Open Thread #880
by DB Staff
Happy Friday everyone!
Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.
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1 welh
August 30, 2024 at 5:11 AM
South Korea has another major social problem: deep fake pornography. Government officials cite the Telegram messaging app being used to create and share fake, sexually explicit images of unsuspecting women and children. After a long struggle to stamp out molka – secretly filmed material of a sexual nature – South Korea is now battling a wave of deepfake images.
“Many victims are minors, and most perpetrators have also been identified as teenagers, ” President Yoon said. One Telegram chatroom has attracted about 220,000 members who create and share deepfake images by doctoring photographs of women and girls. South Korean media said the victims include university students, teachers and military personnel. Another chat room, active since 2020 with around 1,200 participants, was used to share sexually explicit images featuring digitally altered faces of female Inha University students. Participants also shared personal information of victims, such as phone numbers and addresses. The police have identified four victims whose photos were shared in the chat room and they are investigating the users and distributors of this content. Victims have stressed privacy, security, reputation and mental health issues and concerns. The public is stunned by the nature and extent of these crimes, including teenage perpetrators who face school expulsion and possible 5 year jail sentences if convicted.
Telegram is an encrypted messaging and file sharing application platform. This week, the French government arrested Pavel Durov, its CEO, for failing to monitor and restrict communications demanded by the government. Paris prosecutors that he was detained for "running an online platform that allows illicit transactions, child pornography, drug trafficking and fraud, as well as the refusal to communicate information to authorities, money laundering and providing cryptographic services to criminals." There is no evidence that Durov or his company was aware or participated in these alleged activities.
And here lies the biggest legal issue. Telegram is a communication platform. It does not monitor or control user messages. The end-to-end encrypted communication system is a legal business which legitimate customers who need confidential messages such as between attorneys and their clients; medical doctors and patients; business employees with trade secret plans; financial security firms and clients, etc. Apple still refuses police requests to unlock encrypted iPhones because of its privacy and security promises to its customers. I am reminded of the Sony VCR court cases where the courts ruled that VCR makers could not be liable for copyright infringement done by users of their technology since there were legal, non-infringing uses for the products.
There are ways for prosecutors to trace encrypted activities. In the last few years, US officials traced and seized $3.36 billion in dark web cryptocurrency allegedly tied to illegal activities. IP addresses...
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August 30, 2024 at 5:57 AM
Did your post get cut off?
The giving out numbers and addresses just adds another layer of maliciousness and violation. And to add insult to injury, the perpetrators don't even get adequate prison sentences.
I saw that some people believe the perpetrators' identities should be revealed. I have somewhat mixed thoughts on that because of the guilt by association that happens in SK. It's one thing if friends & family aided and abetted the crimes (like that Mirang 40 (I think that's what it was called) case) but it's another if they are innocent and/or unaware. Also the victims get victimized a 2nd or 3rd time by also having folks knowing their identities.
I think sexual crimes should be treated and treated with the gravity they deserve which includes keeping those criminals on life time lists and monitoring (though I imagine monitoring is expensive which is why they only do it for a limited time) and longer sentences.
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August 30, 2024 at 5:58 AM
... are like fingerprints; Bitcoin wallets like street addresses. It just takes a lot of time and effort by law enforcement. However, everyone agrees secure encryption is vital in regular banking, business and government transactions. The more the world relies on technology, the more the technology will be abused.
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Clios Servant
August 30, 2024 at 10:41 AM
Perhaps in your lifetime you will see parallel lawsuits like below which award massive civil damages to victims, and puts unbound messaging apps and social media companies out of business for disregard of human life:
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August 30, 2024 at 1:56 PM
I've been reading about this. Bad enough when adults sexualize young girls. Heartbreaking that the teens are doing it to each other.
The Internet and social media have become a conduit for the sexual exploitation of children. Shockingly, parents are among the enablers, posting pictures of their underage daughters and monetizing access to more explicit content through fees and subscriptions. There's a huge underground network of sex offenders who trade information about where they can gain access to these materials, including tipoffs about parents who are willing to share images (and sometimes more) of their children. This NY Times article details the problem in disturbing detail.
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Sunnyboo ☀️🥰
August 31, 2024 at 2:46 AM
I'm more concerned about how got here in the first place. We can make all the laws and rules about access and technology but the real issue is the rot in our societies that breeds these social issues. It's alarming to know the number of people who participate in these chat rooms for instance, and even more so when you realise these are regular people - our neighbours, friends, brothers, sisters, spouses, the barrister at our favourite coffee shop...and we just don't know. It always feels like we never address the root causes of these issues as much as we need to attend to the damage already done.
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23new2kdrama🫘🌱 Dogs or Cats?
August 31, 2024 at 8:11 AM
Very good point!
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2 Britney
August 30, 2024 at 5:11 AM
Does anyone else watch so much Korean content that they start to forget the American/Western words or phrases and instead think in Korean English? For example: CCTV instead of security camera, concept instead idea or plan, style instead of type (referring to dating & relationships), high tension instead of high energy.
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August 30, 2024 at 6:32 AM
I didn't know skinship was not an English word until someone pointed it out lol.
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August 30, 2024 at 9:19 AM
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DK-Drama 🫘 Giffing n Space Cadetting🍉🌱
August 30, 2024 at 9:56 AM
I just thought of that as one of the many new words that pop up all the time. Fandom, mansplaining, Swifties, hangry, skinship ...
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August 30, 2024 at 10:36 AM
Swifties is a mainstream term? Haha
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DK-Drama 🫘 Giffing n Space Cadetting🍉🌱
August 30, 2024 at 11:06 AM
It's hard for me to know exactly, since I have a hardcore swiftie living under my roof. But I have heard them mentioned in for example satire clips without anybody explaining to the audience "You know, I mean fans of Taylor Swift". And also, as I understand, Swifties more or less rule the world, so if the world don't know who they are, it better get with the times. 😉
owl 🦉 🫰
September 1, 2024 at 7:58 PM
My family members who occasionally watch kdramas know what or means as if it's an American word, but indeed it is not~
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August 30, 2024 at 9:19 AM
Wait a minute, I need confirmation: blackbox isn't one of those words, right? 😂
These days I keep getting all my languages mixed up thanks to k-content.
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DK-Drama 🫘 Giffing n Space Cadetting🍉🌱
August 30, 2024 at 11:02 AM
I believe my dad - though in Danish - explained to me about black boxes (in two words) in planes some time before most of those actors we are watching was born.
I don't know about the term in one word, though, and I have also only known it as a noun, (or a noun phrase) not as an adjective or a verb, if that is something people say. (I find "verbing " as Calvin-and-Hobbes Calvin calls it, a fun contribution to normal language. In Danish it is most definitely a custom we have received from the U.S., but one I don't mind, as opposed to just bad translation. I still itch when someone says "smide under bussen" (throw under the bus) in Danish. It's not our language, that phrase! Distinguish between languages!!!)
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August 30, 2024 at 1:35 PM
Thanks! ^^
I'm one to borrow many words and sayings from English. Since the language has terms for very specific stuff. For ex English there's like 2357854 to describe that you're laughing. And I think that's very helping while describing your emotions. That one I only use online, but I also use the word "overthink" a lot in RL, since there isn't a similar term in Spanish.
It's easier to use that word than explain everything. I feel like in Spanish you have to use lots of words to explain something because there aren't particular terms for every little thing like in English. I find that (English) helpful because I hate explaining myself. LOL
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August 30, 2024 at 4:15 PM
There are a number of "mashups" combining English and another language, especially among immigrant communities. In English-speaking countries, you'll hear "Spanglish," "Konglish," "Chinglish," etc.
The French have resisted letting English creep into their language. They even fight about whether it should be called "Franglais" or "Frenglish"! They have laws mandating that at least forty percent of songs broadcast by domestic radio stations be in the French language. I wonder whether that includes their classical music stations that broadcast opera?
August 30, 2024 at 5:18 PM
Wow. Respect, but I guess that means you wouldn't even hear one K-pop song on the radio by mistake? 🥺😆 Joke.
