Live Up to Your Name: Episode 7

I’m thrilled to see that, as nice as Im looks in a suit, he’s still a Joseon man through and through. It’s somehow even more adorable to see him fumbling his way through modern life in a fancy suit and haircut, though with his same old insecure bravado. But he may be about to bite off more than he can chew with his new job, and even in such a short amount of time, he’s managed to get the attention of a few people who would love to see him taken down a peg or three.

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We rewind a bit and see that when Director Ma offered Im the fancy apartment and job, he’d said that he already knew Im was from Joseon. He’d said it wasn’t important how he knew, only that Im was in a fix, and so he’d offered to provide Im with everything he would need as a doctor in the present day. He’d added that he knew an opportunity when he saw it, and Im had accepted his offer.

That night, Im had gone back to Hyeminseo after everyone was asleep. Outside, he’d offered a deep bow as thanks to Grandpa for taking him in, silently vowing to walk the path he couldn’t walk in Joseon: “I will become a doctor who becomes happy when he saves people, and glad when he heals people.”

At Director Ma’s expense, Im is treated to new clothes, a modern haircut, and even an expensive watch. He’s introduced at Shinhye Eastern Medicine Hospital’s VIP ward ceremony as Dr. Heo Bong-tak while Yeon-kyung looks on in disbelief and Jae-ha stares at him incredulously.

After the ceremony, Im is personally presented to Chairman Jo, the man who he helped when he collapsed in the hospital hallway. Im finally dares a look at Yeon-kyung, only to find her glaring at him angrily. They talk outside, where Yeon-kyung tells Im to drop the modern doctor act, and Im is relieved to be able to act and speak naturally.

Yeon-kyung grows annoyed when Im answers her questions vaguely, reluctant to reveal that Director Ma knows that he’s from Joseon. She asks why he wants to work at her hospital, but he just proudly shows her his ID naming him as a licensed doctor.

He doesn’t understand why the fake, illegal ID makes Yeon-kyung angry, because he thought it was a legitimate acknowledgement of his skill. Im wilts, asking if Yeon-kyung thinks he’s incompetent and wants him to go back to Joseon. Her ensuing silence is all the answer he needs.

He gathers his dignity and says that he’s decided to stay here and be a doctor, and that this is the only way he can do that. Reluctantly, he tells Yeon-kyung that he’ll do his best to stay out of her way. As Yeon-kyung walks away in disgust, Im sighs and wonders if she still suffers from her spells.

Meanwhile, Jae-ha confronts his grandfather about recruiting Im, but Director Ma just says that Im is a competent doctor who will be an asset to their VIP ward. Looking crushed, Jae-ha asks if he’s not enough, and Director Ma says flippantly that they can always get rid of Im if it doesn’t work out.

That doesn’t reassure Jae-ha one bit — as he leaves his grandfather’s office, he mutters that his grandfather could also kick him out at any time, just like he kicked his father out. He makes a call and orders the person on the other end to find out everything they can on Heo Bong-tak.

Meanwhile, Im heads to a coffee shop and finds Jae-ha right on his heels. He orders a fancy coffee like he’s done it a million times, but from the startled look on his face when he takes a sip, he’s never tasted anything like it. Ha.

Jae-ha addresses him by his real name, Heo Im, but Im smoothly says that the name isn’t important — he’s a doctor here to treat patients, and who he is will be revealed during the process. (I’m dying at the way he coolly delivers these slick lines, then slurps his yummy coffee like a toddler.)

Im heads to his fancy new office, which is chock-full of the latest medical equipment. A quick flashback shows us that Director Ma taught Im how it all works, in addition to things like sterilization practices. Back in the present, Im calls his receptionist and asks for his first patient to be sent in, then indulges in a little squee of excitement.

Over in the main hospital, Yeon-kyung’s rival Man-soo asks intern Min-jae why Yeon-kyung acted strange when she saw the motorcycle accident victim. Min-jae carelessly wonders if that’s why she went to the psych department, but luckily, Nurse Jung interrupts and says that she went there on behalf of a friend.

Man-soo is curious as to what friend that is, but Yeon-kyung bounces up and snarkily offers to introduce him, since he recently went through a breakup. (LOL, burn.) Min-jae laughs, but when Yeon-kyung turns her sharp gaze on him, he suddenly finds a reason to be elsewhere.

Yeon-kyung quietly thanks Nurse Jung for her intervention. When asked why she seems upset, she admits that there was someone she thought she was getting to know, but then he showed a very different side of himself.

Nurse Jung muses that it’s been a long time since Yeon-kyung was an intern with more curiosity about illnesses than people, making Yeon-kyung smile shyly. She remembers Yeon-kyung asking a lot of questions back then, and suggests that she ask questions like that to “that person.”

