Two Cops: Episodes 15-16

Aaaargh, our star-crossed detective and con man know they have to work together to solve their mystery and get their lives back, but they just can’t stop being angry with each other long enough to get some focus! It’s like one step forward, ten steps back for those two. At least Su-chang gets his big chance to be swoony for Ji-an, although that does include what looks like the most painful piggyback ever.


Dong-tak pulls over on his drive home, overwhelmed with memories of kissing Ji-an (he’s so cute, he even has the hiccups). As for Ji-an, she stays up late berating herself for closing her eyes and giving in to the kiss. Having witnessed the whole thing, Su-chang visits his comatose body, calling himself an idiot and yelling at himself to just lie there forever.


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Post-kiss hiccups

During a work meeting, Ji-an is too giddy to pay attention, and when her boss calls on her, she murmurs, “His lips were sweet…” She wonders what to do about Dong-tak, then pulls herself together, deciding to find some evidence to help out his investigation.

Dong-tak takes the entire pile of discarded gifts he found on assault victim Min-ah’s rooftop back to the station. He confirms that Sung-hyuk got pictures of both Min-ah and her boyfriend, whose name is Kyung-chul.

Still at the hospital, Su-chang tries to push the memories of seeing Dong-tak kissing Ji-an out of his mind. He shoulder-checks a doctor in frustration and belatedly realizes that he was able to touch the man, and it cheers him up.

Further down the hall, Su-chang sidesteps to avoid a woman, and she sidesteps to avoid him at the same time. It dawns on Su-chang that she can see him, and he looks up to see Min-ah’s spirit, who’s equally shocked that he can see her. Su-chang screams at the top of his lungs and flees like a big ol’ ninny.

Ji-an shows up at the station looking for Dong-tak, and she looks through the pile of Min-ah’s discarded things while she waits. She finds shreds of what looks like a ripped up note, so she pieces them together like a puzzle. When she’s finished, she’s shocked at what she reads.

Having been told by forensics that they don’t have time to examine his evidence right away, Dong-tak takes it to Yong-pal and Doc. He tells them that Min-ah was assaulted and is still unconscious, and asks them to look at the evidence pictures to see if they pick up any clues. Doc immediately notices the photo of the slash on boyfriend Kyung-chul’s arm, which he doesn’t think looks like a defensive wound, as Kyung-chul claimed.

Dong-tak and Yong-pal re-enact the supposed confrontation between Kyung-chul and the robber (ha, Dong-tak tricks Yong-pal into playing the robber). Doc confirms that the wound looks as if whoever held the knife hesitated, like you would if you were stabbing yourself.

When he gets back to the hospital and sees Min-ah’s boyfriend, Dong-tak openly says that he’s onto him. Kyung-chul just stares at him, no reaction in his expression.

Ji-an shows the detectives the note, which appears to be an agreement that Kyung-chul wrote, promising to honor her wishes to break up if he ever hits her again. Something makes Ji-an suddenly hurry out of the building, but she comes up short to see Dong-tak walking her way.

He stops at the sight of her, and they both stand for a long minute, unsure of what to say. Finally Dong-tak blurts out that he’s got evidence that Kyung-chul lied, and Ji-an replies that she found evidence that Min-ah wanted to break up. Their excellent teamwork makes them both smile.

Kyung-chul is brought in, swearing up and down that he didn’t do anything. Dong-tak explains about hesitation wounds, and asks if Kyung-chul is the one who hit Min-ah. Kyung-chul repeats that he didn’t, so Dong-tak pulls out the written promise to break up.

He orders Kyung-chul to look him in the eye, but Kyung-chul’s gaze slides away guiltily. Dong-tak says that the worst man in the world is one who hits women, but even worse than that is a person who uses violence and calls it love. Kyung-chul asks for a lawyer.

Dong-tak’s interrogation is interrupted by a call from Chief Prosecutor Tak, who says that he’s with a very powerful lawyer friend who claims to represent Kyung-chul. But then he says that a sword is only worthy if used well, and urges Dong-tak not to become a rusty sword, or to stop even in the face of temptation.

