While You Were Sleeping: Episodes 11-12

These two sure do a lot of romancing while they sleep. There are some nice perks to getting to see the person you like while you catch some ZZZZs (think of all the time you save!), but we find out today that there are also some downsides attached. Say goodbye to your private life now, Jae-chan, while you still have one.


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EPISODE 11: “City of the Blind”

As if we needed more reason to think that Chicken Oppa is shady, he empties out a bank account and throws wads of cash into a duffle bag at the train station. He ignores a call from his little sister, the Cupid Barista, who is being asked to call her brother by a team of detectives. They set out to arrest him, and she asks what he did wrong.

Yoo-bum comes to work that morning and turns right back around when he finds Chicken Oppa sitting in his office. He asks his assistant if this is a pro bono case, unhappy with the look of the shabbily dressed man, but he’s assured that there must be a reason he was assigned the case.

Inside, Chicken Oppa Kang Dae-hee says he asked for a prosecutor-turned-lawyer and was directed here. Yoo-bum says he’ll listen and judge whether the case is worth his time, and Dae-hee quickly opens up the sack of money to show him that he can pay. Yoo-bum points out that he doesn’t enter a betting game based on the size of the pot, but on the probability of winning.

Dae-hee explains that he caused a car accident that killed his brother, but the cops think he did it on purpose for the insurance payout. Yoo-bum scoffs when Dae-hee admits that he doesn’t know what the warrant is for, but just fled first.

It’s an obvious slip-up, and Yoo-bum says that as his lawyer, he needs to know the truth in order to figure out how to proceed: “Did you kill your brother?” Dae-hee looks distraught like he might burst into tears… and then his expression suddenly turns placid and he says blandly, “Yes.”

Even Yoo-bum looks a little shaken at that. Dae-hee then has the gall to say that he wants his lawyer to make sure he’s declared innocent in court.

Jae-chan has another dream. He and Hong-joo are watching TV at his house (are those couple shirts?) when her news report comes on, covering Dae-hee’s murder trial. On TV, she says he was sentenced to life imprisonment for killing both of his siblings.

Jae-chan complains that she didn’t name him as the prosecutor in the case, and she asks cutely if he’s upset about it, offering to make him feel better. He pulls her close and leans on her shoulder, saying that he’s very, very upset. Cuute.

In reality though, Jae-chan is snuggling in his little brother’s arms, muttering in his sleep as Seung-won asks what’s so unfair. Jae-chan’s eyes dart open and he screams, asking what Seung-won is doing in his bed.

Seung-won complains that Jae-chan yanked him in when he came by to wake him, and Jae-chan complains that he’s too easy. Lol, what are you talking about?

Seung-won asks if he wants cereal or ramyun for breakfast, and Jae-chan says that they’re going to eat breakfast at Hong-joo’s house from now on. Seung-won fist-pumps at that, since he’s experienced Mom’s epic breakfast table for himself.

Jae-chan can’t believe he was left out of that breakfast and wasn’t even told about it, and retaliates by pulling out his fingers like Wolverine claws and poking at Seung-won. Ugh, they’re so adorable I can’t stand it.

Hong-joo starts off her day with a “Fantastic Baby” dance party in her bathroom, which is so awesome I have to watch it twice. She comes out asking Mom where the razors are, gasping at how quickly her leg hair grows back every day, not to mention her armpits—

…Which is when she looks up to find Jae-chan and Seung-won gaping at her as they set the table. Mom awkwardly tells her that the boys will be eating breakfast here from now on. Thanks, Mom.

Hong-joo somehow contains her mortification and calmly flips her hair and welcomes them before gliding back to the bathroom like she’s in a ball gown and not a fuzzy pink bathrobe.

She freaks out in the privacy of the bathroom and wails that she only has half-eyebrows, and doesn’t come back out to the dining room until she’s in full makeup and dressed for work.

Mom tries to make her feel better by saying that everyone looks that way at home, but Jae-chan hilariously responds that he’s not that bad. Seung-won calls him a liar and says he doesn’t resemble a human at home, earning him a sharp kick in the foot beneath the table.

Hong-joo backs Seung-won up though, saying that she’s seen exactly what Jae-chan looks like at home through her dreams. She says he doesn’t wash his hair for days, leaves dirty clothes everywhere, and doesn’t close the bathroom door while on the toilet.

Jae-chan looks increasingly horrified as she speaks, and then in unison, Hong-joo and Seung-won blurt, “And then he doesn’t flush!”

A quick flash to the version of Jae-chan she’s seen in her dreams has him lying on the couch surrounded by trash like a lazy bum. Seung-won pelts him for not cleaning up after himself, but that just earns him a wrestling match.

Jae-chan spends the day reading comic books and eating chip crumbs off of his own chest, and needs Seung-won to bring him toilet paper while sitting on the toilet.

Hong-joo scoffs at Jae-chan acting all polished in front of them when she’s seen it all, and Jae-chan slams his chopsticks down and shouts, “I admit it!” Ha. He pleads with her to stop, and she proceeds to eat her breakfast in teeny bites like a bird.

Jae-chan is still pissy about it at the bus stop, and Hong-joo tells him to just be himself, warning that trying to act differently will just get him teased by his brother.

She lights up when Jae-chan lets his bus pass by and says that he’s dropping her off at work first. She can’t believe he meant what he said yesterday, but he says again, “I meant it.”

She looks over at his hand resting on the railing behind them and cautiously reaches out to touch it, but just as she’s about to make contact, he pulls away from her. Ack, don’t do that to a girl.

Her heart sinks, but he wonders why she’s not getting on the bus and comes back to grab her hand. Aw, yay. They run to catch the bus, and Hong-joo beams.

Their ride is spent stealing glances at each other, but we watch as their bus drives straight into a brewing storm in the heart of the city. Symbolism!

At the station, Hong-joo gets two new stacks of business cards and her sunbae Reporter Bong tells her she’ll need them all because the personnel has turned over at the police station and the prosecutor’s office in the year she was away.

Bong sunbae is a hardass and tells Hong-joo to know what’s happening at the police and fire departments and the prosecutor’s office at all times, but she seems used to this and sighs that it’s begun.

Officer Woo-tak and his partner come back to Mom’s restaurant in an effort to get back on her good side. They declare that they don’t need a cash receipt this time, but Mom nags that upright police officers shouldn’t be like that, heh. I love that they have such a hard time figuring her out. Woo-tak insists that he’s not here to see Hong-joo, but he cranes his neck when the door opens, and Mom watches him with a smile.

To his delight though, Hong-joo is waiting for Woo-tak at the police station, where she’s doing her rounds. She hands him her card and says she’s back at work, since she can’t have spent her life just being pretty, and adds a hair flip for good measure.

The female officer who has a crush on Woo-tak looks disappointed to see him so friendly with another woman, and even his partner wonders if Woo-tak and Hong-joo are something more. You mean you really just thought he loved samyupsal that much?

Hong-joo jumps nervously when Bong sunbae calls like clockwork to hear her latest report, and she begs Woo-tak to give her something, anything to say. He says there’s a string of serial cat killings in the area, with the death toll now over a hundred. Hong-joo’s eyes widen at that as she relays it to her sunbae, and Woo-tak grins when she seems satisfied with the tip.

At the prosecutor’s office, Jae-chan learns that Hee-min has been assigned Chicken Oppa Kang Dae-hee’s case, which Prosecutor Lee says is the traffic accident he processed the night he was on call for Jae-chan.

The insurance claim and murder charge ring a bell and Jae-chan thinks back to his dream, wondering if this is the same man who killed his brother and sister. But he’s told that the sister is still alive, which confuses him. Jae-chan asks if there’s a chance the culprit could go free, but Prosecutor Lee says he confessed after being arrested. The problem, though, is that his defense lawyer is Yoo-bum.

Yoo-bum and Hee-min meet at the vending machine before their trial, and he says it’s unusual that they’ll have two female justices on their trial, which he says concerns him a little, hoping that the trial is fair. One of the judges in question happens to walk up right behind him as he says this, and points out how odd it is that no one seems to question the sex of the judges when it’s three men, when three men to zero women is actually far more skewed. Right?

As they wait for the trial to begin, defendant Dae-hee asks Yoo-bum what their probability of winning is, and Yoo-bum says it’s 99-to-1. Dae-hee assumes he means that they’re 1, but he smiles and says they’re the 99.

At the same time, Prosecutor Lee assures Jae-chan that they have a 99 percent chance of winning, and that they really have to win, because he messed up the night of the car accident by signing off on the medical examiner not conducting an autopsy. Jae-chan isn’t as sure and keeps asking for confirmation that they can win.

Hee-min lays out the case in her opening statement: Dae-hee failed at a few investments and had his brother sign up for seven different insurance policies, after which he caused a car accident and killed his brother on purpose in order to collect 2.7 billion won in insurance money. To her surprise, the defense pleads not guilty.