Yeon-kyung is called to the ER, where two patients are brought in simultaneously. One is bleeding from a stab wound to the abdomen, and the other is screaming in agony from a stab to the leg. Yeon-kyung briefly hesitates, hand to her chest, but when Man-soo arrives, she gets ahold of herself and goes to the man who’s bleeding from his torso.

Man-soo is informed that his patient’s wife was a nurse, and that she got the bleeding in his leg under control. Both patients are taken directly to the operating room, and as she heads to scrub up, Yeon-kyung freezes for a moment when a woman comes in, covered in blood and followed by a young girl crying for her daddy.

At his hospital, Im sees a patient complaining of bad headaches and stuffy sinuses. He diagnoses the patient with sinusitis, describing the head as a cool cave with a fiery spirit living inside. Each needle he inserts into the patient is accompanied by hilarious animations of cold winds, lightning, flowers, and stars, as the patient buys into Im’s creative explanations of his treatment.

Lastly, Im inserts two needles directly into the patient’s sinuses through his nose, and suddenly, the patient gets a violent nosebleed. Alarmed, Im tries to stop the bleeding with no luck. Jae-ha hears the patient’s cries and comes in to find blood everywhere, and he shoves Im aside. He checks the patient’s chart and finds that he takes aspirin, and he tells Im irritably that he should know that aspirin is a blood thinner.

In the OR, Yeon-kyung operates on the man stabbed in the abdomen, and luckily, his injuries aren’t serious. As they work, Min-jae tells Yeon-kyung that according to the police, their patient was attacked by the other man, and that their patient stabbed the other guy in the leg in self-defense.

Yeon-kyung heads over to Man-soo’s ER to ask his opinion on the wound in his patient’s leg. Man-soo believes that it was done by someone who knew what he was doing, because he accurately targeted the femoral artery and did enough damage that the man may never use the leg again.

In the waiting room, Yeon-kyung finds a detective waiting along with a gang of tough-looking men, along with the wife and child of the man who was stabbed in the leg. The thugs claim that the man whose leg was stabbed attacked their boss first, but his wife argues that her husband was knifed in the leg first.

Yeon-kyung tells the detective that the boss will recover fully before turning to leave. The thugs take this as backup for their version of events, but the other man’s wife insists that her husband wasn’t the aggressor. When her daughter begins to wail, Yeon-kyung stops and goes back.

She demonstrates the angle of the knife wound in the boss’s abdomen to the detective, saying that it was all wrong for someone who was trying to kill him. The detective infers that the other man must have been the one defending himself, and Yeon-kyung tells him that he’s in critical condition because of the severity of his wound. His wife sinks to the floor, devastated at the news that her husband may die or lose the use of his leg.

Min-jae leads Yeon-kyung away as the detective holds the thugs back from following her. Yeon-kyung smiles when Min-jae asks why she got involved like that, agreeing that she’s acting strange lately.

Feeling badly about his patient, Im apologizes to Director Ma, who just says that nobody’s perfect. He mentions that the patient wasn’t a VIP anyway, which has Im giving him the side-eye before quickly making his exit.

Director Shin and Professor Hwang discuss Director Ma, unsettled over the strange way he keeps inviting people from the Blue House to his VIP ward. Professor Hwang agrees to dig around and see what he can learn.

That night, Im surprises heart patient Ha-ra with a visit, and she lights up happily to see him again. When Yeon-kyung arrives a bit later to check on Ha-ra, she finds the two chatting away like old friends. She hovers outside the door, listening as Im tells Ha-ra that Yeon-kyung doesn’t like him much, which reminds her of his promise to stay out of her way.

Im asks Ha-ra if she trusts Yeon-kyung, and Ha-ra admits that she waited for her to arrive to perform her surgery. Im tells her that Yeon-kyung would love to know that, then sighs that patients can’t trust a doctor who doesn’t trust themselves, thinking of how he accidentally harmed a patient today.

A little while later, Im peeks around the ward looking for a glimpse of Yeon-kyung, only for her to pop up behind him and scare him silly. He stammers that he wasn’t trying to see her, he just didn’t know the way out (sure), so she leads him all the way to the front doors of the hospital.

Outside, they stand awkwardly for a moment, then Yeon-kyung asks about Im’s first day. He fibs that it went great, making her grumble under her breath that he’d better do well. He asks what she said, and when she denies saying anything, they bicker back and forth until a car horn snaps them out of it.

It’s Jae-ha, who says that he and Yeon-kyung are having dinner tonight, which is news to her. Jae-ha tells Im that he should be studying after what happened today, and though Yeon-kyung notes Im’s hangdog expression, she agrees to go with Jae-ha.

Jae-ha settles her into his car then goes back to tell Im that he thought his confidence meant he had great skill, but clearly that was all a front, and he won’t last long at the clinic. He turns to go, thinking he’s had the last word, but Im softly asks Jae-ha what he’s so worried about.

