Fox Bride Star: Episodes 11-12

We get a lot of answers in this episode, mostly regarding the past, but as usual the answers only lead to more questions. Everyone’s emotions are out in the open now, with accusations and confessions flying back and forth causing both confusion and clarity. But even with all the drama going on, one thing makes it all worth it – Soo-yeon’s smile.

EPISODE 11: “The time it takes for one’s heart to move”

Yeo-reum tries to figure out why Soo-yeon helped her mother, but he denies that he wanted to be a hero or likes doing good deeds. Finally she asks, “Then do you like me?” and after a long, long pause, he answers a simple, “Yes.” He thinks, She asked, and she thinks, He answered.

Eun-seob waits at the airport for Yeo-reum to return, knowing she has no place to stay. He watches her return and pace back and forth as if she’s not sure what to do. Finally he calls out to her, and at her strange expression, he asks if something happened.

She blurts out, “It’s Lee Soo-yeon. He likes me,” and Eun-seob’s smile falters.

We see more of the conversation between Seo-koon and In-woo outside the Fox Bride Star bar. In-woo asks if Soo-yeon requested to be transferred to Terminal Two, and when Seo-koon accuses him of being overly dramatic, he says that what’s dramatic is the way Soo-yeon walks around as if he’s perfectly fine. He claims that it’s impossible for Soo-yeon, who lost all nerve feeling in his right arm and leg, to appear so normal.

At home, Soo-yeon uses a remote device to open a secret door in the wall, and steps up to it to take out what looks like a piece of his arm prosthetic.

Seo-koon tells In-woo, “Sometimes, things that can’t be explained by common sense happen like miracles. And that miracle happened to Soo-yeon.” In-woo asks if she’s saying it was all a coincidence and a miracle, and she says it’s true, warning him to stop talking about Soo-yeon’s disability.

In-woo had asked his question a different way: “Soo-yeon’s arm… what is it? You say it’s a coincidence and a miracle. What’s the truth behind his unbelievable arm?”

In voice-over, Soo-yeon says that what seems impossible to one person can be a miracle to someone else. He puts on the new, slightly different prosthetic and looks at it in the mirror, and thinks of Yeo-reum’s necklace attaching himself to his arm: “And a moment that seems to pass like a coincidence could feel like fate to another.”

He remembers her walking into the Fox Bride Star bar one day, the first time he ever saw her. He heads to the bar and knocks until Bartender Jang answers.

Eun-seob asks Yeo-reum if she and Soo-yeon are dating now that he confessed. Yeo-reum explodes that she has no time for that when she doesn’t even have a home, nor would she date a coworker, and that she plans to tell Soo-yeon so tomorrow. Eun-seob looks incredibly relieved.

Although Bartender Jang said it would take a day to fix Soo-yeon’s prosthetic and advised him to take a day off work, Soo-yeon asks him to fix his arm now. When BJ asks why, Soo-yeon just says he really wants to go to work tomorrow.

Young-joo kicks so much butt in her and Dae-ki’s marital arts class that a classmate asks Dae-ki if she’s upset about something. He asks her and she says no, then invites him to go a round. It makes Dae-ki hilariously nervous, but he agrees, and is immediately slammed to the mat, ha.

Yeo-reum is still storing her things in a back room at the airport, strategically arranged behind some cardboard sheets. But after she gets dressed for work today, the cardboard slides down, exposing her suitcase.

Soo-yeon is so cute – he can’t quite suppress his smile on his way to the office, but he’s disappointed when Yeo-reum isn’t at her desk yet. She’s hiding from him, nervous because she said she was going to reject him this morning.

She starts to compose a text to him, but while she’s still working out how to word it, Manager Gong sneaks up on her and reads part of it. He thinks Soo-yeon asked her to borrow money, and he doesn’t believe her that that’s not the case.

She gives up and goes to her desk, studiously ignoring Soo-yeon, which gives him a chance to take cute little love-struck peeks at her (oh, my heart). Yeo-reum can’t quite catch him at it, but she’s so hyper-aware of him that when Manager Gong calls Soo-yeon’s name, she accidentally answers. LOL.

Manager Kwon calls the team leaders together to discuss the public’s positive reaction to the way they handled the recent emergency. He says the airport CEO is coming to personally thank them, and that they’ve gotten fewer complaints overall since Seo-koon came on board.

In-woo asks Team Leader Choi how Security is managing the support devices of employees with disabilities. Team Leader Choi says dryly that they aren’t, because it’s a matter of privacy. In-woo tells Manager Kwon that one of their employees wears support devices on an arm and leg that may not be safe, and Seo-koon cuts in, taking offense to In-woo’s attempted violation of Soo-yeon’s privacy.

He argues that their passengers’ safety is more important than one person’s privacy. Seo-koon doesn’t see how a support device could be dangerous, but In-woo just says that’s why they should check and make sure.

Manager Kwon orders Team Leader Choi to check the device that’s upsetting In-woo so much, and report to him. After the meeting ends, Seo-koon asks Team Leader Choi if he’s really going to do it. He says he’s obligated to, and Seo-koon warns that as soon as he tries, Soo-yeon will quit, but it doesn’t change his mind.

