so basically i’ve gone from extremes in my weekend kdrama watching. from the super fluffy CLOY, i’m now at the heartwrenchingly bittersweet HI BYE MAMA. but it feels so good to be back on watching kdramas since i’ve been bad at it for so long. i also binged the secret life of my secretary last week within 24 hours and had so much fun


    SLOMS is an absolute gem! I can’t believe you saw it all in a 24 hour period! I’m watching Hi, Bye Mama as well! It’s making me a wreck, especially after last episode with the little boy ghost’s story! I was bawling!


      Ally, I cried so much at episode 4, starting with that scene of that cute little boy apparently just waiting for his mom every single day. I get teary-eyed everytime I remember it. I hope the drama is full of more amazing scenes and storytelling like it even if it breaks my heart.

      As for TSLOMS, ohmygod, I couldn’t stop doing a Veronica Park impersonation. That was a one of a kind role and Kim Jaekyung made the character so lovable when she could have easily made the character an irritating dimwit. Ugh, I love her so much and everyone in that drama. As for binging it in 24 hours… well… I couldn’t stop watching until my mom turned off the wifi at 5am and told me to sleep HAHAHA