Im says that if it’s the patients Jae-ha’s worried about, then he promises it won’t happen again, because he’s not someone who can forgive himself for hurting someone. But he adds that if Jae-ha is worried about his position, “…You should keep doing that. I am looking forward to what I can show you from now on.”

At dinner, Jae-ha reminisces about their younger days together, but Yeon-kyung just wants to know what happened at the hospital. She tells Jae-ha that Im isn’t a bad person, so he tells her that Im doesn’t know that patients on aspirin can experience heavy bleeding, or even what aspirin is.

He says that he wants to find out who Im truly is, and why he’s here. Reluctantly, he asks Yeon-kyung what her relationship is with Im, and why she’s so interested in him when she used to only be interested in medicine. She says that she also wants to find out who Im is and why he wanted to get into the hospital.

At Hyeminseo, clinic assistants Byung-ki and Jae-sook wonder how Im tricked the hospital into thinking that he’s skilled. Upstairs, Grandpa thinks back to a recent visit by Director Ma, when he’d tried to deny any knowledge of Heo Im being in the present day. But Director Ma had gloated that this time, he was the one with the important visitor, and Grandpa had snapped that Director Ma had benefited enough from Heo Jun’s help and was being greedy. (Ah ha.)

Director Ma had said that they’d see what Im chooses, and later that night, Grandpa had seen Im bowing his goodbye on the lawn. He thinks to himself that maybe it was for the best, because Im will learn more in a big hospital than he would at their tiny clinic.

When Yeon-kyung comes upstairs, she asks Grandpa why he let Im stay here and perform acupuncture while knowing that he wasn’t licensed. Grandpa vaguely says that he saw that Im knew some things and just figured that he’d make a good assistant.

In her room, Yeon-kyung puts together what she knows about Im: he’s a doctor from Joseon who did something to anger the king, he ignored servant Doo-chil’s mother, and she started remembering strange things after she met him.

Im goes to work the next day with a new attitude, studying and practicing his little heart out. Later he eyeballs the crowd of patients waiting to see Jae-ha, who has forbidden him to treat anyone. He gets the idea to chat up the patients, handing out his business cards to all of them, and sneaks back to his own office when Jae-ha catches him at it.

At lunch, Im loudly beckons Yeon-kyung over when he spots her, and she sits at his table (mostly to stop his bellowing at her). Im takes out a list of questions about aspirin, causing Yeon-kyung to smile to herself when he’s not looking.

She answers his questions, explaining why aspirin made his patient bleed, and only belatedly realizing that she just gave away her interest. But Im just keeps studying, and as he focuses on his notes, Yeon-kyung smiles again at his eagerness to learn.

Im develops a habit of pouncing on Yeon-kyung to pepper her with medical questions, and though she acts annoyed, the way she coyly tucks her hair behind her ear gives away her pleasure at his seeking her out. Nurse Jung notices, and she grins to herself knowingly.

Soon enough, it’s time for Ha-ra to go home, and Yeon-kyung quips that she hopes they never see each other again. Ha-ra jokes back that she’ll be glad to be rid of Yeon-kyung’s nagging, then she flies at Yeon-kyung and gives her a tight hug.

She asks if Yeon-kyung can feel the beating of the heart that she fixed, and says that Yeon-kyung’s heart feels warm. Awww. Before she goes, Ha-ra tells Yeon-kyung that Im is a good man, advising her to stop playing games and get serious.

Yeon-kyung goes inside to find the stabbing victim’s wife and daughter waiting for her. The wife says that her husband was given a suspended sentence due to extenuating circumstances, and thanks Yeon-kyung for helping them.

Director Ma brings a VIP patient into the hospital, a man named Councillor Jung, who’s experiencing facial paralysis that prevents him from speaking. Jae-ha examines him and performs acupuncture, while Im rolls his eyes at every needle inserted.

While he works, Director Shin and Professor Hwang giggle over the irony of a politician like Councillor Jung being unable to open his mouth. Professor Hwang notes that Director Ma has been traveling to Councillor Jung’s area of constituency quite often, making them wonder if Director Ma is scheming to buy a certain plot of land (this seems to be very scandalous, although I’m just very confused).

Councillor Jung roars at Jae-ha wordlessly when his treatment does no good. His wife screeches that he has an important meeting in a few hours, demanding that Director Ma do something. Im pipes up, saying that he can treat the man, and he’s so confident that he vows to leave the hospital if he fails.

He peers closely at Councillor Jung, sniffing at him before checking his pulse. He diagnoses a stress-related issue based on the man’s elevated heart rate and strong body odor. He takes out his special case of acupuncture needles and gets to work.

By the time he’s finished, Councillor Jung’s muscles have relaxed until he can speak again. Everyone celebrates except for Jae-ha, who stares at Im in disbelief.

