Hundred Million Stars From the Sky: Episode 10

Secrets are bubbling to the surface and as the puzzle pieces slowly fall into place, the picture they create may spell trouble for our leads. As Jin-kang’s ties with Moo-young grow, her relationship with Jin-kook weakens.

EPISODE 10: “How To Be A Good Person”

Moo-young thinks back on his conversation with Jin-kang as she walks home. Neither are able to sleep that night and Jin-kook sits up in his room, lost in thought. The following morning, Jin-kook offers Jin-kang a ride to work.

Their awkwardness eventually gives way to their usual banter and they discuss making a trip later in the week. Dropping Jin-kang off, Jin-kook apologizes for blowing up over Moo-young. He promises to trust her to make her own choices and they smile as they part ways.

At work, Moo-young receives a text from Woo-sang’s sister, Jang Se-ran, asking his decision on her job offer. Keeping his promise to Jin-kang, Moo-young answers “No,” and deletes Se-ran’s contact info.

Meanwhile, Jin-kang’s coworkers discuss the job they’re hoping to snag with Jang Se-ran. Seo-yeon wonders how to incorporate Moo-young’s tastes into their pitch since he’s supposed to manage the new pub, but Jin-kang says he turned it down. The thought makes her smile and CEO Hwang balks. Seo-yeon points out Jin-kang has been acting strange all day, and the two women demonstrate how she’d been humming all morning.

Jang Se-ran receives Moo-young’s text and muses that she must’ve been too nice to him since he’s replied so rudely.

Reporting to their superior, Jin-kook and Chief Lee are reprimanded for Moo-young’s release based on lack of motive. Chief Lee is taken aback to learn Jin-kook requested a transfer to patrol. Their boss warns Jin-kook to behave, stating that he only escaped punishment because the next personnel changeover is coming up soon.

The rest of the detective team worries about the repercussions after publicly arresting Moo-young; blaming Jin-kook for not telling them about Yoo-ri sooner. Cho-rong defends Jin-kook, saying he’s the one who reacted rashly, not Jin-kook. The others grumble, but Detective Gun defends Cho-rong, saying he’s in a tough spot because he’s dating Jin-kang.

They receive a call notifying them the team is in the clear and Cho-rong grins to learn that Jin-kook wasn’t punished. Walking back to their unit, Chief Lee stops Jin-kook to suggest he go back to being invisible. Cho-rong rushes over to Jin-kook when he returns and they go outside to chat.

Jin-kook pulls out Moo-young’s original call record, thanking Cho-rong for protecting Jin-kang and apologizing for not explaining sooner about Moo-young and Yoo-ri. Cho-rong agrees Jin-kook was wrong to keep him out of the loop. He starts to say something else, but stops himself.

Cho-rong says he’s happy Jin-kook wasn’t punished and gets up to leave. Jin-kook hands him a few bills, explaining he’d received them from a relative in Haesan for Jin-kang but thinks Cho-rong should spend it with her instead. Taking the money, Cho-rong only makes it a few steps before the memory of his breakup with Jin-kang stops him in his tracks.

Steeling himself, Cho-rong walks back and hands the money to Jin-kook. “Things didn’t work out between us,” Cho-rong says to Jin-kook’s confused expression. He continues that he wanted to tell Jin-kook now rather than have regrets, and apologizes for wasting Jin-kook’s efforts to bring the couple together. Noting Cho-rong’s crestfallen expression, Jin-kook offers to take him for drinks. Cho-rong suggests another time and quickly escapes.

Leaving work, Jin-kang finds Moo-young waiting for her outside. He texts that they should take the bus together but before she can reply, her coworkers come out and Moo-young ducks around a corner. CEO Hwang offers to drive Jin-kang home since she’s headed that way. Jin-kang awkwardly declines, loudly saying she’d prefer the bus.

Seo-yeon tries to take her place, but CEO Hwang is going the opposite direction and she’s forced to walk with Jin-kang. Moo-young is already waiting at the bus stop when Seo-yeon suddenly changes her mind about taking the subway. Jin-kang frantically texts Moo-young that Seo-yeon will be taking the bus and he disappears again.

Seo-yeon decides she’d rather take the subway after all and departs. Jin-kang texts Moo-young again and he reappears from around the bus stop shelter with a smile. Sitting next to each other on the bus, they can’t hold back their grins as Moo-young teases Jin-kang about a typo in her texts.

So-jung muses about the weather as she walks down the street with Jin-kook, but he’s ignoring her. She wonders if he’s upset because November is approaching but he waves it off. So-jung asks what he’s thinking, then, and Jin-kook sighs that Jin-kang broke up with Cho-rong. So-jung can’t fathom why and Jin-kook admits he’s stumped as well.

Jin-kook regrets telling Jin-kang he trusted her to make her own choices, not knowing she wasn’t with Cho-rong anymore. So-jung tells him to keep his promise, but Jin-kook is worried Moo-young had something to do with the breakup. He notices So-jung’s uncomfortable reaction and asks if she knows something.

At a restaurant, Jin-kang questions whether Moo-young turned down Jang Se-ran’s job offer. He coyly asks what she thinks and Jin-kang grins, knowing he’s kept his promise. She admits to feeling guilty for sacrificing CEO Hwang’s shoe-in for Jang Se-ran’s pub. Moo-young wonders why Jin-kang was against the job when it would’ve benefited her work as well as given him a better position.

Jin-kang playfully dismisses his suggestion that she doesn’t like money, clarifying that she just didn’t want him associating with such powerful people. Sobering, she reminds him he promised to answer whatever she asked. Despite her many questions, Jin-kang says she won’t ask anything just yet.

“I’ve always gotten mad at you whenever I met you,” she admits. She lists being angry, tearful, worried, and vowing to never see him again… but she’s never smiled. “So I want to smile first, before anything,” she grins.

Walking home, Jin-kang asks if they can take a different route. Moo-young follows easily and she guesses he knows she’s avoiding running into Jin-kook. Moo-young confirms he’s aware Jin-kook doesn’t like him. Taking Jin-kang’s hand, Moo-young admits he likes Jin-kook, though. At least, he enjoys messing with him. “I act up whenever I’m with him,” Moo-young laughs.

Then Moo-young tells Jin-kang she’d smiled at him once before. He reminds her of the night he’d walked her home and she’d asked about his cat. He’d teased that its name was Jin Kang and she’d sighed, “I think I’ll keep hating you.” Moo-young had wished her good luck and she’d smiled exactly three seconds later.

Awed by his memory, Jin-kang asks if his cat is still missing. Moo-young admits he looked but hadn’t found her. Instead, he’d heard she’d gotten a great boyfriend so he shouldn’t wait for her. Jin-kang repeats that she’ll keep hating him and Moo-young returns, “Good luck.” As they pass a flower shop, Jin-kang pulls Moo-young over to look and he smiles as he watches her.

The next morning, Jin-kook waters the new pots of flowers. Jin-kang says she bought them on the way home and asks if Jin-kook is going to drive her to work again. She warns him she’ll be working late tonight, sighing he’ll have to go shopping for gimbap ingredients alone. Jin-kook accidentally starts to mention Cho-rong, but quickly changes the subject.

Yoo-ri is taken away by the prosecution and one of his team members tells Jin-kook to check on Moo-young since he’s been out of contact. Meanwhile, Moo-young is on the phone with Jin-kang. He warns her his battery is dying but she just called to say she’s working late. He tells her to check under his flowerpot if she stops by his place and hangs up as Woo-sang’s secretary steps out of a black car.