Dong-tak promises to treat Chief Prosecutor Tak to a meal, and when they hang up, Chief Prosecutor Tak dismisses the lawyer, who leaves in a huff. Chief Prosecutor Tak remembers seeing Dong-tak with the con men and thinking he was corrupt, but now he tells himself that that’s not the case.

Feeling confident, Dong-tak tells Kyung-chul that he just got very unlucky. Later Kyung-chul sits in the bathroom stall, freaking out about having been caught, and Detectives Park and Lee come in. Kyung-chul listens as they discuss the lack of CCTV cameras around Min-ah’s building, so there’s no real evidence that he assaulted his girlfriend.

Feeling smug, Kyung-chul goes back to his original story, that Min-ah was attacked by a robber. He claims that he almost made a false confession because he was scared of Dong-tak, and he practically dares them to arrest him with only circumstantial evidence.

Without a witness statement, the detectives know that they’ll have to release Kyung-chul soon. Detective Yoo asks why Kyung-chul came back from the bathroom with such a different attitude, and Detectives Lee and Park look guilty.

Ji-an brings Dong-tak a drink, and she tells him that she’s not worried the bad guy will go free because she trusts Dong-tak. He says she’s even better at investigating than reporting and should have been a cop, but she sighs that two cops in one family would make a home feel like a police station.

Dong-tak is surprised to learn that there’s a cop in Ji-an’s family, but he gets distracted by her lips when she takes a sip of her drink. She catches him staring, then does the exact same thing when he takes a drink.

Jin-an asks Dong-tak if he has anything to say to her, but he pretends he doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She starts to mention their kiss, but Detective Lee summons Dong-tak inside, and he practically runs Detective Lee over avoiding Ji-an’s question. She’s left wondering if she’s the only one who felt butterflies.

Knowing that only a statement from the victim will help the case, Dong-tak heads to the hospital and goes to Su-chang’s room to look for him. He’s there, but so is Bong-sook, watching over his body.

She thinks Dong-tak followed her and worries that Su-chang will wake up and see them together, so he tells Su-chang to come to the hall. Still confused, Bong-sook follows him, but he tells her coolly that he has no business with her.

He tells Su-chang to follow him, so Bong-sook follows again, and Dong-tak tells her to stay put. I could watch this bit all day. As she watches him go, Bong-sook realizes that he was calling her “agasshi,” (Su-chang calls her “Go Bongs”), and guesses that he must like her an awful lot.

Dong-tak asks if Su-chang really saw Min-ah’s spirit, and Su-chang says that he can see her, but she seriously creeps him out. Dong-tak asks for Su-chang’s help, giving him his most earnest puppy-dog eyes, but Su-chang still refuses.

He’s being petty after seeing Dong-tak “shove his face into Song’s,” he mutters to himself, sure that the person Ji-an likes is actually him. But Dong-tak says that the guy he’s trying to catch is a woman-beater, asking Su-chang sincerely, “Help me.”

Su-chang caves, and they find Min-ah’s spirit sitting on a bench outside. Su-chang says over and over that he’s a spirit too so he’s totally not scared, but he still looks like he could take flight at any second as he sits next to her.

On Dong-tak’s urging, Su-chang tells Min-ah that he’s a spirit like her, and he almost cries with fear when she looks at him, ha. He says that Dong-tak is trying to arrest her boyfriend and needs to know if Kyung-chul put her in her coma. Min-ah doesn’t speak, so Su-chang begs Dong-tak to let him leave.

He says Dong-tak should just talk directly to Min-ah, but sees that she’s wandered off. He tells Dong-tak she’s still sitting next to him, and he giggles madly when Dong-tak introduces himself to an empty bench. Dong-tak almost figures out that Min-ah is gone, so Su-chang pulls the same act he played on Yong-pal, pretending to beg her to stop crying.

Meanwhile, Ji-an interviews Min-ah’s neighbor, who describes the fights she used to hear from Min-ah’s apartment. Min-ah’s friend remembers her mentioning someone who was a victim of dating violence, and feels guilty for telling her that her “friend” was stupid for not leaving.