As he walks away, Jae-ha gets a call from his informant, who tells him that Heo Bong-tak is on the list of licensed medical professionals, with a photo of Im proving that it’s the right person. But Jae-ha scoffs, unconvinced.

Yeon-kyung lurks outside the hospital, wondering why Im never showed up to pester her today. She sees him shaking hands with Councillor Jung some distance away, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d call that grin on her face downright lovestruck.

She’s startled out of her mooning by Professor Hwang, who tells her that Director Ma is up to something, and to warn Im not to let himself be dragged down in the process.

Im goes back to his office and does a happy dance at his success. Meanwhile, Yeon-kyung is worried by Professor Hwang’s warning, so she calls Im, whose phone number she got from Ha-ra.

When the line is busy, she grows even more concerned and goes looking for him. At the same time, Im’s trying to call her (Ha-ra must have been handing out phone numbers like candy), and they run into each other in front of the hospital.

Im is thrilled to see Yeon-kyung, but she just tells him curtly to quit. Im misunderstands and asks if she hates him that much, wondering sadly why she only says things to him like “quit,” “leave,” and “don’t.”

Growing emotional, Im says that he wanted to show her that he can do a good job, because he knows how she feels about him. He asks if she can’t just trust him once, and oof, he’s breaking my heart.

The vulnerable moment is shattered when the thugs whose boss Yeon-kyung operated on show up, angry that he’s about to go to jail. Im tries to hustle Yeon-kyung away but the thugs surround them, so he blusters at them (and adorably scares himself in the process).

He asks Yeon-kyung who these guys are, and she says they’re gangsters. Im nods sagely, then asks, “What are gangsters?” PFFT. Yeon-kyung makes a big show of stretching and yawning, throwing random arms and legs at the gangsters to make a little room. Then she grabs Im by the wrist and runs.

They don’t get very far as even more thugs show up and corner them. Im asks Yeon-kyung if she has a weapon or if she can fight, and she looks at him like he’s crazy. He simply replies that he never knows what to expect from her before he steps in front of her and starts waving his needle case around, which makes the thugs laugh.

They stop laughing when Im starts hitting their pressure points with the needle case, knocking them out cold one by one. One of the thugs manages to slam a fire extinguisher into Im’s head, and Yeon-kyung catches him as he falls unconscious. When the gangsters look up, both Im and Yeon-kyung are gone.

Im wakes with the sun on his face, but he’s horrified when he realizes that he’s sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking Hanyang — he’s back in Joseon. Beside him, Yeon-kyung wakes, but her first thought is to check Im’s head. He whines that he’s fine, pointing despondently towards the town, and Yeon-kyung screams in horror as the situation hits her.

Things couldn’t possibly be any worse, except that they totally get worse when Japanese soldiers find them. The soldiers advance on Im and Yeon-kyung, making them back away nervously, only to find themselves perched precariously on the edge of the cliff.


Oh no, this is not good! Im no longer looks like a Joseon man, with his spiffy clothes and modern haircut, and navigating his way through his own time is already going to be that much harder now that everyone knows he’s still around. I’m simultaneously cringing at how awful this is going to be for Im and Yeon-kyung, while also gleefully looking forward to more Joseon shenanigans.

I’m concerned about Im working in the Eastern medicine hospital, because I felt as though Yeon-kyung and Grandpa were having a positive effect on him in terms of helping him see his skills as a gift meant for helping people, and not just a way to amass wealth. But he’s suddenly been dropped into some pretty intense luxury without doing much to earn it, and I can see the comforts and pleasures of modern life already beginning to taint him. There were a few times when I saw the same gleam in Im’s eyes in the present times as he used to get while cackling over his treasure in Joseon, and it worries me very much.

The thing is, it’s obvious that Im does care about his patients, almost to his own detriment. I sometimes get the feeling that his focus on monetary gain is his way of distracting himself, of keeping himself from caring too much. Doctors have the unenviable task of needing to distance themselves from the very people they treat, at risk of getting too emotionally involved and losing their objectivity.

Im is a very sensitive soul, and he went into medicine because of a deeply personal loss at a very young age, when he was helpless to save his own mother. He seems to struggle to keep that emotional distance, so I think that telling himself that he was doing it for the money and fame was his way of creating a space between himself and his patients, as well as bettering his personal lot in life. I do believe that he took Director Ma’s offer with the best of intentions, but it’s so easy to backslide into what’s comfortable and familiar.

But Yeon-kyung is much worse, the way she works herself to the bone to advance in the hospital to the point that she can barely connect with anyone at all on an emotional level anymore. I do think that Im is the trigger for her spells, when she sees visions of an accident that she doesn’t remember witnessing, but I think she’s wrong to see Im as the cause of them. I think that Yeon-kyung suffered a terrible tragedy as a child, and that she bottled it up so tight that she supressed the memory, and something about Im has brought it all back to the surface (most likely, as has been theorized, that Heo Jun is her father and that he’s the one who “died” — though in reality, he was transported back to his own time). But I think that the core of Yeon-kyung’s problem is her tendency to shove any emotions so deep down inside that now they’re bubbling to the surface, unable to stay hidden any longer. Im has a way of getting to that place inside her and stirring things up, and I suspect that before long, she’s going to have a very serious breakdown.