Btw, I don't know many mashups between Spanish and English. I straight up use English words while speaking in Spanish, and most people around me do the same.
I don't use social media (except for DB), and when I speak with new people the only things I pick up are slang from different countries/regions (but it's still all Spanish).
The only mashups I remember (because I use them), are the typical turning nouns into something else: like "googlealo", google it/search for it. Which I say a lot to my family LOL. Or "kpopers", kpop fans. Which I heard a lot growing up.
Mr Everything
August 30, 2024 at 6:49 PM
Yeah. I think they are referring to using straight English words mixed in a Spanish sentence when they say Spanglish. I think the term is a little derogatory because it usually suggests someone who doesn't know the actual language. Also, confirm blackbox is straight English unless it has a different meaning in Korean.
August 30, 2024 at 7:07 PM
@enriquequierecagar - I suspect my comment was not received with its intended snark. I was trying to imply that some people have a double standard: they decry the "Westernization"and sexualization of Kdramas, while being enthusiastic fans of Kpop, which has both of those attributes. I'm not in the least offended by the cultural appropriation, skimpy costumes, or overtly sexual dance moves. It's just not my taste in entertainment. I don't listen to the radio and have never watched a Kpop video through to the end, but I don't think the Earth would open up and swallow me if I did. 🤣
I've worked in a predominantly Hispanic community near me, and I hear people speaking Spanglish all the time, switching back and forth between the two languages, even within a single sentence, as in this video:
You'll find something similar, but in Korean instead of Spanish, in the movie Minari.
August 30, 2024 at 7:13 PM
@mreverything thanks for the explanation. My only reference of the word "Spanglish" is an old Salma Hayek movie. LOL
Then yes. I use the Spanglish often. And Koreanglish and Spanrean (or K-span LOL)
August 30, 2024 at 7:23 PM
@babylilo the joke was because of what you said about France and the rules for broadcasting. But I just noticed that I read wrong. I understood that the songs most have at least 40% french lyrics. But what you said is different. The joke doesn't work anymore, ignore it. 😂
And thanks. I finally understand the concept thanks to you and Mr Everything. I think it becomes a common thing when you have someone that speaks the same languages. You know you don't have to translate, so you don't have to worry about which words (language) comes out.
August 30, 2024 at 9:53 PM
Wow, I've never thought english having many ways of saying something. I always thought other cultures and languages have that aspect.
August 30, 2024 at 10:39 PM
@britney other languages can have the same thing, but vocabulary-wise English is very broad. I had a teacher who studied both languages English and Spanish (he's dutch), and he mentioned that English has waaaaaaay more words than other languages because of mixed roots/adopting terms from other languages. That's why sometimes there's like 10 words for 1 thing in English.
Or at least that's what I remember from what he said (disclamer: neither my teacher nor I studied linguistics or anything related).
DK-Drama 🫘 Giffing n Space Cadetting🍉🌱
August 31, 2024 at 1:07 AM
The Danish word for broken Spanish spoken by unskillful Danes is "skraldespandsk" combining "skraldespand" (dustbin) and "spansk" (Spanish).
August 31, 2024 at 4:25 AM
I totally forgot what black boxes were called in the US haha
Partly cause it's used differently here. BLACK BOX refer to what's used on airplanes and DASH CAMS refers to what's used in cop cars.
I don't think consumer cars have dash cams or other types of recordings but I don't know
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August 30, 2024 at 11:23 AM
"chu faaa!" is so ingrained in my brain now as alternative to "let's go/head out!"
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August 30, 2024 at 12:08 PM
Since learning English I think in mix of 3 languages, which often becomes unintentionally funny when I open my mouth and belatedly realize I should stick to just one in conversation. What's few more foreign words added into it?
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August 30, 2024 at 7:09 PM
Wow! I envy your multilingualism!
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Diana Hansen
August 30, 2024 at 12:52 PM
A resounding YES! LOL!
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August 30, 2024 at 2:16 PM
I was watching a French Canadian tv series the other day. When someone asked someone else a question, I would automatically respond, "ㅇㅖ" ("ye") or "아니요" ("aniyo"). I studied enough French to know that the appropriate response would have been "oui" or "non."
I'm wondering whether my brain responded that way because the show was in a language that was foreign to me, or whether I would have done the same if it had been in my native tongue (English). I'm sure there have been studies on this subject.
BTW - I was surprised to hear how different Canadian French is from "French French." I didn't pick up on nearly as much of the dialogue as I would have had it been a French film.
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DK-Drama 🫘 Giffing n Space Cadetting🍉🌱
August 30, 2024 at 2:28 PM
I have had German students who used the English order of words in instances where the German one is exactly like the Danish.
So somtimes people have a "foreign language mode" that mix things up, it seems.
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DK-Drama 🫘 Giffing n Space Cadetting🍉🌱
August 30, 2024 at 2:29 PM
German students as in "They were learning to speak German".
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August 30, 2024 at 10:46 PM
This is very interesting!
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August 30, 2024 at 3:45 PM
That happens to me too.
But that's because I got used to use Korean as my "thinking out loud" language.
Maybe it's the same for you?
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August 30, 2024 at 4:24 PM
My Korean isn't nearly fluent enough that I'd be able to think out loud in it, beyond a few simple words and phrases. The closest I have to a "thinking out loud" language other than my own would be Italian—although I often get confused and throw in some French words by mistake. 🤭
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August 30, 2024 at 5:21 PM
I'm so jealous!
Off topic, but I want to learn Italian so bad. 🤣
August 30, 2024 at 7:16 PM
I studied it in college, but used it most often in the context of working in opera. As a result, my Italian conversation sometimes sounds wildly out of date, similar to referring to my older brother as 오라버니 (orabeoni) instead of 오빠 (oppa).
August 30, 2024 at 7:35 PM
Wow. That sounds awesome!
I also tried to take Italian classes in college, but sadly too much was going on back then and I had to give up on it. I got to assist to a few lectures so I only know the pronunciation rules.
At least that helps when I want to sing Ti Amo, Gloria or Il Mondo during karaoke. 😅
August 30, 2024 at 7:47 PM
@enriquequierecagar - Have you heard the Gipsy Kings' version of the song "Volare?" I'm not sure what you'd call it; maybe Spatalian? I can sing along with the chorus, but not the rest.
August 30, 2024 at 8:13 PM
I didn't know this version! 😯
I know Te Amo, Gloria, Felicidad, etc. But I didn't know there was a Volare Spanish ver.
Spatalian! I like it.
Sometimes I try to sing the OG versions, but I forget the lyrics in the middle so I have to switch it to Spanish. 😅
August 30, 2024 at 5:05 PM
I've been known to shout "Fighting" with a fist pump and had folks look at me funny.
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August 30, 2024 at 7:20 PM
At various times, I've heard it pronounced as "piting," "hwaiting," and "fighting." Is the pronunciation a matter of the character's age and social class?
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August 30, 2024 at 7:30 PM
I think it's just that the "f" sound doesn't exist in Korean, so the initial consonant always comes out more like a "p" or "hw" sound when a native Korean speaker says it.
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August 30, 2024 at 7:44 PM
Yes. I think "F" always turns into "ㅍ" (p). So that's why it turns into 파이팅 (paiting).
화이팅 (hwaiting) has the same meaning.
August 30, 2024 at 10:10 PM
That reminds me of a kdrama, I don't remember what it was but it had Lee Jun Young in it (I'm strongly leaning towards it being May I Help You but it might've been something else). In the scene, his character is reading english letter to someone and the sender ended the letter with "let's fight" but they were going for 화이팅/fighting.
I can't remember the situation but I think the sender was raised abroad but was trying to connect with their grandparent so they were attempting korean so it may have been a mix of english and korean or just english. Ugh! That's gonna frustrate me haha. Regardless, it's sweet.
August 30, 2024 at 10:38 PM
@britney Please Don't Date Him. A restaurant halmoni gets a card from a Russian friend and the female lead uses google translate to translate it into Korean which turns the Fighting! to Let's fight 😄
There are various scenes to show the male lead that smart phones can be useful and this is one of them.