Over lunch, Hee-min tells her colleagues that she’s glad he pleaded not guilty instead of trying to lessen the sentence, but Jae-chan still feels like something’s off about this. He wonders if Yoo-bum could’ve had his client confess on purpose in an effort to keep the police investigation perfunctory, knowing that he’d overturn things in trial.

Prosecutor Sohn agrees with Jae-chan, and he sends her finger-hearts for taking his side, hee. They’re shocked when their boss prays silently by himself, but he tells them that they’ll pray separately to themselves from now on, and even tells Hee-min to consider Jae-chan’s warning. Wow, did Hong-joo do all that with her speech the other day? I’m retroactively more impressed with her.

Hee-min passive-aggressively praises Jae-chan for coming up with such a wise warning so far beyond his mere months of work experience, dousing her poor lunch with mounds of pepper for emphasis.

Jae-chan complains about it to Seung-won that night while vacuuming… looking like he’s made up for a photo shoot. Pwahahahaha. Did you literally get dressed up to star in Hong-joo’s dreams? This is priceless.

When Seung-won argues that he’s overthinking Hee-min’s comeback, Jae-chan ends up vacuuming Seung-won instead, only to remember halfway that Hong-joo might see. So he suddenly turns robotically polite, which just scares Seung-won more.

Seung-won belatedly notices Jae-chan’s hair and calls him out for wearing BB cream. He smiles smugly when he realizes that Jae-chan is doing this because of Hong-joo’s dreams, and teases him mercilessly.

Jae-chan raises the vacuum at him, and then suddenly recalls that Hong-joo warned him of this very scenario. It dawns on him that she already saw this in her dreams too, and he collapses on top of Seung-won in defeat, wailing, “She’s a human CCTV!”

Hong-joo’s day ends with a staff briefing, where Bong sunbae tells her to follow the serial cat killer story. He insists that there’s something worth digging into here, pointing out that a common precursor to serial murder is animal killings. Hong-joo sighs, wanting to cover human stories, not cats.

In someone’s dream, Hong-joo trembles nervously as Dae-hee climbs the stairs on a stormy night, his hand covered in blood. She’s huddled in a corner with someone in sneakers (maybe Dae-hee’s little sister?), and Hong-joo says out loud, “Jae-chan-sshi, if you happen to see this moment in your dreams…”

She screams, and they take off running with Dae-hee behind them.

Jae-chan wakes from the dream covered in sweat. Ruh-roh, it’s raining outside…


Later that morning, Jae-chan tells Hong-joo about the dream and asks what story she’s working on. She tells him that she’s chasing someone who killed alley cats with potassium cyanide, and he sighs in relief.

She’s more concerned with the state of her career, thinking that she’s getting put on animal watch for taking time off, and Jae-chan wonders why she’s not more worried when his dream could be the one about her dying on the job.

She asks if she’s in the mountains in the dream, or if he saw an umbrella—a flash to her death dream shows someone approaching her body under a green umbrella—but he says no.

She takes his hand and says that she threw away all her worries the moment he held her hand and led her across the street, because she can’t be a reporter if she’s afraid. He notes that she’s changed, and she quotes him: “Because of someone.”

He assures her that Kang Dae-hee won’t go free, and asks Hong-joo to promise him something.

Hee-min grouses when her case files spill all over the floor on the way to trial, thinking it a bad luck omen. She blames Jae-chan for it, but she softens when he comes over to sincerely ask that she win the case and put Kang Dae-hee away.

He offers his hand to help her up, and she seems a little smitten as she takes his hand. But he also happens to be stepping on her robe, which sends her crashing back down to the floor with a thud. Hee-min glares and accuses him of doing it on purpose, ha, and goes right back to hating him.

Yoo-bum arrives at the courthouse as well, under a green umbrella.

Both Jae-chan and Prosecutor Lee sit in to watch the trial, and Hee-min presents a log of the things that the defendant searched on his phone, like whether there were eyewitnesses for his accident, or how to avoid an autopsy and speed up a funeral.

But Yoo-bum argues that the same searches could simply mean that the defendant wanted to keep his brother’s body intact, and was too poor to spend too much expense on the funeral.

The car’s black box footage doesn’t show anything but the night sky, but both brothers’ voices can be heard, as the younger brother says he’s going to take a nap after working a long day. Yoo-bum argues that he would’ve gotten rid of the black box if he had something to hide, and says that they were close, caring brothers.

In a flashback to their first meeting, Yoo-bum had asked why Dae-hee avoided an autopsy if it was just a traffic accident. Dae-hee: “Because he didn’t die in the traffic accident.”

Yoo-bum uses this to his advantage in court, as he gets the paramedic to testify that the victim’s injuries didn’t match the force of the accident if he’d been alive at the time, and that his temperature at the scene was very low, which would indicate that he’d been dead for about an hour.

Yoo-bum argues that the brother died before the accident, and that he could have died of a natural heart attack during the car ride. There’s enough reasonable doubt in what’s he’s proposing, and he points out that the only way to know for sure would have been an autopsy, which the prosecution didn’t procure. Damn.

Back in their initial meeting, Dae-hee had confessed the whole truth to Yoo-bum—that he poisoned his brother with potassium cyanide, which he’d been using to kill the annoying neighborhood cats because he didn’t like their crying.

Yoo-bum had asked why he used poison when he could’ve just caused the accident, but Dae-hee said he wanted to be a hundred percent sure and leave nothing to chance. He says there’s no way the cops can find out, since he had his brother cremated without an autopsy. Man, it seems worth pausing here to marvel once again at Yoo-bum’s lack of scruples.

We see how the murder plot played out exactly as Dae-hee had planned, and despite the fact that our prosecutor team knows he’s guilty, they can’t prove anything without cause of death and have to sit back and watch as the judge declares him innocent.

Dae-hee goes free and shakes Yoo-bum’s hand before walking out of the courthouse, and Jae-chan watches this exchange from the floor above.

But in the bathroom, Yoo-bum scrubs at his hands so furiously that he draws blood. He looks up at his reflection bitterly and notes that he’s changed, “smiling and shaking hands with an insect like that.”

Jae-chan finds him and begs to know how Dae-hee killed his brother so that they can get another warrant to arrest him, worried that he’ll kill his sister next. Jae-chan argues that it’ll be Yoo-bum’s fault if Dae-hee goes out and kills someone else, but Yoo-bum doesn’t see how that’s on him. Yoo-bum says it’s their fault for not proving their case properly, seeming just as angry that the prosecution didn’t win. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Jae-chan spends the rest of the day obsessing over the case, making his office manager Hyang-mi wonder if he has a crush on Hee-min. He’s busy going over the dream about Hong-joo and calls her to check in (he’s saved her number as “Dog Poop,” while she’s saved him as “Yeongdeok King Crab”), but she reports a boring day of nothing.

She’s with Woo-tak, who offers to drop her off and tells her that they still have no leads on the cat killer. The only witnesses were a couple of kids, who said they saw an ajusshi feeding chicken to the cats once, but were unable to identify him in any way. That rings a bell for Hong-joo though, and she remembers seeing Dae-hee feeding cats.

Jae-chan wonders what possible connection Dae-hee and Hong-joo could have, and thinks back to his first dream and Hong-joo’s news report in it, where there was an herbal medicine pouch and a syringe among the evidence pictured. He then remembers Hong-joo saying that the neighborhood cat killer used potassium cyanide, and asks Chief Choi if it’s possible that Dae-hee poisoned his brother.

Chief Choi doesn’t know, but then it hits him that at the morgue, the victim’s blood was abnormally bright scarlet in color, and Jae-chan guesses correctly that it’s a side effect of potassium cyanide poisoning. He goes running out of the office.

Dae-hee returns to the chicken shop to find his sister waiting for him. She backs away from his touch though, and says that she was on his side no matter what the prosecutors said. As she backs away, we see the pair of sneakers on her feet that Jae-chan saw in his dream.

She says tearfully that the voice on the black box footage wasn’t their brother though—it was Dae-hee both times, imitating their brother’s voice. When she asks if he really killed him, Dae-hee’s face gets creepy and expressionless.

Hong-joo and Woo-tak show up outside the chicken shop just then, and he tells her to wait outside and call the police if anything happens.

He heads inside, where the air is so tense that no one responds when Woo-tak addresses them. Dae-hee slowly turns around to face him like he’s about to answer, but then suddenly in one swift move, he stabs Woo-tak right in the gut. Aaaaaaaaah!

Blood comes trickling out and Woo-tak falls to the floor with one punch. Dae-hee approaches to stab him again, when Hong-joo comes running in and whacks him from behind with her bag.

Dae-hee’s hands are now covered in Woo-tak’s blood, and he stalks over to Hong-joo as his next target. But Woo-tak sees him and crawls over to grab his leg from behind. He tells her to run away and hangs onto Dae-hee’s leg, and Hong-joo hesitates to leave him behind.