As for Jae-ha, I want to like him, but something about him really unsettles me. He’s handsome, intelligent, and a skilled doctor who genuinely seems to care about his patients, but he’s got an inferiority complex a mile wide, and that makes him dangerously unpredictable. Despite his talents and his privilege, he can’t seem to handle any sort of competition, and he sees Im coming between his dreams of both professional success, and his personal goal of winning Yeon-kyung.

And his concerns about Im aren’t unfounded — it’s dangerous for someone who doesn’t even have the most rudimentary knowledge of modern medicine to be practicing as a doctor, which gives Jae-ha a lot of leverage to get Im into very big trouble. But the worst part is that in his area of specialty and even without that knowledge, Im is still a much, much better doctor than Jae-ha. While Jae-ha may have all the education, what Im has can’t be taught: a doctor’s instinct.


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Bi Dam's coif.


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I just started and got caught up with this show this weekend. Really enjoying it so far -- but am I the only one getting early seasons of Sleepy Hollow vibes from this show? The fish-out-of-water hijinks especially remind me of the early episodes of that show. Granted all time slip shows have this, but something about Kim Nam Gil's delightful muppet-y way of moving and his hilarious facial expressions just remind me more of that show than anything else. He's so much fun to watch every time he's on screen.


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I could kind of see the comparison to Sleepy Hollow, but I'm seriously partial to Kim Nam-gil. By K-drama standards, he's doing a really good job here. That and the fish out of water scenario makes tons more sense here, especially when applied to Im's job. It's not like he is going to be able to take a week, month, or probably year to get all the knowledge he needs to about modern medicine to avoid mistakes as he's already done.


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oh me too!

Marothoned the first 7 episodes all Saturday and anxiously waited for subbed Ep. 8 on Sunday!

The story is fun and acting is daebak! Love Kim Nam Gil! His expressions are gold!


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We're already halfway through! I'm not sure if I'd ever be ready to let this one go...

Anyways, what I'm particularly glad about this ep is that even with so many changes in his appearance, most notably the clean-shaven face, Heo Im still maintained his goofy personality and I don't want him to lose it. Kim Nam-gil has yet to disappoint me (which I doubt will ever happen) He's so good and truly deserving of the name!

I saw a post where they held a coffee event for surpassing the 5% mark. I hope it reaches 10% by next week. Let's keep on rising Dr. Heo!


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I can't believe that I could accept Heo Im's new style really fast! Maybe because his personality is still the same, so I don't feel that he's like a brand new person at all. I thought that with him cutting his hair and decided to stay in present, this show will stay at present timeline, but I was totally wrong. I was shocked at the end when they both went back to Joseon. Heol.


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I too thought that with the new look they wouldn't be going back to Joseon anytime soon. I like when I'm pleasantly surprised like this.


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First time travel: water to water, second time travel: a sharp object to tiger (sharp teeth?), third time travel: almost crushed by burning beams to got flattened between buses, fourth time travel: a bunch of gangster to enemy soldiers. I am finding the ancient vs. modern counterparts entertaining!


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Didn't notice this until you mentioned it! Such detail!


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Bravo. ??

I will keep an eagle eye on their next time travel's circumstance. ?


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Wow, didn't even notice these! It's amazing how perceptive you guys are.


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Thanks for seeing that and pointing it out. Very clever writing!


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Such an underrated show but the plot developments are really something to look forward to. Kim Nam-gil is sooo good and I love the humor he injects into Im's character.

Jae-ha's facial expressions everytime Im is around reminds me so much of a kid who just had his favorite toy snatched. Haha!

Something shady about Director Ma. Can't wait to see how they're all connected to Heo Jun.


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I was reading all the glowing reviews about this show and so I binged on it all weekend (between working on my projects - this was my reward for getting stuff done) and oh how I love it. Kim Nam-gil is new to me and now I'll start looking up his other works. He is just adorable. That part in the coffee shop when he tasted the iced coffee was hilarious! I like how he stays the same Joseon man while learning how to navigate the 21st century.
Yeon-kyung is wound very tight, but she is unraveling bit by bit due to her caring for Im.
Oh yes, I'm quite hooked on this show. Thanks to everyone who raved about it!


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Watch him as Bidam in Queen Doekmann.... unbelievable talent.