Over drinks, Jang Se-ran asks why Moo-young turned her down. He tells her he thought it would get in the way because he’s learning to be a good person. She laughs cruelly, pointing out it doesn’t suit him. She tells him that they’re the same, “We’ll never become humans.”

She continues that she’s bored because there’s nothing exciting in the world. She chases after anything that “glitters” only to be disappointed. Jang Se-ran says Moo-young is currently glittering brightly and she intends to chase him. “You’ll come to me,” she promises. Moo-young tells her his drink tastes bad and leaves.

Jin-kook goes to Moo-young’s place and sees a pot of flowers identical to the ones Jin-kang bought. He bangs on the door, but there’s no answer. Later, at home, Jin-kook thinks about the flowers and runs back to Moo-young’s place, suspecting Jin-kang lied about working late to meet with Moo-young.

Flashing back to his earlier conversation with So-jung, we see she’d told Jin-kook about Jin-kang calling after Moo-young had been arrested. She’d mentioned Jin-kang’s voice was strange and mused that if Moo-young really was the boy Jin-kook was looking for that they shouldn’t be going out together. Hm.

Jin-kang finally answers Jin-kook’s calls, apologizing for not hearing the phone as she flits about her office. In the background, Jin-kook hears Jin-kang’s coworker ask a question and sighs in relief. Hanging up, Jin-kook finds Moo-young standing behind him.

Moo-young asks if Jin-kook needed him and Jin-kook reminds him he was given instructions when he was released. Moo-young lists the rules about answering calls from the police or else, but explains his phone died so he hadn’t had a chance to call back.

Jin-kook tells Moo-young his interrogation is tomorrow and then blurts, “You’re seeing my sister, aren’t you? Stop seeing her.” Moo-young wonders if it’s because he doesn’t deserve her, but Jin-kook says it’s not about worth, but simply because it’s Moo-young. He warns Moo-young to stay away.

Jin-kang finally gets off work and stops by Moo-young’s place on her way home. She checks under the flowerpot and finds the key to the door. Inside, Moo-young is having his nightmare again, but this time when the voice calls his name, it really is Jin-kang. Sitting up, he hugs her tightly.

After calming down, Moo-young explains he’d dreamed of his father’s death. He admits this is the fifth time he’s had the dream and each time it gets clearer, like a memory resurfacing. He tells Jin-kang it starts out with him playing outside with his younger sibling. He goes inside to his dad and sees the steaming kettle and the gun, but not the face of the man holding it. The happy dream morphs into a nightmare as he calls out to his dad and the unknown man shoots his father dead.

Moo-young tells Jin-kang he becomes trapped in the nightmare and then he hears her voice calling his name. He admits that the dream might really be his memory since he has no recollection of anything before he was roughly 5 years old. All he remembers is walking and there’s a flashback of young Moo-young in what appears to be hospital clothes, walking barefoot down a sidewalk.

Moo-young says he was tired, but was sure someone was waiting for him. He shows Jin-kang the drawing, identifying the figures as his parents, himself, and his younger sibling. Moo-young continues that he was taken in by an elderly woman for a short while but she died and he was moved to the orphanage.

The drawing had been on him when he arrived at the orphanage and Jin-kang notes the people in the picture look happy. Pointing at the father, Moo-young says he’s always thought his dad was a cop and was still searching for his son. “That’s why I’m not an abandoned child,” Moo-young says, “I’m a lost child.”

Embarrassed, Moo-young laughs at his childish thinking, but Jin-kang takes his hand and says she would’ve thought the same things in his shoes. She asks if he’s ever searched for his family and Moo-young said he tried once when he was 8 and again when he was 20, but doesn’t wish to try again. Jin-kang guesses he fears his dreams are true and pulls him into a hug.

Jin-kang arrives home to find Jin-kook busy making gimbap. He tells her to take a nap before they go to the temple, but Jin-kang says she can’t make it. She claims it’s work, but she later admits to Moo-young as they ride on a train, “I lied so easily. I must’ve been influenced by you.”

She playfully suggests they not lie anymore and they laugh as they feed each other some of Jin-kook’s gimbap. Jin-kang says Jin-kook never forgot to make her gimbap for spring picnics and fall field days. Moo-young asks why they always go to the temple on November 1st and Jin-kang admits that she really doesn’t know, only that it became the Yoo siblings’ tradition and she always looked forward to that day.

Arriving in Haesan, Jin-kang calls to ask So-jung to go on a date with Jin-kook in her stead. After hanging up, Jin-kang comments that she doesn’t recognize anything since she never came back after moving to Seoul. Moo-young picks up on the fact that Jin-kook was working as a cop in Haesan and therefore lied about not knowing the police there.

Detective Gun tells the team the investigation has been pushed back a day because Moo-young went to Haesan. He wonders where Jin-kook is and another detective mentions Jin-kook’s transfer request. Detective Gun reveals the reason Jin-kook and Chief Lee’s team broke up in the past was because a violent criminal they’d been after died during apprehension.

Jin-kook had gone after the culprit alone and the man had fallen over a cliff and died. It was ruled an accident and no punishment was sought, but Jin-kook had made a fuss. Cho-rong sticks up for Jin-kook and says it’s understandable that he would be traumatized, but the other detectives argue the death penalty was common back then, so the man would’ve been put to death anyway.

So-jung finds Jin-kook paying his respects at the temple and they sit down to eat the gimbap he packed. She guesses that Jin-kang never knew why Jin-kook took her here every year and Jin-kook firmly replies that she should never find out. So-jung points out that at least Jin-kang’s father’s spirit can see her grow up. Jin-kook sighs that he wished that were true, but really he comes for his own comfort.

A taxi drops Jin-kang and Moo-young off and they flirt as they walk up to the orphanage where Moo-young grew up. They follow the kids into the chapel for choir practice. When the song ends, Moo-young claps and the nun smiles brightly when she turns to see him.

Jin-kang plays with the kids as the nun asks Moo-young who she is. “Someone I want to impress,” he replies. She’s happy to hear it and Moo-young asks what it means to be a good person. She tells him a good person is someone with a lot of love and Moo-young sighs that he’s definitely not one of them. She laughs that it’s true and Moo-young laughs as well.

The nun asks why Moo-young didn’t stick around after the funeral service last time. She starts to mention Dr. Yang but Moo-young quickly cuts her off. He asks instead about the detective from Haesan that had been searching for a boy with burn scars. It had happened the year before Moo-young arrived and when the nuns had called the police, they’d been told the boy had already been found.

Moo-young says he still went to the station when he was 8, thinking maybe the man looking was his dad. “But as expected, he wasn’t,” Moo-young admits, “I don’t know why, but I feel like I still have to start from here.”

Exploring the woods, Jin-kang looks for a rock by the lake where Moo-young used to sit and watch. Moo-young joins her and she asks if he found out anything new. He didn’t and Jin-kang tells him that she used to think about the orphanage when she was a kid. Moo-young agrees she would’ve been sent to one if not for Jin-kook.

Jin-kang reveals that when she was in middle school she’d figured out that she wasn’t really Jin-kook’s sister. She’d thought it was strange that she had no baby pictures, that her father had died two years before she was born, and that when her sister had left for the States, she’d told Jin-kook, “I’m your real sister, not her.” Jin-kang says she’d never thought she’d admit it to anyone because she felt apologetic towards Jin-kook just for thinking about it.

