Let’s Eat 3: Episode 6

Seo-yeon may seem foot-loose and fancy-free, but she finally comes face-to-face with the realities of her situation and has to make some difficult decisions. Ji-woo also struggles to reconcile how she feels versus what she perceives to be the truth, while Sun realizes that he may have met his foodie match. Sigh. If only adult life could be as carefree as those college days.

EPISODE 6 RECAP: “Yang Jang Pi”

Seo-yeon steps out of her bedroom and walks over “the line” without thinking, but one look from Sun reminds her of his warning that he could cross it, too, and she immediately steps back behind it. But after Sun leaves for work, she hops over “the line” and petulantly stops on the forbidden side of the floor.

She gets a call from a friend saying her missing business partner, Yeon-ah, was seen at the hospital. Seo-yeon races over and practically tackles Yeon-ah as she tries to run away. Seo-yeon demands her money back, but Yeon-ah apologizes: she can’t give it to Seo-yeon because she doesn’t have the money anymore.

It turns out that Yeon-ah is a single mother with a sick child (which explains why she was at the hospital). Yeon-ah had left her child with her mother and had gone to America for a fresh start, but when she heard her son had cancer and that the treatments were expensive, she felt like she had no choice but to take the money to care for her child.

Seo-yeon angrily accuses Yeon-ah of turning Seo-yeon into the evil, fraudulent one when Seo-yeon did nothing wrong. But she can’t really fight a woman whose hair is turning grey and falling out due to the stress of her sick child, so instead Seo-yeon just walks away.

Dae-young’s boss is thrilled that he’s in better spirits lately and pursuing new clients. He’s like the old Dae-young again! But Dae-young ducks out of work when he gets a call from Seo-yeon, who’s drunk at a local restaurant.

She had to call him because she didn’t have any money, so she’s cashing in Dae-young’s promise to buy her a meal. Concerned, Dae-young asks how her headhunting business is going, and Seo-yeon confesses she wasn’t a headhunter. She tells him that her business flopped and she came back to Korea without a cent.

She wryly says that he’s right: she’s just the same as she was in college — more impressed with appearances than what’s on the inside. She’s still living off other people even now. Seo-yeon tries to hide her tears as she wonders why her life is miserably complicated, then warns Dae-young not to tell Ji-woo anything, not wanting to give her sister the satisfaction.

Seo-yeon reaches over for another bottle of soju and, in doing so, drags her hair in the pan of broth. Dae-young gets some tissues to clean her hair as Seo-yeon drunkenly leans against him. Just at that time, Sun and Ji-woo walk into the restaurant.

They’re surprised to see Dae-young and Seo-yeon there, especially looking so cozy, and Ji-woo decides to leave. Sun’s astonished that Dae-young and Seo-yeon know each other, wondering if they’re dating. He asks if Ji-woo knows Seo-yeon, too, but Ji-woo says she doesn’t know Seo-yeon and that they’re not dating because Dae-young already has a girlfriend.

Later that night when Dae-young returns home, he wonders why Ji-woo left the restaurant earlier, and Ji-woo says it would have been too awkward to stay. Then she bluntly asks if he’s dating Seo-yeon, using Sun’s curiosity as an excuse to find out the truth.

Dae-young says that he was just being considerate since Seo-yeon’s going through some difficulties, and Ji-woo mutters that it’s no surprise since Seo-yeon seems to always have had issues that required Dae-young’s help.

Dae-young gets a text and tells Ji-woo that it’s a serious problem: Sung-joo is getting married! She’s thrilled to discover that Dae-young’s kept in touch with his friends from college and Dae-young admits that he lost contact with Byung-sam after graduation, but he knows Jin-seok got a job and moved to another city.

Dae-young invites her to the wedding as his date so the college friends can reunite. On the drive to the wedding, Dae-young reveals that Sung-joo is marrying the noona he used to date in college. Does this mean we’ll finally get to see who she is?

Sun relaxes in his apartment, but becomes worried because Seo-yeon is way too quiet in her room. He’s convinced she must be cooking up some new scheme, so he’s surprised when she reveals she found her business partner. Seo-yeon won’t be able to pay Sun’s cousin back, though, so she’s planning to return to America and take full responsibility.

Seo-yeon reassures him she’s not leaving right away, though. First, she needs to visit her father. But “visiting her father” means going to see his urn at the columbarium.

Sung-joo is thrilled to see Dae-young and Ji-woo again. Unfortunately, Jin-seok can’t make the wedding (boo!), and Sung-joo says that maybe everyone can get together at the next wedding. He points out that he always thought Dae-young and Ji-woo would’ve made a cute couple in college, and teases that the two of them can get married.