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Just when I thought heo im would change with his new look he is still the adorable dork from the early episodes. That scene with oh hara was so cute and I love the way Kim ah joong is warming up to him despite herself


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Aww recap for 7 is finally up!!! Cant wait for the recap for 8! Kim Nam Gil is amazing! I really liked the coffee scene haha! I hope Yeon Kyung could learn how to speak to him better because he deserves so much more love at this stage!


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I'm loving KNG in this. His giggles are everything!


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Yeah I'm living up to his giggles! And his smirk too! Kinda reminisce me to my teenager days when I was so crazy about Bi Dam.


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If they've figured out that impending death equals time travel, they should throw themselves off the cliff and be back to 2017 in a jiffy!


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So I wasn't the only one who thought this. Haha! I was like- hello just grab her and jump off the cliff!


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I think it has to be spontaneous, they can't plan it, it has to happen on its own accord.


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But that said, someone else could plan it, as in the first incident when Heo Jun instructs his man to shoot two arrows into Heo Im's back.


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Oh, are you thinking that Heo Jun had Im shot, knowing it would/might save him by initiating time travel? As in, Heo Jun himself knows how time travel works because it happened to him?


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Heo Jun placed the bag of magic needles in Heo Im's room. Why did Heo Im's hands shake? Was it the magic needles? Or was it his own nervousness? I think Heo Jun had the bag of magic needles placed as insurance, in the event Heo Im fails to carry out his task, he would have his man shoot the arrows and save him. Heo Jun was watching over Heo Im all the way.


I am wondering....is that the same "Lee Jun Ki's cliff". If that is the same one, anyone could jump over and will come back alive. No worry. LJK done it countless time.


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I think that cliff should be re-named 'Anti-Death Cliff'


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LOL 'Bounce-back Bluff'.


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Brings back QIM's memories.

I'm trying to think of what can be an alternative trigger other than impending death - that would be more fun. Sliding down stairs on red tobaggon seems fun but dangerous and doesn't really count cos it ain't a certainty!


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Agree with a lot of of your thoughts Lollypip! Thanks for the recap.

It's so true that the real skill that Heo Im has, which is lost in so many modern doctors of today, is his fabulous clinical acumen- i.e. His skill to tell what exactly is wrong with the patient.

When Chairman Ma was showing him all the new fangled technology, I couldn't help but think that it's really true how doctors nowadays get so distracted by all the information from the monitors they have now, that they forget to really look at the patient as a whole. In fact, with the use of computers instead of written documents, there has been this problem where doctors may not even look at the patient- they are too busy staring at the computer screen and the patient's results!

Numbers and results don't tell the whole picture, and don't always contain the answer, and what Heo Im is doing is actually medicine in its purest and rawest form. A doctor who is trained in big shiny modern hospital may seem very powerful but throw that doctor in a third world country (or Joseon for that matter!) and he may be completely useless without his numbers and results to back him up. You can't treat someone if you don't know what is wrong with them.

So it's totally true that Heo Im actually is at an advantage because he has honed his diagnostic skills to a fine art- without the help of technology- and this skill is actually the hardest to learn. And if and when he catches up on all that he needs to know of modern medicine (thought it will take him very very long) he will truly be unstoppable.

Heo Im skills may be exaggerated, but seriously I wish I had half his skills when it came to figuring out what is wrong with patients, I'd be a better doctor!


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This is absolutely true! My sister, who recently finished studies to become a doctor, had to go through scenarios where they had less-than-ideal medicine as training, but even then it was always assumed that they had the best first-aid kit around. It would really be good training if they had a course in old medicine, what actually held ground and what was just superstition, and train to recognize illnesses that we take for granted can be shown with machines. I mean, it makes total sense that there will be scenarios where one cannot be sure what illness it really is when one just checks with eyes and feels, but would it still not be a useful skill to have?

Your observations makes me almost with Im would bring, say, Jae-ha, to the past as well, and see how he adapts. We know that, though she vouches for modern medicine, Yeon-Kyung also has that doctor's instinct, but it would be interesting to see someone who might be skilled with medicine but doesn't have that instinct work around in the past.


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Then problem is that Jae Ha exists both in Joseon and now. Lol. I wonder what would happen if they both met? Haha.

It's so hard to train this skill though, it's really just about time, and instinct and experience. I'm still learning and probably will be learning it until the day I die or retire, whichever comes first! ?


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They won't meet because I think both of JH and HI would not hug each other lol.


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Haha! You are so right about this! ?


I've often seen my doctors' frustration when they have to spend so much time inputting (and re-inputting) data rather than interacting.


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I miss his scruffy look. Can someone please get him a wig and make him grow out his mustache and beard?


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Usually long hair and facial hair make ppl look older. I find the opposite to be true here.