But he tells her again to run, so she grabs the little sister and goes running, as Woo-tak uses all of his strength to hang on while Dae-hee kicks him brutally where he’s been stabbed.

Hong-joo takes off one shoe and tosses it down the staircase and heads up, matching the single shoe she was wearing in Jae-chan’s dream. They get to a construction site on the roof but neither of them has a cell phone, and downstairs we see Hong-joo’s phone lying on the floor.

The police are on the other end, but Woo-tak is so badly injured that he can’t speak up, and then his eyes close. No!

Dae-hee takes the shoe bait in the stairwell and heads downstairs, and up on the roof, Hong-joo huddles with the little sister under a tarp and remembers what Jae-chan made her promise earlier—to always tell him when and where she is if she’s in danger, so that he knows how to find her if he sees her in a dream.

So she says out loud the building’s address and the date and time, and asks him to come find her and not be late. The tarp lifts up right on cue…

But it’s Dae-hee, who’s found their hiding spot. Yikes, that was creepy.

He pulls away the tarp and balls up his bloody fist like he’s preparing to attack, and Hong-joo screams Jae-chan’s name and shuts her eyes.

In response, the whole construction site lights up, and Jae-chan walks over to them in slow motion, perfectly backlit.

He pulls out an arrest warrant as sirens sound in the background. He declares that Dae-hee is under arrest for poisoning his brother, and Hong-joo smiles up at him in relief.


Guys, who’s checking on Batman?! He’d better be okay. This is not a negotiation. I didn’t even think I was that attached to him until he walked into that chicken shop and risked his life to save Hong-joo, and now all I can think about is how Woo-tak can’t possibly die because he’s too good and precious. Ugh, why does it feel like he’s destined to die? Not now, but… I can’t shake the feeling.

Today’s hour felt very much like an episode of I Hear Your Voice, in a good way—it was particularly funny and chilling, and the court case probably added to that feeling as well. It struck a nice balance between the couple’s home lives (always the highlight for me) and their professional lives intersecting with the case of the week. The downside of dramas like this is that I always bump up against Yoo-bum being the only lawyer and Hong-joo the only reporter and Jae-chan the only prosecutor in all of Korea. I know that’s not actually the case in the drama world, but it certainly feels that way when our leading characters always miraculously converge on the same case week after week. But whatchoo gonna do, there’s just no avoiding that problem in a procedural of this sort. I suppose the one upside is that the dreams actually help make that connection more believable, strangely enough, because you can wave away some of the obvious coincidences as Fate intervening to make sure they can save each other.

The ensemble of supporting players is becoming one of the best things about the show, because the characters are all colorful even if they only have a few lines and fill out our main characters’ office lives or deliver a bunch of exposition. And I’m even becoming interested in Yoo-bum, who was very one-dimensional at the start, but is starting to show some interesting cracks in his armor. Is he letting himself fall so low because he has some other goal to reach, or is he himself surprised at what he’s become, 999 compromises later? He’s still scum, but now I’m at least interested in why.

I loved that there was more time spent on the mundane aspects of Jae-chan and Hong-joo’s relationship today, like the oddity of having your girlfriend see you at your dirtiest, laziest, and least attractive, especially when you happen to be vain. Jae-chan is turning out to be just as hilarious as Hong-joo, and I’m particularly fond of how believably childish he is with his little brother. Really, all Shin Jae-ha has to do is show up and look at Lee Jong-seok like he’s crazy, and every scene they have together is instantly my new favorite. But I have to say, Suzy is the big winner today, because this was too glorious for words:


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OMG. I do the exact same thing with songs in my bathroom. Anybody else? I think I died laughing first with the "WOLVERINE" and then "WOW FANTASTIC BABY". They're both so weird in their own ways. OH and actually, when Seung-won called Jae-chan out on wearing nice clothes at home, it struck me that in K-dramas, they're ALWAYS dressed so nicely at home. I'm usually in the rattiest oldest clothes when I'm home, so I always wondered how Koreans bother dress so nicely even at home, LOL. 😂

Also YB's green umbrella mean that he'll have something to do with HJ's death in the future, right? Can't say that came as a surprise..

On Woo-tak: NOOOOOO!! I almost cried when he got stepped on so many times. What if... What if WT saw it all in his dreams and still did it anyway? Maybe no kids told him about the chicken man, he just said it to prompt HJ to bringing him to the place? And he even reminded her to call the police if anything happened (why didn't she call the police first before rushing in, argh!), which means that he might have had some idea that things would get bloody and violent. I wasn't expecting him to step in, but it seems like he's usually been the one to "save the day". Also, poor boy seems to have a crush on HJ, I see it in his eyes and every time he grins at her. He's adorable.

On Yoo-bum: I think it's pretty amazing that none of the people in the prosecutor's office saw through his smarmy exterior... his personality seems to show. Like how he assumed that a female panel would be biased toward a female prosecutor. Even from when he saw Dae-hee's shabby appearance and asked his secretary why he had to meet such people. I also wonder why he was so freaked out over shaking hands with a murderer, when he nonchalantly defended someone who was abusing his wife (repeatedly!) so badly he broke so many ribs (probably could have murdered her too).

Props to Kang Ki-young for his chilling portrayal of Dae-hee. I got chills down my spine when I saw the scene of him recording the voices on the blackbox. Ahhhhh!

On Jae-chan: Awwww he told her to tell him if anything dangerous happens so that he can save her! This whole thing is some GOT level time-boggling sorcery. 😳 He saw it in his dream, so he told her, and she actually said it when the time came, WHICH IS WHAT HE SAW IN HIS DREAM EARLIER. Woah. Woah. I've never been so thankful to see him appear before, and I really appreciate how much he cares for her.

At this point it's a bit like our Three Flying Dragons are racing against Fate... Both JC and WT were supposed to have "died" quite a while ago, and I assume soon they'll be saving HJ from her own death. It makes me wonder how many times they can cheat Fate, and if there will be any consequences in the future.


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On Woo Tak - I completely agree with your surmises and questions on Woo Tak and Yoo Bum. Like #2 below, I couldn't appreciate Jae Chan's heroic slow-mo entrance because I was so worried about Woo Tak. Now that he survived episode 1, he better survive forever. And if Hong Joo doesn't want him - she already likes Jae Chan - I'll take him! Come to meeeeee! ^^

On Yoo Bum - First, I loved Lee Sang Yeob. He is and was the biggest draw for me in this show [Er.. Actually, now second to Woo Tak]. But it seems shocking that the people that worked with him have no idea of what he's like - particularly now that he's facing off against them as a defense attorney. Not even Kim Won Hae's clearly smarter than average character. I do agree that counsel on opposing sides are usually quite civil and even friendly outside Court, but people aren't blind.


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I knowwww one half of me was thinking "ooh ok, Jae-chan looks very cool walking in like that" and the other half was "omg my Woo-Tak is dying there, somebody helpppp!!". I want him to survive forever, he better not die on us! (Kinda wonder if he's really the brother of the soldier who caused the death of JC and HJ's fathers, and maybe this is... his way of repaying it? Morbid as that sounds).

Lee Sang Yeob is really good at making the audience dislike him. He acts the villain well! But yes... in the first few episodes it was clear that they were very enamoured by him... But I wonder HOW, because his character has shown through all his actions.


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From a professional standpoint, I can see why the prosecutors love Lee Sang Yeob. He was probably very, very good at his job, and in a professional environment, that can make up for a lot of personal flaws.


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She actually called the police but even before the call got through, she came in to prevent Chicken Oppa (I've always loved @girlfriday's nicknames) from stabbing him again. That's why the police was on the phone but Woo-tak was too weak to even talk.

What I wished was for Hong-joo to have taken her phone with her! I dunno why it ended on the floor. During the altercation? HUHUHU

And I agree, I was shouting at the screen to STOP MAKING LEE JONG-SEOK STRUT AGAIN IN ALL HIS BACKLIT HEROIC GLORY WE HAVE A (cute) POLICE OFFICER BLEEDING TO DEATH IN HERE. Show, priorities, please! Hahaha!


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I'm guessing she had her phone in her bag and it popped out when Hong Joo whacked Chicken Oppa with her purse.


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"Show, priorities, please! Hahaha!"

ROFL. That really cracked me up!


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the last sentence... that exactly what I’m saying 😝😅


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I agree! While I do love to see Lee Jong-seok's backlit hero moments... All I was thinking about was "What about Woo-tak? Save him too!"


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Wow, it didn't cross my mind that maybe Woo-tak has already forseen the future. Guess it's possible? But if he decided to suffer anyway, does it mean he at least saw a good ending that made it seem worthwhile? Like maybe he didn't want to avoid the stabbing because he was worried things would go even more horribly wrong otherwise?


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But doesn't Woo Tak dream about Jae Chan being in danger?


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maybe he's gonna be in danger soon


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Not always, remember the accident in Woo Tak's dream when Hong Joo got stabbed with a chopstick? Jae Chan was not there.
Maybe Woo Tak dreamed that Hong Joo and the sister will get stabbed to death by the chicken oppa, so he decided to come with Hong Joo to prevent it. We'll never know until the next episode come up!