Ji-woo’s about to tell Sung-joo that Dae-young has a girlfriend, but Dae-young smoothly interrupts and pleasantly says that he and Ji-woo can be each other’s “backups” if they’re still single when they’re forty.

Sung-joo waves over his bride to meet his old friends — annnnnnnd we don’t get to see her face! Boo. But we do get to see the super cute young boy who runs up, calling her “Momma.” Haha, Sung-joo explains that they had a kid first and then planned the wedding.

The wedding commences, and we gradually fade back to 2004 when the college friends marvel at Sung-joo being picked up by his mysterious noona girlfriend with the fancy car. The other boys decide to have a BBQ dinner on the roof, but Ji-woo has to head to her part-time job.

She’s still trying to hide the fact that Seo-yeon is living with her because she can barely afford expenses as they are now, so there’s no way she can afford officially adding Seo-yeon to the lease. Aw, as she walks away, Dae-young notices the keychain he got her in Busan hanging from her backpack.

The boys prep for their BBQ dinner, and Dae-young starts washing the lettuce. With soap. OMG. Jin-seok yells at him for washing the lettuce improperly, and tells Dae-young that he can’t just wash the lettuce like he’s doing laundry, instead Dae-young should watch each leaf individually. WITH SOAP. Oh, Ji-woo, where are you? I need you to save these boys from themselves!

Even so, they enjoy their grilled thin-sliced pork belly, even if they can’t figure out why it feels like their insides are being cleaned. ‘Cause of the soap, y’know. The soap you should never use when washing produce.

Jin-seok gets a call from Seo-yeon and he scrambles to finish polishing her shoes, since the date she needs them for was moved up by a couple of hours. The other two boys tell him he’s being an idiot, doing so much for a girl who’s dating someone else. They break out into a rousing chorus of “Love Fool” a song made popular in 2004 by indie rock group, The Nuts (which drama fans should know about since Ji Hyun-woo was once the lead guitarist).

Meanwhile, Ji-woo waltzes home. Or at least she tries to, since she’s practicing for her final exam in “Waltz 101.” Seo-yeon says that Ji-woo should have taken an easier class — that’s how Seo-yeon manages to have top grades in all her classes. Ji-woo blusters that college isn’t just about getting good grades, but having experiences.

Except Seo-yeon knows that Ji-woo only signed up for the class because of how much she loved the waltz scene in Lovers in Paris. Ha!

Ji-woo grumpily says that she told Seo-yeon not to come home until after 9pm, and Seo-yeon pleads with Ji-woo to just tell the landlord that Seo-yeon’s living there so they don’t have to sneak around any longer. Except Seo-yeon can’t afford to pay for extra rent, either.

They continue to bicker all the way home, and are shocked when the landlady immediately barges in before they’ve even had time to take their shoes off. The landlady is triumphant that she’s found proof that Seo-yeon is living there, and Ji-woo bluffs that Seo-yeon is actually Dae-young’s friend who only came by to borrow — Ji-woo scans the kitchen and grabs the nearest item — cooking oil.

The landlady is still unconvinced, so they troop over to Dae-young’s apartment. He’s surprised to see them, and Ji-woo pointedly tells Dae-young to explain to the landlady that “his friend” Seo-yeon was just next door to borrow cooking oil. Bewildered but affable, plus knowing Ji-woo’s financial predicament and wanting to help her out, Dae-young affirms that Seo-yeon is his friend.

The landlady says that must mean Seo-yeon is really his girlfriend, and Seo-yeon chirps that the landlady is right: she and Dae-young are dating.

Ji-woo’s annoyed, but Seo-yeon says it’s the simplest explanation and this way it’ll be easier for them all. Then Seo-yeon shrewdly eyes Ji-woo, asking if she has a problem with her pretending to be Dae-young’s girlfriend.

Ji-woo sputters that she’s just concerned about Dae-young having to keep up the pretense and then stomps to her room, much to Seo-yeon’s knowing amusement.

In the morning, as the girls leave the apartment, Seo-yeon stops by Dae-young’s apartment to ask him to escort her to the front gate so they can keep up the appearance of boyfriend-and-girlfriend. Ji-woo’s disgusted by the way Seo-yeon sidles up to the obliging but still half-asleep Dae-young in her attempt to “keep up appearances.”

You’d think Jin-seok would have a heart attack to see Seo-yeon pretend to date Dae-young, but he gallantly insists that he doesn’t mind since it means Seo-yeon can still live next door and hang out with them.

Seo-yeon continues to play up her part of the girlfriend even at school, much to Ji-woo’s annoyance. Seo-yeon points out that she needs to stay in character. She points out where her “boyfriend” is sitting in the cafeteria, but Dae-young’s actually waving at Ji-woo.

Seo-yeon snags the seat next to him, anyway, and even eats off his plate (using his chopsticks!). Haha, the girls have a kicking war under the table. They can’t be civil anywhere, can they?

