Romance Is a Bonus Book: Episode 11

Our heroine struggles to get a handle on her feelings and our hero doesn’t plan to make it easy.The ball is finally in Eun-ho’s court and he plans to take full advantage of this power reversal before Dan-yi has the chance to tip the scales.

EPISODE 11:”Why Don’t You Think About Breaking Up?”

In the company restroom, Dan-yi tells herself the kiss (with Eun-ho) meant nothing. She’s surprised to realize she’s not alone when Yeong-ah emerges from a stall, giggling that Dan-yi kissed someone. She presses for details, but Dan-yi will only admit the guy is like a little brother.

Dan-yi jumps as another stall opens to reveal Director Ko. Her expression gives nothing away, but after she leaves, Yeong-ah tells Dan-yi there’s no way Director Ko didn’t hear. The women leave, unaware there’s a third listener–an editorial team member.

The female editor catches Hoon arriving at the office and excitedly relays what she’d heard in the bathroom. Overhearing, Eun-ho grins to himself.

Dan-yi ducks behind a bookshelf in the company library when she sees Eun-ho approaching. He’s already seen her, though, and asks why she skipped breakfast. Dan-yi grumbles it’s none of his concern and Eun-ho counters that the woman he loves missing meals is his concern.

Annoyed by Eun-ho’s cheekiness, Dan-yi starts to complain only for Eun-ho to address her loudly, forcing her to abide by their work relationship (where Eun-ho has the upper-hand). Smiling, Eun-ho says he thought their kiss was nice… and then pinches her cheek and saunters off.

Director Ko reports to President Jae-min, but as she proudly regales her efforts, Jae-min’s attention is focused on the loose button of her sleeve. They’re interrupted by Ji-yul delivering a copy of her apology letter for the author’s bio/sticker fiasco with the last book.

The letter is informally written and opens with Ji-yul’s admission she only accepted the job here because it was her only offer. In addition to considering the work boring, she notes that Hae-rin is a difficult mentor.

While she hadn’t thought it was a big deal, Ji-yul admits that her mistake caused trouble for everyone who’d worked hard to publish that book. Bowing, Ji-yul promises to do better and requests everyone forgive her.

While Ji-hong pulls her aside to correct the various mistakes in her letter, Hae-rin complains to Eun-ho that Ji-yul should be fired. Eun-ho gently points out Hae-rin wasn’t always perfect, and implores her to not just reprimand Ji-yul, but also praise her when she’s done well.

Hae-rin says that’s exactly how she’d fallen in love with Eun-ho when he was her supervisor. Eun-ho holds up his hand to administer his classic finger-flick punishment, but stops short. Hae-rin starts to whine that she’d rather he just hit her–and so Eun-ho does.

Eun-ho warns her to stop being a crybaby or they won’t be able to remain friends. Hae-rin reminds him he promised not to date anyone until she’s over him and Eun-ho looks up to see Dan-yi walk away, having overheard the entire exchange.

Later, Dan-yi watches Hae-rin uncomfortably. While making a copy of Seo-joon’s contract, she notices his birthday is April 23rd and flashes back to their conversation about the missing author’s final book titled, April 23.

That evening, Eun-ho texts Dan-yi to come home soon because he’s cooking spaghetti. She’s working late with Yeong-ah to plan the book concert for Writer Yu, but she lies that she’s on a date with Seo-joon. Eun-ho grumbles at her deliberate use of “noona.”

The women are hungry and decide to order a snack. Noticing Director Ko is still at the office, Dan-yi invites her to join them, but Director Ko coolly replies she’s going home soon. While leaving a document in Jae-min’s office, Director Ko pauses to smile at the photo of his daughters he keeps on his desk, not noticing her sleeve button fall to the floor.

The food arrives and Dan-yi and Yeong-ah are surprised to recognize the delivery man from the wedding photo in Director Ko’s apartment. The deliveryman is actually the owner of the restaurant and cheerfully praises his wife’s cooking, encouraging the women to order often.

Dan-yi and Yeong-ah watch in horror as Director Ko returns and offers to pay for the food. She finally looks up and the former fiances stare at each other for an emotionally charged moment and a flashback to the drunken girl’s night replays where Director Ko had said if she ever saw him again, she’d consider it fate.

The man takes his money and leaves. As Director Ko struggles to hold back tears, Yeong-ah tactlessly tries to confirm the man as Director Ko’s ex. Director Ko denies it and Dan-yi bids her goodnight, shushing Yeong-ah.

Director Ko’s ex is waiting for her outside and asks how she’s doing. She asks if he quite his job as a broker and he chuckles that it wasn’t for him. He’s relieved by Director Ko’s lie that she’s married and shares that he has three sons now.

The ex is genuinely happy to see her doing well, and implores Director Ko to stop by his restaurant sometime.

Up in the office, Yeong-ah kicks herself for pestering Director Ko. Dan-yi wonders if they should go over to Director Ko’s place to comfort her, but Yeong-ah points out Director Ko likely won’t let them in.