As he walks through the terminal with Yeo-reum, Soo-yeon thinks, “All I ever wanted was to live a quiet, normal life. I just wanted to live each day and focus on the present with someone by my side like this.” He grins at Yeo-reum’s obvious discomfort, until she finally rounds on him.

She stammers that their conversation last night doesn’t mean they’re dating, but he says the thought never occurred to him. Yeo-reum says that she only asked if he likes her because she thought he’d say no, and he asks why she thought that.

Yeo-reum tells Soo-yeon that she’s taken aback by the fact that he likes her, but he doesn’t see the problem. She asks him, “Why me? I’m… I mean, I’m…” and he seems to find her confusion amusing. She finally concludes that she’s too average for a guy like him, who’s good at everything. She asks if he thinks of her as easy, and when he says he doesn’t, she says it makes no sense for him to like her.

She brings up that they’ve only known each other for three weeks. Soo-yeon replies, “Why is that important? It can take a heart three weeks, three years, or three seconds to start liking someone.” Yeo-reum asks if he thinks he can fall for someone in three seconds, but he just says that each person can have a different memory of when they first met someone.

Yeo-reum asks if he truly does remember their first meeting a year ago, when he saved her life. He thinks that that’s the first time she remembers seeing him, but he remembers seeing her at the Fox Bride Star bar.

Suddenly someone bumps into Yeo-reum, throwing her into Soo-yeon’s arms. After a long moment of shock on both their parts, she steps back to complain. She realizes that her hand is on his right arm, and she looks at him with questions in her eyes. Soo-yeon yanks his arm away violently, then he looks embarrassed, apologizes, and quickly walks away.

A group of rough-looking men walk into the Terminal Two office and surround Team Leader Lee’s desk. They accuse him of destroying their livelihoods, but he just notes that they reek of alcohol. The leader of the group orders Team Leader Lee to release the valet parking service but he says he can’t.

He tells the men to go home, but instead, they all take their jackets and shirts off and lie down on the floor. Manager Kwon calls Team Leader Lee from his office, worried about the CEO’s upcoming visit, but Team Leader Lee doesn’t seem that bothered. Manager Gong tells his coworker that Team Leader Lee and Manager Gong were hired in the same year, and were best friends — until Manager Kwon was promoted.

When Soo-yeon gets back to the office, Seo-koon pulls him aside and tells him not to go into the terminal for a while, or do anything to stand out. He asks why, and she warns him that Team Leader Choi will be investigating him soon.


Seo-koon tells Soo-yeon that someone mentioned him in a meeting, and he correctly guesses that it was In-woo. As they talk, neither of them notices Young-joo watching them from nearby. She leaves when Dae-ki approaches, and he sees that she was watching Soo-yeon, though he can’t see Seo-koon from his angle.

Yeo-reum walks into the office to find the half-naked guys still sprawled all over the floor, and Team Leader Lee blandly tells her that this way is blocked, HA. She recognizes several of the valets by name, and they all wave hello at her excitedly.

Turns out, all of her violent episodes at the airport have been against the valets when she worked for Transportation. The guys actually seem to like her, and even Team Leader Lee smiles to himself.

She runs into In-woo, who asks if she found her mom the other night. He asks if they can consider it repayment for his reducing her salary for two months, and Yeo-reum is surprised he even remembers her.

He asks her to get a certain file from his desk and take it to the head of Facilities. She does, and under the file she sees Soo-yeon’s personnel papers. She scans it, and sees that Soo-yeon wears a support device.

Team Leader Choi begins his investigation by asking people around the airport if they’ve seen Soo-yeon do anything unusual. He watches video from the CCTV cameras, where he watches Soo-yeon pull the immigrant over the railing one-handed.

Young-joo asks Dae-ki about Soo-yeon, but Dae-ki doesn’t know much about him. He mentions the boyfriend he thinks Young-joo has, and when she says she can still be curious if she’s got a boyfriend, Dae-ki fusses at her about cheating. Young-joo asks when he last dated (college), if his girlfriend dumped him (his voice squeaks “No!”), and why he’s not over her yet (“I totally am!”). Hee, I love his adorable confusion whenever their conversations get away from him.

Soo-yeon takes In-woo somewhere private to ask why he ordered a background check on him. In-woo says that Soo-yeon bothers him, so he’s going to get rid of him. He complains that Soo-yeon always followed him around even when he told him to stop, which is how he got into his accident.

Growing angry, Soo-yeon asks, “Don’t you feel an ounce of guilt after what you did to me?” In-woo asks why he should feel guilty when Soo-yeon looks just fine, and Soo-yeon loses his temper. He grabs In-woo by the collar and slams him into the wall, growling, “You were my hyung!”

In-woo gasps that it was only because his father remarried, but it meant nothing to him. Soo-yeon recalls asking In-woo to eat on In-woo’s birthday, but In-woo had grumbled that they weren’t brothers anymore and never really were, and ordered Soo-yeon to stop following him around.