Ji-woo continues to seethe as Seo-yeon says pretending to be Dae-young’s girlfriend is making her realize how great a “real” boyfriend he would be. When Seo-yeon slips her arm through Dae-young’s so they can walk arm-and-arm on the way home, Ji-woo finally loses her cool as Sung-joo points out a lot of famous actors started dating after pretending to be in love.

But before Ji-woo can tear the fake couple apart, Jin-seok runs up and punches Dae-young. Turns out, Jin-seok wasn’t as cool as he looked about the fake dating.

Ha, their fighting style isn’t much different from the step-sister’s hair-pulling, and as the boys roll around on the ground (including Sung-joo and Byung-sam, who leap to intervent), Seo-yeon rolls her eyes at them and turns to her sister — but Ji-woo’s gone.

That’s because she’s informing the landlady that Seo-yeon is actually living with her and isn’t Dae-young’s girlfriend. I guess matters of the heart are more important than what’s in her wallet.

Dae-young finds Ji-woo trying to practice waltzing with Seo-yeon, but it’s a disaster. He offers to help out, since he already took that class and got an A in it. With his expertise, he and Ji-woo waltz without stepping on any toes.

That brings us back to 2018, where Dae-young and Ji-woo dance at the Sung-joo’s wedding reception. Hey, “Waltz 101” actually came in handy!

As Ji-woo watches Sung-joo dance with his bride, she imagines what it would be like to dance with Dae-young at their wedding. She’s still lost in that dream as Dae-young drives them home. When she steps out of the car to head upstairs, Seo-yeon marches up and slaps Ji-woo in the face.

Seo-yeon furiously asks how Ji-woo had the nerve to move Seo-yeon’s father’s ashes. Ji-woo slaps Seo-yeon back, angrily pointing out that she wouldn’t have had to if she knew how to contact Seo-yeon.

Seo-yeon’s ready to slap Ji-woo back but Dae-young stops her, trying to talk reason into the estranged sisters. He points out that they can’t keep avoiding each other, so the two of them should sit down and discuss what’s going on.

Ji-woo says that says that the contracted space at the columbarium expired, so that’s she had the ashes moved to a different place. If Seo-yeon really wanted to act like the doting daughter, she should have tried to stay in touch. Ji-woo gripes that Seo-yeon was always too busy drinking with boys to care about her father.

Ji-woo warns Seo-yeon to stay away from Dae-young — she doesn’t care what Seo-yeon does with other guys, but Dae-young has a girlfriend, so he’s off limits. Amused, Seo-yeon wonders if Ji-woo still likes Dae-young after all these years. Ji-woo denies it, and Seo-yeon defends herself, saying that she asked Dae-young out for a drink not knowing he was dating anyone else.

As she stands to leave, Seo-yeon tells Ji-woo to not call her “cheap” or “low class,” since it’s clear that Ji-woo also enjoyed her time with Dae-young despite fully knowing he has a girlfriend. Pot, meet kettle.

Sun returns home to find Seo-yeon with her suitcase all packed. He’s annoyed because she told him she wouldn’t be running away, but finds out that she’s actually trying to sell off all her designer goods at a luxury second-hand store.

She gives him the money she made from selling her personal items. It’s not much, but it’s enough to help cover the bathroom cleaning fee and his injury expenses. Sun tries to avoid taking it, but Seo-yeon tells him it won’t do her any good. It’s not like she has much use for designer purses and shoes in jail.

Sun pretends not to care what Seo-yeon is doing so quietly in her room, but finally he knocks and checks in on her. She’s busy writing apology notes to all of her regular customers, informing them that her online business will be closed for good. Seo-yeon admits it feels weird to realize that this is the end.

At work, Ji-woo’s lost in thought as she wrestles with her feelings for Dae-young and the fact that he has a girlfriend. She gets a message from Yoon-ji asking to meet, but it’s really just a way for Yoon-ji to try her hand at matchmaking as she offers a couple of musical tickets to Dae-young as a way to thank him for being such a great insurance agent.

Hahaha, Dae-young admits he likes musicals and even has two musical stars, Yang Yo-seob and Son Dong-woon, as his clients. Um, I think you “as fellow members of Highlight who recently starred in musicals,” Doo-joon, but I’ll take whatever meta jokes I can get.

Anyway, Yoon-ji does her matchmaking best to make it so Dae-young and Ji-woo attend the musical together, but Ji-woo gives her ticket to Dae-young, saying she doesn’t like musicals. Later, she tells Yoon-ji that Dae-young has a girlfriend, so she has to give up any budding hope she feels when she thinks about dating him.

