Okay, the actress playing Ju Ri……she is sooooo baaad….what was the crying scene even…neither comedy nor tragedy


    Also she is not harmless, she very skillfully and slyly tried to insinuate that Ko Moon Young got attacked because her father was protecting himself from her….she is caring for a patient who remembers very little, knows nothing about their dynamic but chose to paint a version of Moon Young and cast aspersions at her character to another person…I am glad the nurse called her out on that…so this is why I don’t like Juri, she may look nice but these types of people can get away with a lot by faking it


    it was funny.. like how kid cry when they can’t get what they want..

    she represents another common type in the world..

    she is not bad either.. we don’t know her end of the story.. even if it rests in jealousy since childhood.. all of us feel jealous too and act on it