Even the policeman who previously said Kyung-chul was a hero for saving Min-ah’s life admits that he saw Min-ah outside the police station a few times, as if she wanted to report something. Ji-an imagines that she sees Min-ah walking in her neighborhood, looking lost and frightened.

Su-chang swears that he did his best to talk to Min-ah, but Dong-tak has another idea. He thinks that since Min-ah came looking for him once before, she might be willing to talk to him. But since he can’t see or hear her, he asks Su-chang to possess him, listen to her story, and convince her to wake up.

He tells Su-chang that it’s only until the case is solved, then he wants his body back immediately. He says Su-chang will have to figure a way to bleed to get himself kicked out, but Su-chang gets a mischievous gleam in his eye, as if he intends to do no such thing.

They head to the men’s room, where Dong-tak gets wet and lets Su-chang in. Su-chang decides he needs a new hairstyle and pulls out the hair gel, coolly slicking his hair back.


Once settled in Dong-tak’s body, Su-chang nervously approaches Min-ah’s spirit. She’s shocked he can see her, but seems unable to speak. Su-chang talks to her like an oppa, saying that guys like Kyung-chul need to be punished.

Waving off some onlookers who think he’s talking to himself, Su-chang reminds Min-ah that she came to him for help, and he can tell he’s making progress by her fidgety hands. To gain her trust, he reveals that he’s actually a spirit like her, using Dong-tak’s body to seek revenge on the person who put him in his coma.

He says that he can’t wake up but she can, but she still shakes her head and says nothing. Changing tactics, Su-chang leads Min-ah to the emergency room, reminding himself not to look at any blood. He shows Min-ah a woman whose husband gave her a concussion for talking back, then a guy who got hit by a brick while walking past a building, laughing that their injuries are their own fault.

A woman is brought in who was beaten unconscious by her boyfriend, and Su-chang wonders out loud what she did to deserve it. Distressed and upset, Min-ah finally bursts out, “Why? Why?? Why is that their fault?”

Su-chang says that she’s right—they did nothing wrong, and neither did she. He tells her it’s time she wakes up and tells the world the truth. Min-ah asks tearfully what would change, sobbing that she doesn’t have the courage to go back to the way things were, and she runs away.

Su-chang wipes away a tear of his own and watches her go, thinking that he was trying to get to her, but she got to him instead.

He sees Ji-an entering the hospital and follows her to Min-ah’s room. She sits with Min-ah and plays the recordings she took of her friends and neighbors, all of them expressing concern for her and saying that she did nothing to deserve Kyung-chul’s abuse.

Ji-an tells Min-ah that she really envied her while she was working her case, because there are so many people on her side. Su-chang watches her through the window as Ji-an asks Min-ah to “come back from her picnic.”

With no concrete evidence against him, Kyung-chul is released. At the same time, in the hospital, Min-ah opens her eyes. She gives a statement, but when the detectives go to Jae-hee for a warrant for his arrest, he says he can’t do it based solely on the victim’s statement.

His assistant reminds him of a similar case, where the supposed victim was found to have staged her assault to frame her boyfriend after he broke up with her. Dong-tak argues that Kyung-chul really did beat his girlfriend nearly to death, insisting that they may lose him if they don’t arrest him for assault right now. But Jae-hee says this is no assault case—he plans to indict Kyung-chul for attempted murder. YES!

The detectives go after Kyung-chul right away, arresting him for attempted murder. Chief Prosecutor Tak learns that Jae-hee helped Dong-tak with the case while having tea with Commissioner Noh and Superintendent Ma, and he slams his phone down and dismisses them.

On their way out, Commissioner Noh tells Superintendent Ma that he’s disappointed in him, warning him not to forget who he works for. Superintendent Ma says that Chief Prosecutor Tak may be worse than they thought, but Commissioner Noh refuses to listen to him.

Superintendent Ma catches sight of Chief Prosecutor Tak’s ever-present server, recalling that Chief Prosecutor Tak told him she can neither hear nor speak. He’d assured Superintendent Ma that he needn’t worry about her leaking information, but he doesn’t seem so sure.