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I think if he didn't interfer when he did, the chicken oppa would have killed the sister instead. In Jaechan's dream, the chicken oppa was arrested for killing both his siblings and honestly that seemed like the most opportune moment considering no one was in the chicken shop and he already had a knife prepared. I'd like to believe that he did see the future and prevented the sister's death.


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I probably missed some details but why did the girls run upstairs when they could’ve ran outside when poor injured Wootak was holding Chicken guy back?


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SERIOUSLY!! she could have threw the shoes up the stairs, and ran downstairs and went outside. Obviously there's an exit to the back alley... why run up to the roof with no exits.


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Maybe the reason why the chicken guy managed to find them upstairs is because the back alley is blocked, so the chicken guy realized that the shoe is only a distraction and chase them upstairs. If you see it that way, they're lucky with their decision to go upstairs.

Also, since most of people went down or go outside to run from chasers, maybe hong joo decided to go upstairs because of the possibility to run upstairs is low. Although it is dangerous... But who had time to think that far ahead and calculate all the possibility when they're in panick and running from someone tho...


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I agree when you really in panick you can't really think clearly, so maybe that's why they run upstairs and not in the front door :D


Clearly, they have never seen “Scream”. Neve Campbell told us what not to do in a horror movie situation. Apparently nobody listened.


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This was exactly what I was wondering. Why didn't they just go out the front door instead of getting stuck on the roof?


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So funny,
I thought the same things but didn't comment,
the site where I just finish watching the episode had a whole debate about it, and finally came to a conclusion. It was actually pretty hilarious and understandable.
Oh, what k-dramas do to us...


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Well... now that I think about it... seems like the girls had no choice. They probably could only choose between basement or rooftop since the killer was nearer the door? Roof seems like a better chance to survive than a (potentially) dark basement?


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Because they had to make Jae Chan's dream come true so we can see that smexy Goblin inspired entrance ;)


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me too.... I was laughing until I cried... I now have a new song to play in the bathroom, FANTASTIC BABY. She pulled it off very well. And the brotherly love, soooo sweettt....
I hope they were in time to save Woo-tak... I will protest if not... hahaha... Agony in waiting the next episodes...


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Before I read the recap, I really need to rant first: Nooooooooo! Batman Cop!!!! T____T It was so hard to see him get hurt and then add to that, he still tried to buy time for Hong Joo and the sis to escape -- seeing Chicken Oppa Killer kick and step on the stab wound was really rough for me. Ugh. Woo Tak better not die, ya hear me Park Hye Ran!!! Honestly, I was sooooo worried about him, the hero entrance of Jae Chan was ruined for me because all I could think about was Woo Tak probably bleeding to death as LJS slowly and dramatically unveiled the warrant. *sobs*

Btw, Chicken Oppa Killer lifting the cover while the girls were hiding gave me a heart attack. Really. Even on third watch, it was fricking scary. Okay, now off to read the much awaited recap.


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Although I was really worried about WT, but lol I still stopped and admired LJS's entry and legs, does that make me a terrible person? :D


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LOL, of course not @riman-rakshit, I'm sure a lot of beanies were entranced by the epic hero entrance and LJS is totally rocking the hair brush up style like an absolute babe. Woo Tak just really hits all my soft spots (earnest character type, cute puppy-like lead with an obvious crush on the girl) -- if Hong Joo doesn't want him, I'll take him! <3

Wednesday feels so far away! How will I live?


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I feel you.


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I'm happy Jae-chan saved the girls just in time but WHAT ABOUT WOO TAK??? Please tell me he'll survive. :((

Oh and did anybody else's sub say it was a green umbrella in Hong-joo's mountain dream? I watched through Viu, and that's what mine said. Anyway, I think her mountain dream might be related with Yoo-bum, it seemed we're being lead that way since he's carrying the same umbrella. He's been despicable all throughout the drama, but now I'm curious with him freaking out post-trial. I'm sure there's more to him than what he's portraying himself to be.

And Suzy! OMG that bathroom dancing scene is a winner. 😂


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Of course he will survive! He is protected by plot armour!! Can't have one of the flying dragons die on us so early in the game!
*that's how i keep myself calm during all such mean things*


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I don't want him to die in this drama! Hong-joo can keep Jae-chan, I'll pick Woo-tak any day.

Okay, most days. 90% of the time. Because damn, LJS can deliver those swoon-worthy lines like a champ.


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and the preview, made my heart and mind calm down a bit to wait for next week.


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Of course they won't kill him off so early yet plus he looks fine in the previews. Don't know if they might actually kill him off again later while trying to protect someone else again D:


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Wo Tak should survive! I will protest if not... hahaha


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I must have a thing for brightly lit slo-mo entrances. After Descendants, Goblin and now this... it gets to me every time. *clutches heart*


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Same! That runway strut of LJS was really heart-fluttering even in the given crisis I couldn't help but admire his longs legs :P


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Haha, yeah! I guess it's a thing!


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the secondhand embarrassment is real with these two. but more to jaechan because hongjoo dream EVERYTHING about him these day. his 'she's human surveillance camera' comment crack me up badly LOL. say goodbye to any thought of cheating Jaechan-nim!!

the crack in the yeobum is chilling. he injured his finger because he was so disgusted by the handshake...but they turn the creepy vibe again with the umbrella. yaww! let start revealing his and Wootak background, writer Park.

wootak seem like he already sense something off, right at the precinct before the two went to chicken shop. i hope its only a part of his dream. and if not, please let Jaechan call for 911 first before coming for Hjoo.

today, the ethic argument for regarding autopsy permission caught my attention. the prosecutor doing it wrong the moment they allow the family make the decision not to even when they notice something off with the body. but are they really doing it wrong? can they just override kins request to not doing autopsy?


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They can if the cause of death is suspicious. In a driving incident, where the victim is not the driver, it is discretionary most likely. What is a bit unrealistic is that (at least US based) the decision to rule a death suspicious or not (outside a hospital setting) is usually a medical examiner. (not the prosecutor or police officer)


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adding to this. I LOVE jaechan and hjoo to death. that dating scene, my goodness. i rarely see a couple who date first and not have first kiss together with it. they dont even say 'i love you" yet. they just date like regular people.😍


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they don't confirm yet that they are lovers but actions speaks louder than words


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good catch on Woo-Tak acting a bit uncomfortable at the police station! I really hope he's got himself covered...


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If Woo-tak had already dreamed it, then that means he's such a good person that I'm afraid for his safety! I don't think he'll die now but *CLEANSES MIND OF BAD THOUGHTS*


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This has been a fun and enjoyable ride so far. It really has strong Pinocchio and I Hear Your Voice vibes (same writer?) As mentioned, great ensemble cast gets the emotional and comedic moments while also not being a complete distraction to the plot.

I believe this writer has a habit (ref two dramas above) of introducing the main dramatic line fairly late in the series. Really looking forward to moving from these episodic events.

My guess is that YB will actually get a change of heart as things go forward. It seems even he has limits. Another guess is that we haven't yet been introduced to the main antagonist (YB isn't it) and really a speculation that the antagonist will be related to WT somehow (who lives suspiciously well for a low level police officer)

Meanwhile it has been a fun and frothy ride so far.


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I wonder (and hope for!) if we will get more development on YB. He seemed to have limits, like being disgusted with himself for defending someone who killed his brother in cold blood... but he did it anyway. Not just that, he's been regularly defending an abusive husband who could have murdered his wife at any moment with his violence. So... double standards for his own limits? I hope we get some more insights into him as a person!


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I mean, he definetely has double standards about a majority female jury without seeing the issue of an ALL male jury, but I have found surprisingly many men (and women) being oblivious to that in real life, so maybe that does not say much.


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Actually, he washed his hands. The metaphor of which means that he's washing his hands of the guilt/blame in the situation, which we also saw when he blamed the prosecution for getting Chicken Oppa acquitted, when in fact he played a large part in that.

I LOOOOOOOVE how the writer tackled internalized misogyny. It was so satisfying to see Yoo-bum taken down a peg. It was just so casually included in the episode but I was cheering so hard. YAY FOR STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS IN THIS SHOW. YAY FOR FEMINISM hahaha


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Ahh.. this remind me of the first episode when HJ in the hospital. WT’s parents wants HJ get punishment no matter what.


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I thought Yoo-bum's umbrella was green. Like the one from the dream. Was I mistaken? Speaking of Yoo-bum, I just don't get him. If he was so shaken up and disgusted afterwards why take the case?


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he loves cats more than human beings??? :-)


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Nice one😉😉


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I don't think you're mistaken. I noticed the same thing!!


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It was indeed green like the one from the dream. Yoo Bum will definitely be involved in Hong Joo's predicted death - isn't that the K-drama way? ^^; They can't leave a major character out.

