So I am currently watching it’s okay and I am really enjoying but it has some issues I want to touch upon and maybe even discuss here. I don’t want to be hugely negative about a drama I am liking so I will list some positives out as well.

The main thing I like about this drama are the main 3 characters, I love that they are multidimensional with firm characterizations. I like how the drama makes me think and analyze which is not something a lot of kdramas are able to do. I also really like the emphasis on perspectives in various forms which leads to interesting discussions. Like for example in ep 8 we compare GT and MY to Beauty and the Beast and I find it interesting how the show itself emphasizes on how we can interpret the development of their relationship. Is it built on MY’s dubious acts to get GT closer to her or is built on GT’s love and acceptance of MY regardless of her anti social personality.

However my main issue with the show is the psychiatric hospital, several people have pointed out how the staff seems to be biased against MY for no reason but even aside from that I have a few problems. Firstly the director who is supposedly famous for his job, which I don’t get at all because it seems MY is doing that job for him in this show. I love MY’s character and I understand her actions but I don’t like how the show presents her actions as solutions. It feels as if they are undermining actual therapy since it is MY’s actions that always start the recovery process, it reinforces the beliefs Asians have about therapy and therapists in a way. I would really appreciate if they show a patient who recovers through actual therapy and not by MY’s serum of truth. Second the staff is dumb, why would you allow a violent person to meet with his victim with only an incompetent nurse watching over them. If you have violent patients and are allowing violent visitors then the hospital should have proper security to deal with such issues.


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    I understand and agree with what you’ve said about the staff at the hospital and do wish that they would show patients going through and benefiting from therapy.


    Agreed. I like the main characters and the cinematography but to really enjoy the show you have to not think much. Which director would do any of the things this guy does? Hire a problematic relative to teach a class? Suspend her and bring back also on whim. The staff is even worse and very unprofessional. The fact so many of MY’s actions turn out to be beneficial for the patients does feel contrived and it’s the same as the latest eps spending so much effort on her mother’s hauntings, it’s a way to make her character more relatable and likable. It’s a romcom, they feel they have to do it otherwise people would not ship the romance. It’s not my favorite choice for this plot but I understand and it works and many people like it.


    The hospital and its staff are definitely weak links in this show. And, yes, I thought it was stupid that the violent ex-husband was allowed to just meet with his victim with no supervision. Yes, we got that moment when Gang-tae lost self-control, but I wish we could have advanced the plot in a way that didn’t sacrifice common sense.
