Gank your heart – final thoughts

Stumbled upon the opening mv sung by Wang YiBo few months ago
and was surprised to see Lan Zhan dancing and singing ^^’ , then thought why not watch the drama ?!

This drama was a classic rom-com with cliche and tropes , nothing brand new, I had to ff or even skip many scenes (the ex/second FL and evil couple (the other commentator / gamer couple)).

It was surprising to see first the Legends manager spoiling his own team just for personal preferences and the same later on with VNG’s gamer full of arrogance but still protected by his mentor (VNG director).

Main couple wasn’t that memorable as a couple, both leads characters were quite nice though, but I’d rather remember PeiXi that big puppy fanboy trying to be in the same team of his idol haha.


    I watched this after I watched “Go Go Squid”, and that probably sort of ruined my experience in watching this one, because I thought that “Go Go Squid” was much, much better 😅😅


      I watched Go Go Squid a few months ago and like you said ‘Go Go Squid was much, much better’ : I laughed a lot, swooned , got interested in the games and enjoyed the whole serie.

      Gank your heart had some nice things but also many flaws and the overall product was meh ^^’


        If “Gank Your Heart” had more focus on the gaming industry– the gaming part and the commentator parts– and not put so much focus on the love triangle, then I think it would have been so much better 🙁


    I watched as well – mainly for that opening song. But there were some really weirdly off editing mistakes. Did you see the one where the woman who was the coach of the other team making up with her old boyfriend? They were sitting around a small table and she picked up a tea pot and poured tea into a cup that was upside down. Then proceeded to pick up the cup and drink it while it was upside down. I had to replay it a few times but it was really off.
    Otherwise the show was rather unforgettable other than watching the games and characters on the big screen.
    Even Wang Yi Bo couldn’t fix it for me.


      I enjoyed the opening while watching the eps but argh the editing had many problems like when they just cut someone talking at the end of an ep, low budget for sure ^^’

      I don’t recall the tea cup upside down , it might be one of the scenes I skipped or watched at x2 speed and didn’t pay attention x)