Also, I think it may be worthwhile to pay attention to dates. In ep 1, Hong Joo's death/suicide in December was a consequence of Yoo Bum's actions. We're still in September in the drama. Thus, come December in this drama, and it'll be time for whatever sequence of events - most probably set in motion by Yoo Bum - to unfold.

I suppose Woo Tak may be in serious danger too then, he was killed in Feb in an alternate verse, by Yoo Bum. If he lives past episode 12, that is! But the writer can't kill him! I'm sure she's aware of how popular he is.


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I thought it's already April? Hong-joo was passing on the details through Jae-chan's dream, while she and Cupid Barista were hiding under the blue tarp. She was saying, "It's April 11, 10:12pm" just before Creepy Chicken Oppa found them.


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Oh you are right!! It's only April. I think I got the September date from Jae Chan's dream? I don't know anymore. Come to think of it, rain in December is improbable too. I'm going to keep this speculative theory aside.


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Sadly... I think this drama is pre-produced, so everything was set in stone even before WT become popular. BUT I do think there's more in store for him, simply because we haven't found out anything about why he's having those dreams/his backstory, and it wouldn't be like this writer to leave that thread hanging. Fingers crossed for more Woo-tak until the final episode! (And then when he's heartbroken over not getting the girl... I can comfort him. There, there. ^^)


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Hahaha you are right. All of my speculation has been wrong in this show. I need to pay closer attention. :D No, no Woo Tak is mine. At best, I agree to give you 10% (I'm so generous *pats self on back*).


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Yes, pre-produced. But nothing is set it stone if people can dream. Rewriting the script because the writer foresaw how popular he would be is pretty tame compare to what we're watching.


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there was one theory that Woo Tak voiced out will talking to Jae Chan. They were in Subway when Woo Tak asked Jae Chan if he figured in an accident where he almost lost his life. JC said that he almost drowned in a river but a boy rescued him and because of that, he was eternally grateful to that person(the boy was actually Hong Joo). Woo Tak surmised that the person who rescued him was Hong Joo (although Jae Chan dismissed that, saying that it was a boy who saved him - although the flashback scene showed that it was Hong Joo back when she had really short hair).
Woo Tak added that ever since the day Jae Chan saved his life, he felt indebted to him. And that was when Woo Tak started having dreams about Jae Chan being in trouble.
I guess that is still a theory though. But it makes sense (well to me it does). :)
But i dont want Jung Hae-in's character to die.. :(
He is sooo darn cute that i always look forward to his scenes. (i don't want to watch his character die again - like what happened to his character in "Blood" drama. )


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Yoo Bum's words to Jae Chan were horrifying and resonated so much. Yoo Bum did his job, and he did it professionally, while prosecutors did not investigate properly and were misled. Even if Yoo Bum wants his client to be accused, it is prosecutor's job to do a proper investigation - they did not do so, and this is their direct fault.

Yoo Bum is becoming a particularly interesting and complex character, really interested to know why did he quit being prosecutor and where did it go wrong.


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I agree with you. I was thinking the same when I saw the episode or when I read that the people read between lines that he was just washing the guilt of his hands. Yoo Bum was right. That was his job. I remember of similar case in I hear you Voice. A lawyer has the obligation of defending his clients even if their are culprit, is his job.

Jae-Chan was wrong in asking him how Dae Hee kill his little brother. Does not exist something like lawyer-client confidence?


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*if they are culprit


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Male Category : Kim Junghyun - boys kn Love
Female Category : Suzy - Fantastic Baby


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*Boys in Luv

damn typo!


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So, the green umbrella man who's standing next to hong joo in her dream is actually yoo beom?? And, I was actually surprised when he washed his hands like that in the bathroom. Seems like he still has a bit of conscience left.


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Well, we aren't shown who's standing under the umbrella, or even who's umbrella it is. We are just given a hint - that it is the green umbrella that is most likely Yoo Beom's. [One could even question if it's the same umbrella but that's going too far]

Nonetheless, there's no way Yoo Beom won't be involved in that scene. He's a major character after all. And this is dramaverse.


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Also, it doesnt mean that the green umbrella person is the one that will kill Hong Joo. It was raining, and she didnt see who is under the umbrella. Since chicken guy IS Yoo Beom's client, ...who knows?


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I don't think the chicken ahjussi will be the one to kill HJ. Isn't he just the case of the episode? I'm assuming we'll get another case in the next two episodes. So, Chicken ahjussi will be gone by then which leaves yoo bum.


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I hope so.

But then again, I wonder if the premonition says that the green umbrella person is the one that kills Hong Joo.
Perhaps he's merely there -slim chance, I know.
Plus, at this point, I really dont know if Yoo Bum has the heart to kill off Hong Joo. Wait. Yap, on second thought, that is plausible, since he framed her before (in alternate reality).


I think the green umbrella guy is Yoo Beom, and that he will be involved in whatever happens to Hong Joo. It's a small detail but from the beginning we have been shown how he likes to crumble paper and I guess it's because at some point this clue will help Jae-Chan to solve a mystery and Yoo Beom will be involved in something that will put the main characters in danger, most likely Hong Joo.


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I think when the time comes, he'll have the umbrella with him and he will be holding it next to Suzy's body wearing the SBC vest. The real question will be, however, is Suzy actually dead? I am guessing that Yoo Beom will be gloating or saying something to her like "Look what you made me do", and she'll pop up and say something like "gotcha" and he'll be on camera admitting to some heinous crime.


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I actually laughed at the ending. I totally thought it was some Kim Eunsook-level cheesyness right there.

I think this is so far the only episode that I needed a little suspension of disbelief. Is it really that way in Korea? Prosecutors are the ones who do the autopsy instead of the police? Prosecutor Shin didn't even confirm if the voices in the blackbox were in fact the victim's and the suspect? Didn't coordinate with the rescuers regarding the state of the victim's body when he was "rescued." Did they even conduct an interrogation before releasing a warrant? How did this even reach trial when there are so many holes in their argument. And really? Hongjoo, your friend just got stabbed, the assailant is in front of you and the first thing you do is run... TO THE ROOFTOP! THE ROOFTOP OF ALL PLACES WHEN SHE HAD THE DOOR BEHIND HER!!!


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The whole running to the rooftop gets me every.time. Like, seriously, it's not the smarter think ever when you are running from a killer? What are you gonna do if he catches you? Jump and die in the fall? And they had the door behind them, and Woo Tak was holding the killer, why they didn't run to the street and asked for help like normal people? Oh, of course because Jae-chan had to be the one that rescued her... Sorry that I sound so... bitter, I truly like the drama when I am watching it but when I think a bit about it, I cannot stop complaining lol


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Wait, correct me if I'm wrong. BUT Hong Joo ran to get the sister away from the brother as well, so in her defense, they ran PASS him and she probably wouldn't want to turn around and run pass him again to get to the door BEHIND her. Instead, she ran forward to just continue running. I mean, it's obvious to us as watchers, like HEY dude, DOOR BEHIND YOU. And maybe I just like to give shows the benefit of the doubt most of the time too, since they need to plan things a certain way to, you know, get LJS dramatic heroic entry LOL.


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Yeah, I think it's the blocking aspect. Haha!


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This. That ending actually kills 'some of the love that I had for this episode tbh.
I keep on shouting 'the door behind you!' at my tv. *facepalm*


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I couldn't laugh, all I could think of was Woo-Tak T_T

But I do agree, there are definitely loopholes. I'll let the voices in the blackbox slide because brothers can sound similar sometimes, and I don't know if there is any technology to tell if two voices are from the same person. I don't think anyone sitting in the trial noticed except for the sister, and probably purely because she's their sister.

But I do wonder why there isn't a formal autopsy done? Is it because it was a traffic incident, so they ruled that as his death immediately? I was also miffed that Hongjoo did not call the police (or maybe she did, but we didn't see) and instead ran to the rooftop! She could have run to the busy street!

Except maybe if she had we wouldn't get heroic Jae-chan or a dramatic moment, LOL.


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There is technology (or at least method) to tell if two voices belong to same person or not. Some years ago in my country, there were people who fought over copyright of a popular song, sung by anonymous singer. Then an IT expert was brought to the court to analyze the voice and the expert could tell whose it belonged to.

I think such analysis won't be performed unless it is requested.


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Hi sangmaharini this is unrelated but is your profile picture of sasuke & sakura???


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They could still get that heroic moment, though. Have her tell the sister to come to her, instead of her going to her, and both run out the streets. Have Hong-joo throw her shoe another way to lure him off, but then have her foot injured because at least in my home town we have way too many broken glasspieces and such on the street. Injured, they seek shelter in a packstreet, Hong-joo telling the sister to leave her but the sister too scared. Cue her thinking of Jae-chan and the rest of the scene.

At least that is how I feel like they could have done. The running to the roof is a jarring thing for me as well. It is a reason "Scream" made fun of it and still showed how to FORCE the character up to the roof/second floor through logical (mis)thinking.