Flying high after solving the case, Su-chang decides not to return Dong-tak’s body right away. He goes shopping, buying himself a snazzy new coat and watch. He talks to Sung-hyuk with an eye on his nice car, saying that a cop’s car should have a few dents and scars to really look good. Sung-hyuk buys it, and asks Su-chang to trade cars for the day.

Sung-hyuk has a date with Bong-sook, and he follows her as she goes on a shopping spree, grabbing anything and everything she likes. She gives Sung-hyuk a pointed look when it’s time to pay, which he misunderstands to mean she wants privacy, so he leaves, HAHA.

Bong-sook abandons her shopping and they go to the same noodle place where she used to eat with Su-chang. She asks if Sung-hyuk is rich, and he says that he’s pretty well off, so Bong-sook assumes he’s just cheap.

When their food comes, Sung-hyuk watches Bong-sook eat with the same besotted intensity with which she used to watch Su-chang. He asks to see her wallet so he can check her age, thinking that he’s probably younger than her even though she calls him oppa.

He frowns at a picture of her with Su-chang, and complains that he looks like a con man. It reminds Bong-sook of when Su-chang saw Ji-an’s ID photo and called her pretty, which made Bong-sook jealous.

After dinner, Sung-hyuk offers Bong-sook a ride home, but instead of his sleek sports car, she gapes at Dong-tak’s old beater. Sung-hyuk proudly tells her that a cop’s car should have some scars, but Bong-sook snaps irritably that she’s not riding in that thing.

Ji-an gets a visitor, her father’s old partner, who tells her that he’s retiring, and he’s tired of her constantly calling him. He came to tell her that her father wasn’t corrupt, and had no reason to take his own life. Ji-an thanks him, saying that’s what she wanted to hear.

After their talk, she walks in a daze, and Su-chang sneaks up beside her driving Sung-hyuk’s car. Ji-an gets in, and he tells her to look in the glove compartment. Inside, she finds the bracelet she noticed at the street vendor the other night, that he’d secretly bought her.

Tickled, she asks if this is him confessing to her, but Su-chang says that not every gift is a love confession. He notes her annoyed response and asks if she was expecting a confession, and she blusters that she wasn’t. But she cheers up when he mutters that he’ll have to do that soon.

He takes Ji-an to a nice steak restaurant for dinner, and when she asks if it’s not too expensive, he says they can have fun and “let him clean up the mess.” He tells Ji-an that he saw what she did at the hospital, and she tells him she learned from him how to speak from the heart. Knowing she’s referring to Dong-tak, Su-chang asks petulantly why she’s talking about him.


Watch the scene

Don’t talk about him in front of me


Ji-an points out how things just work out when they work together, and says that when he apologizes and promises not to get her involved in things again, it just makes her want to get closer. Su-chang interrupts, sighing that he hates this and asking why she’s talking about another man when she’s with him.

Ji-an is confused, and Su-chang continues that this isn’t why he handcuffed her, referring to the bracelet as a handcuff. He says, “From now on, look at me and be with me, not him.”

The moment is ruined when his phone rings, and Ji-an grabs it to answer. It’s the detectives calling about another urgent case, but when they rush over, they find the team just out drinking. Su-chang is grumpy about them ruining his fancy date, but Ji-an happily sits and starts drinking.

She fits right in with the guys, pouring and accepting drinks and getting drunker as the night goes on. At one point she pouts a loud “Oppaaa!” and Su-chang is thrilled to realize she’s talking to him. Right in front of everyone, Ji-an whines that he kissed her but hasn’t confessed to her yet.

The detectives all growl at Su-chang for stealing a kiss without a confession, and he tries to tell them that it wasn’t him. Ji-an walks over to him and grows serious, touching his face the same way Dong-tak touched hers, and Su-chang goes very still. Ji-an giggles and goes back to drinking, but Su-chang stays shaken for a while.


Watch the scene

Piggyback promise

He ends up piggybacking Ji-an home, and she grabs him by the hair and yanks his head around, drunkenly forbidding “Dong-tak” to ever leave her. Su-chang is forced to make the promise or risk losing his scalp. Then Ji-an demands a cake she sees in the bakery window, and when the Bakery Boys hand it over, Su-chang promises to pay them later.

