Come hell or high water, I’m in. I’m 100% in. Take my heart, treasure it or rip it to shreds, I don’t care anymore. I’m still scared, but it’s irrelevant at this point, because these two… These two.


    I honestly don’t have anything to fear because if the whole drama turns bad, I can just ff and rewind to our OTP’s scenes.


      But it would feel like such a waste, for this couple to be in the mess of a drama. ;et’s hope it stays good!


        This writer always makes questionable decisions in the middle of a drama for me—so my expectation will be it totally goes off the rails somewhere around episode 10, but as long as these two have more scenes than not, I’ll probably be fine. I’m in it for the music as well and the choices here have been fantastic. Recognizable for the average person, but also good pieces that aren’t overplayed in dramas.


          I’ve seen that the writer has only done some quite short dramas, and not many too; I haven’t seen them though. Maybe having a ‘full-sized’ story will work for the better?

          Yes, music is so well interwoven with the story here. Each piece is meaningful in one way or another for different characters, and it makes it all the more enjoyable.


    They are both so precious. I just want them to be together already…I mean the lines Joon Young is churning out, you would think they were already dating.


      Yeah, he’s really not holding back, quite unlike himself. But I love this newfound confidence of his, because we all know how much he needs a little bit of happiness in his life. And if he’s willing to get himself out there like this to achieve it, who are we to complain? Not that I would even want to complain…


        I honestly just want to see these two both together, happy and helping each other out with their music and achieving their dreams. All the side characters can honestly disappear for all I care. Hahahaha….


          Heee, exactly 😝 I wouldn’t mind if it was just two of them navigating through their relationship.

          There is this ONE character in particular that could just, I dunno, go somewhere, preferably out of my sight.


            Oh I think I know who. Honestly, there’s been a few characters that I’m like…can you just fall in a ditch somewhere already?
