Record of Youth premier. Wow, so many people I hated in just one ep. I’m surprised I managed not to yell abuse at them. Hang in there, MCs.


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    I find that I have sympathy for what Hye-jun’s dad and brother are saying, even though I though I don’t much like dad or brother. It seems like Hye-jun is right to be upset about their motives. It doesn’t seem like they genuinely care about Hye-jun; even if they do, their way of expressing it is problematic. (Also, brother generally comes off as an entitled jerk.)

    Having said that, I’m sort of ambivalent about Hye-jun “being his own person” and being “true to himself” by pursuing his dreams. Dreams can change and people can change. Even if they don’t, life consists of compromises; most people do not become the types of people they want to become (for internal and external reasons). That doesn’t mean most people live worse or insincere lives. I think meeting responsibilities while being a mostly decent and contented is the most that we can demand of ourselves and of others.


      I like your point in that second paragraph.


        It might be too cynical. I don’t know. It’s my perspective on things in the light of personal experience and the experiences of people I know really well.


    More than hating – I thought the performances of the supporting cast was very weak. Both the boys’ mothers, the salon sunbae, the rich sister and her bf – they all seemed like they needed more work in the acting department – at least to me.