At home, Director Ko sits among the remnants of the wedding that never was. She’s always hoped her ex was doing well. Now having seen him making deliveries on a scooter, she sobs and tears up one of their photos.

The next morning, Dan-yi receives a text from Seo-joon and tells him she’s cleaning house today. Just as she’s firing herself up to face Eun-ho, he knocks on the door. She just manages to scurry behind the door before it opens but Eun-ho catches her anyway. Hee.

While cleaning, Dan-yi grows increasingly annoyed with Eun-ho’s blatant flirting. When she snaps at him to clean the bathroom, Eun-ho says if she calls him “oppa” he’ll clean the kitchen too.

Dan-yi starts lobbing items from the kitchen counter at Eun-ho until one clocks him in the face and he crumples too the floor. Fortunately, he’s not really hurt and Eun-ho beams at Dan-yi as she doctors a tiny cut on his cheek.

Eun-ho chuckles that he can see himself in Dan-yi’s eyes. She tells him he’s blushing but Eun-ho argues he’s just happy. She makes him apply the band-aid himself and shuffles over to stick her head in the fridge to counteract her flushed face. Hee!

They move on to Eun-ho’s study and Eun-ho addresses the other night when Dan-yi didn’t give Seo-joon a band-aid, despite always having some in her bag. Eun-ho cheerily accuses her of worrying for him, but Dan-yi just tells him to clean the bathroom.

Eun-ho teases he’ll kiss her if she keeps acting cute, but Dan-yi’s glare sends him scurrying off to the bathroom. As he scrubs the shower, Eun-ho chuckles at how cute Dan-yi is, even when she’s hitting, glaring, or swearing at him.

Dan-yi goes out to clean Eun-ho’s car, and glances curiously at his receipt from Kapyong before tossing it in the trash. When she returns, Eun-ho is just finishing up the bathroom. Dan-yi tells him to finish the rest of the housework on his own, because she has a date with Seo-joon.

Ignoring Eun-ho’s pouting, Dan-yi skips out the door. She meets Seo-joon at the park, but she’s not here for a date. Seo-joon didn’t sleep while working on the book cover and Dan-yi offers to walk Geum-bi while he rests.

Just as he lies down, Seo-joon gets a call from Hae-rin. He complains that it’s the weekend, but she counters he sent an email (with his draft of the book cover). Hae-rin has one suggestion to make and asks to see him. Seo-joon chuckles that she’s in his neighborhood… again.

Eun-ho takes Dan-yi’s folded laundry to her room and smiles at his flowers, but laments that she won’t wear the necklace he bought her. Opening her closet, he finds the shirt Dan-yi hid there. Realizing she’d bought him a gift, Eun-ho excitedly checks it out in the bathroom mirror.

A text from Hae-rin informs Eun-ho she’s meeting Seo-joon about the book design. He grins, realizing Dan-yi fibbed.

Seo-joon finds Hae-rin at a cafe and plops down next to her. He asks if she got dumped because she’s a workaholic, or if she became one after getting dumped. Hae-rin glares and Seo-joon laughs that she’s fun to tease.

At the park with Geum-bi, Dan-yi receives texts from Eun-ho about lunch. She ignores them because she’s on a “date.” Unfortunately, she realizes she left her wallet at home and Eun-ho exposes her ruse by texting Seo-joon is meeting Hae-rin right now.

At the cafe, Hae-rin trails off when she realizes Seo-joon has fallen asleep. Gently resting his head on her shoulder, Hae-rin writes her suggestion on a sticky note.

Dan-yi returns home and Eun-ho teases her about her lie. “You don’t like Seo-joon,” he tells her, “You just like going on dates because it’s been so long.” He guesses she didn’t meet Seo-joon yesterday either, and asks why she won’t date him.

“Do you really not know?” she asks and Eun-ho shakes his head. Dan-yi first tells Eun-ho he’s not her type. Eun-ho scoffs that he’s every woman’s type, but Dan-yi ticks off his inability to turn off the bathroom light and mild OCD. She adds that he worries her by wearing a light coat when it’s cold and he’s high maintenance.

Eun-ho immediately replies he’ll change. Dan-yi argues they’ve known each other too long to have any fun dating. Eun-ho counters that they had plenty of fun just cleaning the house. Dan-yi moves on to her final argument: breaking up.

She notes that relationships are fickle and cites Eun-ho’s many breakups. “That’s because it wasn’t you,” Eun-ho says, “And I always knew that.” Dan-yi says that if they break up, she won’t have anyone else to rely on.

Eun-ho points out she’s confessing to him that she likes him, and thinks she just needs time. Dan-yi starts to protest, but Eun-ho says he’ll return the dog to Seo-joon and leaves her to finish eating.

At the cafe, Eun-ho finds that Hae-rin has also fallen asleep and smiles at the dozing pair. She eventually wakes up to find Eun-ho left a note. He agrees with Hae-rin’s note and says he left Geum-bi tied out front.

