1% of Anything (2003), Episode 1: The more I ponder on it, the more I’m frustrated by the set-up of this drama. Magical Chaebol Harabeoji runs into Da-hyun once, and touched by her kindness (or, you know, common decency) at saving a seat for him on the train and helping him with his bag, puts her in his will. She doesn’t even give him her name, but he somehow tracks it down along with her social security number. I’m not missing something, right? Yeah, this is ridiculous. Either Harabeoji has been so beaten down his whole life that giving up a seat is the kindest thing someone has done for him, or he’s a complete stirrer. He’s seen an opportunity to stir the metaphorical pot that is the growing conflict between his grandsons, so he throws this unsuspecting woman in the mix and watches what happens. And it can be fixed so easily! Instead of painting Da-hyun as a Disney Princess with her life-changing everyday kindnesses, how about if she did something truly admirable and brave by maybe saving Harabeoji’s life? She could pull him away from a Truck of Doom or something! Then I would believe his reasoning about how Jae-in needs someone like her. The audience knows that it’s Da-hyun’s forthrightness that he needs, but Harabeoji hasn’t seen this side of her! He just met a slightly nice young lady, there’s no insight into her soul there! Then, she could buy him a drink to settle his nerves, where he learns about her name and profession, allowing him to track her down. I get that Chaebol Harabeoji is just a plot device disguised as a character, but still. Come on.


    I had the same issue with the 2003 version too. In this regard, I think the remake justified the setup a little better to let Da-hyun save harabeoji life and pay for his hospital fees. I don’t remember why 2003 Da-hyun agreed to date the guy but at least in the remake, he offered her something worthwhile to her in return so the setup feels much better. Even so, I’d have been pissed too if I involuntarily got entangled in another family’s feud.


      The remake did do that, didn’t it? Gosh, I’m starting to see why someone thought a remake had to be made 😂


        Haha I guess someone rewatched the 2003 version after ~10 years and decided that they liked the concept but the old 2000s kdrama setup was too obnoxious so entered the remake 😀

        I watched the 2003 version when it was first aired and I liked it then, but after I watched the remake, I can’t recall why I liked the 2003. I’m so grateful that Kdrama writers have gone through a major overhaul of their ideal couple and given us more likable/relatable characters now.


    It was in 2003, 17 years old ago when suspension of belief is a prerequisite of kdrama watching. We are surely in a better place now – but those oldies have their own magic in their mysterious way back then.