Moo-young realizes she probably had a lot of questions she never got to ask because she couldn’t tell Jin-kook she knew. She says when it comes to being a missing or abandoned child, she’d always felt abandoned. Tearing up, Jin-kang cries that she can’t even thank Jin-kook for raising her but she wishes he were happy.

Jin-kook grows worried whether Jin-kang has eaten and So-jung snatches his phone away before he can text her. She sarcastically apologizes for taking Jin-kang’s place and Jin-kook says she’s pretty when she’s worked up. So-jung asks if he worries about her, clarifying, “Love is about worrying about someone. That’s why you’re never worried about me.”

Waving off Jin-kook’s insistence he doesn’t need to worry because she’s brave, So-jung leans in and says, “But you should know… who it is that worries about you most in this entire world.” In response, Jin-kook smacks her playfully on the forehead.

Sitting with Moo-young on his rock, Jin-kang says she wished she could go back in time and hug his younger self. Moo-young says it’s not too late, and adds, “I want to sleep with you.” Smiling, Jin-kang agrees.

Back at the temple, So-jung drunkenly tells Jin-kang that she likes him for not blowing off the incident like everyone else, and hopes someday he’ll move on. Jin-kook disagrees, admitting he urged Yoo-ri to confess so she wouldn’t end up like him.

He explains that he caused someone’s death and likely would’ve committed suicide if not for his family needing him. Still, he’s tormented by the fact he never paid for his crime and So-jung gently points out it was an accident.

Meanwhile, Jin-kang and Moo-young have relocated to a hotel and they laugh as they undress each other and kiss. Jin-kook confesses that the criminal he chased didn’t go over a cliff, like the report said. “He didn’t run away in the first place,” Jin-kook says, “I shot him with my gun.”


Well, this is a disturbing revelation! We’ve long suspected that the person Jin-kook shot and killed was Moo-young’s father, making Moo-young the boy he’d been searching for. But the current implication is that the man who died was Jin-kang’s father, which is why Jin-kook took her in and visits his grave every year. His dogged determination to separate Moo-young and Jin-kang makes even more sense when it’s possible the two are siblings.

It’s clear that Moo-young isn’t aware of this connection, and I can’t help but be angry with Jin-kook for selfishly keeping secrets that could have such a profound impact. Now, Jin-kang and Moo-young have passed the point of no return and even if they turn out to not be related in the end, the mere possibility is enough to shatter their worlds.

Which is why this episode is especially heartbreaking, because Jin-kang and Moo-young are both so scarred by pasts they can’t remember and finally found solace in one another. Jin-kang was lucky to at least have someone to care for her, but she’s also lived with the guilt that Jin-kook took her in and made sacrifices he didn’t have to. It’s stopped her from trying to find answers while Moo-young’s attempts have been foiled, because surely he was the boy that Chief Lee turned away.

It’s possible these are all just very strange coincidences. Moo-young’s scars seem to be from the boiling kettle, but how did Jin-kang get hers? Was she with Moo-young when his father was shot? Why was Jin-kook able to take in Jin-kang while Moo-young was lost? I really, really hope that there’s another twist and with three more weeks, it’s a possibility. I just hope the damage done beforehand isn’t irreversible.


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thanks for the recap, @sunny! Whew! That was the bed scene to end all bed scenes! Beautiful and poignant.. I've lost track of how many times I rewatched that scene! And MY's shaking shoulder has got to be the best part!


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I'm struggeling to remember if there ever was a more obvious sex scene in a kdrama.

I especially liked that they showed the awkwardness and giddieness between two people at their first time. It was a fun watch and quite unexpected... I mean it was their first date. lol

Well in any case... I've read Game of Thrones so I'm mentally prepared for the worst.


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Secretary Kim ep 13 was pretty obvious too! Another tvn drama.


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Yeah, Secretary Kim bed scene was sexy but not quite beautiful and gentle like in 100MSFTS. As @peachnita said the way they giggled and were awkward at first was what made that scene so unexpectedly playful and sweet considering the tone of the show.


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Jealousy Incarnate


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Was it the second date? The first being the one in the restaurant.

Heart to Heart's sex scene was pretty obvious too. But they cut it in different parts and we see it as a memory.


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"I've lost track of how many times I rewatched that scene!"

I believe that many of us are secretly guilty of the same crime.



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Did nobody see him puck her lips repeatedly like a fish sucking in pellets? That's what he was giggling and shaking about. Not only is SIG one of the most versatile actors in Korean. He is THE most versatile kisser in Korea. Especially in scenes where the intimacy is a huge deal, he thoughtfully designs a kiss that stands out. He never kisses the same way as any of his other dramas and that is why is is the King of kiss scenes👑💋.


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This show is turning into Game of Thrones! (maybe). But seriously, if they are siblings, then the Jin Kook should have done more to warn Moo Young away from his sister. Maybe he didn't think they would sleep together so soon.


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the ultimate grand supreme incest-fest GOT...? gosh, no. hehe!


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I remember reading somewhere -- in comments here, lol? -- that Seo in Guk said that Korean Smile has Left Your Eyes is "our story". I took that too mean that the most controversial elements, incest, would be off the table. We shall see. What's interesting is that a good portion of viewers here and elsewhere feel that leaving it unexplored will "ruin" the drama, as them being siblings is at the core of the story. Many others have written that they hope it will not follow the J-drama story, incest and whatever else (please, don't fill me in, I'm so tired of dodging spoilers. Clearly a segment of viewers will be disheartened at the finish.


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My alter ego, the one who remembers to sign in, is in total agreement with this comment


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I mean "stay away from her because you're YOU" is designed specifically to push them together especially when you're dealing with someone with this personality. Could he be more oblivious in how he talks to him?


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Hmmm... so JK's father is the one that JG shot. If we go that path then it makes all the more sense that JK and MY might really be siblings as I guess most of us have guessed that JG killed MY's father.

But, I'm just confused if, indeed, JG killed MY's father and he suspects that MY is the boy he has been looking for- then why the intense anger towards MY? What has the boy who witnessed his father gunned down before his very eyes done to him (JG)? Shouldn't he at least feel remorse that MY turned out that way because of what he did in the first place? I just don't get where his anger is coming from. Also, why take in only JK and not both siblings if what he wants is atonement?


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I'm also struggeling to understand that. Why treat JK and MY so über different if they are in fact siblings.

I've been thinking and I believe that the existence of the J version has impacted the way we see this drama (no matter how hard we try to avoid spoilers...)

If this was any other drama we would believe that JG killed MY's father who killed JK's family. Thus creating a plausible bad blood relationship between MY and JK.

But alas the J version exists and to be honest we remember the dramas with a heartbreaking ending longer than the ones with a happy ending. So I actually hope they stick somewhat close to the original.

I believe that as of now this drama is SIG's magnum opus in his acting career. I can't see another male lead in the near future that is so clearly a very complicated anti-hero.


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I would like to echo @shach's theory below- I sort of also think that it's a possibility- that JK's father was indeed a criminal who killed MY's father and that JG killed JK's father and to atone for that he took JK in. JG then is protecting JK from MY because of the possibility that if he uncovers the truth then he would be hell-bent on avenging his father's death and JK might be on the receiving end of his wrath.

BUT if this is the case, why do JK and MY have matching scars? My gosh, this drama and all its secrets have been driving me crazy since the first episode!


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Oh, this makes so much sense to me! I can see JG trying to protect his sister, especially after seeing how MY acts when he wants revenge.