August 31, 2024 at 2:27 AM
@midnight thank you!
Still a sweet scene haha
Goyangi and the Camel Crickets
August 30, 2024 at 10:05 PM
I don't forget the English but there are certain words and phrases that I just like for whatever reason. As I can speak passably well in French and am learning Korean, I now have phrases that I like to use in each of these languages!! 😁
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Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
September 1, 2024 at 4:25 PM
I had to ask what 'shipping wars' meant 😂😂😂😂😂
Now I think 'ship' all the time 😂
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3 Britney
August 30, 2024 at 5:15 AM
I was reading comments on here about the drama One Ordinary Day and it's basically the same complaints I see whenever there's gritty, sexual, or mature content. "Why are kdramas being ruined?! I miss the kdramas of yore"
I can't remember the year I watched my first kdrama but I watched them on Netflix. And the first 3 I watched was Boys Over Flowers, Secret Garden, and Coffee Prince. I didn't know about drama tropes at the time but what appealed to me about the shows were that it was fantastical or so unbelievable which made it ridiculous and/or funny. Those types of shows don't happen in the US. (Like a girl pretending to be a guy to get into her crush's all boys school or body/soul swaps or fictional creatures such as gumihos) I was NEVER once drawn into the romances and even as I watched those shows, the romances weren't exactly dreamy. In ALL of them, the guys were terrible and then their families would also be horrible. Why was this the fantasy? I genuinely wondered why so many girls and women were into these romances. That seems to be about the golden age people refer to; that fantastical period.
Fast forward to now and I think dramas are a bit more realistic even if it is grittier. Even the romances seem a bit more realistic. I personally like those stories more.
But at the same time I'm curious and confused about why people say they want the old style of kdramas. What does that even mean?
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August 30, 2024 at 6:10 AM
Drama and movies are about escapism especially romcom. They are to not represent reality but give us joy and happiness in a fantasy that’s not realistic but has enough drama to keep us entertained. I hate realism in my shows because if I wanted that I’d switch off my tv and face my life instead. I don’t want to do that. But maybe that’s just me. What made kdrama fun is that the romcoms were cute, funny and completely unrealistic but comfortably predictable. Real relationships aren’t truly swoony and that’s fine as long as my fictional tv show gives me swoony and fictional male lead always has a heart of gold under all that tsundere and wrist grabbing.
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August 30, 2024 at 6:33 AM
Okay but not everyone finds joy and happiness in the same things.
So Kdramas, all entertainment, SHOULD have a variety. No one is forcing people to watch shows One Ordinary Day or Summer Strike. Same like no is forcing folks to watch shows like The Impossible Heir, Chicken Nugget, or Lovely Runner.
Also clearly there are folks who watch and respond to newer kdramas which is why they keep making them. I would assume (but I could be wrong) that if there wasn't monetary benefits, people wouldn't make them. If there wasn't entertainment benefits, people wouldn't watch it.
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August 30, 2024 at 7:21 AM
I understand your opinion but I don’t agree. The current crop of Kdramas aren’t unique or real in anyway. They’re westernised and intended for a very Western audience. In a way I think they’re losing the Asian charm of Kdrama. They aren’t wholesome and lovable anymore. The intent is to rope in viewers through shock value and unnecessary sex and nudity. If I wanted that I’d watch something from America or Europe. No I’m watching Kdrama for the feel good vibes and escapism. I like the conservative culture of Kdrama. The build up to a kiss scene used to be everything. We waited for it with baited breaths. The cute hugs and hand holding. It’s not cute if it’s too gritty or dark. Takes away the whole charm of a Kdrama.
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August 30, 2024 at 8:42 AM
That's another question I have: what do people mean by westernized?
If folks got interested in kdramas *BECAUSE* they were different from western shows, why would kdramas be turned westerned?
None of what you mentioned is appealing to me so I can't wrap my head around it but if there is a market for it, then why wouldn't it still be made? Aren't those kdrama staples?
I don't listen to kpop but I've seen videos that said that was thing too; kpop becoming westernized. If the draw is how it's different, then why make it the same? And how? Is it because kpop musicians make english versions of songs? It can't be the clothes cause appealing to the respective audience's gaze has been a thing for years.
August 30, 2024 at 10:11 AM
Pay attention to the Korean film scene and you’ll see that sex and violence have ALWAYS been present in Korean media. Us noticing it in dramas more nowadays is because media formats and platforms are changing, largely because of the internet/streaming. The lines between “film” and “television” are being blurred.
Nothing about Korean entertainment or Korean culture is any more “wholesome” than anywhere else.
There are still plenty of “cute” dramas being produced literally all of the time.
Britney is right. Variety is not a bad thing. YOU are not the only audience member for all of the Korean entertainment industry.
August 30, 2024 at 11:12 AM
@mindy Like I said before movies that sold sex or were erotica were always limited to a very small audience and were never loved by the larger audience. Even now the most popular movies with ticketing power are the ones without too much sex or violence except for the Roundup series. Kdrama has always been wholesome and everytime one of those dramas comes around like the Reply series or Racket Boys people are reminded about why they loved Kdrama in the first place. Dramas like Full House, My Girl and Coffee Prince will never go out of trend. Just like movies like The Classic and Temptation of Wolves will forever be iconic. Kdrama has always had high quality production even when Iris came out or My Love From the Stars they were all very high quality dramas on par with movies. The only reason that Kdrama is darker and more violent and sex oriented now is because of western validation. This is something the industry themselves have talked about that everyone wants to be the next Squid Game which frankly one of the worst Kdrama to exist. The Glory on the other hand was a gritty drama done well. I'm not saying they don't need to exist but they can't be the only thing that OTTs like Netflix and Disney put out. There is hardly any variety in what they offer. If it weren't for TVN romcom would truly be dead in Kdrama. Its the only channel that is consistent in their romcom production and almost never deviates from the winning formula. Its also romcom that is the most popular genre internationally as witnessed on MDL and yet OTT invest more money in making dark dramas that are forgettable and low quality overall. 90% of all the popular kdrama is TVN romcoms. It just shows the old formula is still the right formula. I believe OTT has ruined Kdrama and are catering their content to an audience that can watch the same genre in a higher quality and much better plot in an American or European drama. Everything that Netflix put out this year has flopped both domestically and internationally but everything that TVN has put out has been a hit. Be it on Prime, Netflix or Viki. They haven't missed once. MBC also performed better with their comedy focused dramas and of course their sageuks never miss while SBS has the winning formula which is procedural and makjang but they don't generally have a big audience internationally except maybe Penthouse. Either way the only reliable dramas are the ones that the channels put out but everything OTT puts out is sub-par. The fact that Queen of Tears and Lovely Runner are the biggest dramas of the year proves that majority people still like pure wholesome romance dramas over everything else.
Diana Hansen
August 30, 2024 at 12:57 PM
And the life lessons you learn in a very relatable way. Or the sense of "we vs I" in life situations or problem solving.
August 30, 2024 at 2:29 PM
I guess you don't like K-pop either, since it's completely derived from Western—primarily American—popular music. I'm not a fan of the genre myself, but I have noticed how much both the lyrics and choreography are highly sexualized.
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August 30, 2024 at 8:19 PM
With Kpop becoming more American it’s actually BTS themselves who admitted they’ve been releasing English music to appeal to the Grammy judges to finally be acknowledged by highest powers of music. The Billboard that was once unattainable for Kpop has become more accessible thanks to this Westernisation. Kpop stars go absolutely berserk when they land on Hot 100 even if it’s at 99. Everyone is seeking western validation which is pointless and unnecessary. I don’t want Kdrama to be influenced by the West because that culture has always been too explicit in recent years. I want Kdrama to influence the West so that we get more cute stuff like To The Boys I’ve Love Before and Emily in Paris. They need to revive the sweetness of their romcoms which the West has forgotten. Edgy doesn’t need to have nudity. There are many ways to be edgy and classy.