On his way home, In-woo had run into some guys (old friends/gangmates?) who had said something about him leaving them, then beaten him up. They’d thrown In-woo into a van and driven off when Soo-yeon saw them, and despite In-woo’s frantic nod for Soo-yeon to get lost, he’d followed the van on his scooter.

In-woo had looked more scared for Soo-yeon than the fact that he was being kidnapped, and he was right to be… the driver had turned into an alley, then deliberately backed into Soo-yeon at top speed, causing his horrific injuries.

The men had jumped out to check on Soo-yeon, leaving In-woo crying in the van. They’d assumed Soo-yeon was dying, and while they were deciding what to do with him, In-woo had jumped out. He’d seen Soo-yeon begging him, “Hyung, help me,” but he’d turned and run away, leaving Soo-yeon behind.

Back in the present, Soo-yeon cries at the memory, but he lets In-woo go with a barely audible, “You bastard.” He punches a huge dent in a metal grate as he walks away, and In-woo sinks to the floor, a single tear sliding down his face.

Manager Kwon decides to say something about the half-naked tattooed men in the office. He informs Team Leader Lee that the CEO will be there in an hour, but Team Leader Lee couldn’t possibly care less, and looks like he’s actually enjoying this. When Manager Kwon accuses them of being thugs, they all jump up to ask if he’s ever gotten a beating before.

Yeo-reum invites Eun-seob to lunch, where she says she tried to talk to Soo-yeon, then muses that you can’t judge someone by their appearance. She fusses at Eun-seob for never going on more than two dates with the same girl, saying that he’ll never get to know anyone that way.

He complains that even knowing someone a year does no good, glaring balefully and telling her “It’s you.” Yeo-reum thinks he’s joking around, and he sighs that that’s the problem.

Manager Gong calls Yeo-reum to ask her help in getting rid of the guys in the office, since she’s friendly with them. Manager Kwon has called in security, but it’s not like Dae-ki is very threatening, and the protesters refuse to move. One protester falls in the scuffle, hurting his knee, and then it’s on.

Soon the office is being trashed, while Team Leader Lee sits placidly. Hilariously, the fight is mostly a lot of biting and hair-pulling, so no one is seriously hurt. The leader goes after Manager Kwon, but a loud siren makes everyone stop and look up. It’s Team Leader Lee with a megaphone, and he calmly tells them it’s time to stop.

Manager Kwon roars that he wants them all punished, but Team Leader Lee placidly announces, “The CEO is here.” Whoops. As everyone stares in shock, the CEO says he’ll come back later and leaves. LOL! Yeo-reum runs in with impeccable timing, but Manager Gong grumbles that it’s all over, and Team Leader Lee tells the protesters to go.

When the security team get back to the office, Team Leader Choi quickly shuts his laptop and leaves. Young-joo gets complimented on how badass she was in there, while Dae-ki looks sheepish (since he got his butt kicked).

He responds a bit too forcefully to a report of an unknown suitcase in the tensabarrier storage room, ha. The Terminal Two office gets the same report, and Yeo-reum looks alarmed — those are her bags. Manager Gong guesses that they probably belong to an employee, and Yeo-reum timidly confesses, nearly giving poor Manager Gong a stroke.

At the end of the work day, In-woo invites Seo-koon for a drink and she completely ignores him. He asks again, but she just stares at him, almost pityingly.

Soo-yeon leaves for home and sees Yeo-reum sitting outside with her suitcases, nowhere to go (I love how he walks straight to her like the crowd doesn’t even exist). He asks if she has somewhere to go, so she tells him she can stay at a nearby sauna, and that she’s moving into housing tomorrow.

Soo-yeon asks her softly, “Do you want to come to my place? You can stay at my place for the night.” Surprised, Yeo-reum asks him, “Why me?” and he thinks, She asked. He says that it only took three seconds to like her, and she thinks, He answered.

He thinks again about the day one year ago when Yeo-reum walked into the Fox Bride Star bar. He’d been there eating, and he’d frozen at the sight of her. She’d ordered what he was eating, and he’d remembered someone showing him her picture and saying that she’s his daughter.

Yeo-reum had finally noticed Soo-yeon staring at her, as we hear again their conversation about falling for someone in three seconds. By the utterly smitten look on Soo-yeon’s face, that’s all it had taken for him to fall for her.


I thought Soo-yeon couldn’t get any cuter, but what, now you’re telling me that he’s liked Yeo-reum for a year? That puts a different spin on everything, including the fact that Soo-yeon even works at the airport in the first place. No doubt he followed her there, which would be stalkerish except that he’s treated Yeo-reum like any other coworker, even getting upset and angry with her at times. He hasn’t pressured her to date him or even be friends — it’s like he just wanted to be near her, with no other expectations, which is pretty sweet. I originally thought he was a big old grump, but now I see him more as a big old squishy ball of feelings, and I just love him.