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I think that the Writer and the PD are doing it on purpose. They knew that it would be nearly impossible to stay away from spoilers, so they are playing us to guess if they are following the J path or not.


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This is entirely Ziggy's drama because without him this part wouldn't work.


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Let's not forget that JG know to full extent what king of person MY is now, someone who toys with others lives with no remorse or consideration of consequences. No one would want somebody like that near their family member. JG killed someone once and devouted his life to make amends/pay back for his misdeed, maybe that what make him so angry, that MY really feel nothing for people his lives he destroying.


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Point taken!

Still curious, though, IF JK and MY are siblings- why did he take in only one? Is it because he fears that little MY would recognize him as the killer? How did JK and MY get separated? So many questions and only 6 more episodes left!


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Didn't someone mentioned that little MY disappeared from hospital? There scene when JG is looking at child in hospital bed and missing poster, plus MY telling JK that he thought his father was policemen because he was told that policeman is looking for him? So it seem JG try to find him/maybe take him too.


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But there was that scene when little MY was being treated for his burn and he looked at JG then JG suddenly turned away. Why didn't he just approach little MY?


@teachermok18, maybe because of feeling guilty? I have feeling that this crime from 20 yrs ago is way more complicated that we are shown now. It seems like police force was involved in some cover up if official version is that suspect jump off the cliff, while JG told Tak that he shot him? And what happened to MY mother and brother?


I think at first Jinkook was afraid MY will recognize he killed his father, so he turned away at the hospital. He was busy covering up his manslaughter as an accident. Probably didn’t have much time to deal with the kids. MY somehow wandered off and got lost. By the time Jinkook’s guilt chewed him up from inside, he was only able to track down JinKang.


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Hi, @geliguolu and @shach! I smile at the thought that we are all playing detectives here :)

I agree with all of your points- possibly, JG's guilt got the better of him in the wake of the shooting that when has finally calmed down (and the crime covered up), MY has already wandered off.


then why the intense anger towards MY?
Because first he suspected he was the murderer, later he found out the guy has cleaned a crime scene, almost certainly did nothing to stop the murder, let an innocent guy be arrested, confessed to feeling nothing about his girlfriend dying, JG thinks he is evil. Yes, he did nothing to him, but that changes nothing, he is a cop, it's his instinct as a decent person and as a cop to protect society against people like MY.
The reason the boy was missing has not been explained yet but he searched for him and was very angry when found out that stupid boss had sent the boy away when he was eight and went to that police station.


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I think his anger is exacerbated by his guilt. When he first suspected MY, his cop gut made him very bias towards MY. Then when he saw MY’s scar, he thought he was paranoid to think anyone with a scar is the kid. He’s too cowardly to find this answer. In light of MY doing so much morally ambiguous and almost criminal things, he doesn’t want to confirm his suspicion. Because if it turns out MY is really the kid, he played an absolute part in creating a monster. He killed his father and never took care of him. Even though he did try to find that child, the result is he never did, and that has a lot to do with him moving away from Haesan, probably to avoid career repercussions of that “accident”. How he cried that JinKang got slapped is how much guilt he stomachs regularly. He suspects but he hasn’t accepted the fact that MY is the poor boy who lost his parents and somehow turned into a psychopath because of his crime. Despite still in denial, it still lingers in his mind that MY is here for revenge. He doesn’t know MY lost his memory. He couldn’t have since he confirmed MY tried to look for him. He probably thinks MY knows about JinKang and showed up to take his sister back (if they are in fact siblings). He wouldn’t have guessed MY will sleep with his sister because he expected MY to have that knowledge. Yet even if them getting too intimate wasn’t his concern, he should have told JinKang that MY is her kin (of any kind). She has the right to know.


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thanks for this very insightful analysis, @geliguolu, and this is the response that i've been waiting for. of course i know that much of JG's wrath is due to MY and his misdeeds bordering on the sociopathic, but i think that's not enough to explain the intensity of hate he feels towards MY even from the get go when all he has are "bad vibes". even JK in the preview for ep 11 wonders and asks Tak why JG hates MY so much. and yes, guilt could have been a contributing factor to that otherworldly spite he has for MY. i think that hate runs much deeper than what is expected from a cop against a criminal.

also thanks for pointing out that aside from revenge, JG might be suspecting that MY is out to get his sister back.


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You talk about something I've questioned. Why didn't JG try to confirm his suspicion about MY being the boy after he saw the scar? I know he already knew he was a scary person but still I would have found out. I don't agree in his part about creating a monster. But I know you know the japanese version and I'm just using what the kdrama has told us so far. Even if he shot his dad while trying to arrest him, that doesn't make him responsible for creating a monster.
Who's to say MY wasn't born a sociopath? I think we don't know enough to make that judgement.
MY is here for revenge? I thought he had that suspicion very briefly but later realized MY isn't or doesn't know if he is that boy? Wouldn't he have told Tak if he thought MY was getting closer to JK with this knowledge?


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"You talk about something I've questioned. Why didn't JG try to confirm his suspicion about MY being the boy after he saw the scar? "

hmmm... maybe he's not yet ready to face the possibility that MY might be that young boy?

"Wouldn't he have told Tak if he thought MY was getting closer to JK with this knowledge?"

i think it was only in this episode when JG found out that CR and JK broke up did he finally admit to himself that JK and MY are indeed closer than he thinks, which is even further cemented by what Tak told him about JK's phone call during MY's arrest. so when Tak said that MY and JK shouldn't be going out, so im assuming JG has already confided in her his suspicions- what those are i think we still don't know.

Nope. I have't seen the Jap version, but spoilers abound sadly so I already have a vague idea of what went on in the original. im hoping for more clues... even answers... this week.


Even if he shot his dad while trying to arrest him, that doesn't make him responsible for creating a monster. Who's to say MY wasn't born a sociopath? I think we don't know enough to make that judgement.

Maybe you didn't understand me fully. I am not making this judgment. I'm merely speculating the thoughts storming in Jinkook's mind. He adapted JinKang out of guilt and that guilt has made him so protective of her that he would cry when she gets humiliated or mocked for being an orphan. Likewise, if MY is the dead guy's child, he would feel obligated to take care of him as well, which he feels he has failed to do. He is mad, at himself, that without his protection or another moral role model to look up to, MY turned out the way he is. His anger is spilling over to everyone because he can't channel it properly, like asking MY directly to see if he is the child and find out what really went wrong with his life.

MY is here for revenge? I thought he had that suspicion very briefly but later realized MY isn't or doesn't know if he is that boy?
Jinkook doesn't know MY was traumatized to the point he never remembered that day. MY has asked about a Haesan cop repeatedly. The first most logical thing to think is he's here to find his dad's murderer. This fear is holding him back from confronting MY's real identity. That doesn't mean Jinkook doesn't believe MY is the child, but he is in full denial -- the first phase of emotional defense.

Wouldn't he have told Tak if he thought MY was getting closer to JK with this knowledge?
He hasn't been completely honest to Tak. He confesses parts and bits when he's drunk and emotional. After so many years she JUST found out he gunned down the guy. All along she was telling him he's done enough for JinKang and should let go because she thought is was an accident. There's probably a lot that Tak doesn't know.


Yes, I had not understood you were just projecting what were in JG's mind, even if not completely consciously. Thanks. That only makes me pity this guy more. He feels so much guilt. I'm waiting to know what he did so wrong, besides shooting a criminal, which is not simple, but still, he must have done more.
They all needed therapy!
ps: how do we use italics here?