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August 30, 2024 at 6:35 AM
Older dramas were more enjoyable and thrilling without a serial killer. Plus they would stick longer after finished. I do not miss the jerk MLs and hopeless FLs. In fact, I really like SoL so initially I appreciated that romcoms were becoming more realistic. But somehow very few of them are able to remain enjoyable. And when it comes to MLs, I feel the good guys we have rn are as unrealistic as the MLs of older dramas.
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August 30, 2024 at 6:40 AM
What is SoL?
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August 30, 2024 at 6:43 AM
Slice of life
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August 30, 2024 at 6:57 AM
Oh, like Reply 1997? That's first and only Slice of Life story I've seen.
I just think there should be variety especially if there's so many options for broadcasting.
I think in a similar vein is weekenders. I've never watched any but people on here keep commenting about the death of the weekender and how the ratings aren't what they should be but aren't weekenders like traditional, classic kdrama vibes? Why wouldn't people be watching them?
August 30, 2024 at 8:30 AM
Yes Reply 88 can be consodered a Sol family drama. Weekenders are more like makjang family dramas. Imo they are very different from even classics i would say.
August 30, 2024 at 6:41 AM
Imo many of these older dramas will not stand the test of time (they had their own problems) but the comparison with grittier dramas are two very different things. Some people may not prefer the mature content we have rn and probably will keep on having from now on. The mature content and having a problematic ML are diffrerent. In the end I think it comes down to preference.
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August 30, 2024 at 6:52 AM
Maybe I phrased it badly. It seems to me that it was like people don't even want the newer kinds of kdramas to exist. They just want whatever the past had to offer.
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August 30, 2024 at 2:55 PM
@wapzy - I feel the same. I've tried to watch some of the well-received Kdramas from the early 2010s and before, but in most cases I didn't get very far. It wasn't because they lacked steamy sex scenes, serial killers, etc. To me they just seemed so dated. The plots, the characters, the acting...too cheesy and one-dimensional for my taste. I have the same problem with some of the old American tv shows I grew up with. Not many of them have withstood the test of time for me.
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August 30, 2024 at 6:56 AM
Its not that deep really, different people have different reason for why they say so.
Dramas have always been escapist fantasy for a lot of people, some people do not care for gritty or "realistic" storylines, they can watch the news for doom scroll on the internet for that.
The newer stuff is generic and often feels like it was created by an algorithm instead of humans, it lacks the charm, warmth and optimism of older dramas.
While vulgarity may be seen as edgy and "artistic" by some people, others find it crass, tacky, lazy and a cheap attempt at shock value and attention.
Some also argue that the new stuff is whitewashed and has no traces of what make Kdramas unique.
Art is subjective and people consume and interpret it in different ways, some like the new stuff some miss the old stuff neither of you are wrong
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August 30, 2024 at 3:47 PM
@soyesterday -
Spot on about art being subjective and each person having their criteria for "good" vs. "bad." One person's "charming, funny, and uplifting" can be another person's "cheesy and saccharine." One person's "artistic, realistic, and gritty" can be another person's "tasteless, vulgar, and offensive." I think there are shows produced today to satisfy both sensibilities.
I make it a point not to trash shows I hated but are beloved by other people. I try my best simply to refrain from posting comments about them. I'm fine with people saying that they didn't like or were personally offended by a show. But it makes me uncomfortable when someone pronounces a show (and other shows like it) as garbage, insinuating that anyone who likes it is lacking in taste or judgment.
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August 30, 2024 at 4:41 PM
"But it makes me uncomfortable when someone pronounces a show (and other shows like it) as garbage, insinuating that anyone who likes it is lacking in taste or judgment."
I think that also comes from the notion that we think we can, or should, only enjoy masterpieces or something. Haha.
There are shows/films that are bad, like, objectively. But that doesn't mean people can't or shouldn't like them.
There's nothing wrong with accepting that something is bad (because art is subjective but there are also standards otherwise people wouldn't study it, put an effort into making it and stuff), and there's nothing wrong with enjoying something's that's bad (because what you enjoy it's no one else's problem. "Para gustos, colores", like we say around here).
And at the end of the day, we all like at least one "garage" content. LOL
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August 30, 2024 at 5:05 PM
Well put. I should have been more specific. There are shows where there's a fairly strong consensus about their "awfulness," and it can be lots of fun to hold them up to ridicule. There are some American movies I rewatch time and again precisely because they're awful. I even own a book called "Bad Movies We Love." Schlock has its own particular kind of entertainment value.
As far as "the notion that we think we can, or should, only enjoy masterpieces," I have no problem saying that I absolutely DESPISE The Sound of Music and It's a Wonderful Life. But I appreciate that they are well-made films, and don't think any less of the people who love them. Just don't try to convince me I should love them, too.
August 30, 2024 at 5:32 PM
I think people often scoff at fluffy rom-com as bad because they are fluffy, but to me there is allot of good rom-com out there that are well written just as there is bad written without substance. people often look down on rom-coms but if you ask a writer they are actually the hardest to write.
I think any type of graphic scenes should be well thought out and have a reason for the story to be present in it. A sudden graphic scenes just for shock value without a reason is bad writing and never ad anything to the story (if there is not a reason for it). Beside if you only relay on shock you gonna have to amp it up next time and your tool box get smaller.
Storytelling evolve as we as a society changes, so what tropes worked in the past will not work now. This is also why I think even kdrama story is different from the past. Another different is that now many movies director also works on streaming dramas and they gonna have a different flavor.
August 30, 2024 at 5:40 PM
That book sounds awesome.
😂🤣🤣 Happens.
I have a little too many "masterpieces" I dislike so I have a problem naming them all. LOL
"Just don't try to convince me I should love them, too."
I think that's something really hard to learn/understand as humans. If we love something we need to make everyone love it too. In the past I had that problem—extreme level. I think (hope) I'm not that bad now. 😆😅
August 30, 2024 at 7:39 PM
@enriquequierecagar - I have the opposite problem. My family and many of my acquaintances think the things I'm into are boring and/or bizarre. I hesitate to share about what I'm reading, watching, or listening to, as the usual response is either a condescending look or an eyeroll. Even my book group thinks my taste in reading is strange!
August 30, 2024 at 7:57 PM
But that's exactly what happened to me. 🥺
I used to want to share everything but all the disappointing reactions made me tone it down.
Now I only have very few and specific people I bother with some stuff. I also stopped getting excited everytime a stranger says they like the same things I do, because it's NEVER the exact same thing (genre/era). Most of the time, we're not compatible at all.
August 30, 2024 at 7:35 AM
I think in the past, movie were seen as serious and high-standard and TV show were seen as low quality and less serious. But TV shows became high-standard too : the writing, the direction, the CGI, etc. You can see in US or in Korea, that some actors who did only movies started to film for TV shows too.
In Korea, movies have always been very violent or with sex scenes. It's really not a new thing and really not a Western thing. With the OTT that don't have the same restrictions of public channels, TV shows started to broaden their genres.
For the rom-coms, I guess there always is a kind of judgment : romance is for middle aged women and thriller/noir/crime dramas are for smart people.
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August 30, 2024 at 7:46 AM
Yeah, I'm afraid Korea is starting to buy into this idea that romance alone isn't high enough stakes, so you have to include serial killers or murder mysteries or something super traumatic. As a romance fan I haven't felt catered to by western shows at ALL, so that's why I've been watching more Kdramas than anything. I hope they don't lose that niche. At least Kdramas are keeping romance sideplots though, western shows often don't even have those anymore
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August 30, 2024 at 8:00 AM
I'm not into romance so I can't even think of any shows that feature it haha
Like it's not a focus so much a goal or plot? I don't know how to describe it but aren't Hallmark movies supposed to be the fluffiness and fantasy.
I hate it so much. It's hard to even try to imagine it that I forgot what the station/network/channel was calledI'm mindly curious what a "wholesome" modern American show would be like.
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August 30, 2024 at 8:57 AM
Yeah, Hallmark are fluffy and fantasy but they're also TERRIBLE. I think part of the reason Bridgerton is so popular is because it's giving audiences a fluffy romance with high production values. I've always described Kdramas as like Hallmark movies, as in they cater to women audiencecs, with good production values and writing. Romance fans are starved for content in the west.