I can’t wait for Yeo-reum to start liking him back (well, she already does, but when she acknowledges it) because their adorable factor is going to be off the scale. I realized that the reason Soo-yeon likes Yeo-reum is probably because she doesn’t treat him like he’s an oddity or something to be afraid of because of his disability. Whatever it was about her that originally caught his eye (and his heart), you can tell that he appreciates the fact that she knows about his inability to feel pain, and his super strength, but she doesn’t let it influence how she sees him. She has compassion for him, and she instinctively understands that he doesn’t like to be asked about it, which has got to be so wonderful to a guy who clearly has something so unusual, even miraculous, going on that he has to hide it from the world. Having Yeo-reum not only treat him as normal, but as someone exceptional for normal reasons, has got to be something Soo-yeon hasn’t encountered much since his accident. It would be more surprising if he didn’t have feelings for her.

Finally we know a little more about Soo-yeon and In-woo’s history — it sounds like they were stepbrothers, but then their parents got divorced and In-woo tried to chase Soo-yeon off (possibly to protect him from the men who were following him?). But when the accident happened, In-woo had saved himself and left Soo-yeon to die, so it’s no wonder there’s a lot of bad feelings between them. I don’t even entirely blame In-woo for running, because Soo-yeon’s injuries did seem fatal, and he was terrified for his own life. Even if he’d tried to help Soo-yeon, he likely would have been no help anyway, and gotten himself killed in the process.

But Soo-yeon remembers it from the viewpoint of the young boy who watched his beloved hyung leave him to die, and who underwent months of agony and years of emotional anguish resulting from the accident, so I understand his hurt as well. Neither of them is wrong when it comes to their feelings, but what is wrong is how In-woo is acting now. He likely wants to get rid of Soo-yeon because if his rough history is discovered, he could lose his job and his good standing, and Soo-yeon is the only one who knows about that. And In-woo actually has good reason to suspect that Soo-yeon wants revenge, but it also shows that he doesn’t know Soo-yeon very well if he thinks that’s the kind of person Soo-yeon is. They have a lot of talking (and even more fighting) to do before they straighten this out, if it can even be straightened out.


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Thanks for the recap, Lolly!

I looooooved this episode. This was the first time the totally ridiculous workplace dynamics didn't bother me a single bit. I enjoyed the episode so much. The airport shenanigans had me rolling with laughter (instead of my eyes, for once).

Can I just say Team Manager Lee stole the show for me with his absolute badassery (and pettiness too, if the office gossip can be believed).

I'm very annoyed In-woo is going down the path of assholery to cover up his guilt and shame over the past, when simple heartfelt apologies can work wonders.

All in all, I was very happy this week, and I hope we continue in this vein.


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I'm slowly getting more curious about Team Leader Lee too ever since he told Seo-koon his real reason for transferring Yeo-reum to her dept. And then he smiles (albeit only a small one) this eps when the protesting guys greeted and praised her! I want to hear about his stories and Yeo-reum in their last dept. And I also want to know if he is naturally a very laid back person, or maybe there's another story behind that.


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LJH is one of those actors where I actually try to see why he chooses a project, and I don't think I understood why until this weeks episodes.

This episode's LJH scale 10/10


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Omg samee. Ive been watching his dramas like Fashion King, Tomorrow With You and Signal, and I can totally see why he chose all those projects (well except FK, cause both the lead actresses are totally killing the story and chemistry). So when I heard he’ll be joining WSL, I’m excited to know how good the story goes. And it totally worth it! I love his and Soo Bin’s characters so much. Even the sidekicks too :)


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Right on point! yes I did questioned what made him chosen this drama before. This episode just explained everything and made me fall hard for Soo Yeon's character. Every tiny details!


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I dislike Inwoo because of the way he's attempting to sabotage this entire thing by going behind everyone and digging up things he shouldn't. I know we're supposed to dislike him, but I'm especially disgusted that he tried to tell his direct superiors about Sooyeon and then getting all shocked and upset about how he got called out by everyone there- let's not pretend that Sooyeon's arm hasn't caused some pretty serious issues (hello nearly killing someone by accident a few episodes back) but it's also...so irrational of him to not only be making a fuss outside the exact bar Sooyeon lives in and knows someone close to Sooyeon would be and then of course this whole investigation business.


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I'm really curious what the writers will end up doing with his character. Right now, he's absolutely despicable to me. Leaving a scared kid like that on his own, even if he thought he was dying, is pretty close to unforgivable to me. It seems like In-woo is suffering from some major guilt and is just going about everything wrong.


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It's immensely hard to sympathise with Inwoo at the moment because he's poking around business he shouldn't be. I disliked it when he tried to corner Seokoon and acted as though Sooyeon returning was her way of getting back at him. The way he framed it was so self-centered that any form of sympathy I might've had for him just got tossed out the window- I don't care if she's your ex or whatever but come on now, guilt or otherwise that's a horrific accusation to make about two people you've hurt before.


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My guess why In-woo acted that way because deep down in his heart he felt guilty for running away and didn't help Seo-yoon.


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I have this scenario in my my mind that he might helped him when he ranaway, because the thugs were thinking of dumping SY to cover up the murder, he might ran away intentionally so the thugs will follow him and leave SY.


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I also got that impression when I saw that scene play out. He is a pretty complicated character and his motives in handling the relationships around him are seriously questionable. He still feels like a despicable person to me, but I think he was trying to help Soo-Yeon during the accident the only way he thought he could. I'm interested in knowing more about Inwoo and Soo-Yeon's past.