Yoon-ji is also surprised that Ji-woo is still thinking of moving out, since Ji-woo no longer needs a ground floor apartment now that Mom is at the nursing home. Yoon-ji pouts that Ji-woo is denying the romantic fate of her old college crush moving in next door, but Ji-woo wonders if moving out would be the new start she needs.

The CQ Foods creative time is delighted by Dae-young’s thoughtful drink selection (that they like more than Sun’s offering) and his ability to notice the small interests each of them have. Sun is determined to keep the meeting focused on business, but that even backfires because the team is even more thrilled by the list of obscure restaurants Dae-young presents to them.

Sun’s barely able to hide his irritation as he walks by Dae-young chatting with the receptionists, letting them know about a good nearby restaurant. Sun tells Dae-young that he’s worried Dae-young’s overly friendly manner with the women in the office — and to Seo-yeon at the restaurant — will cause problems.

Dae-young cheerfully tells Sun that he’s affectionately friendly with everyone, women and men, which is why he’s so good at being an insurance salesman. Haha, he stops speaking formally to Sun as soon as they walk out of the office building. Not only that, he asks about Sun’s tummy-burn.

Sun is both shocked by Dae-young’s informality (which Dae-young says is only reserved outside of the office) and bewildered by the term, “tummy-burn.” Ha, that’s what Dae-young calls the strip of hair on Sun’s stomach (y’know, the “happy trail”), and with a twinkle in his eye, Dae-young reminds Sun that he saw it when Sun slept over at his house that night.

Sun scrambles to get away from Dae-young, attempting to keep his dignity, much to Dae-young’s amusement. He reminds Dae-young that they’re not close enough to cross “the line” of being casual with each other. Haha, Dae-young thinks Sun’s uptight reaction to his teasing is super cute.

Sun’s on a scouting mission to try a popular Chinese-fusion restaurant. He finally makes it to the head of the line and is seated, but just as he orders, Dae-young slips in and joins him at the table. Sun tries to order him out (after all, Dae-young cut “the line”), but Dae-young points out that yang jang pi (a Chinese-Korean noodle dish) is a dish for more than just one person.

The men face-off as they recite all the amazing qualities of yang jang pi, proving they’re on equal footing with their foodie knowledge. But Sun stops Dae-young from taking a bite until Sun can take a photo of the food.

Sighing in annoyance, Dae-young says this is why he only takes pictures of the empty bowls — everyone takes photos of the food, so it’s easy to find those pictures online if someone really wants to see it. Sun looks around and sees that, indeed, all the customers at the nearby are taking pictures of their food.

The men enjoy their dish, though, and as they finish it, they surprise each other by simultaneously requesting some spicy seafood soup. Dae-young’s delighted by how in-synch their tastebuds are, although Sun seems annoyed. They’re again surprised to discover that they even mix the dishes in the same way, and they learn that they both were once Ji-woo’s students in all things gourmet.

Dae-young returns home with his bounty of to-go items that he and Sun picked out just for Ji-woo, but he’s surprised to see that Ji-woo is meeting with a potential new tenant for her apartment. He wonders if there’s a way she can still stay, since he’s enjoyed spending time with her again.

Ji-woo says that her life hasn’t exactly improved with him moving in next door, but she makes it sound more joking than it really is by pointing out he moved next door and then immediately Seo-yeon came back into her life. Ji-woo adds that she wants to find that same zest for life that Dae-young did, and since he did that by moving, maybe it’ll work for her, too.

She offers to leave him her outdoor bench so Dae-young can enjoy drinking on the porch with his girlfriend. Dae-young simply says that if she needs any help packing, to let him know. They’re both a little sad, though, as they return to their respective apartments.

Sun returns home and is surprised that Seo-yeon isn’t there. He finds a note in the trash can that says, “Thank you for everything. I’m sorry that this is how I have to say goodbye.”

Sun tries calling Seo-yeon, but she doesn’t answer. He checks her Instagram, and the most recent photo is of a lake with the message, “It’s all so futile. I should just give up.”

Sun frantically drives to the lake in the photo, worried about how Seo-yeon kept talking about a “final goodbye.” He runs throughout the area, desperately calling for Seo-yeon. So he’s shocked when he hears her voice, asking him why he’s there.

She’s there in this out-of-the-way place because this tiny restaurant supposedly has the best kimchi sujebi, but she’s disappointed that it isn’t very good. Amused that Sun was worried she was going to kill herself, Seo-yeon explains that she was “giving up” looking for a good kimchi sujebi restaurant.

Sun sputters he was just worried about Seo-yeon because of his cousin, and Seo-yeon wonders why his cousin holds so much sway with him. Sun says it’s because he lived with her when he moved to America as a kid, back when his parents were too busy working to take care of him.