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I don't know...if i remember correctly, chicken shop on the ground floor...so if they run downstair it would be basement...so i think it understandable if they choose rooftop...


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Exactly. So many plot loopholes in the courtroom drama and the closing scenes, but it's like it had to be that way so we could get to the dramatic rescue.

The trial really bugged me. The prosecution's evidence was so flimsy. And how could she let him argue on the one hand that the two brothers were alive and chatting in the car, and on the other hand that the younger brother was already dead? Duh!

And Cupid Barista, give me a break!! You figured out that your older brother must have murdered your younger brother, so you go to meet him in a dark and lonely place where he can easily do you in too?


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I think the timeline they were trying to present made sense. The idea was that the siblings were talking in the car, the younger brother said he was sleepy and went to sleep, and then died of a heart attack in his sleep. More than an hour later, they got into the car crash.

As for the sister, it's frustrating from our perspective because the older brother is clearly a bad guy. But I think for someone who just lost one of her brothers (and probably has no other close family judging by their lack of presence), I feel like she went to confront him while partially in denial and almost hoping that he'd have an explanation for why he faked the conversation.


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Totally agree with you. People are not expecting family to be murders, and most of them wont act like a detective.


Thanks for this. It really helped clear the timeline in my head!


I know right???? I was wondering where she was going...and I realized that shes running off to ESCAPE! Grabbing the poor girl with her no less. Sigh... And , cupid barista! When you realize that it's not your brothers voice and that your elder brother is actually a murderer, you go and meet him????


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YESSSS it's the small little details that kinda take away my full enjoying of the show.


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Also totally true...


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As @peachgirl and Ek Ladhki Thi pointed out in the last recap page, I was thoroughly mistaken about Chicken Oppa in the last episode. >_< Guess I just wanted to see more of Bok Joo's samchoon. Kang Ki Young was Thoroughly Creepy here.


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Putting dark matters aside, jae chan's relationship with little bro is so cute I got hearts for eyes right now. Just snuggle in his arms all day jae chan !!! I luff u guys!


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And chicken oppa in his killing spree, how did you plan to hide so many bodies & dispose off the evidence even if you successfully killed all 3 of them.
His behavior reminds me of the murderer in Agatha Christie's "4:50 from Paddington ", that killer started killing people left & right to hide the first murder without having an actual plan as to what to do afterwards.


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The last scene, was an epic entry........
Drama god you better save my Woo Tak, that boy did'nt even get a chance to express his crush.....
This ep was a mixture of warm and thrilling feelings......I am quite suprised that JC opened up to HJ with all a the hesitation shown on the prev eps.....
And now is the Cupid Barista going to join their circle of dreams????!!!!


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Did anyone notice the show focusing on Yoo-bum taking off his watch when discussing the case with Chicken Owner? I wonder if that ties in to his paper ripping habit.

Also, I died of second hand embarrassment for Hong-joo but I'm glad she was able to take Jae-chan down with her! What else has she seen over at his place?!! 😏😏😏


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Yoo bum does that paper ripping thing so well that it actually irritates me to see it, as he makes a big mess when he does it. Obviously it's a nervous tic but it's such a brilliant touch by the writer. She knows how to get my emotions going all over the place.


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It's such a little characterization thing but it adds VOLUMES to the character that I applaud the writer for it.

Although yeah, I agree with everyone that the belief of suspension should be generally high with this drama too. Haha! When it comes to characters, it's so awesome. The little plot details are the ones that can be jarring but then again, it's a drama. Haha!


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You know it makes me think about all the previous times when he ripped the paper, it's almost a symbol for his moral values. Before he's committing something wrong, he ripped paper. I'm very curious to see how this will play out and perhaps something in the past has triggered this habit.


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Batman cop can't die yet. Right? Please say so!
Plot wise, I do think he will die in the end, unless he saves someone and that person dies? I dunno if it makes sense, but it seems like a guardian angel thing. Jae Chan is Hong Joo's and Woo Tak is Jae Chan's.. now if only Yoo Bum redeems himself (though it seems almost impossible right now, that amazing Macbethian hand-washing scene notwithstanding) and becomes Woo Tak's angel (that will probably happen if Woo Tak saves him I guess) and dies in the process. Too far-fetched perhaps but I like this idea!

In other news, I am starting to love this show a lot! And that hasn't happened in a while! Here is hoping that this is the drama that pulls me completely out of my drama slump!

Show, don't disappoint me! I am counting on you!

P.S. LJS hair style is good again! I was hating those bangs. Now he looks almost exactly as he did in Pinocchio or W- which I love!


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From past recaps, I think one theory I liked was that JC sees the dream from his perspective, HJ sees the entire dream, and WT dreams the "changed" version of the dream when JC decides to interfere. I thought that was an interesting theory, but the angel-guardian thing is pretty sweet too! WT's dream always has JC involved, right?

This show (+ Because This is My First Life tentatively) has officially pulled me out of my drama slump! I haven't been so excited to watch new episodes in a while; I even livestreamed it! The only problem though, is it's making me not-so-excited to watch dramas that I dropped during my slump... all I want is new episodes of this. T_T


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High five for all the things you said. I feel the exact same way!


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^4, we've got our eyes on the same dramas! Not really convinced by the others on schedule right now. >_<


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ugh. ^5. Not four *slaps head*


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Although Woo-tak's first dream was So-yoon stabbing her hand with a chopstick, right? So that's not the changed version...


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What's interesting about woo tak's dream is that on So-yoon's case, he dreamed the first event and changed it immediately by taking Jae-chan instead of his partner. Then, on firework case, he also changed it by changing his patrol's route. Of course Hong Joo also changed destiny by taking that fire extinguisher to the firework proposal night, hence, changing train of events. Hence, together, the three of them are able to change destiny. They may dream of first reality, or modified reality, but they must take action, and the one who is helped must also support them. Soo yeon is on their side. Barrista girl is on their side (she doesnt seem to like that guy who was about to propose to her). But the tiger lighter guy who was burnt to death was not on their side. So...i guess the requirement for their dream to change is the support from the victim in the dream, albeit the type of dream they have. They may have the same/consecutive-events, or contradicting-events dream though: Kissing dream (same), Seung-won case (same), So-yeon chopstick case (same), So-yeon's dad investigation day case (contradicting dreams), firework-case (consecutive events). I really hope the writer give us more explanation and stick to it though.


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man, jae-chan, what. an. ENTRANCE.

also LOVED yoo-bum's bathroom scene. the entire episode i was thinking "wow, turns out yoo-bum really doesn't even a speck of a conscience at all", but then we finally got to see him crack, and now his character feels so much more intriguing. i hope we get to watch him spiral maniacally into self-destruction and implode from all the guilt.

but more importantly - woo-tak, please don't die!!!!


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Am I the only one who thought, "Macbeth!!!" That hand-washing scene was amazing.


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Nope -- I thought of Macbeth as well. Then again, not sure how many people have read that play before :)


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This is awesome!!! I love this drama...I hope they can keep up the fast paced track! Aja aja While you were sleeping!! :D


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hang in there Batman!!! :'((((


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I really wish he doesnt die in this drama. The world needs more goodlooking batman to save the day.

In that sense, I really despise how the sister reacted to his brother's action, and as scared as she is, cant she reached out to someone during the trial period, or scream for help when his brother stabbed woo tak, or run somewhere else other than the rooftop (you cant really go anywhere else if he chased you to the rooftop!)? Jesus. I hope she uses her brain and courage next time. Might save her and the people around her from her murderous brother.


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Same! I was all "how stupid can you beee" but now in hindsight I'm guessing there was a small part of her that wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt? Like maybe she was hoping she understood it all wrong. They're siblings after all, and if they had a good relationship prior to the murder, she's bound to give him the chance to explain.


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I think even though her mind understood that her brother killed their lil bro, her heart can't fathom how that can happen. He's family so yeah. As audience it's easy to be rational because we're not the character. And maybe her personality is that she becomes catatonic in times of distress. Although I agree that how I wish she was more proactive especially with escaping her brother.


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Ah that's right. I didnt weigh in his mask. He might be wearing "the loving brother" mask in front of her all these time. Hence, her stupid reaction to things. But still I cant believe how she just STOOD there when her brother stabbed someone (who entered the premise in critical time. I bet if Woo Tak didnt enter that place, she would be dead by now)


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i cant understand why victims go to rooftop in every drama and movie ...lol


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They dont watch thrillers, I guess -the kind of thrillers and horror movies where the victims' first reaction to save themselves was to run to the rooftop.


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I must say that the cast and list of supporting cameos are really fantastic in the show. The director/writer really spared not effort in getting those cameos in this show.