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I don’t like IW and never cared about him but the scene at the accident made me curious to know what happened to him after the accident.


AHHHHH this drama. I am loving Soo-Yeon and his sweet little smiles directed at our girl. He is not awkward about it and tries not to make her uncomfortable. I love it, I can't wait for the romance to commence.


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I liked everything about this episode.... except for the floor full of tattooed shirtless thug wannabes sprawled out on the floor. That just didn't make sense to me what they thought to achieve by taking their shirts off and spreading themselves out on the floor. That was just a weird way to protest and seemed like a waste of time and effort.


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It sounds like their business got shut down, so it's not like they have anything else to do, and the shirtless lounging was nonviolent protest. The fact that Team Leader Lee was so unfazed (and so able to time this to the CEO's arrival) makes me think that he either coordinated this with the thugs, or knew this would be how they'd react and triggered the protest.

Being publicly embarrassing is a time-honored way for people to protest, though. Taking off their shirts might seem weird, until you realize they did it to show their tattoos.


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Their tattoos that "...look like an entire landscape..." as one of the people in the office noted lol I think it was Manager Gong


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I forget how tattoos are still very taboo in South Korea.


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@zzthorn and @Miranda
I felt strongly that the shirtless protest was somewhat engineered by Mgr Lee and timed nicely for CEO to see the incompetence of Mgr Kwon. 😉


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Where does Mom live? Why can't Yeo Reum just go home?

I initially thought their first meeting took place when Dad was the owner of Fox Bride Star and Yeo Reum had come to the bar to visit her father. But even though Yeo Reum only remembers Soo Yeon from the car accident, they still first met on the day of her interview -- just slightly earlier.

So In Woo and Soo Yeon are brothers. In Woo's delinquent past makes me think he would have a record, so I wonder how he even got this job by passing the background check. He needs to stop being so obsessive with Soo Yeon's support device because Soo Yeon can just as easily ruin In Woo's reputation. It made no sense for the gangsters to leave In Woo all by himself in the van.

I can't stand Manager Gong, but he was so nice to stick up for Yeo Reum when he thought Soo Yeon had asked her to borrow money. I really wish Yeo Reum was the one who talked the valets out of the office and the CEO had witnessed it making her look good in front of the CEO. The security team ought to be embarrassed.

He complains that even knowing someone a year does no good, glaring balefully and telling her “It’s you.”

How was Eun Seob baleful? My heart breaks for Eun Seob. Many thanks, @LollyPip, for the recap!


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I'm just starting this drama (hey, the synopsis sounded soooo boring but then I saw a clip from ep 26 and said I better check this out). Oh, the reason I'm writing to you is because I was looking to see if anyone else was thinking "why she doesn't just go stay at/with mom?"


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She asked. He answered.

That is so refreshing, no over-emphatic denials, or more (kdrama) likely treating the girl like trash even though you love her. Just straightforward.

On the other hand, everything about *THE ARM* is unbelievably dramatic, it's pretty amusing.


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oh no THE ARM 😂


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LOL @ there not just being a secret room, but one that's remote-controlled, hidden by sliding-bookcases, and pimped out with eerie blue lighting-- like a Batcave of bionics.

Btw, why isn't *THE LEG* a thing, too? Wasn't his leg also injured-beyond-repair?


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I reckoned that might be the next plot point. After all, the writer still have 28 (30-minutes) eps to fill.


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O/T but FBS is a scheduled 40 episode SBS drama. Recently SBS (in one week) reduced two dramas (YOUR HONOR and 30But17) from 40 to 32 episodes.


Right! Those lines were perfect! Although he's trying to hide his bionic arm and leg, I'm loving how sincere he is about his feelings. Hopefully that'll continue throughout the drama.

As for THE ARM, I'm actually intrigued to see how it all ties to Yeo-Reum's dad and if there is some type of taboo technology/science at play. What it might be, I don't know. I'm not that creative.


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I think In-woo left the scene because it's exactly when we hear the gangsters say they were going to dump Soo-yeon somewhere that you hear the "hero makes a decision" music while In-woo is in the van. That's when he jumps out of the van, gives Soo-yeon a sad "goodbye" look, and then starts running, drawing the gangsters away from the accident site.


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Good theory. We all know In Woo will be redeemed by the end of the show, so if he really had run away to "save" Soo Yeon, he would just be another misunderstood lead. And the reason he cried would be because he had to lie to Soo Yeon "for his own good." But seriously, how were there no cars around to witness the accident?


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But why would have still have to keep that lie now? Or, better yet, act that way? Like Soo-yeon said, it would've been better if he'd just ignored him.


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Interesting theory. That may be the only way I can see In-woo's character being forgiven.


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Oh..I thought the same, i just wrote a similar thought up there before reading your comment about why In wo left injured SY and left. I believe that’s what happened for now because he seemed loke he really cared for SY and sincer.


