Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



I’m Not a Robot: I found this charming and funny. It took a little time to settle into its groove, and at first I worried it might be too cheesy or overly silly… but then the robot stuff kicked in and I loved the surreal comedic feel of the scientists and the hero’s “allergy.” This world is not our world, but an over-the-top, slightly absurdist one that made me think of a cute anime series. The comedy is more obvious than witty, but I find the situations pretty amusing, and the characters are appealing. Please don’t suck!

Mysterious Il-seung: Whenever Yoon Kyun-sang is onscreen, I find this show funny and interesting and fast-paced. Whenever Yoon Kyun-sang leaves my screen, I realize five minutes later that I have zoned out the past five minutes and not absorbed a thing about the ex-NIS agents, the illegal money hand-offs, the eeevil chairpeople and directors of corruption, or the prosecutors. Then Yoon Kyun-sang comes back on and I’m entertained again.

Jugglers: This drama seems pleasant and easy to watch, and the premise is carried out well, highlighting the competence of secretary-jugglers who save the necks of their less-than-perfect bosses. On the other hand, I don’t feel like there’s much of a driving plot, so I don’t feel quite invested in following the story; it’s a drama that is enjoyable when it’s on, but not one that has me reaching for more.

Black Knight: What exactly is it that makes this drama feel so strangely old-fashioned? Does Shin Se-kyung ever NOT play the same character? Why won’t the drama reveal its mythology? How did this drama get made with the production budget of a Drama Special? Did the director think blurring the camera lens would obscure the fact that this looks like a low-rent community theater production of Goblin? Won’t somebody take my secondhand embarrassment away? Why, Kim Rae-won, whyyy?



I’m Not a Robot: Cute! The setup is wacky, but the acting is strong and sucks me into the world and the nutty situations, making me care about the connection between our millionaire recluse and his new not-a-robot friend. The second he held a birthday party for his robot vacuum in the first few minutes of the show, I was on his side. Somebody love this boy!

Jugglers: This show feels very familiar in a comfort food way, since we’ve seen a gazillion workplace dramas with the same basic character outlines, but the upside is that the execution of Jugglers is very funny, so moment by moment, it’s fast and enjoyable. Baek Jin-hee is at her best in this type of role, where she gets to play both extremes, making us laugh and then feel for her character when she’s hit her lowest point.

Two Cops: Sometimes this drama feels manic, like it’s trying to tell too many storylines at the same time. It’s still worth watching for Jo Jung-seok, because he’s hilarious, and I do like that the big fated pairing in the drama is between the two boys. I just wish the romance had some logical development that I could see with my own two eyes, because I feel like they skipped the part where they explain why they like Hyeri, other than that she’s pretty and around them all the time.



Currently recapping: Black

Smart Prison Living: I was feeling a little disheartened that none of the new dramas I tried seemed to really capture my interest, but this one is sticking to my ribs. I don’t even mind that each episode takes me two days to complete (since I can only focus for about hour until I need a break) because each episode is So. Good. that I want to give it my full, undivided attention. Even if it takes me until next summer to finish the entire show, I’m determined to stick it out because I’m already totally invested in Je-hyuk and the quirky characters that make up his prison life.



Because This Life Is Our First: Bra fashionista CEO for the win! I went from absolutely hating her character to loving her fierceness. Such cuteness! I’m really sad that the show is gone… because now what sweetness will tide me over till the New Year?



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MAD DOG just ended, a little subdued, but satisfying insofar as the baddies finally got their comeuppance (but not enough jail time for all the evil they perpetrated). All the Doggies survived, yay! And Jan Gebauer finally came in from the cold in a warm and fuzzy hyung-tastic denoument. Check out @letseatcookies's touching fanfic (link in the final recap).

BLACK is ending this weekend. In episodes 15 - 17, the revelations have been coming fast and furious. Song Seung-heon has been terrific in the dual role of Reaper 444 and Detective Han Moo-gang. Best Actress award goes to Short-legged Grandpa, Chief Bong. Ha-ram is a botheration, but I enjoy most of the rest of the characters, aside from the truly reprehensible ones. Like MAD DOG, this show has more twists and kinks than an dog's hind leg.

MONEY FLOWER was on my radar for Jang Hyuk, and he's been delivering the antiheroic goods. If you're allergic to Evil Chaebols, give this one a pass. Although I'm not a fan of revenge, for some peculiar reason, I really like this show. You'll need your own evidence wall to keep track of all the pseudonyms, not to mention the family relationships. -- The instrumental music is beautiful, and I love the single OST that has been released so far.


I was initially skeptical of the wisdom of watching a pair of Mon.-Tues. cop shows after nearly doing myself in trying to follow three Mon.-Tues. romances/rom-coms (plus GO BACK COUPLE) and two weekend cop shows during the fall season. But what the heck. I can't resist Jo Jung-seok and Yoon Kyun-sang, so started TWO COPS and DOUBTFUL VICTORY, only to get sidetracked during the wave of finales. I'm back to watching and have caught up, but am still behind on the recaps.

The shows have different vibes, so I'm not mushing them together in my mind, as unfortunately sometimes happened with BLACK and MAD DOG. So far, so good. I like them both. The comedy aspects of both have made me laugh out loud. I don't always have to watch shows that turn me into a psychologist trying to fathom characters' motivations, traumas, etc. (I'm looking at you, TEMPERATURE OF LOVE and BECAUSE THIS LIFE IS OUR FIRST.)


