Some carried-over thoughts from last nights Brahms. First, I like Hyeon-ho. He’s a consistent, straight-forward guy and we’re seeing him mature. He’s the only one out of love hexagon aside from Joon-youn and Song-ah that I like. Secondly, Jung-kyung continues to be a hot mess. I don’t know what her problem is, but I honestly couldn’t care less about her. Thirdly, the two music professor’s — the one trying to exploit Song-ah for Song-ah’s supposed connections to Kyung-hoo and the one tutoring Joon-young — are both horrid. I hate them both. Fourthly, Song-ah’s dad seems like a nice dude. Her sister continues to be an annoying human. Fifthly, JUST DATE YOU TWO! PWEASE!


    Also, I love how low-key blunt Song-ah is. She’s not being mean, she’s not being arrogant, she’s not trying to make a fuss, but she stands her ground and says what needs to be said. It’s one of her most admirable traits and I think it’s what really distinguishes her from Joon-young. While they’re both sort of shy, awkward, and conflict averse, he’ll suppress thing that need to be said and go out of his way to smooth things over, whereas she’ll say what needs to be said but do so in a way that doesn’t turn a problem into something more than what it is.


    Prof Yoo is very difficult to like but it appears to me he is just cynical; hardened by life. Too bad he’s in a profession who needs to foster and mentor young ones (who do not need this defeatist attitude). ☹


      I’m holding my breath and hoping that there’s more to him than first appears. Song-ah’s professor is irredeemable though. I hope things work out for the best for Song-ah and I hope she’s not too disappointed by the truth (although I have a suspicion that Song-ah already knows that the professor isn’t eyeing her because the professor believes Song-ah has unpolished talent.)

      My overall guess is that Song-ah and Joon-young will perform together at some point and they will bring out the best in each other when they do.