DK-Drama 🫘 Giffing n Space Cadetting🍉🌱
August 30, 2024 at 3:28 PM
I'd say romance is part of a lot of shows in the west, too. But since the shows are supposed to go on forever, there will be a slow upbuild from enemies to will they/won't they and then this phase will last for years. Like Brooklyn 99 and New Girl and The Good Place (I love that show) and ehm, ... Parks and Recreation, and all that.
August 30, 2024 at 3:36 PM
Idk, I feel like kdramaland has always been obsessed over killers/death in the romance genre.
Illness, accidents, killers. In a way, I feel like they're all the same. But killers are the modern version that goes better with the necessary "happy ending", since you can catch the killer and that's it.
The Girl Who Can See Smells, Oh My Ghostess, W, etc, are all shows from almost ten years ago. We've been dealing with killers in our romcoms for a while now, so I don't think kdramas are suddenly realizing that we need something more.
Maybe these days the serial killer plot has become a trend, but I feel that's all there is to it. Just a trend. The same way we have a bunch of divorce lawyers for cheaters and unserious sageuks.
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August 30, 2024 at 5:10 PM
Is romance alone ever high enough stakes? I mean for an interesting story, there has to be some sort of obstacle.
I wracked my brain to come up with this example but isn't My Beloved Summer a romcom that didn't feature murder or a serial killer? What were the stakes in that?
From what I remember the only issue was non communication
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August 30, 2024 at 7:52 AM
It's interesting me how in Korea and in Hollywood, probably everywhere where movies and tv is made, people have the same complaints: lack of originality, too much this or that.
I don't know about the middle aged/smart people idea but I just can't really comprehend what people want and why.
It just brings me back to wanting diversity and variety. Especially if it's OTT. It's that the PRIME spot for all the "not conservative" type of products?
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August 30, 2024 at 8:12 AM
Movie actors are doing dramas because the movie industry in Korea has dried up. There are no new movies to film and the only ones that are there are filled by only the top talents. This year CJENM is said to have only 2 movies in production and Showbox has none. That’s a huge problem and something that movie critics have been alarming the public about for sometime now. Movies that had sex scenes were all categorized as erotic or 19+ and the ones with extreme violence weren’t the big box office gainers. The highest grossing movies were ones like The Admiral, Ode to My Father, The Theives and Miracle in Cell No 7. None of which are too violent or feature sex scenes. The Admiral is a war movie so the violence is palatable. Even now it’s the highest grossing film of all time followed by Extreme Job. People love light hearted movies and art movies or erotica that feature too much sex we’re never too mainstream despite having big names attached to them but they rather they were ground for actresses to either break out like KGE did or for older actresses to reinvent themselves. I still don’t agree that they were ever popular or that Kdrama was low quality since the first Hallyu came from Kdrama and Koreans love their Hallyu.
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August 30, 2024 at 8:22 AM
I'm talking about older movies like Old Boy or A Frozen Flower.
I didn't say that every movie was violent or had sex scenes or had great ratings. I said it always existed in Korean movies and it's not something new in their productions.
The movie market issues are pretty recent.
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August 30, 2024 at 12:29 PM
All the leads of Frozen Flower did that movie to save their then dying careers and reinvent themselves and it wasn't even a good movie. Old Boy was very controversial even when it originally released. There were always very mixed opinions about the movie but it didn't use sex and violence for shock value which is what all the Netflix dramas insist on doing. The movie market issues have been building for some years they are just more visible now.
August 30, 2024 at 8:30 AM
Aren't the movies you mentioned old? You're saying there's no modern/current movies that "weren't too violent or featured sex scenes"?
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August 30, 2024 at 11:24 AM
Not at all. I'm saying they don't pull in a big audience compared to the 'tamer' movies which appeal to a family audience. The 'Chuseok Week' movies and 'Lunar New Year' movies for example are always only family friendly movies since they have the most footfall. Since 2020 anyways the movie industry in Korea has been in decline so nothing recent to compare to except maybe Exhuma which is an occult movie so a very different genre but don't think it has any nudity or too much violence just gore which makes sense for the genre.
August 30, 2024 at 4:37 PM
I began my foray into Korean entertainment with tv dramas, from which I formed the impression that the country's cultural norms were fairly conservative. I was disabused of that notion when I saw my first Korean film, The Handmaiden. Besides opening my eyes to the breadth of Korean movies and tv, it made me appreciate the versatility of Kim Tae-Ri, whom I'd previously seen only in Mr. Sunshine!
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August 30, 2024 at 7:54 AM
The folks that refer to "the yore" apparently did not watch shows like Que Sera Sera.
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August 30, 2024 at 8:13 AM
What was that show about?
The oldest show that I know was something about sand? Sandcastle? Sandglass?
I don't what that show was about either but it was hugely popular and alot of the older famous actors were in it. Is Que Sera Sera like that?
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August 30, 2024 at 8:43 AM
I haven't watched Sandglass to compare.
QSS is about extreme attraction and extreme emotions. It did have one questionable scene which was talked about a lot on DB back then, but it was quite unrestrained and unapologetic in showing deep attraction and yearning. Eric and Jung Yoo Mi had insane chemistry which became unforgettable for years and got them reunited in another show 7 years later.
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August 30, 2024 at 9:58 AM
Eric Mun could have chemistry with a metal pole as far as I'm concerned
August 30, 2024 at 10:15 AM
Sandglass dealt with much of the political and often violent transition to Democracy. I think it is very much worth watching and brings context to so maniy dramas that came after especially because it gives much context to income inequality and move to capitalism----which I think it is why so many dramas deal with rich vs. poor. Que Sera Sera is not for everyone, but I thought it was fantastic. It is not a glossy, feel good rom-com but presents nuanced, very difficult characters. Eric was incredible. I think these are dramas that I would say are more in the real world then many dramas (for better or worse). More gritty, more difficult and at times uncomfortable.
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August 30, 2024 at 10:19 AM
Diana Hansen
August 30, 2024 at 1:05 PM
Totally agree with Que Sera Sera and Eric Mun, and Jung Yumi.
August 31, 2024 at 7:12 AM
Right? I won't forget all the fauxcest either. Nor how many awful dramas I had sit through to find my faves. Hey, just like now.
Of course, times have changed. I get the complaints. Some of it is for the worse. But some of it is for the better. So it goes. It's no longer the Hermit Kingdom.
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August 31, 2024 at 12:18 PM
I tried it. I really did. I didn't make it even through the first episode because I found the FL so obnoxious. Maybe I'll give it another look.
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August 30, 2024 at 8:29 AM
This reminds me we haven't had a Hot Take on DB for a while. Maybe Queen Woo's NC-17 rating should be discussed and whether the audience likes or dislikes that? That said, I don't want things to get messy like they did on MDL.
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August 30, 2024 at 8:57 AM
Honestly, I find those complaints weird and mostly pointless, and they don't really add anything to the conversation. But why watch those kind of shows if it bothers you that much (this isn't aimed at you, but in general)?
There are so many Korean dramas out there, that at this point there's something for everybody. There's nothing wrong with liking the edgier stuff, just like there's nothing wrong with liking a simple rom-com, or a realistic romance. Those things can and should co-exist. Isn't variety a good thing? Everybody has their own preferences, and different kind of shows cater to different kinds of people.
But another thing: times change, and things evolve, and so do dramas. And I don't think that's a bad thing. There are both good and bad things with the current dramas, as is the case with everything. Now, I admit, I haven't seen those older shows, so here's my question: weren't there good and bad things about those shows either? Regardless, I think it's important that things keep evolving forward, also in terms of diversity & inclusion. There's still room for something that's maybe a bit more old-fashioned, but there should be room for new stuff too.
This is a potentially long discussion, but this is just my take on the whole thing.
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August 30, 2024 at 2:38 PM
@kay4625 This is exactly what I think when I see DB conservatives complaining about "kdramas today." There are plenty of shows that embody exactly the sweet innocence that conservatives like to see. So just go ahead and watch those!
