your last screen-cap was my favorite! I just posted pretty much the same one on my fanwall last night. That was one of my favorite scenes this episode. I just felt the love on a whole new level, especially from Yeon-kyung. Everything about it was perfect, the hilarity of Heo Im being his clumsy self and her dramatic dive to save him, plus her worries and fears coming to the surface all at once. I was laughing and crying through the whole exchange!

Her desperation to keep him from leaving for as long as possible just really gets to me and clearly it got to him too. I just love the way he enveloped her in a hug and, I don't know why, but that gentle "shhh" has got to be the most soothing thing ever. How he can run like a giddy fool one moment and then be like that the next? Kinda like how Yeon-kyung is surprisingly girly and seductive in love! She takes the lead and I love it!

This episode is arguably slower, but I like these sort of calm before the storm episodes when done well. And the constant knowledge that it could end at any moment, makes every moment feel fleeting and like you want to savor just a little bit longer. I know I'll end up feeling very grateful for this episode when the next few episodes put us through the wringer.

Also, the new couple continuing to show their ability to work together is always welcome and served a purpose to help them grow towards understanding why it's so necessary for him to go back. They are so sweet together, but are also mature enough characters to understand that there are certain sacrifices worth making that show how you can truly love someone - by letting them become the best version of themselves. This is one of the most amazing things a drama can make me feel about a pairing, especially one that's so charming and adorable.

Thanks for the awesome recap, Laica!!


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Wow, can these two just get married already (in drama and irl) ? Their date was so damn cute. YK bossing HI and HI being so obedient to everything YK says. I have replayed the ice cream date so many times. I really liked their height difference when walking on the beach and the way they look at each other.
I have only seen Kim Ah Joong in more serious roles but rom-com really fits her. I like the way she plays YK in love being flirty and playful. I normally don't like aegyo but hers is so cute esp when she said "nando" on the beach. Who knew our stoic Dr could be such in dork in love? Kim Nam Gil's facial expression and reaction to everything she does is pure gold. Too many gifable moments in this show.
Kudos to the writer for writing such a mature relationship. The character for our otp and even JH has been remarkable. Both HI and YK love each very much and show it despite the possibility of being permanently separated by time. No noble idiocy here! I just want our gum couple together somehow whether in Joseon or Seoul, chebal writernim.


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This episode did feel like the calm before the storm, but I didn't mind the slower pace. I wanted to savor all the precious, loving moments between Im & Yeon Kyung. I've never seen Kim Ah Joong look so girly and giddy before. It's all so sweet and believable. I was constantly smiling due to these two lovebirds.

I'm glad that Man Soo stepped up and wasn't an evil character after all. Same goes for Jae Ha. It was a good scene when he went with Im to help the homeless and opened his eyes to a new experience.


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