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I'm getting more invested in Soo-yeon and In-woo's relationships. While I dislike what In-woo did right now, I can see a lot of it stem from his deep seated guilt and grief. He seemed to not be able to shake off the guilt over abandoning Soo-yeon that night until now (though from flashback it seems like he's just trying to divert the bad guys' attention from doing more harm to injured Soo-yeon), and to see him healthy and well must be mind-blowing.

I wonder if there's some kind of unreasonable betrayal he felt knowing that all his years' worth of grief and guilt is in 'vain', so to speak. Or maybe it's a leftover trauma that make him tried to drive Soo-yeon away. In his mind, the younger guy is in that state because of their closeness, and maybe he is afraid of being responsible for another harm because of their proximity.

With his rather unreasonable fear and concern in mind, I can understand In-woo speaking up about Soo-yeon's condition at meeting. I can understand him challenging both Seo-koon and Team Leader Choi about this problem. I can even understand him twisting their personal history in front of Soo-yeon himself. What I can't understand is him purposefully showing information about Soo-yeon's disability to Yeo-reum. I couldn't think of any reasonable reason except if there was some new feeling sprouting. Which, really, show? Would you really go to the triangle route??


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I don't get that at all. There is a triangle but In Woo is not one of the sides. I think In Woo showed Yeo Reum because he saw that they were close, and if she had found out about his disability, Yeo Reum would get Soo Yeon to reveal the truth about his arm.

I want to know what happened to their parents. Are they still alive?


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That's possible. Or maybe In-woo in his twisted logic thought that he should warn Yeo-reum about Soo-yeon's real condition to let the girl know the guy she is close with isn't like what she thought. Which bring us back to In-woo's obsession over Soo-yeon's prosthetic arm. It's almost like In-woo thinks it's not fair that Soo-yeon is able to lead a normal life, and that's just messed up.


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This drama is far from perfect, but it has stole my heart and run away with it. And the chemistry between CSB and LJH is beyond adorable!!! My heart felt so full just watching them being awkwardly adorable together. How YR not pouncing on the guy is beyond me.

“Having Yeo-reum not only treat him as normal, but as someone exceptional for normal reasons, has got to be something Soo-yeon hasn’t encountered much since his accident.”

I cannot agree more with this. Which is why my heart ache a lil bit when YR struggled to tell SY that he’s so out of her league. It must be hard to admit your insecurity out loud like that. Her environment mustve done her quite a number for her to have such a low self-esteem. I am so looking forward to what the writer will bring to her character arc, especially as more layers of her are being shown as the story progresses.


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Thank you for the recap, @lollypip :)

Just a few things:

1. Eun Seob-- how squishy is he??? Within the first 5 minutes of episode 11 and my heart already hurts as his face falls because Yeo Reum mentions Soo Yeon... And then my heart is broken again seeing Eun Seob very openly confess to the girl of his dreams but is taken as a joke T.T
2. SOO YEON IS SUCH A SQUISHY MARSHMALLOW BALL OF FLUFF AND CUTENESS ERMERGERD!!! Just, like @lollypip mentioned, I'm ALSO very appreciative of Soo Yeon's straightforward personality and says and means things so unequivocally, especially when it comes to his feelings for Yeo Reum, "disability" be damned. Yet, I understand his appreciation towards and feelings for Yeo Reum-- and just how much deeper it also means for him to go through all these feelings as well, thinking of himself as an 'imperfect person with a disability', so all he really wants to do is be near the person he likes and won't ask or pry or even dare to dream for anything more to happen between him and Yeo Reum.... This plot point and this perspective/way of thinking from Soo Yeon really hits home for me and I can really empathize because I am also a person with a 'disability' that I was actually born with. On the flip side, with Yeo Reum, I can actually appreciate her even MORE, because as @lollypip mentioned, her feelings for Soo Yeon are real, but she likes him for him, and appreciates him for his abilities and his strengths at work (pun not intended)--just like she would if it were another guy that doesn't have a disability-- and doesn't see or think of him as different, which makes her even more beautiful, inside and out. Seriously, world-- we need more beautiful and pure people like Yeo Reum.
3. Their 1st encounter & the moment Soo Yeon fell for Yeo Reum-- I don't doubt that he fell for her in 3 seconds flat, because you gotta admit, Chae Soo Bin-- the girl is dang beautiful-- but I feel like there's more to it: I feel like Soo Yeon fell so fast for her because right off the bat, she did something that made him feel 'more human' less 'disabled' less 'different-- and that was, simply order the same thing that he was eating. Soo Yeon has an especially difficult case of inferiority complex wherein not only does he feel hyper self-conscious and aware that he's different in looks because of his prosthetic limbs (even though he hides them under his long-sleeved suits), but he also feels super self-conscious in all aspects of his life-- in the way he acts (that's why he always just wants to work and pass each day quietly), and even--dare I say-- in the things he EATS. So on the day of their 1st encounter, when Yeo Reum nonchalantly orders the same food as what Soo Yeon was eating, right off the bat, she's already given Soo Yeon a sense of belonging, and the normalcy and quietness/mundane-ness in life that Soo Yeon so desperately wants in his life after what he's already been through in his parent's remarriage and...