Seo-yeon can relate, since she felt lonely as a kid when her parents divorced. She adds that she can still remember the delivery phone number where she used to order food all the time. Sun lights up as he tells Seo-yeon that he used to order delivery all the time, and actually his door code is his favorite delivery restaurant’s phone number.

They’re delighted to find something in common until Seo-yeon realizes that she’s leaving Korea soon to face the music of her fraudulent actions.

Sun decides to make Seo-yeon a proposal. His cousin is only worried about getting her money back, so Seo-yeon can just get a job and pay her back. Sun offers to hire her as his personal assistant. Ooooh, and he says it when he’s on “her” side of the line. He’s actually crossed a line!

His cousin is delighted to get her money back, and Sun is happy to let his cousin think Seo-yeon got the money from her business partner instead of from him. His cousin also reassures him that now he never has to deal with Seo-yeon again! Mmm-hmmm, sure.

Epilogue. Dae-young stands in front of Soo-ji’s urn and places the musical tickets next to the photo of them. Sob. He turns around when he hears a voice — it’s Seo-yeon, realizing that this must be his girlfriend.


Ugh. Dae-young, I love you, but you not talking about the fact that your girlfriend has passed away is killing me. Wait, that probably wasn’t the best turn of phrase. But the point still stands! I get that it’s hard to talk about difficult, emotional, and deeply private matters, but considering how easy it is for him to insert himself in other’s lives, maybe it’s time for him to allow someone to insert themselves in his. Especially someone like Ji-woo — not only do they have history together, he’s already seen her try to deal with her own crushing burden with her mother. Wouldn’t that be a convenient segue to confess that his own burden is dealing with the pain of losing someone he loved? Then again, I suppose he wouldn’t want to scare off Ji-woo by admitting she’s the one who helped shake him out of his depression, especially when he always seems like the happy-go-lucky cheerful chatterbox who’s so strong for everyone else.

That does make him feel a little selfish, though, since he wants the breezy friendship with Ji-woo while still seemingly aware that she’s being extra careful to not cross that “line,” as Sun would say. My heart aches for him as he’s figuring out how to really let Soo-ji go, but my heart aches even more for Ji-woo who keeps fighting to continue on each day despite being continually slapped in the face that her life isn’t the happily-ever-after she dreamed about while in college. And that dream seems like it could have actually once been a reality. At first, I thought college Dae-young enjoyed Ji-woo because he’s just a friendly guy who likes everyone and particularly enjoys learning all about Ji-woo’s food knowledge. But I’m super excited that we’re finally getting hints he might have liked Ji-woo back then, too.

I mean, just consider the thoughtful look on his face when he saw the keychain on her backpack, or how happy he was to wave her over to join him for lunch (and conversely be mildly annoyed when Seo-yeon stole the seat next to him instead, although of course he couldn’t show it in his perpetually-affable Dae-young way). Actually, that might be his problem — he’s a little too nice and a little too friendly. Maybe Sun has a point. I love Dae-young for his effortless charm with people, but thinking back on it, it does seem like everyone else did all the hard work when it came to having a relationship with him. He just seemed to fall into it, look around, and go, “Hey, this seems nice, I think I’ll date this person who’s clearly into me, and oh wow, it turns out I like them, too! How convenient! Now let’s go get some dinner.”

Maybe I exaggerate a little, but it does feel like Dae-young’s a little too effortless when it comes to relationships. I want to see him sweat! I want to see him work for it! I want to see him lose his cool over something that isn’t food! I want him to fight for Ji-woo and be painfully honest with her! Heck, I want everyone to start being honest with each other (and with themselves)!

Most of all, though, I want to know who I have to bribe to get footage of 2004 Dae-young taking “Waltz 101” in college. Because I need it. For reasons.


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I liked let's eat season 1 a lot, didn't really like season 2 as everyone else and I thought it was because of the new love interest, but considering how much I'm LOVING season 3 despite the death, I think season 2 was just not my thing for whatever reason. college coming of age-ish stories will always have a special place in my heart. it's really hard to get it wrong for me (looking at you, CIITT), but I also think season 3 has the strongest writing from all series. even though we still have all the "the whole drama universe has a connection to each other" trope, each character struggle and backstory are important to me, something that I never felt so hard from the previous seasons. it was usually just the main girl own arc that I was interested in following, but now I just want to know more about each one of that college gang after all these years (still waiting for 2018!jinseok! I like him so much, I kind of wish we could see seoyeon and him having at least a little something back in the days lol).


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I fully agree with you on the coming-of-age story for this season, one of my favorite genre for the same reasons you mentioned. Wainting for the gang and Jin Seok in 2018 ! If there's a season 4, it's kind of hard to think of another storyline.


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I had similar evolution... liked season 1, dropped season 2... and so far loving season 3, especially the college days... and the sisters' story.