Seo-joon wakes up and Hae-rin asks about Geum-bi. Seeing his dog, Seo-joon asks if Dan-yi came by but Hae-rin tells him Eun-ho dropped the dog off. Seo-joon sleepily mumbles it’s understandable since they live together…

Hae-rin catches him and Seo-joon quickly corrects that he meant they live in the same neighborhood. Hae-rin is still confused why Dan-yi would suddenly force Eun-ho to take the dog, though.

She’s still thinking about it the next morning when she runs into Eun-ho outside the office. His shirt catches her eye and she recognizes it from Dan-yi’s desk. Eun-ho proudly declares it a gift.

Director Ko arrives at the office in a pretty lace dress in lieu of her usual business suits. While getting the list of gifts to buy from Director Ko, Dan-yi tells her she looks beautiful today. Dan-yi adds that should Director Ko ever need a friend, Dan-yi and Yeong-ah are there for her.

Dan-yi hands Director Ko the business card for her ex-fiance’s restaurant. Director Ko protests, but Dan-yi reminds her she’d told Dan-yi to speak her mind (to Dong-min, that night the women were drunk) and that Director Ko would accompany her. Dan-yi extends the same offer and excuses herself.

Hae-rin and Seo-joon watch their book get printed and Hae-rin smiles at a finished copy. She says it’s exactly what she wanted and Seo-joon corrects, “It’s exactly what we wanted.”

Later, Dan-yi finds Seo-joon in a bookstore, smiling as customers pick up the book he designed. They go out to eat and Seo-joon says he’d been waiting for Dan-yi’s call. She tells him she didn’t call on purpose, asking how he’d felt in their time apart.

Seo-joon quickly admits he forgets everything else when he throws himself into a project, but Dan-yi says she hadn’t minded being apart either. She thinks this is a good stopping point in their relationship, and wants to just continue as neighborhood friends.

“I like you, you know,” Seo-joon tells her, “You’re pure and innocent.” Dan-yi apologizes, but Seo-joon says she has no reason to feel guilty. He suggests they bookmark this place in their relationship and they’ll go back to neighborhood friends, but should Dan-yi ever want to, they’ll try again.

Dan-yi is helping set up for the book concert when she gets a call from Yeong-ah, claiming she’s been in an accident and can’t make it. Dan-yi presses for details and after swearing to keep it to herself, Yeong-ah finally admits that her son is sick and she can’t bring herself to leave him. She admits anytime there was a family issue or her children were ill, she’d lied and begs Dan-yi to cover for her now.

Eun-ho arrives and Dan-yi tells him Yeong-ah was in an accident and can’t make it. Eun-ho puts Dan-yi in charge since she’d helped Yeong-ah organize the event, but also because of her background in advertising. She protests, but Eun-ho implores her to trust him.

Yeong-ah’s calls are forwarded to Dan-yi’s phone and she reports that one group of attendants can’t make it. Everyone scrambles to find people to fill in and Hae-rin’s parents agree to come in order to get revenge on Eun-ho for rejecting their daughter… oh dear.

The event opens with a performance from the guitar player Dan-yi knew and then Dan-yi introduces Writer Yu to read an excerpt from her book. Director Ko arrives with a woman whom she already had a meeting scheduled with and the woman recognizes Dan-yi.

As Writer Yu explains her reasons for writing this book, Hae-rin looks over at Eun-ho. He’s watching Dan-yi fondly and Hae-rin thinks back to the shirt. Seo-joon notices the couple next to him (Hae-rin’s parents, that agreed to come in order to get revenge on Eun-ho for dumping their daughter) are glaring and huffing at Eun-ho.

Dan-yi finishes her hosting portion and returns to Eun-ho’s side. As Writer Yu begins to read, Eun-ho takes Dan-yi’s hand into his and she lets him. Seo-joon watches her with a smile as Hae-rin continues to look pained.

The woman with Director Ko finally places where she’s seen Dan-yi–at an interview for her company (she’s the mean interviewer that shamed Dan-yi in the bathroom). Director Ko is surprised to hear Dan-yi applied to an advertising company, and the woman replies Dan-yi used to be a copywriter.

Director Ko’s eyes widen as she adds Dan-yi won a lot of awards in college, too. She stutters that Dan-yi is only a high school graduate and the other woman laughs. Dan-yi’s fingers entangle with Eun-ho’s and she smiles as they listen to the reading, blissfully unaware of the storm to come.


Finally!!! I have to admit, I was getting antsy about our OTP. It’s not that I can’t understand the thin line they’ve been navigating up til now of “more than friends, less than lovers” and the fear of upsetting that delicate balance, but dammit I was promised a romance and the lukewarm flirtation between Dan-yi and Seo-joon was not cutting it. It’s been fun watching poor Eun-ho waffle, but he’s earned his turn at the wheel and I’m digging the dynamic shift in his favor.