JOSEON GUNMAN - For my Lee Joon-gi / sageuk fix.

HIGH KICK! 2 THROUGH THE ROOF - To offset evil chaebol alter-egos of Jung Bo-suk and Lee Soon-jae, with a side of Yoon Si-yoon and Daniel Choi.


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Re Black best actress award goes to short-legged grandpa. Lol! Truly a great show.

I'm debating starting Mad Dog too now if you say it has a similar vibe. I usually watch kdramas for the rom coms but there are rare exceptions. I'm also wondering if I dropped Chicago Typewriter too soon because I hated the main male lead's haircut and personality.


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As with BLACK, a terrible disaster serves as the locus around which much of the action revolves in MAD DOG. Both are mystery thrillers, with shadowy Big Bads wreaking havoc and ruthlessly protecting their turf (and identities) at the expense of innocent bystanders. On another level, the shows are both character studies with satisfying developmental arcs for some of the main characters, and thin back stories for others (which left me wishing on their behalf for more story and more screen time). The former has a strong metaphysical component, with ground rules that are revealed throughout the course of the story. MAD DOG operates on the mundane plane.

BLACK is like a firehose that floods the viewer with a Niagara of data to be filed in memory for future reference and interpretation. MAD DOG is intense, but I didn't have the same feeling that I was being nearly buried alive in a data dump.

Both shows have (b)romantic elements that are of varying importance to the plots. In BLACK, it is a significant factor that moves the plot forward and signals Reaper 444's emotional growth (admittedly, a strange term to use for a non-human entity). In MAD DOG, it is a barometer of trust and teamwork, as well as a source of flirtatious comic relief.

In both shows, the baddies are lethally-cunning, worthy adversaries who regularly out-scheme the good guys. In both, the triumph of good over evil is hard-won and satisfying, but takes second place to the internal growth of the characters.

Both casts include talented veteran supporting actors. In MAD DOG, Woo Do-hwan turns in a compelling performance as a handsome lone wolf who comes to find comfort in belonging to a pack. He caught my eye back in SWEET STRANGER AND ME, is utterly magnetic, and holds his own in scenes with Yoo Ji-tae and Choi Won-young. In BLACK, Song Seung-heon wowed me with a top-notch performance in a dual role that was in another galaxy altogether from his turn as Dr. Jin (my first Kdrama).

Do give MAD DOG a shot. I'm glad I did. It was easier for me to follow, which may have had something to do with the manner of exposition. In the final analysis, I enjoyed both shows for the emotional warmth they depicted.


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What a great analysis. We seem to have had a similar experience altogether re Black so I am off to start Mad Dog! Thank you!


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You're most welcome, Barbrey!

I really enjoyed MAD DOG. It didn't sprain my brain to the same extent that BLACK threatened to -- which is not to say that you can watch it casually. But after watching intense, intellectually-demanding shows such as OH HAE-YOUNG AGAIN, BEAUTIFUL MIND, VOICE, CIRCLE, DUEL, SEVEN DAY QUEEN, and THE KING LOVES, it was pretty straighforward. Plus, German is spoken, and I got to work on my listening comprehension. ;-)

Knock yourself out, and have fun. It's a great show. ;-)


Helloooo everyone. Most of the dramas on my watch list had ended, and I am glad that they ended in sweet tone that I dont regret investing 16 hours of my life to watch them in peace.
This week is a week of search for me. Thank Drama God that we apparently have lots of nice new dramas. Among them, these are my favorite, that I will continue watching:
1. Prison Playbook / Smart Prison Living
This is SO funny and so smart, and unexpectedly touching, and heartwarming. I definitely will look at instant noodles in a new light because of this drama. I am looking forward to what happen next!

2. The Jugglers
I didn't want to watch this, but I ended up watching it and hooked. It is light, it has no surprise, but it is very entertaining. Perhaps it has something to do with how true it is to life (of personal assistants)? Also sadly true is how strange people look at you, when you are a homemaker in search for a job (and how tough it is to be resuming to work after a long hiatus). Most people apparently are more accepting to working women quitting job to be homemaker.

Considering to keep watching (or to drop):
Black Knight
I know, I know, it is miles away from true life events, and how strangely seem similar it is to other dramas, e.g. Goblin (on dreamy, less clear tone with castles, nice cars, memory/nostalgia, magic and stuff) or Bride of Water God (the leading female's traits, from rich to rag, complains a lot, loves money, has lots of misfortunes, has unbelievably powerful male on her knees, etc etc).
I might drop this though, but I will at least see through it until ep 2 or 4 to make sure.

Thinking of watching:
1. Two Cops.
2. I'm Not A Robot.


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That instant noodles plot was a moment of bewilderment & amazement for me, like heck what?!

And I can't get over the fact one of them kept mentioning OCN and another bewilderment moment, wait, isn't this TVN show..

And at some point, I realised Prison Officer is promoted when he re-appeared in a different prison, he has 3 stars on his shoulder now but it wasn't a line said. Love the subtlety.


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I haven't watched a drama in like weeks already. I just can't seem to find one that's cracktastic as in previous months or years. *sobs*

I'm enjoying variety shows now though while in this drama slump and Wanna One Go is sooooo funny! Especially this season's Wanna One Go Zerobase. I just can't stop laughing! Will you do a variety roulette again and recap/review this girlfriday?


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