So what if there is an occasional bodice ripper like Queen Woo, which has nudity? Just don't watch it! I doubt its that good anyway! Of course, even Netflix, the bane of all conservative Dramabeans commentators, has plenty of sweet romances, like the one I'll be continuing to watch this weekend, Love Next Door, not to mention a bunch of cdramas as well.
I also tend to look askance at even the more subtle, not at all kneejerk conservative, critiques of Netflix cultural influence, like @gikata’s, I am not disputing the economic effect of Netflix and Disney and other global streamers on Korean industry, but that doesn't automatically translate into “Americanization." The issue of the degree of “Koreanness” seems to me to be impossible to determine objectively. I think there a fair number of kdramas on Netflix that are arguably "Korean" in feel. What brought me into kdramas was The Stranger, on Netflix, and its portrayal of a culture of hierarchy and corruption was very different from U.S. shows with similar themes. I just watched School Nurse Files, on Netflix, to me about as Korean a show or movie as I've ever seen.
Like some commentators above, I object to the idea that changing kdramas indicate "westernization" but that recent trends in 21st century U.S. t.v don’t indicate "Asianizing" The influence of mangas and manhwa's is undeniable, but even U.S. romances these days are definitely inspired by kdrama sensibilities in their use of tropes. Some of the conservatives who see U.S. streamers as the influencers and never the influenced are devaluing what I see as the undeniable impact of Korea, Japan, and Chinese television on U.S. television and popular culture.
But in the end, what bothers me about the conservative “kdramas today are no longer the sweet escapist fantasies they used to be” complaining, is not the opinion they express. Of course, everyone has a right to their opinion. Plus conservatives have ALWAYS lamented the decline of culture and civilization--that's the nature of conservativism.
Instead, what bothers me is that the pressure they exert will make all kdramas to much the same, undermining the variety I see today. I’m convinced that there are plenty of kdramas, and the majority of cdramas, that reflect their conservative values. But what most conservatives want is to have ALL shows reflect their point of view. If they don’t get it, they’ll keep pushing their prudery, forcing those of us who don’t really care whether there’s a glimpse of a bare breast or a digitally blurred picture of naked buttocks to wade through their utterly predictable complaints.
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August 31, 2024 at 10:32 AM
@hacja, if you're going to call a feral child like me a conservative, you could've at least smooth the insult by adding something nice afterwards - or was you calling me subtle at it that?))) I am by no means conservative, prude or otherwise narrow-minded boring - I just don't like changes for worse. There ARE many good elements that kdramas could've potentially borrow from currently very much dead and rotting Hollywood scriptwriting - like perhaps adding more human professions to the usual lawyer/idol/athlete/CEO/doctor/Candy with 300 jobs at once to the protagonist occupation bingo or maybe the normalcy of couples having panic-free reaction to skinship (imagine the audacity!), but alas that's not really what kdramas seem to absorb from foreign media at large... For example, forget tropes - let's talk about structure, like the dreaded multi-seasonal and multi-parts for no plot-heavy reason format. Is ANYONE here truly happy with that suddenly becoming a thing? If so, you can also call me a dinosaur!
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August 31, 2024 at 12:59 PM
@gikata I really tried hard to make clear that you were definitely NOT the conservatives I was referring to, but my writing failed me--one more qualifying phrase was needed. Subtle was referring to you, although perhaps a "sophisticated critique" was more what I was going for. My trouble is that I write too sloppily and hastily!
Your point about shows structure is a good one, but I associate that with the massive economic changes that U.S. "Big stream" providers have brought into Korea, albeit with the willing cooperation of studios like CJ enm.
I still think, though, that complainers (NOT YOU) who zero in on violence and sex have this simplistic view of less developed, innocent Asian people vs. a debauched Western capitalism, which demeans both cultures.
Speaking more abstractly, and more pretentiously, I think global pop culture in general pretty interesting in how, on the one hand, it blends and homogenizes, and how, on the other hand, it never quite loses traces of its national or regional origins. That's one reason why I appreciate your pop music posts--the artists you highlight sometimes have a voice a LOT like generic U.S. pop stars, but their sound is distinctive at the same time
August 31, 2024 at 2:03 PM
@gikata - I, at least, never got the impression you were a conservative or a dinosaur. Where it gets murky for me is labeling particular changes as either "good" or "bad." I agree with you about some of the recent developments in Kdrama that you think are for the worse, but there are other changes you decry that I don't see as always being negative.
For example: If I don't think a show needed or would benefit from a second season, then I simply choose not to watch it (The Uncanny Counter). I have been happy with some other shows having multiple seasons (Hospital Playlist), and frustrated with shows where I've forgotten some of the plot threads by the time the next season arrives (Sweet Home.
At any rate, change is inevitable. In some cases, I just resign myself to going with the flow, even when I don't like where the flow is headed. 🫤
August 31, 2024 at 2:33 PM
@hacja no offense taken then)))
But the dinosaur offer still stands - trust me, I've got much worse!Ofc it's all about money at the end of the day - what else? But this element is really ridiculous, esp since even now most kdramas are written without potential sequel in mind
and many of those who do fail to gain enough audience to proceed with that, yet we keep getting this pointless fragmentation. Like with the aforementioned example of "debauched Western capitalism corrupting innocent Asians" QUEEN WOO - what is the point of 2 weeks break here? When the whole thing is only 8 eps long? Just freaking air it 2 episodes every week like any other TV kdrama and you'll achieve the same "buzz tail" without looking like pretentious morons...One thing that worries me is that kdrama local market is not that big compared to China etc, so there is a more prominent need to export the content it produces and thus taking in mind international viewers preferences. Even more so now when industry is struggling. Bet there are surveys and data analyzes for this matter, probably giving an entirely wrong picture to investors... I'd love to be as optimistic as you on the matter, but it's already September here and I've yet to finish 1 Korean show this year. It's a truly scary place of mind rn for a veteran kdrama watcher
and someone's got to take the fall for it - we cannot blame all of it on cdrama guys simply having better wigs, can we?Gikata
August 31, 2024 at 2:54 PM
@babylilo TY!
I'm a Snake at mostI don't mind seasonal format per se either - there are shows where I appreciated it and where I wish it happened even tho it didn't. It's like a good old "hit drama gets last minute extension" kdrama thing all over again, but on a much larger scale. Only that most such dramas did not truly benefit from those extensions outside of cash grab aspect.
And it's not like we always know beforehand the final amount of seasons certain drama will get to avoid the ones with sequelites, are we? Pretty sure SQUID GAME etc was not planning a sequel before becoming too profitable for its own good. Starting a kdrama expecting a complete story only to suddenly find out during last episode that it ends on "to be continued... someday... somehow... maybe, if no one dies, gets cancelled or replaced" doesn't feel like a lot of fun to me. That I can find literally anywhere else in abundance. If the flow is really not going where I'd like it to, perhaps it's time to change a river... Which would be sad after all me and kdramas went through together.
August 31, 2024 at 1:18 PM
Some people decry the dilution of Korean and other cultures by American/Western influences, but I don't see nearly as many people talking about the ways in which Asian, African, South American, and other cultures have changed Western society.
I've seen the influence of Kpop and Kdrama on Western attitudes about Asian people and culture. Korean and Indian restaurants are beginning to outnumber pizzerias and burger joints in my neck of the Northeast American woods. I hear fewer people describing Asian men as "soft," "effeminate," and "not my type," and a whole lot more people telling me they find a particular Asian male singer or actor "hot." Is some of it fetishizing? Maybe. Probably. But I look around at people watching and enjoying Korean (or Danish, or Spanish, or Turkish, or Indian, or Senegalese, etc.) movies and tv, and see it only as a positive thing. I'm also encouraged to see that more people are preferring to watch the shows with subtitles rather than dubbed. (Statistics are all over the map, but they all agree the trend is moving upwards.)
Incremental change can be hard to detect, but as a person of the late Boomer generation, I can tell you that it's an entirely different, much more multicultural world than the one in which I grew up. I never would have believed my country would see an African American (much less a Black/Asian American female 🤞🙏🏻) president, at least in my lifetime.