By the end of last week, he knew Dan-yi liked him… she just wasn’t ready to accept it. And boy did he take advantage of that power this hour. It’s nice to see Dan-yi frazzled for once and Eun-ho got a little revenge (for her constantly trying to force him into the little brother box) with his shameless flirting. However when Dan-yi expressed her genuine concern–of losing her most important person–he spoke candidly and maturely about their feelings and their future. Because there’s no sense in holding back now, over something that might or might not happen.

Alas, this happiness is bound to come with some hiccups. There’s not a lot of collateral damage in terms of Seo-joon. His feelings are genuine, but not particularly deep. Hae-rin, on the other hand, has built up a three-year long attachment to Eun-ho and those feelings aren’t quick to fade. Unfortunately for her, there’s just no way to compete with the love Eun-ho has harbored for Dan-yi for so long. Nor should she have to. As Eun-ho said, she deserves someone that makes her shine. I think she’s found a real match with Seo-joon and they have an easy chemistry that he severely lacked with Dan-yi.

Love isn’t the only obstacle ahead, though. With the reappearance of the interviewer from episode one, Dan-yi’s past is coming to bite her. And the crazy part is, it’s not even something shameful–a college degree, awards, and a successful career–things she hid in order to get a job running errands. It hardly seems like a big deal, and yet the look on Director Ko’s face says otherwise. She’s a stickler for the rules and the baseline is, Dan-yi lied. It’s a shame, since I think she and Dan-yi were making some real headway towards a friendship Director Ko desperately needs.

My favorite thing about this drama surprisingly hasn’t been the romance, but the female relationships built throughout. And as the romance comes to fruition, those friendships seem to be crumbling apart. I don’t think Hae-rin is a petty person, but it’s going to be hard accepting that Eun-ho has “moved on.” From her perspective, Eun-ho and Dan-yi met recently and it has to sting how quickly their relationship has seemed to develop over the bond Hae-rin nurtured for three years. Even if it’s clarified that their relationship is far more complicated, Dan-yi and Eun-ho kept it from her that they knew each other, and were living together. Regardless of their reasons, it’s bound to feel like a betrayal.

And while Dan-yi’s relationship with Director Ko seemed to grow stronger this episode only to falter with the revelation that Dan-yi has lied about her background, the one relationship that survives is that between Dan-yi and Yeong-ah. Yeong-ah took a shine to Dan-yi early on and their bond over failed marriages and clubbing has been fun to watch. We knew that Yeong-ah endured a lot as Ji-hong’s wife, but it was heartbreaking to see that she feels the need to lie even when her child is sick, and who better to understand than fellow mother, Dan-yi.

It’s easy to forget Dan-yi is also a mother, since we’ve seen so little of her daughter and hardly hear mention of her now that the conflict of her tuition in the early episodes is resolved. Like the mystery surrounding Eun-ho’s father, I question whether this inclusion is necessary. It’s like an odd mashup of a completely different thriller/melodrama trying to bleed through into our fluffy noona romance.

What’s more, it’s a drama I don’t care about. We found out Seo-joon’s birthday is the same as the title of Author Kang’s last book which just adds to the suspicion Seo-joon and Eun-ho are half-brothers. And while I think that relationship dynamic would be a lot of fun, I’m not impressed with the way we’re getting there. In trying to keep the mystery mysterious, the show has held so much back that I feel zero investment towards that part of the story. I’d rather spend our time on cute romance hyjinks.


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I love this show because it's not afraid to embrace human frailty.......and I love books


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I think Lee Jong-suk is at his comedic best when he is showing off human frailty. He isn't afraid to be goofy, and he's so good at it.


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Ahh the books! That is actually what I truly love about this drama!
I love seeing the behind the scene of the publishing house!
I loved the makingof, of the book and the covers really did work very well!
Ok I am officially on the HaeRin SeoJoon ship (I think I declared that last week haha)
As for our lead couple, yes it is rather nice to see them warming up to this new chapter in their 20 yr relationship.
I fear for how everyone at Gyeroo will react to it though. On all levels. The Eun Ho Dan Yi connection, the Dan Yi hiding her specs to get the job.
My guess is that (following typical Kdrama logic) they will put her on probation or 'suspend' her. But she will 'save' the publishing house or help them with her super advertising skills and be hired as a regular hire again
haha the scenes write themselves in my head: side effect of watching too many dramas!

But this is still a very nice one to watch on the weekends!
also LJS acting cute is what I live for hahahaha


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Honestly, I hope she never works there again. I hope she gets a job somewhere else and they have to go through her to get an author or better yet at a rival company. I know it won't happen but I want Ko to see what her pettiness costs the company.


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I'd love to see that!! DY facing off against Director Ko :D

I hope that the rest of Gyeroo crew will be understanding of DY's situation and the circumstances that led to her hiding qualifications because honestly, it's painful to take that kind of step down (and DY didn't just take a small step down, she went from marketing manager to running miscellaneous errands) and no one would do that if they had a better choice.

