..the beauty of ‘Winter Begonia’


    I was wondering if or when a Beanie was going to pick this drama up!! ☺️ How far are you? How is it??


      Well i love me some Andrew Yin and i’m fascinated with classical Chinese opera so it’s a win win for me))
      I’ve seen the first 8 episodes, and so far this is a beautiful drama – cast, costumes, sets and cinematography – all top notch quality. Nothing is obviously BL in the drama, but so far they created believable character relationships full of nuances and so beautifully performed.


        Nice!! 😁
        Yea, I’ve also read somewhere that the source material for this drama is BL, that’s why I was waiting to see if or when a Beanie(s) would pick it up.
        I’m Chinese and definitely think that the sub-culture of Chinese opera is very beautiful, but admittedly, the vocal performance portion of it it’s not something that I know how to appreciate 😅 Though I do know just how much hard work, effort, discipline, practice, etc. actually goes into— THAT is something I appreciate and love about it


    Is this drama similar to the story line of the film Farewell My Concubine?
