Ancient Detective E05-E07:
This show can be fun if you don’t take it seriously (which I am doing). It is still continued to be fun ride.
ML is still white lotus and damsel in distress who continues to capture dudes left and right.
1. First capture is old blind master who awards him his secret book of martial arts and his villa.
2. Second capture is old serial killer known as fairy. Somehow this old serial killer became his teacher and taught him about human nature and predicting opponents moves.
3. There is progress in his and his new friends’ relationship. They decided become blood brothers with ceremony which looked strangely romantic. If they had not introduced female lead in first four episode, I would definitely classify this drama as BL after that.
As gesture of good will which can be interpreted as token of love, ML gifted secret martial art book to his blood brother.
There are lots of other fun side character as well –
1. a record keeper/historian who works as encyclopedia to ML
2. ex-scholar thief who changed his profession because nothing gave him joy apart from stealing
3. a serial-killer who created a pill to suppress his internal energy to stop himself from killing.
The ML is bland but rest of side characters and setting are interesting and fun. For now, I will keep watching it.