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So I was horrified how mean Seo-Yeon was to her partner after she found out that the partner stole her money to treat her sick son. I was like, really??? The kid is obviously dying and you’re going to have a knock down drag out with his mother? I think that was a misstep in the writing and producing. Or maybe that’s the worst we’ll see her and she’ll be a sweetie pie from now on.

I cannot drop this show, even though I have no time! The dancing was so sweet! And the wedding dance dream sequence, just beautiful. I screen capped/gif’d the entire scene because I just want to see that boy get married. @odilettante can watch Doo-Joon’s Beast/Highlight practice vids is she really wants to see him dancing—I’m always starring at him 😆. Here’s a good one—he’s in the ballcap and has the lead in vocal. https://youtu.be/mWFU6w8wXkE

And I can’t get enough of Dae-young teasing Sun. I ship DY with absolutely everyone, including Sun. In a different drama, I could watch these two as the OTP ALL.DAY.LONG. I loved the comedic timing of the actor here too. I hope this bromance ends up being for a lifetime. It has to right? Sun + Seo-Yeon, Dae-young + Ji+woo= awesome in-laws.

And I thought I would just be happy this episode, but then the show had to pull Su-Ji back into my consciousness. I get why Dae-young doesn’t talk about her. I haven’t gotten over her either. I cried again after seeing him put those concert tickets on her columbarium. I get you, DY! Solidarity.

I’m enjoying this installment so much. I just hope it continues to be good.


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Seo Yeon reacted this way because she had a hard time because of her partner running off with money. She stopped herself seeing that she wasn't the only one struggling, so it showed a kind side of her - really, really deep inside. I'm defending her and hope she will live up to my expectations.

The waltz scene was so cute and Ji Woo's face literally shined ! I felt like I was the one dancing with my crush haha. Go Ji Woo !

Bromance is set for good, no matter what happens. In-laws for life ? Please show, give it to us.

I wonder how much more time Dae Young will take to reveal Ji Woo that his girlfriend died. Maybe if it's revelead, it can puch JW to talk about her and SY ?


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Well, Ally, you just led me down a 2-hour rabbit hole of Highlight dance practices leading to Weekly Idol episodes. Somebody stop me, please!


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You’re welcome—I’ve been there before and don’t regret a minute I spent doing it! I think Doo-joon really doesn’t have to act very much for this character. I think he’s just as affable in real life.


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Lol, I did that with Taemin.


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Lady stole her money and left her to take the legal blame. I don't care about her sob story, she severely wronged Seo-yeon and it's extremely generous of SY not to drag her to the cops.


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I guess I see your point. Still, hair pulling outside the hospital room? Where are we? The Jerry Springer Show?


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At first I had the same reaction at Seo-yeon reaction with her partner. Then I put myself at her place and I think her first reaction is understandable or at least normal (even if it's a bad one). Even if her partner's reason is a good one she's still destroyed SY life (it's not just a few dollars she has stolen, but enough for SY to face legal consequences even if the drama downplay it with the convenient hiring plot.. and don't get me wrong I'm ready to like that plot with all the work relation jinx between SY and Sunwoo ^^). I don’t think I wouldn’t have a similar reaction at her place (even if I agree she could had do others things, than an hair pulling action but at least she’s consistent with her character ^^).

On contrary I think her decision to let her partner go and face the consequences alone was an admirable one and as mango said in the next comment showed her kind side.
That’s why I like SY, she’s may not be a perfect person or even a good one, She’s deceptive, manipulative,petty and too proud. But she showed enough vulnerability and flash of conscience or regrets to understand her. In a way she feels like a real life flawed person. (The only time I find no understanding for her actions is with Jin seok in 2004 where she’s right down cruel with him without reason).

And in general that’s what I like with the let’s eat series, apart from the yummy food. The plot and conflict may be too simple for some but there’s no unnecessary evil or one-dimensional character, especially in the installment. Each of them (even DY) are flawed in a “good way”.
2 things I agree with you I get why DY still can’t talk about Soo-Ji and I also enjoy this installment so much even if I don’t have time aha.

Last thing be proud I read some dramabeans reviews for years and it’s the first time I couldn’t help myself to leave an answer to a comment ^^

Sorry for the lengthy comment and broken English, it’s been a while since I wrote in English. Have a good day/night ^^


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I’m glad you wrote something! Now you just have to register an account and keep practicing your English writing because what you’ve said is worth reading—even in your “broken” English—which it really isn’t.


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Thanks for the advice, I might take it once I will have more time aha.

For the time being count on me to leave unregistered comments as the self proclaimed official Seo-Yeon knight-in-armor ^^.


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You be that “knight-in-shining armor!”


You exactly said what I feel about Seo Yeon ! Your comment is interesting :) (coming from an non-English speaker)


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Thumbs up for a fellow SY supporters ^^.
I always had a soft spot for flawed but interesting female second leader character.
Sadly it's a rare species in dramaland.