... But this is a kdrama so I don't think understanding will come before angst. In the meantime, we have LJS and the heart fluttering moments he creates :D


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Oh and my heart went out to Ko during the would-be-husband sequence. Specially after she had said that if she met him again then she would consider it fate. She meets him again but he is happily married. And even though she is successful, she is lonely and lies to keep face.
I feel you, my friend! The girl squad need to stick together.


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It's still fate though. They were fated not to be together.


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It did look like she truly loved him. And it must have hurt that he was not doing very well - atleast financially.
I really liked how warm he was when he met her after all these years. She ran away from their wedding yet he did not seem to hate her for that nor was he bitter. He did seem to understand why she did what she did. He was pleasantly happy to meet her again.
Somehow, that lost love felt very painful to me. I don't think Director Ko has made that connection with anyone after that.


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true! (as you said) it was more painful because clearly she was not over him but he was over her and have moved on cleanly.
And even thought he was perhaps not financially stable, he seemed happy and even happy to run into her!


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It’s more about regret. In this case she decided not to get married and still hasn’t found peace with her decision.
For him it was easier. He respected her decision and moved on with his life. But she is suffering. I don’t think she is confident she made the right decision.
There is no guarantee she would have been happy if she had chosen otherwise, but regret is a horrible feeling.


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I'm wondering about that guy whose photo is on her desk with two daughters. Is he the author she was excited that she lined up? I see him in her future. Otherwise, our widowed CEO. Preferably not him. I don't think she's really his type.


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that was President Kim with his daughters! she was dropping something off at his desk when she saw the picture.


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I guess the show really is going to throw them together, then. Somehow that loose button must fit in, too. Honestly, I don't see how they belong together.


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She was in the CEO's room. That pic was him and his 2 daughters.


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I think it was fate's way of showing her that she made the right decision and they didn't really fit. But as she regretted this all her life she still doesn't see this. He seems to have left a corporate job as it did not suit him and he seems to be a genuinely happy person proud of his wife's cooking and his kids. But because he was delivering food she interpreted this as he is not doing well. A man like that would never made her happy.


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That’s the point right. We never know what life would have been if we had chosen otherwise. We don’t know if she would have been happy or not. The point is she has not accepted her decision. She has not found her peace.
Regret is truly a horrible baggage to carry.


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I love your your term 'fate's way.' Many times I did regret many things which have already happened in the past because I thought if I didn't do the things I did, it wouldn't turn out this way. But to regret, as @mayhemf mentions below that is a very heavy baggage to carry, also means that fate has shown something. Things that you should change to make yourself more happy, more comfortable. Reading Beanies' comments allows me to gain so many life lessons. Thank you.


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Ha, at the moment I'm more curious how relationship between women unfold rather than OTP, because it's obvious that they end with each other, or mystery so mysterious that no one know about it or care about beside writer. Who cares what's going on with writer Kang, bring on the ladies of Gyeroo.


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I agree there is enough issues here for women in workplace that we don’t need mystery author tied in ropes.


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Exactly, the mystery writer Kang arc wasn't written well from the beginning. I honestly don't care if Seo Joon might be half-siblings with someone ... though my suspicion is that writer Kang might be Dan Yi's dad and DY will "loose" one brother when she dates EH but she'll gain a brother in Seo Joon.


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Her dad died from cancer around her wedding. She can gain a brother based on their mutual interest of books and reading, it's up to them to transform it into friendship.


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I watch this because i love the publishing side of it. I love books so it's fun to see the process. So romance is just a bonus.


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It really felt like it was the right moment when they held hands. So personal, so intimate yet so warm.

Yes, me too loving this show!!


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I smiled so hard and long that my face hurt by the credits.


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it was
'right time, at the right moment, you're my sunlight, keeps my heart going,

oops sorry wrong LJS drama hahaha


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LOL - which one?


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While You Were Sleeping


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I thought it was highly inappropriate in what was supposed to be a professional setting. I found it really odd.


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I guess I didn’t feel that way because it was a book reading. A very emotional venue for me :)
And it was an event for public and not employees.
I didn’t mind it at all.


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Even if it’s clarified that their relationship is far more complicated, Dan-yi and Eun-ho kept it from her that they knew each other, and were living together. Regardless of their reasons, it’s bound to feel like a betrayal

That is HaeRin's problem right there. It probably will feel like a betrayal but she brought that on herself. It really isn't any of her business how long they've known each other. Be it for years or days. He doesn't see HaeRin in that way or she would have been one of the many women he dated and broke up with.

I said this on my wall yesterday, the way LJS and LNY look at each other makes me feel like they are really in love. Quality acting by those two.


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HaeRin behavior does seem like a spoilt single child. (not that all single children are that). After seeing her parents behavior at the book reading I see how she gets away with such tantrums.
Also, after her maknae openly writing an apology letter stating her senior refuses to train her I did not see her reflect on herself. Instead she went straight to Eun-Ho saying she needs to be fired. Something else happened in the next episode which I will talk about later. But I really want to see her reflecting on her behavior.