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I also think it's likely it's JG off-set guilt at himself. There's a lot of violence lying under his surface that comes out occasionally, and he's hating MY as the manifestation of his own bad self. He tries to put a stable and funny surface on his life, but he's not at all ok underneath. It seems very much like MY serves as a mirror for him.


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My heart 😞 I hate JG each passing episode and I thought I would like him the most. I will never forgive him if it turns out he didn’t tell JK the truth.


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I don't think that kdrama would have guts to show possible incest on scree, so for now I assume that they are not siblings, but maybe MY is a son of JinKang's father victim, since policemen keep saying that he would get death penalty anyway, and knowing JinKook character by now, he wouldn't shoot a perpetrator just because.


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I am hoping against hope that you are correct! I also said it in the past that kdrama land is probably not ready as yet to explore something as big as incest. But someone pointed out their movie industry to me and that makes me worried again :(


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But there are certain regulation regarding what can be shown on tv, like the thing with knives and nudity, that movies are free from. I remember all the ruckus about same sex kiss scene on "Seonam Girls High School Detectives.


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the contrast between the lengths they can go to in the movie industry and the limits they place on public TV broadcasting is jarring... but it's similar in most places... the smaller the target audience is, the more freedom you have


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This is tvN though. Not the 3 public channels. TvN has always been like their HBO


yes... I know, hehe. Thanks! i actually typed an ABC vrs. HBO type of analogy after this initial comment and deleted it... because i mean TvN shows is still not HBO's GOT and Spartacus levels...loool. so i leaned in more with their target audience being smaller and thereby loosening the ''propriety'' binds on them slightly...


It seems baffling to me that it is easier for kdrama to show violent murder, rape, prostitution than it is to show unintentional incest. Neither of those people suspect they might be brother and sister. How can that be so much more horrible than murder, especially some of the violent murders and dismemberment seen on Kdramas? And.... for that matter, there is a cultural element involved. Remember a very important and respected husband and wife in many religions had the same father (Abraham and Sarah). I just don't understand why television can't touch on the topic when they hit so many other distasteful topics such as murder and rape and prostitution. In this case, MY and JK don't even have a clue that they are (might be) sinning in such a socially unacceptable way.


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I just find Jin Kook intensely annoying at this point. If there’s even the smallest possibility that Jin Kang and Moo Young are siblings then he should have told her that the second he realised they liked each other. What he’s chosen to do instead is attempt to control her and keep her in the dark and now possibly ruin her life and scar her a lot more deeply than if he had just been open about her past once she’d met Moo Young. His behaviour is just so gross to me and I can’t understand it.

On another note, Moo Young just makes me so sad, the way he responds to Jin Kangs physical affection is so sweet and pure like a puppy who’s never been petted before. That sigh when he cradled his face in her hand during the bed scene broke my heart a little.


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For a man who slept with countless women before, MY looked like it was the first time for him as he was giddy and awkward around JK.


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It was the first time his heart and soul were taken to the bed, too. Not just his body.

This was the most heartbreaking bed scene I've ever seen. My lips were smiling but my heart cryin.


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We should not be expecting incest obviously unless the korean are looking towards to competing with the Japanese in extreme cultural oddity.


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That's my hope. If it is revealed that incest did occur, the Korean media would definitely have something to say about it.


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Like they were watching. The ratings are low. So don't be messin' up a good show, when they weren't watching in the first place.

Bring on the incest.


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I mean, I would have hope for high ratings, because the production is legit high quality. But that's not the case, so if netizens decided to rain in our parade when they weren't watching before, thats just sad.


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The only way I can see the story can go (if the writer's endgame is that they are NOT siblings) is that perhaps Mooyoung's dad adopted/kidnapped Jinkang...or worse, he killed her parents then raised her as his daughter. After all, the cops said the person that died was a criminal. Maybe he even kidnapped MY as well... The burn scars might be from torture he did to MY and JK while raising them as his kids...or something HAHAHA

Anyway, going from that theory...Jingook thought they are blood-siblings, hence, he thinks it would be incest for MY and JK to be a couple. But then if you look closely on the drawing MY had, the younger sibling looks like a boy...although he never gender-specified it when he was talking to JK (he just said "dongsaeng", without "nam" or "yeo").

They said that in the original show (I never watched it, but I read synopses online), the older brother of the main girl had intended to adopt both siblings, but the brother (the main guy) ran away at the hospital when the older brother brought both kids there for treatment for their burns. The flashbacks so far from JG never showed JK in the past...it was always just him and little MY...so I don't think that is the same case with the Korean remake...

Heck if MY's dongsaeng is a boy, maybe it's Chorong... JOKE HAHAHAHAHA (k bye)


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I like that theory. What if JK was kidnapped and raised as a boy to hide her true identity?


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First, it was beautiful shot intimate scene, but I couldn't get all giddy about it, because knowing what we know about MY I kept thinking about impending doom.
Secondly, I don't think kdrama would really show real siblings in bed scene so I assume that in that remake they are not. So the point of conflict will be probably that Jin Kang is child of murderer and her father killed MY family.


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That's an interesting possibility. Jin Kook then killed Jin Kang's father?


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Ohh yes, I can see your 2nd point happening. It fits with what the police detective lady told Jin-kook too, instead of being about them being siblings like we all thought it's about her dad murdering Moo-young's family.


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Yes and she wasn't all scandalized and shocked about possibility that they may be attracted to each other, it was like "oh well if he is that boy, then they shouldn't date". I would like to think she would express greater sense of urgency if they were siblings.


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I hope they are siblings. They did not know so what would be the scandal? If it's just that cliche about one parent murdering the other parent it's going to so boring. It doesn't fit this show.


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i wouldn't mind it either, characters dealing with aftermath of such revelation would make compelling watch but it's kdrama we are talking about, so right now I'm on team boring solution ;)


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But why? Shouldn't we want kdrama to be braver like their movies?


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I didn't meant it as I want such a solution but that I don't expect anything other because it's kdrama, and I don't expect anything groundbreaking from it, but I would be glad if it defy my prediction.


I’m still hopeful they will be braver since they hired a movie screenwriter.


There must be something else to it because we have the doctor's character in the equation. He must have played an important role there, as he was the first character they presented.


finally some long overdue cuteness and skinship!!! But judging from the ep 11 preview we don't get much more and Jin-kang and Moo-young seem to be fighting over whether Moo-young should win Jin-kook's approval.

Their chemistry is off the charts and the bed scene was sizzling. Honestly I wish Jin-kang took off her shirt too but maybe I am asking for too much 😏😏😏


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finally, i lived to see a really cute believable (& unbelievable) bed scene in a k-drama...hehehe! i never thought i'd stop believing all the cute korean babies are delivered by storks! i kid... i kid... i did feel pretty asexual for awhile there watching k-dramas with no hints by the boatload... it wasn't a bad thing. i liked finding everything cute and sweet as opposed to hot and steamy chemistry... this scene was cute and sweet...but then really hot too. haha. i paused my screen and watched it frame by frame through my fingers...and i am married with 2 kids :D :D :D!


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This is the recap I've been waiting for! I think this drama is riveting and went in knowing that it would be unsettling. Now I'm waiting to see just how unpleasant it will be. Will this be an illustration of why people shouldn't keep secrets about birthparents? How many lives will be destroyed? Or will there be some form of redemption at the end like the redemption that JK promised Im Yoo-ri?

I'm pleasantly surprised to see an orphanage portrayed in a kind light and nuns portrayed as having a sense of humor.