Eventually Su-chang stops for a break, setting Ji-an down on some steps. She drops her head to his shoulder and murmurs that he smells like her dad, calling him Detective Cha. It upsets Su-chang, who tells her that he’s not Dong-tak, but Gong Su-chang.

She drunkenly repeats his real name, then looks up at him. She stares at him for a long time, then leans in and kisses him. It’s gentle and sweet, and when it’s over, Su-chang looks into Ji-an’s eyes, and she returns his gaze unabashedly.

Then suddenly Su-chang clutches his chest in agony. Oh no. His body has gone into cardiac arrest again, and the doctors shock him over and over while in Dong-tak’s body, Su-chang struggles to stay conscious. His nose starts to bleed, and when he wipes it away and sees the blood on his hand, he’s ejected from Dong-tak’s body.

Back in control of himself, Dong-tak looks at Ji-an, and an expression of rage comes over his face and he roars, “I warned you!” He looks around and sees Su-chang standing nearby, and he reminds him angrily that he told him not to go near Ji-an again. Confused, Ji-an looks to see who Dong-tak is talking to, but sees nobody there.


Watch the scene

A heart-stopping confession


So wait, did Ji-an know she wasn’t kissing Dong-tak? She was drunk as a skunk, but she did hear him tell her who he is and repeated his real name back to him, so who knows what she understood. I know she thinks it’s Dong-tak she’s with when Su-chang tells her how he feels about her, but the truth is that Dong-tak, other than kissing her, hasn’t ever led Ji-an to believe that he has feelings for her. In fact, he refused to confess to her, even after kissing her. I know I said before that I think it’s Dong-tak that Ji-an really likes, but now I wonder if I’ve been wrong and it’s actually Su-chang she’s falling for. But it’s not that simple, and things are going to get really complicated when Ji-an learns that the man she’s falling for is actually two different men.

In addition, I’m torn on this whole “don’t go near her” attitude that Dong-tak is adopting in regards to Ji-an. It’s true that he kissed her first, but if it weren’t for Su-chang advancing the relationship whenever he’s in control of Dong-tak’s body, there might not even be a growing romance between them at all. And like Ji-an said, Dong-tak kissed her but he didn’t confess to having any feelings for her. But Su-chang isn’t really in a position to woo her considering that he’s using someone else’s body to do it, and Dong-tak is correct to warn him away from starting anything using someone else’s body. But I don’t think Dong-tak has the right to act like Ji-an is his, because as things stand at this moment, she’s not. If Su-chang were awake and in his own body, he’d have just as much right to pursue her as Dong-tak (provided that Ji-an allowed it, of course).

Both Dong-tak and Su-chang annoyed me in this episode, because I get that this case was important and they did finally start working together in the end, but I’m so frustrated that Su-chang’s time is running out and they’re letting petty personal squabbles get in the way of solving the mystery of who framed his father. They realized two episodes ago that solving that case was the key to getting Su-chang his life back and Dong-tak his body back, but they’ve done nothing about it since. They should both be feeling some urgency to start looking into that, because not only is Su-chang’s actual life on the line, but Dong-tak feels guilty that his efforts were thwarted back then and you’d think he’d be interested in making good on his promise. But no, they’d rather argue over a girl than focus on what’s really important. They have a month left to get everything wrapped up—the girl issue can wait!

That said, I did like that they finally, though begrudgingly, agreed to work together to solve the domestic violence case, and it was an interesting story. Min-ah was deliberately keeping herself in her coma to avoid her abusive boyfriend, and she needed someone to talk her into facing life again so they could put the creep away. The solution was great, to use Su-chang’s ability to see her and Dong-tak’s face to earn her trust, even though it was ultimately Ji-an showing Min-ah how much she’s loved that did the trick. But then Su-chang betrayed Dong-tak again by using his body past the point where he had permission. Not only that, but he used Dong-tak’s body to take advantage of Ji-an’s emotions and spend time with her, and that makes me really, really angry with him. I don’t think he’s a bad guy at heart, but he’s lived in survival mode for so long that he doesn’t realize how his actions hurt others. He’s got a lot of growing to do before he becomes a trustworthy person.