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She really doesn't seem to see that she needs to change. She tells EunHo that he has to stay single until she is over him. Why? She was never anything more than a friend to him. I was so happy he told her to knock it off or they won't be able to stay friends.

EunHo has grown as a mentor/boss and he is trying to help HaeRin do the same but she is insisting on acting the same as she was treated 3 years ago. You would think she would want to be a better supervisor and build on what she was taught and learned along the way.


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In his rejection letter didn’t he offer to wait? I thought he did.

My issues with HaeRin is more on the work front as a boss.


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I would have to watch it again. If he did he was wrong because he certainly backtracked quickly.


"I said this on my wall yesterday, the way LJS and LNY look at each other makes me feel like they are really in love. Quality acting by those two."

-- 1000% agree, I though the LBY+LJS pairing was the best noona-dongsaeng pairing but LNY+LJS might just change that.


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Yes, they, especially LJS, do look like they're really in love.


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In a way, I understand HR's behavior.

Besides her crush and senior-junior relationship with EH, she also has a besties kinda of relationship with EH, like they really trusted and confided in each other. And though it may happen off screen, likely EH has treated her the same way too.
It must really hurt when he suddenly draws the line, and double hurt when that person turns out to be new bestie DY.


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From what I see EunHo doesn't treat her any differently than he did JiHong. Friends outside of work. Even her mother sensed EunHo didn't like her.

I'm sure it was going to hurt her whenever he drew a line. I'm not saying she can't feel the way she wants to feel. Everyone is entitled to their feelings but he didn't foster a romantic relationship with her. She did that all on her own. Eg, even after he told her not to come by she still did it. HaeRin thought that EunHo lied about having a woman living with him. Anyone else would have been offended that he lied to keep her away but not her. She bulldozed her way into his home.

Who could blame her for having the crush initially but after things stayed in the friend zone she should have tried to "settle her feelings".


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EunHo does plenty of bulldozing when he is with Dan You. Oh I guess it is okay because they are the OTP.


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But DanYi never drew a line and asked him to stay in his place.
They have a long history, almost 20 years and it was a purely personal relationship. With HaeRin-EunHo it was bordering professional friendship.
It did look like EunHo kept that distance from beginning never letting her into his personal life.
She was the one going to his place sharing her made-up personal stories etc but he never did.
Am not saying she is in the wrong. She tried her best to get the man she loved. I just hope she doesn’t feel betrayed and harbor I’ll feelings towards EunHo because she wasn’t betrayed.


How she brought it on herself? That silly, emotions don't work like that, we can say that EunHo lets her nurture her crush on him for three frigging years and doing nothing with that but being flirty and letting her constantly blur the lines between their professional and personal relationship (letting her come to his house drunk, keeping her clothes there), he could put stop to that years ago and let her get over him than but he choose to pretend that he was blind, until Dani freshly availble showed up.


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It's silly because he constantly made it clear she was nothing but a friend. Being nice to someone does not mean you are flirting. She saw it as flirting. He never asked her out, didn't answer her calls or texts outside of work. He kept things at a friend level. He admitted he didn't know what to do with her letters confessing her love because it could possibly end their friendship. However, it is not his responsibility to make sure HaeRin gets over him. After writing 13 letters and nothing came of it she had two choices. Be an adult and tell him or move on. You say he "let" her show up at his house. He thought she was drunk, should he have turned her away? He is under no obligation to tell her about his dating life. He gave her no indication that he liked her more than a friend, so yes, she brought it on herself. If EunHo had treated her the way he treats DanI I would agree with you.


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He didn't rebuff her because he didn't want change in status quo until Dani showed up, but it wasn't friendship if he knew that she has feelings for him and that make serious power imbalance between them, he was her boss, mentor and her unrequited love. Rebuffing her was quite easy for him the moment he thought he has chance with other woman, he returned her clothes and told not ever to show at his place or he send her home, he could do that three years ago too, but he didn't because it was more convenient and selfish then to have her in his corner.


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EH is also more than familiar with her family, of course, he could be doing that for the free kimchi.
We are not shown what happened in the 3 years friendship, but they were obviously very close. From the rejection letter too we can tell HR is precious friend to EH. HR maybe carrying a one-sided crush, but it was certainly not a one-sided friendship.


ah, a voice of reason. refreshing.


Allll of this. I just can't believe how much of a pass Eun ho gets.


He didn't give her the letter until after he told her he was living with someone and she ignored it. He has dated other women the entire time, is that not a sign that he didn't like her? Being good friends with someone doesn't mean you are flirting. Being nice to your friend's parents doesn't mean you are flirting.


@larelle79 it's not a pass. If you reverse the roles, there is no way you would assign the same responsibility to the woman. There are plenty of comments on other dramas where people say it's not the woman's responsibility to help the man sort out his feelings. All because she never once said she liked him and continued to see other people.


I’m beating a dead horse here, but what happened to her relationship with her daughter? Oh, yeah, she’s just a footnote.


