“The Best of You in My Mind”: An Appreciation Post

I’ve finished ep 21 (out 24 total) and just wanted to take a moment to talk about how beautiful this show is. I wrote a long post elsewhere, but here, I simply want to share one of the best scenes I’ve seen on television. About halfway through the show when the male lead’s (Xu Fang) best friend tells him to do something or the female lead (Lin Xi Chi) will soon be dating another guy, Xu Fang clearly states that even though he likes her, it’s her choice to date who she wants to date, and all the time she spends with the other guy is relevant to her education – so how can he stop her? This is a maturity and an understanding of consent that I have rarely ever seen in Asian television/maybe even global television, and I deeply appreciate it.

That small, inconsequential scene captures the friends-to-lovers arc between the leads. It’s a healthy, natural and loving relationship. They seek each other out in difficult times, and support one another to be the best version of themselves that they can be. This is framed by a soft, wistful soundtrack, and despite their struggles and insecurities, you know you are watching a safe, beautiful show.

Not all dramas need to show healthy relationships, most dramas thrive off conflict and tension. There’s conflict and tension here to, but it comes from believable things and the characters’ own struggles, insecurities and fears – rather than external meddling. It’s beautifully done, and leaves me feeling both a little sad, and extremely happy, when watching “The Best of You in My Mind”.


    I want to start this one, but at the same time, after “Love Equations” I’m sort of all schooled out of campus dramas right now and need a change of setting for the next thing I pick up to watch 😅😅


      Ahaha – put this one for later then. I recommend My Love, Enlighten Me if you want a romance but not a campus drama. 😀
