An example of why I love Han Shou of The Romance of Tiger and Rose so much (to think that I found him ‘meh’ when he first showed up in the drama): He smoothly turns a Science lesson into something swoon-worthy my teenage inner self cannot help but to squee at his romantic words (my ahjumma outer self, despite rolling her eyes at such cheesiness, is not immune to his charms either 🤣)

HS: What is oxygen?
QQ: It’s a type of gas on which humans live. Without it, people can’t survive.
HS: Then you are my oxygen!




    omg this moment made me squee so bad. how can a man be so unabashedly sweet??


    I love love love this part!!! 🥰🥰🥰

    And the ending of episode 1 was super sweet too…. how she just brags about her hubby🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

    I’m also glad to see a friendship grow I didn’t think I needed to see. That was very nice!


    The cheesiness works when acted with earnestness, and Ryan has that in spades. And I was the same as you – I think the filter they used for this drama made him look weirdly waxy? But his normal hair and real life pictures look so much better! And of course his acting and character made him look increasingly attractive with the episodes. I’m lining up all the Ryan dramas after this when I feel maybe ready to move on haha.


      And of course his acting and character made him look increasingly attractive with the episodes

      This! I whole-heartedly agree! His micro-expressions are to die for and the way he moves his eyebrows, sigh….. I’m a goner…