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(... continued from above)

... and his accident

Whew!! Okay, I think I'm done writing down all my thoughts lol


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Thank you for sharing your insights and personal experience.

I think another factor in Soo-yeon's falling so quickly for Yeo-reum is that he was predisposed to liking her based on the positive regard he had for her dad. It's almost certain that her dad is the one who grabbed his wheelchair and saved him, and it seems likely that he helped Yeo-reum a great deal after that. Dad had a really wonderful lens on the world and I bet his love and guidance were a big part of Soo-yeon's recovery.


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You’re right !!! I think a transference of good impressions Soo Yeon placed on her dad for saving him also played a part in why he was immediately attracted to her 😁😁


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thinking of himself as an 'imperfect person with a disability',...

Thanks for this insight. It did not really occur to me that he felt that he was imperfect or badly disabled. I kept seeing him able to perform normally and sometimes like 'superman' and did not consider how insecure he might have felt for 20 years.

Instead of noticing his shortcomings, Yeo Reum says the exact opposite: ... how can such a great person like him, fall for an ordinary, average person like her. If there was anything that could make him fall more in love with her, it would be that statement/question. 😍


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Oh definitely 😁😁 One of the many things I think that makes Soo Yeon like her so much is her ability to see something as normal or positive in what others might see as negative


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1. Within the first 5 minutes of episode 1 and I already knew Eun Seob was in love with Yeo Reum when he called to wake her up and remind her to bring an umbrella.

While the subtitles and @LollyPip translated "a year," actually, Yeo Reum said "all year round,"

You should at least be with them all year round -- spring, summer (yeo-reum), autumn, winter -- four seasons to know what kind of person they are.

which is significant because Eun Seob saves Yeo Reum's phone number as "Summer."

I wish Eun Seob had confessed, "You said you would never date a coworker. How about a friend?"

He is going to be so upset she stayed at Soo Yeon's place when he invited her to stay at his place. She would rather spend the night with a stranger than with a friend. Where did she even sleep yesterday night?


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Oh, yea, nice catch with the seasons thing 😁😁
I can’t really predict what Eun Seob’s reaction will be if she does say “yes” to Soo Yeon’s invitation and then tells Eun Seob about it later.... Eun Seob has been super kind, sweet, and accommodating so far towards Yeo Reum because of his feelings for her, even when Yeo Reum has moments when she just keeps talking and talking about Soo Yeon in front of Eun Seob, but you may be right that Yeo Reum saying ‘yes’ to Soo Yeon’s request this time—and then telling Eun Seob about it later— MIGHT be the thing that sends Eun Seob over the edge and he will finally snap at Yeo Reum, which will hopefully finally make her take Eun Seob more seriously


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With the four seasons reference I was wondering if the writer was making a little bit of a reference to THE THIRD CHARM also currently airing.


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That was obviously Yeo-reum's father talking when he showed Soo-yeon a picture of her. I wonder if the man who stopped Soo-yeon from commiting suicide was Yeo-reum's father. The picture he showed looked like Yeo-reum was wearing a high school uniform so it seems that Dad didn't die when she was a little girl. Maybe Dad even had something to do with Soo-yeon's prosthetics. Oh the questions and the mysteries!
I can understand Soo-yeon's anger toward In-woo. What a cowardly thing to do. And then not even check up on him in 12 years! That's bad enough but now you're trying to get rid of him from his job. Mean. But I think In-woo isn't as bad as he's acting. I think he is feeling guilty and having Soo-yeon around is just a constant reminder of an event he would like to forget. That tear showed he has more emotion than he wants to let on.
As for Soo-yeon and Yeo-reum, they are just so cute. But I think we're headed for a love square because it's obvious that Eun-seob likes Yeo-reum but I think Young-joo may be eyeing Soo-yeon.


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I don't know why Show keeps hiding Dad's face when it's obviously him, like when he returned whatever In Woo had forgotten to young Soo Yeon, Dad's face was hidden behind a sign. I definitely think Dad was the one who saved young Soo Yeon (Nam Da Reum) from wheeling himself down the stairs, which would mean Soo Yeon has known Dad for years since he showed the picture of his daughter to grown-up Soo Yeon (Lee Je Hoon).

I think Young Joo will end up with Dae Ki.


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I just started Fox Bride Star this week and have gradually become fully invested-- and not just because of Soo-yeon's squee-inducing smile! I especially enjoyed this episode-- Team Leader Lee's petty revenge was hilarious, and Soo-yeon's smiling shyly like a teenager in love was everything.

I'm very curious to know what happened to In-woo after the accident. He was clearly very fond of Soo-yeon and horrified by the accident, and the fact that he knew about Soo-yeon's extensive nerve damage means that he must have checked on him after the accident-- then for some reason, never got in touch nor got an update again. It seems like he's been through some sort of hell in the interim, and he acts like he paid some huge price for everything that happened. I'd guess that he somehow wound up in prison, but I don't see how he could have his current job if that were the case.

I'm also really curious about how Seo-koon came to know about Soo-yeon's secret and became such a good ally for him.