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This can go two ways I think: one is that Moo-young and Jin-kang are really siblings like everything is pointing to and he is mistaken about his sibling being a boy because he doesn't remember, the other is, I now have this theory that the guy Jin-kook shot is not actually Moo-young's father, Moo-young was just friends with Jin-kang's biological brother, and since he doesn't remember his early childhood he's confused and thinks the guy Jin-kook killed was HIS dad when in reality is his friend's.


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I have a theory about MY’s drawing. The fourth figure in MY’s drawing looks like a little boy (who has a STAR on his t-shirt) and from MY’s dream/flashback we can see what looks like two pairs of boys’ sneakers and two toy airplanes which implies that MY had a younger brother.

However, I’m afraid when MY’s memory becomes clear it’ll be revealed that the younger sibling was a tomboy GIRL who wanted to dress up like her older brother.

JG is to blame for their tragic fate, if it turns out to be true. How can he keep something like that to himself? He’s letting them to fall into a hell for committing one of the greatest sins.


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This is why I'm really hoping they're not siblings!! I get chills just thinking about the possibility. If the drama reveals that they really are siblings, it'll go down as the most disturbing plot twist in all the dramas I've watched.


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What twist? The drama itself has been hinting at this from the early eps, at this point them not being siblings would be the surprise. :)


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Wasn't the first thing he said to her, "You look like a cute younger sister"? I took that as foreshadowing from the start. I wondered if he had tracked down Jin-kook and already knew Jin-kang was his sister.


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I love the fluffiness of this episode! The drama has been dark and melo, so this episode was truly refreshing, albeit temporary.

I love JSM's acting here!! She looked so in love with SIG's character. (I wish they were in love for real! They look so good together!) And I could see the difference when JK was with Cho Rong as against to when JK was with MY. She only thinks of CR as a friend, but with MY, my gosh the girl is head over heels in love with him! (I'm also so giddy that during their date at the orphanage, the duet of JSM and SIG was playing!! Love it love it love it! ♥️)

I am bothered by the nun's expressions as MY was asking about his origins. It seemed like she knows more but MY kept talking. Not sure if she's scared that her knowledge of something might hurt MY. I'm not sure (or I might be overanalyzing things).

I'll enjoy the fluffiness of this episodr for now as I prepare myself for the tears and eventual heartbreak for the next 3 weeks. 😫


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Even Moo-young looked just as smitten, just as in love <3


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The scene at the flower shop! His eyes!!! I totally love SIG's eyes! At first it was wonder, then as he looked at JK, his eyes became tender and he flashed that oh-so-sweet smile!

Oh and when he hugged JK after waking up from that nightmare! He was holding onto her for dear life!


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TRUE! Actually, every scene they were together they looked so in love <3

SIG is so handsome and JSM is a beauty! She looked like an angel during the bed scene esp when they broke apart after the giggly kiss- she looked like she just came down from heaven with lighting and all!

This show is setting us up for a huge and terrible heartbreak. I think imma need a support group after all these!


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Yes I agree! Let's all cry together in the coming weeks!


I'm in awe of how well this show has managed to portray how childhood experiences can deeply affect us for the rest of our lives.
JK and MY have obviously been scarred by their past, and it was so nice seeing them find shelter in each other...
And also really weird to see that much happiness in this show 😂. I was on the edge all the time, expecting something terrible to happen. While there was no doom and gloom in this episode, the episode itself felt like the storm before the calm.
The backstory behind all of this is evidently tragic, but l really hope the worst of my suspicions aren't right.


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calm before the storm*
See how this show has got me going crazy?


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Hahahahha! I had to laugh at that. Sorry


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I'm still working on Chapter 13, and it should be up soon. I've been traumatized by episode 10, so I'm still gathering my wits about me.

Check it out here.


The way as I see it, the story goes like this:

They're siblings.
Their father is a murderer.
He died, shot by Jin kook.
The kettle fell, scalding the little girl, whom we don't see...yet.
The boy rushes forward, and protects the sister, sustaining burns on the same shoulder and arm.
Jin kook brings the children to the hospital.
The boy walks away, traumatised, and forgets his family.
Jin kook adopts the little girl.
The police covered up the shooting.
The department knew.
Jin kook becomes a disgrace.
The kids grow up.
One is strange, the other normal.
They fall in love.
OMG 🤤🤤🤤🤤


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‪I do think there’s still a possibility they are not siblings ... The drawing drawn by KMY gave out the only distinctive clue so far in the drama that there isn’t a sister . I know there’s a chance that he remembered wrongly but we all knew how well he could remember things /events as he could easily piece up 20 over beads in the bracelet or arranged the globes at murder scene cleanup , so mistakenly remembered that he has a younger brother really don’t seem likely to me . Then the disturbing voice of JK in MY memory can just simply means they could ha‪ve just played together at orphanage or neighbourhood area . Also KMY’s dad who is believed to have been shot by the detective JinGoo & in this episode it’s implying that he has a daughter and it’s Jin Kang ? Another theory from my perspective as I tried to wrap possibilities around my head is that KMY’s dad may have adopted JK in from the orphanage & even worse he’s not even KMY’s real dad either! He just happened to adopt both in&raise them up & that’s how they met as kids. ‬Another confusing plot was why would KMY believe his dad isn’t dead yet when it’s pretty obvious he’s gunned down by that person ? He seem so determined that his dad is still alive ? KMY seem to have suspected something and it happened three times while they are out in date . He became definite JK over protective brother is hiding things at Haesan back then . Second he questioned JK why would she go to temple each year on same date ? Which JK herself failed to pick right on it but KMY was smarter than she is and is quick . Thirdly he didn’t seem too overly surprised to know the truth that JinGoo isn’t JK real brother . From these signs , we know KMY would be the first person to uncover truths and even horrible revelations and connection to JinGoo and JIN Kang and his own past . How he’s going to handle the truths would be what scares me to death which only means more heartbreak and cries but I’m expecting it from a melo genre . Siblings or not it really didn’t bother me much I mean come on .. in reality it’s definitely morally unethical but it’s just drama and it’s only fictional! It pains me to keep reading comments begging they are not siblings as that was the only thing people could write for this drama . It spoils the mood of the entire drama as I was hoping to get good insights and thoughts into the story itself and discuss about possibilities of the character development. Thankfully I find them here while the rest of other places were hopeless . It’s only six ep left .. let’s just enjoy it till the end and bring it on whatever wrath , heart aches or deaths !! I recalled The innocent man was much much heavier than this for melo genre . It’s three times more hurting but this was the one that left such a deep profound impact on me that is to last forever . Same goes to Just Between Lovers . Now I found my third obsession . This ! Great acting from Seo In Guk especially and I must admi I’ve been sleeping on him . What...


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He doesn't remember anything from before the age of 5 though.


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Omg, I haven’t seen the likes of Innocent Man in years! That’s why I signed up for this :)


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He thought his dad is alive and policeman because he was told that policeman is looking for him.


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I believe MY thought his father is a police officer because of the drawing and a policeman asked about him. He now only realised his father might have gunned down after his accident.


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I'm really angry against Ji Kook. He didn't have the right to hide the truth from Ji Kang. I understand that he wanted to give her normal life but clearly she felt very lonely. He's more protecting himself and his relationship with Ji Kang, than Ji Kang herself.

The discussions between JI Kang and Moo Young were very touching. The fact they wonder if they were abandoned or lost, it's so sad.

I loved their scenes together.