E.g. Kang Ki Young who is the Chicken shop owner and killer.
Jang Hyun Sung as Jae Chan's dad.
Choi Won-Young as Hong Joo's dad.
Shin Eun Jung who had a cameo as the female judge in this episode.
Eom Hyo Seop who portrayed KSH's character's dad.
Even Jae Chan's mum was in Remember as the Yoo Seung Ho's office manager and in Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo.
Not to mention Kim So Hyun too.
Looking forward to Yoon Gyun Sang and Lee Sung Kyung.


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Yes, the whole cast is great, and that's what makes a great show.


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I think I heard police sirene when Jae Chan arrived on the rooftop, so I guess our adorable Batman is saved, @girlfriday.


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That's what I believe too. While I do have some dread about Woo Tak's character not surviving at the end, may be he can afterall if (#15) @ObsessedMuch's theory can stay.. So Yoo Bum can redeem himself too for all his past acts.


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What I like:
1. HJ starts her day with Fantastic baby and the subsequent scenes after that. I mean, I'm not finding fault for her to freak out about eyebrows tbh. Good eyebrows = good day in my book~
2. SW reaction towards JC nice clothes and makeup face. Damn that meta makes me laughing a wee bit too much tbh. Everyone *always* looks so polished and made up in kdrama while lounging at home. And JC throwing fit after realizing that HJ already seen the whole thing in her dream. teehee.. too late JC
3. HJ and her friendship with WK is love. They are comfortable with each other. Hopefully mom will forgives WK soon. Poor WK's partner tho. lol
4. YB's reaction. I know he is a (future?) villain (that umbrella!!) but at least that scene shows that he is a human with conflicted feeling. But scrubbing it hard wont take that blood off your hand YB~

PLEASE tell me that WK is ok and JC comes with lots of people who attending to WK while he making his hero stride! I know Evil Oppa is evil but you dont have to kick wounded WK so many times, you know. We get it. You are evil and angry. Urghhh....

What makes me goes huh?
The ending. I mean, I understand that JC is HJ's savior but I cant wrap my mind to that scene. So reciting the whole details can help JC locate her? But he already dreamed the whole thing? And JC to arrive with warrant on hand? I dont think that much time has passed after HJ and chief realized about Evil Oppa and his favorite cyanide tho? So, for him to be able getting a warrant and knowing where to find HJ and cupid barista kinda makes me...???... Hopefully we starts next episode addressing that.


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*** potential spoilers? ***

To all the Woo-tak lovers: he's in the preview for next week's episode, so it looks like he made it out alright!

I'm really glad too, the dynamic between our trio is so adorable. Actually, all the interactions between our trio + families are a joy to watch. Probably my favorite part of the show.


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Hallelujah! 🙌🏼


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I thought so too and I could relax a bit. But then I also thought that the scene could be from his dream or recap and he actually died! Damn I really hope he lives.


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Thank you!


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The first thing I did after watching the episode was look for the preview because I REALLY NEEDED TO KNOW IF HE MAKES IT


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My fav part are always the family dynamics. Mom-daughter. Brothers. Sismance (for Kim So Hyun cameo) and 3 dragons interaction.

I would throw a fit if they kill Woo tak- we need more batman and robin scenes.


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i am definitely in love with this drama. it's the one drama that i cant wait to watch every week! hope it continues to be as or even greater with each passing episode.
loved suzy dancing to fantastic baby jajaha it was great.


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Btw, just to point out about Han Woo Tak's theory about dreaming your savior's life. If the theory is right, then Hong Joo must have dreamed about her dad because his dad must have saved her life before.


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Well, Hong-joo dreams about a lot of people, even strangers, so it might just be that she's really Patient Zero (to use Woo-tak's words)?


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Perhaps. But in that case, the origin of future dreamers is still a mystery to me. Perhaps there wont be any explanation about it, but I would give up on that, in exchange for good flow and closure between our three beloved characters, and preferably nobody dies.


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I would be devastated if Wootak dies! Please say it ain't so~ I love our three musketeers together. I am also really enjoying Suzy's portrayal of Hongjoo in this role. She makes herself fit like a glove in this role. I think it may be my fav role she has played. Its like this perfect combination of cute, sassy, and smarts with a dash of charm.


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I jst like how jae Chan and Hong joo's skinship feels so normal and not unnecessary exagerated with dramatic sound effects or slow motions like most kdramas cos I always wonder if holding of hands is that awkward and dramatic in real life but this two jst hold hands casually like normal people do.


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Yes, when he grabbed her hand at the bus stop that was so beautiful (1) because she really wanted it and (2) because it seemed so natural on his part, like this is the way it is now.


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Yoo Bum wanted to wash his guilt from his hands. Washing hands is so symbolic in all of cultures.

I love Suzy in this one. She had to start anew so she cut her hair and we don't need to be distracted be her famous beauty ;-)


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...by her fb... read before uploading!


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NOOOOOOOOOOO!! NOT MY WOO TAK!!! Jae Chan, there's no time to catwalk; a person is dying downstairs!! I don't have Second Lead Syndrome as I'm committed to Jae Chan, but Woo Tak deserves the world. I can't watch him fall for Hong Joo when he has no chance from the start. It is so cute how he wants to impress his future mother-in-law. "Sunbaenim, jom." When he immediately turned to look at the door but was quickly disappointed, even Mom can't help but smile at that. Woo Tak just lights up at the sight of her like when Hong Joo surprised him at his station.

I felt awful for Hong Joo for humiliating herself in front of her crush, and I love Seung Won for agreeing with Mom that everyone looks that way at home. I'm so thankful Hong Joo saw messy Jae Chan in her dreams, so we can get hair-up, dressed-up hot Jae Chan in real life. How cute is he worrying about his appearance to her? Jae Chan sure does know how to make a girl's heart flutter with his constant hand-holding. Fantastic Baby was so awesome; I watched it more than twice.

I take back what I said about Jae Chan's coworkers. His prosecutor sunbaes are actually nice people. I aww'ed at the chief prosecutor praying to himself after what Hong Joo said. I hope one of them sees Yoo Bum's black umbrella even though all umbrellas look the same, but perhaps Hong Joo will recognize it and take precautions around Yoo Bum.

A big thanks for the recap, @girlfriday!


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The umbrella is green.... lol 😃


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What is the song played in episode ending? I couldn't able to find the song in any music search app.


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Well, based on the preview our Batman stays alive.. my guess is he must have predicted that moment and got some help in advance? Not sure though.


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Previous? We didn't have any in Viki. But if you say so, I really, well... I would be really thankful.
Oh the other hand, this writer won't hesitate so much in killing someone we love. I am dreading already for whoever character I like in this show because he/she may be gone. 😢😢😢.


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I had to search for the preview too. It's not in Viu as well.


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This episode had lots of funny and cute things in it, but even without scary music, there's this underlying tension that's written into the story that makes me want to poop my pants. I truly didn't expect Woo Tak to get stabbed, and I wasn't sure how far Dae Hee was willing to go. I'm not really sure why he stabbed him in the first place. Unless he recognized him as a cop and thought he needed to silence everyone. Or maybe he panicked. I really don't know what he was thinking, except of course that he had to shut his sister up somehow before she went to the police or something.

Thanks for the recap. This is such a taut well-written drama that it keeps me at the edge of my seat and always wanting more. I wish I could time travel to the future and binge-watch the whole show.


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Yeogi buteora............ hilarious lol.
But did Yoo Bum's umbrella give anyone else some foreshadowing? And Woo Tak better be ok, OKAY?


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She totally won me on this one. That was THE MOST EPIC BATHROOM SCENE I'VE EVER WITNESSED. I can't even manage to do that in real life.

And based on the preview [SPOILER ALERT] our favorite Batman is still alive and kickin'.


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Thanks for the speedy recap, @girlfriday!

Omg I felt like I was gonna die in this episode. Why didn't Woo-Tak get a good outcome dream? AHHHHHH! And how did the two girls end up in some stairwell? Wasn't the shop on the ground floor on a street? Why didn't they go somewhere more public? Gosh.

That agreement b/n Jae-chan and Hong-joo to always report her location when she's in danger is quite a brilliant move, and I'm so thankful for that. Still, didn't that promise take place AFTER Jae-chan already woke up from the Chicken Man dream? So assuming she already recited her location back in the dream, why wasn't he monitoring her throughout, rather than after he made the connection between Hong-joo's cat murder case and Chicken Man? The small details bother me a little because I really want to believe the story wholeheartedly.

The only way I'm keeping my hopes about Woo-tak is that he's part of the Three Flying Dragons, so he can't die, at least not until the last two weeks of show, RIGHT?

I'm feeling like this week's episode is showing how there's no running away from Death? The barista escaped death (from the fireworks), but it got transferred to her other broher? Granted, I guess either of them will die due to evil Chicken Man, but I feel as if we're being led down the path that there are repercussions for thwarting fate.

I'm intrigued that Show is giving us some humane sides of Yoo-bum. I guess he does have some form of conscience. I think it's too much to hope for that he'll come around quickly enough for this case (and given that Woo-Tak has thoroughly incriminated himself, I suppose Yoo-bum is unnecessary) but perhaps he can be a useful frenemy down the road.