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I actually really like Seo-Yeon as a second lead and would probably be her best friend. I also like that she has no romantic feelings towards our first lead (which is rare in kdrama land as well!). I just didn’t think her physical outburst in the hospital was in character—it wasn’t the character I was upset with, I had her written in my imagination a bit differently. I can see her assaulting Ji-woo, because she’s her sister, but I thought she was more professional than attacking a business partner, that’s all. So, again, a writing/directing flaw in my mind.


This is funny, Ally, because I had a completely opposite reaction. I was sooo angry at the Mom of Sick Child who STOLE the money and put her business partner in debt and legal difficulties. Sure there are different ways how to solve the situation than stealing... like take the loan by herself on her own name... (or at least TALK to the people around and ASK for the money).
But this was pure STEALING. And excusing the behaviour by the sickness of the child? I call this emotional blackmail. Seo Yeon every right to get angry. She also had no obligation to help and I think it was very very generous of her to let it slide...

Yeah, pulling the hair was maybe a bit too much, but after 10 years of kdrama watching I'm getting immune 😁


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She ended up with a satisfying story arc, I think. She had a great heart after all!


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Good to hear, I'm her secret fan 🙂 (though part of it may be lingering fondness for Soah from Waikiki 😁).


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Tell me when you finish so I can relive this with you!


@ally-le ok 😄
Finished ep7. 🙂


It feels like Seo-yeon had a personality transplant. I don't like her manipulative and self serving personality, but at least she was consistent.
Sun is too good for her!
I'm actually really excited for all the Ji-woo leaving angst. I think it'll work well, pulling the heartstrings for us and giving Dae-young a chance to evaluate his relationship with her.


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Seo Yeon has a good side that's really deep inside her. We can it with her interactions with Ji Woo and Mom in 2004. She cares for people close to her and can show a sweet side. So, her behavior during this episode wasn't that shocking, it just made me think of what bad thing happened for her to cut contacts with JW and Mom.

I really hope Dae Young will reveal the truth to JW since it will be a relief for both of them.


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Thanks for the recap @odilettante !
It's good to see you pointing out Dae Young's niceness. I had a hard time for previous seasons to figure out if he was really interested in the female leads. He's a very social and nice guy to everyone so it's hard to know if he's really interested in someone. I used to have a crush on a guy like him and till this day I'm still confused by his behaviour. So yeah, I totally understand Ji Woo's crush and feelings. Must be why I support them so much haha.

I like Seo Yeon, flaws and all and I sincerely hope that she doesn't stir things up even more. The sister reconciliation is too important to be be dimmed under even more misunderstandings.


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Ah me too. I used to have a crush with someone like DY in my highschool day. But that's the first and last time in my love life, I never want to like someone like DY, it's complicated, confuse and ofc lead me to feel jealous with everyone. That's made me to sharp my types, and it's always someone opposite with DY. Someone who mysterious, introvert, silent, but still charming 😄😄
I like this season so much, and this show and AYHT are the only show that I follow everyweek.
Seo Yeon is always nice, it just that she has different way to show that she love people around her. She is manipulative and petty, but it just show how normal she is.


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I still like nice guys... just not social butterflys haha.

SY is nice just not with anyone. Let's hope she doesn't ruin our expectations.


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One of the reasons I like Dae-young so much is because he’s a lot like my husband—who can talk to a wall and observe it and find out more about it in 5 minutes that I could living with it for 5 years. And then he remembers seemingly insignificant things that he then thoughtfully incorporates to make people’s lives happier. The whole personalized meeting drink thing would be something my husband would do. I’m not the jealous type, and he’s loyal, and I’d would rather he entertain himself at social gatherings by talking with everyone while I say in one place not having to talk to anyone. He’s helped me make lots of great girlfriends, people he’s initially met and then introduces them to me knowing I’d like them. So there’s good and bad to every coin. I can see how it would hard to know if someone actually cares about you when it seems like he cares about everyone. But find someone who is loyal and you won’t have to worry about him “flirting” with everyone else!


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Your husband sounds like a great man !
Oh I'm not the jealous type either, just more reserved with people and someone who's "too skilled" socially might not be a good fit for me e.g dragging me to meet a bunch of new people would make me uncomfortable. In your case, it's great that you made new friends thanks to your husband. I hope I will meet someone with as many positive vibes as him and Dae Young.


"Heck, I want everyone to start being honest with each other (and with themselves)!"

We always want this for every drama, but we all know that there would be no drama if they actually did this, ha.

I can sort of see why Daeyoung can't get himself to say out loud that Sooji is gone. He probably didn't want to say anything at first because it was too personal, and now it's gone on so long that it's awkward. But now at least Seoyeon knows. Maybe she'll have a heart and tell Jiwoo.


