It’s the last day of May and I don’t think I have anything to be ungrateful for. But let’s not forget how this emotion does come by often and we can’t always blame ourselves because well it’s human nature to focus more on what we don’t have than what we do. I decided to consistently post for Grateful May but I got a harsh reminder that I’ve been relying too much on online communities and at times a few comments by anonymous people can definitely hurt you as if they’ve been said right to your face. I guess that was needed, while DB and every other community is cherished by me, we should maintain a healthy distance because it’s the internet and getting too attached to something is always not great. After all we chose to have an anonymous identity here too so I’ll be hopefully trying to maintain that distance here where I don’t get too involved because things stay here and I get carried away.
Thank you so much to this community of beanies for all the support you have always given me when I shared sth personal. This is one of the best and safest place on the internet for me, even if now I choose to accept the reality that it was becoming an essential part of my world and that wasn’t healthy for me.


    “This is one of the best and safest place on the internet for me, even if now I choose to accept the reality that it was becoming an essential part of my world and that wasn\’t healthy for me.”

    we feel safe on DB but it’s still the internet world 🙁 ,
    hoping that comments you got won’t make you worry too much or even hurt you anymore.


      Yes exactly it’s still the internet even if we feel safe here. Oh they weren’t a big deal, I got over them quickly but they served as a reminder that maybe I should take a step back.


    I’m really sorry you have faced comments that hurt you.
    Your words are wise, online communities can help us go through hard times like the ones we are living right now, but we don’t have to forget that even so, it’s just an online community.
    Friendship can grow among people who have never seen each other but it takes time, and you shouldn’t just assume everything you read online is true.
    Even so, it’s always nice reading you, fellow “I have a Z in my username” 🙂


      Hello fellow with a z in your username, thanks for your concern 😊 The comments actually weren’t a big deal at all but they just made me realize that DB consumes a lot of my life and maybe I should just not tie up many hopes here which I did. I love this online community but there’s a reason why we’re anonymous and we shouldn’t forget that.