And once again, I’m baffled by Chief Prosecutor Tak’s actions. Why would he call in a colleague to say he’s the abusive boyfriend’s lawyer, making it seem as though he’s going to help the abuser go free, only to instantly negate the whole thing? Why call Dong-tak to tell him all this, then encourage him not to let anything deter him from his goal? It felt like Chief Prosecutor Tak was pushing Dong-tak to continue his investigations into Hang-joon’s death, but that seems counter to what we’ve been led to believe, that he’s in on the cover-up. I’ve been assuming all this time that Chief Prosecutor Tak is corrupt and that he intends to make sure Dong-tak doesn’t discover the truth about the past, but now I wonder. Is Chief Prosecutor Tak actually one of the good guys, pretending to be one of the bad ones to earn their trust? Will he ultimately help Dong-tak? I guess time will tell—it would be an interesting twist.

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Thanks for the fast recap LollyPip! This episode is very funny with SuChang in control of CDT body. The new hairstyle definitely gives different feeling watching the new CDT. Especially the piggyback scene. LOL!! Never thought that a piggyback scene can be very funny!! I am not thinking that it’s romantic as usually these scenes are made. But it’s true, whether Ji An really pays attention to SuChang mentioning that it’s him in the body, not Cha Dong Tak. I also like the way JJS portrays different kissing mode, in the previous episode as Dong Tak and the last episode as SuChang. I must say that the drama is not perfect, yet it’s still entertaining!


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Haha a ghost seeing another ghost and screaming out of fear... ROFL...


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Not a ghost. Spirit.


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So which is Su-chang's bigger fear: the sight of blood, or a spirit?! Har!


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Ji An is beyond annoyed around Su-Chang when he is possessing Dong Tak's body. She doesn't like him at all, and the writers have put special emphasis on this:

"Ji-an points out how things just work out when they work together, and says that when he apologizes and promises not to get her involved in things again, it just makes her want to get closer. Su-chang interrupts, sighing that he hates this and asking why she’s talking about another man when she’s with him."

It's right there in the review. She thinks of DT when she's with SC.

I understand SLS but, come on, SC is using DT's body to kiss her despite knowing she likes another man. It's absolutely underhanded and disgusting. He called the bracelet he gave her "cuffs", btw. Why are some of you people unable to see just how messed up SC's actions are? DT has every right in the world to be upset. This guy is using his body and complicating his life because he is a selfish brat who never cared about anyone but himself.

Get the SLS googles off and look at the big picture, please.


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Agreed with everything you said! The second lead is cute and all but he's pissing me off with the way he's acting out like a child with a toy. I'm all for him pursuing Ji-an if he was in his own body. But he's not. And using someone else's body to mess up their personal and professional life isn't right any way you see it. For him to not care about that really shows his selfishness.

As for Ji-an I agree that she doesn't like him. She only ever has eyes for DT. His righteousness, sense of justice, and sincerity are what makes her like him. And the only reason she's looking at SC is because he's in DT's body. SC is using that (DT's body) to make moves on her which is just wrong since she has no clue he's a different person! It would be like making out with your twin's girlfriend. Just wrong and amoral.


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I came here to say exactly this. I really dislike him when he acts as though he has the right to use CDTs body as he wishes. It's all sort of messed up.

On that note, was I supposed to find that scene where he lied to CDT about Min-Ah being there when she was gone funny? This is a domestic violence victim put into a coma by her boyfriend and SC is treating the situation as a way to mess with CDT. The guy's a dick.


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i like this show because im really amazed by jjs' acting when he flips personalities. LOL.

but im still occasionally confused and frustrated as well. can they start really really really working together for real by next week. please stop fighting. tik tok.


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Thanks for your speedy recap, LollyPip!

Su-chang's referring to the bracelet as "cuffs" is a twist on American slang that calls handcuffs "bracelets."

The conman's continuing juvenile delinquent behavior is getting to me, too. Here's hoping that he's finally gotten the wake-up call he needs to straighten up and fly right. How many more cardiac arrests will it take?? Are they symptomatic of his heart not being in the right place? (Geeze, now I'm having flashbacks to BLACK and the the heart transplant. Yikes.)