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And the daughter lived happily ever after in another continent ; ))


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Daughter will appear magically in episode 15 to cause dramatic tension because there's no story left.

Poor kid, abandoned in the Philippines. Comes back to Korea after being diagnosed with terminal cancer to find the mother who abandoned her, only to realise her mother married a nice guy and they have a good life together. Wrong drama? Heh...


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shuffles over to stick her head in the fridge to counteract her flushed face

Do people do that? Does it work?

Not very energy-efficient, unless head is detached so you can close the door.


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Talking to yourself. Being overhead by someone in a bathroom stall. Two of the most overused routines in kdrama land. Give me a break.

Hiding behind door. Not quite so overused, but in kdrama land, whenever you open a door you should always look thru the gap to see if there is anyone there.


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But it was probably first time when every single one stall was occupied ;)


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But how do we know they were unoccupied in every other show ever?

Think Schrodinger's Cat. The stall is both occupied and unoccupied until someone comes out. 😜


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I feel we need to do a group guest post together about overhearing/eavesdropping. We should workshop this in this week's Open Threads to collect these tropes and I'll collate them and send it in as a guest post by the Beaniverse.


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FINALLY indeed! Using bathroom secrets and office gossip to let us know (and EH) about DY reaction was hilarious!

1 I initially thought the "romcom" was not enough in this drama, but this episode quickly made up for it! What can I say, LJS made a great decision for leaving RIBB as his going away present to all his fans, and might have just gained a lot more with his acting, and of course, his cuteness, his outfits (?), in this drama. And LNY made a great comeback with this as well. A lot of the hilarious scenes are with her.

2 I am totally for HR and SJ, not because they are obstacles to the MLs, but because they are totally better off with each other. EH and DY were just stopovers for them!

3 Dir Go.. Was surprised with that but really felt for her. I was watching her as DY and YA was watching her, waiting for her reaction.

4 "Why can't you date me?" (heart melts...) Really loved this conversation! Even with their antics, they truly know each other well and can freely talk about their feelings.

5 EH is shipping HR and SJ hahaha

6 The ending. We are going back to the early days of kdrama where a simple look, a simple touch a simple hand holding can get us screaming and squealing and make our hearts melt. Perfect casting with LNY and LJS.



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I agree! The chemistry between LJS and LNY, in fact among all the characters has been so warm and amazing. They don’t need dramatic or over the top depiction of relationships to show the chemistry. Even a simple smile is so heartwarming!!


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"Perfect casting with LNY and LJS"
Agree. Can't be any better.


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I really love all these different storylines and relationships. I am super happy for that ending scene with DY and EH holding hands. It was just so sweet. And since they seem to finally be able to be a couple "tragedy" strikes. Director Ko had to be friends with that very bitchy lady. Ufff. Regarding the birthday date: the title seems to have been used as a secret message that refers to SJ/his son and I wonder if SJ just recently discovered who his father is and that is why he is looking for him. While writer Kang decided to use his last book to acknowledge the son he never had a relationship with. Very mysterious


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I forgot to add a comment about Ko. She makes so much money but she doesn't have a housekeeper? This is why I say she is fake. A pretender. If she really had it together her house wouldn't be a mess and she wouldn't lie about being single to her ex. She's judgemental and petty but pretends it's all about being professional.

I hate that they've written her this way because I liked her almost friendship with the other women and how she parties on the third weekend of every month. If she had better social skills at work she would be the best boss and mentor. She would be a role model for other women who chose career over homemaking. She's smart beautiful and impeccably dressed at all times. However, in my eyes, it's all overshadowed by her pettiness and need for people to stay in one box their entire lives.

She needs love in her life. If she would let down her walls she would have that from DanI and Yeong Ah. It makes me sad for her.


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I think she does not have a housekeeper because her home is the only place where she can be herself. Messy, heartbroken, raw. Outside of her home she has to keep up appearances of being successful, happy, rich and not bothered to be single. I kind of understand some of her actions. I agree that she needs to have someone in her life that breaks her walls down and I think the big boss might be the person for her.


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Why do i have a feeling that mayb SJ is the real son ,but mayb the Author adopted EH since he may not be on good terms with his family. Maybe thats why EH calls him father ... lolz..


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I had the uncomfortable feeling a few times that Eun-ho was being high-handed and condescending. I don't want to see him treat Dan-i as a cute little girl.


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Maybe that was how they were with each other before DY got married? They know each other too well and trust each other so much.


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I love books and the closing of each episode really nice. I like that this show without many kissing scene or other intimate's scene showing how great chemistry and love from the OTP.
I would patiently wait for Lee Jong Suk.......


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*happy sigh* this show has got me feeling some kinda way. i don't think i've ever just unconsciously smiled through a show this much before. the writing is so sensitive, and the acting feels really sincere, all that only elevated by how inspired the music direction has been. every other drama that comes out these days are supposed to be "healing", but this is the first time i feel like a drama has really earned that adjective.