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August 31, 2024 at 3:08 PM
People in general being more inclined to READ - even if only subtitles - than before is such a genuine shocker that I'm still processing that, sorry not sorry))) Are you 100% sure it's not a fever dream or isekai into fantasy story?
August 31, 2024 at 3:59 PM
Apparently, there’s a trend among the younger generation to watch tv with subtitles on for everything—even when it’s in their native language. I’ve seen a lot of theories why (TikTok?), but I can’t tell if any of them are valid. I keep subs on nearly all the time, but it’s because I’m getting old and my hearing sucks.
DK-Drama 🫘 Giffing n Space Cadetting🍉🌱
August 30, 2024 at 11:17 AM
It is a very good question that I don't think I see answered in the comments.
If what you want is a fluffy daydream, why should it include a total *-hole as your Prince Uncharming? If there was like, *one* drama that had some masochistic dream of being mistreated, then okay, but how could it be more or less the norm to have the ML cruelly mistreat the FL?
I loved Coffee Prince, but for different reasons. Definitely *in spite* of the ML being so mean towards FL because of his own initial homophobia (strange, because he was open to the idea of some random delivery boy being attracted to him, at least, and didn't seem to be completely unmindful of some attraction to his fake lover either) and his initial privilegeblindness.
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August 30, 2024 at 12:23 PM
I do think than Netflix/westernization of kdramas (and kpop, but that's not a topic for today) did Hallyu more harm than good, but I wouldn't limit the problem only to sex/violence, because, as was rightly pointed out by other Beanies, that was always there in k-movies, and boy, Chungmuro could teach western cinema a thing or two about shock factor in those))) No, in my opinion the problem are different structures/tropes/approach to characterization/focus that Netflix and Co brought with it, which I do not see working that well for kdramas. It's not about rating, it's about cultural vibe. As someone once said, "I do not need to watch an American show with Korean actors, I want to watch a kdrama". There IS difference. Some dramas adapt nicely, taking good elements but without losing their kdrama essence. But most fail badly.
Also there is common complaint lately about dramas becoming too short and not having enough of screentime to develop characters and subplots properly. This I have mixed opinion about, but I get the concern - give me back my oldie sageuks with few episodes of prologue only, that was sooo good, esp when child actors COULD act!
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August 30, 2024 at 12:26 PM
Oh, right! Netflix is also infamous for pushing hard certain buzzy actors only while hardly ever considering for their projects anyone else, and since I couldn't care less for majority of their faves...
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August 30, 2024 at 4:24 PM
I watched a recap of the movie Oldboy and I had to rewind when I heard about the reveal and the ending; like I must've heard wrong or missed something. Now, that was shocking and yet I think Oldboy is considered an iconic movie and a point of pride for the actors (I could be wrong).
Squid Game was in production for *YEARS* before it aired so I don't think it was Netflix influence leading to how violent it was especially when, according to the folks involved, it was supposed to be a bit of social commentary (or was I watching a video about the social commentary haha)
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August 30, 2024 at 9:07 PM
Netflix and other OTT platforms have ruined Kdrama both in terms of quality of dramas and the ecosystem and this something that production houses are pushing back against now. The thing is Netflix is trying to monopolize the whole market and are pushing only their favourites into every single drama. If you look closely many actor from 10-15 years ago have completely disappeared. They were supporting actors who were just one step away from breaking into lead roles but now have just disappeared. Actors like Suzy and Park Bo Young are getting offered 3-4 projects even before they finish one project. I’m happy for them to be honest because it never happened in the past but the only sad thing is that it’s true that a few privileged actors get a bulk of the projects others struggle to even be a supporting cast. If Jun Ji Hyun ever decided to return to acting full time it would cut off many other actresses. I love seeing Kim Go Eun booked and busy she never has a gap between projects but it also means that others who could have broken out with those roles won’t get that opportunity. Basically what I’m trying to say that while you think Netflix is adding variety it’s actually taking away variety. It’s recycling the same plots with more nudity and violence added in and with the same 5-6 actors. It’s basically the same thing people were complaining about movies. There is no variety and always the same actors in different combinations. Queen Woo is getting heavy criticism in South Korea right now and as is they dislike Jeong Jeon Seo but now they have more reason to hate her after all the nudity and sex scenes in a poorly done drama but Ji Chang Wook will walk away scot free. My point is did TVing need to copy the Netflix method to be edgy? The audience hates it anyways. They could have just gone for something more wholesome instead.
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August 30, 2024 at 10:36 PM
Is Queen Woo on Netflix? How is it a Netflix thing that the show is getting criticism?
I think argubly the same types of shows have ALWAYS been made and that's not due to streaming influence. It was the exact same tropes and formulas. Same actors since audiences want to see the same people doing the same things.
I don't know why certain actors are no longer getting roles but I would also argue that's not necessary a Netflix or OTT thing either. It's not like those are the only avenues that exist. Obiviously foreigners would watch people they are familiar with and ideas that seem interesting. The way you makes it sound is as if Suzy, for example, is a Neflix darling with numerous projects on there and I think it's only 3 (2 shows and 1 movie on US Netflix).
Song Kang is the son of Netflix apparently but he's the only one I know of.
How is his working with them stopping other actors from working with other streamers or just normal broadcasts?
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August 30, 2024 at 11:12 PM
Unfortunately it is a thing because Netflix is controlling the drama market and other OTTs are copying it. This is something that industry experts have themselves said is happening. Some actors are favored over others is a fact that production houses themselves admit to. In the past dramas like Queen Woo were made without all the unnecessary sex and were far superior like Chuno and Empress Ki. This what I mean when I’m saying OTT is ruining Kdrama. We need more Empress Ki and less Queen Woo actually no Queen Woo would be fine too. Bring back the good stuff and get rid of the fake so called variety. There was plenty of variety back in the day. Dramas like Time Between Dog and Wolf, White Tower existed along side dramas like Secret Garden and Boys Over Flowers. You just don’t know of them because you came too late to the party after it had been ruined. Kdrama was already quality drama and now it’s getting ruined by OTT. Even the Korean audience is frustrated which is why I’m sure that this tend of unnecessary dark and edgy dramas will end after the Western audience loses interest in Kdrama and we can have our comfort dramas back again in full force. I’m glad that romcom is still the most popular genre of Kdrama and actors are actively demanding for more romcom roles. Even they are tired of the genre dramas they are forced to do back to back. Kim Nam Gil is basically begging for romcom in every other interview. Ju Ji Hoon finally got his first romcom after 18 years. Same with Jung Hae In he finally got the romcom genre he wanted so badly. There is a reason why Lee Min Ho is still the most popular Korean actor across both the old and new Kdrama audience. Boys Over Flowers and Heirs till date has a huge appeal with the audience despite people recognizing its faults which is why it’s only time before Netflix gives up the dark edgy drama formula completely and everyone else follows suit. Let’s have more Misaeng and Heartless City instead if people want dark and gloomy dramas. The old dramas were excellent for a reason. A violent risqué drama once in a while is fine but it should not be the norm. I know this new trend will not last because Winter Sonata still has many countries on a chokehold. The old formula works so why change it.
August 31, 2024 at 1:47 AM
I think the most damage comes from the (very wrong) idea that to appeal to international market - since SK's local one was never that big and needed global Hallyu exposure to properly thrive - kdramas need ALL to be like those few hit shows of k-Netflix that became SUPER successful, i.e. SQUID GAME. As I said before, "edgy" visuals of any kind are not the root of problem per se, but if you look at premise variety of kdramas lately, there is a noticeable shift to certain themes, delivered in certain fashion etc. Maybe that's just me but it's been AGES since I saw news about new kdrama being made, read the synopsis and WAS actually even one bit intrigued by it. It's all webtoon adaptations, revenge flicks of different kind of insanity, romcoms (with serial killers ofc!), workplace dramas, gangster actions etc... Pretty sure not all of it is western influence - the whole "punishing cheating ex" is so oldie kdrama flavor, for example! - and probably this is just a normal cyclic thing, like amnesia melos were once everywhere, but it DOES feel to me like genre/theme diversity is decreasing and I'm not sure who else I can blame for it except Netflix and Co.