I'm also grateful that the prosecutor family is coming together now - both in terms of taking more care in their work, and listening to one another. I was doubtful, @girlfriday, when you hoped for that early in the show, but I suppose you had more foresight than I did!

On a more light-hearted side, I noticed that Mom looked grumpy when the police buddies came by for lunch. Maybe she's already jumped on the Jae-chan ship, so now she finds Woo-tak's visits burdensome?

And is it common in Korea for men to wear BB cream?! I mean, Seung-won's surprise about Jae-chan's made-up face seemed more specific to that fact that Jae-chan was dressed up at home, than the fact that he wore any BB cream at all. *hoping a Korea-living beanie can clarify this*

PS. I don't get what Jae-chan is "Yeongdeok King Crab" in Hong-joo's phone. Did I miss a reference?


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No, there was no explanation for their phone nicknames. I'm assuming they're each based on future dream visions. Yeongdeok is a seaside town off the eastern coast where the local delicacy is crab, so maybe they go there someday in the future? That's just a guess.


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Thanks! Will keep my eyes peeled for that. (So helpful that you know the reference for Yeongdeok King Crab!)


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Hong-joo has more than once described Jae-chan as having "long arms and legs like a crab" so I think that's why he's in her phone as "Yeongdeok King Crab"


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Good catch! Clearly I'm not a very observant watcher d=


What an apt nickname!



I got this feeling that Wootak are already seeing this on his dream but still do it anyway because he will got the "hero reward"

it's not like that, right Batman?! it was only my feeling right?!!! it's not true, right?!!!!!!!


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A bit of a tangent from the main point of this episode, BUT was anyone else pissed off that he killed over 100 cats? As a cat lover...I was appalled and was like THIS DUDE NEEDS TO GO TO JAIL. Whether it's for killing his own brother for insurance money (LIKE WTF. you psycho) or for animal abuse, like HE'S GOT TO GO.


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the last ending scene ... i do not know if that scene is real or a dream..no no..i think thats just dream.. it just from someone else dream.. and i think that scene is just wootak dream.. maybe i hope so..because if that scene is real..and not a dream..how can the handsome cop batman wootak oppa got stabbed so cruel like that.. 😢😢😢😢 no way.. its just dream right...?

and ..actually i just love to see the scene when it just focus about hongju jaechan.. really like it that kind of scene..example is..the bathroom scene..breakfast scene..and when jaechan talk about human cctv.. 😂😂😂😂 he is really handsome with the new hairstyle.. i just need more that kind of funny lovey weird scene.. 😂😂😂 need to more focus in hong ju jaechan only... i dont really like when its come to prosecutor case..

next is lee yoo boem.. ok well... about the green umbrella.. i think that green umbrella yoo boem has is the same umbrella in hong ju dream.. yoo beom character is still full of ambigu.. i think he is just in process to be a really evil character.. the more episode come the more he become evil than before..

and the last is..i hope while you were sleeping get higher rating next week than this week..this drama is fucking good.. i really love all the cast and the love story..i get their chemistry.. fighting..!!!!!😀😉😀😀😀


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It's possible that it's just a dream, because she did that with Hong Joo's suicide. But if it is a dream this time, I'll be really mad. All that emotion for nothing?!! I don't think it will be, because we saw Hong Joo do exactly what Jae Chan asked her, and he followed through (wondering how that worked, actually -did he have another dream in between where he got the date and place?).


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did he have another dream in between where he got the date and place? .. maybe he did have a full dream with the location and time..but not showing yet to us..

and usually we will see wootak dream after jaechan dream...this episode we still only see jaechan dream..what wootak dream is not coming yet.maybe next week.. but i read another comment from some loyal fans in twitter that nextweek wootak will live with hong ju because of that bloody accident..
but what i saw from the review next week ..wootak seems okay..he just fine.. with new uniform...and he looks good.. 😆


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i keep rewatching hong joo's dance scene 😂 😂


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me too 😆😆😆😆


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The first dream prediction took place after the second, so I guess in the second dream prediction the sister did get killed by her brother which would go against the fact that Hongju was with the sister so wouldn't chicken oppa have killed them both? It just seems a bit weird to me, so I'm wondering if the two predictions are in different timelines, the first in which Hongju wasn't there and the second in which she was there and Jaechan got there in time, which would mean that Jaechan was already destined to save her or maybe the second prediction was also in another timeline? But here's the thing, they mentioned that Jaechan was the prosecutor in charge of the case, which he wasn't so that should mean that there was another trial, which I assume is what's happened at the end of the episode but that also wouldn't make sense because the sister is well and alive?? There seems to at least be three different timelines created in Jaechan's dream, which may be the result of all the meddling they did, so their dreams may not be as accurate as they and we think... I hope people actually understand my comment because it is sort of confusing XD


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LOL 😂. I understood. ..


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Ya, get you... in this situation we can actually expect at least 2 scenerios.
1) Killer killed both siblings and got charge by JC, cos he figured the killing method ( HJ / WT not involve)

2) Assuming that WT saved the sis and becomes her scapegoat. Killer killed brother and WT ( PLEASE NO!) and got charge by JC

3) and in my dream, JC managed to get the warrant & arrest the killer before he get his hand on the ladies and WT is seriously injured but not life threatening and JC put the killer away for for life for killing bro and injuring a policeman.


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Does anyone know the name of the ending ost?


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not release yet.. but i think the singer is akmu ..


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Really hoping that woo tak won't die, we need him alive to help the others to solve cases, oh my... I am a nervous wreck now, I really like him so much... maybe it's this whole thing a dream, and they can prevent everything in the next chapter? ??
Why isnt Wednesday already? 😱


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Argh.. right...?? Wednesday seems so far away... gosh..


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Lee jong suk is my love oh god why is he so handsome !!!!!!!The song played at the end is the best ost along with because I love you of Suzy

BTW guys have you heard that Lee jong suk oppa will also sing an ost it better be good..love and love more


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I loved this episode but what surprised me even more was that i actually agreed with yoo bum i was shocked by the number of assumptions made by the prosecution. In my country to prove a murder charge it has to be beyond reasonable doubt and that is a very high threshold. Think about it the rest of someone's life will be determined by the judgement of the court so if you are going to prosecute make sure to have as much evidence as possible. He is scum but scum that does his job properly.
There have been many cases of people who plead guilty during interrogation but end up being innocent and spend the rest of their lives paying for a crime they didnt commit.
In this case a guilty man walks free in a different scenario an innocent person is locked up all because some people did not do their job properly. Sorry for the long rant but that really stood out to me in this episode how close it was to real life situations.


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I am struck by this drama quietly suggesting that the link between Law and Justice and/or moral judgement is more troubling than is generally recognised. Young Lawers often argue their motivation for becoming practitioners was to serve justice. Experienced and sucsessful lawers appear to be more circumspect and even ready to deny their motive is justice or moral, rather they see themselves as representing their client according to the 'rules-of-the-game' and the outcome is not their responsibility (being that of the Judge or jury). Please note I am not challenging @Cheraz's views, rather saying I too found it realistic in spite of the proceedural and plot holes, and thing for a rather light drama this was remarkable.


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I agreed with your point but I also think because it's a drama right, otherwise, the sister should have been called in as well to testify no?


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Since the preview for the next episode was not subbed on the website I watched it from, I’m just assuming things now. They showed a preview of Woo Tak next week so maybe this was his dream sequence like when we first learned that Jae Chan can dream about the future. I just want him to be alive :(


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I loved this episode. So thrilling but funny at times. Woo Take better survive or else... Anyways am I the only one who wants the name of the song that plays in the end when LJS walks in??? I couldn't Shazam it, anyone know what it's called???


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Right now is the song name, you can listen it in below link


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Surely WT walks in an anticipation of something. His facial expression let on more than he says. Perhaps he already knew that he will be saving someone but not knowing he might be killed.
Argh, I am expecting more backgrounds on him but I don’t want to know over his death.
I was laughing out loud from all the home scenes. Loving little brother and loving how silly and funny they are.
This episode had me smiling silly and bursting laughing out loud then worry crazy then cursing and then swooning all in one breath.
Damn… how to wait till next Wednesday…???


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hEY I'm quite curious about something. Shouldn't the girl that was saved by Hong Joo be getting the dreams as well, like I mean she was meant to die at first. OMO maybe she'll join the trio and be the girl for Woo Tak HAHA


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i do not want that girl join the trio..

but..if we see the scenario before..actually that girl should be getting a dream too, right? .. i hope not.. 3 people is enough to see something while they r sleeping.. ..


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it is changed version as the dad was saved...


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This drama is really good..i can't wait for the new episode..
The plot is brilliant..
When Jae Chan put his hair up, it reminds me of Kang Chul in W drama.
Also, in the preview for ep 13,14 with his hair down..looks like a scene in a car with Han Hyo Joo in W drama..


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