I just hope that all this horsing around doesn't cause a rushed, illogical finale. Time's a-wasting, Su-chang. You'll have no one to blame but yourself if you never regain consciousness.

On a subconscious level, is he maybe not waking up because, like the young woman who was attacked by her abusive boyfriend, he has given up hope that anything will change, and that his father's name can be cleared?

I feel really bad for Dong-tak when he gets his credit card bill. :-(

In episode 15, I couldn't figure out why no one thought of comparing the thumbprint on the agreement that Ji-an pieced together with the boyfriend's fingerprints. Would that have been only circumstantial evidence? In the note, he admits to having beaten her in the past. Combined with hospital records, shouldn't that have been admissible evidence? It's in the perpetrator's own writing, for crying out loud. (Granted, the chain of evidence is suspect, because it was not gathered and reconstructed by the investigating officer -- but by a civilian.) Arrgh!


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SuChang annoys me more than DongTak tbh. I don’t think Dongtak telling him to stay away from Ji-an is him being possesive. He just wants to protect her because she was in danger the last time Suchang approached her.(the mess that DongTak cleaned up btw) He’s charming and all but he’s also selfish and doesn’t think of the consequences of his actions while using DongTak’s body. I personally hate how he spends DongTak’s money like it’s his own hard-earned money, and expect him to clean after his mess. He doesn’t have the right to do that. It also seems like he’s more interested in pursuing Ji-an than solving his father’s case.


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YES! I personally see DT's anger towards CH to be very justified. He told him to stay away from Ji-an not only because of the accident, but because he knows she will trust DT's face even when SC is the one using his body. So that might lead to her blindly following behind SC as was the case twice before now. So his anger was very much justified and not coming from possessive feelings.

I agree about SC using DT's money as well. It really pissed me off when he used his money to go shopping. Specially since we saw how little DT has in his account since he sends most of it off to the little kid. For SC to know that and to still blow his money off, and to then take Ji-an on a date? Yes pretty despicable of him.

Also, kudos to Jo jung-suk's acting because I actively hate his guts when he's pretending to be SC!! I laughed out loud at the hospital scene where JJS is acting as SC, acting as DT and it was just so hilarious!!! I could see the different layers he's portraying which just made me love him more!


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One more thing: I was disturbed to see the affable Director Kim from TEMPERATURE OF LOVE popping up as an abusive boyfriend. Very distressing. (But I'm glad to see him in another role.)


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He is also an abusive boyfriend in Age Of Youth season 1. :D


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Oh, rats! I hope he's not typecast. His character was annoying in TOL, but eventually grew on me. I guess Assistant Writer Hwangbo Kyung lucked out with Director Kim Joon-ha. ;-)


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And a violent stalker in Suspicious Partner.


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Holy mackerel! Ji Il-joo's filmography is sounding more and more like a rap sheet!


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His smile as a stalker was so memorable, I felt really uncomfortable with him as a wannabe boyfriend for Kyung. I kept thinking, ugh, no, it's him, get away!


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I haven't seen either of these other dramas, but having watched him in TOL, I'm getting second-hand fear and loathing. When he wasn't being a royal PITA, he was quite charming. Lovely smile, too. *shudder*


I think the one she likes is DT, because she seems impressed by his logic and way of thinking when dealing with cases, and she always make a use of what she learns from him, and try to improve herself, it's true that SC is the one who progressed the interaction between them but she doesn't seem to be amazed by his action when he's in control.
I am starting to get annoyed by SC and his childish acts, in addition to spending his money when he knows that he's poor, it's when he tricked DT to believe that Min Ah (spirit) is still sitting and he was making fun of him while he was sincere by wanting to solve her case, it wasn't funny it's rather annoying.


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The spent an entire episode showing us that she feels more comfortable drinking with cops than living it up in expensive restaurants. Dong Tak is the one she likes. The only time she complains about his personality changes is when he's possessed.

SC was particularly unlikable in this episode. I don't find it funny and I've just realised that's the main reason I'm not connecting with the drama at the moment. That scene with Min Ah in particular was not funny. It was horrible.