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The way Im giving out his name cars is if it was free coupon?? I am looking forward for Joseon episode so that Yeon Kyung will understand Heo Im a bit more. My heart breaks when Heo Im feels like Yeon Kyung doesnt trust him, because in present world she is the only person he could rely on. I think it is not because Yeon Kyung doesnt trust (maybe not completely), but it is because she wants to protect him from Director Ma and his mysterious plans


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Oh, I like Yeon Kyung so much better in this episode. At least I know she cares to understand Heo Im, having his best interest at heart.

My mom was a little frustrated when Heo Im being a brag on his first day of work but this is what I love about this show, our hero is not perfect but he is fast to recognize his mistakes and I totally understand his action - being someone who has been shooed away countless of times, he was keen and a bit OTT with his new found confidence.

I am so looking forward to these duo navigating their way in Joseon. I especially love how this show been dropping clues in every episode and that elevate my interest even more.

And while I do miss the scruffy look so badly, Kim Nam Gil is simply magical in term of his charisma and so captivating. Boy do I hate that floppy hair but his eyes just melt me away and I can't help but rooting for him all the way.

And another, a fellow beanie ever mentioned about the "Walk Away" t-shirt. So much eyes for details now that Yeon Kyung finding herself looking for Heo Im when in the first place, she always wanted him to walk away and out of her life.


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I really think distance was what was needed for the show. Last episode I just felt like Yeon-Kyung was acting downright abusive to Im in a domestic sense, to the point that just being nice made him cautious about her intentions. Now that they have their distance and are not together all the time, it is easier to see her as just a person who has trouble with her emotions.

That scene when she simply told him to quit with no explanation (seriously, is it a Korean social norm to tell as little as possible even if it could explain the situation?) annoyed me to no end because it isn't like it would hurt to say "people are after you, they want to see you go down, it would be better if you quit." Then again, that might be because Yeon-Kyung's horrible behavior from the last episodes dried my patience, so this scene that should showcase her being bad with commmunication instead becomes another show of emotional abuse for me.

However, I'm happy to be back in Joseon! I really didn't want them to stay too long in the present, because the fact that they can travel back and forth is just a fun plot point, and the fact that Yeon-Kyung might be stuck if Im dies and returns to the past is also a point of interest and danger. And not to mention that this time Yeon-Kyung and Im get along better, so we can see them work together more than Yeon-Kyung manipulating his feelings so he can help the the total opposite way that she helped him. (I want to like Yeon-Kyung, I really do, but these last episodes before this week was seriously wearing me out with her horrible treatment)


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me too, my heart went out for Im when he ask Yeon-Kyung why he always hear things like "leave, quit" from her.

LOL, idk about Korean norm of telling as little as possible but what you said reminded me of a meme I saw before where 99% of kdrama heroine's problems would be resolve if they just communicated properly and not just cryptic messages.


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Yeah, I just couldn't get on with Yeon-Kyung there, because it really shouldn't be that difficult to give an explanation. If she REALLY wants him to leave (which I realize she kind of doesn't so...), and if she REALLY is as logically minded as she always talk about, she should know that explaining the situation will make fewer "illogical" misunderstandings and also make him more willing to listen to her. If last week's episodes had been less of her being emotionally abusive I wouldn't have minded as much, but last week really teared up my patience for "tough emotionless" women.

Exactly! That is one of the reasons Seven-Days Queen captured my heart: While Chae-Kyung wasn't politically intelligent by any means, she still tried so hard to communicate with Yook every time there could be a misunderstanding. Even when she had every right to misunderstand! And instead of ruining the drama, it made it even more intense, because we KNEW they were smart enough to communicate well, so when a new misunderstanding arose, we were afraid that THIS would be the one, that this would truly drive a wedge between then (heck, it already had, since CK admitted that she could no longer completely trust Yook and that stood true for the rest of the series). Because the protagonists were smart, when the enemies outsmarted them it was actually intense.

That isn't to say that Live up to Your Name's protagonists aren't smart, but the lack of proper communication, even if it is a character flaw, frustrates me to no end, especially if she is supposed to be empathic "deep down" or a logical person. But I'm also kind of biased after Seven-Days Queen spoiled me so much. :P


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Kim Nam-gil's expressions are so animated. I can just make a gif of it all when I have the time. ?

I am glad that Im has the right intentions of joining the hospital. His doggedness to learn more and be better at what he does is very endearing. He is a better doctor now than when he started the show. I have yet to see the next episode so I am excited for the Joseon scenes.

I agree that Grandpa and YeonKyung, to an extent, are positive influences to Im. In Hyeonminseo, he was given his purpose again and also a family that he sorely needs.

HaRa is just a cute little cupid isnt she. Hopefully will get to see her again.

I am glad that YeonKyung is warming up to Im and showing her interest. Hopefully, she will give him a chance to prove to her that she is wrong about him. While, Nurse Jung is so cute in seeing the signs of attraction between the two.

I still do not like JaeHa. He strikes me as a petulant brat. His inferiority complex and jealousy towards Im is annoying. He should just move on 'cause YK just thinks of him as a friend and nothing more.