Thank you for the recap, @lollypip, and for giving me a chuckle thanks to your Freudian typo: "Young-joo kicks so much butt in her and Dae-ki’s marital arts class". I could definitely see that being a form of foreplay...


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LOL... "Marital?" Not martial? Going to check ... yeah!!! LOLOL. Totally the kind of dating game Young Joo will drag Dae Ki into playing. 😂


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Thanks @lollypip
I hate that smirk on In Woo's face, I hope it gets wiped off for the remaining episodes.

Soo-yeon takes In-woo somewhere private to ask why he ordered a background check on him. In-woo says that Soo-yeon bothers him, so he’s going to get rid of him. He complains that Soo-yeon always followed him around even when he told him to stop, which is how he got into his accident.

I can't stand the victim blaming here. He has never acknowledged that Soo Yeon chased him out of concern and to stop the abduction. That in itself is so ungrateful and unfair. In addition, I'm so miffed that In Woo thinks he's so special to Soo Yeon, that he does not ever consider Soo Yeon's being at T2 could have nothing to do with him. And when he hears that it is not linked to him, he'll probably refuse to believe it. 😠

Growing angry, Soo-yeon asks, “Don’t you feel an ounce of guilt after what you did to me?” In-woo asks why he should feel guilty when Soo-yeon looks just fine, …

His attitude and actions against Soo Yeon reek of guilt and wanting to get rid of the party who is a reminder of the reproach he should have faced, when he failed to care for Soo Yeon. He looks like he's acting on profound guilt.

On a different tack, what a hoot to have a sea of bare male torsos in the department, mostly tattooed, no less!! 😂 😊 Those make up artists had much to do to paint on tattoos if those actors actually had 'clean' torsos. 😉

Question: I wonder what was in the box that In Woo left behind in the bar and of course they had to keep the face of the man hidden, but we can guess who it might be.

Mystery: What is the understanding that Soo Yeon and Mgr Yang have that she protects him so much.

Annoyance: Mgr Kwon is the worst model of good mgt. Not only does he take to blaming subordinates for matters that they have no control over, but he drags them in to solve problems which he is incompetent to even try solving, and which is not their job to solve! 😒

Now that the romance is kinda underway (3rd wheel and all), I'm liking this show more and more! 😁


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Wow I am nomo nomo nomo liking LHJ’s character! Drama writers take note! This is how you write a male lead! So emo so poker face yet so open to his attraction to YR! I fell off my sofa when he went to the cafe ahjussi to tell him to fix his arm right away because he ‘wanted to go to work tomorrow’!!! What a sweet sweet guy! I can’t wait to see him open up to her more and more! *finger hearts*


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I love that declaration too. Said very earnestly and straighforwardly, while the bartender ajusshi's face scrunched up in confusion over Soo-yeon's unusual enthusiasm to go to work. Aww, that guy is just so squishy.


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things that kill me:
- pretty girls
- pretty girls with fighting skills
- pretty girls with fighting skills calling out men on their shit
- Young-joo.

Also, I'm just giddy at the way Sooyeon can act like a cool, no-nonsense dream boy while internally he's a nest of screaming newborn birds. His affection for Yeo-reum is so adorable I'm WEEPING at the way he's so completely open about it. He's as nervous as he's excited and gosh I'm so here for YR taking him aback by complimenting him but I don't want her to keep undervalueing herself... she has so much in common with him, sigh.

Also, falling for a girl in 3 seconds cause she loves the same food - relatable.


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I can't wrapped my head with that gangsters suddenly entering the office like where's the security??? Until that manajer Gong pointed out that it's all Team Manager Lee's doing LOLOLOL

I don't know why but Lee Soo-yeon and Seo In-woo looked more like stepdad and his stepson than stepbrothers😂 I have a hunch that Seo-koon knows Soo-yeon by rummaging in In-woo's place but now I'm not sure. She even just trying to piece the relationship between them.

But oh no, Eun-seob is going to be like Kim Min-jae in RDTK😂 (though all the characters in here are similar to that)


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This kdrama has easily become my most anticipated show!😁 Yeo Reum's confession on why she felt baffled that SY likes her was relatable and says a lot about how she views herself -- how could an extraordinary guy fall for an ordinary girl? She doesn't realize that he doesn't need her to be all knowing and capable all the time, he just likes her for who she is, flaws and all 😁 I'm so excited because I feel like her character is going to experience more story arcs to make her more confident and acknowledge that being herself is enough for people to appreciate her.

I feel like working in an airport is so cool, haha! Can't wait for more💕


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aw lol, i mean this drama doesn't really have a lot of drama going on but i'm still in it for the way soo yeon looks at yeo reum :D


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The moment when Yeo-Reum shows up at the door- and is greeted by the protesting valets- absolutely hilarious. It provided some needed comic relief from the scenes of Lee Je-Hoon's 'accident'- and In-Woo's extraordinary reaction to it- Using deep anger to mask his guilt and shame. I can understand why Seo-Koon does not like this guy.

And I cannot help but wonder if Na Young-joo really has a boyfriend or not. If she does she should dump him and grab hold of her Sunbae Oh Dae-Ki.


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