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I think JiAn's feeling for DongTak has been growing since episode 1. They could still fall in love even if SuChang wasn't there. SuChang just makes JiAn feel confused and makes thing between DongTak and JiAn become complicated. I'm quite disappointed with SuChang in this Episode. All he need to do is cooperate with DongTak to solve his father case and save himself, but instead he break his promise with Dongtak, continue to process him to have a date with a girl. He needs to stop being childish and get his act together if he don't want die soon.

Upcoming Episode's preview shows that DongTak is put in prison. He must be framed by the corrupt superior. Will this stop SuChang to process him? Lol (Jo Jung-seok looks so freaking hot with the new hairstyle)


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I'm frustrated with Su-chang. He has changed in a way, more caring and willing to put extra effort to help other people, and even enjoying that at some point. But whenever it comes to the romance part, he kept doing things he knew full well shouldn't be done. Like hijacking Dong-tak's body after the detective allowed him to borrow it for that day. Or making a move to Ji-an when he knew it wouldn't help him in any way. I just hope he'll tell Dong-tak soon about his 49 days deadline so that he can come back to his own body, become a true partner with Dong-tak, and finally stop muddying the romance.


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I feel like they deliberately regressed him this episode. I mean, he just found out that CDT sends a lot of money to the son of a cop he liked and respected and he still goes out and spends what he has left with no consideration for what it will mean for CDT when he comes back. I didn't find this episode funny at all actually.


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They should both be feeling some urgency....

I get what you mean. It is starting to be a yawn fest, it must get better. It has after all most ingredients to be a good show.


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I thought the case was handled pretty well. I enjoyed how Suchang and Dongtak worked together. And I even liked how Ji-an's moment with Min-ah. Then the cherry on top was that Jae Hee was going to indict abusive boyfriend for attempted murder.

Then Su-chang goes and decides to take Dong-tak's body for a joyride. Using his money even though he knew Dong-tak sends that money to his dead partner's family. For a 16/32 episode series, we should have moved past that portion of the relationship already. I want my bromance! Dong-tak, knowing that Su-chang is an impulsive idiot, should also try to be more of an understanding hyung, especially since Su-chang got hurt while Dong-tak was tryinig to arrest him.

As for the "don't go near her" attitude. I'm not sure what to make of it. Sometimes, I read it as Dong-tak getting obnoxiously posessive about Ji An. Other times, I think he's being righteously overprotective since Su-chang did almost get her killed. I was hope Su-chang would be more contrite about it. Then again, the show doesn't seem to conveying any of that "the stakes are high!" tension.

As much as I'm finding the main characters annoying at times, I love the side characters: Yongpal, Bong, and Sung-hyuk.


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I think DT telling SC to not go near Ji-an is just him looking out for her. Not only because SC almost got her killed twice (1st time when she got kidnapped by the thugs, and then this latest one), but also because he knows she trusts his face. And since she doesn't no that DT and SC are two different people she will blindly follow SC when he tells her to do anything when he's in DT's body. That's why DT constantly keeps reminding her to not listen to him if he doesn't sound like himself and agree to do something dangerous.

I'm not saying DT doesn't feel jealous. Those feelings are obviously there as we saw him asking her if she gets angry and smiles at everyone. But I believe DT is too much of a decent guy to let those factor into his treatment of Ji-an. His first and foremost concern is her safety. And so he would suppress his jealousies or push them aside to first make sure she is safe. Like when he noticed Ji-an called the prosecutor "oppa" but he didn't cause a scene or bring this up later on since he wanted her to be safe and knew she was better off without him then.


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Regardless of all of CDTs motives, there are some serious consent issues going on here. I can't see any problem with the guy for telling SC his behaviour is wrong. His behaviour *is* wrong!


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I thought the steak dinner incident showed that Ji-An was not interested in Su-chang but Dong-Tak. She seems impatient with his behaviour when he's like this, even though I'm sure she likes the attention.

I continue to enjoy this show while not being particularly blown away with it. JJS is always amazing and I'd watch him read the phone book so I'm not going anywhere. But it's just not resonating with me the way I hoped it would.


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