I finished 365: Repeat The Year!!!! 🎉🎉

In short: I loved it a lot and this was perhaps one of the most satisfying kdrama endings!

If I were to elaborate just a little: This show wasn’t without it’s plot-holes and stupid moments, but overall this ended so well that I am willing to overlook the small inconsistencies. Funny enough, I was going to have sth completely diff to say if the last 10 mins of ep 12 hadn’t happened cuz till then ep 12 seemed like the weakest ep of the entire show, but it just did a total U turn and I ended up being REALLY satisfied with it all!

I loved that the drama had twists left till the last moment! The actors were gooooood, not just the main leads, but everyone! I also loved that it was just 12 eps long and didn’t stretch the plotline. It was a compact and smart plot!

I have loved Nam Ji Hyun since SKL and she came through on my expectations from her. Lee Joon-Hyuk, on the other hand, was a revelation. I haven’t seen him as the main lead before and don’t honestly remember him from shows I have watched (City Hunter, Are You Human?, Secret Garden) but I finally SEE him and I am gonna check out whatever project he takes up next!

Anyway, all in all, a show to remember!


    I’m happy that you enjoyed it!!! Lee Joon Hyuk was funny and amazing in A Poem A Day. Inthink he was a prosecutor in City Hunter but I don’t remember him in Secret Garden. 😅


      I’m such a big fan of LJH.
      Loved him whether he plays the good guy, the not so good guy, the bad guy. He chooses so different roles, I admire him for that. He’s amazing in Stranger, Designated Survivor, A Poem A Day, Naked Fireman, City Hunter (I was so angry with his ending), or Are you Human too?
      Yes… I’m not objective with him… not a little bit 🤷🏼‍♀️


        I never considered myself as his fans, but reading all his projects you’ve listed, I realized I’ve watched all of them. I guess he just know how to choose interesting dramas and characters to play.


    Glad to meet another Beanie who likes 365!


    Yaayyy!! Happy to have found another beanie who loved 365 as much as I did. And you are so right about the ending! Its one of the most satisfying ones out of all the dramas i have watched, I loved it so much I have rewatched that scene quite a few times hehe XD


    I’ve just finished this too. Such a satisfying thriller. It’s been so long since the the last time I watched one. I’m glad the production team know enough to choose shorter eps count instead of dragging all the plots to fill in the rest of the eps.


    Glad to hear you enjoyed it!


      Kor!! How have you been?


        Doing well, thanks! As usual, trying to find time for this drama, that drama and the other one! Not always successful, but trying. I hope you’re doing well also! 🙂


          Hahahhhah drama watching should be part of our job description! If only we got paid to watch em, we would be earning soooooo much hehehhe!
          I am good, thanks 🙂
