#MyAhjusshi #rewatch Ep 6

Life’s Like That

The show’s central objective, which it never forgets, is to ask questions about life and existence and mediocrity and middle aged meaninglessness. So it has these acutely insightful dialogues like the one between Dong-hun and his wife. 

But the gravitas is always only momentary; it never lasts long. A few minutes later, the seriousness of the dialogue is soon punctured by an atrocious, hilarious montage of scenes of the brothers walking in a feather shower down the streets. 


    It’s so hard watching how wrecked DongHun marriage is. None of them know why they’re still together making the other so miserable. There’s the memory of having been in love and loving each other, but it seems it just faded away.


      I’m not even sure there’s that memory left at all. They’re so bitter – both of them – to each other, to themselves, and about the marriage. In the show, the other marriage that has chinks is that of Sang-hoon and his wife – a parallel story, but of a different kind – who also don’t know how to to get out of it…


        People who are miserable together shouldn’t stick together only because it’s what society demands. Life is too short not to have a relief.


          So true. In real life and in dramas, I don’t understand why people just don’t cut toxicity out of their lives completely! It’s as though they derive some sort of sado-masochistic pleasure out of negativity.