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The nearly death experience really transported people to other dimension! Not only in here, but also in "Queen In Hyun's Man." LoL. Only the difference is the Kim Bong-doo talisman and the Im's needle case. Well, I'm still curious if Heo-Jun is the one who sends Im to the modern era. What motives drive him to do that?

I'm happy with Im's new look - a more clean shaved one. But I'm happier of Im and Yeon-kyung interaction has changed them bit by bit. Yeon-kyung may not be aware of it, but Nurse Jung is the one who pointed out about the change. The same thing goes to Im. I think what his doing in the Eastern Hospital is more than material pursuit; it's not like the purpose he came at the beginning. I think he learnt that from Yeon-kyung and Grandpa.


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maybe he sees Im's potential from his skills but kind of blinded because of his goal of gaining wealth, so he thought Im might need to change, idk?

but i'm thinking Heo Jun doesn't have the power to send Im to the present time


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Im following Yeon-Kyung like a little kid asking her basic questions about modern medicine is the highlight for me. I'm so happy that even tho he's modern looking now, he is still the same Im >_<


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Yay, recap's up! My favorite scenes this episode were those that involved Ha Ra and when Im followed Yeon Kyung around like a puppy with his modern medicine questions. And I like that we get to see YK soften up to Im much more here. Kim Nam Gil's such an excellent actor. He can make you tear up from laughing too hard one minute and crying for his character the next, particularly in the next episode. Weekend, please come faster!


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This show is playing fast and loose with my heart. When Yeon Kyung and Heo Im are being cute, I'm all, YAY.

When they are being angsty, I'm all, NAY.

Either way, I might as well admit that I'm all in. It's so clear that these two have a connection, and despite their attempts to stay clear of each other, something always brings them back (i'm adlibbing a bit of Sara Bareilles). Yeon Kyung softens so very much when shes around Heo Im. His genuine enthusiasm for everything is probably making her feel again. And Heo Im just wants to be the best he can, because he really wants Yeon Kyung's to smile softly at him and be proud (and as we know, she's totally capable of being that way towards him). She's making him aspire to be a lot of things.

How can I not feel things for these two?

I completely agree with the assessment of Je Ha. He's nice on all fronts, but it seems like there's a little bit of entitlement there as well. As in, I saw Yeon Kyung first, therefore I must win her affections. I studied and came to the hospital first, therefore I should be a better doctor than Heo Im. I feel its that sense of entitlement that makes him dangerous and is his biggest goal. His counterpart in Joseon is also the same. If he stopped worrying about Heo Im and just did his thing, he'd be a lot happier.

Ha Ra playing cupid was the cutest. I'm looking forward to show, more of back and forth shenanigans please!


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AUGH. I mean't Je Ha's entitlement is his biggest obstacle!


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Jae Ha = Yucky! :D


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I'm not even watching this drama but DAMNNNN THE MALE LEAD LOOKS REALLY GOOD ??. I might just start watching this show


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Watch it. Best drama I've seen this year. And I thought it was going to be weightlifting fairy then this came along :)


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The push-and-pull relationship between Dr. Choi and Dr. Heo somewhat irks me.
And Dr. Yoo's character also is irritating. He is not the second lead, right? He is an antagonist, not even worthy to be labeled as a second lead.
Overall, the time travel plot and Kim Nam-Gil's humor entertains me a lot.


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I've said this before, and I'll say it again; Jae Ha's on-screen presence gates on my nerves! :D


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May sound immature, but I think it's because of the actor, not the character himself. I don't like him. I don't know why. lols.


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For me its another actor - PSH


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I get the same vibes too - at first i thought it was the character - but when i saw that the same actor also played the Josean character of the doctor with royal connections - i realized that it must have been the actor and not the 2 characters that i were getting on my nerves.


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Thank you @lollypip for your prompt recap .
Our Heo Im is fast picking up modern world ..his marketing skills to get back his patients after being banned from practicing are quite amazing LOL . His fake laughter in fake / mechanical society also fitting in well .
My puzzle piece for this episode stems from wondering if Yeon-kyung recognizes Jae-ha in current time ...she definitely recognized him in Joseon time ?


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OMG. I just managed to marathon this whole 8 episodes and now I'm in drama slump waiting for the new episodes to air. This might be my new crack drama now that School has ended.
I missed you hottie Kim Nam-Gil! Sad that the pornstache is gone, but still..you look good anyway.
Saturday, come faster!


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I'm warming up to Yeon-kyung a little bit, but she really needs to work on her communication skills. She should start out with her concerns instead of immediately going into "don't , stop and quit"


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I'm really curious as to who the old man locked up in Joseon is! I get the feeling that he's somehow related to Yeon-Kyung; maybe he time travelled before and stayed with her family??? or maybe he's her father? I'M DYING TO FIND OUT


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