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I think Seo Yeon might tell JW but not with good intentions. She might say it during one of their fights and that's the worse imo. DY should tell her the truth when he's ready.


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Thanks again for the recap, @odilettante!

Gosh, so much goes on in each episode, but the flow of the narrative remains smooth and deftly crafted. Even when we flit from one couple or scene to another (time jumps included), I never feel it is disjointed. Definitely the best writing out of all the Let's Eat series.

Again, I love the subtlety of the series. Ji Woo's developing crush on Dae Young is very obvious, but Dae Young's budding feelings are so quiet, you'd miss it if you weren't looking for it. I loved his look when he saw the keychain dangling from her backpack in 2004.

Re: Dae Young's happy-go-lucky personality - sure, it is something that comes naturally to him. He's just a very pleasant and perceptive person, easily likable, and almost always does the right thing at the right time. But, in a way, I do feel he's rather opaque. Like @odilettante said, how ever affable Dae Young is, it's everyone else around him that works for a relationship WITH HIM. But, that is also consistent with his character: in order to be that pleasant and lovable, you sometimes sacrifice transparency in order to oblige the other person's desires or wants.

@mango said it best, our real OTP is the sisters. They are so lovably at each other's throats all the time, but the way they know one another so deeply (and aren't fooled by veneers) shows how they actually DO love one another.


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For this installement, if Dae Young and Ji Woo end up just being friend at the end, it would be good too because they both need someone to support them and to go back to more cheerful days. Ji Woo will have a happy ending if she and Seo Yeon go back to bickering sisters.


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I'm probably the only one who still doesn't like SY. Her pretending that DY is her boyfriend was acceptable (to some extent) but rubbing it in her sister's face all the time was not required. Maybe she was trying to force JW to confront her feelings, but it certainly wasn't a very good way. She seemed to be enjoying it a bit too much.


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Seo Yeon is brat, an annoying little sister who seeks attention and love in 2004. We can see how she acts around Mom. She's acting almost like a baby and lives to annoy Ji Woo. So, her enjoying acting like DY's girlfriend is another way to provoke JW. Why does she do it ? Simply because of JW's reactions. It's understandable to not like her but I believe that later, she's going too surprise us.


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I like that Seo Yeon pointed out Ji Woo was describing herself when she accused her maliciously because Dae Young has a girlfriend. I know it was because she was jealous but JW was calling out somebody else for what she was doing herself. It made me sad though because it seems like JW hasn't moved on from DY at all but she needed that last slap of reality check!

It is annoying that DY doesn't clarify that he doesn't have a gf anymore but I can't blame him if he doesn't want to talk about it either. He wants to be there for JW but not yet romantically.. I do wish JW could find her sparkle by herself soon! So she doesn't have to rely on DY to be happy because it seems like he's the only one who puts a smile on her face now.


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It became obvious in this episode that Dae Young was actively not responding to Ji Woo’s comments about his girlfriend. That part of him is frustrating me now. I’m trying to be understanding, but I feel bad for Ji Woo too. She enjoyed their friendly meals together a lot, but then she started feeling guilty.

Hehee, I like odilettante’s comments about wanting Dae Young to sweat and put effort into a relationship! She brought up a good point.

Dae Young’s and Ji Woo’s waltz practice on the rooftop was sweet. The revolving scene was nicely shot.

Was anyone else bummed about Dae Young losing touch with Byung Sam after their college days? I hope he is doing well. I really want to see the whole gang reunite in the present.


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I'm following this show casually, but it is the only one I'm following now. Actually, I got back to the Dramaland after a hiatus, and found this one slightly more interesting than others at the moment.
I didn't watch the two previous seasons but watched clips of food porn. I started this because I like Baek Jinhee in her previous work Missing Nine and wanted to check out if the 3rd installment will be fun.
I've been enjoying the current story more than the past. The past story with the university setting is youthful and I find the current interaction more intriguing and wish that they have more screen time.
The romance has some potential, but sometimes they insert food scenes at parts where I think emotional development could have been used instead. Dae-young doesn't seem to be that interested in Ji-woo as a romantic partner. I'm all for slow burn, but it wouldn't hurt to portray him having a little bit more interest in her. It's a bit unbalanced as Ji-woo is portrayed as pining after him so much both in the past and the present. Why she doesn't draw a line earlier despite knowing he has a girlfriend already is a bit hard to believe. And Dae-young does come off as a player with being involved with 3 women.
idk if it's the actor's portrayal or the directing but the DY came out as rather flat. This is just a word vomit.


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OOT : Yoon Doo Joon's side picture above looks like Kim Nam Gil to me


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Does anyone the song title that they dances to in the wedding ?


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