Day 11 A book I hated
Breaking Dawn. Can I just say, I was OBSESSED with Twilight. I read (and wrote) fanfiction. I went to release parties. I went to a million different Twilighy bookclubs and talked passionately about Edward and Bella and Jacob. For some reason the SUPER abusiveness of the relationship never came up until well after I dropped the series. But, yeah. I was obsessed. I remember before Breaking Dawn came out Stephenie Meyer gave an interview at her biggest fan run fansite (she hung out there often, giving sneak peaks, answering questions). In the interview she wrote that she wrote a parody of Breaking Dawn called Breaking Down that she sent to her editor for a laugh. I was convinced, CONVINCED that somehow Breaking Down was published instead of Breakinflg Dawn. It was just so…bad. It was so bad that the blinders that I had fell off and I fully saw all of the problematic aspects of that series for the first time. Also! At that website there were 6 (I think) series of letters/ question and answers between Stephenie Meyer and the fans. The person who ran that fan site eventually was hired to work on the first movie she knew so much about the series. One of the questions was could Bella and Edward ever have a baby. Stephenie said “No. Edwards…stuff…is frozen. Like the rest of him.” The day afyer Breaking Dawn was published the fansite was taken down, every letter a d question that Stephenie ever wrote was taken down and she kept insisting that she had always planned on Renesmee. No. No you did NOT. Stephenie MEYER!!
Day 12 A Abook that I love and Hate at the same time
Kindred by Octavia Butler.
Ive always knowm about slavery. I dont know why Ive always known but I have. I don’t remember learning about it for the first time its just always been a part of my memory (maybe because my granny used to have a portrait of the plantation owner? I dont know). But its a conversation that I remember having with my cousins, “If ida been a slave I would have done THIS.” “i would have run away!” “i would have escaped!” “They wouldnt have treated ME like that!”
In Kindred a modern day black woman is sucked back into slavery times. And all of the boastful comments that me and my cousins made in our youth? This young black woman said the same. But heres the thing. Slavery doesnt care how tough, or strong, lr smart you are. Very few people made it out. And theres a reason. Those slaves werent dumb or lazy or weak, after all.
I love it because its freaking good. I hate it because it hurts.


    I also read all of the Twilight books and watched all the films. I remember disliking the last book. A series that I read and loved was “The Vampire Diaries” by L.J. Smith. It was originally conceived as a trilogy but she later wrote the fourth book in the series.


    I think what really left a “traumatic” memory to me about Breaking Dawn is the whole imprinting thing between Jacob and Renesmee. I don’t care what justification Meyer sprouted in the book, it was just ugh… She was a baby, for goodness sake. Can’t Meyer solve the whole messy triangle any other different way??