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I, too, feel it. In this world full of mess and bad news are always on TV, I think I need something like this to ensure me that there's still beautiful things, sincere relationships in the world.


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During a rewatch I thought DanI forgetting her wallet was contrived because she had her phone. Samsung Pay works almost everywhere, she could just use that. Then I remember DanI is behind the times. 😄😄


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Haha! She's been trying to catch up. In one of the episodes EH mentioned he'll sort of teach/introduce online banking to DY which is a start :D


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So not used to Eun-ho being so open and brazen about his affections... but seems like it's winning Dan-i over!

And, yet another episode with very thoughtful words - particularly Seo-jun's monologue (I remembered it this time!) about folding the corner of a page and getting back to it when the time is right. Personally, that's not something I would do to mark my book; I believe in bookmarks and keeping my books in pristine condition haha. Though if it's perceived in another way... this person would have left a mark on you regardless of whether the relationship picks up again or not (as it would be when you unfold a crease).

Can't wait to see what happens next... seems like many unspoken issues thus far will be hitting the surface >.<

Book concert location (ep 11/12): Cafe Valor - https://koreandramaland.com/listings/cafe-valor-%eb%b0%9c%eb%a1%9c/


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As I wrote last week I don’t think Eun Ho is writer Kang’s son, but the reveal of Seo Joon’s birthday makes me think he is.

Seo Joon’s analogy of folding the corner of a page in a book to take a break reminded me an episode of Friends where the characters were freezing the books they were afraid to continue reading. I think one of the girls was doing it to a Stephen King Book (may be The Shining) and Joey ended up freezing Little Women because he was too scared of Beth dying.

The absence of Dan Yi’s daughter from the story is still bothering me.

What was the point of the storyline with Director Ko’s button? Are they trying to pair her up with President Kim? I hope not, because whether she needs a friend or not I still don’t like her and wouldn’t want to be her friend, whereas President Kim deserves so much better.

I liked Ji Yul's apology, it was her style (or lack thereof) but genuine and heartfelt.

Hae Rin’s parents’ looks at Eun Ho at the event were hilarious. I love this pair. I don’t think Hae Rin has any right to get cross with Eun Ho or Dan Yi if they started dating. Even if Eun Ho wasn’t clear with her for long time by ignoring her letters and letting her hope he was very clear with her from the day Dan Yi moved in. I continue to love her relationship with Seo Joon.

Like the shirt incident I found the way Director Ko found out the truth about Dan Yi’s credentials too contrived. Considering Dan Yi applied for a job that didn’t require qualifications at their company why did Director Ko find it strange that she applied to an advertising company? With the kind of job she is doing what difference would it have made? And also why did the other woman find seeing Dan Yi there strange that she had to explain the whole thing to her? It just didn’t make any sense. Also maybe things in Korea are different but this is a time where jobs are all about transferable skills and people move from industry to industry and between seemingly different jobs all the time.


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Can I just say, that the OSTs of this drama has been so ON POINT! Especially love how they highlight indie artists like The Black Skirts and Jannabi too. And who doesn't love Roy Kim, every single track he's done for LJS's dramas has been magical.

During the ending scene for this episode, when Eun Ho and Dani held hands and The Black Skirt's "Someday" started to play at the background, it was truly a magical moment. This song, and Roy Kim's All I Do are the two OST's that I've fallen in love with at the first listening.


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You’re not alone. These are two of my favorite tracks too. @christina41218 and I have been waiting for each track to drop like fan girls waiting for their oppa’s combacks. Lol.


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That Black Skirts ost was pitch perfect for that moment. I've had the song on repeat since then.


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Please do share OSTs on your wall. I usually don’t follow kmusic but like the songs in this drama.


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If you have Spotify, you can search playlists for "Romance is a Bonus Book OST", the one I'm following has 10 songs, the 5 OSTs plus their instrumental versions.


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You know, I wonder just how much of LJS's acting was actual fanboying... XDDD I was watching an old show from 7 years ago, and he was talking about how LNY was (and still is) his ideal type and how he would go to her every fan meetings and all and now he's the one in a million to actually act with her XDDDD


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"I wonder just how much of LJS's acting was actual fanboying... XDDD"

---> I would say A LOT. 😂 Check out the BTS for his scenes with LNY. I think he also prepared the pretty birthday cake for LNY. 😍


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LJS is the only one selling the romance in this drama. Probably because of his crush on LNY. LNY, however, gives off a very noona vibe to LJS. Like she’s comfortable with him as a dongsaeng but not really feeling giddy or heart fluttering towards him. The pairing here (and their lack of mutual chemistry) reminds me so much of the same vibes given by SHK & PBG in Boyfriend where I saw a one-sided crush/love on PBG’s side while the woman looks like she went into the relationship only because the guy was so purely in love with her.


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I just love this show more and more. And of course I love LJS!


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Hmm....strange progress but ok.
But I like that it's all centred on the book publishing etc & the way they are talking using book metaphors ^^


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