Surely JCW will most likely "walk away scot free" because he was actually ACTING, and decently, in QUEEN WOO, which I cannot say about JJS (who barely showed any skin in the ONLY sex scene she had in it, at least in first 2 episodes I watched), so not sure why these topics are even lumped together. QW is hardly a good drama, yes, but it's not because of its adult rating content, it's because of combo of so-so visuals (for grim period show you can watch KINGDOM and see how it's done), so-so story and weakest performance in the whole cast from titular protagonist FL.
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August 31, 2024 at 2:35 AM
Queen Woo is a terrible drama but it’s marketing itself as an edgy R-rated drama by adding some sex scenes which otherwise would not have been added had it been on tv and it would still be a subpar drama and not the so called edgy gritty variety that people claim OTT dramas are adding to the Kdrama genre. One Ordinary Day is already a remake and a sub par one compared to the original unlike Life On Mars which is superior to the original something that the original creators have also accepted. OTT needs to stop being try hard and stick to the Kdrama formula that works. I also agree that JJS can be very subpar in some roles and I did not enjoy her in Wedding Impossible either. JCW did not need this drama in his filmography he has done much better stuff.
August 31, 2024 at 5:29 AM
I'm not gonna argue with QW being edgy and whatnot, but I wouldn't call it terrible - again, R-rated so-so seems like the most fitting description so far. Perhaps drama is just being self-aware by marketing its adult content because there's nothing else to stand out with?)))
I believe TVING was always taking advantage of being loosely-regulated OTT platform and pushing controversial content, even before kdrama global phenomenon few years ago. This is something Korean cable channels did like 15 years ago, but on a much larger scale. I recall stuff that TVN used to air during their early days ruffled a lot of feathers too))) They've found balance eventually - maybe OTT dramas will too. Or maybe not. It's like 3rd or 4th time already when I'm personally witnessing kdramas going through major creative crisis...
JCW went nearly full commando in his shows before, but at least this time as a soon-to-be-dead king he managed to flex his skills aside of lower abs. Perhaps he accepted it to simply dust off his sageuk mannerism in a not very ambitious production - it's been a LONG time since his latest.
JJS doesn't look like FL material overall to me, I'm genuinely baffled why producers thought she should be the one headlining drama.
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DK-Drama 🫘 Giffing n Space Cadetting🍉🌱
August 31, 2024 at 5:36 AM
Don't talk bad about child actors. Those who can act have always been the exception, because they are children, but I am totally amazed at some of the present child actor stars.
Moon Woo-jin for one, he is only just 15, and he has been amazing for years. I suddenly recognize him in dramas from som years ago and it's unbelievable how good he is, even without lines, just standing there looking sad or arrogant or sympathetic.
Or Park So-yi, my eyes just couldn't get enough of her brave dandelion charm in "See you in my 19th life", and then she pops up again in Atypical Family, an intense, brooding stare from out under her black-thatched top.
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DK-Drama 🫘 Giffing n Space Cadetting🍉🌱
August 31, 2024 at 5:51 AM
By the way, if there seem to be more embarrassing child-cry scenes than earlier, it might be because directors are following guidelines. (Though what really harms child actors mostly happens off-screen; predators on set, and/or parents getting greedy for fame and money, and/or their fans forgetting that this is just another child).
In a Danish fictionalised film autobio, the instructor is unable to make two child actors look genuinely scared, because they know the supposedly scary guy to be a nice person.
They make someone from the crew pretend to be angry that the director can't make the children look scared. He hammers on a frosted window and says that the whole crew is sick and tired of this and yadda yadda.
THe children are startled and scared that the grownups are fighting like that. Scene in the box. Grownups laugh and shake hands, boys told they did great.
In "Meet me in St. Louis", director apparently told the youngest child actor that her dog at home had just died. It wasn't true, but it made for at good introduction to the bravely sung "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas".
What I'm saying is that if the new guidelines for child actors say you can't tell them their family or pets have just passed, it may result in more awkward, tearless "he! he! he!" into a sleeve, supposed to depict "crying".
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August 31, 2024 at 6:04 AM
This is going to sound controversial and while I love Korean child actors I feel most of them struggle to transition to adult roles despite having the massive head start. Especially for child actors they really don’t seem to stick around much after they are older. Jang Geun Sook was a huge deal at one point but he has struggled to make a successful transition despite experimenting with various genres and now he’s barely active. Yoo Seung Ho well I don’t know what to say about him. He’s been trying different things for some time but the best way to describe his current career would be “struggling”. Yeo Jin Gu is still very young so it’s still too early to talk about transition but if the competition are peers like Cha Eun Woo, Lee Jae Wook and Lee Do Hyun then I’d say he has a difficult road ahead of him. He might be better off enlisting instead and staying away from romance dramas and movies forever might be good for him.
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August 31, 2024 at 6:19 AM
Yoo Seung Ho is such a good, versatile actor, he certainly deserves better. I feel like it was a mistake on his part to enlist at 20 instead of continuing building up his then rising career for a few more years like most male actors do. Hopefully one day he'll bounce back with the right drama - some people get their big break after 40, he's still far from that!
We just talked about YJG enlisting soon few days ago, can't believe it's already time for him! Perhaps army will indeed help him to mature, who knows?
August 31, 2024 at 6:34 AM
Yoo Seung Ho was AMAZING in The Perfect Deal last year. Jaw-droppingly, mind-blowingly amazing! You could witness every single day of his acting experience through his movements and expressions. I don't agree that he is struggling.
Yeo Jin Goo I agree, and unlike @gikata I believe that is because he didn't enlist early. He and YSH have slight builds, and full youthful faces. To break the streak of being typecast and seen as the child actor forever, enlisting was the best thing YSH could do. I've always wished the YJG had done the same too.
August 31, 2024 at 7:01 AM
Yoo Seung Ho is now in his 30s and his most memorable roles are still his child actor roles. His last drama was watched by so few people it’s almost ridiculous and Wavve actually lost subscribers around that time so that makes it even worse. An accomplished actor is someone who is always booked and busy like Park Bo Gum who hasn’t had a single day of rest since his military discharge. His endorsements, brand events, magazine shoots, drama offers have been endless. This despite him being an introvert so I’m not buying the argument that Yoo Seung Ho doesn’t want the same thing especially since he moved to YG who are all about media play. I don’t ever see Yoo Seung Ho getting big budget dramas or making it in the Gallup poles which he should have achieved by now. He seems to barely get any acting projects. While people like Nam Joo Hyuk have multiple projects lined up even before they’ve been discharged. The 30s is the most competitive and I don’t know how it will pan out for him. Yeo Jin Gu should really just enlist. He barely has anything to do anymore. Not that it’ll necessarily make it easier for him after he comes back but he should really just get it over with.
August 31, 2024 at 7:11 AM
@midnight I don't think anyone believes YSH is struggling with his skills - which I agree only get better with age - but getting hit projects. His management failed him or idk, but he should've been much more hyped and in demand than he currently is. Poor thing had a long string of failed dramas, which was never really his fault, but we all know that k-ent prefers bankable stars over genuinely good actors...
YJG, as much as I love him, is really not quite ready to lead romance shows. Praying the army will fix that or smt. YSH has no such problem whatsoever, bless him. Both have little to no luck with FLs tho.
August 31, 2024 at 10:49 AM
@gikata @midnight Isn't Yoo Seung Ho currently acting in a theater production?
And Yeo Jin Goo, isn't he the guy from the Cursed Clown or something? It was dual roles of a deranged king and his doppelganger, a clown.
If he had a role like that, isn't he capable of other leading roles?
August 31, 2024 at 12:31 PM
@Britney Nobody said Yeo Jin Gu can't act. He just doesn't have any eye for scripts and fails at anything with romance. He's terrible in romance with zero chemistry with his female leads. There's a huge difference between being a good actor and being a bankable actor. Being trendy is also very important. I'm not going to comment much about Yoo Seung Ho doing theater as opposed to his main job. Its not the equivalent of Park Bo Gum juggling two big budget dramas and a popular play and a big budget variety show plus his gazillion fashion and endorsement commitments at the same time.