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Maybe he wanted to spare her the truth about her father? It would be hard to tell her that she is adopted and hide what kind of person her father was.


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You can't hide to someone that he/she is adopted. If he didn't want her to know what kind of person was her father, he should have found her new family who didn't know this fact and let them to take care of her. But it's her origins, she have the rights to know.


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It’s more like JG doesn’t want JK to know that it was HIM who killed her father.


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I know I should be happy since this eps showed all the hallmark of Jin-kang and Moo-young being a good couple. We saw how their understanding for each other run deep. We saw them being exceptionally honest, even for things that I suspect is usually very private for them. And yet, my mind kept turning back to what Tak and Jin-gook discussed about Jin-kang and Moo-young's relation (I'm bracing myself for the possible revelation of them being sibling). I don't understand why Jin-gook didn't share his disastrous speculation about their relationship with them. I don't think they'll ignore his warning if he explained it nicely instead of yelling at and threatening them without elaborating his claim.


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That’s why I can’t stand JG anymore, he’s responsible for the impending doom that’s about to hit them.


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Great acting from Seo In Guk especially and I must admit I’ve been sleeping on him . What an amazing person he is not just an actor or singer . There seems nothing he can’t do! His straightforwardness and blunt honesty is what I adore the most in him . He’s not trying to impress or wear a different mask in public . He didn’t choose his works to get popular . The fact that he’s able to do what he loves due to passion is what makes him came this far .


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Got a song dedication for Jin Kang. Girl, I know...
FOOLS by Troye Sivan
I am tired of this place, I hope people change
I need time to replace what I gave away
And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small
Though I try to resist I still want it all

I see swimming pools and living rooms and aeroplanes
I see a little house on the hill and children's names
I see quiet nights poured over ice and Tanqueray
But everything is shattering and it's my mistake

Only fools fall for you, only fools
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall
Only fools fall for you, only fools
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall

Oh, our lives don't collide, I'm aware of this
The differences and impulses and your obsession with
The little things you like stick, and I like aerosol
Don't give a fuck, not giving up, I still want it all

Only fools…


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I love reading everyone’s theories. I’m waiting for that tragic ending that will rip my heart to pieces. Whether they end up being siblings or not I think there will be no happy ending for the love birds. Just to what degree of regret and heartache will they have to endure? I hope the writer goes all the way and don’t waver to backlash, but I also want some surprises along the way.

I loved the autumn colors of this episode. Throughout the show the PD has been using color tones to contrast the bone chilling mystery and the heart warming affections. For the first time this episode’s warm yellows beat out the cold blues.

In the Japanese version Ryo visited the orphanage by himself after he started dreaming about his father. Here they gave him a companion to emphasize he’s no longer lonely.

I didn’t expect their relationship to accelerate so quickly. I’m not surprised MooYoung wants to sleep with her already. He doesn’t wait out any interest. I just didn’t expect him to say so out of nowhere, but then again he has been quite straight to the point when talking to her. Jin Kang truly surprised me with that inhesitant “nadu”. This girl is more emotionally amnesiac than I thought. Maybe she’s been holding the clutch and stepping on gas for a while. So once she let go of the clutch she left everything in dust — even her guilt for SeungAh.

The sex scene was beautiful. JinKang’s childish giggles and quirky foreplay (like raising her arms for mommy to undress her) amused MY and while he played along he may have felt some secondhand embarrassment (a professional watching a rookie make a fool of herself 😂) The entire scene was just really really naturally and really really sweet.

Since episode 9 I have been annoyed by JinKook. He sees all the signs of JinKang getting closer to MY and he still keeps the truth from her. I guess like sister like brother, because that’s exactly how JinKang acted when she saw SeungAh heading towards “dangerous” MY. JinKang kept SA in the dark because MY’s interest in her would jeopardize their friendship. JinKook’s afraid to reveal the full truth which includes the fact he is not her biological brother, for fear it will end their brother-sister relationship. He is all to blame that MY and JinKang already passed the point of no return.


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I'll cut JinKook some slack because events from 20yrs ago traumatized him as well, so if he still can't come to terms with what happened then, he can't have honest and mature conversation with JinKang about. We expect him to be mature and rational but he is stuck in past too, and by JinKand word, he was just 24 yrs old when he made all this life changing decisions and put his own life on hold to atone for his perceive sins.


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I wish his ending is no less terrible than theirs because he is the source of all their pains.


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You’ll see


I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that we are headed to a heartbreak of an ending. But, I'm still holding on to what faint glimmer of a hope there still is that the show would stay true to one of the themes touched on- that everyone deserves a second chance at life and to start afresh. If Yuri could have her second chance, why can't MY have his, too?

I also look forward to how JG will finally be able to pay for what he did many years ago. I sympathize with him in a way as he was still very young when the shooting happened, and his guilt has hounded him all the years thereafter- but a crime is a crime, and he of all people being a man in uniform shouldn't get away with impunity.

I think JK is in for the biggest heartbreak and all our poor little hearts, too, on November 22.


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Let's just all approach this like we did many other ill-fated love stories, Romeo and Juliet, Titanic, A Walk to Remember, The Fault in our Stars, The Notebook ( i know.. but i always get an uber sad vibe when i watch it). many of the best love stories are sad love stories.


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"many of the best love stories are sad love stories"- this is comforting :)


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good poiny about one of the show's themes being getting a second chance.

I will be very, very sad if we get a sad ending. How can you have a sad ending and our characters getting second chances? It just doesn't work.

Will this show go all out with the sadness and give everyone heartbreak, or just some characters? Maybe Jin-kook won't end up with Tak, and he spends the rest of his life thinking about the truth he had hid from Moo-young/Jin-kang in murdering their father.


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"Back at the temple, So-jung drunkenly tells Jin-kang that she likes him..."

typo, should be Jin-kook 😊


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Thanks for the recap, Sunny! they are everything! made me watch this show when i have been in a k-drama slump for the past year!

Initially my biggest issue was with MY wanting JK after he 'toyed' with SA and her love life. Not to beat a dead horse, but my girlfriends and I have always had a "sisters before misters" rule. Especially my best friends... But you really gotta ask if it's worth it sometimes. I have firsthand experience of a guy dating me when it was my best friend he wanted all along. My friend, we'll call her Sashay, is super attractive (like 'needs-no-make-up-attractive', m'kay...i'm just cute and bubbly, loool) and has been single for years. When we were in college, this guy dated me for almost 2 years and when we broke up, he told me ever since we met, he'd always liked Sashay. Sashay and I met him on the same night at the movies and he asked us back to his place for drinks. We went and he was really nice to both of us... but I knew for sure, he was into Sashay (cos i mean, the lady had books of guys interested in her)... imagine my surprise when he asked me out a month later. I accepted and it was almost 2 years, having a lovely time/life...hehe! Sashay was with us a lot but they had nothing going on. We had great times as a 'threesome', but not a menage a trois, lol...I never felt threatened...

When we broke up (i broke with him), he confessed he loved Sashay a lot and i told him to confess to her. Of course, at first, i was hurt a little but...I thought... hey, at least, he was honest in the end and he hadn't treated me badly. I actually rooted for them... but Sashay said no... she couldn't be with someone who had been with (actual words used: 'kissed') her best friend. I was grateful, I guess... but I moved on with someone else, got married, my ex did too and got married...and Sashay is still single...she's still ny best friend but we keep in touch less and less... so I dunno, I guess in the end... we forget that love doesn't always come all recognizable. I had to cut JK some slack after that introspection...

On the siblings possibility, I think I am sufficiently steeled against collapsing into a puddle of tears if this goes that way because i mean, we know the source material is the J-drama, right? i really really don't want them to be siblings...but while i hate vice, i love love complex stories... becos it is real life... not everything is wrapped up neatly in a bow... My theory is MY and JK were childhood friends, together so much you would have thought they were siblings. JG shoots the criminal who could be eith MY or JK's father because its ambiguous, both kids are always together with him.

common truth is that the heart wants what it wants...even if it's toxic for you... if the heart could be trusted, we wouldn't have brains...


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JK and MY are siblings, and this episode almost reveals it all.

JIN KOOK shot JK AND MY father and only took JK because the boy saw his face but she didn't. In fear of MY recognizing him and turning him to the police, he took the girl and ran way. This explains why he turned his face away in the hospital. The thing his that MY has forgotten some parts of the incident. He rembered now the voice of JK in that fatal moment because she is probably the younger sibling in the drawing. But JK doesn't remember anything because she wasn't in incident scene (probably playing or something else) then she came in and acccidentally knocked over the boiling pot that fell over them ( explains the burn marks). JIN KOOK took her to seoul and left the boy, he later came searching for him in hopes of taking him too or too see if he remember anything but chief whatever-his-name-is lied to him. So he moved on with guilt but moved on in hopes that by keeping them apart would prevent the ressentment of the boy and his eventual revenge. He knows their are siblings and that's why is trying to keeping them apart (should just tell the truth).


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One important thing nobody asked! Are they the same age?



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Resto scene in ep4- MY mentioned that hes has already turned 30, whereas JK said that they are turning 30 soon so MY made the clarification


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*he has


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Ohh, i missed that. Thank you! Here i though there was a chance they weren't siblings xDD


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could just be a coincidence, or so we hope 😕


Seo In guk was born to play Kim Moo Young..
The end.


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My favorite scenes this episode were the conversations between MY and the nun and him and JK. It was interesting to know he actually grew up with kind people after the event that we still don't know much about. Even more interesting to have a nun accept he is not a good person or a person with lots of love as they called it.

It really fits that JK knew she is adopted, always felt the relationship with her brother had some strange feeling, almost as if they were a bit touchy, trying to protect each other from something, unlike real siblings. I understood him but not her, now I do.

And I know most people seem to be mad at him for not telling her the truth but all of that could also been avoided if she had asked him long ago. I would have confronted him. Just to get it out there and have a healthier relationship, they both carry too much guilt.

One thing I don't get is how JG would be able to officially adopt JK? What court would let a police officer adopt the child of the criminal he shot?


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Agreed, most people thought he would have some kind of Dickensonian orphan upbringing, now it seems that it more nature than nurture.
And I wonder where are the mothers in this equtation, we have a lot talks about dead and missing fathers but what about other family members?


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It is still nurture, because before the trauma of the shooting he was a perfectly fine boy.


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But many people have a trauma in their past and they grow up to be fine people capable of loving and being empathic to others.


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Since he wasn’t treated properly I guess? We don’t know what happened to him the year he was lost. By the time he circled back to Haesan and was taken in by the orphanage, a lot of damage could have been done. Like Yoori he was broken from neglect at developmentally critical ages.


And a lot of people don't, or can't get over it. Being in a family setting I would also imagine is better for healing from trauma than an orphanage, no matter how kind the people. I can't imagine you can develop the same kind of stability and attachment.


Was he? Isn't it really hard to say at this point, since his father has been described as a violent criminal?


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He described his feelings of his dream as being happy before the man with the gun appeared. I don’t want to spoil by saying more, but he was a child who can be selfless.


That’s why I think Jinkook and JinKang are two of a kind — cowardly escapists.

JinKook covered up the manslaughter so the court wouldn’t know.


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On a lighter note... will Kang the cat make a reappearance? :)

Gotta catch up on my zzzsss. Tomorrow's Wed finally.


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Am i the only one who thinks that the one who shot MY's dad is JKang dad and that's why they can never be together.

Also there's an angle that JK's dad "fell on the cliff" or "shot on the cliff" but MY's dad was killed at their home.


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Interesting tangent... Jin Gook said to So Jung in this episode that that the 'cliff' story had always been wrong and admitted he shot the guy...


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Actually i watched the drama press conference, the director and the cast (the production team) mostly aware about the incest thing, they said the will take it into consideration. But still, watching this and the original sighhh makes me anxious.


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I finally caught up with all the episodes on this show, which I found slow to begin with, but I'm very glad I continued on and can finally comment. I suspected earlier in the show that there's a chance they might be siblings, and I strongly suspect it now. It makes me a little scared for how badly things might blow up in the next episodes.

If they're siblings, then the matching scars are probably from the boiling kettle. If a kettle is boiling like that one was, and a stray bullet hit it, BOOM. Moo-Young's scars would suggest he took the brunt of it, and maybe covered Jin-Kang enough with his body that her scar was lower on her arm

Masterful acting all around, and I don't get bored with a single character, which is rare.


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Totally agree with the masterful acting! I'd never thought about it, but I agree about none of the characters being boring.


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I'd like to give a shout out to So-jung. She is such a great foil for Jin-kook's outbursts borne of frustration with Moo-young's smile, and a lovely character in her own right. I think it shows evidence of great care in dramas when secondary, or even tertiary characters are so well written.


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As well-crafted as the moments between Jin-kang and Moo-young are, and as intense as their connection comes across, I can't really enjoy their romance. It wasn't long ago at all that JK's best friend died; even if MY wasn't involved (and I'm not implying that he's at fault), MY was Seung-ah's boyfriend. And while dating SA, he continually harassed JK and told her that he liked her. JK knows very well how callously he treated SA, so the fact that she can now like and trust him so much, that she can be so unreservedly affectionate with him, is difficult for me to understand.

I know that JK was extremely conflicted about the situation (hence the time it took to get to this point), and I know that her attraction to MY defies rationality. But even so, the fact that she can get over the sinister side to MY's character, or even love him because of it, is rather baffling, especially considering how genuinely appalled with him she appeared to be in previous episodes. The change in her behaviour seems to reflect a belief that she can be the one to "fix" him (we all know how that one goes) and a feeling that she must be special (which is evidently true), because she's the only one that he's sincere towards.

I'm actually sort of hoping that there's a good reason that JK and MY can't be together. And even if it's incest, it doesn't seem that far-fetched to me that MY already knows about it. His comment in one of the early episodes that he and JK have met before and that she reminds him of his little sister (or something to that effect) implies that he knows they have some connection - though as others have commented, it's probably not a blood sibling relationship.


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Comment was deleted


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For me, the only ending that could explain all that irrational attraction since the moment they met IS their blood relation. So I really hope the writers don’t cave to the fear of backlash and make this story of destiny perfect — perfect in terms of logic. Childhood friends just won’t do it here, she was too young to remember him. Blood relation and gene recognition is the perfect physio-psychological explanation to all the feelings they have for each other exclusively that is above and beyond any lifelong friendship or artificial kinship (ie JinKang’s relationships with SeungAh and Jinkook).


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Hey fellow fans, what do you think of TVN's official statement re the drama's ending?


@shach @geliguolu @waterhyacinth


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That they hasn't yet come with ending and are waiting for more feedback (jk)
But honestly I wouldn't mind if this drama went dark and disturbing route, from what we saw writers are strong enough to pull it off.


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Hmmm... so they have to explain.... interesting


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